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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epistolary Hate: Letters of Denunciation against Jews in Vichy France (1940-1944)

Tableman, Kara January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation explores a collection of letters of denunciation against Jews during Vichy France 1940-1944 which is housed at the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris. In order to situate this epistolary corpus in its historical context, the opening chapter recounts the ambivalent relationship of France with its Jewish population, i.e., the continuity of French anti-Semitic images and tropes during the German Occupation, and the centrality of anti-Semitism as an organizing principle of Vichy's project of National Revolution. Methodological and theoretical considerations are presented in a chapter informed by the work of Derrida, Foucault, and Schwab that deals with the politics of commemoration and memorialization of the Shoah in France. The Mémorial de la Shoah itself is theorized as a fortress and crypt where repressed memories are confined, the archive housing artifacts of trauma, which are the letters themselves. One hundred and twenty six were examined through a literary lens shaped by the reading of critical theorists so as to identify the rhetorical devices and the various types of discourse that organize them. Based on this taxonomy, the second part of the dissertation provides a detailed analysis of twenty-five letters of denunciation that illustrate the representative types of discourse that inform this corpus of epistolary hatred: the discourses of otherness, illegality, propaganda and civic engagement, and the affective discourses of vengeance, envy, and inverted victimhood. Each of these letters is also read in relation to the anti-Jewish legislation of the time (Statuts des Juifs and German Ordinances) and the work of historians who specialize in Vichy France, thereby unearthing the voice of the everyday perpetrators of the regime, who, in their small mindedness felt a certain agency and power that could turn lethal. But because perpetrators and victims are inextricably entwined in these texts, one can also infer the silent presence, the testimony of the victims they denounced. With this insight in mind, we conclude by revisiting the issue of memorialization, the preservation or erasure of sites of memory of the Shoah in France.

Desconstruindo com Eva Lopo / Deconstruct with Eva Lopo

Paula Rodrigues Garcia Behring 29 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma leitura do romance A Costa dos Murmúrios da autora Lídia Jorge, que aborda o lado oculto da guerra portuguesa em África, denunciando os fatos ali ocorridos, destacando os aspectos da narrativa, o universo simbólico e as características de alguns personagens, com finalidade de desconstruir, revelar, rasurar junto com Eva Lopo a História oficial, bem como ler as entrelinhas a fim de desvendar a barbárie da guerra colonial em África por meio desse extraordinário recuo temporal realizado por Lídia Jorge. Através de sua personagem principal, encontramos a metamorfose de uma frágil Evita, que ressurge, agora, na pele daquela que devora- Eva Lopo (lupus) / This work has the purpouse to present a read about the romance A Costa dos Murmúrios of the author Lídia Jorge, about the occult side of the Portuguese war in Africa making a denunciation about the facts that happen there, emphasizing the narrative aspects, the symbolic universe and the characters characteristicts with the finality to reveal with Eva Lopo the official History, and read between the lines to develop the colonial war barbary in Africa across of this extraordinary time retreat perform of Lídia Jorge. Through the principal character, we find the transformation of the fragile Evita, that resurge now, in the skill of the woman that devour Eva Lopo(lupus)

Desconstruindo com Eva Lopo / Deconstruct with Eva Lopo

Paula Rodrigues Garcia Behring 29 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma leitura do romance A Costa dos Murmúrios da autora Lídia Jorge, que aborda o lado oculto da guerra portuguesa em África, denunciando os fatos ali ocorridos, destacando os aspectos da narrativa, o universo simbólico e as características de alguns personagens, com finalidade de desconstruir, revelar, rasurar junto com Eva Lopo a História oficial, bem como ler as entrelinhas a fim de desvendar a barbárie da guerra colonial em África por meio desse extraordinário recuo temporal realizado por Lídia Jorge. Através de sua personagem principal, encontramos a metamorfose de uma frágil Evita, que ressurge, agora, na pele daquela que devora- Eva Lopo (lupus) / This work has the purpouse to present a read about the romance A Costa dos Murmúrios of the author Lídia Jorge, about the occult side of the Portuguese war in Africa making a denunciation about the facts that happen there, emphasizing the narrative aspects, the symbolic universe and the characters characteristicts with the finality to reveal with Eva Lopo the official History, and read between the lines to develop the colonial war barbary in Africa across of this extraordinary time retreat perform of Lídia Jorge. Through the principal character, we find the transformation of the fragile Evita, that resurge now, in the skill of the woman that devour Eva Lopo(lupus)

L'impact de la couverture médiatique des violences sexuelles sur les taux d'agressions sexuelles au Québec entre 1974 et 2006

