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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural and Linguistic Issues of Sitcom Dubbing: An Analysis of "Friends"

Vierrether, Tanja 16 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis traductológico de los términos culturales en la subtitulación árabe-español

Abdallah Mohamed Abdelrahman Moussa, Noha 17 January 2021 (has links)
[ES] El despegue de la traducción audiovisual (TAV) tuvo lugar dentro del mundo académico con la aparición de una edición de la revista Babel dedicada a la traducción del cine en 1960. Desde entonces, esta variedad de traducción se va adquiriendo una innegable pujanza. A partir de los años ochenta, los traductólogos coinciden en dar prioridad al aspecto comunicativo intercultural de la traducción. A principios de los noventa, se puso en marcha una perspectiva culturalista de la traducción denominada cultural turn o giro cultural de traducción. Durante el siglo XXI, la traducción audiovisual (TAV) ha alcanzado su máximo desarrollo experimentando cambios significativos gracias a los grandes avances tecnológicos y la eclosión de nuevas formas de difusión audiovisual. A partir del último tercio de la década de los años noventa, esta área de estudio ha visto un desarrollo vertiginoso en los círculos académicos. Sin embargo, los estudios dedicados a analizar la traducción de textos audiovisuales del árabe al español presentan un campo bastante escaso. Con el presente trabajo de investigación, pretendemos abrir el camino para llenar un vacío en tales estudios. Partimos de un marco metodológico descriptivo basado en el modelo de análisis elaborado por Martí Ferriol (2006) que consta de tres parámetros de análisis: las restricciones, las normas y las técnicas de la traducción audiovisual para facilitar la posterior identificación del método de traducción para la variedad audiovisual. El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en verificar si las tipologías de estrategias traductoras existentes, y tradicionalmente basadas en combinaciones de idiomas con el inglés son aplicables para analizar la TAV para el caso concreto de la combinación lingüística árabe - español. Para ello se realizó un análisis exhaustivo del tratamiento de los términos culturales presentes en dos películas egipcias subtituladas en español dirigidas por Youssef Chahine Estación Central (Bāb al-ḥadīd) (1958) y La tierra (Al-ʼrd) (1969). La elección estuvo condicionada por razonas traductológicas y cinematográficas. La profusión de términos culturales presentes, las marcas de oralidad que el traductor ha de solventar en el proceso traductor y la distancia cultural entre las culturas origen y meta suponían un gran desafío para el traductor. Desde el punto de vista cinematográfico, el director Youssef Chahine se desmarcaba del resto con una identidad cinematográfica propia y las películas, objeto de estudio, recibieron el reconocimiento de la crítica nacional e internacional, siendo seleccionadas en la lista de las mejores películas realizadas en la historia cinematográfica árabe. / [CA] L'enlairament de la traducció audiovisual (TAV) va tenir lloc dins del món acadèmic amb l'aparició d'una edició de la revista Babel dedicada a la traducció del cinema en 1960. Des de llavors, aquesta varietat de traducció es va adquirint una innegable puixança. A partir dels anys vuitanta, els traductòlegs coincideixen a donar prioritat a l'aspecte comunicatiu intercultural de la traducció. A principis dels noranta, es va posar en marxa una perspectiva culturalista de la traducció denominada cultural turn o gir cultural de traducció. Durant el segle XXI, la traducció audiovisual (TAV) ha aconseguit el seu màxim desenvolupament experimentant canvis significatius gràcies als grans avanços tecnològics i l'eclosió de noves formes de difusió audiovisual. A partir de l'últim terç de la dècada dels anys noranta, aquesta àrea d'estudi ha vist un desenvolupament vertiginós en els cercles acadèmics. No obstant això, els estudis dedicats a analitzar la traducció de textos audiovisuals de l'àrab a l'espanyol presenten un camp bastant escàs. Amb el present treball de recerca, pretenem obrir el camí per a omplir un buit en tals estudis. Partim d'un marc metodològic descriptiu basat en el model d'anàlisi elaborada per Martí Ferriol (2006) que consta de tres paràmetres d'anàlisis: les restriccions, les normes i les tècniques de la traducció audiovisual per a facilitar la posterior identificació del mètode de traducció per a la varietat audiovisual. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi consisteix a verificar si les tipologies d'estratègies traductores existents, i tradicionalment basades en combinacions d'idiomes amb l'anglès són aplicables per a analitzar la TAV per al cas concret de la combinació lingüística àrab - espanyol. Per a això es va realitzar una anàlisi exhaustiva del tractament dels termes culturals presents en dues pel¿lícules egípcies subtitulades en espanyol dirigides per Youssef Chahine Estació Central (Bāb al-ḥadīd)) (1958) i La terra (Al-ʼrd) (1969). L'elecció va estar condicionada per raons traductològiques i cinematogràfiques. La profusió de termes culturals presents, les marques d'oralitat que el traductor ha de solucionar en el procés traductor i la distància cultural entre les cultures origen i meta suposaven un gran desafiament per al traductor. Des del punt de vista cinematogràfic, el director Youssef Chahine es desmarcava de la resta amb una identitat cinematogràfica pròpia i les pel¿lícules, objecte d'estudi, van rebre el reconeixement de la crítica nacional i internacional, sent seleccionades en la llista de les millors pel¿lícules realitzades en la història cinematogràfica àrab. / [EN] The advent of audiovisual translation (AVT) took place within the academic world with the publication of a special edition of the scholarly journal Babel in 1960 which was devoted to cinematographic translation. Since then, this field of translation has been growing rapidly. Since the 1980s, Translation Studies agreed to give priority to the intercultural communication aspect of translation by going beyond the translation's purview of transferring texts or languages to transferring cultures. A cultural approach to the study of translation or "cultural turn" was launched in the early 1990s. During the 21st century, the AVT has reached its maximum development undergoing significant changes thanks to the great technological advances and the emergence of new forms of audiovisual dissemination. Since the late 1990s, this area of study has experienced a remarkable development in academic circles. However, the studies dedicated to analyze the translation of audiovisual texts from Arabic to Spanish remain a limited field research. The present dissertation is an attempt to open the way to fill a gap in such studies. The methodological descriptive framework adopted in the present dissertation is based on the analysis model developed by Martí Ferriol (2006) which consists of three parameters: restrictions, norms and techniques of AVT to facilitate the subsequent identification of the translation method adopted by the subtitling versions. The main aim of this thesis is to verify whether the existing typologies of translation strategies, and traditionally based on language combinations with English, are applicable to analyze AVT for the specific case of the Arabic - Spanish language combination. In order to accomplish our aim of study, we carried out an exhaustive analysis of the treatment of the cultural terms in two Egyptian films subtitled in Spanish directed by Youssef Chahine Central Station (Bāb al-ḥadīd) (1958) and The land (Al-ʼrd) (1969). We chose our corpus on translation and cinematographic basis. The abundance of cultural terms in the selected corpus, the characteristics of verbal communication and the cultural distance between the origin and target cultures posed a great challenge for the translator. From the cinematographic point of view, the director Youssef Chahine stood out from the rest with his own cinematographic identity and the films, object of study, received the recognition of national and international critics, being selected in the list of the best films made in the Arab cinematographic history. / Abdallah Mohamed Abdelrahman Moussa, N. (2020). Análisis traductológico de los términos culturales en la subtitulación árabe-español [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159276


