Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] EDGE"" "subject:"[enn] EDGE""
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Une approche très efficace pour l'analyse du délaminage des plaques stratifiées infiniment longues / A very efficient approach for the analysis of delamination in infinitely long multilayered platesSaeedi, Navid 18 December 2012 (has links)
L'analyse des phénomènes locaux comme les effets de bord libre et le délaminage dans les structures multicouches nécessite des théories fines qui donnent une bonne description de la réponse locale. Étant donné que les approches tridimensionnelles sont, en général, très coûteuses en temps de calcul et en mémoire, des approches bidimensionnelles de type layerwise sont souvent utilisées. Dans ce travail de doctorat, un modèle layerwise en contrainte, appelé LS1, est appliqué au problème du multi-délaminage dans les plaques stratifiées invariantes dans le sens longitudinal. L'invariance dans la direction de la longueur nous permet d'aborder le problème analytiquement. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une méthode analytique pour l'analyse des plaques multicouches multi-délaminées soumises à la traction uniaxiale. La singularité des contraintes interlaminaires aux bords libres et l'initiation du délaminage en mode III sont étudiées. Un modèle raffiné, nommé LS1 raffiné, est proposé pour améliorer les approximations dans les zones de singularités telles que les bords libres et les pointes de fissure. Les résultats du modèle raffiné sont validés en les comparant avec ceux obtenus par éléments finis tridimensionnels. Dans un deuxième temps, l'approche analytique proposée est étendue à la flexion cylindrique des plaques multicouches. La propagation du délaminage en modes I et II est étudiée et les approximations du modèle LS1 sont validées. À la fin, nous généralisons la méthode analytique proposée afin de prendre en considération tous les chargements invariants dans le sens longitudinal. L'approche finale permet d'analyser les plaques multicouches rectangulaires soumises à des charges invariantes sur les faces supérieure et inférieure, les forces ou les déplacements imposés sur les bords latéraux ainsi que quatre types de chargement sur les extrémités longitudinales: traction uniaxiale, flexion hors plan, torsion et flexion dans le plan. La solution analytique du modèle LS1 est obtenue pour une plaque stratifiée soumise à tous les chargements mentionnés ci-dessus. L'approche est validée en comparant avec la méthode des éléments finis tridimensionnels pour plusieurs types de chargement / The analysis of local phenomena such as free-edge effects and delamination in multilayered structures requires the accurate theories which can provide a good description of the local response. Since the three-dimensional approaches are generally very expensive in computational time and memory, the layerwise two-dimensional approaches are widely used. In this Ph.D. thesis, a stress layerwise model, called LS1, is applied to the multi-delamination problem in longitudinally invariant multilayered plates. The invariance in the longitudinal direction allows us to solve the problem analytically. At first, we propose an analytical method for the analysis of multi-delaminated multilayered plates subjected to the uniaxial traction. The free-edge interlaminaire stress singularities and the mode III delamination onset are investigated. A refined model, called Refined LS1, is proposed in order to improve the approximations in singularity zones such as free edges and crack tips. The results of the refined model are validated by comparing them with those obtained by a three-dimensional finite element model. Afterwards, the proposed analytical approach is extended to the cylindrical bending of the multilayered plates. The propagation of delamination in modes I and II is studied and the approximations of the LS1 model are validated. At last, we generalize the proposed analytical method to take into account all invariant loads in the longitudinal direction. The final approach allows us to analyze the rectangular multilayered plates subjected to invariant loads on the top and bottom surfaces, imposed displacements or forces at the lateral edges, and also four types of loading at the longitudinal ends: uniaxial traction, out-of-plane bending, torsion and in-plane bending. The analytical solution of the LS1 model is obtained for a laminated plate subjected to all the loads mentioned above. The approach is validated by comparison with the three-dimensional finite element method for various types of loading
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Wave transformation at a saltmarsh edge and resulting marsh edge erosion: observations and modelingTrosclair, Kevin J 20 December 2013 (has links)
This study examines wind generated waves during winter storms, their transformation/attenuation near the marsh edge, and the resulting saltmarsh edge erosion. A simple numerical model for wave generation, transmission and marsh edge erosion was developed and validated against observations from Lake Borgne, Louisiana. Results suggest that meteorological conditions modify the local water depth via wind or wave setup and atmospheric pressure, thus exerting a first order control on the location of wave attack, which in turn determines the type of wave forces (shear vs. impact) that dominate the erosion process. Scarp failure follows, at a location determined by water level, creating multiple erosive scarps and terraces. High measured erosion, likely due to marsh edge destabilization followed by subsequent frontal passage forces differential marsh erosion, exposing underlying substrate to further erosion. A conceptual model for marsh edge retreat is developed using these observations and supported further by model predictions.
