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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reallabor - eine hochschuldidaktisch innovative und interdisziplinäre Methode des Lernens und Lehrens am Beispiel eines Projektes an der Georg-Schumann-Straße in Leipzig

Korzer, Tanja, Scherzer-Heidenberger, Ronald 19 February 2019 (has links)
Das Projekt Real.L ist als inter- und intradisziplinäres Projekt (Reallabor) in Kooperation zwischen unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen an der Universität Leipzig und der HTWK Leipzig sowie verschiedenen Praxispartnern durchgeführt worden. Real.L setzte sich aus insgesamt 9 Teilprojekten an 5 Standorten/Stadträumen entlang der Leipziger Magistrale Georg-Schumann-Str. zusammen. Nach der Konzeptentwicklung erfolgte im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Aktionstages die Umsetzung der Projekte in Form verschiedener symbolischer Interventionen wie beispielsweise die Bespielung leerstehender Ladenlokale, die Belebung von öffentlichen Plätzen oder die Aktivierung der Nachbarschaften entlang der Magistrale.

Co-design package for civil servants’ public communication strategies

Bader, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Today’s emerging Co-design processes between citizens and civil servants in helixes groups, produces multiple challenges for the interaction designer. How can these challenges produce new merging roles and communication strategies for interaction designers for use in Co-design processes? This thesis focuses on the design research process outcomes from Co-design processes between civil servants and citizens in urban development processes. The tangible outcomes will be elicited through the merging of practice-based know-how as seen through the eyes of an interaction designer with a bifocal lens on Social psychology and Behavior economics. This research process produces tangible outcomes in the form of educational material, communication methods and strategies for interaction designers, civil servants in Co-design processes. Additional outcomes are digital communication strategies for city operations based on the need for increased citizen involvement in the urban development process.


RAFAEL DE SOUZA LIMA ESPINHA 30 July 2007 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente, um dos principais requisitos de um projeto de desenvolvimento de software é a entrega de um produto de qualidade que obedeça ao prazo e orçamento estipulados e atenda às necessidades do cliente. Utilizando a premissa de que a qualidade do produto desenvolvido está intimamente relacionada à qualidade dos processos utilizados no seu desenvolvimento, muitas organizações investem em programas de melhoria contínua de processos, onde estes processos são constantemente avaliados e melhorados. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem para a avaliação de processos baseada em análise do risco e da conformidade em processos de desenvolvimento. Esta abordagem é constituída por um método de avaliação em duas etapas e por uma ferramenta de apoio. Na primeira fase do método, uma avaliação em abrangência é realizada para identificar em que áreas se encontram os maiores problemas nos processos. Na segunda fase, uma avaliação mais elaborada e criteriosa é realizada apenas nas áreas críticas, diminuindo o custo e aumentando a eficiência do investimento em melhoria. A ferramenta utiliza um mecanismo de questionários e checklists para verificar o risco e a conformidade dos processos da organização. Estes questionários e checklists estão associados a uma base de conhecimento organizada segundo um modelo de maturidade ou norma de qualidade de referência. Ao final de uma avaliação são gerados relatórios, tabelas e gráficos que apóiam a tomada de decisão e orientam a elaboração de um plano de ação para a melhoria dos processos. A abordagem foi utilizada em três experimentos controlados. / [en] Nowadays, one of the main requirements of a software development project is the delivery of a quality product that conforms to the expected schedule and budget and satisfies customer needs. Using the hypothesis that the quality of the developed product is closely related to the quality of the processes used in its development, many organizations invest in process improvement programs, where the processes are continuously assessed and improved. In this work we propose an approach for process assessment based on risk and process compliance analysis. This approach is composed of a two-step appraisal method and a supporting tool. In the first step of the method, a quick analysis is executed to identify the most problematic areas. In the second one, a more elaborated analysis is performed only in the critical areas, reducing the costs and increasing the effectiveness of the appraisal. The tool uses a mechanism of surveys and checklists to verify the risk and the compliance of the process of the organization. A knowledge base is organized in accordance to a reference quality norm or maturity model. At the end of an assessment, reports, tables and charts support the decision-taking, and they can be used to guide an improvement program. The approach has been used in three case studies.

