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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Somatization in young adults:the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study

Karvonen, J. T. (Juha T.) 18 September 2007 (has links)
Abstract Somatization is a widespread phenomenon causing subjective suffering and disability. The aim of the study was to assess somatization disorder (SD) and somatization symptoms among young adult population and their associations with sociodemographic factors, alexithymia and temperament as well as psychiatric comorbidity. Various suggestions have been presented to operationalize somatization but none of them has been shown to be superior to others. In this study two definitions were used: SD by DSM-III-R classification diagnostic criteria and "somatization" meaning four or more symptoms of the 35 symptoms of DSM-III-R SD criteria. The study population was a subsample of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC 1966), consisting of cohort members living in Oulu (N = 1,609) on January 1st 1997. The NFBC 1966 is a general population birth cohort of 12,058 live-born children covering 96.3% of all deliveries in the catchment area. The best-estimated procedure was used for assessment of psychiatric morbidity including SD and somatization. Data were collected from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register and from all available outpatient and inpatient records. Data on education were gathered from Statistics Finland. Other sociodemographic variables, alexithymia and temperament scores were drawn from questionnaires of the field study conducted in 1997 and from earlier follow-up studies. The prevalence of SD was 1.1% (N = 18). Of the subjects 6.1% (N = 97) had somatization. The female-to-male ratio was 5:1 and 6:1, respectively. SD was not recognized by any of the treating physicians, at least not documented in case notes. The observed occurrences of SD and somatization were at a level comparable with earlier international population studies. Somatization did not associate with depression or alexithymia, and neither could a characteristic temperament profile be recognized. Somatization was associated with psychological distress. These results indicate a need for training physicians to recognize SD and somatization and its comorbidity. This will have implications both for psychiatry and other medical specialties regarding collaboration and underlines the importance of liaison-psychiatry at general hospitals. The results suggest a need for more studies about the etiology and development of SD and somatization. / Tiivistelmä Somatisaatio on yleinen ilmiö, josta aiheutuu subjektiivista kärsimystä ja toimintakyvyn laskua. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli arvioida somatisaatiohäiriön ja somatisaatio-oireilun yleisyyttä nuorilla aikuisilla sekä näiden ilmiöiden yhteyttä sosiodemografisiin tekijöihin, aleksitymiaan, temperamenttiin ja psykiatriseen sairastavuuteen. Somatisaation käsitteellistämiseksi on esitetty useita vaihtoehtoja mutta mikään niistä ei ole osoittautunut muita paremmaksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetiin kahta määritelmää: DSM-III-R -diagnoosiluokituksen mukaista somatisaatiohäiriön diagnoosia tai somatisaatio-oireilua, jossa esiintyy neljä tai useampia DSM-III-R:n 35 somatisaatiohäiriön oireesta. Tutkimusaineiston muodostivat Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortin ne jäsenet, jotka asuivat Oulussa 1. tammikuuta 1997 (N =  1,609). Alkuperäinen kohortti koostuu 12,058 elävänä syntyneestä tutkittavasta, mikä kattaa 96.3 % kaikista synnytyksistä Pohjois-Suomessa. Niin kutsutun best-estimated -menettelyn avulla arvioitiin tutkittavien psykiatrista sairastavuutta mukaan lukien somatisaatiohäiriö ja -oireilu. Tietoa kerättiin sairaaloiden poistoilmoitusrekisteristä. Avohoidon sairauskertomustieto koottiin kattavasti. Koulutusasteesta saatiin tieto Tilastokeskukselta. Muita sosiodemografisia tekijöitä, aleksitymiaa ja temperamenttia arvioitiin vuoden 1997 kenttätutkimuksen ja aiempien seurantatutkimusten tietojen avulla. Somatisaatiohäiriön esiintyvyys oli 1.1 % (N =  18). Somatisaatio-oireita todettiin 6.1 % (N =  97) tutkittavista. Naisten osuus oli somatisaatiohäiriössä 5:1 ja somatisaatio-oireilussa 6:1. Osoittautui, että lääkärit eivät tunnistaneet somatisaatiohäiriötä, ainakaan sitä ei oltu kirjattu sairauskertomuksiin. Havaitut somatisaatiohäiriön ja -oireilun esiintyvyydet ovat sopusoinnussa aiempien kansainvälisten tutkimusten kanssa. Somatisaatio-oireilu ei liittynyt masennukseen tai aleksitymiaan eikä somatisaatio-oireilusta kärsiville tutkittavilla todettu tyypillistä temperamenttiprofiilia. Somatisaatio liittyi psyykkiseen stressiin. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että lääkäreille tulisi tarjota koulutusta somatisaatiohäiriön ja -oireilun tunnistamisessa. On tärkeää tunnistaa somatisaatio ja siihen liittyvä oheissairastavuus. Havainnot korostavat yleissairaaloiden yhteistyöpsykiatrian ja muiden erikoisalojen yhteistyön merkitystä somatisaatiosta kärsivien potilaiden tutkimuksessa ja hoidossa. Somatisaatiohäiriön ja -oireilun etiologian ja kehittymisen selvittämiseksi tarvitaan uusia tutkimuksia.

