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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crowdfunding as an investment alternative - Why Crowdfunding? / Crowdfunding som investingsalternativ – varför Crowdfunding?

Waldenström, John January 2014 (has links)
Today it is extremely hard to get funding for different projects trough the ordinary channels such as banks, VC or Business angels etc. In recent years this has opened up for other alternatives, one of them is Crowdfunding. A few of the questions this paper attempt to answer is, which companies is Crowdfunding suited for? How do you succeed with your Crowdfunding campaign? What is the money used for? What’s the outlook on the future for Crowdfunding? The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of Crowdfunding and how it is used today, plus shine some light on how the future for Crowdfunding looks. Hopefully this will help the reader gain knowledge about why Crowdfunding is chosen as a mean to get investments. The purpose of the interviews is to get an inside look on Crowdfunding from those who work with it and those who have used it. What has the money been used for, what makes a successful campaign etc. The method that has been used to gather information is via internet and interviews, where the main content is rendered. The different kinds of Crowdfunding There are four types of Crowdfunding, Donation, Reward, Equity and Loan-based. Donation means that you give away your money and get nothing in return. In Reward based you get something (the product, a t-shirt etc…) in return for the investment. In Equity you get equity in the company. Loan gives you your money back with interest. Analysis and conclusion The main finding in the study is that most companies think that they will use Crowdfunding to gain capital to produce a product, which actually could be of less importance than the free marketing they get. Therefore the campaign, already from the start, should have the market in mind, together with the actual fund rising. Another conclusion is that Crowdfunding usually benefits the smaller companies, and the success of the campaign is strongly dependent on the many qualities of a skillfull entrepreneur. / Då det i dagens samhälle är mycket svårt att finna finansiering till olika projekt genom de klassiska investeringsalternativen, banker, affärsänglar m.fl. har detta gjort att det på senare tid kommit nya alternativa vägar att få finansiering, ett utav dessa alternativ är Crowdfunding. Några frågor som kommer att försöka besvaras i denna uppsats är: Vilka företag passar Crowdfunding för? Hur lyckas man med sin Crowdfunding kampanj? Vad använder företagen pengarna till? Hur ser framtiden ut? Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om Crowdfunding och hur det används idag samt hur framtiden för denna förhållandevis nya form av finansiering ser ut. Förhoppningsvis hjälper detta läsaren att skapa en förståelse varför Crowdfunding väljs före de klassiska alternativen. Syftet med intervjuer är att skaffa sig en inblick i Crowdfunding från insidan, dvs. hur har pengarna använts, finns det några gemensamma nämnare som gör att vissa kampanjer lyckas medan andra inte gör det. Metod som använts är informationssök via internet och intervjuer, intervjuerna bandades och transkriberades för att sedan kunna återge huvudinnehållet. De olika typerna av Crowdfunding Det finns fyra olika typer av Crowdfunding, dessa är Donation, Reward, Equity och Loan Based Crowdfunding. Donation innebära att ger en gåva och inte får något i utbyte. Reward funkar genom att man får en gåva eller något symboliskt för att man stöttat kampanjen. I Equity får man en andel i företagen och i Loan så lånar man ut pengar mot ränta. Analys och slutsats De flesta företag går in med inställningen att de ska samla in pengar för att kunna genomföra sitt projekt men det kan faktiskt vara mindre viktigt än den gratis marknadsföring de får. Därför bör kampanjen redan från början ha marknaden i åtanke tillsammans med insamlingen av kapital. En annan slutsats är att det är oftast mindre företag som gynnas av Crowdfunding och för att få en lyckad kampanj krävs många av de egenskaper som man letar efter hos en klassisk entreprenör.

Možnosti využití crowdfoundingu při financování veřejně prospěšných projektů v ČR

Hazuková, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
Hazuková, M. The possibilities of using crowdfunding to finance public projects in the Czech Republic. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using crowdfunding as an alternative source to finance public goods and projects. It discusses benefits, pro-blems and risks of this form of financing. Furthermore, the thesis examines pro-jects with public interest at two crowdfunding platforms, the Czech HitHit and the American Indiegogo. First of all, the gathered data is subjected to a quantitative analysis aimed at evaluating elements of a project with public interest that may most affect its success. The main part of this thesis is based on a logit model, which was used to evaluate factors leading to the most successful campaign with public interest. The conclusion discusses the potential for financing public and public be-nefit projects in the Czech Republic in the form of civic crowdfunding, and provides a summary of advantages and disadvantages of this way of financing. In addition, recommendations are formulated for the public sector on how to set key factors to make the campaign successful.

