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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energisimulering av effektiviseringsåtgärder vid punkthusen i Östra Sätra : Validering av byggnadsmodell samt analys av förändrade lastkurvor

Morales, Leonel, Sandfors, Mats January 2016 (has links)
Det globala energibehovet ökar ständigt och i takt med detta ökar även faran för global uppvärmning bortom en hanterbar nivå och därför stramas kraven åt gällande minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. EU har som följd av detta enats om en uppsättning klimatmål som benämns 20/20/20-målen som syftar till att minska växthusgasutsläppen med 20 procent, jämfört med 1990 års nivåer, sänka energianvändningen med 20 procent, höja andelen förnybar energi samt höja andelen biobränsle i transportsektorn med 10 procent.  Sektorn bostäder och service står enligt energimyndigheten för nära 40 procent av Sveriges totala energianvändning och blir därför ett område som är mycket intressant när det gäller att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder.  Det kommunala företaget AB Gavlegårdarna ska under perioden 2016-2018 renovera ett tiotal punkthus i stadsdelen Östra Sätra i Gävle. Husen är typiska miljonprogramshus och beroende på val av effektiviseringsåtgärder kommer behovet av köpt värme samt el att förändras, dvs deras lastprofiler på det energisystemet. Dessa förändringar kommer i föreliggande arbete att simuleras och studeras i simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE (IDA Indoor Climate and Energy) version 4.6.2, där resultaten jämförs och valideras med befintlig statistik.  Husen som berörs av upprustningen är av typen punkthus som definieras som friliggande hus med trapphus i mitten med lägenheter runt om.  Punkthusen var vanliga på 1940 talet och byggdes då oftast med 4-5 våningar. Även om huskropparna står fritt är de oftast placerade i grupp för att skapa en områdeskänsla. De aktuella byggnaderna är i stort lika varandra där avsaknad av källarplan hos vissa av husen är den tydligaste skillnaden, i övrigt består konstruktionen av markplan plus 4 våningsplan och ett vindsutrymme. Hus med källarplan rymmer totalt 29 lägenheter medan de övriga rymmer 27. Energisystemmodellen validerades samt modifierades att passa de renoverade husen. Resultatet har sedan använts för att beräkna områdets lastprofil gällande fjärrvärme vilket kan ses i nedanstående figur. Diagrammet visar lastkurvan både före och efter de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna implementerats.  Med hjälp utav de erhållna effektkurvorna kan områdets totala energianvändning jämföras före och efter implementering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Resultatet visar att värmebehovet sjunker med 1,39 GWh. Appliceras detta på kraftvärmeproduktionen resulterar minskningen i 0,55 GWh lägre elproduktion som måste importeras till systemet. Importeras elen från kolkondens kan detta ge upphov till ökade koldioxidutsläpp med 512 ton koldioxidekvivalenter per år jämfört med 2,13 ton CO2 ekvivalenter om elen tas från svensk elmix.

Contribution à l’étude du couplage énergétique enveloppe / système dans le cas de parois complexes photovoltaïques (PC - PV) / Contribution to the study of thermal coupling of building with photovoltaic complex walls

