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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du dealliage des aciers inoxydables austenitiques et austenoferritiques dans NaOH concentre et chaud / Study of dealloying of austenitic and austenoferritic stainless steel in concentrated sodium hydroxide solution at 80°C

Guerin-Deletang, Sandrine 11 January 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude e est de comprendre le processus de déalliage de l’acier inoxydable austénitique 304L avec l’intention de transcrire ce raisonnement aux aciers duplex. Des essais ont été réalisés au sein d’une solution aqueuse désaérée d’hydroxyde de sodium à 50%, portés à une température de 80°C sous pression atmosphérique et à potentiel libre. - L’alliage 304L se dissout en formant une couche nanoporeuse riche en nickel métallique sur sa surface. - L’alliage 2202 se dissout et présente deux comportements différents : o la ferrite s’appauvrit en nickel o l’austénite se recouvre d’une couche nanoporeuse constituée de nickel métallique. o les deux phases ont des vitesses de dissolution distinctes, l’austénite se dissolvant plus rapidement que la ferrite. Les cinétiques de dissolution des deux alliages sont différentes : l’alliage 2202 présente une meilleure résistance à la corrosion que l’alliage 304L. Cependant l’austénite de l’alliage 2202 se comporte de manière identique à l’alliage 304L et présente les mêmes caractéristiques. La ferrite semble conférer à l’alliage duplex une protection contre la corrosion caustique au détriment de l’austénite.La mise en évidence de la couche du nickel métallique presque pur est confrontée avec des modèles existants de déalliage. Des expériences complémentaires ont prouvées la simultanéité des étapes de dissolution de l'alliage, de la redéposition des atomes de Ni et de leur réarrangement sur la surface. / The aim of this study is to understand the process of dealloying of austenitic stainless steel 304L with the intention to put this reasoning to the duplex steels. Tests were conducted in a deaerated aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide at 50%, heated to a temperature of 80°C at atmospheric pressure and free potential. • The alloy 304L is dissolved to form a nanoporous layer rich in nickel metal on its surface. • The alloy 2202 is dissolved and has two different behaviors: o Ferritic phase is depleted in nickel o Austenite is covered by a nanoporous layer consists of metallic nickelo The two phases have different dissolution rates: austenite dissolves faster than ferrite. Kinetic dissolution of two alloys is different: alloy 2202 has better corrosion resistance than alloy 304L. However, the behavior of the austenite of the alloy 2202 is identical to the alloy 304L and has the same characteristics. The ferrite appears to give the duplex alloy corrosion protection against caustic at the expense of austenite. The identification of the layer of almost pure metallic nickel is confronted with existing models of dealloying. Additional experiments proved the simultaneous steps of dissolution of the alloy, redeposition of Ni atoms and their rearrangement on the surface.

Méthode de résolution du M4-5n par éléments finis mixtes pour l’analyse des chaussées avec discontinuités / Solving M4-5n by a Mixed Finite Element method for the analysis of pavements with discontinuities

