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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv náboženského vyznání na názory o vzniku a vývoji živých soustav / The Influence of the Religious Faith to the Opinions of the Origin and the Development of living systems

Korda, Petr January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I dealt with on the relationship between religious belief and acceptance or rejection the theories about origin of life and evolution-it means evolution by natural selection and theories such as creationism and Intelligent design. Respondents of the survey were students of universities and high-schools focused on natural sciences. The review of literature consists of chapters dedicated to evolution, creationism, ID, religion and surveys on this topic. In the research part of the thesis there is own analysis on the sample of students. The research was realized in the form of survey on students of universities, mostly and the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague and on the high schools, which are the teaching schools of this faculty. The benefit of this thesis is finding the relationship between their religious belief and their opinion about theories origin of life, evolution by natural selection, creationism and ID. Keywords: Evolution by natural selection, Intelligent design, Creationism, Religion, Belief

Vliv náboženského vyznání na názory o vzniku a vývoji živých soustav / The Influence of the Religious Faith to the Opinions of the Origin and the Development of living systems

Korda, Petr January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I dealt with on the relationship between religious belief and acceptance or rejection the theories about origin of life and evolution-it means evolution by natural selection and theories such as creationism and Intelligent design. Respondents of the survey were students of universities and high-schools focused on natural sciences. The review of literature consists of chapters dedicated to evolution, creationism, Intelligent design, religion and surveys on this topic. In the research part of the thesis there is own analysis on the sample of students. The research was realized in the form of survey on students of universities, mostly and the Faculty of Science of Charles University and on the high schools, which are the teaching schools of this faculty. The benefit of this thesis is finding the relationship between their religious belief and their opinion about theories origin of life, evolution by natural selection, creationism and Intelligent design. Keywords: Evolution by natural selection, Intelligent design, Creationism, Religion, Belief

Creationism and evolution: The role of Christian colleges in the preparation of public school teachers

Mitchell, Marvin Keith 01 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
The Assembly of God Church, The Southern Baptist Convention, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church sponsor Brighton University, Collier University, and Lynwood University respectively. Each of these Christian denominations holds creationism as a tenet of the faith. Each university also operates a state approved teacher education program. A number of preservice elementary teachers at these three schools are choosing to teach in public schools where the teaching of creationism is not an option in the science curriculum. Thus, creationist institutions and instructors are training more and more preservice teachers, to teach science from an evolutionist perspective. From an examination of documents used in science and science methods classes, and through interviews with science and education professors, and former students, data was collected and analyzed. All of the professors expressed interest in the issues surrounding creationism and evolution. The science professor's concerns centered on the difficulties in harmonizing apparent discrepancies between scientific evidence and church doctrine. The education professors were content with church policy regarding creationism, and stated that they fortified creationist thinking in their science methods classes. Documents from the science and science methods classes, along with the information supplied by former students, do not show that creationism issues are being considered in science methods classes to the extent the professors thought they were. Few students were able to recall creationism, or how a creationist could teach evolutionary science, as topics given serious consideration in their science or science methods classes.

The Acceptance and Understanding of Evolutionary Theory among Ohio Secondary Life Science Teachers

Korte, Sarah 03 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Reading the creation narrative in Genesis 1-2:4a against its ancient Near Eastern background