Boudreau, Marie-Ève January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Carlos Giménez : de la dénonciation à la transmission de la mémoire / Carlos Giménez, from denunciation to the transmission of the memory

De Bois, Pierre-Alain 25 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’oeuvre de l’auteur espagnol de bande dessinée Carlos Giménez, l’un des dessinateurs et scénaristes les plus importants en Espagne, et dont une grande partie de l’oeuvre constitue un témoignage précieux de plus de cinquante ans d’Histoire en Espagne, depuis la guerre civile jusqu’à la transition démocratique. Auteur résolument engagé, véritable pionnier en matière de bande dessinée autobiographique, Carlos Giménez est en outre doté d’un style caractéristique : un graphisme en noir et blanc, un trait personnel, à la fois réaliste et parfois très caricatural, toujours au service d’une critique idéologique ou sociétale. Ce travail de recherche s’est articulé autour de deux grands axes constitutifs de son oeuvre : le souvenir, qui correspond à la réflexion sur l’Histoire et la mémoire, et la dénonciation. Une dénonciation qui semble aujourd’hui devenir peut-être moins criante au bénéfice de ce que l’on pourrait appeler la finalité éducative, chez un auteur qui met de plus en plus l’accent sur l’héritage de la mémoire, ou comment transmettre la mémoire aux générations futures. Aussi ses dernières productions s’avèrent-elles plus que jamais en phase avec les débats qui agitent l’Espagne aujourd’hui autour du thème de la mémoire historique et montrent jusqu’à quel point le neuvième art, cet « art séquentiel », production accessible à un public éclectique (mais peut-être aussi plus jeune),constitue même une base « didactico-pédagogique »,dont la finalité édifiante des jeunes générations est indéniable chez l’auteur madrilène. / This research focuses on the Spanish cartoonist Carlos Giménez, one of the most important artists and scriptwriters in Spain. A large part of the work is avaluable testimony of more than fifty years of history in Spain, since the Civil War to the Democratic Transition. Author resolutely committed, genuine pioneer ofautobiographical comic, Carlos Giménez is further provided with a characteristic style: a black and white graphics, a personal trait, both realistic and sometimesvery cartoonish, always at the service of ideological or social criticism. This research revolves around two main axes constituent of his work: memory and enunciation. A denunciation that now seems to be perhaps less glaring in favor of what might be called the educational purpose, for an author who puts more emphasis on the legacy of memory. Thus his last productions are more than ever in tune with the debates which agitate Spain today on the theme of Historical Memory and show how far the 9th art, production accessible to a large public is even a "didactic-pedagogic"base for younger generations.

Léxico e denúncia social: uma abordagem do conto Negrinha em aulas de língua portuguesa / Lexicon and social denunciation: an approach to Negrinha tale portuguese language classes

Gomes, Isabel Endres 14 August 2015 (has links)
Considerando a formação do leitor proficiente em aulas de língua portuguesa, com o presente trabalho se propôs a elaborar uma sequência de atividades e aplicá-la em uma turma de 9º ano, do Ensino Fundamental II, em uma escola de rede pública estadual de ensino. Em seguida foi feita uma análise, com o intuito de demonstrar como a escolha lexical transmite a ideologia do autor do texto, assumindo, muitas vezes, um caráter de crítica e denúncia social. Para isso, foi utilizado o conto Negrinha, de Monteiro Lobato, como base do estudo em sala de aula. As práticas de leitura e análise desenvolvidas procuraram esclarecer como algumas palavras e expressões diferenciam as personagens e seus comportamentos, caracterizando-as como dominante e dominada, inseridas num contexto histórico-social. Nesse sentido, buscou-se evidenciar como o autor Monteiro Lobato valeu-se da escolha lexical para demonstrar a permanência da ideologia do regime escravocrata no conto Negrinha, mesmo depois da abolição. Como resultado, pode-se constatar que a compreensão dessas escolhas levam o discente ao desenvolvimento de suas habilidades leitoras e escritoras de maneira crítica e reflexiva, preparando-o para outras leituras, além do contexto escolar. / Considering the proficient reader formation in Portuguese Language classes, this study proposed to develop an activities sequence and applies it in a 9th grade class of Second Elementary Teaching, in a State Public School. After that was made an analysis, with the goal to demonstrate how lexical choice conveys the author´s ideology, taking a several times a critical feature and a social denunciation. To this, Monteiro Lobato´s tale Negrinha, was used as a base to a classroom study. The reading practices and developed analysis sought to clarify how some words and expressions get differentiate the characters and their behavior, characterizing them as the dominant and dominated, including in a historical and social context. In this sense, it sought to show how the author Monteiro Lobato took advantage of lexical choice to demonstrate the permanence of the Negrinha´s tale slavery regime ideology, even after the abolition. As a result, it shows that the comprehension of these choices lead the students to develop their reading and writing skills in a critical and reflective way, preparing themselves for further reading, beyond the scholar context.

