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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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L'organisation de la concurrence internationale des juridictions : le droit de la compétence internationale face à la mondialisation économique / organizing the international competition of judges : judicial jurisdiction and economic globalization

Mailhé, Francois 10 December 2013 (has links)
Selon une présentation classique, la compétence juridictionnelle n’aurait en droit international privé pour objet que de déterminer les hypothèses dans lesquelles l’Etat accepterait de mettre ses juridictions à disposition des justiciables. Cette présentation achoppe cependant sur deux évolutions du droit positif. D’une part, la réglementation de la compétence est en bonne partie internationalisée, et ne suis plus ce modèle. D’autre part, elle occulte le fort développement des juridictions non étatiques instituées pour le contentieux de droit privé et économique dont l’intervention est souvent articulée avec celle des juridictions étatiques comme la compétence le fait en droit interne.Ce double handicap descriptif s’explique par la place que l’Etat conserve au coeur de la théorie classique, une place héritée des théories publicistes du début du XXe siècle. Or, ni l’évolution de la théorie générale du droit international privé, ni surtout le droit positif ne justifie plus cette place centrale de l’Etat. Il faut donc revoir la théorie de la compétence internationale à l’aune du problème presque factuel auquel elle répond, la concurrence internationale des juridictions, et ainsi réintégrer en son sein les règles qui participent de sa résolution en organisant cette concurrence. La théorie renouvellée permet alors d’observer plus complètement l’organisation de la justice internationale de droit économique. Elle autorise en outre des propositions pour un régime plus efficace ou plus souple de la compétence internationale selon que cette concurrence internationale est ordonnée par une règlementation uniforme ou qu’il s’agit seulement de coopérer. / French private international law doctrine classicaly defines judicial jurisdiction as the branch of law that deals with describing the hypothesis under which the State makes its courts available to claimants in international matters. This presentation, though, faces two contradicting evolutions in modern-day litigation of international business matters. First, it does give no account of the increasing internationalization of this branch of law, where numerous international conventions and European regulations now regulates judicial jurisdiction between judges of different countries as they would with venue between judges of the same State. Second, this presentation ignores the development of international courts and arbitral tribunals even though these tribunals compete with or replace national courts in international business disputes.The reason for this double exclusion may actually be found in an analytical bias inherited from a century-old description of private international law as a conflict of State regulations, a bias that neither modern theory nor law itself confirms in any way. More simply described according to the problem it resolves, judicial jurisdiction may be defined as the branch of law that deals with organizing the international competition of judges. Under this functional definition, it is possible to broaden its scope and to describe the organization of international justice for business matters, both public and private, both State and International. Also, then encompassing rules of procedure, it becomes possible to offer new solutions to take into account foreign jurisdiction for a better international cooperation.