Bigot, Dimitri 10 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un modèle thermique et électrique de paroi photovoltaïque (PV) intégrée ou semi-intégrée au bâtiment. La particularité du modèle est le transfert de chaleur entre le panneau et le bâtiment, décrit de telle manière que leurs modèles respectifs soient totalement couplés. Ceci a l'avantage de permettre la prédiction de l'impact de l'installation PV sur le champ de température du bâtiment et donc sur le confort thermique associé. Le but de l'étude est de mettre en évidence l'impact des panneaux PV en termes d'isolation thermique ou de protection solaire pour le bâtiment et la résultante en termes de gain énergétique. De plus, une séquence expérimentale a été menée à l'île de La Réunion, où le climat est tropical et humide, avec un rayonnement solaire important. Dans de telles conditions, il est important de minimiser la sollicitation thermique à travers l'enveloppe du bâtiment, en particulier la toiture. Le modèle est intégré à un code de simulation thermique du bâtiment (ISOLAB) et peut prédire l'impact des panneaux PV installés selon différentes configurations, mais aussi le productible photovoltaïque de l'installation. Finalement, l'étude expérimentale est utilisée pour fournir des éléments de validation du modèle numérique et une analyse de sensibilité est lancée pour mettre en évidence les paramètres les plus influents du modèle. Il a été démontré que les paramètres radiatifs du panneau PV ont un impact important sur le champ de température du bâtiment et que leur détermination doit être faite correctement. Les résultats de cette analyse sont ensuite utilisés pour optimiser le modèle thermique à l'aide du logiciel d'optimisation GenOpt. / This thesis presents a thermal and electrical modelling of PV walls integrated to buildings. The particularity of this model is that the heat transfer that occurs through the panel to the building is described so that both building and PV thermal modelling are fully coupled. This has the advantage of allowing the prediction of the impact of PV installation on the building temperature field and also the comfort inside it. The aim of this study is to show the impact of the PV panels in terms of level of insulation or solar protection for the building. Moreover, the study has been conducted in La Reunion Island, where the climate is tropical and humid, with a strong solar radiation. In such conditions, it is important to minimise the thermal load through the roof of the building. The thermal model is integrated in a building simulation code and is able to predict the thermal impact of PV panels installed on buildings in several configurations and also their production of electricity. Finally, the experimental study is used to give elements of validation for the numerical model and a sensitivity analysis has been run to put in evidence the governing parameters. It has been shown that the radiative properties of the PV panel have a great impact on the temperature field of the tested building and the determination of these parameters has to be taken with care. Results of sensitivity analysis are used to optimize the PV thermal model using the GenOpt optimization program.

Application des cartes combinatoires à la modélisation géométrique et sémantique des bâtiments / Application of the combinatiorial maps to geometric and semantic modelling of buildings

Diakité, Abdoulaye Abou 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les modèles 3D de bâtiment sont largement utilisés dans l'industrie de la construction et sont nécessités par plusieurs applications telles que la représentation architecturale et les processus de simulation. Malheureusement, ces modèles manquent souvent d'informations d'une importance majeure pour permettre d'effectuer des opérations d'analyse et de calcul. Les modèles originaux sont alors souvent reconstruits par les différents acteurs qui les utilisent afin de les rendre plus adaptés à leur besoins. Dans le but de pallier ce problème, nous introduisons une approche permettant d'enrichir un modèle 3D de bâtiment et le rendre beaucoup plus interopérable. À partir de l'information géométrique seulement, nous rajoutons au modèle des informations topologiques et sémantiques. Une subdivision cellulaire de l'espace occupé par le bâtiment est d'abord effectuée en se basant sur sa géométrie, puis les relations topologiques entre les cellules sont reconstruites et explicitement définies. Des étiquettes sémantiques sont ensuite attribuées aux composants identifiés du bâtiment à l'aide de la topologie reconstruite et des règles heuristiques prédéfinies. Une structure de données topologique appelée carte combinatoire 3D (3-carte) est utilisée comme une base solide pour la mise au point des opération de reconstruction et le traitement des informations reconstruites. À partir du modèle enrichi, nous montrons comment extraire des données pour des applications dédiées, par exemple la simulation acoustique et lancer de rayon pour la navigation intérieure. Notre méthode se présente comme un pont entre les approches de modélisation et les applications d'analyse du bâtiment qui utilisent ces modèles. Il est entièrement automatique et présente des résultats intéressants sur plusieurs types de modèles / 3D building models are widely used in the civil engineering industry. While the models are needed by several applications, such as architectural representations and simulation processes, they often lack of information that are of major importance for the consistency of the calculations. The original models are then often rebuilt in the way that fits better to the intended applications. To overcome this drawback, we introduce a framework allowing to enrich a 3D model of a building presenting just a geometry, in a way more interoperable model, by adding to it topological and semantic information. A cellular subdivision of the building space is first performed relying on its geometry, then the topological relationships between the cells are explicitely defined. Semantic labels are then attributed to the identified components based on the topology and defined heuristic rules. A 3D combinatorial map data structure (3-map) is used to handle the reconstructed information. From the enriched model we show how to extract applications-driven information allowing to perform acoustic simulation and indoor ray tracing navigation. The approach stands as a bridge between the modeling approaches and the applications in building analysis using the model. It is fully automatic and present interesting results on several types of building models

Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna / Energy efficiency improvements of a school building from the 1960s in Hållsta, Eskilstuna