Evolution of model-driven engineering settings in practice

Hebig, Regina January 2014 (has links)
Nowadays, software systems are getting more and more complex. To tackle this challenge most diverse techniques, such as design patterns, service oriented architectures (SOA), software development processes, and model-driven engineering (MDE), are used to improve productivity, while time to market and quality of the products stay stable. Multiple of these techniques are used in parallel to profit from their benefits. While the use of sophisticated software development processes is standard, today, MDE is just adopted in practice. However, research has shown that the application of MDE is not always successful. It is not fully understood when advantages of MDE can be used and to what degree MDE can also be disadvantageous for productivity. Further, when combining different techniques that aim to affect the same factor (e.g. productivity) the question arises whether these techniques really complement each other or, in contrast, compensate their effects. Due to that, there is the concrete question how MDE and other techniques, such as software development process, are interrelated. Both aspects (advantages and disadvantages for productivity as well as the interrelation to other techniques) need to be understood to identify risks relating to the productivity impact of MDE. Before studying MDE's impact on productivity, it is necessary to investigate the range of validity that can be reached for the results. This includes two questions. First, there is the question whether MDE's impact on productivity is similar for all approaches of adopting MDE in practice. Second, there is the question whether MDE's impact on productivity for an approach of using MDE in practice remains stable over time. The answers for both questions are crucial for handling risks of MDE, but also for the design of future studies on MDE success. This thesis addresses these questions with the goal to support adoption of MDE in future. To enable a differentiated discussion about MDE, the term MDE setting'' is introduced. MDE setting refers to the applied technical setting, i.e. the employed manual and automated activities, artifacts, languages, and tools. An MDE setting's possible impact on productivity is studied with a focus on changeability and the interrelation to software development processes. This is done by introducing a taxonomy of changeability concerns that might be affected by an MDE setting. Further, three MDE traits are identified and it is studied for which manifestations of these MDE traits software development processes are impacted. To enable the assessment and evaluation of an MDE setting's impacts, the Software Manufacture Model language is introduced. This is a process modeling language that allows to reason about how relations between (modeling) artifacts (e.g. models or code files) change during application of manual or automated development activities. On that basis, risk analysis techniques are provided. These techniques allow identifying changeability risks and assessing the manifestations of the MDE traits (and with it an MDE setting's impact on software development processes). To address the range of validity, MDE settings from practice and their evolution histories were capture in context of this thesis. First, this data is used to show that MDE settings cover the whole spectrum concerning their impact on changeability or interrelation to software development processes. Neither it is seldom that MDE settings are neutral for processes nor is it seldom that MDE settings have impact on processes. Similarly, the impact on changeability differs relevantly. Second, a taxonomy of evolution of MDE settings is introduced. In that context it is discussed to what extent different types of changes on an MDE setting can influence this MDE setting's impact on changeability and the interrelation to processes. The category of structural evolution, which can change these characteristics of an MDE setting, is identified. The captured MDE settings from practice are used to show that structural evolution exists and is common. In addition, some examples of structural evolution steps are collected that actually led to a change in the characteristics of the respective MDE settings. Two implications are: First, the assessed diversity of MDE settings evaluates the need for the analysis techniques that shall be presented in this thesis. Second, evolution is one explanation for the diversity of MDE settings in practice. To summarize, this thesis studies the nature and evolution of MDE settings in practice. As a result support for the adoption of MDE settings is provided in form of techniques for the identification of risks relating to productivity impacts. / Um die steigende Komplexität von Softwaresystemen beherrschen zu können, werden heutzutage unterschiedlichste Techniken gemeinsam eingesetzt. Beispiele sind, Design Pattern, Serviceorientierte Architekturen, Softwareentwicklungsprozesse oder modellgetriebene Entwicklung (MDE). Ziel dabei ist die Erhöhung der Produktivität, so dass Entwicklungsdauer und Qualität stabil bleiben können. Während hoch entwickelte Softwareentwicklungsprozesse heute schon standardmäßig genutzt werden, fangen Firmen gerade erst an MDE einzusetzen. Jedoch zeigen Studien, dass der erhoffte Erfolg von MDE nicht jedes Mal eintritt. So scheint es, dass noch kein ausreichendes Verständnis dafür existiert, inwiefern MDE auch Nachteile für die Produktivität bergen kann. Zusätzlich ist bei der Kombination von unterschiedlichen Techniken damit zu rechnen, dass die erreichten Effekte sich gegenseitig negieren anstatt sich zu ergänzen. Hier entsteht die Frage wie MDE und andere Techniken, wie Softwareentwicklungsprozesse, zusammenwirken. Beide Aspekte, der direkte Einfluss auf Produktivität und die Wechselwirkung mit anderen Techniken, müssen aber verstanden werden um den Risiken für den Produktivitätseinfluss von MDE zu identifizieren. Außerdem, muss auch die Generalisierbarkeit dieser Aspekte untersucht werden. Das betrifft die Fragen, ob der Produktivitätseinfluss bei jedem Einsatz von MDE gleich ist und ob der Produktivitätseinfluss über die Zeit stabil bleibt. Beide Fragen sind entscheidend, will man geeignete Risikobehandlung ermöglichen oder künftige Studien zum Erfolg von MDE planen. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der genannten Fragen. Dafür wird zuerst der Begriff MDE Setting'' eingeführt um eine differenzierte Betrachtung von MDE-Verwendungen zu ermöglichen. Ein MDE Setting ist dabei der technische Aufbau, inklusive manueller und automatische Aktivitäten, Artefakten, Sprachen und Werkzeugen. Welche Produktivitätseinflüsse von MDE Settings möglich sind, wird in der Dissertation mit Fokus auf Änderbarkeit und die Wechselwirkung mit Softwareentwicklungsprozessen betrachtet. Dafür wird einerseits eine Taxonomie von Changeability Concerns'' (potentiell betroffene Aspekte von Änderbarkeit) vorgestellt. Zusätzlich, werden drei MDE Traits'' (Charakteristika von MDE Settings die unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sein können) identifiziert. Es wird untersucht welche Ausprägungen dieser MDE Traits Einfluss auf Softwareentwicklungsprozesse haben können. Um die Erfassung und Bewertung dieser Einflüsse zu ermöglichen wird die Software Manufaktur Modell Sprache eingeführt. Diese Prozessmodellierungssprache ermöglicht eine Beschreibung, der Veränderungen von Artefaktbeziehungen während der Anwendung von Aktivitäten (z.B. Codegenerierung). Weiter werden auf Basis dieser Modelle, Analysetechniken eingeführt. Diese Analysetechniken erlauben es Risiken für bestimmte Changeability Concerns aufzudecken sowie die Ausprägung von MDE Traits zu erfassen (und damit den Einfluss auf Softwareentwicklungsprozesse). Um die Generalisierbarkeit der Ergebnisse zu studieren, wurden im Rahmen der Arbeit mehrere MDE Settings aus der Praxis sowie teilweise deren Evolutionshistorien erhoben. Daran wird gezeigt, dass MDE Settings sich in einem breiten Spektrum von Einflüssen auf Änderbarkeit und Prozesse bewegen. So ist es weder selten, dass ein MDE Setting neutral für Prozesse ist, noch, dass ein MDE Setting Einschränkungen für einen Prozess impliziert. Ähnlich breit gestreut ist der Einfluss auf die Änderbarkeit.Zusätzlich, wird diskutiert, inwiefern unterschiedliche Evolutionstypen den Einfluss eines MDE Settings auf Änderbarkeit und Prozesse verändern können. Diese Diskussion führt zur Identifikation der strukturellen Evolution'', die sich stark auf die genannten Charakteristika eines MDE Settings auswirken kann. Mithilfe der erfassten MDE Settings, wird gezeigt, dass strukturelle Evolution in der Praxis üblich ist. Schließlich, werden Beispiele aufgedeckt bei denen strukturelle Evolutionsschritte tatsächlich zu einer Änderung der Charakteristika des betreffenden MDE Settings geführt haben. Einerseits bestärkt die ermittelte Vielfalt den Bedarf nach Analysetechniken, wie sie in dieser Dissertation eingeführt werden. Zum Anderen erscheint es nun, dass Evolution zumindest zum Teil die unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen von MDE Settings erklärt. Zusammenfassend wird studiert wie MDE Settings und deren Evolution in der Praxis ausgeprägt sind. Als Ergebnis, werden Techniken zur Identifikation von Risiken für Produktivitätseinflüsse bereitgestellt um den Einsatz von MDE Settings zu unterstützen.