RONALDO RIBEIRO GOLDSCHMIDT 15 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] A notória complexidade inerente ao processo de KDD - Descoberta de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados - decorre essencialmente de aspectos relacionados ao controle e à condução deste processo (Fayyad et al., 1996b; Hellerstein et al., 1999). De uma maneira geral, estes aspectos envolvem dificuldades em perceber inúmeros fatos cuja origem e os níveis de detalhe são os mais diversos e difusos, em interpretar adequadamente estes fatos, em conjugar dinamicamente tais interpretações e em decidir que ações devem ser realizadas de forma a procurar obter bons resultados. Como identificar precisamente os objetivos do processo, como escolher dentre os inúmeros algoritmos de mineração e de pré-processamento de dados existentes e, sobretudo, como utilizar adequadamente os algoritmos escolhidos em cada situação são alguns exemplos das complexas e recorrentes questões na condução de processos de KDD. Cabe ao analista humano a árdua tarefa de orientar a execução de processos de KDD. Para tanto, diante de cada cenário, o homem utiliza sua experiência anterior, seus conhecimentos e sua intuição para interpretar e combinar os fatos de forma a decidir qual a estratégia a ser adotada (Fayyad et al., 1996a, b; Wirth et al., 1998). Embora reconhecidamente úteis e desejáveis, são poucas as alternativas computacionais existentes voltadas a auxiliar o homem na condução do processo de KDD (Engels, 1996; Amant e Cohen, 1997; Livingston, 2001; Bernstein et al., 2002; Brazdil et al., 2003). Aliado ao exposto acima, a demanda por aplicações de KDD em diversas áreas vem crescendo de forma muito acentuada nos últimos anos (Buchanan, 2000). É muito comum não existirem profissionais com experiência em KDD disponíveis para atender a esta crescente demanda (Piatetsky-Shapiro, 1999). Neste contexto, a criação de ferramentas inteligentes que auxiliem o homem no controle do processo de KDD se mostra ainda mais oportuna (Brachman e Anand, 1996; Mitchell, 1997). Assim sendo, esta tese teve como objetivos pesquisar, propor, desenvolver e avaliar uma Máquina de Assistência Inteligente à Orientação do Processo de KDD que possa ser utilizada, fundamentalmente, como instrumento didático voltado à formação de profissionais especializados na área da Descoberta de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados. A máquina proposta foi formalizada com base na Teoria do Planejamento para Resolução de Problemas (Russell e Norvig, 1995) da Inteligência Artificial e implementada a partir da integração de funções de assistência utilizadas em diferentes níveis de controle do processo de KDD: Definição de Objetivos, Planejamento de Ações de KDD, Execução dos Planos de Ações de KDD e Aquisição e Formalização do Conhecimento. A Assistência à Definição de Objetivos tem como meta auxiliar o homem na identificação de tarefas de KDD cuja execução seja potencialmente viável em aplicações de KDD. Esta assistência foi inspirada na percepção de um certo tipo de semelhança no nível intensional apresentado entre determinados bancos de dados. Tal percepção auxilia na prospecção do tipo de conhecimento a ser procurado, uma vez que conjuntos de dados com estruturas similares tendem a despertar interesses similares mesmo em aplicações de KDD distintas. Conceitos da Teoria da Equivalência entre Atributos de Bancos de Dados (Larson et al., 1989) viabilizam a utilização de uma estrutura comum na qual qualquer base de dados pode ser representada. Desta forma, bases de dados, ao serem representadas na nova estrutura, podem ser mapeadas em tarefas de KDD, compatíveis com tal estrutura. Conceitos de Espaços Topológicos (Lipschutz, 1979) e recursos de Redes Neurais Artificiais (Haykin, 1999) são utilizados para viabilizar os mapeamentos entre padrões heterogêneos. Uma vez definidos os objetivos em uma aplicação de KDD, decisões sobre como tais objetivos podem ser alcançados se tornam necessárias. O primeiro passo envolve a escolha de qual algoritmo de mineração de dados é o mais apropriado para o problema em questão. A Assistência ao Planejamento de Ações de KDD auxilia o homem nesta escolha. Utiliza, para tanto, uma metodologia de ordenação dos algoritmos de mineração baseada no desempenho prévio destes algoritmos em problemas similares (Soares et al., 2001; Brazdil et al., 2003). Critérios de ordenação de algoritmos baseados em similaridade entre bases de dados nos níveis intensional e extensional foram propostos, descritos e avaliados. A partir da escolha de um ou mais algoritmos de mineração de dados, o passo seguinte requer a escolha de como deverá ser realizado o pré-processamento dos dados. Devido à diversidade de algoritmos de pré-processamento, são muitas as alternativas de combinação entre eles (Bernstein et al., 2002). A Assistência ao Planejamento de Ações de KDD também auxilia o homem na formulação e na escolha do plano ou dos planos de ações de KDD a serem adotados. Utiliza, para tanto, conceitos da Teoria do Planejamento para Resolução de Problemas. Uma vez escolhido um plano de ações de KDD, surge a necessidade de executá-lo. A execução de um plano de ações de KDD compreende a execução, de forma ordenada, dos algoritmos de KDD previstos no plano. A execução de um algoritmo de KDD requer conhecimento sobre ele. A Assistência à Execução dos Planos de Ações de KDD provê orientações específicas sobre algoritmos de KDD. Adicionalmente, esta assistência dispõe de mecanismos que auxiliam, de forma especializada, no processo de execução de algoritmos de KDD e na análise dos resultados obtidos. Alguns destes mecanismos foram descritos e avaliados. A execução da Assistência à Aquisição e Formalização do Conhecimento constitui-se em um requisito operacional ao funcionamento da máquina proposta. Tal assistência tem por objetivo adquirir e disponibilizar os conhecimentos sobre KDD em uma representação e uma organização que viabilizem o processamento das funções de assistência mencionadas anteriormente. Diversos recursos e técnicas de aquisição de conhecimento foram utilizados na concepção desta assistência. / [en] Generally speaking, such aspects involve difficulties in perceiving innumerable facts whose origin and levels of detail are highly diverse and diffused, in adequately interpreting these facts, in dynamically conjugating such interpretations, and in deciding which actions must be performed in order to obtain good results. How are the objectives of the process to be identified in a precise manner? How is one among the countless existing data mining and preprocessing algorithms to be selected? And most importantly, how can the selected algorithms be put to suitable use in each different situation? These are but a few examples of the complex and recurrent questions that are posed when KDD processes are performed. Human analysts must cope with the arduous task of orienting the execution of KDD processes. To this end, in face of each different scenario, humans resort to their previous experiences, their knowledge, and their intuition in order to interpret and combine the facts and therefore be able to decide on the strategy to be adopted (Fayyad et al., 1996a, b; Wirth et al., 1998). Although the existing computational alternatives have proved to be useful and desirable, few of them are designed to help humans to perform KDD processes (Engels, 1996; Amant and Cohen, 1997; Livingston, 2001; Bernstein et al., 2002; Brazdil et al., 