Falck, Agnes January 2010 (has links)
<p>In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company “Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB”, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m<sup>2</sup>year for heating and hot water.</p><p>The school “Hållsta skola”, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008. The school is heated by oil burners, which is not desirable since oil is a fossil fuel. The aim of this study was to identify cost effective measures for decreased energy use for heating and hot water in the school, and to find alternatives to the oil burners.</p><p>The school was built between 1963 and 1975 and consists of two buildings. The insulation in the roof, walls, windows and floor is poor and the ventilation is mainly performed without heat recovery. Measures including insulation of the roof, new windows, heat recovery in the ventilation system and more effective water taps were studied with Life Cycle Cost analysis (LCC) and Pay-off analysis. The energy use with and without the new performance was calculated with the building simulation program VIP+. If all of the economically favorable measures are carried out the total energy use would decrease to 167 kWh/m<sup>2</sup>year.</p><p>One of the alternatives to oil burners that were suggested is heat pumps. The two types of heat pumps studied, ground source or air source, were both found to be profitable, although the ground source heat pump would be slightly more profitable. In the calculations it was considered that an electric boiler would back up the heat pumps during cold days. With heat pumps, the energy bought for heating and hot water would be about 55 kWh/m<sup>2</sup>year, which is well below the goal of maximum 118 kWh/m<sup>2</sup>year.</p>

Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna / Energy efficiency improvements of a school building from the 1960s in Hållsta, Eskilstuna

Falck, Agnes January 2010 (has links)
In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company “Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB”, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m2year for heating and hot water. The school “Hållsta skola”, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008. The school is heated by oil burners, which is not desirable since oil is a fossil fuel. The aim of this study was to identify cost effective measures for decreased energy use for heating and hot water in the school, and to find alternatives to the oil burners. The school was built between 1963 and 1975 and consists of two buildings. The insulation in the roof, walls, windows and floor is poor and the ventilation is mainly performed without heat recovery. Measures including insulation of the roof, new windows, heat recovery in the ventilation system and more effective water taps were studied with Life Cycle Cost analysis (LCC) and Pay-off analysis. The energy use with and without the new performance was calculated with the building simulation program VIP+. If all of the economically favorable measures are carried out the total energy use would decrease to 167 kWh/m2year. One of the alternatives to oil burners that were suggested is heat pumps. The two types of heat pumps studied, ground source or air source, were both found to be profitable, although the ground source heat pump would be slightly more profitable. In the calculations it was considered that an electric boiler would back up the heat pumps during cold days. With heat pumps, the energy bought for heating and hot water would be about 55 kWh/m2year, which is well below the goal of maximum 118 kWh/m2year.

Técnicas de incorporação de controle de acesso à luz solar em modelos computacionais de edificações / Technques for integrating sunlight access control to computer models of buildings

Grazziotin, Pablo Colossi January 2003 (has links)
Os benefícios obtidos com a disponibilidade de radiação solar dentro ou ao redor dos edifícios são fundamentais no planejamento urbano e provocam significativo impacto sobre o uso do solo, densidade de construção, valorização do solo urbano, conforto térmico e economia de energia. CityZoom é um ambiente computacional de apoio à decisão em projetos de arquitetura e urbanismo onde modelos de desempenho podem ser utilizados de forma integrada e associados automaticamente a Normativas Urbanísticas. Este trabalho utiliza técnicas de computação gráfica pare aferir o acesso de edifícios à luz solar a partir de um modelo de simulação de potencial construtivo de lotes urbanos já existente no ambiente CityZoom. O modelo, denominado BlockMagic, foi estendido com uma técnica de cálculo de envelope solar, recurso que permite simular se a geometria dos edifícios interferirá, positiva ou negativamente, na vizinhança imediata. Ulteriormente, foram desenvolvidas ferramentas para visualização 2D e 3D dos resultados das simulações. / The benefits obtained from the available solar radiation in and around buildings are essential to urban planning. The inclusion of such features in the planning process has an expressive impact over land use, building density, land value, thermal comfort and energy saving. CityZoom is a computational decision support system for architecture and urbanism. The software provides an environment where performance models can be used in an integrated way, and automatically associated to Building Regulations. This work uses computer graphics techniques to assess the building access the sunlight availability to simulated buildings in the CityZoom environment. The performance model used to simulate the Building Regulations, BlockMagic, was extended to use a solar envelope calculation technique, allowing it to measure the effect of a simulated buildings on its immediate neighboring buildings. Tools for 2D and 3D visualization of the simulation results were also developed.

