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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L' investissement direct à l'étranger : le cas de l'Algérie / The foreign direct investment : the case of Algeria

Boualam, Fatima 12 July 2010 (has links)
Depuis plus de trois décennies, l'un des aspects par lequel se manifeste la mondialisation est la mobilité internationale des firmes et des facteurs de production. L'interdépendance croissante des économies, qui résulte de l'expansion des échanges et du développement des mouvements des capitaux, est devenue incontournable. La mondialisation a donné lieu à la promotion du libéralisme économique, et au développement d'un processus mondialisé des activités, dans lesquels les IDE se font une place centrale, dans les politiques de développement des pays d'accueil. Qu'ils soient pays développés ou PED, ces derniers se livrent à une concurrence acerbe, pour l'attractivité des flux d'IDE sur leur territoire. Les FMN ont gagné une place centrale dans ce nouveau schéma. Après avoir suscité la méfiance et l'hostilité des gouvernements des PED, elles sont devenues une composante principale dans la stratégie de développement. Suivant leurs propres préoccupations (gains de productivité, sources d'approvisionnement, etc), les FMN établissent des stratégies dans une perspective internationale, et intègrent dans les activités leur responsabilité sociale et environnementale. Les IDE ont fait l'objet d'une forte controverse sur leurs potentialités à faire profiter les pays d'accueil des « spillovers ». Une inégale répartition des flux d'IDE, amène les PED à mettre en place des politiques d'attractivité ambitieuses (exonérations fiscales, subventions, etc.). L'Algérie a engagé, à l'instar d'autres PED, une série de réformes pour s'inscrire dans une nouvelle logique qui consacre les lois du marché et la libéralisation de l'économie touchant tous les secteurs d'activité. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer empiriquement les déterminants d'attractivité des IDE dans le modèle algérien, de la conduite de sa politique de promotion et de son évaluation. La qualité des institutions est bel et bien validée comme déterminant central dans la conduite de la politique d'attractivité de l'Algérie. La construction de la matrice d'attractivité a révélé que l'Algérie se place dans le cercle des « pays potentiels », qui pourraient figurer un jour dans la « short-list », à condition d'améliorer certaines composantes de leur attractivité. Des réformes cohérentes restent à faire pour une insertion effective dans l'économie internationale. / For over three decades, one aspect by which manifests globalization is the international mobility of firms and factors of production. Growing interdependence of economies resulting from the expansion of trade and development of capital movements has become unavoidable. Globalization has given rise to the promotion of economic liberalism, and development of a process of global activities in which FDI are central in the development policies of host countries. Whether developed or developing countries, these one are engaged in a bitter competition for FDI attractiveness of flux of FDI in their territory. The MNF has taken a central place in this new scheme. After arousing the suspicion and hostility of the governments of developing countries, they have become a key component in the strategy of development. Following their own concerns (productivity gains, exoneration, etc.), the MNF gone to research an international perspective, and integrate their activities in the social and environmental responsibility. The FDI has been subject of an important controversy over their potential to benefit the host countries of the "spillover". An unequal distribution of FDI, make the developing countries to take up an attractive ambitious policies (tax holidays, subsidies etc.). Algeria has committed, like other developing countries, a series of reforms to be part of a new logic that embodies the laws of the market and liberalization of the economy, affecting all sectors of activity. The objective of this thesis is to empirically assess the determinants of FDI attraction in the Algerian model, the conduct of its promotion policy and its evaluation. Quality of institutions is indeed well validated as a central determinant in the conduct of political attractiveness of Algeria. The construction of the matrix of attractiveness revealed that Algeria is located in the circle of ?potential countries", and that could one day appear in the "short list", provided certain components to improve their attractiveness. Consistent reforms are still needed for effective integration into the international economy.

Identifying Dimensions of Employer Attractiveness in Startups : The Case of Swedish Tech Startups / Identifiering av dimensioner av arbetsgivares attraktionskraft i startups : Fallet med svenska tech startups

