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Scaling Innovation : A framework for large corporations based on practical and theoretical insights / Skalning av innovation : ett ramverk för stora företag baserat på praktiska och teoretiska insikterBorglund, Rebecca, Rönnberg, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
To survive in today’s highly competitive and fast changing environment large corporations continuously have to develop themselves and their value offering. As a way to manage this, many have established innovation departments to deal with the company’s offerings. Despite this, it is challenging to generate impact from new business initiatives with several uncertainties stemming from the phase where the initiatives are being scaled, referred to in theory and practice as the scaling phase. The challenges within this phase has as well been noticed by Deloitte Sweden who have identified an increase in requested support within the space of scaling innovation. The scaling phase is considered the biggest obstacle for new business initiatives because of its unpredictability. It is hence identified as a troublesome and strategically challenging area in corporate innovation in need for further investigation. The aim of this thesis was consequently to research and unveil the underlying difficulties causing the scaling to fall short and success factors that can prevent it. Practical industry insights and experiences have been gathered through semi-structured qualitative interviews with seven large corporations. All seven companies were interviewed individually on two separate occasions and the results from the first round of interviews constructed two research questions that guided the thesis; (1) What are the key principles that should be applied to create the best preconditions for large corporations throughout the scaling process? and (2) How can indicators be used throughout the scaling process to validate its progress? Results from both rounds of interviews were combined with the literature studies and together they indicated five difficulties and correlating success factors for large corporation scaling of new business initiatives. The difficulties and success factors were in turn divided into two prominent themes. The first theme includes the preparatory work in the process leading up to a decision of scaling, called; preconditions for scaling. The second theme covers how companies can validate the progress of the initiative during scaling, called; scaling progress validation. To intuitively communicate the difficulties, success factors, and corresponding recommendations they are presented as a framework: Corporate Innovation Scaling - Difficulties and Success Factors. The content of the framework aims to support the innovation departments throughout their innovation process and ultimately aid the scaling of new business initiatives. / För att överleva i dagens mycket konkurrensutsatta och snabbt föränderliga miljö måste stora företag ständigt utveckla sig själva och deras värdeerbjudande. Ett vanligt sätt att hantera detta är att etablera innovationsavdelningar med ansvar att hantera företagets innovativa erbjudanden. Trots detta är det utmanande att generera en inverkan från dessa nya affärsinitiativ där flera osäkerhetsfaktorer härrör från den fas där initiativen skalas, som i teori och praktik benämns som skalningsfasen. Utmaningarna inom denna fas har också uppmärksammats av Deloitte Sverige som har upplevt en ökad av efterfrågan av stöd inom ramen för skalning av innovation. Skalningsfasen anses vara det största hindret för nya affärsinitiativ på grund av dess oförutsägbarhet. Det identifieras därmed som ett besvärligt och strategiskt utmanande område inom företagsinnovation i behov av ytterligare efterforskning. Syftet med denna avhandling var följaktligen att undersöka och redogöra för de bakomliggande svårigheterna som orsakar att skalningen brister samt vilka framgångsfaktorer som kan förhindra att det sker. Praktiska branschinsikter och erfarenheter har samlats in genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med sju stora företag. Samtliga sju företag intervjuades individuellt vid två separata tillfällen och resultaten från den första intervjuomgången konstruerade två forskningsfrågor som vägledde avhandlingen; (1) Vilka är de viktigaste principerna som bör tillämpas för att skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för stora företag genom hela skalningsprocessen? och (2) Hur kan indikatorer användas under hela skalningsprocessen för att validera dess framsteg? Resultaten från båda intervjuomgångarna kombinerades med litteraturstudierna och tillsammans indikerade de fem svårigheter och korrelerande framgångsfaktorer för stora företags skalning av nya affärsinitiativ. Svårigheterna och framgångsfaktorerna delades i sin tur upp i två framträdande teman. Det första temat inkluderar det förberedande arbetet i processen som leder fram till ett beslut om skalning, kallat; förutsättningar för skalning. Det andra temat täcker hur företag kan validera initiativets framsteg under skalning, kallat; validering av skalningsframsteg. För att intuitivt kommunicera svårigheterna, framgångsfaktorerna och motsvarande rekommendationerna presenteras de i form av ramverket: Corporate Innovation Scaling -Difficulties and Success Factors. Innehållet i ramverket syftar till att stödja ivinnovationsavdelningarna genom hela deras innovationsprocess och i slutändan hjälpa till att skala nya affärsinitiativ.