Técnicas de incorporação de controle de acesso à luz solar em modelos computacionais de edificações / Technques for integrating sunlight access control to computer models of buildings

Grazziotin, Pablo Colossi January 2003 (has links)
Os benefícios obtidos com a disponibilidade de radiação solar dentro ou ao redor dos edifícios são fundamentais no planejamento urbano e provocam significativo impacto sobre o uso do solo, densidade de construção, valorização do solo urbano, conforto térmico e economia de energia. CityZoom é um ambiente computacional de apoio à decisão em projetos de arquitetura e urbanismo onde modelos de desempenho podem ser utilizados de forma integrada e associados automaticamente a Normativas Urbanísticas. Este trabalho utiliza técnicas de computação gráfica pare aferir o acesso de edifícios à luz solar a partir de um modelo de simulação de potencial construtivo de lotes urbanos já existente no ambiente CityZoom. O modelo, denominado BlockMagic, foi estendido com uma técnica de cálculo de envelope solar, recurso que permite simular se a geometria dos edifícios interferirá, positiva ou negativamente, na vizinhança imediata. Ulteriormente, foram desenvolvidas ferramentas para visualização 2D e 3D dos resultados das simulações. / The benefits obtained from the available solar radiation in and around buildings are essential to urban planning. The inclusion of such features in the planning process has an expressive impact over land use, building density, land value, thermal comfort and energy saving. CityZoom is a computational decision support system for architecture and urbanism. The software provides an environment where performance models can be used in an integrated way, and automatically associated to Building Regulations. This work uses computer graphics techniques to assess the building access the sunlight availability to simulated buildings in the CityZoom environment. The performance model used to simulate the Building Regulations, BlockMagic, was extended to use a solar envelope calculation technique, allowing it to measure the effect of a simulated buildings on its immediate neighboring buildings. Tools for 2D and 3D visualization of the simulation results were also developed.

Técnicas de incorporação de controle de acesso à luz solar em modelos computacionais de edificações / Technques for integrating sunlight access control to computer models of buildings

Grazziotin, Pablo Colossi January 2003 (has links)
Os benefícios obtidos com a disponibilidade de radiação solar dentro ou ao redor dos edifícios são fundamentais no planejamento urbano e provocam significativo impacto sobre o uso do solo, densidade de construção, valorização do solo urbano, conforto térmico e economia de energia. CityZoom é um ambiente computacional de apoio à decisão em projetos de arquitetura e urbanismo onde modelos de desempenho podem ser utilizados de forma integrada e associados automaticamente a Normativas Urbanísticas. Este trabalho utiliza técnicas de computação gráfica pare aferir o acesso de edifícios à luz solar a partir de um modelo de simulação de potencial construtivo de lotes urbanos já existente no ambiente CityZoom. O modelo, denominado BlockMagic, foi estendido com uma técnica de cálculo de envelope solar, recurso que permite simular se a geometria dos edifícios interferirá, positiva ou negativamente, na vizinhança imediata. Ulteriormente, foram desenvolvidas ferramentas para visualização 2D e 3D dos resultados das simulações. / The benefits obtained from the available solar radiation in and around buildings are essential to urban planning. The inclusion of such features in the planning process has an expressive impact over land use, building density, land value, thermal comfort and energy saving. CityZoom is a computational decision support system for architecture and urbanism. The software provides an environment where performance models can be used in an integrated way, and automatically associated to Building Regulations. This work uses computer graphics techniques to assess the building access the sunlight availability to simulated buildings in the CityZoom environment. The performance model used to simulate the Building Regulations, BlockMagic, was extended to use a solar envelope calculation technique, allowing it to measure the effect of a simulated buildings on its immediate neighboring buildings. Tools for 2D and 3D visualization of the simulation results were also developed.

