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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Multiple-Site Case Study of Two University Teacher Induction Programs Using Different Methods of Delivery

Henschel, Molly M 01 January 2016 (has links)
The literature shows that up to 50% of teachers will leave the profession within their first 5 years of teaching (Saka, Southerland, Kittleson, & Hutner, 2013). Although reasons for departure vary, Johnson and Kardos (2005) found schools with high-poverty and high-minority students display excessive rates of teacher turnover. Teacher induction programs were established to assist beginning teachers as they transition into their new professional career in an attempt to increase retention rates. This research aimed to explore beginning teachers from high need schools’ experiences with university-based PLC induction. A total of 23 teachers participated in the induction programs during the 2015 - 2016 academic year. This research provides findings from three different data sources: interview transcripts, surveys, and focus group transcripts. Data was collected to understand beginning teachers’ experience with induction, the types of support offered by the programs, their intentions to remain at their school, and their attitudes towards the method of program delivery. Findings indicate that the majority of the teachers had positive experiences with the two induction programs. Mostly, the teachers felt that induction provided emotional and personal support. According to the novice teachers, administrative support had the largest influence on their intentions to stay or leave their high need schools. As a result, the teachers provided mixed results as to induction’s impact on their decision to stay or leave their current school. Finally, the majority of teachers prefer in-person models to virtual models although there were advantages and disadvantages to both types of programs.

Mouvements sociaux et processus de désinstitutionnalisation. : Le cas de l'amiante en France / Social movements and deinstitutionalization : The case of the asbestos industry in France

Peton, Hélène 05 December 2012 (has links)
Croisant théorie néo-institutionnaliste et théorie des mouvements sociaux, cette thèse en stratégie explore la dialectique entre travail institutionnel disruptif et travail institutionnel défensif mettant ainsi en évidence les stratégies et contre stratégies qui peuvent être déployées au sein d’un champ organisationnel. Grâce à une étude de cas longitudinale, nous étudions l’histoire de l’amiante en France, entre 1970 et 1997. Entre contestation et collaboration, le cas est marqué par des luttes institutionnelles longues et complexes. Notre analyse s’appuie sur des données d’archives variées dont des archives audiovisuelles. Notre étude souligne l’évolution des répertoires tactiques mobilisés contre l’institution. Les tactiques persuasives conduiront à un changement de la pratique institutionnalisée pourtant maintenue par un travail de défense marqué par la mise en place d’une organisation frontière, le Comité Permanent Amiante, appelé aujourd’hui le « lobby de l’or blanc ». Seules des tactiques destructrices, portant sur les dimensions les plus ouvertes de l’institution, conduiront à sa délégitimation. Nous soulignons alors le rôle du pilier régulatif dans cette stratégie / Within the field of strategy, the thesis deals with the role of social movements inthe process of deinstitutionalization through the concept of repertoire of tactics. This research studies how social movement actions lead to the delegitimization of a taken for granted practice. We focus on the dialectic between defensive and disruptive institutional work. Our method is based on a processual case study. Drawing from the asbestos industry in France from 1970’ to 1990’, we study dialectical struggles between social movement and institution. Our study emphasizes the evolution of repertoire of tactics. Persuasive tactics lead to an institutional change and yet the practice is maintained due to the creation of a boundary organization. Only destructives tactics, directed against more opened institutional pillars, can lead to the ban of the practice. We emphasize the role of the regulative dimension in this strategy

Specifika práce s dospívajícími problémovými uživateli drog / Specifics of Work with Adolescent Drug Abusers

Perglerová, Vendula January 2011 (has links)
Thesis abstract Author's name: Vendula Perglerová School: Charles University in Prague, Philosophical Faculty, Department of Education Program: Master full-time study of education Title: Specifics of work with adolescent drug abusers Consultant: PhDr. M. Vítečková, Ph.D. Number of pages: 97 Key words: addiction, drug, adolescent drug users, therapy, case study The aim of this thesis is to understand the mechanisms of addiction in adolescent drug users, to describe their specifics and to provide on this basis a guide to choosing effective means of help in treatment of adolescent drug abusers. It monitors the process of origination and progress of substance addiction. It illustrates possibilities of treatment in individual phases of the addiction process. It introduces a concrete treatment program targeted on adolescent drug abusers. Practical part describes five individual cases of adolescent drug abusers, examines causes of substance abuse in each of them and characterizes individual treatment approach based on them.

