Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CAUSALITY"" "subject:"[enn] CAUSALITY""
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A cointegration analysis of sectoral export performance and economic growth in South AfricaCipamba, Paul Cipamba WA January 2012 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The objective of this study is to investigate the empirical relationship between exports and economic growth in order to ascertain whether the hypothesis of export-led growth is valid in the case of South Africa. This study has not only focused on sectoral exports for the period 1990-2011; but it has also examined total exports for the period extending from 1970 to 2011. Using quarterly data and time series econometric techniques of co-integration and Granger-causality
tests over the two set of periods, the key findings of the study are as follows:
(i) At the aggregate level (using total exports): the technique of co-integration suggests that total exports and GDP moved together in the long-run, though deviations from the steady state might happen in the short-run. Furthermore, Granger causality tests inferred from the Vector Error Correction model reveal that the direction of causality between export and GDP growth is bidirectional.
(ii) At the sectoral level (using the main component of exports): export-growth link
emerges as a long-run behavioural relationship since a co-integrating relation was found among output and agricultural, manufactured and mining exports. This relationship demonstrates that manufactured exports have the greatest positive impact on output growth. (iii) Sectoral level Granger-causality tests based on ECM reveal the existence of a long run causality running from manufactured exports to GDP; whereas the short-run causality runs from manufactured and mining exports to GDP. However, the Toda-Yamamoto Granger test confirms only short-run causality from manufactured exports to GDP. In both cases, there is evidence of a uni-directional causality from exports to GDP.The above results show that the hypothesis of export-led growth is valid for South Africa. This implies that exports, particularly manufactured and mining exports play a key role in driving economic growth. Hence, the key policy implication of these results is that, measures which aim at stimulating production for exports and shifting the content of exports will meaningfully contribute to the improvement of GDP growth and employment prospects in South Africa.
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Isänsä surmannut poika - psykiatrinen tutkimusSäävälä, H. (Hannu) 13 November 2001 (has links)
This study focuses on a son's violence against his father. It consists of three substudies. The first substudy examines the incidence of patricide in Finland. The incidence was essentially the same in the beginning and in the end of 20th century: 0.07 and 0.06 cases of patricide per 100 000 per year respectively. At the same time the incidence of matricide increased from 0.01 to 0.07 per 100 000 respectively. The proportion of patricide and matricide of all homicides increased due to the decrease of all homicides in Finland during the study period. The incidences of parricides seem to be of the order of other western countries.
In the second substudy, all the reports of 107 serious violent offences by a son against his father were extracted from among all the forensic psychiatric examination reports made in Finland in 1973-96. These index cases were compared to 107 control cases of homicide against other people. Various statistically significant differences were found between the groups. The controls had the following characteristics more commonly than the indexes: developmental problems (especially conduct disorders) in childhood, personality disorders, dependence on alcohol or drugs and criminal histories as adults. They were also married and left their childhood home before the crime more commonly than the indexes. The indexes had psychotic diseases and dependence on parents more commonly, but also better educational and professional success. The indexes were more commonly diagnosed as 'without legal responsibility' (33% vs. 12%) and the controls more commonly 'with diminished legal responsibility'.
In the third substudy, five major predisposing factors for a son's violence against his father were identified (incidence in parenthesis): A son's dependence on his parents (70%), a son's tendency to violence (65%), psychotic disease of the son (31%), the fathers oppressive and violent behaviour against the son (36%), protection of the mother against the father's violence by the son (21%). One or more of these factors could be involved in any single case. It was found that oedipality could not explain the violence of a son against his father. Distant and aggressive fathering and close and caring mothering can be seen as predisposing factors both to violence against the father and to the claimed general high prevalence of oedipality in our culture. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä työ koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta. Ensimmäisessä tutkittiin pojan tekemän patrisidin eli isän surmaamisen esiintyvyyttä Suomessa. Patrisidin esiintyvyys pysyi suunnilleen samana, 0.07 ja 0.06 tapausta 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa, 1900-luvun alussa ja lopussa. Sen sijaan matrisidin eli äidin surmaamisen esiintyvyys kasvoi 0.01:stä 0.07:ään tapaukseen 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa. Patrisidien ja matrisidien osuus kaikista henkirikoksista Suomessa kasvoi 1900-luvun aikana, koska yleinen henkirikoskuolleisuus aleni kyseisen jakson aikana. Patrisidin ja matrisidin esiintyvyys vastaa muissa länsimaissa havaittuja esiintyvyyslukuja.
