Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COMPRESSOR"" "subject:"[enn] COMPRESSOR""
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Entwicklung eines variablen Turbolader-Verdichters für schwere Nutzfahrzeugmotoren / Development of a turbocharger compressor with variable geometry for heavy duty truck enginesWöhr, Michael 19 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entwicklung schwerer Nutzfahrzeugmotoren unterliegt dem Zielkonflikt zwischen möglichst geringen Betriebskosten, hoher Leistung und der Einhaltung von Emissionsvorschriften. Bezüglich der Auslegung der Verdichterstufe des Abgasturboladers resultiert dies in einem Kompromiss zwischen Kennfeldbreite und den Wirkungsgraden im Nennpunkt sowie im Hauptfahrbereich. In der vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Publikation wird untersucht, ob mit Hilfe einer geometrischen Verstellbarkeit des Verdichters eine bessere Lösung für das anspruchsvolle Anforderungsprofil gefunden werden kann. Das Ziel ist eine Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs eines 12,8l NFZ-Dieselmotors im schweren Fernverkehr, ohne dass hierbei Abstriche bezüglich weiterer Leistungsmerkmale der Verdichterstufe in Kauf genommen werden müssen.
In einem ersten Schritt wird hierzu mit Hilfe der Auswertung von Lastkollektivdaten der für den Kraftstoffverbrauch relevante Betriebsbereich der Basis-Verdichterstufe identifiziert. Dieser befindet sich bei vergleichsweise geringen Massenströmen und hohen Totaldruckverhältnissen in der Nähe der Volllast-Schlucklinie im Verdichterkennfeld. Die Auswertung von ein- und dreidimensionalen Strömungssimulationen führt zur Erkenntnis, dass die hohen Tangentialgeschwindigkeiten im unbeschaufelten Diffusor ausschlagge- bend sind für die Strömungsverluste innerhalb der Verdichterstufe im Hauptfahrbereich. Eine Möglichkeit die Geschwindigkeitskomponente in Umfangsrichtung zu reduzieren, ist die Verwendung eines beschaufelten Diffusors. Zur Überprüfung des Potentials werden im Rahmen einer Parameterstudie 47 unterschiedliche Nachleitgitter im Diffusor der Basis-Verdichterstufe am Heißgasprüfstand untersucht. Es stellt sich heraus, dass durch den Einsatz einer Nachleitbeschaufelung der Verdichterwirkungsgrad um bis zu 8 Prozentpunkte verbessert werden kann, die Kennfeldbreite jedoch nicht ausreicht, um die motorischen Anforderungen bezüglich der Pumpstabilität oder der Bremsleistung zu erfüllen.
Resultierend aus diesen Erkenntnissen werden drei variable Verdichter entwickelt, mit dem Ziel, den Wirkungsgradvorteil beschaufelter Diffusoren mittels einer geometrischen Verstellbarkeit für den schweren Nutzfahrzeugmotor nutzbar zu machen. Die Bewertung hinsichtlich der Ziele und Anforderungen erfolgt anhand von Versuchen am Heißgas- sowie Vollmotorenprüfstand.
Die Variabilität mit der geringsten Komplexität ist die Kombination aus starrem Nachleitgitter und Schubumluftventil. Das System zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass Strömungsabrisse im Bereich des Nachleitgitters durch Aktivieren des Schubumluftventils und somit Öffnen eines Rezirkulationskanals im Verdichtergehäuse in pumpkritischen Situationen vermieden werden können. Der Verzicht auf bewegliche Teile im Diffusor resultiert in der höchsten Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs um 0,6 − 1,4% im Hauptfahrbereich.
Der Doppeldiffusor besitzt zwei separate Strömungskanäle unterschiedlicher Geometrie, die im Betrieb durch eine axiale Verschiebung mit Druckluft aktiviert werden können. Dieses völlig neuartige Konzept ermöglicht es, die Auslegungsziele auf zwei Diffusoren aufzuteilen und somit für jede Kennfeldhälfte die jeweils optimale Schaufelgeometrie auszuwählen. Mit dieser Variabilität kann die Einspritzmenge im Hauptfahrbereich um 0,5 − 0,8 Prozent gesenkt werden.
