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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Increasing Donor Retention on Non-profit Crowdfunding Websites : Recommendations and Considerations

Långström, Arvid January 2018 (has links)
With the emergence of the concept of crowdfunding, a new alternative has arisen for non-profit organizations to procure funding for their cause. But several of the issues plaguing non-profits still remain. Attracting people to give in the first place is one major challenge, but retaining the relationship and keeping the donors giving is an even bigger one. This thesis delves into the issue of getting donors to sustain their giving, more commonly known as donor retention. More specifically, this thesis aims to identify what factors are important when aiming to improve donor retention in both charity and crowdfunding contexts. Additionally, the thesis explores what is important in the general structure and content of a non-profit crowdfunding platform, and what possible measures can be taken in order to improve donor retention through the platform. This was achieved by conducting a literature study in the field of donor retention in both a charity as well as crowdfunding context to find important factors as well as measures to be considered. In parallel, 15 interviews were conducted to gather insights on the attitudes, donation habits and motivations of people who had previous experience of giving to charity. In sequence with the interviews, 15 user tests on the crowdfunding platform of the non-profit organization Help to Help were performed. The user tests aimed to evaluate and collect donors' opinions and conceptions of the contents and layout of an existing non-profit crowdfunding platform. From the literature study several factors found to improve donor retention were identified. These were: satisfaction, trust, commitment and involvement. The literature study, interviews and user tests resulted in finding a large number of possible actions to take when constructing a non-profit crowdfunding platform. The measures were summarized and condensed into a collection of recommendations and considerations to take when designing such a platform to increase donor retention. The thesis also identified that crowdfunding components can make a charity website appear more transparent and innovative. Additionally, the thesis found that many donors continue to donate based on their initial conviction. Where the ability to provide proof of where the donations end up and ability to appear transparent were the most cited reasons for deciding to support an organization.

Crowdfunding as a Source for Social Enterprise Financing : Advantages and Disadvantages Experienced by Social Entrepreneurs

Hazam, Diana, Karimova, Dijana, Olsson, Magnus Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Social Enterprises face funding challenges. As investors focus too narrowly on risk and return, social enterprises may struggle to compete with commercial enterprises for investment capital. In this context, lending and equity crowdfunding have not been sufficiently examined, and its growing importance for business financing makes it valuable to understand its implications for social enterprises. This study collects qualitative data and uses thematic analysis to identify advantages and disadvantages that social entrepreneurs experience when using lending or equity crowdfunding. By conducting six semi-structured interviews we identified nine major advantages which are Viable funding option, Publicity and marketing, Engagement creation, Access to impact-minded investors, Alignment with company principles, Higher valuation of the company, Tests market viability, Favourable power balance towards investors and Large pool of capital; and five major disadvantages which includes Higher costs, Large number of investors, Inexperienced investors, Public exposure & Efficiency concerns. We discuss that crowdfunding represents values that are attractive for social enterprises. Further, crowdfunding sometimes offer higher valuation or more capital to social enterprises, compared to other funding sources. We see that several advantages are especially important in business’s startup phase. However, crowdfunding can also cause greater stress on the management team, and require time and resources. Entrepreneurs also need to consider factors such as public embarrassment when campaigns fail.

Crowdfunding som alternativ finansieringsmetod för startupbolag: : En kvalitativ studie i svensk kontext