Penningtvätt inom gräsrotsfinansiering efter ECSP : Bör leverantörer av gräsrotsfinansieringstjänster träffas av penningtvättsreglerna på unionsnivå? / Money laundering within crowdfunding after ECSP : Should crowdfunding service providers be obliged to follow the anti-money laundering rules on EU-level?

Hagman, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Varför är investeringsviljan så låg förinstitutionella investerare i onoterade fastighetsinvesteringar med en crowdfunding-modell? / How come that the incentive/will to invest among institutional investors in unlisted real estate investments with a crowdfunding model is low?

Lorenius, Alexander, Wallin, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Den svenska fastighetsmarknaden har tagit fart de senaste åren. Den gynnsamma marknaden har lockat allt fler nya aktörer till fastighetsbranschen. Detta ger upphov till nya finansieringsalternativ så som crowdfunding. Idag är det främst privatpersoner som investerar i fastighetsprojekt med crowdfunding-modeller. I den här uppsatsen undersöks varför investeringsviljan i crowdfunding är låg hos institutionella investerare. Information har hämtats från sex stycket interjuver med representanter från olika institutioner. Inställningen till det nya finansieringsalternativet crowdfunding har visat sig vara positivt men det är många faktorer som hindrar institutionerna från att investera. Framförallt är det den bristande likviditeten i investeringen, förtroende hos projektutvecklarna & crowdfunding-plattformen samt den projektvolymerna som begränsar viljan att investera i crowdfunding-projekt. Crowdfunding inom fastigheter i Sverige är fortfarande något som är väldigt nytt och behöver därför fortsätta att växa för att skapa ett vidare intresse hos institutionella investerare. / The Swedish real estate market has taken off in recent years. The growing market has attracted an increasing number of new actors to the real estate industry. This promotes new alternatives to traditional financing, such as crowdfunding. Currently crowdfunding models is used to invest mostly by private individuals invest in crowdfunding models. This paper examines the incentives of institutional investors to invest in crowdfunding.  Information have been gathered from six interviews with representatives from different institutions. While the attitude towards the new funding option crowdfunding has proved to be positive, there are many factors that prevent the institutions from investing. Above all, it is the lack of liquidity in the investment, trust of the project developers & crowdfunding platform, as well as the project volumes that limit the incentive/will to invest in crowdfunding projects. Crowdfunding within real estate in Sweden is still very new and therefore needs to continue to grow to create a wider interest in institutional investors.

Konkurs på småspararnas bekostnad : Crowdfunding av fastighetsprojekt / Bankruptcy on Behalf of Private Investor : Crowdfunding of Real Estate

Blomqvist, Fredrik, Vilhelmson, August January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport tar sikte på de två konkursprojekt som till viss del finansierats av småsparare viacrowdfundingplattformen Tessin. Syftet är att diskutera om och i så fall hur konkursprojekten skiljersig från lyckade bostadsprojekt som finansierats via Tessin och om det finns anledning att tycka att deinte borde ha finansierats överhuvudtaget. Avgränsningar görs till bostadsprojekt finansierade viaTessin i Sverige sedan tjänsten grundandes 2014. Rapporten baseras på en kvantitativ metodansats där53 stycken lyckade projekt inom bostadsutveckling sammanställts till ett typprojekt som senarejämförs rent numeriskt mot de två konkursprojekten. Jämförelser görs både på projekt- ochverksamhetsnivå med avsikten att identifiera eventuella avvikelser. Avvikelsernas betydelseutvärderas och kopplas till den utvalda teorin, däribland The Pecking order Theory och Market forLemons. Målet är att besvara frågeställningen: Finns det för konkursprojekten betydande avvikelserfrån Tessins typprojekt av sådan karaktär att man bort inse ett misslyckande redan före finansiering? Idet ena konkursprojektet är avvikelserna så pass betydande att man bort inse ett misslyckande redanföre finansiering och således kunnat undvika att nu 20 mkr från småsparare står på spel i ett långdragetkonkursförfarande. I det andra projektet är bristerna inte lika uppenbara. / This bachelor thesis focuses on the two housing projects partially financed via Tessin’s crowdfundingplatform that faced insolvency. The purpose is to discuss whether or not the two bankruptcy projectsdiffer from the successfully completed projects and if so, is there reason to question the fact that theywere financed at all. The report is limited to crowdlending and geographically to Sweden and theSwedish crowdfunding platform Tessin. The report takes a quantitative approach where a typical projecthas been derived from 53 successful real estate development projects. This typical projects is laternumerically compared with the two unsuccessful ones. Project owner factors as well as project specificfactors for the two unsuccessful projects have been compared to its peers with the intention to identifyany significant deviations. The deviation is then evaluated and discussed in line with the theoreticalframework. Among theories are The Pecking order Theory and Market for Lemons. The ultimate goalis to answer the question: With regards to the data available before the financing of these unsuccessfulprojects. Was there, at the time for financing, deviation from the typical project of such character oneshould have realized the two projects were doomed to fail? In one of the unsuccessful projects theconclusion is that the deviations were of such character, and in the other it is not as clear.