Das System mit der höchsten Komplexität ist der Verdichter mit rotierbarer Nachleitbeschaufelung. Über einen elektronischen Steller können die Anstellwinkel und Halsquerschnitte in jedem Betriebspunkt den Anströmbedingungen angepasst werden, um den jeweils bestmöglichen Wirkungsgrad zu erhalten. Aufgrund der anspruchsvollen geometrischen Zwangsbedingungen bei der Auswahl der Schaufelgeometrie besitzt der Dreh- schaufler mit 0,3−0,6% das geringste Potential zur Verbesserung der Kraftstoffsparsamkeit, erzielt jedoch das beste Ergebnis bezüglich der Bremsleistung und der Pumpstabilität. / Reducing the total costs of ownership, achieving the rated engine power and compliance with exhaust-emission legislation are competing goals regarding the development of heavy duty engines. This leads to demanding requirements for the aerodynamic design of the turbocharger compressor stage such as high efficiencies at various operating points and a broad map width. The aim of the present doctoral thesis is to investigate the potential of a compressor with variable geometry in order to obtain a better compromise between efficiency and compressor map width for the purpose of increasing fuel economy without sacrifices concerning the rated power, engine brake performance or surge stability.
In a first step, the evaluation of load cycles yields operating points on which the fuel consumption is heavily dependent. Results of 1D- and 3D fluid flow simulations show that the high tangential velocity in the vaneless diffusor is the main cause for the reduction of compressor efficiency in the main driving range. A parameter study containing 47 different geometries is conducted at a hot gas test rig in order to examine the potential of vaned diffusers regarding the reduction of the tangential velocity component. It can be seen that by introducing diffuser vanes compressor efficiency can be increased by up to 8 percent. The narrow map width however prevents the use of a fixed geometry for heavy duty engines. Based on those results three variable geometry compressors are developed with the goal of maintaining the efficiency benefit of vaned diffusers while increasing the map width by adjustable geometric features. The evaluation of the variable compressor systems is based on hot gas and engine test bench measurements.
The variable compressor system with the lowest complexity utilizes a recirculation valve in the compressor housing in combination with a fixed geometry vaned diffuser in order to improve the surge margin for a short period of time at a sudden load drop. The abandonment of functional gaps in the diffuser leads to the highest improvement of fuel economy of 0,6 − 1,4% in the main driving range.
The compressor with stacked diffuser vanes has two separate flow channels in the diffuser. During engine operation only one vaned diffuser geometry is active. The axial movement is performed via pressure chambers in the compressor and bearing housing. The two diffuser geometries are either optimized for high or low mass flows. This way the fuel consumption in the main driving range can be reduced by 0,5 − 0,8%.
The compressor with pivoting vanes in the diffuser has the highest complexity of all systems. With the aid of an electronic actuator the vane inlet angle and throat area can be adjusted to the impeller outlet flow conditions at each operating point. As a consequence the pivoting vanes compressor achieves the best results regarding engine brake performance and surge stability. The fuel economy in the main driving range can be improved by 0,3 − 0,6%. Higher benefits are prevented by demanding geometric constraints in order to ensure the rotatability of the vanes and to prevent vibrations of the impeller blades.