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Zur Problematik der Spätrezidive von HodentumorenNabavi, Roya 03 November 2005 (has links)
Welche Ursachen führen bei Keimzelltumoren zu Spätrezidiven? Sind es ungünstige Tumorkonstellationen, Behandlungsfehler oder individuelle Faktoren, die zu Spätrezidiven von Keimzelltumoren (KZT) führen? Ziel der Untersuchung war es, diese Fragen zu beantworten, um Patienten zu identifizieren, für die sich daraus Konsequenzen in der Therapie und Verlaufskontrolle ergeben. Indem wir Spätrezidive nach 4 Jahren auswerteten, wollten wir die besonderen Merkmale dieser Patientengruppe herausarbeiten. Unter 759 erfassten Patienten sahen wir 165 Frührezidive (< 2 Jahre), 92 Rezidive nach 2 Jahren und 73 Spätrezidive mehr als 4 Jahre nach der Initialdiagnose. Unsere statistische Auswertung bezieht sich auf die Spätrezidive mit einer mittleren Beobachtungszeit von 143 Monaten. Die initiale Konstellation der Tumormarker spielt eine bedeutende Rolle. 66% der Patienten hatten sowohl AFP als auch ß-HCG erhöht (gegenüber 47% bei den Frührezidiven und 33% im Gesamtkollektiv). Das gonadal reine Embryonalzellkarzinom (EZK) führt häufiger zu Spätrezidiven als andere Keimzelltumoren. Risikobehaftet sind höhere Stadien, von denen sich unter den Spätrezidiven 85% fanden; initial aber nur 57%. Demgegenüber ist poor-prognosis nach IGCCCG kein Risikofaktor. Mehr als die Hälfte der spätrezidivierten Patienten hatte bereits vorher mindestens ein Rezidiv gehabt. Eine initial von der heutigen Leitlinie abweichende Behandlung war bei 40% der Spätrezidive zu finden. Gründe hierfür waren eine falsche Histologie, die ungenaue Stadienzuordnung oder eine fehlende bzw. inkomplette Residualtumorresektion. Eine günstige Prognose haben die Patienten, bei denen eine Metastasenresektion vorgenommen werden kann. Die Heilungsrate (NED) war bei den operierten Spätrezidiven (70%) deutlich hoher als denjenigen, die zusätzlich chemotherapiert (46%) oder lediglich mit Chemotherapie behandelt worden waren (36%). Als Grund hierfür, ist die Früherkennung und noch vorhandene Operabilität des Befundes anzunehmen. Alle Seminom-Spätrezidive mit initialer Radiatio haben von der Chemotherapie profitiert. Bis auf einen Todesfall in der Chemotherapie wurden alle geheilt. Spätrezidive von KZT sollten als besondere Entität definiert werden. Krankheitsverlauf, Behandlung und Nachsorge weichen von dem üblichen Muster ab. Nur Seminome oder chemonaive Patienten sind zytostatisch zu behandeln. Bei den Nichtseminomen, die bereits initial oder im Frührezidiv eine Chemotherapie erhalten haben, sollte wenn möglich, eine operative Behandlung erwogen werden. Patienten mit initial erhöhten Tumormarkern (AFP + ß-HCG), reinem gonadalem EZK, höheren Krankheitsstadien oder einem Rezidiv innerhalb der ersten 4 Jahre haben eine ungünstige Prognose und erfordern eine jährliche lebenslange spezielle Nachsorge. Die Nachsorge sollte neben der klinischen Untersuchung und AFP-Bestimmung ein Schnittbildverfahren des Thorax und Retroperitoneums beinhalten. / What are the reasons for late relapse of testicular germ cell tumor? Do unfavourable tumor constellations, mismanaged treatment or individual factors; lead to the late relapse of testicular germ cell tumor? The aim of this investigation was to find an answer to this question and to identify the patients, who would benefit from modified treatments and follow-up modalities. By researching the late relapses diagnosed at least 4 years later, we wanted to identify the special characteristics of this group of patients. Among the 759 patients with testis cancer we found 165 early relapses (
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The intelligence regime in South Africa (1994-2014) : an analytical perspective / Matthias Adriaan van den BergVan den Berg, Matthias Adriaan January 2014 (has links)
Intelligence, having espionage as its roots, is sometimes misunderstood due to its secret nature. It is due to this that intelligence as a vital component in a state, could be misused by the political regime through less democratic practices that infringe on human rights and the rule of law. The quest of this study (which is not classified, to make the research findings available to both practitioners and scholars of intelligence studies), is to attempt to contribute to the theory and understanding of intelligence studies as a sub-field within the political science in describing, explaining and analysing the intelligence regime. The primary aim is to provide a contextualised and systematic overview of the South African intelligence regime within the framework of the democratisation process in South Africa with specific reference to the period from 1994 to 2014.
