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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attributes that influence generation-Y consumers in their choice of Smartphone

Jainarain, Raven 23 February 2013 (has links)
Smartphone adoption is occurring at an exponential rate with a user base far exceeding that of traditional mobile phones. Previous literature has identified various points of usage across demographics such as age, gender, income and nationality, however little of this is with regards to Smartphone attributes. Furthermore, generational change has provided a gravitational shift in the application of marketing techniques, as Generation-Y is a generation unlike any other, where traditional techniques are more hit and miss than targeted. A deeper understanding as to how antecedent decision-making is performed via the influence of Smartphone attributes upon Generation-Y’s choice of those phones is required. This research assists in the filling of these gaps by presenting findings in a holistic view of Generation-Y’s Smartphone attribute preferences as well as perceptions among South African business users. This paper seeks to add insight by unpacking the needs of the Generation that will soon be the largest consumer group in history - Generation-Y. Self Explicated Conjoint Analysis provides insights into attribute ranking and level of influence of specific attributes. Factor analysis extracts the salient factors of influence by Generation-Y consumers when choosing a Smartphone. Further to this, managerial implications, future work and limitations of this study for theory and practice are presented. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Tourists' preferences of souvenir design based on expressive attributes: a cross-cultural perspective

Ying Li (9467957) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>This study investigates the expressive design attributes of souvenir design preferred by tourists by comparing and contrasting preferences and perceptions of tourists from two different cultural groups. The study used a conjoint design to allow respondents to rank their preferences of sampled souvenirs which represents various expressive design attributes of souvenirs. This study uses conjoint analysis to test the relationship between those expressive attributes and tourists’ perceived value and purchase intention. The results showed that the three expressive attributes, namely Makers’ Mark attribute, Iconofetish attribute, and Relational attribute impact American and Chinese tourists perceived values of souvenirs and purchase intentions. The part-worth utility score indicates that comparatively speaking, American tourists prefer souvenirs with a dominant makers’ mark and those that are connected to the local place or local people. On the other hand, Chinese tourists prefer souvenirs with a domestic iconofetish feature. This study highlights the relationship between the four perceived value – perceived functional value, perceived emotional value, perceived social value, and perceived novelty value – and the purchase intention, using Spearman’s correlation. These results contribute to the literature of souvenir design. The culturally based preferences between the US and Chinese tourists allow designers and retailers to create and design souvenirs based on their preferred expressive attributes. </p> </div> </div> </div>

The relationship between cultural orientation and reward preference: a study conducted in South Africa and the Netherlands

Van Eijk, Jeff January 2016 (has links)
Orientation: Organisations operating in multiple countries and continents, referred to as multinationals, often experience cultural barriers when interacting with employees from the host county. These barriers, in turn, frequently result in counterproductive outcomes for the organisation. Being able to adapt Human Resource (HR) policies and practices to the cultural values and norms of the host country, multinationals will be better able to attract, motivate and retain their host country employees and achieve the strategic objectives they have set. Research purpose: The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between an individual's reward preference and his/her cultural orientation by means of a novel methodological approach, while further investigating this relationship in two culturally distinct countries to allow for a comparison to be made. Motivation for the study: Research linking rewards to cultural orientation is characterised by mixed findings, which could be related to cross-cultural measurement issues (for example, issues of level of analysis and the reference-group effect). By measuring at an individual level of analysis and exploring the use of choice-based conjoint analysis, the present study aimed to advance the field of cross-cultural remuneration research. The study aimed to show that, by linking cultural orientation and reward preference, multinationals can be helped to optimize their remuneration policies and practices in a way that brings about desired organisational outcomes. Research design: A descriptive research design using quantitative methods was employed. Data was collected from employees in both South Africa (n = 132) and the Netherlands (n = 152). Survey items, responded to on a Likert-type response scale were used to measure an individual's reward preference and cultural orientation. To explore the potential bias introduced by the reference-group effect in cross-cultural reward research, a choice-based conjoint analysis was included to measure reward preference. Data from the field survey was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Choice-based conjoint analysis was used to determine the relative importance of each reward element. Main findings: The results of the Multiple Regression analysis revealed that certain cultural orientations were significantly positively related to reward preference. These included the relationship between collectivism and group bonuses; uncertainty avoidance and job security; uncertainty avoidance and base pay; and long-term orientation and future oriented rewards. Uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation were positively related to financiallyoriented reward elements. The conjoint analysis allowed for further differentiation between these elements. Practical implications: Multinationals will be able to better align their reward policies and practices with the preferences of employees who come from different cultures and who therefore possess differing cultural orientations. By doing so, multinationals will be able to improve their capability to attract, motivate and retain employees that come from distinct cultural backgrounds. Research contributions: By taking a different methodological approach using choice-based conjoint analysis, this study showed that the preference for particular reward packages can not be solely reduced to linear relationships. In contrast to previous studies, this study was able to incorporate a single sample for both the dependent and the independent variables by measuring the cultural orientations at an individual level of analysis.