2003). In association with the above-mentioned fact, the demand for KDD applications in several different areas has increased dramatically in the past few years (Buchanan, 2000). Quite commonly, the number of available practitioners with experience in KDD is not sufficient to satisfy this growing demand (Piatetsky-Shapiro, 1999). Within such a context, the creation of intelligent tools that aim to assist humans in controlling KDD processes proves to be even more opportune (Brachman and Anand, 1996; Mitchell, 1997). Such being the case, the objectives of this thesis were to investigate, propose, develop, and evaluate an Intelligent Machine for KDD-Process Orientation that is basically intended to serve as a teaching tool to be used in professional specialization courses in the area of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. The basis for formalization of the proposed machine was the Planning Theory for Problem-Solving (Russell and Norvig, 1995) in Artificial Intelligence. Its implementation was based on the integration of assistance functions that are used at different KDD process control levels: Goal Definition, KDD Action-Planning, KDD Action Plan Execution, and Knowledge Acquisition and Formalization. The Goal Definition Assistant aims to assist humans in identifying KDD tasks that are potentially executable in KDD applications. This assistant was inspired by the detection of a certain type of similarity between the intensional levels presented by certain databases. The observation of this fact helps humans to mine the type of knowledge that must be discovered since data sets with similar structures tend to arouse similar interests even in distinct KDD applications. Concepts from the Theory of Attribute Equivalence in Databases (Larson et al., 1989) make it possible to use a common structure in which any database may be represented. In this manner, when databases are represented in the new structure, it is possible to map them into KDD tasks that are compatible with such a structure. Topological space concepts and ANN resources as described in Topological Spaces (Lipschutz, 1979) and Artificial Neural Nets (Haykin, 1999) have been employed so as to allow mapping between heterogeneous patterns. After the goals have been defined in a KDD application, it is necessary to decide how such goals are to be achieved. The first step involves selecting the most appropriate data mining algorithm for the problem at hand. The KDD Action-Planning Assistant helps humans to make this choice. To this end, it makes use of a methodology for ordering the mining algorithms that is based on the previous experiences, their knowledge, and their intuition in order to interpret and combine the facts and therefore be able to decide on the strategy to be adopted (Fayyad et al., 1996a, b; Wirth et al., 1998). Although the existing computational alternatives have proved to be useful and desirable, few of them are designed to help humans to perform KDD processes (Engels, 1996; Amant & Cohen, 1997; Livingston, 2001; Bernstein et al., 2002; Brazdil et al., 2003). In association with the above-mentioned fact, the demand for KDD applications in several different areas has increased dramatically in the past few years (Buchanan, 2000). Quite commonly, the number of available practitioners with experience in KDD is not sufficient to satisfy this growing demand (Piatetsky-Shapiro, 1999). Within such a context, the creation of intelligent tools that aim to assist humans in controlling KDD processes proves to be even more opportune (Brachman & Anand, 1996; Mitchell, 1997). Such being the case, the objectives of this thesis were to investigate, propose, develop, and evaluate an Intelligent Machine for KDD-Process Orientation that is basically intended to serve as a teaching tool to be used in professional specialization courses in the area of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. The basis for formalization of the proposed machine was the Planning Theory for Problem-Solving (Russell and Norvig, 1995) in Artificial Intelligence. Its implementation was based on the integration of assistance functions that are used at different KDD process control levels: Goal Definition, KDD Action- Planning, KDD Action Plan Execution, and Knowledge Acquisition and Formalization. The Goal Definition Assistant aims to assist humans in identifying KDD tasks that are potentially executable in KDD applications. This assistant was inspired by the detection of a certain type of similarity between the intensional levels presented by certain databases. The observation of this fact helps humans to mine the type of knowledge that must be discovered since data sets with similar structures tend to arouse similar interests even in distinct KDD applications. Concepts from the Theory of Attribute Equivalence in Databases (Larson et al., 1989) make it possible to use a common structure in which any database may be represented. In this manner, when databases are represented in the new structure, it is possible to map them into KDD tasks that are compatible with such a structure. Topological space concepts and ANN resources as described in Topological Spaces (Lipschutz, 1979) and Artificial Neural Nets (Haykin, 1999) have been employed so as to allow mapping between heterogeneous patterns. After the goals have been defined in a KDD application, it is necessary to decide how such goals are to be achieved. The first step involves selecting the most appropriate data mining algorithm for the problem at hand. The KDD Action-Planning Assistant helps humans to make this choice. To this end, it makes use of a methodology for ordering the mining algorithms that is based on the previous performance of these algorithms in similar problems (Soares et al., 2001; Brazdil et al., 2003). Algorithm ordering criteria based on database similarity at the intensional and extensional levels were proposed, described and evaluated. The data mining algorithm or algorithms having been selected, the next step involves selecting the way in which data preprocessing is to be performed. Since there is a large variety of preprocessing algorithms, many are the alternatives for combining them (Bernstein et al., 2002). The KDD Action-Planning Assistant also helps humans to formulate and to select the KDD action plan or plans to be adopted. To this end, it makes use of concepts contained in the Planning Theory for Problem-Solving. Once a KDD action plan has been chosen, it is necessary to execute it. Executing a KDD action plan involves the ordered execution of the KDD algorithms that have been anticipated in the plan. Executing a KDD algorithm requires knowledge about it. The KDD Action Plan Execution Assistant provides specific guidance on KDD algorithms. In addition, this assistant is equipped with mechanisms that provide specialized assistance for performing the KDD algorithm execution process and for analyzing the results obtained. Some of these mechanisms have been described and evaluated. The execution of the Knowledge Acquisition and Formalization Assistant is an operational requirement for running the proposed machine. The objective of this assistant is to acquire knowledge about KDD and to make such knowledge available by representing and organizing it a way that makes it possible to process the above-mentioned assistance functions. A variety of knowledge acquisition resources and techniques were employed in the conception of this assistant.