e-Process selection using decision making methods : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Albertyn, Erina Francina January 2010 (has links)
The key objective of this research is to develop a selection methodology that can be used to support and aid the selection of development processes for e-Commerce Information Systems (eCIS) effectively using various decision methods. The selection methodology supports developers in their choice of an e-Commerce Information System Development Process (e-Process) by providing them with a few different decision making methods for choosing between defined e-Processes using a set of quality aspects to compare and evaluate the different options. The methodology also provides historical data of previous selections that can be used to further support their specific choice. The research was initiated by the fast growing Information Technology environment, where e-Commerce Information Systems is a relatively new development area and developers of these systems may be using new development methods and have difficulty deciding on the best suited process to use when developing new eCIS. These developers also need documentary support for their choices and this research helps them with these decision-making processes. The e-Process Selection Methodology allows for the comparison of existing development processes as well as the comparison of processes as defined by the developers. Four different decision making methods, the Value-Benefit Method (Weighted Scoring), the Analytical Hierarchy Process, Case-Based Reasoning and a Social Choice method are used to solve the problem of selecting among e-Commerce Development Methodologies. The Value-Benefit Method, when applied to the selection of an e-Process from a set of e-Processes, uses multiple quality aspects. Values are assigned to each aspect for each of the e-Processes by experts. The importance of each of the aspects, to the eCIS, is defined in terms of weights. The selected e-Process is the one with the highest score when the values and weights are multiplied and then summed. The Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to quantify a selection of quality aspects and then these are used to evaluate alternative e-Processes and thus determining the best matching solution to the problem. This process provides for the ranking and determining of the relative worth of each of the quality aspects. Case-Based Reasoning requires the capturing of the resulting knowledge of previous cases, in a knowledge base, in order to make a decision. The case database is built in such a way that the concrete factual knowledge of previous individual cases that were solved previously is stored and can be used in the decision process. Case-based reasoning is used to determine the best choices. This allows the user to either use the selection methodology or the case base database to resolve their problems or both. Social Choice Methods are based on voting processes. Individuals vote for their preferences from a set of e-Processes. The results are aggregated to obtain a final result that indicates which e-Process is the preferred one. The e-Process Selection Methodology is demonstrated and validated by the development of a prototype tool. This tool can be used to select the most suitable solution for a case at hand. The thesis includes the factors that motivated the research and the process that was followed. The e-Process Selection Methodology is summarised as well as the strengths and weaknesses discussed. The contribution to knowledge is explained and future developments are proposed. To conclude, the lessons learnt and reinforced are considered.