台灣電力市場用戶群代表制度之研究 / Analysis of aggregator systems for the Taiwan electricity market

洪穎正, Hung, Ying Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對先進國家「用戶群代表」制度之政策與法規進行探討,並進一步探討如何施行於台灣電力市場。首先定義並解釋「用戶群代表」涵意後,整理出先進國家(包含美國、歐盟、德國、澳洲、韓國五個地區與EnerNOC、Comverge、CPower、OhmConnect四個公司)的用戶群代表商業模式案例,藉由文獻分析與個案研究,觀察先進國家政策方向與用戶群代表市場定位差異。同時,本研究由我國用戶群代表相關制度法規,探討用戶群代表於我國電力市場實施之適法性。此外,本研究根據文獻回顧整理出發展用戶群代表制度的關鍵成功因素,並詳細探討我國當前條件是否適合發展。最後針對政府與台電、產業界、學術界、電力用戶的不同角度,提出可行的政策法規建議。 / This thesis explores the policies and regulations of aggregator systems in advanced countries and explores how to implement aggregator system in Taiwan electricity market. In order to achieve this objective, we first define and elaborate the meanings of aggregator. Then, experience and case studies of USA, European Union, Germany, Australia and Korea are studied. In addition, business models of four aggregators, EnerNOC, Comverge, CPower and OhmConnect are presented. Furthermore, we examine current related regulations of an aggregator in Taiwan electricity market for feasibility analysis. In addition, this study summarizes the key success factors of the development of aggregator systems according to the literature review, and discusses in detail whether Taiwan's current conditions are suitable for development. Finally, market models and policy regulations in relation to the aggregator are recommended.

A psychocriminological investigation into the role of narcissistic personality disorder in rage-type murder