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Bound states and resistive edge transport in two-dimensional topological phasesKimme, Lukas 02 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The subject of the present thesis are some aspects of impurities affecting mesoscopic systems with regard to their topological properties and related effects like Majorana fermions and quantized conductance. A focus is on two-dimensional systems including both topological insulators and superconductors.
First, the question of whether individual nonmagnetic impurities can induce zero-energy states in time-reversal invariant superconductors from Altland-Zirnbauer (AZ) symmetry class DIII is addressed, and a class of symmetries which guarantee the existence of such states for a specific value of the impurity strength is defined. These general results are applied to the time-reversal invariant p-wave phase of the doped Kitaev-Heisenberg model, where it is also demonstrated how a lattice of impurities can drive a topologically trivial system into the nontrivial phase.
Second, the result about the existence of zero-energy impurity states is generalized to all AZ symmetry classes. This is achieved by considering, for general Hamiltonians H from the respective symmetry classes, the “generalized roots of det H”, which subsequently are used to further explore the opportunities that lattices of nonmagnetic impurities provide for the realization of topologically nontrivial phases. The 1d Kitaev chain model, the 2d px + ipy superconductor, and the 2d Chern insulator are considered to show that impurity lattices generically enable topological phase transitions and, in the case of the 2d models, even provide access to a number of phases with large Chern numbers.
Third, elastic backscattering in helical edge modes caused by a magnetic impurity with spin S and random Rashba spin-orbit coupling is investigated. In a finite bias steady state, the impurity induced resistance is found to slightly increase with decreasing temperature for S > 1/2. Since the underlying backscattering mechanism is elastic, interference between different scatterers can explain reproducible conductance fluctuations. Thus, the model is in agreement with central experimental results on edge transport in 2d topological insulators.
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User equipment based-computation offloading for real-time applications in the context of Cloud and edge networks / Délestage de calcul pour des applications temps-réel dans le contexte du Cloud et du edgeMessaoudi, Farouk 16 April 2018 (has links)
Le délestage de calcul ou de code est une technique qui permet à un appareil mobile avec une contrainte de ressources d'exécuter à distance, entièrement ou partiellement, une application intensive en calcul dans un environnement Cloud avec des ressources suffisantes. Le délestage de code est effectué principalement pour économiser de l'énergie, améliorer les performances, ou en raison de l'incapacité des appareils mobiles à traiter des calculs intensifs. Plusieurs approches et systèmes ont été proposés pour délester du code dans le Cloud tels que CloneCloud, MAUI et Cyber Foraging. La plupart de ces systèmes offrent une solution complète qui traite différents objectifs. Bien que ces systèmes présentent en général de bonnes performances, un problème commun entre eux est qu'ils ne sont pas adaptés aux applications temps réel telles que les jeux vidéo, la réalité augmentée et la réalité virtuelle, qui nécessitent un traitement particulier. Le délestage de code a connu un récent engouement avec l'avènement du MEC et son évolution vers le edge à multiple accès qui élargit son applicabilité à des réseaux hétérogènes comprenant le WiFi et les technologies d'accès fixe. Combiné avec l'accès mobile 5G, une pléthore de nouveaux services mobiles apparaîtront, notamment des service type URLLC et eV2X. De tels types de services nécessitent une faible latence pour accéder aux données et des capacités de ressources suffisantes pour les exécuter. Pour mieux trouver sa position dans une architecture 5G et entre les services 5G proposés, le délestage de code doit surmonter plusieurs défis; la latence réseau élevée, hétérogénéité des ressources, interopérabilité des applications et leur portabilité, la consommation d'énergie, la sécurité, et la mobilité, pour citer quelques uns. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le paradigme du délestage de code pour des applications a temps réel, par exemple; les jeux vidéo sur équipements mobiles et le traitement d'images. L'accent sera mis sur la latence réseau, la consommation de ressources, et les performances accomplies. Les contributions de la thèse sont organisées sous les axes suivants : Étudier le comportement des moteurs de jeu sur différentes plateformes en termes de consommation de ressources (CPU / GPU) par image et par module de jeu ; Étudier la possibilité de distribuer les modules du moteur de jeu en fonction de la consommation de ressources, de la latence réseau, et de la dépendance du code ; Proposer une stratégie de déploiement pour les fournisseurs de jeux dans le Cloud, afin de mieux exploiter les ressources, en fonction de la demande variable en ressource par des moteurs de jeu et de la QoE du joueur ; Proposer une solution de délestage statique de code pour les moteurs de jeu en divisant la scène 3D en différents objets du jeu. Certains de ces objets sont distribués en fonction de la consommation de ressources, de la latence réseau et de la dépendance du code ; Proposer une solution de délestage dynamique de code pour les moteurs de jeu basée sur une heuristique qui calcule pour chaque objet du jeu, le gain du délestage. En fonction de ce gain, un objet peut être distribué ou non ; Proposer une nouvelle approche pour le délestage de code vers le MEC en déployant une application sur la bordure du réseau (edge) responsable de la décision de délestage au niveau du terminal et proposer deux algorithmes pour prendre la meilleure décision concernant les tâches à distribuer entre le terminal et le serveur hébergé dans le MEC. / Computation offloading is a technique that allows resource-constrained mobile devices to fully or partially offload a computation-intensive application to a resourceful Cloud environment. Computation offloading is performed mostly to save energy, improve performance, or due to the inability of mobile devices to process a computation heavy task. There have been a numerous approaches and systems on offloading tasks in the classical Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) environments such as, CloneCloud, MAUI, and Cyber Foraging. Most of these systems are offering a complete solution that deal with different objectives. Although these systems present in general good performance, one common issue between them is that they are not adapted to real-time applications such as mobile gaming, augmented reality, and virtual reality, which need a particular treatment. Computation offloading is widely promoted especially with the advent of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and its evolution toward Multi-access Edge Computing which broaden its applicability to heterogeneous networks including WiFi and fixed access technologies. Combined with 5G mobile access, a plethora of novel mobile services will appear that include Ultra-Reliable Low-latency Communications (URLLC) and enhanced Vehicle-toeverything (eV2X). Such type of services requires low latency to access data and high resource capabilities to compute their behaviour. To better find its position inside a 5G architecture and between the offered 5G services, computation offloading needs to overcome several challenges; the high network latency, resources heterogeneity, applications interoperability and portability, offloading frameworks overhead, power consumption, security, and mobility, to name a few. In this thesis, we study the computation offloading paradigm for real-time applications including mobile gaming and image processing. The focus will be on the network latency, resource consumption, and accomplished performance. The contributions of the thesis are organized on the following axes : Study game engines behaviour on different platforms regarding resource consumption (CPU/GPU) per frame and per game module; study the possibility to offload game engine modules based on resource consumption, network latency, and code dependency ; propose a deployment strategy for Cloud gaming providers to better exploit their resources based on the variability of the resource demand of game engines and the QoE ; propose a static computation offloading-based solution for game engines by splitting 3D world scene into different game objects. Some of these objects are offloaded based on resource consumption, network latency, and code dependency ; propose a dynamic offloading solution for game engines based on an heuristic that compute for each game object, the offloading gain. Based on that gain, an object may be offloaded or not ; propose a novel approach to offload computation to MEC by deploying a mobile edge application that is responsible for driving the UE decision for offloading, as well as propose two algorithms to make best decision regarding offloading tasks on UE to a server hosted on the MEC.