This study analyses the intelligence regime in South Africa by specifically assessing the role, function and purpose of intelligence through history and within the context of the South African political regime. Therefore, the research problem examined in this study is: given the history and development of South Africa as a democracy, what is the role and function of the intelligence regime during the period 1994 to 2014 – specifically to determine whether intelligence practices were more or less democratic.
The theoretical framework formed the basis from which the concepts of state, political regime types and form and degree of government, was explored. It furthermore provided for a comparison of democratic and non-democratic intelligence practices. The study locates intelligence as a reflection of the political regime through the simultaneous typology of both the regime and intelligence, thereby to enable the identification of more or less democratic practices. The notion of a hybrid regime, as having elements of both democratic and non-democratic regimes, presented a fundamental shift in the perception of South Africa‘s democratisation process towards an attempt to reach the goal of being a consolidated democracy.
This study draw the conclusion that the role, functions and mandate of an intelligence service within a democracy, should firstly focus on providing the policy-maker with intelligence to be able to make policies; secondly on the identification of threats or potential threats to national security of the state and lastly to protect the constitution. This would ultimately enable the intelligence regime in South Africa to employ more democratic practices which could assist in reaching the goal of democratic consolidation. / MA (Political Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The intelligence regime in South Africa (1994-2014) : an analytical perspective / Matthias Adriaan van den BergVan den Berg, Matthias Adriaan January 2014 (has links)
Intelligence, having espionage as its roots, is sometimes misunderstood due to its secret nature. It is due to this that intelligence as a vital component in a state, could be misused by the political regime through less democratic practices that infringe on human rights and the rule of law. The quest of this study (which is not classified, to make the research findings available to both practitioners and scholars of intelligence studies), is to attempt to contribute to the theory and understanding of intelligence studies as a sub-field within the political science in describing, explaining and analysing the intelligence regime. The primary aim is to provide a contextualised and systematic overview of the South African intelligence regime within the framework of the democratisation process in South Africa with specific reference to the period from 1994 to 2014.
This study analyses the intelligence regime in South Africa by specifically assessing the role, function and purpose of intelligence through history and within the context of the South African political regime. Therefore, the research problem examined in this study is: given the history and development of South Africa as a democracy, what is the role and function of the intelligence regime during the period 1994 to 2014 – specifically to determine whether intelligence practices were more or less democratic.
The theoretical framework formed the basis from which the concepts of state, political regime types and form and degree of government, was explored. It furthermore provided for a comparison of democratic and non-democratic intelligence practices. The study locates intelligence as a reflection of the political regime through the simultaneous typology of both the regime and intelligence, thereby to enable the identification of more or less democratic practices. The notion of a hybrid regime, as having elements of both democratic and non-democratic regimes, presented a fundamental shift in the perception of South Africa‘s democratisation process towards an attempt to reach the goal of being a consolidated democracy.
This study draw the conclusion that the role, functions and mandate of an intelligence service within a democracy, should firstly focus on providing the policy-maker with intelligence to be able to make policies; secondly on the identification of threats or potential threats to national security of the state and lastly to protect the constitution. This would ultimately enable the intelligence regime in South Africa to employ more democratic practices which could assist in reaching the goal of democratic consolidation. / MA (Political Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The meaning of 'Organ of State` in South African lawMdumbe, Moses Fanyana 30 June 2003 (has links)
`Organ of state' as a constitutional concept was first introduced by the 1993 Constitution, in which it was defined as including any statutory body or functionary. In their interpretation of this notion, the courts and academic writers invoked the tests developed at common law in order to determine its meaning. The commentators, on the one hand, used a variety of tests. The courts, on the other hand, subscribed to what has come to be known as the `control test'. The 1996 Constitution followed with a comprehensive definition of `organ of state'. This notion is also employed in other laws by direct reference or incorporation of the definition in section 239 with slight adjustments. Regrettably, the limited approach developed by the court in their interpretation of the notion of `organ of state' for the purposes of the 1993 Constitution has spilled over to the interpretation of the concept under the 1996 Constitution. The question is whether this is justifiable. The constitutional definition of `organ of state' makes it clear that other institutions and functionaries are organs of state on the basis of what they are and others by virtue of the functions they are engaged in. Therefore strict adherence to the control test or any other test could unjustifiably limit the application of the Constitution. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.