Innovations in outsourcing : the emergence of impact sourcing

Sandeep, M. S. January 2015 (has links)
Newly emerging information technology and business process outsourcing (IT-BPO) models are not just about business . Some of these models are also guided by a strong underlying social mission to do good and create social value . Collectively they are now being referred to as impact sourcing (ImS) models. In brief, ImS is a social innovation in outsourcing that aims to bring digitally-enabled outsourcing jobs to marginalized individuals. The ImS model of outsourcing consciously provides employment opportunities to communities and groups whose life chances are deemed poor. In this thesis we study ImS companies, i.e., IT-BPO vendor firms, which aim to create a significant impact (hence the term impact sourcing ) on the lives of hitherto disadvantaged and deprived communities by giving them gainful employment and thereby improving their material conditions. Using qualitative methods, the thesis takes multiple approaches to study the ImS model. The thesis is comprised of three empirical chapters, each exploring a different aspect of the ImS model. Chapter 2, using a multiple case-study approach, draws on concepts from social entrepreneurship to study the triggers of ImS entrepreneurship and the process through which ImS entrepreneurs build and operate ImS companies. The chapter also looks into the institutional influences that have shaped the ImS model. Most importantly, the findings demonstrate the inherent difficulty of scaling and sustaining the ImS model, as it is the individual entrepreneurs intense personal experiences, not market-based considerations, which play a crucial role in launching new ImS companies. Drawing on the initial findings of Chapter 2, Chapter 3 explores the challenges of operating ImS companies in marginalized communities. Specifically, the chapter analyzes how ImS companies frame their ventures to the local community, drawing on frame alignment literature. The findings from this chapter suggest that local communities are not passive recipients of ImS companies framing work and may indeed resist ImS company activities for reasons such as the perceived incompatibility of the ImS model with local norms and belief systems and perceptions of inequality stemming from the merit-based recruitment strategies underpinning the model. The chapter finds that deployment of progress, family, material-benefit and egalitarianism frames may help ImS companies to overcome resistance, and gain the acceptance of local communities. While Chapters 2 and 3 focus on the ImS companies and their founders, Chapter 4 analyzes the challenges faced by marginalized individuals as they transition into the ImS workplace from their relatively traditional community spaces. The findings suggest that the distinct norms and values embodied in the community space and the ImS workplace create challenges for ImS employees. In response to these challenges, the findings show that ImS employees craft a variety of coping strategies such as integration and compartmentalization to manage work and non-work boundaries. ImS employees were also found to create fictive kinships, experiment with provisional selves and craft jobs to cope with the socioculturally alien environment of ImS workplaces. Overall, the thesis makes theoretical and practical contributions to the small but growing business and management literature on the ImS phenomenon. The thesis also makes theoretical contributions to the literatures on social entrepreneurship, frame alignment and organizational studies.

Exploring an Monolingual English - Speaking Teacher's Perceptions of Classroom Interventions to Foster Hispanic English Language Learners' Primary Language

Herques, Alexandra Joan 15 December 2007 (has links)
Although awareness of cultural diversity is slowly occurring, the need for multicultural curricula is increasing more each day as even more ethnically and linguistically diverse students enter into United States classrooms. The education of English Language Learners is a controversial topic due to people's mixed beliefs on the amount of English and primary language instruction needed to aid students' English language development. Due to the shortage of bilingual teachers many English Language Learners in the Unites States are learning English through the regular education classroom instructed by monolingual English-speaking teachers. This case study implemented qualitative research methods in order to extend understanding of how a monolingual English speaking teacher can strategically incorporate Hispanic English Language Learner's primary language into the classroom setting and the teacher's experiences throughout this process. This case study will introduce a monolingual English speaking teacher to interventions that can foster the use of Hispanic English Language Learners' primary language in the classroom setting. The findings of this study include the experiences the participating teacher encounters throughout the intervention process. These findings include: heightened awareness, challenges, changes to interventions and enjoyment.

UppgiftsKonst : En undersökning om styrning av bildskapande / AssignmentArt : A study on the manipulation of image creation