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Spatial distribution and temporal progress of Huanglongbing in areas with strict disease management / Distribuição espacial e progresso temporal de Huanglongbing em áreas com manejo rigoroso da doençaPazolini, Kelly 20 March 2019 (has links)
Citriculture is an important agroindustrial activity for Brazil and citrus production is concentrated in São Paulo State. However, the activity is facing a Huanglongbing (HLB) epidemic which is considered to be the main threat to global citrus production. In spite of many management efforts, the incidence of HLB continues to increase since its detection in São Paulo State, in 2004. The difficulty of handling HLB is associated with the migration of the vector, Diaphorina citri, which acquires the bacteria in external inoculum sources and the limited effect of the strict HLB management performed by farms (eradication of symptomatic trees and frequent vector control) on the primary dissemination of the disease. Thus, epidemiological studies can facilitate the understanding of the complex pathosystem and help in the decision of more efficient control measures. The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the spatial pattern of HLB in 24 citrus blocks under strict management of the disease and 2) to study the temporal progress of the disease and the spatial distribution of HLB and the vector in a large scale property that carried out the strict management of the disease and its association with external inoculum sources. To verify the spatial pattern of HLB, modified Ripley\'s K-function and kernel density estimation maps were used. The results showed that the regular distribution pattern of HLB symptomatic trees prevailed in the blocks studied and a weak aggregation of approximately 58 m was observed at the edges of the blocks. The largest aggregation distances and averages of D. citri/trap occurred in blocks located at the periphery of the properties. The regular spatial pattern and the concentration of disease and vector in the periphery of the properties evidenced the importance of primary dissemination. For the study of the disease temporal progress, the Gompertz and logistic models were adjusted to the annual progress of HLB for 177 blocks. The distribution of HLB progress rates and incidence (for 177 blocks) and average D. citri/trap (for 296 blocks) were visualized on gradient maps. The disease progress rate values obtained with the Gompertz model (0.04 to 0.28 per year), average HLB incidence (0.11) and average D. citri/trap (0.016) were low compared with literature data. The variables presented the highest values for blocks located at the periphery of the property, rather than for blocks surrounded by citrus. Many noncommercial plants, potentially serving as source of inoculum, were found near blocks with the highest rates of disease progress, HLB incidence and average D. citri/trap. The results demonstrated the importance of primary dissemination in areas that carry out a strict HLB management. Therefore, in order to reduce new infections, HLB management must effectively reduce external sources of inoculum and regional management should include, in addition to commercial orchards, noncommercial plants. / A citricultura é uma importante atividade agroindustrial para o Brasil e grande parte da produção se concentra no estado de São Paulo. Entretanto, a produção de laranja enfrenta, atualmente, uma epidemia de Huanglongbing (HLB), doença considerada a principal ameaça à citricultura mundial. Apesar de muitos esforços no manejo, a incidência de HLB continua aumentando desde a sua detecção no estado de São Paulo, em 2004. A dificuldade de manejo de HLB está associada à migração do inseto vetor, Diaphorina citri, que adquire a bactéria em fontes de inóculo externas e ao efeito limitado do manejo rigoroso da doença realizado pelas fazendas (erradicação de plantas sintomáticas e controle frequente do vetor) sobre a disseminação primária da doença. Assim, estudos epidemiológicos podem facilitar o entendimento do complexo patossistema e auxiliar na decisão de medidas de controle mais eficientes. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: 1) determinar o padrão espacial de HLB em 24 blocos cítricos sob o manejo rigoroso da doença e 2) estudar o progresso temporal da doença e a distribuição espacial de HLB e do vetor em uma propriedade de larga escala que realizou o manejo rigoroso da doença e sua associação com fontes externas de inóculo. Para verificar o padrão espacial de HLB, utilizou-se a analise função-K de Ripley modificada e mapas de densidade de kernel. Os resultados demonstraram que o padrão de distribuição regular de plantas sintomáticas de HLB prevaleceu nos blocos estudados e uma agregação fraca de aproximadamente 58 m foi observada nas bordas dos blocos. As maiores distâncias de agregação e médias de D. citri/armadilha ocorreram em blocos localizados na periferia das propriedades. O padrão espacial regular e a concentração da doença e do vetor na periferia da propriedade evidenciaram a importância da disseminação primária na área. Para o estudo do progresso temporal, os modelos Gompertz e logístico foram ajustados ao progresso anual da doença de 177 blocos. A distribuição das taxas de progresso e incidência de HLB (para 177 blocos) e a média de D. citri/armadilha (para 296 blocos) foram visualizadas em mapas de gradiente. Os valores encontrados de taxa de progresso da doença, obtida com o modelo de Gompertz (de 0,04 a 0,28 por ano), incidência média de HLB (0,11) e média de D. citri/armadilha (0,016) foram baixos em comparação com dados da literatura. As variáveis apresentaram os maiores valores para blocos localizados na periferia da propriedade do que para blocos rodeados por citros. Uma grande quantidade de plantas não comerciais, e potencialmente servindo como fonte de inóculo, foi encontrada perto de blocos que apresentam as maiores taxas de progresso e incidências de HLB e médias de D. citri/armadilha. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram a importância da disseminação primária em áreas que realizam o manejo rigoroso de HLB. Portanto, para reduzir novas infecções, o manejo do HLB precisa reduzir efetivamente as fontes externas de inóculo e o manejo regional deve incluir, além de pomares comerciais, plantas não comerciais.