Examining Elementary School Teacher Preferences for School-Based Intervention Characteristics and Implementation Supports for Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Egan, Theresa E. 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Two Essays on Non-market Valuation

Naeem, Afif 26 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A Quality Function Deployment Methodology for Product Development

Craig, Ryan R. 22 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Den optimala kombinationen : En undersökning av småföretagarnas preferenser vad gäller olika kombinationerav attribut relaterade till revisions- och redovisningstjänster / The optimal combination : A study of the preferences the small sized enterprises attach to differentcombinations of attributes related to audit and accounting services

Johansson, Camilla, Petersson, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
Background and problem: The abolishment of the mandatory audit in Sweden resulted in a marketorientation in which the small sized enterprises gained a stronger position. Theaudit firms are faced with the challenge to better meet the clients need and todemonstrate the value of audit now when it is optional. In coherence with thisclient focus it is endorsed to implement a value-based pricing that primarilyconsiders the client’s value and willingness to pay. The value of audit andaccounting services to small sized enterprises is not yet fully investigated, whyit is difficult to implement a value-based strategy. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the value of audit and accounting servicesto the small sized enterprises through the study of which attributes theseservices consist of and which priority the small sized enterprises attach to thedifferent attributes. This study will result in the optimal combination ofattributes and levels of performance related to audit and accounting servicesthrough the eyes of the small sized enterprises. Method: In order to investigate the attributes of audit and accounting services, we haveconducted a qualitative pre-study including three interviews with small sizedenterprises about their perception of the value of these services. Thereafter aquantitative survey study has been realized through the function Conjoint Analysis in the Excel program named Marketing Engineering. The purpose is toinvestigate the preferences of small sized enterprises in order to present theoptimal combination. Results and conclusion: In addition to the presentation of the optimal combination, this study impliesthat the value of audit and accounting services partly consists of a functionaluse, where the utilization of these services solves the client’s problems. Partlythe services consist of more hedonic values, where the relationship with and theconsulting from the person who performs the service are highly valued by thesmall sized enterprises. In order to create additional value, the information aboutthese services needs to be improved. / Bakgrund och problem: Revisionspliktens avskaffande ledde till en marknadsorientering därsmåföretagarna har intagit en starkare position. Revisionsbyråerna står inför enutmaning att bättre tillgodose klientens behov och påvisa nyttan med revision dåden numera är frivillig för småföretag. I linje med denna klientfokuseringförespråkas en implementering av den värdebaserade prissättningen som utgårfrån klientens värde och betalningsvillighet. Småföretagarnas värde avrevisions- och redovisningstjänster är dock inte helt utrett varför det än så längeär svårt att implementera en värdebaserad prissättningsstrategi irevisionsbranschen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka småföretagarnas upplevda värde avrevisions- och redovisningstjänster genom att studera vilka attribut dessa tjänsterbestår av och vilken prioritet småföretagarna fäster vid de olika attributen.Genom denna studie förmedlas en bild av den optimala kombinationen avattribut och prestationsnivåer relaterade till revisions- och redovisningstjänsterur småföretagarens synvinkel. Metod: För att kunna undersöka vilka attribut en revisions- och redovisningstjänst kanbestå av har vi genomfört en kvalitativ förstudie där vi intervjuat tre småföretagom deras uppfattning kring värdet av dessa tjänster. Därefter har en kvantitativsurveyundersökning genomförts på 20 företag med hjälp av Excel-programmet Marketing Engineering där funktionen Conjoint Analysis har tillämpats för attkunna undersöka småföretagarnas preferenser och slutligen presentera denoptimala kombinationen. Resultat och slutsats: Utöver presentationen av den optimala kombinationen framgår i denna studie attvärdet med revisions- och redovisningstjänster dels består av en funktionellnytta, där utnyttjandet av tjänsterna löser klienternas problem. Dels bestårtjänsterna av mer hedonistiska inslag, där relationen med och rådgivning fråntjänsteutövaren värdesätts av småföretagen. För att skapa ytterligare värde börfrämst informationen kring tjänsterna förbättras.