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Contribution au développement de la partie électromécanique d’un compresseur pour climatisation de véhicule électrique / contribution to the devellopement of the elctromecanical part of an electrical compressor for cooling the electric vehiculeKhanchoul, Mohamed 13 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet Compacité qui vise à développer un compresseur électrique pour véhicules électriques à l’aide d’une démarche mécatronique. Dans cette thématique, le rôle du LGEP est de développer la partie électromécanique du compresseur. Cette thèse est constituée de deux parties, la première concerne la conception d’un moteur pour le compresseur et la deuxième a trait à la commande sans capteur mécanique de ce moteur. La première partie de la thèse est d'abord consacrée au dimensionnement d'une machine électrique pour un compresseur électrique. Le cahier des charges impose une machine compacte (97mm de diamètre et une profondeur inférieure à 50mm) et ayant une puissance massique élevée (6kW pour une masse de 1.8kg). Au préalable, un modèle analytique a été développé pour effectuer un dimensionnement rapide. Par la suite, la méthode des éléments finis a été appliquée à différents modèles physiques (magnétique, thermique, mécanique (résistance des matériaux et vibration)) pour une étude approfondie de la structure choisie. A l'issue de ces études, un prototype et un banc expérimental ont été réalisés. Dans un second temps, des algorithmes de commande avec ou sans capteur mécanique ont été étudiés pour le pilotage du moteur. La particularité de cette deuxième partie de thèse est la réalisation d'une commande peu gourmande en temps de calcul et implantable dans des microcontrôleurs de faibles performances. A l'issue de cette partie, une nouvelle loi de commande appelée commande passive échantillonnée ainsi qu'un observateur adaptatif étendu (observateur fondé sur l'estimation des fem) ont été développés et testés sur un banc expérimental. / This thesis is part of the project Compacite which aims to develop an electric compressor for electrical vehicles using a mechatronic approach. In this way, the LGEP contribution is to develop the electromechanical part of the compressor.The document is divided in two parts: the first one is related to the design of the motor and the second part is dedicated to the sensorless control.In the first part, the electromagnetic design is proposed to comply with the industrial constraints according to the compressor operation. The specifications require a compact motor (external diameter equal to 97 mm and an active depth less than 50 mm) and a good power/mass ratio (6 kW for a weight of 1.8 kg). At first the design is based on an analytical model in order to obtain a fast sizing. Thereafter the finite element method is used for multiphysical studies (magnetic, thermal and mechanical (in terms of strength of materials and vibration)). A prototype is built and characterized on a test bench. In the second part, some algorithmic control laws have been developed with sensor and sensorless control. In this part a particular control law (sampled data passivity based control) with a low algorithmic cost has been developed for driven the motor and has been validated on the test bench. At the end an observer based on the estimation of the electromotive force is used for sensorless control and validated on the test bench.
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Amélioration et intégration d'une méthode d'affichage des performances en temps réel d'une pompe à chaleur / Improvement and integration of the in-situ heat pump performance assessment methodNiznik, Maria 10 July 2017 (has links)
Actuellement, la plupart des fabricants de pompes à chaleur (PAC) fournissent les valeurs de coefficients de performances (COP) obtenus en laboratoire en conditions contrôlées et standardisées. Une méthode prometteuse, appelée méthode de mesure des performances dans la suite, d’évaluation des performances de PAC in situ, basée sur le bilan énergétique du compresseur, a été présentée par Tran et al. (2013). Cette méthode détermine le débit de fluide frigorigène et est compatible avec différents types de PAC, notamment air-air, et des cycles frigorifiques plus complexes.Tran et al. (2013) ont déterminé que l’incertitude sur l’évaluation de pertes thermiques du compresseur contribue à hauteur de 40% sur l’erreur d’estimation de la puissance thermique. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’établir une méthode simplifiée quant à l’instrumentation pour mesurer les pertes thermiques in situ. Pour cela, deux modèles numériques détaillés sont développés afin d’examiner la distribution de température sur l’enveloppe de deux types de compresseurs, scroll et rotary. Les mesures expérimentales fournies par un fabricant de compresseurs, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), sont utilisées pour calibrer et valider les modèles numériques. Ces derniers permettent de définir deux protocoles de mesures différents pour les deux compresseurs. Ensuite, le protocole établi pour le compresseur rotary est intégré dans la méthode de mesures des performances. Les puissances thermiques calculées sont comparées avec des valeurs de référence, obtenues à partir d’un prototype en banc d’essai à EDF Lab Les Renardières. / Currently, most heat pump(HP) manufacturers provide coefficient of performance (COP) values obtained in laboratories under standardized controlled operating conditions. These COP values are not necessarily representative of those obtained on-field. A promising method, referred to as the performance assessment method, that measures heat pump performances in-situ based on compressor energy balance, was presented by Tran et al. (2013). The method determines refrigerant mass flow rate and has the capability of measuring performances of various HP types, such as air-to-air, as well as more complex refrigeration cycles. The method abstains from intrusive measurements, and is, therefore, perfectly suitable for in-situ measurements.As shown in the work of Tran et al. (2013), compressor heat losses account for 40% in the final uncertainty of performance values obtained with the performance assessment method. The objective of this thesis is to establish a rather simplified measurement method, in terms of instrumentation, that is used to determine compressor heat losses in-situ. For this purpose two detailed numerical models for assessing the temperature fields of the scroll and rotary compressor shells were developed. Experimental measurements obtained with the help of compressor manufacturer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), are used to validate and calibrate the numerical models. The developed numerical models allow to define two different measurement protocols for both compressors. Established compressor heat loss protocol for rotary compressor is then integrated in the performance assessment method and the obtained heating capacities are compared with reference measurements in an experimental test bench in EDF Lab Les Renardières.
