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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARIO LUIZ MARQUES TAVARES 11 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do ciclo de vida corporativo na sensibilidade do investimento ao fluxo de caixa. Foram analisadas 249 empresas no período de 2010 a 2019, com dados obtidos da base Economática e de relatórios estruturados da B3. Empresas financeiras e com insuficiência de dados foram excluídas da amostra, totalizando 1765 observações firma-ano. O ciclo corporativo foi dividido em cinco fases - introdução, crescimento, maturidade, shake-out e declínio - e para defini-lo, foi utilizada como proxy a combinação dos fluxos de caixa de investimento, financiamento e operacional. Os resultados do modelo robusto com efeitos fixos revelaram significância de todos os estágios na relação com a sensibilidade do investimento ao fluxo de caixa. / [en] This study aims to assess the effect of the corporate life cycle on investment-cash flow sensitivity. There were analyzed 249 companies in the period from 2010 to 2019, using data obtained from Economática s database and B3 s structured reports. Financial companies with insufficient data were excluded from the sample, totaling 1765 firm-year observations. The corporate cycle was divided into five phases - introduction, growth, maturity, shake-out and decline - and to define it, the combination of investment, financing and operating cash flows was used as a proxy. The results of the robust model with fixed effects revealed the significance of all stages in relation to the investiment-cash flow sensitivity.

Har de sociala nätverken betydelse för företags tillgång till finansiering? : En analys baserat på bankers arbetssätt avseende kreditbedömning / Do social networks have significance for c ompanies’ access to finance? : An analysis based on banks’ working methods for credit assessment

Nguyen, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Studier antyder att kreditbedömningsprocessen hos banker har förändrats över tiden. Numera baseras bedömningen till största del på datoriserade system, vilket har påverkat företagens tillgång till företagsfinansiering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka möjligheter bankerna anser att företagen har att kunna utnyttja sina sociala nätverk för att lättare erhålla företagsfinansiering och vilka effekter dessa möjligheter kan ha på bankerna och deras kreditbedömningsprocesser. Studien har baserats på empiriskt material som samlats in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med banktjänstemän från Swedbank, Svenska Handelsbanken och Roslagens Sparbank samt en mailintervju med en professor inom företagsekonomi. De nämnda bankerna skiljer sig åt på så sätt att Swedbank är tämligen en vanlig affärsbank, Svenska Handelsbanken kännetecknas för att vara en decentraliserad bank och Roslagens Sparbank är en mindre lokal bank.  Resultaten har visat att bankernas kreditbedömningsprocesser är snarlika avseende stegen som kreditgivarna måste genomgå vid bedömning av ett företag. Tillvägagångssätten för att erhålla och analysera både den kvantitativa och den kvalitativa informationen kan skilja något hos bankerna. Vidare finns det möjligheter för företag att utnyttja sina sociala nätverk för att lättare erhålla finansiering, beroende på nätverkens omfattning, vilka typer av relationer nätverken utgörs av samt vilken typ av information som erhålls från dessa. I och med att bankernas verksamheter är starkt reglerade, har dessa tillvägagångssätt snarare en marginell påverkan på utfallet av kreditärendet än på bankerna och deras kreditbedömningsprocesser. / Studies suggest that the credit assessment process of banks has changed over time. Nowadays, the assessment is based largely on computerized systems, which has affected the companies’ access to corporate finance. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what opportunities the banks consider that companies have to utilize their social networks in order to facilitate the ability to gain corporate finance and how these opportunities may affect the banks’ credit assessment process. The thesis has been based on empirical material collected through semi-structured interviews with bank employees from Swedbank, Svenska Handelsbanken and Roslagens Sparbank, as well as an email interview with a professor of business economics. The mentioned banks differ in such a way that Swedbank is quite a common commercial bank, Svenska Handelsbanken is characterized as being a decentralized bank and Roslagens Sparbank is a smaller local bank. The results have shown that the banks’ credit assessment processes are similiar to the steps that creditors need to undergo when assissing a company. The procedures for obtaining and analyzing both the quantitative and qualitative information may differ slightly from the banks. Furthermore, there are opportunities for companies to utilize their social networks in order to facilitate the access to corporate finance, depending on the scope of the networks, the types of relationships the networks comprise and the type of information being received. With the banks’ operations being heavily regulated, these approaches have a marginal impact on the outcome of the credit issue than on the banks and their credit assessment processes.