Comfort and Security, But at What Cost? : A Study Using a Metric – Based Conjoint Analysis to Estimate the Willingness to Pay for Bundled Smart Home Technology / Komfort och säkerhet, men till vilket pris?

Hultström, William, Bjöörn, Axel January 2022 (has links)
The presence of Smart Technology is becoming more prevalent in our homes with the rise of the Internet of Things. Although this technology is said to ease everyday chores and make our homes safer, the adoption has been slower than first anticipated by researchers. Studies have shown that the relatively low diffusion of this technology can, to some extent, be explained by cost barriers, technology anxiety, lack of technical ‘know-how’ and the perceived risks associated with a digital upgrade. However, there is surprisingly limited information on homeowners’ willingness to pay for Smart Home Technology (SHT) and, in particular, comfort and security appliances currently on offer on the market. This thesis aims to fill that gap and create a broader understanding of what attributes respondents value when making a purchasing decision. By applying a metric-based conjoint analysis model to primary data collected through a web-based survey, sent to condominium owners in Sweden, the authors of this study show what the optimal Smart Home bundle should comprise of, and how much homeowners are willing to pay. The results show that there is a willingness to adopt premium articles currently on offer on the market although, the willingness to pay for these solutions are relatively low. Moreover, although consumer make a trade-off between different attributes when making a purchasing decision, this study shows that price heavily outweighs other attributes in the case of comfort and security SHTs. A cluster analysis also showed a difference of preferences within the sample set, indicating that companies aiming to sell bundled SHTs should offer a variety of bundles to account for different consumer needs and perceived uses. Additionally, SHT bundles should be complemented with additional services that distinguish the products from other appliances sold on the market. / I samband med den snabba utvecklingen av Internet of Things har Smarta Hem-lösningar blivit en vanligare syn i våra hem. Trots att detta har utvecklingen inte skett lika snabbt som många forskare först förväntat sig. Den relativa låga adoptionsgraden har i litteraturen beskrivits som ett resultat av höga kostnader, en generell skepticism mot den nya tekniken, att hemägare saknar kunskapen som krävs för att installera tekniken, kompatibilitetsproblem mellan leverantörer, och de upplevda riskerna med att koppla upp sitt hem till internet. Trots det breda utbudet av forsknings inom ämnet, saknas studier om vad bostadsägare är villiga att betala för den nya tekniken och, i synnerhet, de säkerhets- och komfort-produkter som idag erbjuds på marknaden. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är därför att undersöka kunders betalningsvilja för paketerade Smarta Hem-produkter och skapa en djupare förståelse för vilka attribut konsumenter värdesätter vid ett köpbeslut. Genom att applicera en Conjoint Analys-modell (Conjoint Analysis Model på engelska) på primärdata insamlad genom en webenkät, som skickats till bostadsrättsägare i Sverige, kan författarna av den här studien visa hur Smarta Hem-lösningar ska paketeras och vad kunderna är villiga att betala för dem. Resultaten visar att konsumenter är intresserade av premium-artiklar så som övervakningskameror, robotdammsugare och smarta högtalare. Däremot är betalningsviljan är relativt låg. Studien visar också att respondenter gör en avvägning mellan olika attribut när de ska köpa en produkt. Jämfört med säkerhet och komfort är pris-attributet av störst vikt när vid ett köpbeslut. En klusteranalys av testgruppen visar också att det finns skillnader i preferenser inom testgruppen. Företag som vill sälja paketerade Smarta Hem-lösningar borde därför diversifiera utbudet för att möta konsumenternas olika behov och erbjuda komplementära tjänster som ökar värdet på utbudet.