Optimización de la Gestión del Alcance para mitigar los cambios en Edificaciones / Optimization of Scope Management to mitigate changes in Buildings

Prudencio Soto, Marco Antonio, Unda Figueroa, Angela 14 March 2019 (has links)
La ineficiente gestión del alcance en proyecto de edificaciones en el Lima genera cambios durante la etapa de ejecución, estos cambios de alcance se convierten en adicionales que causan sobrecostos y afectan al presupuesto contractual. A fin de mitigar los cambios en edificaciones, se formula un procedimiento para optimizar la gestión del alcance. La propuesta consta de 6 procesos para gestionar el alcance: Estudio de condiciones de sitio y de Stakeholders, Definición de Alcance, Desarrollo de Diseño, Validación del Alcance, Control de OCA’s y Análisis de OCA’s; los cuales están basados en distintas fuentes bibliográficas y de información de proyectos locales. El producto final que validará la investigación se obtendrá con el procedimiento propuesto retroalimentado en el resultado del análisis de los adicionales aprobados de 3 proyectos de edificación. Dicho análisis consiste en la clasificación de los adicionales en distintos tipos de causantes que serán agrupados, comparados y evaluados de acuerdo a los procesos de gestión de alcance y a las especialidades involucradas, con el objetivo de identificar cuál de estas requieran establecer medidas de mejora. / An inefficient Scope Management in building projects in Lima may generate changes during the execution phase, those Scope changes can become into additional works that causes overcost and variations to the contractual budget. In order to reduce changes in building projects, it has been formulated a procedure to improve the Scope Management and it is composed by 6 processes: Site conditions and Stakeholders Study, Scope definition, Design development, Scope validation, Change orders control and Change orders Analysis; all the processes are based on various bibliographical sources and information of local’s Projects. The final product which will validate the investigation is a feedback of the proposed procedure with the results of the analysis of approved scope changes coming from the building projects studied. This analysis consists of the classification of scope changes according their causes which have been grouped, compared and evaluated in accordance with the Scope management processes and the specialties involved, aiming to identify those that require setting improvement measures. / Tesis

High-definition optical coherence tomography: Contribution to the non-invasive near infrared optical imaging techniques of the skin