Wharren, Michelle 21 September 2010 (has links)
“The relationship between the criminal and victim is much more complicated than the law would care to acknowledge. The criminal and his victim work on each other unconsciously. We can say that as the criminal shapes the victim, the victim also shapes the criminal. The law differentiates distinctly between the attacker and the victim. But their relationship may be, and often is, quite close, so that their roles are reversed and the victim becomes the determining person, while the [victimiser] in the end becomes his own victim.” (Abrahamsen, 1973:35). This research was directed at establishing whether narcissistic individuals will go to extreme levels of violence, specifically murder, if their self-image is threatened. The aim was to determine the extent of pre-existing narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in these individuals and how this contributed to the murderous action they committed. Emphasis was placed on the psychological motivation of the perpetrator, as well as the relationship that existed between the perpetrator and the victim prior to the event. As the subject of the research was a relatively unknown phenomenon, a qualitative research approach was used. The research focused on analysing specific cases of murder, more particularly cases where rage-type murders were committed. It endeavoured to identify the underlying personality dynamics to determine whether an association between rage-type murder and NPD exists. Case studies illustrating rage-type murderers who had been admitted to Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital for a 30-day observation period were identified and analysed. These cases were selected through reviewing the case history of each individual to determine whether the murder fitted the outlined definition of a rage-type murder. The cases that met the outlined requirements were deemed suitable for the purpose of the research, where after the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) results of the selected cases were examined to determine the personality organisation of the individuals. This information was then used to determine the possible association between NPD and rage-type murder. The MMPI-2 was selected as the assessment tool as it is the most widely used personality assessment available. For the purposes of this research a two-point code type was used to indicate the presence of narcissistic personality traits. A two-point code type implies an elevation of two scales, for the purposes of this research specifically the Pd (Psychopathic deviance) scale and the Pa (Paranoia) scale, also referred to as the 4-6/6-4 code type. As interpretation based only on a two-scale elevation was considered to be overly simplistic, all the MMPI-2 clinical scales were interpreted independently, and a clinical interpretation provided in the context of each individual’s background. The 4-6/6-4 code type individual was used to indicate whether the individuals did have narcissistic personality traits, and thus were classified as having NPD. Nine cases were identified of individuals thought to be rage-type murderers, who were admitted for a 30-day period of psychiatric observation to Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital in Pretoria. Only five cases were acknowledged as rage-type murders. All the cases selected were referred to Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital by order of the court and involved males over the age of 20 years. The individuals involved were admitted to the Forensic Unit of the hospital and were subjected to standard psychiatric hospital observations, which included psychiatric interviews, psychological interviews, psychological testing, as well as general behavioural observations in the ward. All the information obtained during the standard psychiatric hospital observations is held in the clinical case files in the archives at the hospital. All the standard psychiatric hospital observation evaluations were completed prior to the initiation of the research, and the case records had been closed. Although more research is necessary, this research has established an association between the selected cases of rage-type murder and NPD and there is historic documented evidence suggesting that individuals with NPD will most likely react in a similar manner in similar circumstances, as a result of their underlying personality disorder. This suggests that incarceration in a correctional facility is not the most appropriate place to rehabilitate individuals. It also serves as support to why a person with NPD who commits a rage-type murder should be acquitted because of their personality disorder and subsequently be committed to a psychiatric facility as a patient of the state president. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Validité de construit d’une traduction française du Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cheklist For DSM-5 auprès d’une population clinique au prise avec un trouble de stress post-traumatique

Savard-Kelly, Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte théorique : Au Canada, la prévalence du trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) serait de 9,2%. Plusieurs questionnaires ont été développés pour mesurer les symptômes du TSPT dont le PTSD Checklist For DSM-5 (PCL-5). Ce questionnaire autorapporté a été validé à plusieurs reprises avec des échantillons non-cliniques ou militaires. Toutefois, le PCL-5 n’a jamais été validé avec un échantillon clinique et civil. Aussi, le nombre idéal de facteur du PCL-5 reste toujours à être démontré. Objectif : Cette étude vise à établir la validité de construit du PCL-5 d’un échantillon clinique et civil de 132 participants aux prises avec un TSPT. Les 3 principales structures factorielles seront analysées de façon à retenir celle qui présente les meilleurs résultats. Méthodologie : Les structures factorielles ont été mesurées avec des analyses factorielles confirmatoires et des analyses bifactorielles. La consistance interne a été mesurée à partir du coefficient Oméga de McDonald. La validité convergente et divergente a été mesurée par des corrélations de Pearson avec d’autres construits. Résultats : Au niveau des indices d’ajustement, le modèle à 7 facteurs a obtenu les meilleurs résultats. Sur le plan de la fidélité et sur celui de la validité convergente et divergente, le modèle à 4 facteurs possède les résultats les plus optimaux. Discussion : Globalement, le modèle à 4 facteurs est le plus approprié pour le PCL-5. De plus, les modèles à 6 et 7 facteurs présentent quelques lacunes sur le plan méthodologique et statistique. Finalement, le PCL-5 est un questionnaire valide et fidèle pour une population clinique et civile. / Background: In Canada, the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is estimated to be 9.2%. Several questionnaires have been developed to measure the symptoms of PTSD including the PTSD Checklist For DSM-5 (PCL-5). This questionnaire has been validated several times with non-clinical or military samples. However, PCL-5 has never been validated with a clinical and civilian sample. Also, the ideal factor number of PCL-5 has yet to be demonstrated. Objective: This study aims to establish the construct validity of PCL-5 in a clinical and civilian sample of 132 participants with PTSD. The 3 main factor structures will be analyzed in order to retain the one that presents the best results. Methodology: Factor structures were measured with confirmatory factor analyzes and bifactor analyzes. Internal consistency was measured from McDonald's Omega coefficient. Convergent and discriminant validity was measured by Pearson correlations with other constructs. Results: In terms of fit statistics, the 7-factor model obtained the best results. In terms of reliability and convergent and divergent validity, the 4-factor model has the most optimal results. Discussion: Overall, the 4-factor model is the most appropriate for the PCL-5. In addition, the 6 and 7 factor models have some methodological and statistical limitations. Finally, the PCL-5 is a valid and reliable questionnaire for a clinical and civilian population.