Larsson, Emelie, Boström, Therése January 2016 (has links)
Framväxten av startupbolag är viktig för såväl samhällsutveckling som jobbmöjligheter. Dock visarforskning att dessa typer av bolag ofta möter svårigheter i sin kapitalanskaffning, som är en förutsättning för att bolagen ska utvecklas och fortleva. För att uppfylla startupbolags finansieringsbehov har en alternativ finansieringsmetod växt fram de senaste åren –crowdfunding, och denna metod är ännu relativt outforskad. Därmed fann författarnatill denna studieett forskningsgap som behövde fyllas.Syftet med denna studie är därför att utveckla en djupare förståelse för hur startupbolag och dess två subaktörer; företagsinkubatorer och banker, upplever att den relativt nya finansieringsmetoden crowdfunding förändrar förutsättningarna för startupbolag att söka externt kapital. Studiens utgångspunkt är bolags förutsättningar i traditionella finansieringssammanhang, och tar därför avstamp i teorier kring dessa. För att fylla det funna forskningsgapet och uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvalitativ studie genomförts, där empiri har samlats in under tio semistrukturerade intervjuer, fördelat på de tre ovan nämnda aktörerna. Ur teorin och empirin kunde fyra övergripande teman finnas; kapitalstruktur, informationsasymmetri, signalering och finansieringslandskapet. Under varje tema kunde kunskap i relation till både traditionella finansieringssammahang och crowdfundingsammanhang utläsas, vilket gav författarna möjligheten att besvara problemformuleringen samtuppfylla studiens syfte.De generella resultat som kunde utläsas ur dessafyra övergripande teman är att crowdfunding som alternativ finansieringsmetod upplevs kunna påverka förutsättningarna för startupbolag att söka externt kapital på flera sätt;genom att öka tillgängligheten av externt kapital både initialt och efter en lyckad crowdfundingkampanj, genom att förändra krav på signalering som startupbolag möter för att minska informationsasymmetrin mellan bolaget och finansiären, samt genom att finansieringsmetoden upplevs kunna demokratisera det finansiella systemet och förflytta makten från traditionella finansiärer till individerna i samhället. Dessutom framkom det under studien att det råder en relativt utbredd okunskap kring crowdfunding som finansieringsmetod, en okunskap som författarna anser bör minskas avsevärt för att startupbolag på ett effektivt sättvidareska kunna nyttja metoden till dess fulla potential. Dessa resultat bidrar såväl teoretiskt till forskningsfältet, som praktiskt till startupbolag –genom ökad insikt ochdärmed bättre förutsättningar att fatta strategiskt välgrundade finansieringsbeslut, med crowdfunding i åtanke.

Crowdfunding : Ett finansieringsalternativ för småföretag : En studie om hur småföretag i mat- och dryckesbranschen förhåller sig till crowdfunding samt de traditionella finansieringsformerna

Nouri, Fatemeh, Warsame, Samira January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie som syftar till att undersöka småföretagare och deras användning av crowdfunding. Under studien så har även de digitala plattformarnas perspektiv tagits med. De teorierna som undersökningen utgår ifrån är finansiella gapet, informationsassymmetri, pecking order teori och finansiella tillväxtcykeln. Studien har även beskrivit andra traditionella finansieringsformer utöver crowdfunding. Fyra respondenter som representerar sina företag som verkar i mat och dryckes branschen har intervjuats och även två digitala plattformar har deltagit i undersökningen. Studiens resultat visar att crowdfunding är ett finansiering alternativ som gynnas av mikroföretag när de har svårt att finansiera sig. Det finns ingen tydlig förklaring bakom valet mellan lån och andelsbaserad crowdfunding. Studien kommer också fram till att crowdfunding är ett hjälpmedel för företag i början av sin uppväxt, då andra traditionella finansieringsalternativ kan vara mer lämpliga ju mer företaget växer.

Fais Ce Qu'il Te Plaît... Mais Fais Le Comme Je L'aime : Amélioration des performances en crowdfunding par l’utilisation des catégories et des récits / Give It To Me Straight... The Way I Like It : Increasing Crowdfunding Performance Using Categories and Narratives