Cabarle, Carla January 2019 (has links)
Regulation Crowdfunding, enacted in May 2016, is intended to facilitate capital formation in startups and small businesses funded primarily by small investors (Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 2016b). This dissertation investigates (1) the risk of fraud in equity crowdfunding offerings and (2) whether investors respond to fraud signals by selecting (rejecting) offers with low (high) fraud risk. Because equity crowdfunding is quite new, no frauds have yet been identified. Therefore, I employ a predictive analytics tool, Benford’s Law, to assess the fraud risk of the offering. I select observable indicators to represent the Fraud Triangle dimensions—incentives, opportunities and rationalization—and test if they predict fraud risk. I also compare offer funding outcomes to my fraud risk assessments to identify if investors’ selections consider fraud risk appropriately. The relaxed auditor assurance and disclosure requirements attracts both honest and dishonest founders, but I find that the risk of fraud is higher in equity crowdfunding offers than in public offerings as reported by other studies. I find that there are several individual fraud indicators and models that explain fraud risk, but these do not predict whether the offer is funded or not (funding outcomes) or the amount that is raised if funded. This dissertation is the first to apply Benford’s Law to equity crowdfunding offers and map fraud attributes to fraud risk and funding outcomes. My dissertation can inform investors, issuers, regulators, intermediaries and practitioners of the high risk of fraud in equity crowdfunding offerings and of several noteworthy fraud indicators. / Business Administration/Accounting

Crowdfunding : flera nyanser av engagemang / Crowdfunding : several shades of engagement

