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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Definice náboženství z hlediska sémiotiky Ch. S. Pierce / The definition of religion from the point of view of Ch. S. Pierce's Semiotics

Bromková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The work is focused on delimiting the basic problematic of definition of religion in terms of Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics. Its objective is througt selected Peirce's texts to interpret Peirce's philosophy of religion, which consists of concept of religion closely connected with Peirce's metaphysics, phaneroscopy, semiotics and agapism. It focuses primarily on Peirce's theory of evolution, the idea of God, the pragmatic way of inference through which one can come to the idea of God, and the relationship between religion and science. I conclude through the interpretation of Ch. S. Peirce's texts that the precise definition of religion can not be pursued in his theory. Even so, the semiotic conception of religion brings a new perspective: the religion could be based on the same principles that govern the science. It can also be understood as a community of people continually striving for truth. This community of people searches in its investigation for answers to the questions about theological ideals. The precondition of faith of individual members of religious communities is an experience of God, who is a perfect and the most general sign and together growth and semiosis in the universe, which people interpret. A believer comes to the worship of God through Musement, a special purposeless...

Identifiering av elever med särbegåvning som underpresterar i NO / : Identification of gifted students who underachieve in primary science

Åström Boss, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Vissa elever anses ha en så hög inlärningsförmåga att de behöver anpassning i skolan. Av någon anledning verkar det vara svårt för lärare att identifiera dessa elever. Om eleverna dessutom underpresterar, vilket gör att det utåt sett kan uppfattas som att de fått utma- ningar på rätt nivå, blir det ännu svårare. Syftet med den här kunskapsöversikten är att göra en sammanställning av olika metoder som lärare kan använda för att identifierar dessa elever, som underpresterar samtidigt som de har en särbegåvning, samt att reda ut definitionerna kring vad särbegåvning är. I en informationssökning har artiklar, böcker, konferensbidrag och rapporter inhämtats både från svenska och utländska databaser samt sekundärsökningar. Variationer av sökorden definition, särbegåvning, identifiering, underpresterande, naturorienterande ämnen och mellanstadiet har använts. Resultaten från sökningarna angående identifie- ring blev, i slutändan, en utarbetad definition av hur särbegåvning kan definieras: Den elev anses särskilt begåvad som tillhör de 5% elever som i unga år har potential att lära sig i en snabbare takt än sina jämnåriga klasskamrater i minst ett av skolämnena. Denna definition användes för att beskriva den elev som ska kunna hittas av olika identifieringsmodeller. De modellerna som artiklarna beskriver är att man kan hjälpa lärarna få en vana av vad de ska vara observanta på, man kan kartlägga eleven och man kan göra utredningar. Slutsatsen dras att de identifieringsmodeller som idag anses kunna hitta elever med särskild begåvning, enligt definitionen, som underpresterar är; att ge lärare analysverktyg, att titta tillbaka på prestationer vid skolstart samt att testa elevers begåvnings - och inlärningsförmåga inom ramarna för en vanlig NO-lektion. Årskurs 4 anses vara en bra ålder att försöka hitta underpresterande elever i. En annan slutsats som dras är att forskning och information kring underpresterande elever med särskild begåvning i svenska skolan är knapphändig och bör utökas.

Att främja elevers förståelse av ämnesspecifika begrepp : En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med ämnesspecifika begrepp inom samhällskunskapsämnet i årskurs 6

Kareem, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
Researchers argue that students need to understand the language and the key concepts of each discipline to understand the academic content. The purpose of this study is to develop, analyze and evaluate a development project in civics. Therefore, the study answer following questions:  How do subject-specific concepts take place during the lessons according to the students? In what way can concept definition maps encourage students to talk about subject -specific concepts? How do students experience the work with concept definition maps? Two qualitative methods are used to answer the questions, both interviews and classroom observations. The interviews focus on how the students describe their experience with subject-specific concepts during civics lessons but also how they experience the work with concept definition maps which was implemented during the intervention. The observations onthe other hand show in what way the concept definition maps encourage students to talk about subject-specific concepts. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the sociocultural perspective and other theories that stress the importance of encouraging students to generate their own meaning of terms but also how the language develops in interaction with others.The result shows that the students often rely on the definition they get from their teacher orthe textbook but there is no room for students to explore the concepts themselves. All the students felt that the concept definition maps had good impact on their understanding of the subject-specific concepts. The results also showed that the there was a positive interdependence during the intervention where the students learned from each other’s prior knowledge and paths of thinking.