The Cost of Feeling Good

Field, Casey M 01 January 2016 (has links)
The Cost of Feeling Good attempts to quantify the optimum portfolio returns of Socially Responsible Investment Funds and Dual-Purpose Portfolios. In order to meet the demands of investors who want to create a social impact and generate financial returns, investors can choose two methods. For the purpose of this study, the social returns were quantified and the financial returns were quantified using net present value. In every scenario, the socially responsible investment decision generated higher financial returns. Because of the immediate loss to an investor after choosing the DPP strategy, financially, the SRI fund appears to be the better approach for a financially driver investor. In terms of social returns, the DPP has a more clear impact on society. Measured as the charitable contribution given on an $1,000 investment, the socially responsible fund contributes far less to society on a per investor basis. Therefore, if an investor is interested in generating higher social returns and wants to be selective in terms of their charitable donation, they should choose the DPP model. In terms of tax brackets, investors in higher tax brackets have to generate higher financial returns on socially responsible investments in order to match the returns of a DPP. This is also true with investors who invest less in charity. Therefore, the investors that are in the highest tax bracket and contribute little to charity will need to generate far higher SRI returns according to the constructed theory. This finding is important to the growing millennial trend in sustainable investing.


陳淑珍, Chen , Shu-Jane Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要   國內銀行傳統上最擅長及投注最多資源之領域即是企業金融業務,然經驗顯示此處亦為金融業者蒙受最多損失之處,甚至導致中興銀行及高雄企銀退出市場,大型行庫兩、三年前,每年打銷呆帳之金額係以新台幣數十億元、甚至上百億元計。其後消金業務盛行,信用卡循環信用業務之興起尤為引人注目,而現金卡亦在萬泰銀行的「George & Mary」之強勢促銷下製造出另一波高峰。然由於風險控管之鬆散,在卡債呆帳暗潮隱然成型,外資券商開始對現金卡業務暴衝至前幾名之銀行投以質疑的眼光之際,部份銀行也在此刻宣布停掉現金卡之業務。「財富管理」便是在銀行亟思轉向提高以手續費收入為基礎之殷殷期盼下,在國內銀行的業務領域中逐漸萌芽、茁壯。 在短短兩三年間,財富管理業務從在銀行營業廳一隅的小規模經營,到現在引領國人開啟投資理財之風潮,其方興未艾之勢頗值吾人加以探討。其成因包括人口老化問題衍生之退休規劃需求,因經濟活動之暢旺,造成富裕人口及富裕家庭數目之提昇,因微利時代的來臨等,皆實質地催化民眾對於理財之迫切需求,而「財富管理」即順應這種經濟金融環境之變遷,此其時地走入人群,成為眾所矚目之焦點,也成為這一年來銀行短兵相接之處。   其次,國際金融法規之變動,尤其是新巴塞爾資本協定(The Basel Capital Accord II)即將在2006年底實施,導致銀行在經營策略上不得不思考導入既能獲利,又屬低度資本需求業務之必要性,更何況銀行本身本應多元化其業務收入來源,以分散業務經營之風險。本文即從這些角度,探討財富管理業務之確具經營價值。   然財富管理業務之經營,終究有其須注意之風險,一為「策略風險」,一為「作業風險」。雖「策略風險」難以量化,也未普遍為業者所重視,然有謂「錯誤的決策,比貪污更可怕」,姑不論此言之對錯,但錯誤之決策會造成績效之不彰及資源之浪費,確屬不爭之事實。故本文專章論述經營策略,期所提出之分析與探討有助於業者經營時之省思。另有關「作業風險」,亦是日常之業務經營中稍有不慎即有可能對銀行造成重大損失、甚至被迫退出市場之風險。霸菱銀行殷鑑不遠,甚至以國際知名之花旗集團,其日本之私人銀行亦因涉未注意洗錢防制及資訊揭露等作業風險問題,而被勒令關閉。故內部稽核及內部控制等基本功之具體落實,確有其必要。本文就作業風險部份亦專章論述,從主管機關之相關規範,到國外相關機構之規範及做法,作業風險案例介紹,相關作業風險之管理等,皆做一分析與探討,期從所提出之案例,讓銀行業者於從事財富管理業務時,非僅注意手續費收入之多寡,或僅專注於市場佔有率之提升,而是實質注意到伴隨手續費收入而來之風險;盼所提出之風險分析,讓業者因瞭解風險之無所不在,而正視其重要性與迫切性,期將財富管理業務之作業風險減至最低。 / Abstract Just not long ago, domestic banks in Taiwan, with little differentiations, claimed their expertise in corporate finance and have allocated simultaneously most of their resources in this business. Ironically, however, corporate finance was also the area where the banking industry suffered the most. The problematic exiting of Chung Shing Bank and Kaohsiung Business Bank were obviously costly examples. Actually, almost all major banks were writing off their bad loans every year in billion of New Taiwan dollars for the past few years. Banking institutions tried to develop alternative business models by engaging in consumer banking, and some has indeed found its success. One of the stars that owned the