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Dissolved air and water in lubricants used in oil injected screw air compressors and the impacts of these in the compressor performance.Berle, Axel Gunnar 23 September 2008 (has links)
Power dispersion within oil injected screw air compressors :
The PhD-work shows the power dispersion within the oil- and air circuits of oil injected screw air compressors for the working pressures (Pd), where Pd has been tested for Pd ≤ 8,5 bar (a) and Pd ≤14,0 bar(a) respectively. The executed test runs with mineral oil have further confirmed the suppliers quoted performance data within stated tolerances.
For comparison of the compressor performance with type of lubricant, the performance tests have been repeated with the four most common types of lubricants, which today are commercialised for screw air compressors. The selected lubricants hold the same cinematic viscosity (ISO VG 46), but the lubricants diverge in question of solubility of air and in formation of air bubbles during the compression cycle. These phenomenas confirm deviations in prevailing viscosity in the oil film and demonstrate that the performance data vary slightly with selected type of lubricant.
The tests have proven that the air, which dissolve in the lubricant during the compression cycle will not degas during the resting period in the air/oil receiver, nor will the miniscule air bubbles degas due to their low ascending speed. This means that the content of dissolved air and air bubbles in the oil in the receiver becomes the most elevated within the system and where the temperature is the highest within the compressor cycle. Further is the resting period of the oil in the receiver extreme long in relation to the over all operating cycle of the oil. The conclusion is that the destruction (oxidation) of the oil is taking place in the oil/air receiver and nowhere else within the system.
To counteract the oxidation and other destructive processes in the oil circuit « additives » are introduced in the oil. So are e.g. anti-oxide additives reducing the formation of peroxides and are by this reducing the oxidation velocity of the oil until the additives have been consumed. These additives are reducing the oxidation velocity of the lubricants, but will as well, due to the increased polarity caused by the additives, increase the content of dissolved water in the oil. However, this increased content of dissolved water is (strongly) reducing life of the roller bearings.
The measured quantities of dissolved water in the lubricants (after the executed tests) have been compared with achieved bearing life from tests executed by others.
The PhD work is finally summarizing that the only method to strongly reduce the destruction of the lubricant is to immediately separate off the oil from the compressed air at exit of the compressor.
In addition, the today's « dumped » power in the oil cooler can be recovered to increase the available pneumatic power by some 25-30%. Assumingly, this increase in working temperature of the pneumatic air will, in addition increase the efficiency in applied pneumatic tools.