Sitruk, Jonathan 07 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à fournir aux entrepreneurs une meilleure compréhension de la façon d'améliorer leur performance lors de la collecte de fonds auprès d’investisseurs. Les entrepreneurs ont des difficultés notoires à accéder aux ressources financières et au capital parce qu'ils souffrent d'un aléa de la nouveauté. Cette condition inhérente est due à leur manque de légitimité dans leur marché cible et conduit les investisseurs à les considérer comme intrinsèquement risqués. Les moyens de financement des entrepreneurs ont traditionnellement été l'épargne personnelle, la famille et les amis, les banques ou les investisseurs professionnels. Le financement participatif est apparu comme une alternative à ceux-ci et les chercheurs dans le domaine de la gestion et de l'entrepreneuriat ont pris un grand intérêt à comprendre ses facettes multiples. La majorité de la recherche sur le financement participatif s’est concentrée sur des éléments quantifiables que les investisseurs utilisent pour déterminer la qualité de la startup. Plus la qualité perçue est élevée, plus les investisseurs ont des chances d'investir. Cependant, en complément de ces éléments de qualité, et non abordés par la recherche jusqu’à présent, sont les éléments qualitatifs qui permettent aux projets d’être plus clairs aux yeux des bailleurs de fonds potentiels tout en transmettant des informations en accord avec les attentes de ces mêmes investisseurs. Cette thèse vise à explorer les stratégies que les entrepreneurs peuvent utiliser pour augmenter leur performance dans le financement participatif en comprenant comment les investisseurs donnent du sens aux projets et comment ils les évaluent étant donné la nature de la plateforme utilisée par l'entrepreneur. Cette thèse contribue aux littératures du crowdfunding, de la catégorisation et des plateformes. La thèse explore d'abord comment les entrepreneurs peuvent utiliser les catégories et les stratégies narratives comme des leviers stratégiques pour améliorer leur performance en abaissant le niveau d'ambiguïté de leur offre tout en alignant leurs stratégies narratives aux attentes de la plateforme qu'ils utilisent. Deuxièmement, cette dissertation empreinte un chemin relativement inexploré en fournissant une critique de la relation qui existe entre l’utilisation de plusieurs catégories, l'ambiguïté et la créativité. De plus, la théorie de la catégorisation est enrichie par une analyse approfondie de l'importance des réseaux sémantiques et des images dans le processus de création de sens (« sense
making ») en utilisant une approche empirique nouvelle. Les images sont d'un intérêt particulier étant donné qu'elles ont leur importance à l’origine de la théorie de la catégorisation. Elles sont également traitées par des moyens cognitifs différents de ceux des mots et sont d'une importance vitale dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Enfin, cette thèse explore la relation entre les plateformes et les récits en théorisant que les premiers sont des types particuliers d'organisations dont l'identité est forgée par leurs parties prenantes internes et externes. L’identité d’une plateforme est vulnérable aux changements tels que les chocs exogènes. Les entrepreneurs doivent apprendre à identifier ces identités ainsi que les changements potentiels afin d'adapter leurs stratégies narratives dans l’espoir d’augmenter leur performance. / This dissertation aims to provide entrepreneurs with a better understanding of how to improve their performance when raising funds from investors. Entrepreneurs have difficulty accessing financial resources and capital because they suffer from a liability of newness. This inherent condition is due to their lack of legitimacy in their target market and leads investors to see them as inherently risky. The traditional means of financing new venture ideas have been through personal savings, family and friends, banks, or professional investors. Crowdfunding has emerged as an alternative to these and scholars in the field of management and entrepreneurship have taken great interest in understanding its multiple facets. Most research in crowdfunding has focused on quantifiable elements that investors use in order to determine the quality of an entrepreneur’s venture. The higher the perceived quality, the higher the likelihood investors have of investing in it. However, orthogonal to these elements of quality, and not addressed in current research, are those qualitative elements that allow projects to become clearer in the eyes of potential funders and transmit valuable information about the venture in a coherent fashion regarding the medium they are raising funds from. This dissertation aims to explore strategies entrepreneurs can use to increase their performance in crowdfunding by understanding how investors make sense of projects and how they evaluate them given the nature of the platform used by the entrepreneur. This thesis contributes to the literature on crowdfunding, categorization, and platforms. The thesis first explores how entrepreneurs can use categories and narrative strategies as strategic levers to improve their performance by lowering the level of ambiguity of their offer while aligning their narrative strategies to the expectations of the platform they use. On a second level, the dissertation provides a deeper understanding of the relation that exists between category spanning, ambiguity, and creativity by addressing this relatively unexplored path. Categorization theory is further enriched through a closer examination of the importance of semantic networks and visuals in the sense making process by using a novel empirical approach. Visuals are of particular interest given they were of seminal importance at the foundation of categorization theory, are processed by different cognitive means than words, and are of vital importance in today’s world. Finally, the dissertation explores the relation between platforms and narratives by theorizing that the former are particular types of organizations whose identity is forged by their internal and external stakeholders. Platform identities are vulnerable to change such as exogenous shocks. Entrepreneurs need to learn how to identify these identities and potential changes in order to tailor their narrative strategies in the hopes of increasing their performance.