Krüll, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Det här arbetet är handlar om uppgifter inom bildämnet. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur bilduppgifter styr mottagarens skapande och i slutändan de bilder som produceras. Som blivande lärare så har jag upptäckt det lustfyllda och kreativa arbete som konstruerande av bilduppgifter för med sig, samtidigt väcktes frågor kring makt och styrning av andra människors skapande. I uppsatsen undersöker jag denna styrning genom att konstruera tre bilduppgifter som med form och formuleringar försöker styra tre informanter med olika mycket erfarenhet inom bildämnet mot ett och samma mål. Detta för att se om det fanns tillfällen då informanterna begränsades i sitt skapande, eller om det gick att se möjligheter för uppgifterna att uppmuntra och främja deras kreativa arbete. Flera olika sätt att utföra och jobba med bilduppgifter synliggjordes och tillsammans skapar de en bild av hur man kan förhålla sig till bilduppgifter, både som mottagare och som den som konstruerar bilduppgifter. Undersökningen resulterade även i en gestaltning som sammanfattar undersökningen och visar på det kreativa arbete som går in i att konstruera bilduppgifter. Relationen mellan uppgiftens försök till styrning och de bilder som producerades skapade ett slags kretslopp i tre delar, uppgiften och dess försök till styrning, informanternas bilder samt hur och om styrningen fungerat. Gestaltningen resulterade i tre verk och ställdes ut på Konstfacks Våruställning 12-22 maj 2016.

Le rôle de la logistique dans le succès des opérations humanitaires : une approche par les compétences / The role of logistics in the success of humanitarian relief operations : a competence-based approach

Vega Bernal, Diego 18 March 2013 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, le nombre de catastrophes naturelles a subi une augmentation effrayante partout dans le monde. Même si le nombre de décès déclarés a diminué sur les dernières années, le nombre de personnes affectées ne cesse pas d'augmenter, ayant un grand impact dans la façon dont les opérations d'aide humanitaire sont développées. L'aide humanitaire comprend une myriade d'acteurs parmi lesquels on trouve les donateurs, les agences d'aide, les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), les gouvernements et les prestataires de service logistique. Dans ce contexte, la logistique représente 80% des activités, et est impliquée dans les trois phases du cycle de la gestion des catastrophes. Dans l'industrie, logistique est considéré comme une source d'avantage concurrentiel, expliquant les différences de performance entre les entreprises. Pour le contexte humanitaire, la logistique a la capacité d'assurer le succès des opérations, de contribuer à la stratégie d'une organisation et permet aux bénéficiaires et aux donateurs de distinguer une ONG d'une autre. Cela est possible grâce au développement des compétences et capacités logistiques organisationnelles. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d'identifier ces compétences et capacités logistiques organisationnelles qui peuvent assurer le succès des opérations humanitaires. À travers d'une étude de cas unique effectuée au sein de MSF Logistique, la centrale d'achat et d'approvisionnement de Médecins Sans Frontières, cette thèse fournit la preuve du rôle stratégique que la logistique joue dans les activités de l'organisation et propose un modèle de compétences et capacités logistiques pour le contexte humanitaire. / Over the past years, the number of natural disasters reported has suffered a frightening increase all around the world. Even though the number of people reported killed has decreased on the last years, the number of people reported affected has augmented having a great impact in the relief operations undertaken. Humanitarian relief comprises a myriad of actors which include donors, aid agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), governments and logistics providers. In this context, logistics accounts for 80% of the relief effort and is involved in all three of the disaster management phases. In industry, logistics is considered to be a source of competitive advantage, explaining the differences in performance among firms. Moving this to the humanitarian context, logistics has the capacity to ensure the success of the operations, to contribute to an organization's strategy, and allows beneficiaries and donors to distinguish an organization from another. This is only possible through the development of organizational logistics competences. The purpose of this thesis is thus to identify those organizational logistics competences and capabilities that can ensure the success of humanitarian relief operations. Through a single-embedded case study performed with MSF Logistique, the international logistics platform for Médecins Sans Frontières France, this thesis provides evidence of the strategic role that logistics plays in the organization's activities, and proposes a Logistics Capability and Competence Framework for Humanitarian Relief.