Gadibadi, Cristina January 2020 (has links)
Human capital is recognized as the foundation of a firm's competitive advantage (Messenböck et al., 2015; Berthon et al., 2005). However, startups are put in a competitive disadvantage in comparison to established companies, as they have limited resources, legitimacy issues and operate under higher levels ofuncertainty (Aldrich and Auster, 1986; Moser et al.,2015). Since startups are important from a labor dynamic perspective for long-term employment growth (Haltiwanger et al., 2008) it is vital to understand what makes them attractive as employers, as such knowledge would help them develop strong and competitive Employer Brands. Through a combination of exploratory and descriptive research, this study aims to answer the research question: "What are the dimensions of employer attractiveness in startups and their perceived levels of importance among startup employees?". Based on the literature review, a framework model has been conceptualized, containing 29 employer attractiveness attributes. Through an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EF A), the model has been tested on a sample of 169 employees in Swedish startups, who ranked each attribute on a 7-point Likert scale. The results of the study suggest that some of the most important employer attractiveness attributes are "interesting and challenging work", "the company both values and makes use of your creativity" and "a high level of flexibility". And the least attractive ones were the "opportunity to teach others what you have leamed" and the "opportunity to apply what was leamed at a tertiary institution". The EF A revealed that the model has seven underlying dimension of attractiveness. Five were discovered in previous studies as well: Social, Interest, Economic, Application, and Development. And the presence of startup specific attractiveness attributes lead to the creation of two new dimensions of attractiveness: Entrepreneurial and Challenge. / Mänskliga resurser är erkända som en grundförutsättning för en organisations konkurrenskraft (Messenböck et al., 2015; Berthon et al., 2005). Startups hamnar dock i en konkurrensnackdel jämfört med etablerade företag då de har begränsade resurser, legitimitetsfrågor och arbetar under högre nivåer av osäkerhet (Aldrich and Auster, 1986; Moser et al.,2015). Eftersom startups är viktiga ur ett arbetskraftsdynamiskt perspektiv för långsiktigt positiv utveckling av sysselsättningsgrad (Haltiwanger et al., 2008) är det nödvändigt att förstå vad som gör dem attraktiva som arbetsgivare, eftersom sådan kunskap hjälper dem att utveckla starka och konkurrenskraftiga varumärken. Genom en kombination av utforskande och beskrivande forskning avser denna studie att besvara frågan: "Vilka är dimensionerna av arbetsgivares attraktions kraft i startups och dessas upplevda nivå av betydelse bland anställda i startups?" Baserat på genomgången av litteratur, har en rammodell har tagits fram, innehållande 29 attribut för arbetsgivares attraktionskraft. Modellen har testats genom en Exploratory Factor Analysis (EF A) på ett urval av 169 anställda i svenska startups, vilka rankade varje attribut på en 7-punkts Likert-skala. Resultaten av studien tyder på att några av de viktigaste attributen för arbetsgivares attraktionskraft är "intressant och utmanande arbete", "företaget både värdesätter och använder sig av din kreativitet" och "en hög nivå av flexibilitet". Och de minst attraktiva är "möjligheten att undervisa andra i andra vad du har lärt dig" och "möjligheten att tillämpa det man lärt sig vid universitet/högskola". EFA avslöjade att modellen har sju underliggande dimensioner av attraktionskraft. Fem upptäcktes även i tidigare studier: Sociala, Intresse, Ekonomiska, Tillämpning, och Utveckling. Förekomsten av attribut specifika för startups attraktionskraft leder till skapandet av två nya dimensioner av attraktionskraft: Entreprenörskap och Utmaning.

Beauty And The Beast: The Attractiveness Bias In An Online Peer Mentoring Program

Garcia, Carollaine 01 January 2012 (has links)
The bias against attractiveness is fairly implicit and furthermore, powerfully impacts people’s subsequent impressions of and behaviors toward others (Cash, Gillen, & Burns, 1977; Dion et al., 1972). Pallet, Link and Lee (2010) examined the effect of various facial spatial configurations on attractiveness and found that raters rated faces as most attractive when the eyeto-mouth ratio approximated 36% of the face length (the "golden ratio"), which coincides with the measurements of an average and thus more attractive face. The present study examined the extent to which the distance of these objectively measured facial features affected mentors’ perceptions of their protégés, the subsequent mentoring given to them, and the protégés’ own behavior (e.g. seek feedback, request specific information).The gender composition of the mentor-protégé dyad was expected to moderate these relationships. I also examined whether, given the expected effects of facial measurements, withholding access to visual cues would affect mentor perceptions and behavior. Participants were 118 mentor/protégé dyads from a large Southeastern university who volunteered to participate in a formal online peer mentoring program. After seeing their protégés’ profiles (and for those in the experimental condition, a picture), mentors chatted with their protégés once a week for 30 minutes for a total of 4 weeks. Results indicated that protégés with facial features moderately distant from the golden ratio were perceived as more similar by mentors in same-gender dyads and received greater mentoring than did protégés closest and farthest from the golden ratio. In opposite-gender dyads, however, mentors reported greater similarity toward those that were farthest from the golden ratio but provided the greatest mentoring to those closest to the golden ratio. The relationship iv between facial measurements and protégé proactivity was moderated by whether or not their mentor had access to their picture. While protégés closest to the ratio were more proactive in the picture condition, those that were farthest from it were more proactive in the non-picture condition. Proactivity was as expected associated with greater levels of mentoring, which was ultimately related to a more fulfilled and beneficial relationship for protégés (i.e. less stress, greater self-efficacy and satisfaction). The results of this study indicate that facial measurements are associated with both differences in mentor and in protégé behavior and that the specific nature of these relationships differs as a function of gender composition. Implications for practice and theory will be discussed