Aquisição da leitura e da escrita por alunos com deficiência visual: um estudo a partir das contribuições da psicologia histórico-cultural e da pedagogia histórico-crítica / Reading acquisition and writing for students with visual impairment: a study on the contributions of historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy

Silva, Luzia Alves da 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-08T13:21:40Z No. of bitstreams: 2 LUZIA_SILVA2015.pdf: 516247 bytes, checksum: d46e63d73d83a4f15140dc6ee52843d9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-08T13:21:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 LUZIA_SILVA2015.pdf: 516247 bytes, checksum: d46e63d73d83a4f15140dc6ee52843d9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / This dissertation is a study on the acquisition of reading and writing for students with visual impairment from the contributions of Historical-Cultural Psychology and Historical-Critical Pedagogy, in order to highlight the importance of literacy in the framework of these students process. Based on the Materialist Historical and Dialectical method proposed by Marx and Engels, the work is characterized by a bibliographic study, based on published sources (books, articles, theses and dissertations). Presents as reference authors who developed their ideas from theories that conceive the subject founded on the historicity and materiality, such as Vygotsky, Luria, Leontiev, Saviani, among others. Therefore, start with the fundamentals that guide the learning processes and human development, with emphasis on the role of technical and psychological tools as a man of aids. Then prioritize the role of education as a socialization tool legacy historically produced by humanity, emphasizing the process of appropriation of reading and writing for students with and without disabilities. Finally, talks on specific issues to the acquisition of reading and writing for students with visual impairments, the teacher's role and the importance of teaching-learning resources. The findings highlight that, when planning the actions and teaching strategies, it is necessary to consider the specifics imposed by blindness or for reduction of visual function therefore hardly get will be successful in the education of students with visual impairment without the educational space is organized so that they participate actively in all the proposed activities and have unrestricted access to information made available to them. / A presente dissertação consiste em um estudo teórico sobre a aquisição da leitura e da escrita por alunos com deficiência visual a partir das contribuições da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e da Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica, com vistas a evidenciar a importância desse referencial no processo de alfabetização desses alunos. Fundamentado no método Materialista Histórico-Dialético proposto por Marx e Engels, o trabalho caracteriza-se por um estudo bibliográfico, com base em fontes publicadas (livros, artigos, teses e dissertações). Apresenta como referenciais autores que desenvolveram suas ideias a partir de teorias que concebem o sujeito pautado na historicidade e na materialidade, tais como: Vigotski, Lúria, Leontiev, Saviani, entre outros. Para tanto, inicia com os fundamentos que norteiam os processos de aprendizagem e de desenvolvimento humano, com destaque para a função dos instrumentos técnicos e psicológicos enquanto meios auxiliares do homem. Em seguida, prioriza o papel da educação escolar como um instrumento de socialização dos legados produzidos historicamente pela humanidade, com ênfase ao processo de apropriação da leitura e da escrita por alunos com e sem deficiência. Por fim, discorre a respeito de questões específicas à aquisição da leitura e da escrita por alunos com deficiência visual, ao papel do professor e à importância dos recursos didático-pedagógicos. As conclusões destacam que, ao se planejar as ações e estratégias pedagógicas, é necessário que se considerem as especificidades impostas pela cegueira ou pela redução da função visual, pois, dificilmente obter-se-á sucesso na escolarização dos alunos com deficiência visual sem que o espaço educativo seja organizado de forma a que estes participem ativamente de todas as atividades propostas e tenham acesso irrestrito às informações a eles disponibilizadas.