Työn toisessa osassa tutkittiin mielentutkimuksessa vuosina 1973-96 olleiden 107 isänsä surmanneen tai pahoinpidelleen pojan ja heidän 107 verrokkinsa teon taustalla olleita tekijöitä. Useita tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja havaittiin: verrokit kärsivät indeksejä yleisemmin lapsuudessa kehitysongelmista, etenkin käytöshäiriöistä, ja aikuisena persoonallisuushäiriöistä ja päihderiippuvuudesta sekä tekivät yleisemmin rikoksia. He myös solmivat parisuhteen ja lähtivät kotoa ennen väkivallantekoaan yleisemmin kuin indeksit Indeksit olivat yleisemmin psykoottisia ja riippuvaisia vanhemmistaan, mutta menestyivät paremmin koulussa ja työelämässä kuin verrokit. Indeksit todettiin mielentilatutkimuksessa yleisemmin syyntakeettomiksi kuin verrokit ja verrokit taas yleisemmin alentuneesti syyntakeiseksi kuin indeksit.
Tutkimuksen kolmannessa osassa isään kohdistuneelle väkivallalle todettiin viisi keskeistä altistavaa tekijää (tekijöiden esiintyvyys 107 indeksin joukossa suluissa prosentteina): Pojan riippuvuus vanhemmistaan (70%), pojan väkivaltataipumus (65%), pojan psykoottinen sairaus (31%), isän alistava ja väkivaltainen käytös poikaa kohtaan (36%), äidin suojelu isän väkivallalta (21%). Kuhunkin tapaukseen saattoi liittyä samanaikaisesti yksi tai useampia tekijöitä. Oidipaalisuuden ei havaittu olevan keskeinen altistava tekijä pojan väkivallalle isää kohtaan. Etäinen ja väkivaltainen isyys ja suojaava ja huolehtiva äitiys voivat olla altistavia tekijöitä paitsi isään kohdistuvalle väkivallalle myös aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaitulle oidipaalisuuden yleisyydelle kulttuurissamme.
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Působení osobní příčinné orientace na adherenci v ambulantní fyzioterapii / The Effect of Personal Causality Orientation on Adherence in Outpatient PhysiotherapyKuta, Igor January 2017 (has links)
(in English) This master thesis deals with themes of motivations and compliance to treatment recommendations in outpatient physiotherapy. In the theoretical section it brings an introduction to the issue of adherence as a part of medical rehabilitation. It sheds some light on the importance of the research in this field and structures its span according to prescribed diagnoses and other criteria. It also shows distinctions in concepts of compliance, concordance and adherence and summarizes the findings of the most relevant directions of motivation research in this area of study. The aim of the empirical part is to capture relations between the distribution of patients' personal causality orientation and their adherence to treatment, along with others, e.g. demographic variables. The analysis of 113 patients' questionnaires showed that there is a statistically significant relation between both the internal and external causality orientation and the degree of adherence.
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Působení osobní příčinné orientace na adherenci v ambulantní fyzioterapii / The Effect of Personal Causality Orientation on Adherence in Outpatient PhysiotherapyKuta, Igor January 2017 (has links)
(in English) This master thesis deals with themes of motivations and compliance to treatment recommendations in outpatient physiotherapy. In the theoretical section it brings an introduction to the issue of adherence as a part of medical rehabilitation. It sheds some light on the importance of the research in this field and structures its span according to prescribed diagnoses and other criteria. It also shows distinctions in concepts of compliance, concordance and adherence and summarizes the findings of the most relevant directions of motivation research in this area of study. The aim of the empirical part is to capture relations between the distribution of patients' personal causality orientation and their adherence to treatment. Based on the results of a DOPO method, self-assessment of adherence and evaluation of adherence by the treating physiotherapist, from the sample of 69 patients it concludes, that there is no statistically significant relation between the aforementioned variables.