spotlight was the revolving interest income from credit cards. Later, with the aggressive and successful marketing campaign of so-called “George & Mary” Cash Card by Cosmos Bank, the importance of consumer banking was pushed to its plateau. Nonetheless, loose risk management caused the bad debts of credit/cash cards to mount up and become potentially a serious problem. Foreign securities firms have already indicated their reservation of those top cash card business banks. A few banks have even suspended their cash card business. In light of the challenging environment facing corporate and consumer banking, banking institutions gradually turned to “Wealth Management” and holds high expectation that it will become a means to enhance their fee income. Indeed, wealth management has, in a matter of two to three years, started from a neglected corner of a bank’s business lobby developed progressively as a business trend leading how Taiwanese invest their wealth. The rapid pace of development in wealth management business certainly warrants our closer examination of various major issues relate to this phenomenon. To begin with the backgrounds, the aging of population has derived the need for retirement planning. The economic success of Taiwan over the years has contributed to the growth of numbers of wealthy families. The low interest rate environment has directed people to manage their wealth more actively. It was against this background that wealth management made its debut in the financial market, and caught the attention of the market, and became the central focus of the banking battleground. Additionally, recent changes in banking regulations, particularly, the introduction and planned implementation of Basel Capital Accord II, also pressured banking institutions to adjust their business strategy. Under Basel II, a bank will be required of more capital when engaging in corporate or consumer banking to cover credit risks. In contrast, wealth management needs to cover only operational risks. Not to mention that it also helps to diversify a bank’s source of income and risks portfolio. In terms of risks relate to wealth management, there are basically strategic risks and operational risks. Strategic risk may be difficult to quantity and certainly was not paid enough attention than it deserves. As people often said, “an erroneous strategic decision is worse than embezzlement”. Wrong decision often caused underperformance and waste of resources. This thesis, accordingly, attempts to analyze business strategies as it relates to a bank’s engagement in wealth management business. Furthermore, operational risk is also an area which could cause significant damages to a banking institution. In its worst case, operational risks might even cause the collapse of a bank. Baring’s scandal doesn’t seem to have happened that long ago. Even Citicorp private banking was sanctioned by the Japanese authority for failed to comply with the money laundry and disclosure requirements. It is therefore, essential that banks pay enough attention to its internal control and audit. This paper will also discuss operational risks issues, including relevant regulations, the practices in other major jurisdictions, case studies, and management of operational risks. The desire of the author is to alert the banking institutions that when engaging in wealth management, neither fee income nor market share should be their only focus. The effectiveness to control operational risks to its minimum is equally if not more important for a bank wishing to achieve success in wealth management business.