AUDRYA KATILLY MACEDO DE ALMEIDA 13 September 2012 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da dissertação é avaliar os impactos econômicos das normas em empresas selecionadas de diversos setores e países, no contexto de um projeto internacional da ISO. Esse projeto foi concluído em 2011 e teve por objetivo desenvolver estudos de caso para avaliar os impactos econômicos das normas em 11 empresas de setores industriais distintos, em 10 países. No Brasil, a ABNT coordenou o estudo de caso referente à empresa Festo Brasil, que contou com a participação da pesquisadora na equipe do projeto, através de uma parceria com a PUC-Rio. Quanto aos fins, a pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada e descritiva. Quanto aos meios de investigação, a metodologia compreende pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; pesquisa de campo, com entrevistas semiestruturadas para o caso da empresa Festo Brasil; descrição do estudo de casos múltiplos, com análise comparada dos indicadores gerados. Destacam-se como resultados: (i) quadro comparativo dos resultados dos estudos de casos internacionais e demonstração, pelo estudo de caso brasileiro, da aplicabilidade e efetividade da metodologia baseada no conceito de cadeia de valor; (ii) funções das respectivas cadeias de valor identificadas como relevantes para a avaliação do impacto econômico gerado pela adoção de normas; e (iii) conjunto de indicadores operacionais que deverão ser usados pelas empresas, visando maximizar o valor gerado pelas normas. / [en] The objective of this dissertation is to demonstrate the economic benefits of standards in selected companies from different sectors and countries, within the context of an international project carried out by ISO. This project was concluded in 2011 and aimed to develop 11 case studies in 10 countries in order to assess the economic benefits of standards in selected industrial sectors. In Brazil, the selected company was Festo Brasil and the researcher integrated the project team coordinated by ABNT, through a partnership with PUC-Rio. This research can be considered descriptive and applied and the methodology encompasses bibliographical and documental research, field research by mean of semi-structured interviews for the case of Festo Brasil; description of a multiple case study with comparative analysis of indicators and metrics. The main results can be summarized as follows: (i) a comparative framework for analyzing the results of multiple case studies at international level, and demonstration of applicability and effectiveness of the methodology based on concept of value chain through Festo Brasil s case study; (ii) functions of the respective value chains that are relevant for assessing economic benefits generated by the adoption of standards, and (iii) a set of operational indicators to be used by industrial companies to maximize the value generated by the standards adoption.

Literacura? Psicanálise como forma literária: uma interpretação estética vislumbrada / Literacure? Psychoanalysis as literary form: an aesthetic interpretation surmised

Sofio, Fernanda 27 May 2013 (has links)
Parte-se da teoria do análogo de Herrmann (2006b) para considerar a possibilidade de identificar Psicanálise (e psicanálises) como forma literária. Segundo esta teoria, todo homem de ciência retira-se para um campo do pensar análogo ao de seu conhecimento. Os físicos retiraram-se para as matemáticas e os cientistas humanos e sociais para a literatura de ficção, assim criando teoria. A meu ver, a teoria do análogo torna possível a afirmação de constituir a literatura de ficção matéria prima da Psicanálise; por assim dizer, seus tijolos. Entretanto é com Candido (1957/2009) que se torna possível elencar psicanálises mais definitivamente no campo da estética, a partir dos conceitos de função, estrutura e unidade estética. Considerando-se uma possível harmonia entre função e estrutura das psicanálises relatadas, estariam definidas nesse campo. Note-se: se a estrutura de quaisquer psicanálises funciona bem ou mal é menos a questão desta investigação, que pensar se é possível considerá-las nesses termos. Minha pesquisa levanta estas hipóteses a partir de cinco denominadas ficções freudianas de Herrmann (2002a) que aliás é possível que engendrem um gênero literário, transformado a partir daquele inaugurado nos casos clínicos de Freud e dois casos clínicos meus. As ficções freudianas de Herrmann e os meus casos clínicos estão estruturados pelo método psicanalítico, descrito por Herrmann (1979), buscado em Freud (1893-1895). Adicionalmente, aquelas consideram a produção da Teoria dos Campos e engendram, definitivamente, unidade estética. Meus casos clínicos sendo psicanálises podem ser considerados como forma literária, no sentido desta investigação, mas não é claro que engendrem unidade estética. Esta é uma distinção entre esses dois, digamos tipos de psicanálises estudados, entre outros vislumbrados / I begin describing the theory of the analogous reign (Herrmann, 2006b), in order to consider Psychoanalysis, and psychoanalyses, as literary form. According to this theory, every man of science removes himself to a field of knowledge analogous to his own, in order to produce knowledge in his particular field. Physicists, for example, remove themselves to the realm of mathematics, and human and social scientists to that of literary fiction, as they produce theory creatively. In my view, it is by the theory of the analogous reign that it has become possible to propose literary fiction as the raw material of psychoanalyses: their building blocks. Nevertheless, it is with Brazilian literary critic Candido (1957/2009) that psychoanalyses may most definitively be contemplated as pertaining to the field of aesthetics, by use of his literary concepts: function, structure and aesthetic unit. In other words, it becomes conceivable that psychoanalyses be aesthetically defined in the realm of Literature, when a harmonious relationship between a psychoanalysis function and structure is encountered. It must be added that: whether the structure of a particular psychoanalysis functions well or poorly is less the question of this dissertation, than to determine whether it is possible to consider this matter in these terms. My research analyses these hypotheses in four of Herrmanns denominated Freudian fictions (2002a) and two case studies of my own. The former may offer elements to consider the Freudian fiction as a literary genre, as created by Freud and transformed by Herrmann, which is a proposition hinted at by my investigation. In conclusion, I have found that Herrmanns Freudian fictions, like my case studies, are structured by the psychoanalytic method described by Herrmann (1979) but created by Freud (1893-1895) although additionally they have the function of considering the theories of the Multiple Fields Theory and they engender aesthetic unity. My case studies may also be considered as literary form as may psychoanalyses in general, in the sense of this investigation but it is not clear that they engender aesthetic unity. This is one distinction between these two types of psychoanalyses studied, among others surmised