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Des ligateurs de cause : étude contrastive entre le français parlé à Paris et l’arabe parlé à Tripoli (Libye). Proprietés syntaxiques et fonctionnements pragmatico-discursifs / Ligators of cause : contrastive study between the spoken Arabic of Tripoli and the spoken French of Paris. Syntactic properties and pragmatic-discursive functionBenmoftah, Najah 15 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse en linguistique contrastive décrit et met en opposition les propriétés syntaxiques ainsi que les fonctionnements pragmatico-discursifs de parce que en français parlé dans le septième arrondissement de Paris et de certains de ses équivalents en arabe parlé à Tripoli (Libye) : liʔǝnna, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ, māhu et biḥkum.Pour ce qui concerne l’arabe parlé à Tripoli, ces ligateurs peuvent appartenir à deux classes grammaticales différentes : ils peuvent être des ligateurs conjonctionnels et/ou des ligateurs prépositionnels. Cela dépend de leur degré de grammaticalisation. Alors que liʔanna et māhu sont des ligateurs conjonctionnels qui introduisent des propositions subordonnées organisées autour de prédicats verbaux ou non-verbaux, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ et biḥkum peuvent s’employer comme ligateurs prépositionnels et introduire des compléments circonstanciels, ou grammaticalisés comme ligateurs conjonctionnels et introduire des propositions causales.De plus, ces ligateurs peuvent occuper une position canonique lorsque le ligateur suit une proposition principale et introduit une causale, ou une position non-canonique pour laquelle il existe deux cas de figure : soit l’énoncé commence par la causale qui est introduite par un ligateur de cause et la causale est suivie par la proposition principale, soit l’énoncé commence par la proposition principale qui est suivie par la causale qui n’est pas introduite par un ligateur de cause ; ce dernier se trouve en fin de causale et clôture l’énoncé. D’un point de vue pragmatique, la modification de l’ordre des constituants, lorsque les ligateurs et les causales ne sont pas en position canonique, permet de focaliser la causale.Contrairement à l’arabe de Tripoli, l’examen du Corpus du Français Parlé Parisien des années 2000 (CFPP2000) montre que parce que est un ligateur conjonctionnel et introduit des propositions causales qui s’organisent autour de prédicats verbaux, très rarement averbaux.De plus, parce que peut occuper une position canonique lorsque le ligateur suit une proposition principale et introduit une causale et non canonique lorsque parce que suit le présentatif c’est et introduit une causale. Mais il ne peut pas être postposé. Il n’accepte pas non plus de suffixe.En outre, parce que peut être repris mais sous la forme réduite « que », lorsqu’il introduit plusieurs propositions causales. On remarque alors une série de « que ».Parce que ne peut pas non plus relier deux énoncés coordonnés par la préposition et. D’un point de vue pragmatique lorsque l'énoncé commence par c'est parce que, cette structure permet de focaliser la causale. / This contrastive linguistic thesis describes and contrasts the syntactic properties and the pragmatic-discursive function of parce que in spoken French in the seventh district of Paris and some of its Arab equivalents in spoken Arabic of Tripoli (Libya): liʔǝnna, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ, māhu and biḥkum.Regarding the spoken Arabic of Tripoli, these ligators may belong to two different grammatical classes: they may be conjunctional ligators and / or prepositional ligators. It depends on their degree of grammaticalization. While liʔanna and māhu are conjunctional ligators that introduce causal clauses organized around verbal or non-verbal predicates, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ and biḥkum can be used as prepositional ligators and introduce circumstantial complements or be grammaticalized as conjunctional ligators and introduce causal clause.In addition, these ligators can occupy a canonical position when the ligator follows a main clause and introduces a causal clause or a non-canonical position for which there are two cases : either the utterance begins with the causal which is introduced by the ligator of cause and is followed by the main clause, or the utterance begins with the main clause which is followed by the causal not introduced by a ligator of cause; the latter is found at the end of the causal and closing the utterance. From a pragmatic point of view, changing the order of the constituents when ligators and causal clauses are not in canonical position allows the focalization of the causal clause.Unlike the spoken Arabic of Tripoli, the examination of the “Corpus Français Parlé Parsien des années 2000 (CFPP2000)” shows that parce que is conjunctional ligator. It introduces a causal clause organized around verbal predicate, rarely non-verbal.Parce que can occupy a canonical position when the ligator follows a main clause and introduces a causal clause and a non-canonical position when parce que follows c’est and introduces a causal clause. However, it cannot be postponed and it does not accept either suffix.When parce que introduces several causal clauses, it may be found but in reduced form que, giving a series of que.In addition, parce que cannot connect two utterances coordinated by the preposition et. From a pragmatic point of view, when the utterance begins with c’est parce que this structure allows to focalisation of the causal clause.