發行海外可轉換債個案之研究 / Study of European exchangeable bonds

吳玲綾, Wu, Doris Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的擬以台灣某上市司所發行海外可轉換交換債為例,探討海外可轉換交換債作為我國上市公司財務工具的可行性、作業、管理及其成本效益。海外可轉換交換債,是現代財務衍生的一項籌資工具,在台灣尚不算極普及的財務工具應用。國際企業身處在一個整合和變動的世界經濟活動中,如何利用台灣上市公司的企業利基,運用海外可轉換交換債取得國際資金和資金成本效益。本研究選擇以探討海外可轉換交換債作為我國上市公司財務工具的可行性,並且深入了解其必需具備的各項企業條件及選擇可轉換標的決策考量,探討發行海外可轉換交換債的各項法規限制及發行海外可轉換交換債的國際金融環境,以研究發行海外可轉換交換債的應用及其成本效益,了解組織財務管理及發行海外可轉換交換債的各項作業與決策管理,並透過海外可轉換交換債與其它財務工具的成本效益比較海外可轉換交換債此項財務工具的實質效益。 / The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities, operation, management and cost-effectiveness of European Exchangeable Bonds by using a Taiwanese listed company as an example. European Exchangeable Bonds is a modern financing tool that it’s still not a popular application in Taiwan. However, international corporations are in integrated and dynamic world economic activities. We’d like to discuss how to use the advantages of the Taiwanese listed company to make use of European Exchangeable Bonds to get international funds and make profit on cost of capital. The research would choose a company as instance to discuss in deep about the feasibility of European Exchangeable Bonds and the considerations of issuing European Exchangeable Bonds. We will research the restrictions of issuing process and the international financing environment and to discover the application and operation cost effectiveness of European Exchangeable Bonds, and then compare practical benefits between European Exchangeable Bonds and other financing tools.

Is Silence The Answer?

Adams, Gator 01 January 2017 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between company management guidance, and ex-ante crash risk over the duration of 2008(Jan 2006-Dec 2009) financial crisis using the implied volatility skew, which is based upon ex-ante volatility implied by the pricing model developed by Black-Scholes (1973). The study finds that over the duration of this crisis period, management guidance decreases with a rise in ex-ante crash risk. Further, the study provides evidence on the relationship of management guidance and earnings volatility, and how that is affected by a firm's industry product concentration based on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) score.