Nasser, Hanan 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les chaussées subissent des sollicitations liées au trafic et au climat conduisant à leur dégradation, par fissuration notamment. Il est nécessaire dans le contexte actuel de pouvoir modéliser le comportement de ces structures multicouches endommagées afin de prévoir leur durée de vie résiduelle ou dimensionner des solutions de renforcement. L’objectif de la thèse est ainsi de proposer un outil de calcul dédié à l'analyse 3D des chaussées fissurées ou comportant des discontinuités. L’approche retenue repose sur la modélisation simplifiée d’une chaussée par un empilement de plaques du Modèle Multi-particulaire des Matériaux Multicouches à 5n équations d’équilibre (M4-5n). Un outil de calcul rapide de référence de chaussées 2D fissurées et une méthode de résolution générale du M4-5n par Eléments Finis mixtes sont développés. Le point de départ de la méthode de résolution est l’écriture, pour le M4-5n, du principe variationnel basé sur le théorème de l'énergie complémentaire où la condition de contraintes statiquement admissibles est assurée à partir de multiplicateurs de Lagrange. La discrétisation des efforts généralisés utilise des espaces d’interpolation permettant le bon conditionnement du système d’équations algébriques à résoudre et garantissant la stabilité de la solution. La méthode est implémentée dans FreeFem++. Elle ramène le problème 3D initial à une modélisation EF 2D et conduit à des valeurs finies des efforts généralisés au niveau des fissures ou décollement d’interface. L’outil de calcul final ainsi développé est validé et appliqué à l’étude de la réponse d’une structure fissurée,représentative d’une chaussée testée en vraie grandeur sur le site de l’IFSTTAR. / Pavements are multilayer structures which undergo cracking distress due to traffic and climatic factors. It is important nowadays to be able to model the mechanical response of such damaged pavements in order to assess their residual lifetime or to design reinforcement solutions. In this context, the present thesis aims at developing a numerical tool dedicated to the analysis of pavements incorporating cracks or discontinuities. In the developed approach, the pavement structure is modeled as a stacking of “plate” elements of typeM4-5n (Multi-Particle Models of Multilayer Materials) which considers 5n equilibrium equations. A reference quick 2D calculation tool for cracked pavements and a general solving of M4-5n by the mixed Finite Element (FE) method was developed. The starting point for this method is the derivation for M4-5n of the variational principle based on the complementary energy theorem whose condition of statically admissible stress is taken into account using Lagrange multipliers. Discretization of the generalized stresses involves interpolation spaces, proposed to avoid ill-conditioned system of algebraic equations after discretization and to insure stability of the solution. The developed method is implemented in a FreeFem++ script. In this method, the initial 3D problem can be handled through FE simulations in 2D and finite values of the generalized stresses are obtained at crack and interlayer debonding locations. The developed numerical tool was validated and applied to the study of the mechanical response of a structure with cracks representative of a pavement tested underfull-scale conditions during an accelerated fatigue test performed at IFSTTAR.

The effects of cement extenders and water to binder ratio on the heat evolution characteristics of concrete

Greensmith, Christopher Graeme 31 October 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 9900772K - MSc research project - School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / The hydration of cement is an exothermic reaction, which begins almost immediately upon contact with water. This produces a large amount heat that subsequently raises the temperature of the concrete mixture, creating a temperature gradient across the member. The temperature rise associated with hydration induces thermo-mechanical stresses. These stresses can cause damage to the structure, affecting the durability and in extreme cases the functionality of the structure. If the maximum rate of heat evolution experienced can be minimised through the selection of the constituents of a concrete mixture, then the thermal stresses that develop in the concrete can be reduced. The main aim of this research is to develop a knowledge of how the heat evolution characteristics of concrete are affected by changing certain concrete mixture parameters and ingredients. The focus is on the addition of three different cement extenders and varying the water/cement ratio. This will be a step towards the development of a model for predicting the thermal properties of concrete. As a part of this investigation, a prediction model for the change in heat rate in concrete was developed. The model is intended to predict the contribution of the individual clinker crystallographic phases in cement and the heat liberated in concrete during hydration.

Análise do comportamento de pavimento experimental de concreto continuamente armado de curta extensão. / Performance analysis of short experimental continuously reinforced concrete pavement.