Kombination av Design Thinking och Stage-Gate i produktutvecklingen för större företag / Combination of Design Thinking and Stage-Gate in Product Development for larger companies

I produktutvecklingen förlitar man sig ofta på processer för att driva igenom lyckade projekt, inte minst i företag av större karaktär. En traditionell process som än idag är dominerande i många stora företag är Stage-Gate. Processen är av linjär karaktär och anses vara väldigt effektiv. En uppkommande process med syfte att främja kreativitet är Design Thinking. Processen är iterativ och sätter användaren i fokus. Syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete är att undersöka hur man i produktutvecklingen hos större etablerade företag kombinerar de två olika processerna Design Thinking och Stage-Gate. Arbetet undersöker kombinationen av en mer iterativ process som Design Thinking och en linjär och mer traditionell Stage-Gate-process och tar reda i vilken mån dessa processer används samt när och varför de används. Arbetet ska också undersöka ifall det finns någon pågående utveckling av processer och i så fall vad en sådan utveckling baseras på. Rapporten grundar sig i en litteraturstudie för att skapa en förståelse om nuvarande kunskapsläge samt undersöka olika synsätt i ämnet. Arbetet bygger också på en empirisk studie av två stora företag i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna på företagen arbetar aktivt med produktutvecklingsarbete och besitter kunskap om båda processerna Design Thinking och Stage-Gate. Informationen som genererats har sedan tolkats, analyserats samt diskuterats. Slutsatserna som kan dras från undersökningen är att i stora företag används till störst del en Stage-Gatead process då det är viktigt med en tydlig struktur i stora företag. Design Thinking används mest som ett komplement och i situationer då problemet inte är väldefinierat. Utveckling av befintliga processer sker löpande men då handlar det främst om finjustering, att helt byta process är inget som är relevant. / In product development, companies often rely on processes to achieve successful projects, not least in companies of a larger size. A traditional process that is still dominant in many large companies today is Stage-Gate. The process is linear and is considered to be very effective. An emerging process with the goal to encourage creativity is Design Thinking. The process is iterative and puts the user in focus. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate how the product development of larger, more established companies combines the two processes Design Thinking and Stage-Gate. The thesis examines the combination of a more iterative process such as Design Thinking and a linear and more traditional Stage-Gate process and analyzes to what extent these processes are used as well as when and why. The report will also investigate if there is any ongoing development of processes and, if so, what such a development is based on. The report is grounded on a literature study to create an understanding of the current state of knowledge and to explore different perspectives within the subject. The thesis is also based on an empirical study of two large companies where semi-structured interviews are used. The respondents at the companies work with product development and have knowledge of both the Design Thinking and Stage-Gate processes. The information generated has then been interpreted, analyzed and discussed. The conclusions that can be drawn from the study are that in large companies a Stage-Gated process is used to a large extent, since it is important to have a clear structure in large companies. Design Thinking is mostly used as a complement and in situations where the problem is not well defined. Development of existing processes is ongoing, but is mainly about fine-tuning, to completely change the process is not relevant.