La prise de contrôle inversée en droit canadien

Gervais, Hans C. 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LLM en droit" / Le présent mémoire analyse le phénomène des prises de contrôle inversée (PCI). Cette technique permet à une société privée de se faire acquérir par une société publique coté en Bourse. Elle obtient de cette dernière, en contrepartie, un nombre si important de ses actions qu'à la suite de la transaction, la société privée contrôle la société publique qui vient légalement de l'acheter. D'où la prise de contrôle dite inversée. Le but de l'opération consiste pour la société privée à devenir publique rapidement, et ce, à coûts moindres, comparativement à un appel public traditionnel. La société privée profite ainsi de son nouveau statut pour se financer par un appel public à l'épargne publique par le biais de la Bourse. La piètre réputation associée à ce genre de transactions est due à la cupidité de quelques entrepreneurs peu scrupuleux qui ont comme objectif d'empocher un profit rapide au détriment du public investisseur. Avec comme résultat que ce type de transaction suscite, à juste titre, la méfiance des autorités réglementaires. Le dilemme peut donc être posé en ces termes: compte tenu de l'importance économique des PME en termes de création de richesse au pays, doit-on restreindre l'usage de la PCI au nom du principe de la protection des épargnants? En somme, la liberté commerciale doit-elle céder le pas à des craintes de nature réglementaire? Nous concluons que malgré ces craintes très réelles, la PCI, majoritairement utilisée par la PME, doit être maintenue et qu'en termes de politique réglementaire, les autorités devraient favoriser l'emploi par ces jeunes sociétés du programme de financement « Société de Capital de Démarrage» (SCD) mis en place par la Bourse de Croissance rsx. Malgré ses défauts évidents, ce programme doit être amélioré afin de promouvoir une PCI plus efficace, et ce, à l'intérieur du programme Sco. À cet égard, la SCD pourrait bénéficier de la crédibilité ainsi que de l'expertise indéniable de la Bourse de Croissance en matière de financement de jeunes entreprises. Idéalement, la SCD serait améliorée au point où elle rendrait la PCI, hors ce programme, inutile. En ce sens, la liberté commerciale de faire des PCI serait préservée, tout en assurant la protection du public investisseur. / This thesis endeavours to analyse the phenomenon of the reverse takeover (RTO). This technique allows a private company to be acquired by a public entity whose stock is listed on an exchange. The former obtains from the latter such an important part of its stock that following the completion of the transaction, the private company controls the public company which has just acquired it. The takeover is therefore deemed reversed. The purpose of the transaction from the private entity perspective is to gain the status and privilege associated with being a publicly listed company faster and at a fraction of the cost that would otherwise be the case with a traditional public offering. Thereafter the private company uses its newly acquired public status to tap the capital markets via the stock exchange. The poor reputation generally associated with this kind of transaction is in a large measure due to the greed of a few scam artists whose main motive is a quick profit at the expense of the investing public. The result of this situation is that the RTO is viewed with considerable scepticism by the regulatory authorities. The dilemma may therefore be set in the following terms: taking into consideration the economic importance of the small and medium business (SME) as a creator of wealth in the economy, should the competent authorities limit the use of the RTO in the name of investor protection. In other words, should the commercial freedom to use the RTO in order to finance SME take a back seat to regulatory concerns. We conclude that although the serious concerns levelled by the regulators are very real, the RTO which is used primarily by SME should be maintained. It is further argued that regulatory authorities should promote as a matter of policy the RTO sponsored by the Capital Pool Company (CPC) program provided for by TSX Venture. We find that this program should be upgraded to allow for a more efficient RTO under the rules of the CPC. In this regard, the program would gain from the credibility and the undeniable expertise of the TSX Venture in the realm of financing young and emerging companies. Therefore, ideally, this program would be improved to the point where it would render the RTO pursued out of the program useless. If this were the case, we conclude that commercial freedom would be preserved, while concurrently maintaining protection for investors and upholding the integrity of capital markets.

Trois essais sur l’epargne salariale comme dispositif d’association des salaries a la croissance et au developpement de l’entreprise / Three essays on company based savings plans and shared capitalism