An employee's perspective of co-branding separation on brand commitment

Munzhelele, Mukundi 11 July 2014 (has links)
The use of co-branding as a strategy has become increasingly important to managers due to saturation in mature markets and the search for growth in emerging nations (Chul, 2009; Helmig, Huber, & Leeflang, 2008; Uggla & Asberg, 2010). In this study, a co-branded joint venture strategy is seen as an enterprise or an organisation introducing a national brand into a foreign market using brands that are successful in that foreign market, thus creating a co-brand (Kuvykaite & Mascinskiene, 2010). Co-branded strategies do not necessarily last for an indefinite period of time and the companies involved may want to separate after some time, particularly when the multi-national firm wants to align subsidiaries under the same corporate identity and brands. This split leads to impacts on a number of different levels including internal stakeholders (e.g. employees), external stakeholders (suppliers, consumers etc.) and the reputation of the firms. It can be argued that employees are the most affected by co-branded ventures above all other stakeholders. Danone Southern Africa is a firm of French origin which entered the South African dairy market through a joint venture with Clover South Africa. The two companies formed the Joint venture, Danone-Clover in 1998 (Abratt & Motlana, 2002), to operate within the fresh dairy produce market (i.e. Yoghurt, Custard and Maas). Whilst the two organisations had formed a joint-venture, Clover South Africa continued to operate separately within the broader dairy and beverages market. Danone subsequently bought out Clover’s share in the joint-venture in 2010 (Danone, 2010), resulting in the two firms no longer having a joint venture operation and functioning as separate entities within the South African market. This study explored the effects of a co-branding joint-venture separation, on the brand commitment of employees of the separated organisation. The study explored the process of the separation from a case study perspective. One-to-one interviews were conducted, with the use of open-ended and semi-structured questions with the responses recorded. The population of the study were employees of Danone Southern Africa, based at the Roodepoort head office. There were two sets of respondents, the first being employees who were part of Danone-Clover and are now employees of Danone Southern Africa. The second were respondents that had only being under the employment of Danone Southern Africa, i.e. joining the organisation post the joint venture separation in 2010. The study made use of judgemental sampling where sample sizes are often determined on the basis of theoretical saturation, as a result 18 respondents were interviewed. The results of the study showed that a co-branding joint venture separation has a negative impact on brand commitment, in that brand commitment decreases after the dissolution of the joint venture. In this specific case study, Danone’s brand performance was not negatively impacted particularly in terms of market share, where Danone is the dominant player within its category. The corporate brand, however, was negatively impacted in terms of external brand recognition, as there is confusion between the Clover and Danone brands with consumers seeing Danone as part of Clover South Africa. The Danone brand, post dissolution, performed well in the marketplace due to the fact that there was high fit between the two organisations that had formed the joint venture, a restraint of trade agreement post the joint venture dissolution, Danone Southern Africa buying the dominant sub-brands from Clover, the inability of competitors to take advantage of the dissolution of the joint venture and manager performance in managing the brand post dissolution. Danone has however, been negatively impacted internally by the dissolution. The organisation has experienced high turnover across senior, middle and junior management, leading to a loss of institutional knowledge. The results also suggest that due to the high fit between the firms, brand promise and understanding of the brand were negated as issues, post dissolution, for Danone. The dominance of the sub-brands also made it somewhat easier for employees to continue to perform, as those brands were already well established within the organisation and the country. The Danone organisation also experienced a negative culture in the eyes of the internal stakeholder, which in part has been a large contributor to the higher turnover. The study also showed that employees who remained with the organisation post the co-branded joint venture separation had higher commitment than employees who joined post the joint venture separation. There were also informal processes for learning within the organisation post dissolution, it was recognised that a more formal and prioritised knowledge management process needed to be started by the organisation. This study has theoretical and managerial implications. Future research could include other geographic territories, industries and a consumer evaluation on the effects of the dissolution. Given that the two organisations will become competitors (from 2015 onwards), it offers an opportunity for a longitudinal study on the two organisations and how they interact (in the areas of brand standing, identity, employee perception, market share and brand interaction with consumers) over the coming years.

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