Employer branding och motivation inom kommuner : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares uppfattningar av employer branding och dess påverkan på motivation / Employer branding and motivation in municipalities : A qualitative study on employees’ perceptions of employer brand and its impact on motivation

Herthnek, Simon, Widfeldt, Joel January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: En ökad konkurrens på arbetsmarknaden och ett ökat behov av personal har gjort det viktigare för kommuner att fokusera på att skapa en unik organisationsidentitet på arbetsmarknaden. Detta koncept, känt som employer branding, kan bidra till en rad fördelar såsom ökad konkurrenskraft och ökad motivation bland medarbetarna, där framför allt det sistnämnda kan underlätta för organisationer gällande att rekrytera och behålla medarbetare. Med employer branding följer även utmaningar, vilket understryker vikten av att förstå hur det bör hanteras för att dra nytta av dess potentiella fördelar. Syfte: Att undersöka medarbetares uppfattningar av kommuners employer branding och dess påverkan på motivation. Metod: Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsansats där tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på ekonomiavdelningarna inom fyra av Skaraborgs kommuner. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att employer branding-strategierna inte diskuterades öppet inom kommunerna och uppfattades främst undermedvetet av medarbetarna. Inom kommunerna låg också ett fokus på att främja den inre motivationen genom faktorer som organisationskulturen. Det var även den inre motivationen som ansågs vara mest attraktiv hos medarbetarna och motiverade dem mest, så länge de hade en grundläggande nivå av yttre motivation där deras löner låg på en acceptabel nivå, då lönen betraktades som en hygienfaktor för medarbetarna. / Background: Increased competition in the labour market and a growing need for personnel have made it more important for municipalities to focus on creating a unique organisational identity in the labour market. This concept, known as employer branding, can contribute to a range of benefits such as increased competitiveness and enhanced motivation among employees, where especially the latter can facilitate organisations in recruiting and retaining employees. However, employer branding also comes with challenges, highlighting the importance of understanding how to manage it to capitalize on its potential advantages. Purpose: To examine employees’ perceptions of municipalities’ employer branding and its impact on motivation. Method: The study has used a qualitative research approach, where ten semi-structured interviews were conducted within the finance departments of four municipalities in Skaraborg. Findings and conclusion: The study’s findings revealed that employer branding strategies were not openly discussed within the municipalities and were primarily perceived subconsciously by the employees. There was also a focus within the municipalities on promoting intrinsic motivation through factors such as organisational culture. Intrinsic motivation was also considered most attractive to the employees and motivated them the most, as long as they had a basic level of extrinsic motivation where their salaries were at an acceptable level, as salary was viewed as a hygiene factor for the employees.

Employer Branding – Konsten att bli en attraktiv arbetsgivare via det interna arbetsgivarvarumärket : En kvalitativ studie på ett företag inom mediabranschen / How to become an attractive employer through internal Employer Branding

Tengmo, Matilda, Andersson, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur anställda upplevde företag som arbetsgivarvarumärke och arbetsplats samt vilka faktorer som kan ha en påverkan på detta. Det genomfördes åtta intervjuer med anställda på ett företag inom mediabranschen. Det framkom att det fanns olika faktorer som påverkade hur medarbetarna såg på sin arbetsgivare. Dels skulle företaget erbjuda utvecklingsmöjligheter, flexibilitet i arbetsuppgifterna samt arbetsförmåner. På så sätt skapas en tillit och lojalitet gentemot varandra. Denna tillit skapar också en trygghet i sin anställning och mot sin chef. Relationen till sin chef visade sig vara viktig men även att de anställda själva fick styra över sina arbetsuppgifter. Även att arbeta på ett välkänt företag ansågs höja arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. Slutligen framkom det att de sociala faktorer påverkade hur de anställda såg på sin arbetsgivare och de menade på att det fanns en del brister gällande samarbetet mellan avdelningarna inom företaget. / The purpose of the study was to analyze employees’ perceptions of the company’s Employer Branding, the workplace, and the factors that may have an impact on this. Eight interviews were held with employees from a company in the media industry. It appeared that there were various factors that influence how employees perceive their employer. In order to be considered an attractive organization the company needs to offer opportunities to develop, flexibility in the daily tasks and employee benefits, and have a good reputation. This creates trust and loyalty between the employer and employee. It is important for the employees to have a good relationship with their manager, and at the same time it is important to have control over their own work tasks. Finally, social factors affected how the employees viewed their employer. According to some employees, there were some flaws with the cooperation between the departments within the company.