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Um novo sistema de refrigeração com controle de temperatura, compressor aberto, máquina de indução trifásica com velocidade variável e correção ativa do fator de potência do estágio de entrada /Leandro, Eduardo. January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma nova proposta para sistema de refrigeração com controle dinâmico de temperatura, operando com estrutura de compressor aberto, acionado por motor de indução trifásico com velocidade variável, e estágio de entrada retificador com correção ativa do fator de potência. O estágio de entrada é composto por um retificador Boost monofásico com elevado fator de potência, com duas células entrelaçadas, operando no modo de condução crítica, empregando técnica de comutação não dissipativa e controlado por dispositivo FPGA, associado a um estágio de saída inversor de dois níveis convencional trifásico à IGBT, o qual é controlado por um Processador Digital de Sinais (DSP - Digital Signal Processor). A técnica de comutação não dissipativa para o estágio de entrada é baseada em células ZCS (Zero-current-switching). As principais características do retificador incluem a redução da ondulação da corrente de entrada, redução da ondulação da tensão de saída retificada, utilização de componentes com reduzidos esforços, reduzido volume do filtro de entrada para Interferências Eletromagnéticas (EMI - Electromagnetic Interference), elevado Fator de Potência (FP) e reduzida Distorção Harmônica Total (DHT) da corrente de entrada, atendendo os limites da norma IEC61000-3-2. O controle digital para o estágio de saída inversor foi desenvolvido usando duas diferentes técnicas, incluindo a técnica convencional controle escalar Volts/Hertz (V/Hz) e o controle Vetorial com Orientação pelo Fluxo do estator, com o propósito de verificar a aplicabilidade e a performance dos controles digitais propostos, para o controle contínuo da temperatura, aplicados a um protótipo de sistema de refrigeração. / Abstract: This work presents a new proposal for refrigeration systems with dynamic control of temperature, working with structure of open compressor, driving a three-phase induction motor with variable speed, and input rectifier with active power factor correction. The proposed system is composed of a single-phase high-power-factor boost rectifier, with two cells in interleaved connection, operating in critical conduction mode, and employing a softswitching technique, controlled by a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), associated with a conventional three-phase IGBT bridge inverter (VSI - Voltage Source Inverter), controlled by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The soft-switching technique for the input stage is based on zero-current-switching (ZCS) cells. The rectifiers features include reduction in input current ripple, reduction in output voltage ripple, use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the IEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller for the output stage inverter has been developed using two different techniques, the conventional Voltage-Frequency control (scalar V/Hz control), and a simplified stator oriented vector control, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital controls, for continuous temperature control, applied at a refrigerator prototype. / Orientador: Carlos Alberto Canesin / Coorientador: Flávio Alessandro Serrão Gonçalves / Banca: Fabio Toshiaki Wakabayashi / Banca: João Onofre Pereira Pinto / Mestre
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Etude numérique et expérimentale d'un compresseur aspiréGodard, Antoine 24 November 2010 (has links)
Afin d’alléger les moteurs d’avions et diminuer la consommation de carburant, les industriels tendent à rendre plus compact le système de compression de leurs moteurs, qui représente environ 40% de la masse totale. Or, à taux de compression global égal, la réduction du nombre d’étages implique une charge aérodynamique plus élevée par étage. Cela augmente d’autant les risques de décollements sur les aubes et la dégradation des performances. L’aspiration de la couche limite sur les aubages s’est révélée très prometteuse pour supprimer ces décollements néfastes et satisfaire aux besoins de charge aérodynamique élevée. Cependant, l’aspiration modifie fortement la distribution de pression statique à la paroi des aubes, rendant les approches de conception traditionnelles inadaptées. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de proposer une nouvelle méthode et de nouveaux critères de conception d’aubages fortement chargés, intégrant l’aspiration de la couche limite. Cette méthode repose sur une stratégie d’aspiration en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps, un contrôle passif, par courbure et diffusion, de la position du point de décollement est effectué dans le but de la rendre insensible aux conditions de fonctionnement. Dans un second temps, un contrôle actif par aspiration vise à placer la fente d’aspiration par rapport au point de décollement de manière à minimiser le taux d’aspiration nécessaire au recollement de la couche limite. Afin de mettre en pratique cette stratégie, une technique de dessin d’aubages par prescription de la distribution de courbure de l’extrados et de la variation de section du canal inter-aubes, est ainsi développée. Associée à un outil de pré-dimensionnement rapide ainsi qu’une évaluation