Bekrar, Yacine 15 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral s’interroge sur les déterminants des comportements d’épargne salariale. Le chapitre 1 présente un état des lieux de l’épargne salariale. Nous détaillons ensuite les principales règles de fonctionnement de l’épargne salariale. Nous présentons enfin les principaux déterminants des comportements d’épargne salariale identifiés par la littérature. Le chapitre 2 examine les déterminants socio-économiques de l’efficience des portefeuilles d’épargne salariale. Il propose également une analyse des déterminants des erreurs d’investissement des salariés mesurées par un indice. Nous dissocions les investissements faits dans le cadre des augmentations de capital réservées aux salariés et ceux faits au titre des autres plans d’épargne entreprise. Nous nous intéressons d’une part à la décision binaire d’investir ou pas, et à l’efficience du portefeuille d’autre part. Notre échantillon porte sur 30 000 salariés d’un groupe bancaire français et contient des informations sur les caractéristiques individuelles des salariés et le détail des montants investis dans les plans et leurs caractéristiques de rentabilité et de risque. Les caractéristiques des salariés affectent significativement l’efficience des portefeuilles. Nous mettons en évidence une forte concentration en actions de l’entreprise. Nous montrons également que l’investissement des salariés est sous optimal compte tenu de l’écart existant entre le ratio de Sharpe optimal que nous avons calculés et le ratio de Sharpe des salariés. Nous régressons enfin cette différence sur les caractéristiques des salariés. Le chapitre 3 analyse empiriquement les déterminants de l’investissement en actions de l’entreprise. L’actionnariat salarié diminuerait les comportements de retrait des salariés tels que l’absentéisme et la rotation du personnel. Or, la causalité inverse que nous postulerons n’avait jamais été analysée : l’effet de l’absentéisme et de la rotation du personnel sur l’investissement en actions de l’entreprise par ses salariés. Nous montrons que l’absentéisme et la rotation du personnel affectent significativement la participation. Nous validons nos hypothèses de recherche à l’aide de diverses méthodes de régression. Nous analysons un panel d’environ 15 000 salariés de près de 900 filiales d’un groupe français coté appartenant au secteur de la construction, des travaux publics et des concessions sur une période de 5 ans. La participation au plan d’actionnariat salarié dépend du niveau d’absentéisme et de rotation du personnel au sein de l’entreprise. L’absentéisme et la rotation du personnel influencent l’investissement en actions de l’entreprise différemment selon la catégorie socioprofessionnelle du salarié et les motifs d’absences et de sorties Le chapitre 4 administre un questionnaire à des épargnants individuels afin d’évaluer leur connaissance financière. Nous nous sommes inspirés des enquêtes de Lusardi et de la Banque Centrale Européenne afin de réaliser un questionnaire adapté au cas français. Nous constatons l’influence de l’éducation financière sur les décisions d’investir. Le questionnaire a été diffusé auprès des salariés d’un établissement bancaire d’une part et de leurs clients d’autre part. Bien que nos résultats confirment dans l’ensemble la littérature sur la connaissance financière, nous identifions plusieurs nouveaux résultats. / This dissertation questions the determinants of employee savings behavior. Chapter 1 presents an overview of employee savings schemes. We then detail the main rules of employee savings schemes. Finally, we present the main determinants of the behavior of employee savings schemes identified by the literature. Chapter 2 examines the socio-economic determinants of employee savings’ portfolio efficiency. It also proposes an analysis of the determinants of investment errors of employees measured by an index. We dissociate investments made in the context of Employee stock purchase plan and those made through other employee savings plans. We are interested in the binary decision to invest or not on the one hand and in the portfolio efficiency on the other hand. Our sample covers 30,000 employees of a French bank, contains information on the individual characteristics of employees and details of the amounts invested in the plans, their risk and risk characteristics. The characteristics of the employees significantly affect the efficiency of the portfolios. We highlight a strong concentration of company stocks. We also show that the investment of employees is not optimal given the gap between the optimal Sharpe ratio and the actual Sharpe ratio. We finally regress this difference on the characteristics of the employees. Chapter 3 empirically analyzes the determinants of investment in company shares. Employee stock ownership would reduce the withdrawal behavior of employees, such as absenteeism and turnover. However, the reverse causality we assume had never been analyzed: the effect of absenteeism and the staff turnover on the investment in employer’s stocks. We show that absenteeism and staff turnover significantly affect participation. We validate our hypotheses using a variety of regression methods. We analyze a panel of approximately 15,000 employees of nearly 900 subsidiaries over a period of 5 years of a French listed company belonging to the construction, public works and concessions sector. Participation in employee stock ownership plan depends on the level of absenteeism and turnover of employees within the company. Absenteeism and staff turnover influence the investment in company shares differently depending on the employee's occupations category and the reasons for absences and departures. Chapter 4 analyze the results of a survey we sent to individual savers to assess their financial literacy. We translated the surveys of Lusardi and the European Central Bank to produce a questionnaire adapted to the French case. We see the influence of financial education on investment decisions. The questionnaire was distributed to the employees of a bank on the one hand and their customers on the other. Although our results generally confirm the literature on financial literacy, we identify several new findings.