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購屋貸款變數與住宅市場關聯性之研究 / The Relationship between the Mortgage Lending Variables and Housing Markets江佳玟, Chiang, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以 2000 年第一季至2016 年第二季之貸款管制工具變數及總體經變數資料,運用 ARDL Bounds Test、ARDL-ECM 模型及Toda and Yamamoto 因果檢定探究購屋貸款管制變數對於台灣住宅市場間之長期與短期動態關係及因果關係。研究結果顯示,購屋貸款管制變數對於房價及交易量有顯著之影響,尤其對於住宅交易量方面具有較為明顯之效果,因此,期望透過本研究對於台灣未來金融、房市政策規劃提出建議。 / Over the past decade, an abundance of money and speculative demand from the Quantitative Easing (QE) monetary policy drove the housing price in Taiwan to rise
sharply, and the volume of housing market is unstable. To stabilize the financial markets, the government have formulated policies on housing markets and mortgage control to curb rising housing prices.
In order to understand the effect of mortgage control on curbing housing price, this study examines the long-run and short-run relationship and causality effect among loan-to-value ratio and mortgage-to-GDP ratio and housing markets. This study used ARDL model, bounds test and Toda and Yamamoto causality to analyze quarterly data over the
period 2000-Q1 to 2016-Q2. Empirical results show that mortgage control has significant effects on the housing market. Results further shown that the influence on the volume is more obvious than on the price. Results of this study provide precious policy implications for future housing financial sectors.
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L'information en tant que lien essentiel entre les sciences de la nature et les sciences humaines : axe principal : incidences de l'information sur le fonctionnement et le comportement de l'homme considéré en tant que structure dissipative / Information as an essential link between natural science and human science : main focus : the impact of information on the functioning and behaviour of the human being as a dissipative structureJaveau, Alain 30 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’aborder l’information en tant que lien essentiel entre les sciences de la nature et les sciences humaines. Il y est principalement fait état de principes de la science physique, alliés à un ensemble d’approches scientifiques issues, notamment, des théories de la complexité, du chaos, de l’information, de l’auto-organisation, des émergences et des écosystèmes. Les lois de la thermodynamique jouent un rôle central dans ce contexte, où l’organisation et la néguentropie sont directement inscrites dans le champ de la production d’informations. Il y est en particulier fait référence à la Loi de maximisation d’entropie (ou, autrement dit, de dissipation d’énergie), dont l’incidence sur le fonctionnement et le comportement des structures dissipatives que sont les humains est soulignée via un large éventail d’exemples pris dans la vie courante, incidences fondées à la base sur le rôle omniprésent de l’information. L’approche systémique, à laquelle il est fait appel dans un certain nombre de considérations, conduit ici à souligner en profondeur les incidences interactives de l’environnement (l’écosystème) - et des principes de la sélection naturelle qui le déterminent - avec le comportement humain et les phénomènes d’information qui définissent celui-ci. Les applications de l’approche globale de cette thèse s’expriment dans une grande variété de domaines, dont également ceux de la survie, du bien-être, de la conversation et de la robotique. / This thesis aims at considering the information as essential link between the sciences of the nature and the human sciences. It is mainly refered to principles of the natural science, allied in a set of scientific stemming approaches, in particular, theories of the complexity, of chaos, of information, auto-organization, emergences and ecosystems. The laws of the thermodynamics play a central role in this context, where the organization and the negentropy make directly part of the field of information production. There is in particular refered to Law of maximization of entropy Production (or, in other words, of energy dissipation), among which the incidence on the functioning and the behavior of the human being as a dissipative structure is underlined via a wide range of examples taken in the common life, incidence basically established on the omnipresent role of the information. The systemics approach, to which it is brought up in a number of considerations, leads here to underline the interactive incidences of the environment (the ecosystem) - linked to the principles of the natural selection which determines its evolution - with the human behavior linked to the information phenomena which define it. The applications of the global approach of this thesis appear in a broad variety of domains, of which also those of the survival, the well-being, the conversation and robotics.