des pertes de pression totale incluant la présence d’aspiration, cette méthode permet ainsi de concevoir une grille de stator aspirée subsonique réalisant une déflexion fluide de 60 degrés, pour un nombre de Mach amont de 0,5, correspondant à un facteur de diffusion de 0,73. Cette performance au point nominal est obtenue avec un coefficient de pertes de pression totale de 2,5%, en aspirant 1,1% du débit entrant dans la grille. Ces valeurs peuvent néanmoins être réduites respectivement à 2,1% et 0,8% par l’emploi d’une fente d’aspiration à bords arrondis. Cette étude numérique bidimensionnelle est effectuée à l’aide du code de calcul elsA de l’ONERA. Afin de valider expérimentalement cette méthode de conception ainsi que les outils numériques associés, une grille d’aubes plane est construite et testée à basse vitesse au laboratoire de Mécanique de Fluides et d’Acoustique de l’Ecole Centrale de Lyon. A mi-envergure, les résultats issus de l’expérience et de simulations numériques 3D confirment la pertinence de la stratégie d’aspiration et la démarche de conception adoptée. Cette confrontation met alors en évidence l’impact de la distribution du taux d’aspiration suivant l’envergure sur l’efficacité de l’aspiration. Etant donné l’importance des écoulements tridimensionnels rencontrés, une généralisation en trois dimensions de la stratégie d’aspiration est proposée et est appliquée numériquement sur cette même grille d’aubes. En contrôlant simultanément les couches limites se développant sur l’aube et sur les parois latérales du canal de compression, il est alors possible de supprimer presque totalement les décollements de coins présents dans celui-ci. En contrepartie, le taux d’aspiration voit sa valeur augmenter très fortement, tempérant ce bénéfice. L’épaisseur des couches limites entrantes se révèle alors également être un facteur déterminant pour le succès du contrôle des couches limites par aspiration, dans un cadre tridimensionnel. / In order to reduce the mass of aircraft jet engines as well as their fuel consumption, manufacturers tend to make the compression system of their engines more compact, since this component represents approximately 40% of the total mass. However, for a given overall pressure ratio, decreasing the number of stages implies increasing the aerodynamic load per stage. This all the more increases the risk of flow separation on the blades ultimately resulting in a decrease in performance. Boundary layer suction on the blade has proven to be very promising to suppress this deleterious flow separation and meet the needs of high aerodynamic loads. Nevertheless, boundary layer suction significantly modifies the static pressure distribution on the blades, making traditional design approaches unsuitable. Therefore, the objective of this Ph.D. work is to develop a new method and new criteria for the design of highly loaded compressor blades, integrating boundary layer suction into the design process. This design method relies on a two-step aspiration strategy. First, passive control of the separation point location is applied via curvature and diffusion in order to make it insensitive to operating conditions. Second, active control through boundary layer suction aims at placing the suction slot with respect to the separation point location, in order to minimize the necessary suction mass flow rate required to reattach the flow. To put this strategy into practice, a blading technique that consists of prescribing the curvature distribution on the suction side of the blade and the cross-section distribution of the blade passage is developed. In association with a fast pre-design tool, as well as an overall total pressure loss coefficient including aspiration, this method allows the design of a subsonic aspirated stator cascade with flow turning of 60 degrees, for an inlet Mach number of 0.5,giving a Diffusion Factor of 0.73. This performance at the design point is obtained for an overall total pressure loss coefficient of 2.5%, aspirating 1.1% of the inlet mass flow rate. Nevertheless, these two values can be respectively reduced to 2.1% and 0.8% by rounding the edges of the suction slot. This bi-dimensional numerical study has been carried out with the elsA solver from ONERA. To experimentally validate this design method and the associated numerical tools, a planar cascade is built and tested at low speed at the Laboratoire de Mécanique de Fluides et d’Acoustique at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon. At mid-span, results from the experiment and from tri-dimensional numerical simulations confirm the relevance of the design approach. This comparison then discloses the impact of the suction mass flow rate distribution along the span, on the efficiency of aspiration. Given the importance of tri-dimensional flows encountered in the experiment and simulations, a generalization in three dimensions of the aspiration strategy is proposed and numerically applied on the same cascade. By simultaneously controlling the boundary layers developing on the blades and on the endwalls,it is possible to almost entirely suppress the corner separations present in the blade passage. However, one disadvantage is that the suction mass flow rate undergoes a strong increase, moderating this benefit. The thickness of the inlet boundary layers appears to be also a key factor in the success of boundary layer control by aspiration, in a tri-dimensional context.