Eriksson, Kajsa January 2015 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie behandlar ämnet Internetbaserad crowdfunding, enfinansieringsmetod där ett stort antal människor ger en liten summa pengar vardera till ettprojekt via en crowdfundingplattform på Internet. Studiens fokus är engagemang: vad somskapar engagemang för crowdfunding och vad som kan stärka engagemanget. Studienundersöker också om enbart kommunikation via Internet är tillräckligt för att skapa stortengagemang för crowdfunding. Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inomforskningsområdet crowdfunding så att skapare av crowdfundingkampanjer, i utvecklandet avsina kampanjer, kan öka engagemanget hos de personer som stöttar eller funderar på att stöttaen crowdfundingkampanj. De problemformuleringar som ska bidra till att nå upp till syftet ärföljande: varför engagerar sig människor i crowdfunding? Hur kan interaktionen mellanstöttare och kampanjskapare förbättras? Hur kan ansikte-mot-ansikte-kommunikation, genomevent, öka engagemanget för crowdfundingkampanjer? För att besvara studiensproblemformuleringar och därmed nå upp till syftet genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuermed sju personer som stöttat crowdfundingkampanjer. Resultatet av undersökningen visar attdet finns flera motiv till varför människor engagerar sig i crowdfundingkampanjer. De motivsom representerades av flest respondenter var att hjälpa en vän och viljan att ett projekt skafinnas. Andra motiv som delades av flera respondenter var att stötta kampanjer där förtroendeoch tillit finns till kampanjskaparna, för att få belöningar för sitt engagemang, för att bli en delav gemenskapen och för att idén med crowdfunding gillas. Undersökningens resultat visaräven tre förbättringsmöjligheter i interaktionen mellan kampanjskapare och stöttare: 1) mervarierande statusuppdateringar på kampanjsidan på crowdfundingplattformen med fokus påannat än enbart det finansiella, 2) mer uppdateringar även efter kampanjens slut och 3) attkampanjskapare bör visa upp sina projekt i en livestream. Studiens resultat visar också attansikte-mot-ansikte-kommunikation, genom event, kan öka engagemanget förcrowdfundingkampanjer. Detta då stöttare får möta personerna bakomcrowdfundingkampanjen samt får se resultatet av kampanjen de stöttat på riktigt, inte enbartvia Internet. I studiens anges hur skapare av crowdfundingkampanjer praktiskt kan tillämpadenna studies resultat för att öka engagemanget hos stöttare samt potentiella stöttare. / This qualitative study addresses Internet-based crowdfunding, which is a financing methodwhere a large number of people give small amounts of money to a project via a crowdfundingplatform on the Internet. The focus of the study is engagement: what creates engagement incrowdfunding and what can increase the engagement. The study also examines ifcommunication only via the Internet is enough to create great engagement. The purpose of thestudy is to contribute to the knowledge development in the research area of crowdfunding. Bydoing that, it will also increase the knowledge among creators of crowdfunding campaignsand enable them to increase the engagement among backers and potential backers in thedevelopment of their campaigns. The research questions that will help achieve the purpose ofthe study are: why do people engage in crowdfunding? How can the interaction betweenbacker and creator of campaigns improve? How can face-to-face communication, throughevents, increase engagement in crowdfunding campaigns? To address these questions andachieve the purpose seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with people who hadbacked crowdfunding campaigns. The result of the study shows that there are differentmotives to why people engage in crowdfunding campaigns. The motives that was mostrepresented by the respondents was in order to help a friend and wanting to realize a certainproject. Other motives that were represented by several respondents were to back campaignsbecause they had confidence and trust in the creators of the campaigns, to receive rewards fortheir engagement, be a part of the community and to back a campaign because they like theidea of crowdfunding. The result of the study also shows three improvement possibilities inthe interaction between creator of the campaigns and the backers: 1) more dynamic updates onthe crowdfunding platform with focus on other than the financial aspect, 2) more updates afterthe end of the campaign and 3) that creators of the campaigns could show their projects in alivestream. The result of the study also shows that face-to-face communication, throughevents, can increase the engagement in crowdfunding campaigns. This is because backers canmeet the persons behind the crowdfunding campaign and see the result of the campaign in reallife and not just via Internet. How creators of crowdfunding campaigns can use the result ofthis study is indicated in the study. The language of the study is Swedish.

Quality Signals in Equity-based Crowdfunding

Koutun, Alina January 2016 (has links)
The current thesis explores a relatively new academic topic – equity-based crowdfunding. The purpose is to examine which quality signals, used by the entrepreneurs in their fundraising process, tend to increase the probability of closing an equity-based crowdfunding campaign successfully. The findings in this thesis serve as an additional contribution to a relatively unexplored topic of signaling in equity crowdfunding. Besides a theoretical contribution, it provides practical insights that may help entrepreneurs and crowdfunding platforms to increase the probability of successful campaign closure. The data for this study was collected from an international crowdfunding platform Fundedbyme.com. The explanatory variables, both continuous and binary, were divided into several thematic groups, while the dependent variable was defined by either successful or unsuccessful outcome of the campaign. The effect of the explanatory variables on the outcome of the campaign was tested with the help of the logistic regression (logit) model. The results showed that crowd investors in the network of Fundedbyme.com use particular quality signals to distinguish between the projects, in fact, both financial signals and more qualitative signals. Increases in the financial signals such as funding goal and price per share affect the probability of success negatively, while the presence of the qualitative signals (received awards and the indication of the non-executive board) contribute to a higher probability of success. Secondly, the results imply some similarities between the selecting mechanism in traditional funding, reward-based and the equity-based crowdfunding. As a third point, this research shows that the presence of a specific selecting mechanism in crowdfunding helps to some extent decrease the information asymmetry and adverse selection in the market of crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding - den perifera eller centrala vägen? : En studie om beslutsprocesser inom equity- och debtbaserad crowdfunding