CAROLINA COELHO DOS SANTOS MONTEIRO 19 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho teve como objetivo criar legendas em inglês para o média-metragem paraense O Rio das Amarguras (2021), e comentá-las, buscando entender as dificuldades na tradução de itens culturalmente marcados (ICMs). Trata-se de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, exploratória e descritiva, em que foram feitas as legendas em inglês e, em seguida, selecionados e classificados os ICMs segundo suas categorias culturais (ESPINDOLA, 2005; GIACOBBO, 2017) e uma combinação de estratégias de tradução (AIXELÁ, 1996; PEDERSEN, 2005). As escolhas tradutórias dos ICMs foram analisadas com base no modelo de Lambert e Van Gorp adaptado à TAV (CARVALHO, 2005) e na legendagem comentada (ZAVAGLIA; RENARD; JANCZUR, 2015), à luz da Teoria dos Polissistemas adaptada à TAV (CARVALHO, 2005) e dos parâmetros técnicos e linguísticos da legendagem (NETFLIX, 2016; TRINDADE, 2022). A partir disso, concluiu-se que a principal dificuldade nessa tradução foi manter a culturalidade paraense respeitando os parâmetros da legendagem, uma exigência que se insere nas condições de trabalho de um legendista comercial. Não obstante, o grupo de estratégias de tradução predominante foi o de estrangeirização (VENUTI, [1995] 2021), isto é, foi possível conservar a culturalidade da maioria dos itens, afirmando, assim, a possibilidade de se utilizar a legendagem como uma ferramenta de resistência contra um possível apagamento de uma determinada cultura em um produto audiovisual (BOITO; MARINS, 2017), sem perder de vista uma leitura compreensível para o público-alvo. / [en] The aim of this work was to create English subtitles for the Pará medium-length movie O Rio das Amarguras (2021), seeking to understand the challenges in translating culture-specific items (CSIs). This is a qualitative-quantitative, exploratory, and descriptive study in which I translated the subtitles into English, I selected the CSIs and then classified according to cultural categories (ESPINDOLA, 2005; GIACOBBO, 2017) and a combination of translation strategies (AIXELÁ, 1996; PEDERSEN, 2005). I analyzed the CSIs translation choices using the Lambert and Van Gorp model adapted to AVT (CARVALHO, 2005) and the subtitling commentary (ZAVAGLIA; RENARD; JANCZUR, 2015). I also included the Theory of Polysystems adapted to AVT (CARVALHO, 2005) and the technical and linguistic parameters of subtitling (NETFLIX, 2016; TRINDADE, 2022). From this, I concluded that the main difficulty in this translation was maintaining the Pará s culture in each item while respecting the parameters of subtitling, a requirement that is part of the working conditions of a commercial subtitler. Nevertheless, the predominant group of translation strategies was foreignization (VENUTI, [1995] 2021). In other words, it was possible to preserve their culture in most of the items, thus producing the effect of subtitling as a tool of resistance against a possible erasure of a specific culture in an audiovisual work (BOITO; MARINS, 2017), taking account a reading that is understandable to the target audience.