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Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of a Turbocharger CompressorSharma, Ashutosh January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis constitutes detailed computational investigation on ow through the passages of a centrifugal compressor used for turbocharging applications. Given the dynamic nature of operation of the turbocharger, it becomes necessary to under- stand the ow that occurs within the blade passages and its e ect on performance. CFD is an established computational technique wherein the ow is dissected to fun- damental levels and a detailed picture is presented, application of this technique with limited and diverse sense towards understanding of ows through a turbocharger compressor has been successfully carried out by many before. This work presented attempts to address many of the lacuna reported and carries forward the work of several researchers to ll in the gaps.
The complexity of the geometry of the blade shape poses many challenges in model- ing within the virtual space, an e ective way to overcome the obstacles is presented as a part of this work. Grid generation of the impeller and casing are discussed and adaptive approach is followed with generation of hexahedral grids for the impeller whereas tetrahedral for the casing. Since the grids of the impeller and its casing are di erent, ways of interfacing between the two domains in a CFD environment is discussed.
An industry standard implicit 3D RANS solver was used to carry out the simula- tions. The importance of use of boundary conditions for the domain at unsteady operating points is presented in detail. On the choice made for turbulence model that governs the validity of the solution obtained, an extensive literature survey of the relevant topic as applicable for centrifugal compressors is presented and logic of the choice made for the present work is discussed. Menter's two equation SST-k! model emerges as the clear choice to be used even though the di erence in perfor- mance predictions by other turbulence models are insigni cant.
Dynamics of ow at optimum design point, surge and choke of the compressor are presented in detail. With the geometry modeled with a tip clearance and the casing included within the simulation environment, it can be seen that the performance predicted is closer to actual at all operating points. A study of behavior of the compressor at extreme o design points is carried out and it can be seen that it depicts the trends that are seen in experimental works available in open literature. The distortion of pressure within the vaneless di user and the inviscid nature of the ow within the volute space are e ectively captured and an in depth analysis is carried out to uncover new patterns. A parametric study involving important geometric features such as the tip clearance and wrap angles are conducted leading to discovery of anomalies. The work summarizes to point out that the investigation carried out with the CFD simulations comprehensively leads to uncovering of ow dynamics within a complex system such as the centrifugal compressor within the limits of numerical analysis.
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Design And Development of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor Based Twin PTC And HTS Level Sensor for LOX RecondenserGour, Abhay Singh January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cryocoolers are closed cycle devices which produce cooling below 120 K. Usually, one or two linear motors are used to drive one pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers are used for various applications like, cooling of infra red detectors, cryo surgical knife, cryogen recondenser etc.
In this thesis the design development and testing of Twin Pulse Tube Cryocooler (TPTC) are discussed. TPTC consists of two pulse tubes driven by dual piston head linear compressor. This dual piston linear compressor is operated using single linear motor. Using this configuration, cooling power is doubled with reduced cost of compressor. The design, fabrication and testing of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor (LMMSM) based dual piston head linear compressor are carried out indigenously. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is used for estimating eddy current loss and flux distribution pattern in various mover configurations of the linear motor. The developed fabrication and assembly procedure of linear motor are discussed in detail.
The mover of linear motor is supported by using a pair of cross armed C – type flexures. These flexures are designed using FEM and are fabricated indigenously. The flexure pairs are tested for 108 cycles with ± 3 mm stroke length of linear motor before assembling compressor.