L'impact de la couverture médiatique des violences sexuelles sur les taux d'agressions sexuelles au Québec entre 1974 et 2006

Boudreau, Marie-Ève January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

La délation des Juifs à Paris pendant l’Occupation, 1940-1944 / The denunciation of Jews in Paris during the Occupation, 1940-1944

Fournier, Patrick 22 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat vise à étendre l’étude de la délation antisémite à Paris pendant l’Occupation allemande en explorant plus en détail les contextes institutionnels et sociaux du phénomène de la délation afin de mieux mesurer leur importance dans le Paris occupé. Dans un premier temps, elle explore les différents mécanismes institutionnels qui contribuèrent à l’introduction d’une réglementation antisémite d’origine allemande et française, à entretenir un climat propice au développement de la délation dans le cadre de cette réglementation, notamment à travers la propagande et la menée d’opérations visant à réprimer les « ennemis » du régime de Vichy et de l’occupant nazi, tout en fournissant aux délateurs divers relais où ceux-ci pouvaient adresser leurs reproches à l’endroit des Juifs. Ensuite, puisque la délation est avant tout un phénomène populaire, c’est-à-dire qui émana des individus, la thèse ausculte les différentes caractéristiques du contexte de l’Occupation et leurs conséquences au niveau populaire afin d’identifier les éléments qui furent mis à profit par les auteurs des délations dans leurs accusations contre les Juifs, et les mobiles qui incitèrent les délateurs à les dénoncer aux autorités. Elle analyse aussi les nombreuses stratégies rhétoriques employées par les délateurs dans leurs tentatives de convaincre les autorités du bien fondé de leurs démarches. Enfin, elle propose un portrait général des caractéristiques « sociales » des victimes à travers une étude quantitative du phénomène. / This dissertation attempts to further the study of the denunciation of Jews in Paris during the German Occupation by exploring in more detail the various institutional and social contexts of the phenomenon of denunciation to measure their importance in the larger context of occupied Paris. First, it explores institutional mechanisms who contributed to the introduction of a German and a French anti-Semitic legislation, to maintain an environment conductive to the development of denunciation in the context of this regulation, notably through propaganda and repressive operations that targeted the “enemies” of the Vichy regime as well as the German occupant, while providing the authors of denunciation with relays ready to accept and synthesize the accusations against the Jews. Second, because denunciation is at its origin a “popular” phenomenon, that is to say it originates from individuals, this dissertation analyses the various characteristics of the context of the Occupation and their consequences on the French population in an attempt to identify the elements that were put to use by denouncers in their accusations against Jews, as well as the motives that influenced their decision to contact the authorities. This section also analyzes the multitude of rhetorical strategies used by denouncers in their effort to convince the authorities of the merits of their approach. Finally, it proposes a general picture of the “social” characteristics of the victims and authors of denunciation through a quantitative study of the phenomenon.

Léxico e denúncia social: uma abordagem do conto Negrinha em aulas de língua portuguesa / Lexicon and social denunciation: an approach to Negrinha tale portuguese language classes

Isabel Endres Gomes 14 August 2015 (has links)
Considerando a formação do leitor proficiente em aulas de língua portuguesa, com o presente trabalho se propôs a elaborar uma sequência de atividades e aplicá-la em uma turma de 9º ano, do Ensino Fundamental II, em uma escola de rede pública estadual de ensino. Em seguida foi feita uma análise, com o intuito de demonstrar como a escolha lexical transmite a ideologia do autor do texto, assumindo, muitas vezes, um caráter de crítica e denúncia social. Para isso, foi utilizado o conto Negrinha, de Monteiro Lobato, como base do estudo em sala de aula. As práticas de leitura e análise desenvolvidas procuraram esclarecer como algumas palavras e expressões diferenciam as personagens e seus comportamentos, caracterizando-as como dominante e dominada, inseridas num contexto histórico-social. Nesse sentido, buscou-se evidenciar como o autor Monteiro Lobato valeu-se da escolha lexical para demonstrar a permanência da ideologia do regime escravocrata no conto Negrinha, mesmo depois da abolição. Como resultado, pode-se constatar que a compreensão dessas escolhas levam o discente ao desenvolvimento de suas habilidades leitoras e escritoras de maneira crítica e reflexiva, preparando-o para outras leituras, além do contexto escolar. / Considering the proficient reader formation in Portuguese Language classes, this study proposed to develop an activities sequence and applies it in a 9th grade class of Second Elementary Teaching, in a State Public School. After that was made an analysis, with the goal to demonstrate how lexical choice conveys the author´s ideology, taking a several times a critical feature and a social denunciation. To this, Monteiro Lobato´s tale Negrinha, was used as a base to a classroom study. The reading practices and developed analysis sought to clarify how some words and expressions get differentiate the characters and their behavior, characterizing them as the dominant and dominated, including in a historical and social context. In this sense, it sought to show how the author Monteiro Lobato took advantage of lexical choice to demonstrate the permanence of the Negrinha´s tale slavery regime ideology, even after the abolition. As a result, it shows that the comprehension of these choices lead the students to develop their reading and writing skills in a critical and reflective way, preparing themselves for further reading, beyond the scholar context.