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Efetividade de áreas protegidas para a conservação da biodiversidade: padrões de ocupação de mamíferos no Parque Nacional do Iguaçu / Effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity conservation: mammal occupancy patterns in the Iguaçu National ParkSilva, Marina Xavier da 14 July 2014 (has links)
Áreas protegidas são consensualmente reconhecidas como a principal estratégia para a conservação da biodiversidade. Avaliar a efetividade destas áreas, especialmente em biomas como a Mata Atlântica onde as áreas protegidas são como ilhas de floresta em paisagens altamente alteradas pelo homem, é de suma importância. O Parque Nacional do Iguaçu (PNI) abriga um dos maiores remanescentes de Mata Atlântica do Brasil, possui alta visitação turística, assenta-se sobre solos férteis, sofrendo muitas pressões advindas das paisagens antropizadas adjacentes, e é considerado um dos parques mais bem geridos no país. Este trabalho buscou avaliar a efetividade desta área protegida através da análise do padrão de ocupação de 17 espécies de mamíferos terrestres de maior porte em relação à proximidade a atrativos turísticos, distância da borda do parque e pressão de caça. Informações sobre ocupação foram obtidas entre 2009 e 2013 através de armadilhas fotográficas distribuídas sistematicamente em 37 sítios amostrais em cerca de 300 km2, um sexto da área do parque. Muitas espécies raras ou localmente extintas em outros remanescentes de Mata Atlântica apresentaram altas taxas de ocupação no PNI, que juntamente com poucas áreas protegidas do sudeste do Brasil representam as únicas áreas do bioma que ainda abrigam uma fauna de grandes mamíferos intacta. No entanto, a distribuição de 11 das 17 espécies analisadas não foi homogênea, tendo sido afetada por pelo menos um dos fatores de ameaça estudados, principalmente a distância da borda do parque e proximidade a atrativos turísticos. O efeito negativo destas ameaças deve ser ainda mais forte em áreas protegidas menores e mais isoladas, que representam a maioria em biomas muito alterados como a Mata Atlântica. Medidas como o restabelecimento e manejo de zonas tampão, a manutenção de atrativos turísticos em áreas restritas, o combate efetivo das atividades ilícitas e a redução de conflitos entre animais silvestres e o homem, são fundamentais para a efetividade de áreas protegidas para conservação da biodiversidade no longo prazo / Protected areas are widely recognized as the main strategy for biodiversity conservation. Evaluating the effectiveness of these areas, especially in biomes such as the Atlantic Forest where protected areas are forest islands immersed in highly altered landscapes, is of paramount importance. The Iguaçu National Park (INP) harbors one of the largest Atlantic Forest remnants in Brazil, receives vast number of tourists, is located on productive soils, suffering many threats from the adjacent human-modified landscapes, and is considered one of the best managed parks in the country. This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of this protected area through the analysis of the occupancy patterns of 17 terrestrial large mammals relative to the proximity to tourism attractions, distance from the edge of the park and hunting pressure. Occupancy information was obtained from 2009 to 2013 with camera traps distributed systematically across 37 sites covering around 300 km2, one-sixth of the park. Many species that are rare or locally extinct in other Atlantic Forest remnants presented high occupancy within the INP, which together with few protected areas from southeastern Brazil represent the only areas of this biome that still harbor an intact large mammal fauna. The distribution of 11 of the 17 analyzed species was not homogeneous across the park, however, being affected by at least one of the studied threat factors, mainly the distance from the edge of the park and proximity to tourism attractions. The negative effects of these threats should be even stronger on smaller and more isolated protected areas, which are the majority in highly altered biomes such as the Atlantic Forest. Measures such as the re-establish and management of buffer zones, the maintenance of tourism in restricted areas, the effective combat of illicit activities and the reduction of human-wildlife conflicts are essential to the effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity conservation in the long run