Dyssel, Allan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Ancient Studies. Centre for Bible Interpretation and Translation in Africa))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Reading the creation narratives in Genesis 1 and 2, one encounters two totally different renditions. The two creation narratives agree that God created the universe and that God blesses his creation in abundance. But why did the Hebrews need two creation stories so different in style? Gen. 1-2:4a seized my interest and I wanted to explore not only the milieu in which it was written, but also to read it against the creation narratives of the ancient Near East. The research was done religioushistorically. An insight had to be gained in the function and role of mythology within a cultural system and after distinguishing between folk sagas, legends and myths, different types of myths, as well as some perspectives on myths had to be investigated. Creation themes such as creation by birth, by struggle or victory, by action or activity as well as creation through the spoken word were encountered in the various creation narratives studied. Ancient Near East cosmogonies such as the variety of Egyptian cosmogonies, as well as Mesopotamian creation epics have been considered. Hittite myths were also considered, but here the result was the discovery of an extended pantheon with virtually no creation references. Thereafter I have concentrated on the cosmogony of the Hebrew Bible and the position, structure and understanding of Gen. 1-2:4a. Most creation stories revert to bloody violence between the gods. The God of the Hebrews is a God of order – from chaos he creates more than order, he creates beauty. The subsequent survey of the conception of humankind in the near Ancient East, proved to be varied as well as interesting, some with remarkable parallels. My interest was extended to placing the creation narrative of Gen. 1-2:4a in the modern era, by attempting to gain insight into the “Big Bang” theory, as well as Creationism and Evolution movements. Many motives were deducted by the research, but the idea of God creating in a “Godly” manner (bārā') and not merely give order to pre-created creations through struggle was unique. Human beings were created as the pinnacle of creation, and made to live in a relationship with their Creator.

La poesía de Basilio Fernández: El esplendor y la amargura

Moga, Eduardo 22 June 2011 (has links)
El trabajo analiza la obra poética de Basilio Fernández, un autor creacionista, discípulo de Gerardo Diego, que, tras publicar algunos poemas en revistas de vanguardia de los años 20 y 30 en España e Italia, se sume, hasta su muerte, en un ejercicio secreto de la poesía. Basilio Fernández aunó el vanguardismo de su juventud y el existencialismo de su madurez, y alumbró una poesía en la que la metáfora, la aliteración y la fantasía se conciertan para expresar su dolor por haber renunciado a su destino –a su condición de escritor– y, por ende, a los ideales de juventud: la libertad, el amor y la literatura. La tesis incorpora una biografía del poeta, cuya principal fuente de información son los trabajos publicados por su sobrino Emiliano Fernández. Atiende, en particular, a los hechos de su juventud y primera madurez, hasta principios de los años 40, esenciales para configurar su fibra moral, su sensibilidad estética y su proyecto literario, como su relación con Gerardo Diego, profesor suyo en el Instituto Jovellanos de Gijón, y con Luis Álvarez Piñer, compañero de estudios y alumno, asimismo, de Diego. La tesis fija, asimismo, el corpus poético de Basilio Fernández, integrado por unos 140 poemas. Ni las dos ediciones de su poesía completa, de 1991 y 1992, ni las dos antologías de su obra, de 2007 y 2009, incluyen todos los poemas que escribió, algunos de los cuales permanecen inéditos en el archivo personal de Gerardo Diego. La tesis analiza la obra de Basilio Fernández, creacionista, existencial, órfica y biográfica. En tanto que poesía creacionista, esgrime el poder alumbrador de la metáfora y de la imaginación errabunda. La libertad asociativa del surrealismo, que le acompañará indeclinablemente, es objeto de un examen pormenorizado. El carácter existencial de su obra, de inspiración barroca y romántica, pero exacerbado por el nihilismo contemporáneo, se refleja en la evocación del pasado, la preocupación por el paso del tiempo, el canto a lo perdido, el tedio de los días y el sinsentido de la vida, plasmados en algunos motivos recurrentes: el ubi sunt, el agua estancada, el río que pasa, y la caída, desdoblada, a su vez, en la hoja seca y la torre inclinada. El sentido existencial se proyecta también en la sociedad, que el poeta considera corrompida y fútil. Frente a los oprobios de la vida, sus únicos consuelos son el amor y Dios, aunque el primero es solo un recuerdo que se diluye en el caminar inexorable hacia la muerte. Únicamente el amor a Dios le ofrece la esperanza de una existencia sin sufrimiento. La poesía de Basilio Fernández es órfica, porque cree en la naturaleza vivificadora de la palabra y canaliza el descenso a los infiernos de su intimidad, que revela su insatisfacción y su dolor. Finalmente, es también biográfica, por cuanto los hechos y decisiones de la vida del poeta determinan el tono y el propósito de su obra, y porque sus circunstancias personales se transparentan en un amplio abanico de símbolos, analogías y opciones léxicas. El trabajo analiza el aparato simbólico, los mecanismos constructivos, los recursos estilísticos –anáfora, similicadencia, paradoja, aliteración, personificación y metáfora– y el cuerpo de pensamiento que integran la poesía de Basilio Fernández. También, algunas claves de su formación, visibles en el recurso a la métrica y la en intertextualidad. Se presta una atención singular a todos aquellos motivos o expresiones que den cuenta del conflicto existencial, y se subraya su dimensión vitalista, que opone al sentido de la declinación y la muerte una palabra sensorial y luminosa, una permanente celebración de la materia. / ABSTRACT OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS "BASILIO FERNÁNDEZ’S POETRY: SPLENDOR AND BITTERNESS", BY EDUARDO MOGA The thesis analyzes Basilio Fernández’s poetic work. As a disciple of Gerardo Diego, he was a creationist author, who, after publishing several poems in avantgarde magazines in the 1920’s and early 30’s in Spain and Italy, went into silence for the rest of his life, although he never quitted writing poetry, secretly. Basilio Fernández combined the avantgarde spirit of his youth and the existentialism of his adulthood, and brought about a poetry in which metaphor, alliteration and fantasy joined in order to express his pain for having given up his destiny –becoming a writer– and, hence, having forsaken his purest ideals and wishes: freedom, love and literature. The thesis includes a biography of the poet, which focuses on his youth, until the early 1940’s, which is essential to understand his moral attitudes, his aesthetic sensitivity and his literary project: mainly, his relationship with Gerardo Diego, who was his teacher and mentor in Gijón, and with Luis Álvarez Piñer, his classmate and friend, and also a Diego’s disciple. The thesis also determines Basilio Fernández’s poetic corpus, with around 140 poems, some of which have never been published yet. Basilio Fernández’s poetry is creationist, existential, orphic and biographic. He believes in the creative power of image. The freedom of association, inspired by surrealism, has a significant presence in it. As a existentialist writer, he is overwhelmed by the passage of time, the memory of the past, the lost world of his youth and the spleen of his current life. Some motives reflect all these concerns: the ubi sunt, the stagnant waters, the flowing river and the notion of falling –i. e., the dry leaf and the leaning tower. Human society is also corrupt. His only reliefs are love and God, although love is just a vanishing memory. God alone offers hope and consolation. Basilio Fernández’s work is orphic, since it believes in the power of language to bring what is dead back to life and to carry out a true descensus ad inferos, which reveals the poet’s unsatisfaction and suffering. It is also biographic, for the facts of the poet’s life determine the substance and purpose of his poetry.