Frequent translation strategies used by Iranian translators in subtitles to translate metaphors

Jalali, Minou 11 1900 (has links)
En tant que moyen de communication qui détermine les structures de base des langues, la métaphore se classe parmi les enjeux les plus importants du domaine de la traductologie, d’où la complexité de la rendre traduisible. La nature indirecte de la métaphore étant problématique, celle-ci exige une étude approfondie, surtout vis-à-vis le transfert de la culture d’une langue à une autre. Un survol de la littérature académique traitant des théories et des approches différentes en traductologie révèle une façon de rendre possible la traduction de la métaphore. Cette étude traite de la traduction des métaphores du perse aux sous-titres anglais. Elle indique également les approches et les stratégies appliquées à la traduction des expressions linguistiques métaphoriques telles que proposées par Newmark (1988). En se fondant sur des exemples authentiques tirés des textes sources (deux films perses bien connus) et leurs traductions anglaises, cette étude démontre la façon dont certains traducteurs iraniens traduisent des expressions métaphoriques en se servant d’une des sept stratégies proposées par Newmark. Elle explique également comment certains éléments (par ex. les difficultés de la traduction) ont été influents sur leurs conclusions, tout en soutenant l’hypothèse que la reproduction d’une même image d’une langue source dans une langue cible ainsi que l’effacement sont respectivement la plus fréquente et la moins fréquente des stratégies employées par les sous-titreurs iraniens. / Metaphor, as a means of communication that determines the basic structures of language, is currently one of the most important issues in the field of translation studies, especially its translatability. In fact, the indirect nature of metaphors is a problem that needs to be addressed in respect to the transfer of culture from one language to another one. An overview of the literature that explores different theories and approaches in the field of Translation Studies proposes a way to make metaphor translation possible. This study examines the translation of metaphors from Persian to English subtitles. It also highlights approaches and strategies for the translation of linguistic metaphorical expressions as proposed by Newmark (1988). By using authentic examples from two source texts (two well known Persian films) along with their English translations, this study illustrates how Iranian translators translate metaphorical expressions using Newmark’s seven proposed strategies. It also shows how certain elements (i.e. translation difficulties) have influenced their decisions and supports the hypotheses in which reproducing the same SL image in the target language and deletion, respectively, are the most frequent and the least frequent strategies used by Iranian subtitlers.