Validating Competing Structures of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Elizabeth N Aslinger (8082617) 04 December 2019 (has links)
In the present study, we compare factor analytic models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in terms of their fit and predictive utility with regard to external correlates such as comorbid diagnoses and other psychosocial outcomes. Competing models were compared and validated in an epidemiological dataset (N = 23,936). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) using models from prior literature with four through seven factor solutions were conducted. The seven factor Hybrid model, the six-factor Anhedonia model, and the six-factor Externalizing Behaviors model were the first, second, and third best-fitting models, respectively; however, the inconsistency of associations with external correlates and high factor intercorrelations suggested that higher-factor solutions may sacrifice parsimony for minimal gains in utility. The Anhedonia and Hybrid models’ separate Anhedonia and Negative Affect factors (a core difference from other models) demonstrated limited utility in differentially associating with distinct constructs under the internalizing umbrella. Anhedonia and Negative Affect also correlated highly with each other and nearly perfectly with the factors composed of their combined symptoms (e.g. the Externalizing Behaviors model’s Numbing factor), suggesting a "lumped" factor would be more parsimonious. The Externalizing Behaviors model showed predictive utility in accounting for externalizing comorbidities as well as differentiating among constructs within the internalizing spectrum; however, it lacked robust associations with externalizing behavioral outcomes such as frequency and quantity of drinking. These results give reason for concern that predominant structural models of PTSD may not be adequate for discriminating among or predicting functional outcomes related to PTSD symptomatology in trauma-exposed populations.<br>

The perception and treatment of mental illness by selected Pentecostal pastors in Polokwane : towards an intervention