Salles, Lucio Salles de 18 February 2014 (has links)
O pavimento de concreto continuamente armado (PCCA) é caracterizado pela presença de uma alta taxa de armadura longitudinal localizada acima do meio da placa; essa armadura possibilita ao pavimento uma placa de concreto sem juntas. Diferentemente do pavimento de concreto simples, no PCCA não há uma indução da fissuração; as fissuras ocorrem de maneira aleatória, porém são mantidas fortemente apertadas pela armadura longitudinal proporcionando uma estrutura de alta durabilidade exigindo o mínimo de manutenção. Perante tais benefícios, decidiu-se construir quatro seções experimentais deste pavimento no campus da Universidade de São Paulo. A maior diferença entre o PCCA experimental e aqueles encontrados na literatura técnica é a extensão; com o intuito de simular uma parada de ônibus, cada seção possui 50 metros de comprimento, curtas em comparação com os até 400 metros de comprimento encontrados em PCCA tradicionais. Para analisar o comportamento do pavimento foram esquematizados três estudos de desempenho: levantamentos de fissuras; testes de deformação com provas de carga dinâmicas (PCD) com um caminhão carregado; e testes de deflexões com o Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). A análise da fissuração mostra um comportamento bastante distinto daquele encontrado em PCCA tradicionais; a curta extensão, aliada à falta de ancoragem da placa, resultou em uma fissuração bastante tardia e em um elevado espaçamento entre fissuras. A seção 1, não apresenta, até esta data (dezembro de 2013), nenhuma fissura. A pouca fissuração sugeriu a hipótese de que as fissuras estariam invisíveis a olho nu em função do forte efeito de amarração das barras longitudinais. Entretanto, apesar de tais diferenças, o estudo das tensões através das deformações obtidas pelos strain gauges nas PCD apontam um desempenho estrutural adequado do pavimento; as tensões de tração na flexão resultaram em valores bastante inferiores à resistência do concreto, assegurando a qualidade da placa. Além destas afirmações, as PCD possibilitaram uma série de análises de tensões com configurações de carregamento diferentes. O estudo de deflexões mostrou que nas proximidades da borda longitudinal do pavimento, as deflexões são maiores devido à falta de ancoragem do sistema; no centro as deflexões foram típicas de pavimentos de concreto. A retroanálise das bacias de deflexão resultou em valores de módulo de elasticidade e módulo de reação do subleito baixos próximos à borda, reforçando o impacto da falta de ancoragem. A análise da eficiência de transferência de carga entre fissuras mostrou um desempenho altamente satisfatório de todas as fissuras, inclusive aquelas mais próximas das bordas, o que, novamente, certifica a integridade estrutural da placa. / The continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) is characterized by the presence of a high longitudinal reinforcement percentage located above the slabs middle; this steel allows a concrete slab without joints. Unlike jointed plain concrete pavements, the CRCP has no cracking induction; the cracks occur randomly, but are held strongly tight by the longitudinal steel, thus, providing a highly durable structure that requires minimal maintenance. Given these benefits, it was decided to build four experimental sections of this pavement on the University of São Paulo\'s campus. The biggest difference between the experimental CRCP and those found in the technical literature is the length; in order to simulate a bus stop, each section is 50 meters long, short compared to traditional PCCA up to 400 meters long. To analyze the behavior of the pavement, three performance studies were carried out: cracks surveys; strain tests with dynamic load tests (DLT) with a loaded truck; and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) deflection testing. The analysis shows that the cracking pattern is quite distinct from that found in traditional PCCA, the short extension, coupled with the slabs lack of anchorage, resulted in a late cracking development and in large crack spacing. Section 1, has yet to develop any cracks. The low cracking suggested the hypothesis that the cracks were invisible to the naked eye due to the longitudinal bars strong binding effect. However, despite these differences, the stress study through strains obtained by strain gauges in DLT indicate an appropriate structural performance of the pavement, the flexural tensile stresses resulted in values well below the concretes strength, ensuring the slabs quality. Also, the DLT enable a series of stresses analysis with different load configurations. The deflection study showed that in the longitudinal edges vicinity, deflections are higher due to lack of any anchorage system; the center deflections are typical concrete pavement ones. The deflection basins backcalculation resulted in values of elasticity modulus of concrete and modulus of subgrade reaction lower near the edge, reinforcing the impact of the lack of anchorage. The analysis of the load transfer efficiency across cracks showed highly satisfactory performance of all cracks, including those nearest to the edge, which certifies the structural integrity of the slab.