Boone, Marc 05 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background. The development of non-invasive imaging techniques has been stimulated by the shortcomings of histopathology. Currently the only valid diagnostic technique in dermatology is skin biopsy which remains a painful, invasive intervention for the patient. Moreover, this approach is not always convenient for monitoring and follow-up of a skin disease. Optical imaging technologies could solve these shortcomings as they are fast, precise, repeatable and painless. There are four established non-invasive skin imaging techniques used in daily practice: dermoscopy, high-frequency ultrasound, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and conventional optical coherence tomography (C-OCT). In imaging there is a trade-off between resolution and penetration depth. The former permits the visualization of cells, if the resolution is at least 3 µm. The latter enables the recognition of patterns and structures in deeper layers of the skin if the penetration depth is deeper than 150 µm. New non-invasive techniques using infrared light sources have been developed recently. The technique used in this work is a high-definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT).Objectives. The overall aims of this thesis were the feasibility of HD-OCT to visualize in/ex vivo, in real time and in 3-D the cellular and structural morphology of the skin, secondly the assessment of the capability of this technology to measure in vivo and real time the cutaneous optical properties, and finally the determination of the contribution of this technique to the non-invasive near-infrared imaging technologies. Five specific objectives have been established: i) could cells be observed in their 3-D microenvironment in normal and diseased skin, ii) could we describe morphologic features of cells and structures in normal and diseased skin (m_HD-OCT), iii) could these morphologic features be quantified by optical property analysis (o_HD-OCT), iv) was it possible to perform accurate thickness measurements in normal and diseased skin, and finally v) what was the diagnostic potential of this technique?Methodology. HD-OCT uses a combination of parallel time-domain interferometry, high power tungsten lamp (with Gaussian filter, very low lateral coherence and ultra-high bandwidth (1300 nm +/- 100 nm)), and last but not least, full field illumination with real time focus tracking. A constant homogeneous resolution of 3 µm resolution in all three dimensions is obtained up to a depth of 570 µm. Hence, the system is capable of capturing real time full 3-D images. Moreover, the in vivo assessment of optical properties of the skin is only applicable to OCT when operating in focus-tracking mode, which is the case for HD-OCT. The means to obtain answers to the five specific questions were the comparison of en face HD-OCT images with RCM and HD-OCT cross-sectional images with histopathology and C-OCT. Results. At least 160 line pares were observed by imaging a high resolution phantom with HD-OCT. This suggested a 3 µm lateral resolution. The presence of cells such as keratinocytes, melanocytes, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and melanophages in their 3-D cutaneous microenvironment in vivo as well as ex vivo has been demonstrated .A qualitative description of structures and patterns in normal and diseased skin could be performed by HD-OCT. Clear structural changes of the epidermis, dermo-epidermal junction, papillary dermis and reticular dermis related to intrinsic skin ageing could be observed. Lobulated structures, surrounded by stretched stromal fibers and arborizing vessels, could be demonstrated in nodular basal cell carcinoma (BCC). The o_HD-OCT of normal and diseased skin could be assessed in vivo. This approach permitted the quantitative assessment of the OCT signal attenuation profiles of normal healthy skin, actinic keratosis (AK) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Differences in signal attenuation profiles could be demonstrated between these three groups. These differences were also observed between BCC subtypes. The slope of the exponential attenuation of the signal in the upper part of the epidermis was very high in benign nevi. The more malignant the lesion the lower the slope. Thickness measurements of epidermis and papillary dermis could be performed by m_HD-OCT, based on a cross-sectional images and their corresponding en face image. More accurate measurements of epidermal and papillary dermal thickness could be performed based on the optical analysis of a skin volume by o_HD-OCT. The diagnostic potential of HD-OCT in comparison with dermoscopy, RCM and C-OCT could be assessed regarding i) melanoma, ii) BCC differentiation from BCC imitators and BCC sub-differentiation and iii) SCC differentiation from AK. A much higher diagnostic potential could be demonstrated for o_HD-OCT in comparison with m_HD-OCT concerning melanoma detection. The diagnostic potential of HD-OCT to discriminate BCC from clinical BCC imitators was moderate. However, HD-OCT seemed to have high potential in sub-differentiation of BCC subtypes: i) it seemed to be the best technique to include and exclude a superficial BCC, ii) the technique appeared to be the best approach to exclude nodular BCC, and iii) HD-OCT looked to be the best technique to include an infiltrative BCC. Finally, HD-OCT has proven to be a powerful method to discriminate AK from SCC.Conclusions. HD-OCT is able to capture real time 3-D imaging with a sufficiently high optical resolution and penetration depth to allow the visualization of cells in and ex vivo in their micro-architectural context. At the same time, HD-OCT permits the recognition of patterns and structures in a sufficiently large volume of skin (1.5 mm³). HD-OCT closes therefore the gap between RCM with a high resolution but low penetration depth and C-OCT with a low resolution but high penetration depth. Moreover, HD-OCT permits, in contrast to RCM and C-OCT, the real time in vivo analysis of optical properties of the skin. HD-OCT seems to be a promising tool for early diagnosis of melanoma, BCC sub-differentiation and differentiation between SCC and AK.Future perspectives. Multicenter validation studies are needed to determine the diagnostic performance of this promising new technology, especially in other clinical settings combining both morphological and optical property analysis. This combined analysis could be a valuable method not only for diagnosis, monitoring and therapeutic guidance of dermatologic diseases but it could also be helpful in the management of non-dermatologic conditions such as diabetic micro-angiopathy, infantile cystinosis or even osteoporosis. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Santé Publique) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The schism, hellenism and politics : a review of the emergence of ecumenical orthodoxy AD 100-400