Paràmetres per a una taxonomia de la subtitulació

Bartoll, Eduard 27 June 2008 (has links)
La tesi «Paràmetres per a una taxonomia de la subtitulació» identifica tots els diferents tipus de subtítols existents i dissenya una taxonomia per a ordenar de manera sistemàtica tota la casuística de paràmetres classificatoris aplicables als diferents tipus de subtítols, tant existents com possibles. En primer lloc es revisa la noció de text audiovisual i de traducció audiovisual, partint dels elements que els configuren i amb un repàs bibliogràfic sobre el tema.Es proposen una sèrie de paràmetres formals a partir dels quals redefinir i formalitzar la classificació de les diverses modalitats de traducció audiovisual.S'analitzen les característiques de la subtitulació, les restriccions que presenta i les estratègies de què disposa el traductor per a fer-hi front i també s'examina el concepte de normes i s'aplica a la subtitulació. Finalment, els paràmetres de la taxonomia de la subtitulació s'apliquen a diferents exemples de textos audiovisuals subtitulats, segons el seu suport, i també s'apliquen a nou programes de subtitulació.

Titulkování a dabing na české televizní obrazovce / Subtitling and Dubbing on the Czech Television Screen

Salovaara, Marie January 2018 (has links)
The present master's thesis named Subtitling and Dubbing on the Czech Television Screen deals with the attitudes and preferences of the Czech television audience from the point of view of audiovisual translation (dubbing and subtitling) and aims to identify the reasons for these preferences. The thesis also focuses on the impact of sociodemographic features (age, level of education, foreign language skills) on these preferences. The objective is to cover relevant matters of both audiovisual translation theory as well as practice abroad and in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part provides a systematic summary of studies and other relevant literature in the field of audiovisual translation. Firstly, the two main methods of audiovisual translation are introduced, including a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages for the viewer. This is followed by a description of the historical development of audiovisual translation in a global context and the current changes in the given field. Also other relevant audience studies are presented. The next part of the thesis discusses the specific context of the Czech Republic as a "dubbing" country not only from the historical point of view, but also from the present perspective. The author focuses mainly on the only Czech public television - Czech...

Traduction et analyse interactionnelle de dialogues cinématographiques en français : problématique des sous-titres en arabe / Translation and interactional analyses of cinematographic dialogues in French : the question of Arabic subtiltes