Escolha de ferramentas na quebra de cocos por macacos-prego (Sapajus spp.): Efeitos da forma das ferramentas / Tool selection for nut cracking by capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.): tool\'s shape effects

Ardila, Andrés David Ballesteros 02 February 2015 (has links)
Existe ampla evidência do nível de seletividade exibido por macacos-prego (Sapajus sp) em situações de escolha de ferramentas para a quebra de frutos encapsulados; indicando que as características dos martelos (material, peso e distância de transporte), assim como as características físicas próprias dos indivíduos, afetam a eficiência do na quebra e determinam o processo individual de tomada de decisões no uso de ferramentas. Considerando a predição de que também é provável que a eficiência na quebra seja dependente do controle do macaco sobre a pedra e do ângulo de impacto; o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar experimentalmente se a forma das ferramentas afeta a eficiência na quebra e é levada em consideração pelos macacos-prego, na hora de escolher as ferramentas a serem usadas. Para tal, testamos a escolha de pedras por cinco macacos-prego semilivres usuários de ferramentas - fazendo uso de pedras artificiais e realizando tentativas discretas de escolha com participação livre dos indivíduos - através de um delineamento fatorial de medidas repetidas com oito condições experimentais, correspondentes às possíveis combinações de três variáveis independentes em dois níveis: forma dos martelos (possibilidades de pegada e superfície potencial de contato), peso (leve e pesado) e distância de transporte exigida (perto e longe das bigornas). Avaliamos a seletividade exibida, os comportamentos manipulativos exploratórios e a proficiência natural de quebra de cada sujeito, visando elucidar os fatores determinantes do processo de escolha de ferramentas para a quebra de frutos. Os resultados apontam preferência dos macacos-prego pelos martelos que fornecem maior eficiência, pedras com maior possibilidade de pegada e maior superfície potencial de contato no golpe, aumentando os benefícios e diminuindo os custos do uso. Não encontramos um efeito evidente das variáveis de custo (peso e distância de transporte) sobre a preferência pelas características da forma, nem foi encontrada uma relação entre a preferência exibida em condições experimentais com o engajamento e proficiência natural dos indivíduos na quebra de cocos. Finalmente, verificamos que os macacos-prego baseiam suas escolhas principalmente a partir das dicas visuais, não obstante exibirem comportamentos manipulativos exploratórios que possivelmente permitem ganhar informação adicional sobre as propriedades da forma das ferramentas para realizar a escolha / Evidences point out that capuchin monkeys select stone tools for nut cracking based on the physical characteristics of tools (material, weight, transporting distance) in relation to their own physical characteristics (size, weight), and that selectivity seems to affect the efficiency of nut cracking, determining individual decision making in tool use. Considering the prediction that nut crack efficiency is affected by individual control, the stone and the impact angle; this study aimed to evaluate experimentally if the tools shape affect nut crack efficiency, and if this is considered in individual tool selection. We tested the choices of five semi-free individuals using artificial designed tools in eight different experimental conditions, manipulating hammers weight, shape and distance to the anvil, to determine the factors involved in tool selection process for nut cracking. The results shows the monkeys prefer hammers that increase cracking nut efficiency, with more holding possibility, and higher potential contact surface in the bites. There was no evidence for effect of variables related with costs (hammer weight and transporting distance) on the shape preference, and there was no relation between preferences in experimental conditions and engage or efficiency in baseline. We found that the capuchin monkeys based their tool choices in visual characteristics and exhibit manipulative exploratory behaviors that allow them to gain information about the tools shape to make choices

Contribuições teórico-experimentais para a definição das propriedades mecânicas do concreto com fibras aplicadas em simulações numéricas com foco na interação flexão-cisalhamento em vigas de concreto armado / Theoretical-experimental contributions for the definition of the mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete applied in numerical simulations focusing on the flexion-shear interaction in reinforced concrete beams