Mauda, Lesley Takalani January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022. / Mental illness is a high burden of disease especially in Low- and Medium-Income Countries (LMICs) like South Africa. In many LMICs, there is a paucity of Mental Health Professionals (MHCPs). As a result, people with mental illness call their faith healers or religious/spiritual leaders (pastors in this study) when experiencing mental health problems. Pastors are more accessible, share the same religious/spiritual beliefs about mental illness with their congregants and often provide religious/spiritual solutions to those who consult with them. Thus, they are often preferred over MHCPs. However, pastors are rarely involved as partners in community based mental health programs. While mental illness is mainly clinically diagnosed and recognised by MHCPs using the DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes, less is known in South Africa with regards to the views of pastors with regards to their notions of what mental illness is. Thus, it may be complex for Pentecostal pastors to clearly distinguish between spirit possession and mental illness as much as it is complex for MHCPs who struggle with accommodating their patients’ religious/spiritual beliefs. Religious/spiritual beliefs are significant in many Africans seeking mental health recovery. However, less has been explored in South Africa in the area of religion/spirituality and its relevance in the practice of clinical psychology. Western based psychotherapeutic methods of intervention which exclude the religious/spiritual domain of African clients continue to dominate the practise of psychology in Africa. Given the above, this study aimed to explore and understand selected Pentecostal pastors’ perception and treatment of mental illness. The research objectives were, namely: (1) to establish the notions held by Pentecostal pastors’ regarding what mental illness is (2) to establish Pentecostal pastors’ perception of what causes mental illness; (3) to determine Pentecostal pastors’ perceptions of how and by whom mental illness can be recognised, diagnosed, treated and managed; (4) To determine Pentecostal pastors’ views regarding their own roles in the management of mental illness; and (5) To canvass and describe Pentecostal pastors’ perceptions about collaboration for purposes of an intervention programme aimed at providing a holistic care and treatment of religious/spiritual patients. The study was qualitative, and the exploratory research approach was adopted. The research was informed by the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual (BPSS) model. Purposive sampling was used to select nineteen (19) participants. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data were analysed using Thematic Analysis (TA). The following six major themes emerged from the analysed data: (i) Notions of mental illness; (ii) Causes of mental illness;(iii) Recognition and diagnosis of mental illness (iv) Notions on the treatment and management of mental illness; (v) Perceived roles in the treatment and management of mental illness; (vi) Views regarding collaboration with MHCPs. The participants held a multifactorial view of mental illness. They were limited in their understanding of mental illness and perceived it mainly to be madness (psychosis). The participants’ perception of mental illness was influenced by their theological (Pentecostal) as well as their cultural backgrounds (Black Africans). The participants indicated that they lacked training in mental health issues. As such, they were not opposed to collaborating with MHCPs. They mentioned that their roles included counselling, prayer, support, and referral. This study also discovered that Pentecostal pastors upheld three treatment approaches of mental illness namely: The Full-Collaborative Approach; The Partial-Collaborative Approach and the Non-Collaborative Approach. Findings of the study were discussed, and recommendations were made including the proposed intervention programme between pastors and MHCPs with the aim of facilitating a referral process and collaboration between the two professions. / National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS), and South African Humanities Deans Association (SAHUDA)

Assessment of optimization control strategies for energy management / Utvärdering av optimeringsstrategier för energihantering

Kasbi, Bahar January 2020 (has links)
With the increasing demand for renewable energy sources, new systems are being developed to sustain future infrastructure, accommodating these new energy sources. One of the proposed solutions is to incorporate distributed energy resources to different households in order to provide local energy demands effectively. To enable large-scale integration of flexible energy resources, it is crucial to reduce end-user energy and power costs, which can be done by designing an optimization model objected to minimize the total electricity bill. In the scope of this Master thesis, the interest lies in investigating a control strategy to operate batteries, heat pumps, and other assets by producing the optimal setpoints using the designed optimization algorithm that takes, amongst others, market and weather data as well as customer behavior into account. The applied method for producing these setpoints is sensitivity analysis in linear programming, and heat pump scheduling has been investigated for performance evaluation of this technique. The results show that applying this method produces the optimal setpoints over the non-controllable electricity load range by utilizing a low number of optimizations, i.e. high computation-efficiency, and high accuracy. Consequently, the controller by having the given setpoints as the input can easily adjust the heat pump output power based on the real-time non-controllable electricity load without creating any peaks and extra costs for the customers. / Med en ökad efterfrågan på förnybara energikällor utvecklas nya system för att upprätthålla framtida infrastruktur vilket kommer säkra dessa nya energikällor. En av de föreslagna lösningarna är att integrera distribuerade energiresurser till olika hushåll för att effektivt kunna tillgodose lokala energikrav. För att möjliggöra en storskalig integrering av flexibla energiresurser det avgörande är att man kan minska slutkundens energi och effektkostnader. Detta kan nås genom att utforma en optimeringsmodell av problemet som tar hänsyn till olika resourses begränsningar osv. för att minska elkosnaden hos slutkunden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka en kontrollstrategi för att använda batterier, värmepumpar och andra tillgångar på ett optimalt sätt, genom att producera de optimala börvärdena med hjälp av den utformade optimeringsalgoritmen som tar hänsyn till bland annat marknads och väderdata samt kund beteende. För att producera dessa börvärden användes methoden känslighetsanalys som är en del inom linjär programmering och fokus har varit styrningen av värmepumpar. Resultaten visar att tillämpningen av denna metod leder till att de optimala börvärdena över det icke-kontrollerbara elektriska lasten erhålles, med ett lågt antal optimeringar, dvs att metoden har hög beräknings-effektivitet samt noggrannhet. Följaktligen kan regulatorn med de givna börvärdena som ingång enkelt justera värmepumpens utgångseffekt baserat på realtids icke-kontrollerbar elektriska lasten, utan att skapa några toppar och extra kostnader för kunderna.