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Identification et caractérisation fonctionnelle de régions du génome associées à des caractères d'intérêt pour la filière caprine / Identification and functional characterization of genome regions associated with traits of interest for goat breedingMartin, Pauline 06 October 2016 (has links)
Un important dispositif de détection de QTL caprin laitier basé sur 2 254 chèvres génotypées sur puce SNP 50K et issues de 20 mâles d'IA séquencés a été mis en place. Des QTL avaient déjà été détectés pour de nombreux caractères laitiers ou de morphologie. Un certain nombre de caractères restait néanmoins à étudier ou à approfondir. Dans un premier temps, une analyse de type GWAS a été réalisée sur cinq caractères. Pour deux d'entre eux, les trayons surnuméraires et le débit de traite, nos résultats sont en faveur d'un déterminisme polygénique. Pour deux phénotypes de coloration indésirables en race Saanen et la présence de pampilles, une région du génome a été trouvée comme très significativement associée au phénotype (chromosomes 11, 13 et 10 respectivement). Le gène ASIP est un candidat fonctionnel et positionnel très prometteur pour le QTL du chromosome 13 qui agit sur la coloration rose des animaux Saanen. En revanche, malgré une analyse plus poussée des deux autres zones via l'analyse de séquences et des génotypages, aucune mutation causale candidate n'a pu être identifiée. Enfin, nous avons étudié deux mutations associées à des différences de taux butyreux qui avaient été précédemment identifiées dans le gène DGAT1 caprin. Après avoir produit in vitro les différentes versions de la protéine en système " baculovirus/cellules de lépidoptère ", l'activité enzymatique des différents variants a été testée sur le diglycéride DAG 10 :10. Nos résultats confirment l'effet délétère des mutations sur la production de triglycérides et signent ainsi la causalité de ces mutations. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelles régions du génome impliquées dans le contrôle de caractères d'intérêt pour la filière et ont prouvé la causalité de deux mutations. L'ensemble de ces résultats pourra aider la filière à mieux gérer ces phénotypes dans le schéma. / A large daughter design based on 2 254 genotyped dairy goats genotyped on a 50K SNP chip and their 20 sequenced fathers was carried out for mapping traits of interest in French dairy goats and QTL have been detected for some dairy and morphologic traits. However, in-depth studies were needed and some unstudied traits remained. A GWAS analysis was performed on five different traits. For two of them: supernumerary teats and milk flow, results showed a polygenic determinism. For the three others: two undesired coat color in the Saanen breed and the presence of wattles, a genome region was very significantly associated with each of these phenotypes (chromosomes 11, 13 and 10 respectively). The ASIP gene is a strong functional and positional candidate for the QTL on chromosome 13 for the pink coat trait. Despite in-depth analyses for the two other regions using sequences data and genotyping, no candidate causal mutation has been identified. Finally, two mutations previously identified in the DGAT1 gene and statistically associated with differences of milk fat content have been investigated. After in vitro production of the different version of the protein by a baculovius system, the enzymatic activity was assessed on diglyceride DAG 10:10. The results attest the deleterious effect of these mutations on triglyceride production and prove the causality of the mutations. This work lead to the identification of new genome regions associated with traits of interest and will be useful for the breeding organization.
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Time Series Analysis Of Neurobiological SignalsHariharan, N 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Dopady finanční podpory ze strukturálních fondů na růst krajů České a Slovenské republik / The impact of the EU Financial Support on Economic Growth of the Czech and Slovak RegionsKolaříková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
One of the goals of the economic, social and territorial cohesion is to reduce regional disparities between member states of the European Union. For this purpose the structural funds and the Cohesion Fund were established(among other things). The theoretical part of this thesis presents the issue of regional disparities and ways how to measure them. In view of the lack of consistent definition of this concept, there are number of measurement and evaluation methods. Furthermore, the work focuses on the implementation of cohesion policy and ways of measurement of their impact on development and growth of regions. The practical part of this thesis presents, evaluates and compares the regional disparities between the regions of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic via selected methods and assesses the impact of the financial support provided from the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund in the programming period 2007 - 2013 on economic growth of regions in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Following indicators are included: gross domestic product, unemployment rate, gross fixed capital formation and the rate of economic activity. The influence of the subsidy on the economic growth of regions is validated through the panel data analysis, namely a panel model with fixed effects, and Granger causality test. First, we investigated the impact of this support on the economic performance of regions where it is verified whether there is a relationship between economic performance of NUTS III regions in the Czech and Slovak Republics, characterized by gross domestic product and the unemployment rate, and the amount of the subsidy. Furthermore, it is verified whether the amount of subsidy depends on the level of regional gross domestic product. Dissertation contributes to the discussion about the impact of support from EU funds in the Czech and Slovak Republics, focusing on the regional level, and answers the question of reducing regional disparities using the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund.
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