Silva, Matheus Fernandes de Araújo 28 January 2019 (has links)
A verificação ao cisalhamento de vigas de concreto armado é realizada, geralmente, assumindo sua independência do comportamento à flexão. Dentre os mecanismos que influenciam na resistência à força cortante, a força cortante transmitida pelo banzo comprimido da viga e o engrenamento de agregados são os mais abordados em pesquisas nos ultimos anos. Ambos dependem do nível de tensões normais atuante na seção do elemento. Sendo assim, o comportamento ao cisalhamento fica evidentemente dependente do comportamento à flexão e de como o concreto se comporta à tração e à compressão. Para melhor entender este comportamento, este trabalho compreendeu duas frentes de análise: experimental e numérica. Ensaios de tirantes foram realizados no intuito de avaliar o enrijecimento à tração do concreto com fibras. Além disso, ensaios de flexão em três pontos em prismas de 15cm x 15cm x 50 cm foram feitos para avaliar o comportamento pós-pico à tração do concreto. Ensaios de compressão em cilindros de concreto 10×20cm foram realizados de maneira a apontar estimativas para a energia de fratura à compressão e o comportamento pós-pico do concreto com diferentes taxas volumétricas de fibras. Seguindo os resultados experimentais, simulações numéricas dos ensaios de flexão em três pontos e dos ensaios de compressão foram desenvolvidas com o intuito de melhorar o entendimento dos ensaios realizados. Estes estudos aperfeiçoaram primordialmente os conhecimentos do comportamento do concreto à tração e compressão pós-fissuração. Foram ensaiadas nove vigas de concreto armado variando volume de fibras e a relação entre a distância da carga até o apoio mais próximo e a altura útil da viga ( a / d). Os resultados destes ensaios mostram que a resistência à força cortante aumenta com a taxa volumétrica de fibras e que o esquema estático adotado interfere pouco na resistência. Além disso, os resultados do estudo de caracterização do comportamento pós-pico do concreto foi aplicado na simulação numérica da viga. Os resultados numéricos apontam diferenças na rigidez global quando comparados com os resultados experimentais. / The shear strength verification of reinforced concrete beams is generally performed assuming their independence from the flexural behavior. Among the mechanisms that influence the shear strength, the shear force transmitted by the concrete compressed zone of the beam and the aggregate interlock are the most studied in the last years. Both depend on the level of normal stresses acting on the element section. Therefore, the shear behavior is obviously dependent on the flexural behavior and how the concrete behaves in tension and compression. For a better understanding, this work comprised two fronts of analysis: experimental and numerical. Tension ties tests were performed in order to evaluate the tension stiffening of concrete with fibers. In addition, three-point bending tests on 15cm x 15cm x 50cm prisms were made to evaluate the post-peak tension behavior of the concrete, or tension softening. Compression tests on 10 × 20cm concrete cylinders were carried out in order to estimate the compression fracture energy and the post-peak behavior of concrete with different volumetric fiber rates. Following the experimental results, numerical simulations of the three-point bending tests and the compression tests were developed with the aim of improving the understanding of the tests performed. These studies have the aim of improving the understanding of the three-point bending and compression tests performed. Nine reinforced concrete beams were tested, varying the volume of fibers and the relation between the distance of the load to the closest support and the useful height of the beam (a/d). The results of these tests show that shear strength increases with the volumetric rate of fibers and that the static scheme adopted does not interfere in resistance. In addition, the results of the post-peak concrete characterization study of the concrete were applied in the numerical simulation of the beam. Numerical results show differences in overall stiffness when compared with experimental results.

Contribution électrochimique à l’étude de la corrosion sous contrainte des aciers inoxydables lean duplex en milieu purement chloruré et sous présence de sulfure d’hydrogène / Electrochemical contribution to the study of the stress corrosion cracking of lean duplex stainless steel

