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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MONEYMAKER OR GLOBAL SAVER- Exploratory study on Sustainable Innovation

Dawson Barker, Benjamin, Ma, Ziyue, Oubari, Zein January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, both academia and practice have shown an increased interest in sustainable innovation. This new area is examined in the context of large enterprises in our qualitative multiple case study. This thesis thus contributes to a better understanding of the concept as well as the underlying variables that drive sustainable innovation. Theory emphasized both external and internal elements in organizations' engagement in sustainable innovation. The empirical evidence helps to identify nine key factors driving sustainable innovation in large firms: cost and cost reduction, risk and risk reduction, sales and profit margin, reputation and brand value, attractiveness as an employer, innovation capabilities, partnerships and collaborations, regions and culture, regulation and government. It also clarifies the extent to which each of the components influences the process of producing sustainable innovation within organizations. These elements have been discovered to complement one another, occasionally colliding and enhancing one another. This study is based on extensive data gathered through semi-structured interviews and secondary sources from two of Sweden's top industry leaders: IKEA and Epiroc. Theoretical and managerial implications are examined in depth, providing valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners.

Дивидендная политика предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Enterprise dividend policy

Дейнега, М. С., Deynega, M. S. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию влияния дивидендной политики на инвестиционную привлекательность предприятия. Предметом исследования выступают экономические отношения, возникающие в процессе формирования и реализации дивидендной политики. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является рассмотрение влияния дивидендной политики на инвестиционную привлекательность компании. В заключении обозначены рекомендации по оптимизации дивидендной политики с целью повышения инвестиционной привлекательности. / Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of the impact of dividend policy on the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. The subject of the research is the economic relations arising in the process of formation and implementation of dividend policy. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to consider the impact of dividend policy on the investment attractiveness of the company. In conclusion, recommendations for optimization of dividend policy with the aim of increasing investment attractiveness are indicated.

Инвестиционная привлекательность предприятия: проблемы и пути повышения : магистерская диссертация / Investment attractiveness of the enterprise: problems and ways to improve

Матвиенко, В. А., Matvienko, V. A. January 2021 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. Во введении обоснована актуальность темы исследования, поставлена цель и определены задачи, выделен объект и предмет, обозначена научная новизна, представлена методологическая и информационная база, а также раскрыта практическая значимость. В первой главе изучены теоретико-методологические вопросы инвестиционной привлекательности: особенности понятия инвестиционной привлекательности, основные факторы, оказывающие на нее влияние и существующие подходы к оценке и измерению инвестиционной привлекательности предприятия. Во второй главе проведена организационно-экономическая характеристика предприятия ООО «Стройлит», проведена оценка его инвестиционной привлекательности. В третьей главе рассмотрены пути повышения инвестиционной привлекательности предприятия ООО «Стройлит». В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and appendices. In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic is substantiated, the goal is set and the tasks are defined, the object and subject are highlighted, the scientific novelty is indicated, the methodological and information base is presented, and the practical significance is disclosed. In the first chapter, the theoretical and methodological issues of investment attractiveness are studied: the features of the concept of investment attractiveness, the main factors influencing it and existing approaches to assessing and measuring the investment attractiveness of an enterprise. In the second chapter, the organizational and economic characteristics of the LLC Stroylit enterprise are carried out, its investment attractiveness is assessed. In the third chapter, the ways of increasing the investment attractiveness of the LLC Stroylit enterprise are considered. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formed.