Rukuni, Rugare 03 1900 (has links)
For many Christians the names ‘Constantine’ and Nicaea are not a familiar idea. In instances where they do recognize these names, they tend to be prejudiced towards the ‘pagan emperor’ and the ‘venerated council’ (Olson 1999:160). The importance of the First Nicene Council and the emperor’s role in the council may be seen as historical only. However, the events related to the development of the Nicene orthodoxy and the role the emperor played in the development of the relations between politics and religion are still influencing the lives of Christians today and therefore, these important events are in need of a review, this time from an African perspective. A probe into the imperial religious-political play may hold many significant answers in relation to contextualization, enculturation, dogmatic teaching, and the relationship between the church and state, amongst other things. In this dissertation document analysis is used in literature study to establish the significance of one of the interactive factors in the period leading to the first ecumenical council. Using a tri-categorical classification of the era, this study reviews the Jewish-Christian schism, Hellenism, and ultimately the role of imperial politics in the development of Christianity. The Jewish-Christian schism refers to the separation between Judaism and Christianity as the conceptive stage of the dynamics through which ecumenical orthodoxy was formed. Hellenism broadly refers to the integration of philosophy with Christianity. Finally, imperial politics was the political dynamic that contributed to the formation of ecumenical orthodoxy. This facilitated an investigation of the era between AD 70 and 325, enhancing a revisionist approach to Constantine, the Nicene Council and the orthodoxy that emerged post AD 325 – with an implied deduction of ecclesiastical polities which became an unconventional phenomenon. The study, engaging with primary sources and specialist scholarship on the era, derived and developed a revisionist approach on Constantinian influence upon Christianity. In the findings the ecclesiastical polity appeared as the significant influence in the shaping of ecumenical orthodoxy. The ecclesiastical polity itself being a factor of the very process of self-definition and contextualization. The significance of enculturation as established in the research implied cultural diversity as a major factor in the formation of religious orthodoxy, xix hence this implied the Jewish Christian schism as the departure point of enquiry. The research implied the development of social models as an interpretation and analysis of the hypothesis. The aforementioned social models had implications for Christian/religious eras even post the one at study. Therefore, making the hypothesis a tool of measuring the interaction of politics, socio-ethnic dynamics and religion in different eras. In principle the study enables a review of history as a factor of these three elements culture, religious syncretism and politics. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Church History)

Reta real: conceito imagem e conceito definição

Dias, Marisa da Silva 12 April 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_marisa_dias.pdf: 305016 bytes, checksum: 8c51ea350b061d06dcc177b7f6a7a452 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The study investigated concept image and concept definition related to the properties of the number line, and particularly the notion of density. The subjects were 45 teachers of secondary school mathematics (students aged 11-16 years) from São Paulo (Brazil). It was hypothesised that the teachers conceptions would match those of students in the age range that they teach. In order to validate this hypothesis, a diagnostic test was developed and the results of the teachers were compared with results obtained in both national and international studies of students conceptions. Analysis confirmed the hypothesis and indicated that both the concept image and concept definition used by the teachers were not coherent with formal. A sub-set of four teachers also participated in interviews developed with the aim of creating situations in which potential conflict factors would become cognitive conflict factors. Teachers reactions during these interviews indicated that these situations helped them to enhance to a higher intellectual stages in their reasoning about the number line / Esta pesquisa investigou conceito imagem e conceito definição relacionados às propriedades da reta real e, particularmente, à noção de densidade. Os sujeitos foram 45 professores de matemática do ensino fundamental e médio de São Paulo (Brasil). A hipótese foi que concepções dos professores seriam as mesmas apresentadas por estudantes, desse mesmo segmento de ensino. Para validarmos esta hipótese, desenvolvemos um teste diagnóstico e comparamos os resultados dos professores com os obtidos em pesquisas nacionais e internacionais sobre as concepções de estudantes. A investigação confirmou a hipótese e evidenciou a existência de conceitos imagem e definição não coerentes com o formal. Um grupo de quatro professores também participou de entrevistas desenvolvidas com o objetivo de criar situações nas quais fatores de conflito potencial tornassem fatores de conflito cognitivo. As reações dos professores durante essas entrevistas indicaram que essas situações possibilitam-lhes alcançar estágios intelectuais mais elevados em relação à reta real