Social Perception of Dance Movements / Investigating The Signalling Value Of Male Body Movements Using Motion-Capture-Technology

Weege, Bettina 09 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Vad attraherar supertalangerna? : om anställdas preferenser i textilbranschen / What attracts the super talents? : employee preferences in the textile industry

Andersson, Felicie, Hurtig, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
I det moderna samhället är arbetet inte längre enbart en inkomstkälla utan ett verktyg för självförverkligande. Ur de anställdas perspektiv är företagens attraktivitet, sociala värden, ekonomiska fördelar och utvecklingsmöjligheter viktiga aspekter som tas i beaktning när man söker sig till ett företag och därför betydelsefulla för företagen att efterleva. Uppsatsens teoretiska referensram sätter därför arbetsgivarlöftet och vikten av att det följs i centrum. Vi har funnit ett flertal forskningsstudier relaterade till arbetsgivarlöften, som genomförts inom olika branscher, men saknar undersökningar i textilbranschen där vi ser flera anledningar till varför det skulle vara aktuellt. Studiens syfte är därför att undersöka preferenser bland anställda inom funktionerna inköp och design på företag inom textilbranschen och se hur väl dessa uppnås för att kunna dra slutsatser om förbättringsområden. Samtidigt vill vi se hur stor inverkan den geografiska platsen har och hur benägna de anställda är att yttra sig om arbetsplatsrelaterad information på sociala medier. Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ ansats, där datainsamling skett genom webbenkäter via bekvämlighet- och snöbollsurval för att nå ut till relevanta personer. Enkäten samlade in åsikter från drygt 23 % av urvalsramen. Av dessa hade nästan 84 % en eftergymnasial utbildning och 30 % hade varit anställda i över 5 år, vilket bekräftar att deltagarna besitter erfarenhet och kompetens som är värdefull för arbetsgivarna. Sociala värden var absolut viktigast för respondenterna i vår undersökning och att ha en god relation till kollegor och chefer toppade listan. En härlig och kul stämning på arbetsplatsen kom inte långt därefter. Lyckligtvis är det också en känsla av tillhörighet som arbetsgivarna lyckas uppfylla bäst. 65 % anger betyget 7 eller högre på hur nöjda de är med sin arbetssituation. Det finns dock utrymme för förbättring, speciellt när det kommer till faktorer som lön, förmåner och självbildskongruens. Resultatet visade att arbetsorten i sig inte var anmärkningsvärt viktig och så länge arbetet är meriterande behöver inte arbetsplatsen ligga i en storstad. Studiens deltagare anger att de är aktiva på sociala medier, men få av dem uttrycker sig positivt eller negativt om sin arbetsgivare via dessa plattformar i dagsläget. Här ser vi ett potentiellt förbättringsområde när det kommer till att få de anställda att bli varumärkesambassadörer för företagets employer brand. / In modern society, our work is no longer just a source of income but a tool for self-realization. From the employees' perspective corporate attractiveness, social values, economic benefits and development opportunities are important aspects taken into consideration when applying for a job and therefore important for companies to acknowledge. The theoretical framework therefore puts the employer brand promise and the importance of its compliance in focus. The study aims to investigate preferences among employees in the purchasing and design functions in the textile industry, and see how well they are achieved to draw conclusions about areas for improvement. At the same time, we want to see how much influence the geographical location has and how likely the employees are to share workplace-related information on social media. The study was conducted with a quantitative approach, where data was collected through web surveys with a convenience and snowball sampling method to reach out to relevant people. The survey gathered opinions from more than 23% of the sample field. Of these, almost 84% had post-secondary education and 30% had been employed for over 5 years, which confirms that the participants possesses experience and expertise that is valuable to their employers. Social values were regarded most important and to have a good relationship with colleagues and managers was ranked as the number one preference. A fun atmosphere scored second place. Fortunately, it is also a sense of belonging that employers seem to meet the best. 65% of the respondents graded 7 or higher on job satisfaction on a scale of 1-10. However, there is room for improvement, especially when it comes to factors such as salary, benefits and self-image congruency. The result shows that the workplace location in itself was not remarkably important and as long as the job is meritorious it does not need to be situated in a big city. The study participants indicate that they are active on social media, but few of them express any positive or negative aspects about their employers on these platforms. Here we see a potential area for improvement when it comes to turning the employees into brand ambassadors for the company's employer brand. This research paper is written in Swedish.