Ruel, Fiona 10 June 2014 (has links)
Les aciers inoxydables lean duplex, à faible teneur en nickel et sans molybdène, représentent une alternative économique pour les usines de dessalement et l’industrie pétrolière. Celles-ci ont la particularité d’être exposées à des milieux très agressifs dont la présence de chlorure, de sulfure d’hydrogène, de hautes températures ou encore d’acides peut provoquer des phénomènes de fissuration sous contrainte.Cette étude est divisée en deux parties, la première se consacre aux milieux purement chlorurés et la seconde aux milieux contenant du sulfure d’hydrogène. Dans les deux parties, la compréhension des phénomènes liés à la fissuration sous contrainte des lean duplex est effectuée sur la nuance S32304, puis est comparée aux comportements des nuances S32202 et S32101. L’influence des milieux bouillants sur la résistance à la fissuration des aciers inoxydables, les mécanismes de dépassivation et de dissolution sélective des lean duplex, les différents modes de fissuration en présence de sulfure d’hydrogène ou encore l’amorçage de la corrosion sous contrainte assistée par le sulfure d’hydrogène sont abordés dans ce rapport. / Lean duplex stainless steels, with low content of nickel and without molybdenum, represent an economic alternative for desalting plants and petroleum industry. For these uses, steel have the particularity to be exposed to very aggressive environments inducing phenomenon of Stress Corrosion Cracking as chlorides, hydrogen sulphur, high temperatures or acids.This study is divided in two parts dedicated to two different environments. The first part is devoted to chloride middles and the second to hydrogen sulphur middles. In both parts, the understanding of phenomenon linked to the stress corrosion cracking of lean duplex is studied on the grade steel S32304, then is compared to the behaviour of grade steels S32202 and S32101. The topics treated in this report are notably the influence of boiling environments on the cracking resistance of stainless steels, the mechanism of unpassivation and selective dissolution of lean duplex, the different modes of cracking in presence of hydrogen sulphur, and the initiation of stress corrosion cracking assisted by hydrogen sulphur

Evaluation of Chloride Threshold for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composited in Aggressively Corrosive Environments

Unknown Date (has links)
Highway drainage pipes utilize concrete reinforced with steel wire to help mitigate water, earth, and traffic loads. Drainage pipes reinforced with zinc electroplated steel fibers offer a lower steel alternative to traditional steel wire cage reinforcements. The objective of the thesis research was to determine the physical and electrochemical characteristics of zinc electroplated steel fiber corrosion propagation. Experimental programs include: Fracture analysis of zinc electroplated steel fibers embedded in dry-cast concrete pipes exposed to varying chloride concentrations; Visual analysis of zinc electroplated steel fibers embedded in concrete exposed to varying chloride concentrations; Electrochemical analysis of zinc electroplated steel fibers embedded in concrete exposed to varying chlorides; Chloride threshold determination for zinc electroplated steel fibers immersed in simulated pore solution. Between the four experimental programs the most significant conclusion is that oxygen, moisture, and chlorides past the chloride threshold must be present for corrosion to propagate significantly on the zinc electroplated steel fibers. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Déterminismes microstructuraux et minéralogiques de la fissuration induite par dessiccation dans les argilites de Tournemire : apports couplés de la pétrographie quantitative et de la corrélation d'images numériques / Relationships between desiccation cracking behavior and microstructure of the Tournemire clayrock by quantitative petrography and digital image correlation

Fauchille, Anne-Laure 28 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’est inséré dans la problématique du stockage de déchets radioactifs en formation argileuse profonde. Il porte en particulier sur l’étude de la fissuration hydrique induite par la désaturation et resaturation de la roche en paroi des galeries de la station expérimentale de Tournemire (Averyon, France). Cette étude a visé à identifier les déterminismes microstructuraux et minéralogiques de la fissuration hydrique des argilites de Tournemire, en couplant au laboratoire la Corrélation d’Images Numériques (CIN) et la Microscopie Electronique à Balayage (MEB). Deux échantillons d’argilite de Tournemire ont été soumis à des variations d’humidités différentes par chocs et par paliers progressifs. La CIN a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence de l’humidité et de la teneur en eau sur l’amplitude de l’ouverture des fissures et des déformations à différentes échelles. Cette étude a également permis de mettre en lumière l’influence du chargement hydrique sur l’organisation des réseaux de fractures. Une cartographie minéralogique sur un champ plurimillimétrique en haute résolution a été également mise en œuvre au MEB sur ces deux échantillons d’argilites. Cette cartographie a permis d’apporter des données qualitatives et quantitatives sur l’anisotropie microstructurale et minéralogique de la roche argileuse et de proposer une estimation de la surface élémentaire représentative du système grain/matrice pour des zones à tendance argileuse.Le couplage de la CIN avec le MEB a révélé l’importance des hétérogénéités microstructurales relatives à la proportion, taille, élongation et orientation moyennes des inclusions rigides présentes dans la matrice argileuse de la roche, sur la localisation des fissures hydriques. / This study is included in the issues of a nuclear waste storage in deep geological clay formations. It concerns the cracking phenomenon due to desaturation and saturation processes of the argillaceous medium on gallery walls of the Underground Laboratory of Tournemire (Aveyron, France). The work presented here aims to identify in laboratory the different mineralogical factors which control the cracking generated by humidity variations, coupling two methods: the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).Two clay rock samples were submitted to swelling/shrinkage processes by fast bumps or gradual humidity variations. The DIC method enabled to reveal the influence of humidity and water content on crack widths and deformations intensity to different scales. This study highlighted the part of humidity variations on evolution and width of crack networks while comparing the results obtained by different conditions of humidity variations.A mineralogical map was investigated on a millimeter field with high resolution on two clay rock samples. It allowed to: quantify the microstructural anisotropy of the rock, and estimate the size of a representative elementary surface of a microstructural system composed of coarse grains and clay matrix, for argillaceous areas.The DIC-SEM approach has shown the closed relation between the location of microstructural heterogeneities such as local proportion of coarse grains and clay matrix, medium size, length ratio and orientation of coarse grains, with the position of the hydric cracks.