Frimurarna och religionen : En religionssociologisk studie av Svenska Frimurare Ordens plats i det samtida religiösa landskapet

Bentelid, Dina, Tellqvist, Olle January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to situate the locus of the Swedish branch of freemasonry, Svenska Frimurare Orden, in the contemporary religious landscape. The research questions are as follows: On what grounds can the Swedish branch of freemasonry be considered religious? If the Swedish branch of freemasonry is considered religious, how does it fit into the contemporary society among the plethora of new religious movements? In regard to the first question, a definition of religion is required, thus Bruce Lincoln’s theory with four domains of religion is used to decide to what extent the Swedish branch of freemasonry can be described as a religion or a religious movement. To be able to answer the second research question the four sociological narratives as presented by Meredith B. McGuire are used to analyze the results of our study.   The results are reached through examination of the common laws of the Swedish branch of freemasonry and the data found on their official website, combined with hermeneutic interpretation. Our conclusion is that the Swedish branch of freemasonry through its explicit connection to Christianity, in addition to its esoteric and occult practices both fits into a historical continuity regarding religion in Sweden, as well as with contemporary societal currents regarding new religious movements.

A proteção aos refugiados no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos: reflexões a partir do caso Pacheco Tineo

Gilberto, Camila Marques 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2017-02-21T16:16:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Marques Gilberto.pdf: 1029531 bytes, checksum: 2d61de2b9dad88156cc0a9e0a886328b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T16:16:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Marques Gilberto.pdf: 1029531 bytes, checksum: 2d61de2b9dad88156cc0a9e0a886328b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / This study deals with the evolution of the refugee concept and its growing dialogue with the International Human Rights Law. International Refugee Law stems from the Second World War and seeks to protect more and more individuals whose human rights are systematically violated (civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights), and due to those violations are forced to leave their countries in search of international protection. More than identifying an individual in a situation of vulnerability, it is necessary to recognize him as a refugee and to allow him access to a system of rights. In this perspective, the concept of refugee remains vital for the system of protection resulting in constant conceptual expansion through interpretations in light of International Human Rights Law. Therefore, this work has the specific objective of analyzing the concept established by the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the regional advances that have broadened the scope of the universal definition, especially in the regional context of the Inter-American Human Rights System. The protection approach used in the context of the Americas is analyzed in the light of the 1984 Cartagena Declaration, the American Convention of Human Rights, and other universal protection instruments. The progress observed regionally is translated into a recent precedent of the Inter-American System, Pacheco Tineo vs. Plurinational State of Bolivia. The rights ensured in this case demonstrate that the region is moving towards the consolidation of a refugee protection system that is based on the analysis of demands in light of International Human Rights Law. Although the case has not brought conceptual advances, it has brought a series of procedural advances that result in the recognition and protection sought by individuals in situations of extreme vulnerability. The methodology used in this study is based on descriptive and normative approaches, based on bibliographical, documentary and jurisprudential research. The analysis uses reference works on International Human Rights Law, International Refugee Law and on the Inter-American Human Rights System. The method used is a deductive approach, starting with the construction of the concept of refugee throughout the twentieth century and analyzing the complementarity of the human protection aspects represented in the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. / O presente trabalho trata da evolução do conceito de refugiado e sua crescente interlocução com o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. O Direito Internacional dos Refugiados tem origem após a Segunda Guerra Mundial e busca proteger cada vez mais indivíduos que, por terem seus direitos humanos (direitos civis e políticos e direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais) sistematicamente violados, são obrigados a deixar seus países em busca de proteção internacional em outro local. Mais do que identificar um indivíduo em situação de vulnerabilidade, é necessário reconhecê-lo enquanto refugiado e permitir a ele acesso a um sistema de direitos. Assim, o conceito de refugiado segue vital para o sistema de proteção resultando em constante expansão conceitual por via de interpretações à luz do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Nesta perspectiva, este trabalho tem como objetivo específico analisar o conceito estabelecido pela Convenção de 1951 Relativa ao Status dos Refugiados e os avanços regionais que ampliaram o alcance da definição universal, especialmente no contexto regional do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. A abordagem de proteção utilizada no contexto das Américas é analisada à luz da Declaração de Cartagena de 1984, da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos e demais instrumentos universais de proteção. Os avanços observados regionalmente são traduzidos em precedente recente do Sistema Interamericano, o Caso Família Pacheco Tineo vs. Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia. Os direitos assegurados, neste caso, demonstram que a região caminha para a consolidação de um sistema de proteção ao refugiado que prima pela análise de demandas à luz do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Muito embora o caso não tenha trazido avanços conceituais, trouxe uma série de avanços procedimentais que resultam no reconhecimento e proteção almejados por indivíduos em situação de extrema vulnerabilidade. A metodologia empregada no presente trabalho é de abordagens descritivas e normativas, com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e jurisprudencial. O trabalho utiliza obras de referência sobre o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, Direito Internacional dos Refugiados e sobre o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. O método utilizado é de abordagem dedutivo, pelo qual parte-se da construção do conceito de refugiado ao longo do século XX e da análise da complementaridade das vertentes de proteção da pessoa humana representadas no julgamento proferido pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos.