“If Someone Finds Out You're a Perv:” The Experience and Management of Stigma in the BDSM Subculture

Brown, Toni O.L. 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A Comprehensive Framework for Quality Control and Enhancing Interpretation Capability of Point Cloud Data

Yi-chun Lin (13960494) 14 October 2022 (has links)
<p>Emerging mobile mapping systems include a wide range of platforms, for instance, manned aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), terrestrial systems like trucks, tractors, robots, and backpacks, that can carry multiple sensors including LiDAR scanners, cameras, and georeferencing units. Such systems can maneuver in the field to quickly collect high-resolution data, capturing detailed information over an area of interest. With the increased volume and distinct characteristics of the data collected, practical quality control procedures that assess the agreement within/among datasets acquired by various sensors/systems at different times are crucial for accurate, robust interpretation. Moreover, the ability to derive semantic information from acquired data is the key to leveraging the complementary information captured by mobile mapping systems for diverse applications. This dissertation addresses these challenges for different systems (airborne and terrestrial), environments (urban and rural), and applications (agriculture, archaeology, hydraulics/hydrology, and transportation).</p> <p>In this dissertation, quality control procedures that utilize features automatically identified and extracted from acquired data are developed to evaluate the relative accuracy between multiple datasets. The proposed procedures do not rely on manually deployed ground control points or targets and can handle challenging environments such as coastal areas or agricultural fields. Moreover, considering the varying characteristics of acquired data, this dissertation improves several data processing/analysis techniques essential for meeting the needs of various applications. An existing ground filtering algorithm is modified to deal with variation in point density; digital surface model (DSM) smoothing and seamline control techniques are proposed for improving the orthophoto quality in agricultural fields. Finally, this dissertation derives semantic information for diverse applications, including 1) shoreline retreat quantification, 2) automated row/alley detection for plant phenotyping, 3) enhancement of orthophoto quality for tassel/panicle detection, and 4) point cloud semantic segmentation for mapping transportation corridors. The proposed approaches are tested using multiple datasets from UAV and wheel-based mobile mapping systems. Experimental results verify that the proposed approaches can effectively assess the data quality and provide reliable interpretation. This dissertation highlights the potential of modern mobile mapping systems to map challenging environments for a variety of applications.</p>

Planificación Eficiente de Redes Inteligentes (Smartgrids) Incluyendo la Gestión Activa de la Demanda: Aplicación a Ecuador