Os determinantes da estrutura de capital de empresas familiares durante os processos sucessórios: contribuição da teoria da firma / The determinants of capital structure in brazilian family businesses during succession processes: the contributions of the theory of the firm

Gorgati, Vlamir 25 April 2000 (has links)
A sucessão na empresa familiar tem sido considerada por seus estudiosos como o mais importante desafio a ser enfrentado por aquelas companhias na luta por sua perpetuação. Os processos de transição do controle da família enfrentam várias dificuldades típicas de qualquer transição gerencial ou de propriedade na firma, mas são complicados por fatores subjetivos presentes na interação das dinâmicas empresarial e familiar. Nas sucessões familiares os conflitos emergem, frequentemente, da indiscriminação entre os papéis sociais na família e na empresa. Tais conflitos envolvem questões ligadas à propriedade do negócio, à sua administração e aos interesses da família. A Nova Economia das Instituições adicionou ao corpo teórico das finanças corporativas uma série de variáveis comportamentais desconsideradas pela Economia Neoclássica com o objetivo de imprimir maior realismo às análises teóricas. O presente trabalho investiga as proposições da Teoria Econômica de Finanças para o comportamento dos administradores quanto à escolha da Estrutura de Capital na firma e sua utilidade para os Processos Sucessórios como elemento atenuante de conflitos. As conclusões apontam para uma interdependência entre decisões de Estrutura de Capital e Processo Sucessório, e para uma grande importância da forma de financiamento no longo prazo para o sucesso da Sucessão na Empresa Familiar, além de sugerirem pesquisas mais avançadas no sentido de compreender melhor esse contexto. / Experts consider the process of succession in the family business as the most important challenge in their fight for perpetuation. The transition processes encounter various difficulties common to managerial transitions, yet they are made more complicated due to subjective factors present in both the family and management arenas. During succession processes, conflicts often arise out of a difficulty to differentiate between social and business roles in the family. Such conflicts involve issues such as ownership, management styles and family interests. The New Institutional Economics added a series of behavior variables to the theoretical body of corporate finance. Such variables, previously not considered by the Neoclassic Economics, were added so as to bring a higher level of realism to the theoretical analysis. This dissertation investigates the propositions put forward by the Economic Theory of Finance regarding the behavior of managers as far as their choice of Capital Structure for the business and its validity as conflict attenuation in the process of Succession. The conclusions put forward here point toward an interdependency between decisions regarding Capital Structure and Succession in the Family Business. In addition to that, they highlight the importance of long term financing for a successful process, and suggest further investigation that could support and illustrate the conclusions.

Are Women Executives Hurting Firm Performance? An Examination of Gender Diversity on Firm Risk, Performance, and Executive Compensation

Sung, Krystal Diane 01 January 2019 (has links)
In order to assess the continuing imbalance of top executives between genders, I examine the effects of gender diversity within top management teams on firm risk, performance, and executive compensation. Capitalizing on previous analysis, I apply three unique differentiators. First, I utilize current data from 2012 to 2017 from Compustat, CRSP, and ExecuComp. Second, I provide a unique subset view on a firm and individual performance of female CEOs to examine executive compensation. Third, my scope of analysis expands to S&P Composite 1500 companies. I use separate models to estimate the effect of gender diversity on firm risk by examining a firm’s beta and standard deviation of daily returns, on firm performance by examining a firm’s Tobin’sQ, and lastly on executive compensation by examining an executive’s natural logarithm of total compensation. My findings suggest gender diversity among executives appears to have an immaterial effect on a firm’s risk and performance. In turn, I also find that female executives continue to receive less compensation than their male colleagues. However, I find an average female CEO receives a higher level of compensation than an average male CEO. Lastly, I find as gender diversity increases among executives, specifically CEOs, the compensation differences between genders decreases.

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