Platsattraktivitet för olika åldersgrupper : En fallstudie i Härnösand

Bohlin, Tilda January 2023 (has links)
Cities work to create attractive environments to increase population growth. Attracting people to a place is only the beginning, however, the hard part is getting the people to see the city as an attractive place, to live throughout their lives. This study has investigated how the concept of attractiveness is applied to different age groups in urban planning, and how young adults, families with children and pensioners, interpret the concept of attractiveness. The focus of this study is on the city of Härnösand. To investigate this, interviews were conducted with a planning coordinator and a business developer at Härnösand municipality, as well as with two people from each age group from Härnösand's population. A total of eight interviews have been conducted. The results showed that there are differences and similarities between how people in different life stages interpret what is attractive in a city. The pensioners considered culture to be one of the most attractive things in Härnösand, while the other respondents did not place much value on it. All age groups found it attractive that Härnösand is a small town, which means that it is close to everything. All respondents also agreed that the sea and nature in Härnösand create attractiveness, and that areas with very hard surfaces, such as industrial areas, are not seen as attractive. The young adults found indoor activities attractive, while families with children placed more importance on outdoor activities. The retirees did not emphasize the range of activities as an attractive attribute. Safety was something that all age groups believed created attractiveness in a place, but the pensioners were the group that valued safety the most and the young adults valued safety the least. The result showed that the municipality of Härnösand thinks it is important to get the opinions of the citizens in order to create environments that suit everyone, which in the long run can have a positive effect on population development. The study indicates that Härnösand municipality has ambitions to create attractive environments for different age groups. It shows an example of work with a planning program for an area called Skeppsbron in Härnösand where the municipality used the 8 80 method in the citizen dialogue to try to create an equally attractive place for all ages. The method assumes that if a city is as attractive to an 8-year-old as to an 80-year-old, then it is equally attractive to everyone in a city. However, it emerged that there may be challenges in gathering opinions from a wide range of citizens. The results of this survey showed that all respondents actively chose not to participate in citizen dialogues due to lack of time and lack of interest, which creates difficulties for the municipality of Härnösand to create attractiveness for everyone. This study therefore concludes that Härnösand may have to change its citizen dialogues in some way in order to gather more people's opinions. By doing this, the quality of community planning can be improved and Härnösand can be developed into an even more attractive place for more people in different life stages, which in turn could perhaps have a positive effect on population development.

The work values of Generation Z : A qualitative research explaining what Generation Z values and is attracted to in an employer

Emanuelsson, Clara, Turesson, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Background: Effective employer branding helps attract and retain top talent, leading to overall success. Work values play a significant role in job preferences and satisfaction. Understanding the work values of Generation Z, is crucial for appealing to them. By aligning employer branding with Generation Z's work values, companies can attract and engage this generation known for its adaptability, autonomy, interconnectedness, collaboration, and speed. Understanding and addressing these work values provides valuable insights for effectively targeting Generation Z. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore what Generation Z is attracted to and values in an employer. Methodology: This thesis adopted a qualitative and inductive approach to address its purpose and research question. The study involved conducting ten semi-structured interviews using non-probability sampling. Prior to the interviews, the researchers conducted theoretical research and identified eight values representing work values. These values served as the core of the study and formed the basis for developing interview questions. Findings: The result of this thesis showed that the values that Generation Z values most in an employer are: flexibility, organizational values, development, and career opportunities. Conclusion: Generation Z individuals highly value flexibility, prioritizing flexible working hours, remote work options, and the ability to manage their own time. They also emphasize organizational values, such as a supportive work culture, effective communication, and positive relationships with colleagues. Furthermore, responsibility, development and growth opportunities within the workplace are essential for their job satisfaction.

Pandemins påverkan på stadskärnan : Vilken effekt har Covid-19 haft på Umeå stadskärnan

Foconi, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the short- and long term implications of the Covid-19 virus on the city center and what is done to revitalize it to a more attractive and available place. This case study is done on Umeå city center, where the municipality is going through a massive transformation and plans to increase its population size from 130 000 to 200 000 by 2050. That is a 50% population increase over a 30-year period, this also entails doubling the amount of constructing on a yearly basis. With the municipality focusing on densification of its cities, with a particular focus on the city center since they want to build a dense and vibrant city where everything is within a 5 km distance radius. The case study is done with a qualitative method using semi structural interviews. The observations made from the interview are compared to previous scientific studies, documents and theories made by urban planners and culture geographers. They include Jane Jacobs, Richard Florida and previous work on the correlation between urbanization and spread of infection as well as studies on people’s preferences on where to live, either being in or outside the city perimeter.  To gather empirical information a selection of people in suitable positions were interviewed. The results from the interviews and document shows that the city center has not been affected by the Covid-19 virus on a macro level. There has however been a wide impact on the microgeographic level, where stores and restaurant have been highly affected by the restrictions imposed. People have also seen their daily lives affected which has changed their routines and behavior in consumption and movement. There has been little change in the planning process or vision for the city center expect that there has been a greater emphasis on cooperation between businesses and the municipality.