Venture Capitalisters investeringskriterier : vilka finansiella investeringskriterier är mest betydelsefulla vid en investeringsmöjlighet? / Venture Capitalists’ investment criterions : what financial investment criterions bare most importance upon evaluating an investment opportunity?

Kvist, Philip, Rosengren, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Sverige är ett land med förhållandevis många start-ups och Stockholm är den stad i världen med näst mest VC per capita. Ökningen av svenska start-ups är däremot oproportionerlig gentemot ökningen av svenskt VC. Det medför en hårdare konkurrens om riskkapitalet mellan svenska start-ups, vilket i sin tur leder till att det blir svårare för dem att finansiera sin verksamhet. Vidare existerar ett kunskapsgap inom forskningslitteraturen kring VCs finansiella investeringskriterier i allmänhet, och om svenska VCs finansiella investeringskriterier i synnerhet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och därigenom öka förståelsen kring vilka finansiella investeringskriterier svenska VCs använder sig av för att utvärdera en investeringsmöjlighet i en start-up. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning har genomförts med en kvasiexperimentell design. Studien har tillämpat en deduktiv ansats och utgått från ett realistiskt perspektiv. 27 enkätsvar har genererats som analyserats med hjälp av en Conjoint Analysis och en hierarkisk multipel regression. Resultaten från båda analysmetoderna indikerar att de finansiella investeringskriterier som inkluderats i studien rangordnas enligt följande av våra respondenter: (1) tillväxtpotential internationellt, (2) potentiell avkastning, (3) risk/osäkerhet, (4) tillgång till finansiell information och (5) exit. / Sweden is a country that houses a relatively large amount of start-ups and Stockholm is a city that has the second most invested venture capital per capita in the world. However, the increase of Swedish start-ups is disproportional to the increase of Swedish Venture Capital. As a consequence, the competition between Swedish start-ups to access venture capital is intensifying and it is therefore becoming more difficult for Swedish start-ups to raise capital. Furthermore, research in regard of Venture Capitalits’ financial investment criterions is overall sparse and on the Swedish market almost non-existent. The purpose of this study is to investigate what financial investment criterions bare most importance to Swedish Venture Capitalists when evaluating an investment opportunity. This study uses a quantitative methodology with a survey design. The study takes a deductive approach and applies a realistic perspective. 27 responses were collected and analyzed using a conjoint analysis- and hierarchical multiple regression modell. Our results show that the financial investment criterions included in our study are ranked by our respondents as follows: (1) international growth potential, (2) potential rate of return, (3) risk/uncertainty, (4) accessibility to financial information, and (5) exit.

Green Race! A Conjoint Analysis in High Involvement Purchase Decision Process ­­­- In Context of Green Cars in Sweden

Chowdhury, Mahzabin, Salam, Khan January 2011 (has links)
Environment and its conservation is one of the key issues across the globe these days. It is even more important in the Scandinavian region.Swedenis one of the leading pro-environment nations in the world when it comes to environment-friendly or green automobiles. Introducing emissions tax, green car rebate, and congestion tax exemption for green cars on large cities have resulted in a surge of green car sales inSwedenover the past few years. The preferences of the Swedish green car consumers are examined in this study.   Consumer decision process and preferences related theories have been used for the theoretical understanding of this study and based on these understandings, the Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint Analysis has been selected to measure and understand the consumer preferences towards green cars. The Swedish green car market has been explained and understood as a prerequisite to conduct this study. Examinations of previous related studies, a small scale pre-screening survey, and expert interviews were carried out prior to formulating the conjoint experiment to ensure the inclusion of significant components into the study. The collected data were analyzed using advanced analysis software such as, SSI Web, SMRT, and SPSS, to understand and measure consumer preferences. The findings provide answers to the importance of different attributes in the purchase decision-making for green cars, the effect of each attribute to the decision-making process, the effect of prior purchase experience on the formation of preference, and the relationship between consumer’s green consciousness level and green decision-making process.   This study contributes to the theoretical field of green consumer behavior and to the practical field of marketing of green cars. The study also identifies and recommends key areas of interest that warrant further research.   Key Words: High Involvement Purchase, Green Consumer Behavior, Conjoint Analysis, Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint Analysis (ACBC), Green Preference, Green Car.

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