Religião Popular : o que a escola pública tem a ver com isso? Pistas para repensar o ensino de ciências / Popular Religion: what does public school has to do with this? Tips to rethink the science teaching

Lana Claudia de Souza Fonseca 21 June 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O conhecimento científico constituiu-se como hegemônico na história da humanidade, excluindo dos círculos da validade outras formas de conhecimento. Entendendo a religião como uma expressão da cultura popular, representativa do conhecimento das classes populares, questiono a Teoria da Secularização da sociedade moderna, a partir da análise do fenômeno evangélico pelo qual passa o Brasil atualmente. Através destes conhecimentos, utilizando como recorte o ensino de ciências e de forma específica, a tensão entre o ensino do criacionismo e do evolucionismo, estabeleço as possibilidades de superação do preconceito de saberes existente na escola pública e apresento as possibilidades da mesma tornar-se o espaço de um conflito saudável de saberes que, através da dialogicidade, da circularidade de saberes e da dupla ruptura epistemológica, permita um deslocamento do paradigma cartesiano para um paradigma pautado no pensamento complexo, que resulte na construção compartilhada de conhecimentos na escola pública. / The scientific knowledge constitutes itself as hegemonic in the human history excluding from the validity circles other ways of knowledge. Understanding the religion as a expression of popular culture, representative of popular groups knowledge, I question the Secularization Theory of modern society, from analyzing the evangelic phenomenon that Brazil is passing through today. From this knowledge on, using the science teaching as a cutting, and in specific way the tension between the creationism and the evolutionism teaching, I set up the possibilities of overcoming the knowledge prejudice that exists at public schools and show up the possibilities that these schools become a place for a wholesome conflict of knowledge that, through dialogue, knowledge circularity and the epistemological double rupture, allow a movement from the Cartesian paradigm to a paradigm based on a complex thought, resulting into the shared building of knowledge in the public school.