Hållbar förflyttning : Omvandling av en bilanpassad stad till en gång- och cykelvänlig stad / Sustainable mobility : Transforming a car-friendly city into a walking and cycling friendly city

Belash, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Vår framtid står inför stora utmaningar som behöver lösas för att vår vidare existens ska kunna fortsätta. Mänsklig påverkning på jorden har uppnått globala mått på grund av vårt sätt att leva och utnyttja naturresurser utan större konsekvenstänkande. Människans strävan efter att leva alltmer bekvämt och rikt har lett till urbanisering och teknisk progress som har skapat resursslukande hjälpmedel som transport. Stadsplaneringen har under den senaste delen av modern historia tagit en ny vändning och städerna har blivit alltmer anpassade efter våra fordon, vilket påverkar den sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska hållbarheten negativt. Detta examensarbete syftar till att med hjälp av tidigare forskning hitta lösningar som skulle kunna omvandla bilanpassade städer till mer promenad- och cykelvänliga städer. Arbetet tillämpas i staden Borlänge som ligger i Dalarna och har präglats starkt av bilismens utveckling. Det viktiga med arbetet är att lyfta fram lösningar som kan användas även i andra städer oavsett geografisk placering eller storlek. Den granskade litteraturen har skapat ett detaljerat och övergripande underlag för att kunna möjliggöra vidare arbete med framtagning av åtgärder som kan lösa studiens syfte. Litteraturen har valts ut efter relevans för ämnet samhällsplanering för att kunna redovisa liknande inriktning på kunskaper vilket har gjort texten mer sammanhängande. Den största delen av litteraturen är vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Arbetet har utfört med hjälp av platsinventering som hjälpte till att upptäcka olika egenskaper i den befintliga miljön och val av två gång- och cykelstråk för framtagning av gestaltningsförslag. Tidigare forskning har skapat grund för de åtgärder som har presenterats i form av gestaltningsförslag. / Our immediate future faces major challenges that need to be solved to continue our existence. Human impact on the Earth has reached global proportions due to our way of living and exploiting natural resources without much consequence. The human quest to live more comfortably and abundantly has led to urbanization and technological progress that has created resource-consuming tools such as transport. In the last part of modern history, urban planning has taken a new turn and cities have become increasingly adapted to our vehicles, negatively affecting social, economic, and ecological sustainability. This thesis aims to use previous research to find solutions that could transform car-adapted cities into more walking and cycling-friendly cities. The work is applied in the city of Borlänge, which is in Dalarna and has been strongly characterized by the development of automobilism. The importance of the work is to highlight solutions that can also be used in other cities regardless of geographical location or size. The reviewed literature has created a detailed and comprehensive basis to enable further work with the development of measures that can solve the purpose of the study. The literature has been selected according to relevance to the subject of urban planning to present a similar focus of knowledge, which has made the text more coherent. Most of the literature is scientific articles and books. The work has been carried out with the help of a place inventory that helped to discover various characteristics of the existing environment and the selection of two pedestrian and bicycle paths for the development of design proposals. Previous research has provided the basis for the measures presented in the form of design proposals.

Starkare tillsammans? : En undersökning av gruppattraktionseffekt på förpackningsdesign / Stronger together? : A Study of the Cheerleader Effect on Packaging Design

Thorwaldsson, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
The cheerleader effect refers to the phenomenon that individual faces are experienced to be more attractive when presented in a group than when presented alone. The cause of this is thought to be the way the human brain stores information and summarizes individual faces of the group into an average face which in turn is perceived as more attractive than the individual face would be if examined alone. In this essay the cheerleader effect will be tested on another kind of face, the faces of packaging. In this study the cheerleader effect will be tested on food packaging to see if effect is applicable in the packaging area. The effect is tested through a survey and the result suggest that the cheerleader effec might work on packaging. However, in many cases the opposite seems to be true, packaging presented individually get higher ratings. Because of this I cannot recommend that packaging designers trust the cheerleader effect to improve the experienced attractiveness of their design.

Diversity of Sexual Experience in College Students: The Role of Personal Characteristics

Claxton, Shannon E. 26 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Facial Attractiveness and Helping Behavior Attributions: Attractive and Unattractive Persons Are Perceived of as Unhelpful

Sacco, Donald F., Jr. 23 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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