Pesantez Sarmiento, Patricio Antonio 08 June 2018 (has links)
En los últimos años la función de la planificación de la distribución se ha venido haciéndose más compleja como consecuencia de la elevada integración de recursos energéticos distribuidos (DER, por sus siglas en inglés) en los escenarios a considerar, principalmente de generación distribuida (DG, por sus siglas en inglés), almacenamiento de energía distribuido y gestión de la demanda (DR; por sus siglas en inglés). Esta situación se ha acentuado con la aparición de nuevos elementos de consumo como el vehículo eléctrico, que podrían causar un impacto elevado en las redes de distribución si no se gestionan adecuadamente. Esta tesis presenta un enfoque innovador hacia una planificación dinámica en la cual se integra la gestión, la capacidad y el control de los recursos energéticos distribuidos con objeto de proporcionar soluciones de planificación óptimas que permitan la consecución de ahorros significativos en los costos asociados. En primer lugar, se describe detalladamente la evolución y situación actual de la previsión de la demanda y de las metodologías de planificación basadas en redes inteligentes que se ha encontrado en la literatura. De la realización de este estudio, se puede concluir que hay numerosos modelos de previsión de la demanda y de planificación, así como diferentes formas de resolverlos, pero todos tienen un denominador en común, ya que en ninguno de estos estudios se ha planteado en profundidad la planificación considerando la generación distribuida a nivel de consumidores, la gestión de la demanda y la introducción masiva de nuevas cargas de consumo como el vehículo eléctrico o cocinas de inducción. Se ha podido observar que la planificación de la red eléctrica ha evolucionado desde un ambiente determinístico centralizado hacía una red estocástica o aleatoria distribuida. En orden a mantener los objetivos de una red inteligente, se requiere capturar este comportamiento estocástico a través de una nueva metodología de planificación, es por este motivo por el cual en este estudio se ha considerado un modelo probabilístico con objeto de estimar el comportamiento del consumo de los citados nuevos elementos (vehículo eléctrico y cocinas de inducción), teniendo en cuenta los hábitos de uso de los consumidores para obtener el comportamiento del factor de simultaneidad. Como resultado esta tesis propone el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de planificación donde se consideren todos estos componentes activos partiendo del diseño de un modelo conceptual, e incluyendo el diseño de la red de comunicaciones y de las tecnologías de la información que darán soporte a este modelo basado en redes inteligentes para lograr los mejores beneficios. Esta metodología consiste en la integración de todos estos elementos y la posibilidad de gestión que ofrece el nuevo concepto de redes inteligentes, satisfaciendo el crecimiento de la demanda con los nuevos consumos durante el tiempo planificado, determinando las acciones futuras y las inversiones asociadas para poder alcanzar unos niveles de servicio a nivel de consumidor adecuados. Finalmente, este modelo de Planificación Eficiente de Redes Inteligentes que incluye las potenciales mejoras introducidas gracias a la Gestión Activa de la Demanda, fue aplicado a una zona determinada dentro del área metropolitana de Guayaquil (Ecuador). Esta área está principalmente compuesta de consumidores residenciales y comerciales, y presenta unas necesidades de aire acondicionado elevadas, lo que caracteriza fundamentalmente el comportamiento de la demanda eléctrica de dicha zona. Como resultado de esta aplicación, se ha podido comprobar que mediante la utilización de los programas de respuesta de la demanda se podrían reducir los costos de inversión a mediano plazo. / In recent years, the distribution planning activity has become more complex because of the high integration of distributed energy resources (DER) in the considered scenarios, mainly distributed generation (DG), distributed energy storage and demand response (DR). The arising of new consumption elements such as the electric vehicle, which could produce a high impact on the distribution networks if it not properly managed, has highlighted this situation. This doctoral dissertation presents an innovative approach focused on the dynamic planning of the power grid, where the management, capacity and control of distributed energy resources is integrated in order to provide optimal planning solutions, which would provide significant savings in the associated costs. In first place, the evolution and current situation of demand forecasting and planning methodologies based on smart grids that available in the literature are described in detail. As a result, it can be concluded that there are numerous models of demand forecasting and planning, as well as different ways of solving the. However, the planning considering the distributed generation at the consumer level, the demand side management or the massive introduction of new loads of consumption such as electric vehicles or induction cookers have not been considered in depth in any of these studies. It has been observed that the planning of electrical networks has evolved from a centralized and deterministic environment to a distributed stochastic or random network. In order to maintain the objectives of a smart grid, it is necessary to capture this stochastic behavior through a new planning methodology. This