From Archaic To contemporary : Energy Efficient Adaptive Reuse of Historic Building

Borgohain, Nisha 29 October 2019 (has links)
Over recent decades, the global focus on climate change and on conservation of resources has brought about a paradigm shift in the adaptive reuse of old and historic buildings. Adaptive reuse is now seen as a key factor in the conservation of land and environment, preservation of cultural identity, and reduction of urban sprawl. Increasingly, engineers, architects, and urban planners are making concerted efforts to realize the reuse potential of existing and outdated structures. Therefore, those involved in building design have studied the viability of adaptive reuse and generally favor the repurposing of old/historic buildings to suit new patterns of occupancy and use without disturbing the environment or increasing carbon footprints. Redesign and reconstruction through refurbishment, remodeling, renewal, repair and retrofitting is carried out to meet new requirements and provide performance that was not in the original design. Buildings are one of the largest energy users in the United States.[1] In total, buildings used around 40 percent of energy in 2015, which accounts for the largest share among forms of energy consumption. Many of the buildings are not energy efficient but do have historic value; while giving them a new purpose, their historic legacy can also be preserved. There are many challenges like program modification feasibility, structural issues and energy efficiency which need to be addressed during pre-construction and can be addressed by careful planning and innovative techniques. To understand the various challenges involving adaptive reuse, this study employs the Clark Hall at the University of Massachusetts to test the efficacy of design and performance interventions. Clark Hall was originally used for science classes and botany research and later was converted into painting studios. Presently the building structure is still intact, provides enough room for program modification, and has significant reuse potential. Therefore, Clark Hall is a suitable candidate for adaptive reuse as an academic office building that satisfies contemporary building standards and meets the growing demand for office space. Through this project, an attempt has been made to explore and understand the complexities and challenges as well as the various possible ways to change the function of Clark Hall from a defunct structure to a modern energy efficient and environmentally sustainable academic office building with measures for energy conservation through contemporary innovative design approaches. The research work begins with a background study of the building’s history and its different purposes, along with three precedent studies of contemporary and innovative design examples. It also identifies relevant local, federal, and state building and zoning regulations and incorporates existing energy-saving technologies and materials appropriate to Clark Hall. Keeping in mind the financial viability of project, an attempt has been made to control and bring down the operating and the maintenance costs by carrying out extensive energy modelling and simulations to support these recommendations. In conclusion, the final outcome of my project is a design plan for the adaptive reuse of Clark Hall as a new energy efficient and environmentally sustainable office building for the benefit and the use of University of Massachusetts Amherst that mitigates costs and improves design utility and aesthetics, while preserving its historic value. [1] According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, “in 2017, about 39% of total U.S. energy consumption was consumed by the residential and commercial sectors.” https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=86&t=1. October 2018.

Energy performance evaluation and economic analysis of variable refrigerant flow systems

Kim, Dongsu 09 August 2019 (has links)
This study evaluates energy performance and economic analysis of variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems in U.S. climate locations using widelyepted whole building energy modeling software, EnergyPlus. VRF systems are known for their high energy performance and thus can improve energy efficiency in buildings. To evaluate the energy performance of a VRF system, energy simulation modeling and calibration of a VRF heat pump (HP) type system is performed using the EnergyPlus program based on measured data collected from an experimental facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In the calibration procedures, the energy simulation model is calibrated, according to the ASHRAE Guideline 14-2014, under cooling and heating seasons. After a proper calibration of the simulation model, the VRF HP system is placed in U.S. climate locations to evaluate the performance variations in different weather conditions. An office prototype building model, developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is used with the VRF HP system in this study. This study also considers net-zero energy building (NZEB) design of VRF systems with a distributed photovoltaic (PV) system. The NZEB concept has been considered as one of the remedies to reduce electric energy usages and achieve high energy efficiency in buildings. Both the VRF HP and VRF heat recovery (HR) system types are considered in the NZEB design, and a solar PV system is utilized to enable NZEB balances in U.S. climate locations by assuming that net-metering available within the electrical grid-level. In addition, this study conducts life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of NZEBs with VRF HP and HR systems. LCCA provides present values at a given study period, discounted payback period, and net-savings between VRF HP and HR systems in U.S. climate locations. Preliminary results indicate that the simulated VRF HP system can reasonably predict the energy performance of the actual VRF HP system and reduce between 15-45% for HVAC site energy uses when compared to a VAV system in U.S. climate locations. The VRF HR system can be used to lower building energy demand and thus achieve NZEB performance effectively in some hot and mild U.S. climate locations.

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