Effects of Meal Size and Type, and Level of Physical Activity on Perceived Masculinity, Femininity, Likability and Attractiveness

Hill, Christie D. 12 1900 (has links)
Previous research indicates that women are judged on the amount of food eaten and that both men and women are judged on the type of food eaten. This study is an attempt to determine whether meal size or type predominantly accounts for these findings on the variables of masculinity, femininity, attractiveness, thinness, fitness, and likability. Physical activity was also included to determine its effect on these variable. Subjects used were 313 undergraduate students. Results indicate that meal type is more influential than meal size and that physical activity significantly influences judgements of others. The results are discussed in terms of future research and relatedness to socio-cultural theories of eating disorders.

Relationship between Facial Attractiveness and Occlusal Treatment Outcomes: A Retrospective Study

Fowler, Chad Eric 01 January 2007 (has links)
The goal of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between pretreatment facial attractiveness and posttreatment occlusal outcome in orthodontic patients. A randomized sample of forty-seven patients (26 males, 21 females) was selected for inclusion in this study. Orthodontic evaluators rated pretreatment patient photographs (frontal smile, frontal, profile) using a 100 mm visual analog scale (VAS). Occlusal outomes were evaluated using percentage reduction in weighted Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index scores and the American Board of Orthodontics objective grading system (ABO-OGS). Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the relationship between pretreatment VAS attractiveness ratings and posttreatment occlusal scores. There was a fair correlation between facial attractiveness and reduction in weighted PAR index scores for all patients (r=.41, p<.01) and for male patients (r=.48, p<.05). The results showed a good correlation between facial attractiveness and the ABO-OGS for females (r=-.55, p<.05).

Les energies marines renouvelables face au droit / Marine Renewable Energies facing the Law

Schneider, Frédéric 27 May 2013 (has links)
La question des énergies marines renouvelables dégage des problématiques juridiques complexes qui intéressent le droit tant dans sa dimension internationale, européenne que nationale. L’effervescence des initiatives publiques et privées en ce domaine implique une approche adaptée en vue d’améliorer et de développer les instruments juridiques nécessaires au développement durable des énergies de la mer. Cette approche suppose trois niveaux d’analyse. Au regard du droit international, celle-ci se caractérise par une finalité environnementale qui relève plus globalement de l’intérêt général. En ce sens, la conversion d’énergies marines n’engendre pas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre et son impact sur le milieu marin est généralement minime. Avec le concours des énergies de la mer, les États seront à même de respecter leurs engagements supranationaux, notamment en matière de changements climatiques. De surcroît, le droit de la mer offre une sécurité juridique dans l’utilisation de l’espace maritime en définissant non seulement les droits, mais les obligations des États côtiers. À l’échelle européenne, la sécurité juridique est liée à l’objectif d’une part d’au moins 20 % d’énergie produite à partir de sources renouvelables dans la consommation finale brute d’énergie de l’Union d’ici à 2020 et encouragée par l’initiative des États riverains des mers du Nord en faveur d’un réseau off-shore dans le contexte de l’émergence du marché européen des énergies renouvelables. Au plan national, l’analyse du droit interne met en lumière les meilleures pratiques relatives au développement des énergies marines renouvelables en termes de promotion des investissements et de gestion durable des mers et des océans. / The issue of marine renewable energies raises complex legal problems which interest the Law in its International, European and Domestic dimension. The effervescence of public and private initiatives on the matter requires a tailored approach to improve and develop legal instruments to support development of ocean energies. This approach elicits three levels of analysis. According to the International Law, it is marked by an environmental objective resulting from public interest. In this sense, marine energy conversion does not generate greenhouse gas emissions and its impact on the marine environment is generally minimal. With the help of these renewable energies, States will be able to respect their supranational commitments, particularly regarding climate change. In addition, the Law of the Sea provides legal certainty in the use of ocean space, by defining not only rights but obligations to coastal states. At the European level, legal certainty is connected to the target of at least 20 % share of energy from renewable sources in the Union's gross final consumption of energy by 2020, and is especially encouraged by the North Seas Countries' Offshore Grid Initiative in the context of the Europe's emerging renewable energy market. On a National perspective, the analysis of Comparative Law highlights the best practices related to offshore renewable development in terms of promoting investment and sustainable ocean management.

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