is why in this study, a probabilistic model has been considered in order to estimate the consumption behavior of the aforementioned new elements (electric vehicles and induction cookers), taking into account consumers' habits in order to obtain the simultaneity factors. As a result, this dissertation proposes the development of a new planning model where all these active components are considered, starting from the development of a conceptual model and including the design of the communications network and the information technologies that will support this model based on smart grids to achieve the best benefits. This methodology includes the integration of all these elements and the possibility of management offered by the new concept of smart grids, satisfying the growth of demand with new consumptions during the planned time, determining the future actions and the required investments for reaching adequate levels of service at the consumer level. In order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed model of Efficient Planning of Smart Grids, that includes the potential improvements introduced thanks to the Active Management of Demand, it has been applied to a specific zone located within the metropolitan area of Guayaquil (Ecuador). This area is mainly composed of residential and commercial consumers, and it has high air conditioning needs, which fundamentally characterizes the behavior of the electricity demand there. As a result of this application, it has been possible to verify that using the demand response programs could reduce investment costs in the medium term. / En els últims anys la funció de la planificació de la distribució ha vingut fent-se més complexa com a conseqüència de l'elevada integració de recursos energètics distribuïts (DER, per les sigles en anglès) en els escenaris a considerar, principalment de generació distribuïda (DG, per les sigles en anglès), emmagatzemament d'energia distribuïda i gestió de la demanda (DR; per les sigles en anglès). Aquesta situació s'ha accentuat amb l'aparició de nous elements de consum com el vehicle elèctric, que podrien causar un impacte elevat en les xarxes de distribució si no es gestionen adequadament. Aquesta tesi presenta un enfocament innovador cap a una planificació dinàmica en la qual s'integra la gestió, la capacitat i el control dels recursos energètics distribuïts a fi de proporcionar solucions de planificació òptimes que permeten la consecució d'estalvis significatius en els costos associats. En primer lloc, es descriu detalladament l'evolució i situació actual de la previsió de la demanda i de les metodologies de planificació basades en xarxes intel·ligents que s'ha trobat en la literatura. De la realització d'aquest estudi, es pot concloure que hi ha nombrosos models de previsió de la demanda i de planificació, així com diferents formes de resoldre'ls, però tots tenen un denominador en comú, ja que en cap d'estos estudis s'ha plantejat en profunditat la planificació considerant la generació distribuïda a nivell de consumidors, la gestió de la demanda i la introducció massiva de noves càrregues de consum com el vehicle elèctric o cuines d'inducció. S'ha pogut observar que la planificació de la xarxa elèctrica ha evolucionat des d'un ambient determinístic centralitzat cap a una xarxa estocàstica o aleatòria distribuïda. Amb vista a mantindre els objectius d'una xarxa intel·ligent, es requereix capturar aquest comportament estocàstic a través d'una nova metodologia de planificació, és per aquest motiu pel qual en aquest estudi s'ha considerat un model probabilístic a fi d'estimar el comportament del consum dels citats nous elements (vehicle elèctric i cuines d'inducció) , tenint en compte els hàbits d'ús dels consumidors per a obtindre el comportament del factor de simultaneïtat. Com a resultat aquesta tesi proposa el desenvolupament d'un nou model de planificació on es consideren tots aquests components actius partint del disseny d'un model conceptual, i incloent el disseny de la xarxa de comunicacions i de les tecnologies de la informació que donaran suport a aquest model basat en xarxes intel·ligents per a aconseguir els millors beneficis. Aquesta metodologia consisteix en la integració de tots aquests elements i la possibilitat de gestió que ofereix el nou concepte de xarxes intel·ligents, satisfent el creixement de la demanda amb els nous consums durant el temps planificat, determinant les accions futures i les inversions associades per a poder aconseguir uns nivells de servici a nivell de consumidor adequats. Finalment, aquest model de Planificació Eficient de Xarxes Intel·ligents que inclou les potencials millores introduïdes gràcies a la Gestió Activa de la Demanda, va ser aplicat a una zona determinada dins de l'àrea metropolitana de Guayaquil (Equador). Aquesta àrea està principalment composta per consumidors residencials i comercials, i presenta unes necessitats d'aire condicionat elevades, la qual cosa caracteritza fonamentalment el comportament de la demanda elèctrica de aquesta zona. Com a resultat d'aquesta aplicació, s'ha pogut comprovar que per mitjà de la utilització dels programes de resposta de la demanda es podrien reduir els costos d'inversió a mitjà termini. / Pesantez Sarmiento, PA. (2018). Planificación Eficiente de Redes Inteligentes (Smartgrids) Incluyendo la Gestión Activa de la Demanda: Aplicación a Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/103684

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