La représentation de l'Afrique dans l'écriture littéraire italienne de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle / Representation of Africa in Literary Italian writing of the second half of the 20th Century

Akieudji, Colbert 05 December 2009 (has links)
Dans les textes des écrivains italiens de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, plusieurs éléments africains se détachent nettement. Cet ensemble de constituants physiques, humains, spatiaux et socioculturels est mis en forme à travers une multitude de procédés qui montrent d’une part une rhétorique particulière de l’expression de l’altérité et d’autre part un discours littéraire sur l’Afrique qui devient une réelle occasion de relecture et de réinterprétation des volumes de la "bibliothèque" des écrivains. Les images reflétées dans ces textes montrent un imaginaire italien sur l’Afrique caractérisé en majorité par des symboles de l’animalité, de l’obscurité et du déclin; d’où un souci de modernisation de l’image de l’Afrique chez les écrivains. Par ailleurs, c’est finalement l’Italie qui se regarde à travers le continent noir. Si l’on suppose une fonctionnalité de ce discours, on peut dire que les auteurs l’utilisent également pour revenir sur le passé colonial de leur pays, exprimer le drame de l’Afrique postcoloniale et dénoncer certains maux qui minent la société contemporaine. Une écriture autobiographique qui favorise la construction de l’identité individuelle des auteurs ainsi que celle collective de l’Italie, sans oublier le développement de la littérature et du cinéma. D’un côté, une étude diachronique montre que ce phénomène a considérablement évolué durant le XXe siècle italien, et ce à différents niveaux, de l’épitexte au traitement intratextuel de l’espace africain, le regard "pur" de l’époque contemporaine s’opposant aux visions coloniales de la période fasciste. D’un autre côté, une synchronie incluant des textes français amène à hypothiser une vision tout européenne du continent noir, bien que subsiste un regard propre à l’Italie, concernant la singularité du milieu africain. Finalement, l’on constate que les hétéro-images des écrivains italiens coïncident avec les auto-images des auteurs africains et que l’intérêt pour l’autre est réciproque entre les deux espaces. / In Italian writers’ texts of the second half of 20th Century, many African elements are particularly brought to light. This set of physical, human, spatial and socio-cultural constituents is textualized through a vast number of techniques which show on one hand a particular rhetoric of elsewhere expression and on the other hand that a literary discourse on Africa becomes a real opportunity to re-read and re-interpret the writers’ books. Images that are reflected in these texts show an Italian imaginary on Africa mostly characterized by primitive, mysterious and fall-oriented symbols, hence the worry to modernize the image of Africa by the writers. Therefore, Italy is finally seen through African continent. If one supposes the functionality of this discourse, one can say that the authors equally use it to dwell on the colonial past of their country, to express the tragedy of postcolonial Africa and to denounce some ills that damage the contemporary society. One has to do with an autobiographical writing that favors the construction of the authors’ individual identity as well as the collective identity of Italy, without leaving out the development of literature and cinema. On one side, a diachronic study shows that this phenomenon has considerably evolved during the Italian 20th Century, and this happens at various levels, from the epi-text to the intra-textual treatment of African space, the “pure” look of the contemporary epoch opposing itself to colonial visions of the fascist period. On the other side, a synchrony including French texts urges to set an hypothesis of a European vision of the African continent, although a look peculiar to Italy remains, concerning the singularity of the African milieu. Finally, one notices that hetero-images of Italian writers coincide with auto-images of African writers and that the interest to the other is reciprocal between the two spaces.

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