Die antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie : 'n godsdienswetenskaplike studie (Afrikaans)

De Bruin, Gerhardus Stefanus 20 March 2006 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die Antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie stel voor dat wesens uit die ruimte die Aarde in die antieke verlede besoek het. Hierdie wesens was betrokke by die vroeë geskiedenis van die planet. Hulle het bewoonbare toestande geskep asook menslike intelligensie deur 'n proses van genetiese ingenieurswese. Hul besoeke is opgeteken en deur mense oorgelewer in godsdienste, mitologieë en antieke legendes. Hul teenwoordigheid is ook nog waarneembaar in antieke fisiese oorblyfsels. Voorstanders van die Ruimtevaarderteorie bied dit aan as 'n wetenskaplike hipotese en as die "mees perfekte algemene noemer van alle tye" wat 'n moderne verklaring vir die oer-godsdiens bied. Afdeling A van die studie bied 'n oorsig oor die teorie en die bewyse wat daarvoor aangebied word. Daar word aangetoon dat, hoewel die meeste van die postulate nie deur die moderne wetenskap as "onsinnig" beskou word nie, dit nie oortuig as 'n werkbare wetenskaplike teorie nie. Omdat daar weinig verskille tussen die basiese onderneming van die wtenskap en die godsdiens bestaan (beide vertrek vanaf onbewysbare aannames om waargenome data te verklaar) word daar vermoed dat die Antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie eerder funksioneer op die vlak van religieusiteit. Hierdie tese word ondersoek in Afdeling B van die studie: Daar word voorgestel dat die Fenomenologiese metode van godsdienswetenskaplike ondersoek, wat poog om 'n fenomeen te verstaan nie soos dit manifesteer nie, maar op die dieper vlak van die funksie en betekenins daarvan, die mees paslike metode vir die ondersoek is. (p> Met gebruikmaking van die insigte van 'n Fenomenologiese benadering, word aangedui dat die Antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie funksioneer as 'n godsdienstige beweging met eienskappe van 'n kulte en 'n nieu-mitologie. Die aanvaarbaarheid van die teorie vir die vele volgelinge daarvan, en die gepaardgaande groei van die bcweging wat dit propageer, word verklaar uit 'n kombinasie van sosiologiese en psigologiese faktore wat aan die werk is in die moderne Westerse beskawing. Vanuit 'n fenomenologiese gesigspunt word gekonkludeer dat die Ruimtevaardcrteorie baie suksesvol op religieuse vlak is. Dit slaag daarin om die Bybel weer "geloofwaardig" te maak en skep weer 'n "kosmiese raamwerk" vir die betekenis van die menslike bestaan. Die teorie kan ook beskou word as 'n prysenswaardige poging tot die sintetisering van godsdiens en die modeme wetenskap vir die aanhangers daarvan, en om die geestelike behoeftes van mense in 'n verwarrende en verwarde wêreld aan te spreek. In 'n slotafdeling word die bevindinge van die studie teologies oorweeg en word die waarde daarvan vir die Chrislelike godsdiens aangetoon. ENGLISH: The Ancient astronaut theory proposes that beings from outer space came to Earth in the distant past. These beings were involved in the early history of the planet: They created habitable conditions and human intelligence by genetic engineering. Their visits were recorded and handed down by humans in their religions, mythologies and ancient legends. Their presence is also visible in ancient physical remains. Proponents present the Astronaut theory as a scientific hypothesis and as "the most perfect common denominator of all time", allowing a modem explanation for old-time religion: Section A of the study provides an overview of the theory and the evidence presented in support of it. It is shown that, although many of the postulates are being accepted by modem science as "not unreasonable", it is not convincing as a workable scientific theory. Since there is little difference between the basic enterprises of science and religion (both departing from unproven suppositions to explain perceived data) it is suspected that the Astronaut theory rather functions on a level of religiosity. This thesis is investigated in Section 8 of the study: It is proposed that the Phenomenological method of studying religion, which attempts to understand a phenomenon not in the way it manifests itself, but on the deeper level of its function and meaning, is the most appropriate for this investigation. Using the insights of a Phenomeno!ogical approach, it is shown that the Ancient astronaut theory functions as a religious movement with attributes of a cult and a new-mythology. The acceptability of the theory for its many followers and the resulting growth of the movement that proposes it, is explained from a combination of social and psychological factors at work in Western society. From a phenomenological point of view it is concluded that the Astronaut theory may be considered very successful on a religious level: It succeeds in making the Bible "respectable" again and it recreates a "cosmic framework" for the meaning of human existence. The theory may also be considered a praiseworthy attempt to synthesise religion and modem science for its supporters and to address the spiritual needs of man in a confusing and confused world. In a final section of the study, the results are being considered theologically and their value. being shown for Christianity. / Thesis (PhD (Science of Religion))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted


21 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] As relações entre ciência e religião não se restringem aos dias de hoje, remontando ao surgimento da chamada ciência moderna no século XVI. Um importante capítulo dessa história é a publicação do livro A origem das espécies de Charles Darwin em 1859. Passados 150 anos de seu lançamento, vivemos em um mundo não menos religioso. Nesse sentido, supomos que o professor de biologia que professa uma fé religiosa cristã lida com duas construções sociais diferentes: religião e ciência. Assim, partindo de uma concepção pluralista da verdade e de uma proposta de educação intercultural baseada no conceito de tolerância, investigamos os conflitos e os arranjos que os professores de biologia que professam uma fé cristã encontram entre o criacionismo e o evolucionismo, num mundo que é ao mesmo tempo religioso e secularizado. Para isso, fizemos entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dez professores/as e analisamos o conteúdo de suas falas. Ficou evidenciado que os/as professores/as aceitam a evolução biológica, porém negam o acaso como uma etapa importante nesse processo. Em seu lugar, acreditam que Deus é quem dirige a evolução. Os/as professores/as reconhecem a importância da evolução para a biologia, mas se dividem quanto ao ensino do criacionismo. Indicamos também, com base na literatura de referência e nas falas dos sujeitos de pesquisa, que uma proposta de educação intercultural com base na tolerância pode ajuda a resolver conflitos envolvendo religião e ciência em sala de aula. / [en] The relationship between science and religion are not restricted to the present day, tracing the emergence of so-called modern science in the sixteenth century. An important chapter of this history is the publication of the book The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1859. After 150 years of its publication, we live in a world no less religious. Therefore, we assume that the biology teacher who professes a Christian religious faith deals with two different social constructs: religion and science. Thus, from a pluralistic conception of truth and a proposal for intercultural education based on the concept of tolerance, we investigated the conflicts and arrangements that biology teachers who profess a Christian faith find between creationism and evolution in a world that is both religious and secular. For this, we did semi-structured interviews with ten teachers and analyze the content of their speech. It was shown that the teachers accept the biological evolution, but deny the chance as an important step in this process. Instead, they believe that God drives the evolution. The teachers recognize the importance of evolution to biology, but are divided over the teaching of creationism. We also point that, based on the reference literature and the statements of the subjects of research, a proposal for intercultural education based on tolerance can help solving conflicts involving religion and science in the classroom.

Pippi Longstocking, Captain Ahab, and Other People: A Defense of Possibilism About Fictional Objects

Mercurio, Erin January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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