Produktutveckling av ett tandborsttillbehör / Product development of a toothbrush accessory

Holm, Kristofer, Lundqvist, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Prodelox AB är en produktutvecklingsfirma som hjälper sina kunder med komplett produktutveckling. På senare tid har företaget sett ett ökat intresse för crowdfunding och hur detta kan användas i samband med produktutvecklingsuppdrag för finansiering. Crowdfunding bygger på att en grupp människor investerarpengar för att se projekt bli till verklighet. Pengarna används oftast till att färdigställa produkten för serietillverkning. Detta arbete syftar till att utveckla en produktmed potential för en lyckad crowdfunding-kampanj samt att göra en rapport om crowdfunding med inriktning på produktutveckling. Produkten som utvecklats är ett tandborststillbehör som räknar antal slag som utförs under borstningen. Efter avslutat arbete kan det konstateras att tandborststillbehöret som utvecklats har stor potential. Vidare arbete med förberedelser för lansering till exempelmarknadsföring, skapandet av en kampanj och framtagning av serietillverkningsunderlag krävs.

Plan de negocios de recaudación electrónica a través de Crowdfunding para una Unidad Estratégica de Negocios

Bustos Lara, Ángel Rodrigo January 2018 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / A partir del siglo pasado el incremento en la población ha tenido un ritmo sostenido y que trae consigo necesidades. Por ello a mayor población mayor son las necesidades, que sin importar su naturaleza se sustentan en lo económico. La búsqueda de estos recursos va desde el trabajo formal a colectas sociales. Durante los últimos 20 años tanto la banca como el retail han luchado para disponer de recursos suficientes para sustentar las necesidades económicas de esta nueva población, sin embargo, no siempre está al alcance de todos. Las fundaciones, agrupaciones de emprendedores, juntas de vecino, personas naturales con proyectos que no cumplen con las condiciones impuestas por el mercado regulado quedan excluidos de lograr cubrir sus necesidades, dejando así sueños sin poder ser realizados, haciendo que la innovación tecnológica sea eclipsada por la falta de recursos y mermando el dinamismo económico del país. Chile es una sociedad con una fuerte penetración tecnológica y cultural, la que tiende fuertemente a la globalización y que ha mantenido un crecimiento constante, requiere poder generar programas de apoyo al emprendimiento, ya sea desde programas públicos como privados. Por lo tanto surge la necesidad de un modelo de negocios que permita servir como puente entre la sociedad, sus necesidades y la obtención de recursos sobre una plataforma digital, globalizada, sin barreras geográficas y que no haga distinciones de segmentos socioeconómicos. Así surge una organización que busca posicionar un servicio ícono en Chile, altamente confiable y seguro donde se pueda canalizar la ayuda económica social. Dentro del plan de negocios está; diseñar los patrones comerciales, operacionales y de marketing que permitan llevar a cabo un servicio de excelencia, desde la captación del cliente hasta la postventa, cubriendo todos los segmentos de clientes identificados. El uso de la tecnología, el desarrollo profesional, el compromiso con el medio ambiente y su fuerte sentido social permite una eficiente gestión de sus costos, siendo un beneficio en la estrategia de precios, que en consecuencia se transforma en una venta competitiva. Se espera que el logro de ayuda social, incremente la innovación, apoye a quienes necesitan financiamiento. Al mismo tiempo que esta organización pueda expandirse, siendo un generador de empleos y apoye la generación de proyectos. Este plan de negocio es para crear una nueva unidad estratégica de negocio de la firma GlobalConexus, con una mirada social, tecnológica y de expansión