Ismail, Tief 27 February 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche aborde le dialogue du cinéma. Elle propose une description de quelques interactions verbales couramment présentes dans les échanges quotidiens à travers une analyse d’un corpus cinématographique composé de comédies récentes (Amélie Poulain, Quatre étoiles, la Doublure, Ah ! si j’étais riche, Moi, César…). Les résultats de cette étude fondamentalement descriptive, intéressent [a] le domaine de la relation entre la description des interactions et la didactique du français et de l’arabe langues étrangères ou langues secondes, et [b] la problématique de la traduction des sous-titres cinématographiques, qui constitue la partie la plus importante de son apport. Cette étude cherche, [a] d’un point de vue de didactique des langues, à dégager des interactions pouvant contribuer à enrichir les fonctions du niveau B2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Le travail se fonde sur l’analyse de certains actes de langage rituels et fonctionnels : salutations, remerciements, excuses, demande, offre et proposition. Les différentes réalisations linguistiques de ces actes forment un inventaire susceptible d’enrichir le référentiel du français langue étrangère ainsi que celui de l’arabe langue étrangère à travers la traduction du dialogue français (les sous-titres). [b] Concernant la problématique traductionnelle, l’analyse des interactions observées (dialogues français transcrits par nous et sous-titres en arabe) font apparaître des liens entre la traduction et la culture, ainsi que des problèmes spécifiques liés aux contraintes de la traduction audiovisuelle et particulièrement au sous-titrage. Les extraits analysés dans la thèse sont repris dans les annexes, avec traduction, rétro-traduction et, au besoin, des notes explicatives, afin d’offrir la possibilité d’une lecture libre d’une partie du corpus. / This research is based on cinema dialogs. It offers a description of aspects of verbal interactions currently found in everyday life situations through a cinematograph corpus (recent French comedies : Amélie Poulain, Quatre étoiles, la Doublure, Ah ! si j’étais riche, Moi, César…). The results of this essentially descriptive study should be of interest for: [a] relations between the description of verbal interactions and the teaching/learning of French and Arabic as foreign or second languages, and [b] issues related to the translation of cinema subtitles, which are in fact the essential part of this study. The latter seeks to identify [a] in the context of the teaching/learning of foreign languages, interactions that help enrich the French B2 level (with reference to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages). The approach illustrates some pragmatic functions in the B2 level, and is based on the analysis of some speech acts (ritual and functional) including greetings, thanks, apologies, requests, offers and proposals. The different linguistic realisations of these acts propose an inventory aiming at enriching the Referential Framework for French and Arabic as foreign or second languages. Arabic is seen through the translation of subtitles. [b] With regards to translation issues, the analysis of the verbal interaction observed in the above mentioned cinema corpus (French dialogs transcribed by us and Arabic subtitles) bring forth some relations between translation and culture, in addition to problems which are specific to the constraints of audiovisual translation, with special reference to subtitling. Excerpts analysed in the dissertation are reproduced in the Annexes, with their translation, a retro-translation, and, when needed, explanatory notes, in order to offer a free reading of parts of our corpus.

Traducción audiovisual y lenguaje especializado: un análisis de la subtitulación del lenguaje especializado jurídico en dramas legales estadounidenses emitidos entre los años 2009 a 2020 / Audiovisual Translation and Specialized Language: Analyzing the subtitling of specialized legal language in American legal dramas broadcasted between 2009 and 2020

Loayza Torres, Renzo Alesandro, Majail Díaz, Andrea Camila 08 January 2021 (has links)
La subtitulación de lenguaje especializado en series es una actividad con un alto grado de dificultad, puesto que el traductor se enfrenta a una triple tarea: 1) ser consistente con las normas y características de la subtitulación, 2) ser preciso y correcto con la terminología jurídica especializada y 3) tener que adaptar los contenidos y terminología para lograr una buena compresión y recepción del producto por parte de la audiencia. Esta triple tarea se dificulta aún más debido a la inherente complejidad de la traducción jurídica y a las restricciones de la traducción audiovisual. Por ello, la presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la subtitulación del lenguaje especializado presente en los siguientes dramas legales estadounidenses emitidos de 2009 a 2020: “The Good Wife”, “Suits”, “How to Get Away with Murder” y “American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson”. Mediante la técnica de análisis textual contrastivo, este estudio propone identificar y explicar los problemas que puede suponer esta tarea, al igual que determinar y explicar las técnicas empleadas para resolverlos. / The subtitling of specialized language present in series is an activity with a high degree of difficulty, since the translator faces a triple task: 1) to be consistent with the subtitling norms and characteristics, 2) to be precise and correct with the specialized legal terminology, and 3) to have to adapt the contents and terminology to achieve a good understanding and reception by the audience. The difficulty of this triple task increases in account of the inherent complexity of legal translation and the restrictions of audiovisual translation. Hence, this research aims to analyze the subtitling of specialized language present in the following American legal dramas broadcasted from 2009 to 2020: "The Good Wife," "Suits," "How to Get Away with Murder" and "American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson." By using the contrastive text analysis technique, this study intends to identify and explain the problems that this task may entail, as well as to determine and explain the techniques used to solve them. / Trabajo de investigación