Revealing the Human Resource Development Discourse: A Mixed Methods Study of Similarities and Differences in Academic and Practitioner Language, or Labels-in-Use

Jackson, Holly D 01 January 2019 (has links)
Woven within the pages of HRD’s historical literature, a variety of scholarly voices can be found drawing attention to the increasing inconsistency in the language of the field. Within the literature, we also find evidence of a long-standing discord and debate regarding the field’s definition and identified boundaries. This is the first study that attempts to elevate the conversation of HRD’s definition to that of an exploration of what is shared, and what makes the discipline’s members unique. Utilizing Li’s (2009) lens of disciplinary identity and elements of Gee’s (1999) theory of Discourse, this study presents a concept of what HRD’s disciplinary identity may look like at the macro level. This study also investigates the construct from both the academic and practitioner lens, in an attempt to include perspectives and influences at the micro level regarding the discipline’s enacted identity in both scholarship and practice, which may aid the relationship between theory and practice. Embedded within the larger aim of this study was the goal of revealing current similarities and differences in academic and practitioner labels-in-use within the field of Human Resource Development. To that end, this study employed an explanatory sequential mixed methods design that began with a quantitative collection and analysis of text from the Association for Talent Development’s (ATD) website and the Academy of Human Resource Development’s (AHRD) website. A second, qualitative phase was then conducted consisting of interviews of a diverse group of academics and practitioners from institutional/organizational contexts that were believed to provide greater insight into the potential contextual nuances behind the quantitative results. Mixed analyses of the quantitative and qualitative findings found a variance in the language-in-use, as well as indications that the discipline’s espoused identity may not reflect what is actually lived. These findings also suggest insights into the discipline’s social actions and interactions at the micro level, providing support for a proposed cultural model of HRD at the macro level. Although this study is a first step in trying to better understand HRD’s language-in-use and overall disciplinary identity, it also provides evidence that viewing HRD’s language-in-use in this way warrants further investigation.

Inkludering vid läs - och skrivsvårigheter : Gymnasielärares förståelse, förhållningssätt och strategier

Bonn, Mona January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och på så vis öka kunskapen om hur begreppet inkludering förstås av gymnasielärare i svenska som undervisar elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter som går i vanliga klasser. Vidare syftade studien till att öka kunskapen kring hur förhållningssätten till undervisning av elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter ser ut bland gymnasielärare i svenska, samt vilka olika strategier som används av lärarna i undervisningen. Tidigare forskning om gymnasieskolan visade på kunskapsluckor vad gäller det som undersöks i föreliggande studie. Med studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter; sociokulturell teori, specialpedagogiska perspektiv och praktisk yrkesteori genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie där tio gymnasielärare i svenska som undervisar elever med läs – och skrivsvårigheter intervjuades. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom så kallad kodning. Koder utvecklades till kategorier som sedan i sin tur svarade mot de olika forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visade att respondenternas förståelse av begreppet inkludering utgick från individen i svårigheter. Alla lärare förstod begreppet inkludering som att det innebär att fysiskt integrera elever i svårigheter tillsammans med övriga elever i ordinarie klassrum. Med fysisk integrering som grund fanns därtill två olika fokus. Det ena var gemenskap och rättigheter där elevernas känslor av att inte känna sig utanför sågs som viktigt. Det andra var utbildningen där elevens kunskapsutveckling, måluppfyllelsen och möjligheten att nå grundläggande examenskrav ansågs angeläget. Detta krävdes dock inte utan var anledningar till den fysiska integreringen och något som eleverna skulle erbjudas. Resultatet visade vidare på 6 olika typer av förhållningssätt eller lärartyper. Det optimistiska, plikttrogna, fasadmålande, upprorsmakande, oengagerade och osäkra förhållningssättet. De strategier som lärarna uppgav att de använde var digitala hjälpmedel, att stryka under i elevtexter och gå igenom understrykningarna tillsammans med eleven, högläsning och att dela ut anteckningar i förväg. Andra strategier var att gruppera i mindre grupper där en ”svag” elev blandas med ”starkare” elever, att försöka hitta ”styrkorna” hos eleverna eller att försöka ”normalisera” elevens svårigheter. Ytterligare strategier var att ge längre skrivtid vid prov och skrivuppgifter samt att tillse att eleverna läser/skriver mer och arbetar ”hårdare”. En annan tydlig strategi var strategin att inte göra någonting alls vilket kan ifrågasättas huruvida det är en strategi eller inte. Orsaken till utebliven åtgärd kunde i sin tur bero på olika faktorer så som tidsbrist, brist på kunskap om vad som borde göras, resursbrist eller ett negativt förhållningssätt till själva idén. Avslutningsvis diskuterades utfallet i relation till tidigare forskning och den teoretiska bakgrunden.

Ochrana obchodního tajemství (se zaměřením na směrnici 2016/943) / Protection of trade secrets (focusing on Directive 2016/943)

Kučerová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
Protection of trade secrets (with a focus on Directive 2016/943) Abstract The subject of this diploma thesis is to assess the protection of trade secrets in the context of Czech legislation with the comparison of the requirements of the Directive on the protection of trade secrets. The diploma thesis is based primarily on the valid legal regulations and Czech case law, which is associated with the regulation of the protection of trade secrets. Individual subjects of competition invest in research and development to gain a competitive edge or maintain their competitiveness. The results of their innovative activities are often subjected to dishonest practices aimed to disrupt or abuse them. The institute of trade secrets is one of the important ways to protect the results of innovative activities. Its importance is confirmed by the adoption of Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The first part of this diploma thesis focuses on the definition of the concept of trade secrets according to the Czech legislation, its comparison with the concept of the Directive and evaluation of their mutual compliance. The second chapter is devoted to the main theme of the diploma thesis, which is the protection of trade secrets under the law against unfair competition. I consider its regulation...