Constipation in palliative care : Prevalence, definitions, symptom distress and risk-factors

Erichsén, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Background and aims: Constipation for patients in palliative care is common and described with variations in prevalence. Side -effects from opioid- treatment, is considered to be one of the main factors leading to constipation. The overall aim of the thesis was to study constipation among patients admitted to specialized palliative care- settings in Sweden. The specific aims of the thesis were 1) To describe and explore the prevalence, definition and symptom distress of constipation by applying different definitions of constipation, in patients admitted to specialized palliative care settings in Sweden. 2) To identify factors related to constipation in patients in specialized palliative care and comparing these factors for patients with different types of constipation to patients without constipation. Methods: A literature- search were conducted where prevalence of- and factors related to constipation was explored and included in a questionnaire, developed for this thesis. Data was collected in a cross- sectional design with a response rate of 50% and analysed with logistic regression. Results: A total of 485 patients from 38 specialized palliative care- units in Sweden participated. Prevalence of constipation for patients in specialized palliative care varied between 7- 43 % depending on definition used. Two different constipation- groups were identified: Medical constipation- group 23% (MCG) and Perceived constipation- group 35% (PCG). Three sub- groups was also identified: patients with i) only ≤ 3 defecations/week, 7%, ii) only perception of being constipated, 19%, and iii) patients with both ≤ 3 defecations/ week and perception of being constipated,16%. Several factors were found to be related to constipation as hospitalisation, absence of laxative- treatment, haemorrhoids, poor appetite, hard stool form and opioids. Conclusions: Prevalence of constipation may differ depending on definitions used. Distress from constipation and other factors related to constipation, than opioids, needs to be incorporated into the clinical constipation- assessment. Validated constipation assessment tool needs to be developed. / <p>The series name <em>Linköping University, Studies in Health Sciences, Thesis</em> in the Licentiate thesis is incorrect. The correct name is <em>Linköping Studies in Health Sciences. Thesis</em>.</p>

Weaving the semantic web: Contributions and insights

Cregan, Anne, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The semantic web aims to make the meaning of data on the web explicit and machine processable. Harking back to Leibniz in its vision, it imagines a world of interlinked information that computers `understand' and `know' how to process based on its meaning. Spearheaded by the World Wide Web Consortium, ontology languages OWL and RDF form the core of the current technical offerings. RDF has successfully enabled the construction of virtually unlimited webs of data, whilst OWL gives the ability to express complex relationships between RDF data triples. However, the formal semantics of these languages limit themselves to that aspect of meaning that can be captured by mechanical inference rules, leaving many open questions as to other aspects of meaning and how they might be made machine processable. The Semantic Web has faced a number of problems that are addressed by the included publications. Its germination within academia, and logical semantics has seen it struggle to become familiar, accessible and implementable for the general IT population, so an overview of semantic technologies is provided. Faced with competing `semantic' languages, such as the ISO's Topic Map standards, a method for building ISO-compliant Topic Maps in the OWL DL language has been provided, enabling them to take advantage of the more mature OWL language and tools. Supplementation with rules is needed to deal with many real-world scenarios and this is explored as a practical exercise. The available syntaxes for OWL have hindered domain experts in ontology building, so a natural language syntax for OWL designed for use by non-logicians is offered and compared with similar offerings. In recent years, proliferation of ontologies has resulted in far more than are needed in any given domain space, so a mechanism is proposed to facilitate the reuse of existing ontologies by giving contextual information and leveraging social factors to encourage wider adoption of common ontologies and achieve interoperability. Lastly, the question of meaning is addressed in relation to the need to define one's terms and to ground one's symbols by anchoring them effectively, ultimately providing the foundation for evolving a `Pragmatic Web' of action.

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