El modelo transformacional de la gramática generativa en la práctica de la subtitulación : Aplicación destinada a transmitir la significación y superar las limitaciones espacio-temporales / The Transformational Model of the Generative Grammar applied to Subtitling

Ibero, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
Subtitling is a discipline within the Audiovisual Translation (AVT) field that requires some special techniques and strategies to channel the information from a multichannel and polisemiotic document into a written text within the screen. It’s a constrained translation that demands an additional effort to convey the content and the form of the source text into the target one. The aim of this paper is to analyse whether the model of the kernel sentences and clausal ranks of the generative-transformational grammar would work as a more systematic method to extract the essential information of the audiovisual text and organize it in more concise and reduced units of text, i. e., the subtitles. We will also analyse whether this linguistic approach will be enough to meet our objective or if, on the other hand, other extralinguistic aspects intervene. The texts we will be using for our study are Roy Andersson’s commentary on three deleted scenes of his film “Songs from the second floor” and the documentary Den lilla människans storhet, a behind-the-scenes or making-of on the same feature.


ANELLI, LAURA 13 September 2017 (has links)
La presente tesi ha come scopo l’analisi della traduzione per il doppiaggio dell’umorismo costruito su argomenti tabù (quali ad esempio riferimenti al sesso, alla sessualità, all’obesità, al consumo di alcol e droghe) presente in quattro sitcom americane, nello specifico Friends, Will & Grace, How I Met Your Mother e 2 Broke Girls. In particolare, partendo dalla teoria della riscrittura proposta da Lefevere (1992,) la ricerca mira ad identificare casi di censura e manipolazione presenti nella traduzione in italiano dei suddetti testi audiovisivi. Con un approccio traduttivo descrittivo, i dialoghi trascritti dall’inglese sono stati confrontati con la loro traduzione in lingua italiana e i risultati dimostrano che censura e manipolazione all’interno della traduzione per il doppiaggio sono due fenomeni esistenti pur non essendo sempre possibile distinguere tra i due dal momento che non solo i vari specialisti coinvolti nel doppiaggio, quali traduttori, direttori del doppiaggio, doppiatori, adattatori, ma anche gli organi afferenti al patronato (Lefevere 1992) possono in qualche modo influire sull’atto traduttivo stesso. Un confronto diacronico tra le sitcom prese in esame dimostra tuttavia come fenomeni censori e manipolatori nella traduzione dell’umorismo tabù siano oggi in diminuzione rispetto al passato, probabile segno di una mutata ideologia nella cultura di arrivo. / The purpose of the present thesis is to analyse the translation for dubbing of humour based on taboo topics – such as, for example, references to sex, sexuality, obesity, alcohol and drug addiction – present in four American sitcoms, namely Friends, Will & Grace, How I Met Your Mother and 2 Broke Girls. Moving from the theory of rewriting introduced by Lefevere (1992), the present research aims to identify cases of manipulation and censorship in the Italian translation of the above-mentioned audiovisual texts. Following a descriptive translational approach, the English dialogues have been compared to their Italian translation. Results show that censorship and manipulation exist in the translation for dubbing even though it is not always possible to distinguish between the two. Indeed, not only the several specialists involved in the dubbing process, such as translators, dubbing directors, dubbing actors, adaptors, but also the powers linked to patronage (Lefevere 1992) can influence in several ways the translation process. However, a diachronic comparison of the analysed sitcoms demonstrates that censorial and manipulative phenomena in the translation of taboo humour are decreasing compared to the past, and this is probably due to a change in the receiving culture ideology.

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