Motiven bakom en investering i crowdfunding

Albin, Holm January 2015 (has links)
It is well known that small businesses and entrepreneurs in the initial phase has difficult to gain access to external capital and bank loans. With the background of the problems that entrepreneurs face when they ask for capital has since the financial crisis the phenomenon of crowdfunding developed and evolved. Crowdfunding is an alternative source of funding for entrepreneurs to fund their ideas through small or medium-sized capital contribution from a larger amount of investors, often investors who have any kind of relationship with the entrepreneur or to the very idea. This study examined the factors that motivate and guide an investor's decisions when they select their projects. The results of the study show that the motives of the various existing forms of crowdfunding is big. To answer the question of what can affect an investor's motives, the form of crowdfunding must be mentioned. The motivational factors in the study turns out to be local projects, social benefits in the form of altruism, affiliation, shared values as well as the monetary returns and material rewards.

Folkfinansiering för småföretag : En kvalitativ studie om folkfinansiering och traditionell företagsfinansiering i en svensk kontext

Abou Hachem, Ibrahim, Bydén, Björn January 2014 (has links)
Folkfinansiering via Internet har på senare tid växt fram som en finansieringskanal förnya projekt och företagsidéer som har svårt att bli finansierade genom de traditionellafinansieringskanalerna. Det har emellertid varit okänt hur småföretagare ser på dennafinansieringskanal och vad de upplever som dess för- och nackdelar. Syftet med dennauppsats är att skapa förståelse för småföretagares uppfattning och inställning till deolika finansieringskanalerna banklån, riskkapital, kapital från affärsänglar ochfolkfinansiering. Studien har ett särskilt fokus på hur folkfinansiering står sig ursmåföretagarens perspektiv.För att skapa oss en förståelse för småföretagares finansieringssituation har vi samlatteorier som berör finansiering av just småföretag. Den teoretiska referensramenbehandlar därför traditionella finansieringsalternativ som banklån, riskkapital ochaffärsänglar men innehåller även vad som är känt om finansieringsformenfolkfinansiering. Vårt arbete är en kvalitativ studie där vi har intervjuat småföretagare iUmeå om hur de ser på de olika finansieringsformerna samt deras tankar kringfolkfinansiering.Resultatet visar att folkfinansiering kan fungera både som ett komplement och substituttill traditionell finansiering. Respondenterna hade generellt sett en positiv inställning tillfolkfinansiering men hade ändå vissa farhågor om att en folkfinansieringskampanjkunde ta onödigt mycket tid i anspråk och inte ge samma avlastning till entreprenörensom de andra finansieringsalternativen gav. Våra resultat visar även att banklån är enväldigt oattraktiv finansieringsform för denna kategori av företagare. Däremot sesaffärsänglar och riskkapitalister som ett bättre alternativ om det får ske påentreprenörens egna villkor. Fördelarna med affärsänglar och riskkapital jämfört medfolkfinansiering upplever respondenterna är att de utöver kapital även får tillgång tillvärdefull kunskap och viss avlastning i sitt företagande. Detta upplevdes intefolkfinansiering kunna bidra med.