Gels à révélateurs chimiques pour la détection de la contamination radioactive de surfaces solides / Chemical gels for the detection of radioactive contamination on solid surfaces

Azar, Fadi 29 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la formulation de nouveaux gels permettant de détecter visuellement par changement de couleur une contamination radioactive surfacique α ou γ. Un film mince de gel (< 1mm) est pulvérisé sur la paroi et est facilement récupéré après séchage. Des gels de gomme de xanthane transparents, viscoélastique et contenant des colorants radiosensibles ont été formulés. Des irradiations γ de colorants organiques et de complexe coloré Fer (II)- Xylénol orange dans des gels de silice et de xanthane ont été effectuées. Les mécanismes et les vitesses d'oxydation par radiolyse ont été précisés en fonction de la dose absorbée. Notamment, le xylénol orange et l'erioglaucine sont les deux colorants les plus radiosensibles. Le gel Fer (II)- Xylénol orange- Xanthane, noté FXX, a permis de révéler une tache contamination de 137Césium (émetteur γ d'activité0 = 20 KBq) au bout de 48 heures par oxydation du complexe coloré xylénol orange- Fe (II). Par ailleurs, ce même gel a permis de détecter une contamination surfacique de 239plutonium (émetteur α d'activité0 = 3720 Bq) au bout d'une journée.Pour la récupération après séchage, l'ajout de la silice dans le gel de xanthane a permis de mettre en évidence un résidu final qui délamine à faible concentration en silice ou qui fracture à une concentration élevée en silice. Enfin, l'ajout d'acide (> 2 M) a conduit à un séchage partiel du gel afin d'obtenir un film humide récupérable. / This work deals with the formulation of new gels to detect visually radioactive surface contamination α or γ by color changing. A thin gel film (<1mm) is sprayed onto the wall and is easily recovered after drying, Transparent, viscoelastic polymer xanthan gels and with radiosensitive dyes were selected.γ irradiation of organic dyes and colored complex Fe (II)- xylenol orange in silica and Xanthan gel were performed. Mechanisms and kinetics of oxidation by radiolysis were identified as a function of absorbed dose. The gel iron (II)-xylenol orange- Xanthane, noted FXX, revealed a spot of contamination by 137cesium (γ emitter of Activity0 = 20 KBq) after 48 hours by oxidation of the complex xylenol orange- ion (II). Moreover, the same gel detected a surface contamination by 239plutonium (transmitter Activity0 = 3720 Bq) after one day.For recovering after drying, the addition of silica to xanthan gel helped highlight a final dry residue delaminates at low concentration of silica or fracture at high silica concentration. However, the addition of acid (> 2 M) led to a partial drying of the gel giving a wet film recoverable.

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