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1 Timothy 2:8-3:1 (a), women's ordination in the light of the Christian self-definition of women in EphesusCairns, Helen Dorothy 11 1900 (has links)
Throughout church history, traditional interpretations of I Timothy 2:8-3:1 (a) have excluded women from ordained ministry in the church universal. The aim of this dissertation was to propose an alternative hermeneutical framework to effect fresh understanding of this text. A social-scientific approach utilised . models from sociology and communication theory. The socio-religious climate of Asia Minor particularly Ephesus between 59 and 64 C E is described. An assessment is made of the status of women in Asia Minor as well as in Hellenism, Romanism and Judaism. A textual analysis provided pointers to the aspects under research. Research findings strongly suggest that neither the text or the world beyond can be used to exclude women from full participation at all levels in the church. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Studies)
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Picketing in terms of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995Leysath, Lindon Clifford 11 1900 (has links)
Picketing, a method used by employees, collectively, to assert their demands against
employers, is a controversial subject arising from the conflict of interest existing between
labour and employers!
Previously, South African law neither forbade nor regulated picketing. Consequently,
no immunity from civil liability existed in relation to a person's conduct during a picket.
Presently, picketing is regulated by section 17 of the Constitution of the Republic of
South Africa Act 108of19% (right to picket) and section 69 of the Labour Relations Act
66 of 1995, which provides for a protected picket (one that complies with the
requirements of section 69) whereby immunity from civil liability attaches to a person's
conduct during a picket. These provisions and their coexistence is examined, comparing
foreign law where relevant, in an attempt to provide a foundation for a topic relatively
disregarded. Section 69 reveals elements of uncertainty and vagueness. / Law / LL.M.
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Dickie的藝術制度理論 / Dickie’s institutional theory of art李佳穎, Lee, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
寫作這篇論文的動機,是為了探討哲學家George Dickie的藝術制度理論(Dickie’s institutional theory of art)。在第一章中,回顧哲學家Arthur Danto與Morris Weitz的反本質主義(anti-essentialism),及其如何影響Dickie藝術制度理論的發展,以及研究制度理論的重要性;第二章中,說明Dickie的藝術制度理論內容,並以實際的作品為例子講述藝術制度理論的應用;第三章至第四章中,整理反對藝術制度理論的數個哲學家(Jeffery Wieand, Robert Stecker, Stephen Davis, Richard Wollheim, Noël Carroll)的重要論點,並為Dickie的藝術制度理論辯護。最後第五章為結論,提出「藝術眼鏡」此一觀點用以修正藝術制度理論。 / The purpose of this paper is to investigate George Dickie’s institutional theory of art. I will first discuss Arthur Danto and Morris Weitz’s anti-essentialism, which is the groundwork for Dickie’s institutional theory of art. I will then discuss Dickie’s institutional theory of art, which has been developed as two versions. Both versions have been widely criticized. Stephen Davis argues that art created outside any institution seems possible, although Dickie’s institutional theory of art rules it out. Noël Carroll argues that Dickie’s definition of art is circular, and his institutional theory of art fails to distinguish art institutions from other social institutions. Jeffery Wieand argues that Dickie’s perceptually indistinguishable objects argument fails to show that his institutional theory of art is tenable. In this paper, I will argue that Dickie’s theory can be modified as “the glass theory of art.” If this is true, then these criticisms fail to undermine Dickie’s theory, and Dickie’s theory is still powerful.
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The development of accounting in Palestine during the first millennium : 1000-332 BCCornelius, Lynne 11 1900 (has links)
The chief aims of this study are to determine what, if any, accounting processes were employed during the first millennium BC (1000-332 BC) in Palestine, to determine whether these were the result of the socio-economic requirements of the various centralised polities operative in Palestine during this period, how these processes developed over the course of the first millennium and whether they conform to the definition of accounting provided in Chapter One. I have adopted an archaeological, epigraphic and qualitative approach taking into consideration the historical and socio-economic backgrounds of the different political administrations in control during the period under discussion. The evidence demonstrates that the adopted processes can be regarded as accounting processes since they conform to at least three of the four components of the definition of accounting and that these processes developed over the course of time depending on the particular requirements of the ruling authority. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)
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Self-definition and College Adaptation in Students From the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement ProgramVance, Jeffrey Michael 12 1900 (has links)
While a great deal of psychological research is conducted on college students, less has been done on their adaptation to college. These young adults, as they develop ego identity and differentiate themselves from parents and families, must adjust to the social and academic environment of college. Psychosocial adjustment predicts college retention better than academic predictors do. First generation college students face greater than typical challenges adapting to college. The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program exists to aid first generation, lower income undergraduate student who wish to pursue a doctoral degree. Self-definition scored from thematic apperceptive technique stories reflects an individual’s relative freedom from social role constraint. This study examined the role of self-definition and familial understanding and acceptance in this population as predictors of successful adaptation to college. While neither was found to be a significant predictor, family understanding and acceptance was found to be a more defining characteristic of this sample than was self-definition. This suggests that when social support is sufficient, individuals do not need to rely on self-definition.
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