O equity crowdfunding no Brasil: um estudo sobre as percepções iniciais de potenciais investidores

Vieira, Anderson Martins 23 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by anderson martins vieira (mv.ander.rj@gmail.com) on 2018-02-22T10:16:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO - FINAL.pdf: 1057789 bytes, checksum: 917cc28c815319dad93e15ab2bc39bb1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2018-06-22T18:13:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO - FINAL.pdf: 1057789 bytes, checksum: 917cc28c815319dad93e15ab2bc39bb1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-02T19:29:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO - FINAL.pdf: 1057789 bytes, checksum: 917cc28c815319dad93e15ab2bc39bb1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-23 / Purpose – this dissertation had as a research problem to study the initial perceptions of potential investors in equity crowdfunding in the current Brazilian scenario. Design/Methodology – The methodology applied was qualitative, with semi-structured interviews using a non-probabilistic sample, with subjects who present two conditions: invested in stocks or any other securities and have notions of crowdfunding. The data were analyzed according to the technique of content analysis. Findings – The results obtained in the study point to high levels of positive perceptions regarding the concept of equity crowdfunding, the recent regulation of the subject, the limits of regulated investments and the possibility of investment through unions. There was a balance between negative and positive perceptions regarding the exemption from registration of the public offering and low compatibility between the period of return on investment desired by the participants and that verified in equity crowdfunding.investment through unions. The types of riches most perceived by clients in this type of investment were the risk of business failure or mismanagement, fraud risk and risk of information asymmetry. The most relevant factors most cited for long-term investment in this type of investment were identification with the project, the business plan and the financial return. And finally, the most relevant factors for the decision-making to invest in equity crowdfunding in the interviewees' view were the business plan and the sector of the economy in which the company carries out its activities. Research limitations – In addition to the limitations of the content analysis method, this study does not cover other crowdfunding modalities, nor does it seek to map the marketing potential or to analyze the institute deeply outside Brazil. Pratical implications – Equity crowdfunding has the potential to be a valuable tool for fundraising and investing in startups. Social implications – By approaching pickups and investors, equity crowdfunding can boost the emergence of startups, generating jobs and innovation. Originality – As far as we research, this is the first study conducted in Brazil that investigates the profile of potential investors in equity crowdfunding. / Objetivo – Este trabalho pretende estudar as percepções iniciais de potenciais investidores em equity crowdfunding no atual cenário brasileiro. Metodologia – A metodologia aplicada foi do tipo qualitativa, sendo realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizando amostra não probabilística, com sujeitos que atendessem dois pré-requisitos: ter investido em ações ou qualquer outro valor mobiliário e ter noções de crowdfunding. Os dados foram analisados conforme a técnica da análise de conteúdo. Resultados – Os resultados obtidos no estudo apontam para altos índices de percepções positivas dos participantes em relação ao conceito de equity crowdfunding, da recente regulamentação do tema, dos limites de investimentos regulamentados e pela possibilidade de investimento através de sindicatos. Houve equilíbrio entre percepções negativas e positivas em relação à isenção de registro da oferta pública e baixa compatibilidade entre o prazo de retorno de investimento desejado pelos participantes e o verificado no equity crowdfunding. Os tipos de ricos mais percebidos pelos clientes neste tipo de investimento foram: o risco de insucesso do negócio ou de má gestão, risco de fraude e risco de assimetria de informações. Os fatores relevantes mais citados para investimento no longo prazo neste tipo de investimento foram: a identificação com o projeto, o plano de negócios e o retorno financeiro. E, por fim, os fatores mais relevantes para a tomada de decisão de investir em equity crowdfunding, na visão dos entrevistados, foram: o plano de negócios e o setor da economia na qual a empresa exerça as suas atividades. Limitações – Além das limitações do método referente à análise de conteúdo, este estudo não abrange outras modalidades de crowdfunding, como também não busca mapear o potencial mercadológico ou analisar profundamente o instituto fora do Brasil. Contribuições Práticas – O equity crowdfunding tem potencial para ser um valioso instrumento de captação de recursos e investimentos em startups. Contribuições Sociais – Ao aproximar captadores e investidores, o equity crowdfunding pode potencializar o surgimento de startups, gerando empregos e inovação. Originalidade – Até onde pesquisamos, este é o primeiro estudo realizado no Brasil que investiga o perfil os potenciais investidores em equity crowdfunding.

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