Ayorinde, Shadé, Cacan, Enkido January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The study aims to describe and analyze how investors are influenced by information in decision-making processes regarding equity and debt-based crowdfunding. Theories: Elaboration Likelihood Model, Asymmetric information and previous relatable studies.  Method: Qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. Conclusion - The results from the study showed that central factors can lead to debt-based projects and peripheral factors to equity-based projects. The decision-making processes differed in the two different types of crowdfunding according to the security, or uncertainty, of the project. It also turned out that investors preferred debt-based crowdfunding projects. The study also proved the importance of information for the investors differs whether it is a debt- or equity based project.

群眾募資網路平台服務運營模式之研究 / A study of the Operation Model of Crowdfunding Platforms

陳佩敏 Unknown Date (has links)
群眾募資是近年來最廣為被討論與使用的新興籌資方式,自2008年Indiegogo以及2009年Kickstarter等群眾募資網路平台相繼出現後,這種創新型態的籌資方式便從美國擴展到全世界。募資方透過平台展示提案理念與商品原型,以換取贊助者的出資贊助,並於計畫成功執行後提供回饋予出資者。群眾募資網路平台在這其中擔任兩者之間的牽線者,提供平台資源與行銷傳播建議。群眾募資平台依據其回饋方式的不同主要有四種不同的類型,分別為借款基礎集資、股權基礎集資、獎酬基礎集資、捐贈基礎集資。除了國際上廣為人知的Kickstarter與Indiegogo外,近幾年亞洲市場也受到了這波風潮影響,分別出現了中國的眾籌網、點名時間,以及台灣的flyingV、嘖嘖zeczec等等群眾募資平台。近年來台灣的許多重大事件,亦可在群眾募資網站上見其蹤影。可見其在社會上的影響力與日俱增。 本研究採個案研究法,選擇Indiegogo、Kickstarter、眾籌網、點名時間、flyingV、嘖嘖zeczec,分屬美國、中國、台灣三地、六個平台作為研究個案,欲了解其功能發展、內容服務、運作模式、創新價值、成功要素與商業模式策略。希望藉由對產業資料的蒐集,了解群眾募資產業的發展現況與市場定位。群眾募資網路平台已不僅僅是單純的募集資金功能,對小型創業團隊或中小企業而言,眾籌平台提供產品曝光機會與市場反應測試,降低初期的創業門檻與資金問題;對大型企業而言,群眾募資平台兼具新興行銷與網路通路的功能,除了能增加產品曝光的機會,亦能規避現有銷售通路的限制,加速產品的銷售! / Recent years, crowdfunding is the most widely discussed and used way to raise finance resources. Since Indiegogo founded in 2008, Kickstarter in 2009 and other crowdfunding web platforms, this innovative funding model has spread from the United States to the whole world. The project creator show their proposal and prototype on the platform in order to earn their support. When the project successfully executed, providing feedback to the financial contributions. The crowdfunding website platform serve as the router between this relationship, providing resources and marketing communication submittal. Owing to its feedback functional, crowdfunding platform can be categorized into four primary types: reward-based、donation-based、equity-based、credit-based. In addition to well-known international platform such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter, the Asian market has also been the impact of this effect in recent years such as the establishing of China’s zhongchou, demohour and Taiwan’s flying and zeczec. Last several years, many important events of Taiwan could also had been seen on the crowdfunding platform. Its influence power on the community has been more powerful day by day. This research adopts case study method, selecting Indiegogo, Kickstarter, zhongchou, demohour, flyingV and zeczec accordingly belong to the United States, China and Taiwan three different region as study cases. With theirs function rolls, content service, operating model, creative worth, wining factors and business model strategy, hopes to realize the crowdfunding industry current development and crowdfunding market. Crowdfunding platform is not only a simple function for raising funds for small entrepreneurial team or SMEs, but also providing product exposure and to test market reaction. Lower the financial gap for startup group’s venture capital. Besides the crowdfunding platforms combine the functions of marketing and physical channel, large enterprises could increase product exposure on platform avoiding the limitations of existing sales channels and accelerate product sales.

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