Linear motor is usually required to be operated at different frequencies. Thus, a variable frequency and variable voltage Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) based power supply is designed using analog circuits like Op-Amps. This cost effective power supply is capable of delivering 27 A at 100 V with frequency range of 25 Hz to 80 Hz continuously.
Sage software was used to carry out 1-D simulation and obtain dimensions of various Pulse Tube Cryocooler (PTC) components. Various pulse tube configurations like Joint Twin PTC, Twin PTC with buffer volume and single PTC with buffer volume were carried out. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fluent 2-D analysis was carried out for single PTC with buffer volume. The fabrication and assembly procedure of PTC is discussed in detail. A novel method of heat exchanger fabrication was developed and analyzed using FEM and its performance is tested experimentally. The twin PTC is operated at 34 bar and 48 Hz.
A light weight High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) based level sensor is developed to monitor the cryogen level. The developed sensor was calibrated against discrete diode array and pre-calibrated continuous capacitance type level sensor. The calibrations were carried out in indigenously designed and fabricated 4-wall cryostat using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) and LOX as cryogen.
LabVIEW software based data acquisition was designed for testing, recording and monitoring the performance of twin PTC and level sensors during experiments.
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Caractérisation d’un système pile à combustible en vue de garantir son démarrage et fonctionnement à température ambiante négative / Characterization of a fuel cell system in order to enable its start-up and working at negative ambient temperatureReguillet, Vincent 24 June 2013 (has links)
La pile à combustible est un générateur électrique en voie d'atteindre une maturité technologique et commerciale. Pour que ce moyen de production d'énergie puisse concurrencer des systèmes similaires, tels que les batteries et les groupes électrogènes, des obstacles restent néanmoins à franchir. L'un d'entre eux est la capacité de la pile à démarrer et fonctionner à température ambiante négative. Afin d'étudier le comportement à froid d'un système de type PEMFC, nous proposons la définition de plusieurs critères de performances exergétiques adaptés au fonctionnement de chaque module du système. Les modules sont ensuite caractérisés à température ambiante négative à l'aide de bancs d'essais dédiés. A partir des résultats expérimentaux obtenus, différents modèles empiriques ou semi-analytiques sont alors présentés pour la batterie, le compresseur et l'humidificateur. D'autre part, un modèle analytique thermique à l'échelle des stacks est réalisé. Il permet notamment de reproduire l'élévation en température de la pile au cours d'un démarrage à froid. Enfin, à l'issue de l'analyse des résultats expérimentaux et des modèles, des recommandations destinées à favoriser le démarrage à froid du système sont fournies. En suivant ces recommandations, il est ainsi possible de démarrer le système pile de manière fiable à une température ambiante de -10 °C. / Fuel cells are electric generators on the way to achieve technological and commercial maturity. Nevertheless, to compete with similar energy generating systems such as batteries and engines generators, fuel cells must overcome several obstacles. Among them, the ability to start at negative ambient temperatures is decisive. In order to study the behaviour of a PEMFC system in cold weather, we propose different exergetic criteria adapted to the working conditions of each module. Thanks to dedicated test benches, the modules are then characterized at negative ambient temperature. From experimental results, empirical or semi-analytical models are introduced for the battery, the compressor and the humidifier. On the other hand, a thermal analytical model at the stacks scale is developed. It enables to reproduce the fuel cell temperature rise during a cold start up. Eventually, at the end of the analysis of experimental results and models, recommendations are given to favour the cold start of the system. By following these recommendations, the fuel cell cold start at -10 °C is ensured.
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Vytápění základní školy / Heating of elementary schoolHoliš, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design a heating system for a building of an elementary school in Polešovice. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first, theoretical, part discusses heat pumps with the main focus on gas absorption heat pumps. The se-cond part addresses the design of the school heating as well as the design of an ecological heat source. The part consisting calculations introduces the calculation of heat losses, the optimal choice of temperature gradient, the design of heating surfaces, the design of heat sources including the design of the bivalent source, the way of hot water preparation, dimensioning, the security equipment and other calculations. The last part deals with the drawing documentation, the technical report and also some economical questions such as return on investment based on measured efficiency of the heat source.
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