Produktutvecklingsprocesser vid digitalisering av hemprodukter : Påverkan på intern struktur, projekttid, användardata och produktutvecklingsmetod / Product Development in Digitalization of Home Products

BRICK, ADÉLE, HABBERSTAD, HELENA January 2020 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har digitaliseringen av fysiska produkter ökat, och allt fler företag har därmed börjat implementera digitala komponenter i sina produkter. Att implementera mjukvara i en analog produkt innebär nya utmaningar för produktutvecklingsteam som tidigare arbetat med att ta fram analoga produkter. Många företag har i och med digitaliseringen valt att anpassa sina produktutvecklingsmetoder med målet att integrera de digitala och analoga produktutvecklingsprocesserna med varandra. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur produktutvecklingsprocesserna ser ut idag på produktutvecklande företag som har genomgått en digitalisering. De aspekter som har tagits extra hänsyn till är projekttid, produktutvecklingsmetod, företagets organisering och struktur samt insamling och implementering av användardata i produktutvecklingsprocessen. Företag som utvecklar uppkopplade produkter för hemmet är exempel på företag som just nu genomgår en digitalisering av tidigare analoga produkter, därför har företag med detta spår valts som inriktning vid denna studie. Studien har utförts genom en inledande litteraturstudie följt av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra responderande företag, som samtliga utvecklar uppkopplade hemprodukter vilka innehåller IoT-teknologi. Studien visar att företagen strävar mot ett agilt arbetssätt, men att det finns svårigheter med att integrera hårdvaru- och mjukvaruutveckling i produktutvecklingsprocesserna. Trots detta upplevs utvecklingstiden i projekt som oförändrad jämfört med innan digitaliseringen. Det framkommer även att tvärfunktionalitet hos utvecklingsteamen är en fördel i samspelet mellan de digitala och analoga delarna av produktutvecklingen. Studien visade slutligen att kunddata som samlas in via digitaliserade produkter används av företag som ett verktyg för att effektivisera produktutvecklingen. / In recent years digitalization of physical products has increased, and many companies has therefore started to implement digital components in their products. To add software to an analog product creates new challenges for the product development teams, which up until then mainly have been developing analog products. Many companies have, as a result of the digitalization, chosen to adapt their product development methods to manage the integration between digital and analog development processes. The purpose of this study is to investigate what the product developing process looks like today in companies that have digitalized their products. The aspects that are specifically considered are; project duration, product development method, organizational structure of the company, and implementation of big data in the product development process. Companies that develop products for home use is one example of companies that are going through a digitalization process of their previously analog products, which is why this branch of companies is targeted in this study. The study was conducted through an initial literature study, followed by interviews with four responding companies, who all develop connected home products containing IoT-technology. The study shows that the companies aim for a more agile work procedure, but that there are problems with integrating hardware and software development in product development processes. Nonetheless, the time duration of the projects does not appear to have changed significantly in comparison to pre-digitalization. It is also revealed that cross-functional teams are an advantage within the collaboration between the digital and analog parts in the development process. The study finally shows that big data, collected through digitalized products, is used by the companies as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of the product development.

Digital Educational Games: Methodologies for Development and Software Quality

Aslan, Serdar 02 November 2016 (has links)
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a complex multidisciplinary development project require unifying methodologies for development and software quality evaluation and should not be performed in an ad hoc manner. This dissertation presents such methodologies named: GAMED (diGital educAtional gaMe dEvelopment methoDology) and IDEALLY (dIgital eDucational gamE softwAre quaLity evaLuation methodologY). GAMED consists of a body of methods, rules, and postulates and is embedded within a digital educational game life cycle. The life cycle describes a framework for organization of the phases, processes, work products, quality assurance activities, and project management activities required to develop, use, maintain, and evolve a digital educational game from birth to retirement. GAMED provides a modular structured approach for overcoming the development complexity and guides the developers throughout the entire life cycle. IDEALLY provides a hierarchy of 111 indicators consisting of 21 branch and 90 leaf indicators in the form of an acyclic graph for the measurement and evaluation of digital educational game software quality. We developed the GAMED and IDEALLY methodologies based on the experiences and knowledge we have gained in creating and publishing four digital educational games that run on the iOS (iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch) mobile devices: CandyFactory, CandySpan, CandyDepot, and CandyBot. The two methodologies provide a quality-centered structured approach for development of digital educational games and are essential for accomplishing demanding goals of game-based learning. Moreover, classifications provided in the literature are inadequate for the game designers, engineers and practitioners. To that end, we present a taxonomy of games that focuses on the characterization of games. / Ph. D.

Zdokonalování procesů vývoje software / Software Development Processes Improvement

Řezáč, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis is oriented on software development processes improvement techniques. It presents modern approaches of process development and analyses problems of their management and usage in various life cycle phases. In connection with these techniques it brings draft of support tool, which increases automatization of processes development with pertinent cooperation with other tools, as one of presumptions of improvement of their quality.

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