Deutsch-polnisches/polnisch-deutsches Glossar für die Rechnungsprüfung

24 November 2021 (has links)
Der Sächsische Rechnungshof und die Regionale Rechnungskammer Krakau initiierten ihre Zusammenarbeit mit der Unterzeichnung einer entsprechenden Vereinbarung im Oktober 2008. Die bisherige Zusammenarbeit brachte zahlreiche Begegnungen, einen intensiven Erfahrungsaustausch, rege Teilnahme an Konferenzen und gemeinsamen Vorträgen. In dieser Zeit wurde diese Partnerschaft auch durch das Zusammenwirken in der europäischen Organisation der regionalen externen Institutionen zur Kontrolle des öffentlichen Finanzwesens (EURORAI) bekräftigt. Die vorliegende Publikation ist einerseits ein Produkt dieser Zusammenarbeit, andererseits ist sie aber auch – so die Absicht der Verfasser – ein brauchbares Instrument bei den Kontakten zwischen polnischen und deutschen, aber auch europäischen, regionalen Prüfungsbehörden. Redaktionsschluss: 22. April 2016


Shamloo, Athena January 2022 (has links)
There is a lack of a unified definition for what “sustainability” means and what is a “sustainable activity”. The EU Sustainability Taxonomy is the EU’s recent attempt in developing “a science-based unified EU classification system for sustainable activities” with the aim to create a “shared understanding of what ‘sustainability’ means”. This study aims to explore the EU Sustainability Taxonomy policy, its functions and history, using public policy process analysis as its framework and method. The EU taxonomy was defined, and its impacts were discussed, the taxonomy was used to define a sustainable activity and demonstrate the taxonomy in action to calculate the taxonomy alignment of a fictional automotive manufacturer. Using the public process analysis the taxonomy was traced back to its origin with the identification and discussion of the key events and milestones, which led to the creation of the EU Sustainability taxonomy. These findings were analysed and explained using the Lindblom (1959) theory of “successive limited comparison” and the theory of incrementalism (Bevir, 2007).

Das Visionsmodell: Präzise Darstellung von Entwicklungszielen

Augustin, Laura, Schabacker, Michael 03 January 2020 (has links)
In jeder Produktentwicklung ist besonders die Abstimmung deren Ziele und Inhalte zu Beginn wichtig. Klare Kommunikation und übereintreffendes Verständnis der Aufgabenstellung legen den Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung. Bisher werden Entwicklungsziele im Maschinenbau hauptsächlich in detaillierten Anforderungslisten (Peschges, 2015), Pflichtenheften und Lastenheften (Bender et al., 2018, Jacoby, 2019) festgehalten, die aufgrund ihres Detaillierungsgrades nicht auf einen Blick erfassbar oder präsentierbar sind. Auch in anderen Branchen gibt es Methoden zur Zieldefinition, die jedoch meist nur Teilaspekte einer Entwicklung abbilden können. Im Industriedesign beispielsweise wird unter anderem mit sogenannten schriftlichen Design Briefs (Rao, 2017) gearbeitet, die die Entwicklungsziele feststecken. Mithilfe des Visionsmodells werden verschiedene Herangehensweisen in Kombination mit Erfahrungswissen aus der Industrie zu einer ganzheitlichen und verständlichen Methode verbunden. [... aus der Einleitung]

Application of NOMA for Mobile High Definition Images

Danda, Aishwarya Reddy, Chama, Naga Manikanta January 2021 (has links)
The telecommunications technology has been developed tremendously as there has been an ever-increasing demand for more speed and reliability. The enormous increase in the number of smart phones and other data consuming devices, combined with the development of enhanced multimedia applications has resulted in a dramatic increase in the volume of mobile data traffic. In order to accommodate the growing needs, it is required to utilise the spectrum efficiently. The design of radio access technology plays an important role in the aspect of system performance. These radio access technologies are typically characterised by the multiple-access techniques used. Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) is a multiple access scheme proposed for 5G and it utilises the power domain which was not sufficiently utilised in the previous systems.        This thesis work is mainly focused on the performance analysis of the NOMA technique in mobile media (images). This analysis is achieved by transmitting a high definition image at various power levels to two users who are located at two different distances from the base station. The images are transmitted through suitable noise channels. An analysis is done on how NOMA copes with the users having poor channel conditions. The performance is analysed by comparing the output images at both the receivers based on the structural similarity index and bit error rate parameters.

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