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Analysis of the vertical canopy structure in native forest fragments and Eucalyptus plantations to detect edge effects / Análise da estrutura vertical do dossel em fragmentos de florestas nativas e plantações de Eucalyptus para detectar efeitos de bordaAbib, Thaís Hudari 05 December 2018 (has links)
There is a range of detailed research on edge effects using field data at local scales. However, the scientific literature lacks studies that aim to understand its characteristics in forest fragments using larger scales. Also, few works have considered the influences that each fragment of the landscape imposes on its neighbour. Since biological processes linked to fragmentation and degradation commonly start at edges and influence the dynamics of forest communities, studies on edge effects are crucial for the development of management and conservation plans. Lidar technologies have been used in several studies on forest structure, but few have investigated edge effects. This dissertation presents two distinct applications of lidar for studying anthropogenic-caused edges in different scenarios and ecosystems. In the first study, edge effects in commercial Eucalyptus plantations and fragments of the Atlantic Forest, located in the State of São Paulo, were evaluated by quantifying the differences in height and understory density in the edge vegetation vs core. We also sought to understand the influences that each type of adjacent fragment (Eucalyptus, native forest or pasture) imposes on the neighbouring vegetation. Edge effects, regarding height and understory density, on fragments of native vegetation adjacent to Eucalyptus plantations and vice-versa were more attenuated than nearby pastures. The results indicated that the protection of native forests in silviculture areas besides favouring the maintenance of local ecosystem services (provision and maintenance of water flow, diversity of flora and fauna species, natural pest control, etc.) could help maintain the homogeneity of the stands due to their ability to minimise edge effects. This protection could favour the occurrence of border Eucalyptus more similar to the ones in the core. In the second study, edge effects caused by seismic lines, i.e. corridors cut through the forest during the process of exploration of gas and oil, in areas of Boreal Forest in the central region of Alberta is addressed. Besides quantifying the effects of distance from seismic lines over height and fractional cover on the neighbouring vegetation, the interactions between these variables and primary vegetation growth factors related to the topographic position, incident radiation and surface geology were evaluated. The results showed that significant changes in vegetation structure adjacent to forest edge occur close to seismic lines, including reduced tree height and cover. Random Forest analyses revealed that the distance from the seismic line, incident radiation and surface water accumulation potential (inferred from the topographic position index) are the most critical variables for height and fractional cover prediction. Overall, lidar proved to be a robust tool for assessing the spatial and ecological dimensions of edge effects in different scenarios. With this in mind, management and conservation strategies for fragmented areas could benefit from this technology to reduce the impact from edge effects on ecosystems. / Há uma gama de pesquisas detalhadas sobre efeitos de borda usando dados de campo em escalas locais. No entanto, a literatura científica carece de trabalhos que visem compreender suas características em fragmentos florestais utilizando escalas maiores. Além disso, poucos estudos levaram em conta as influências que cada fragmento da paisagem impõe sobre seu vizinho. Uma vez que processos biológicos ligados à fragmentação e degradação geralmente se iniciam pelas bordas e influenciam a dinâmica das comunidades florestais, estudos sobre efeitos de borda são cruciais para o desenvolvimento de planos de manejo e conservação. Tecnologias lidar têm sido usadas em diversos estudos sobre a estrutura de florestas, mas poucos trabalhos investigaram efeitos de borda. Esta dissertação apresenta duas aplicações distintas do lidar para o estudo de bordas criadas pelo homem em diferentes cenários e ecossistemas. No primeiro estudo, efeitos de borda em plantios comerciais de eucalipto e fragmentos de Mata Atlântica, no Estado de São Paulo, foram avaliados por meio da quantificação das diferenças na altura e densidade do sub-bosque na vegetação da borda vs. interior. Buscou-se também compreender as influências que cada tipo de fragmento adjacente (eucalipto, floresta nativa ou pasto) impõe sobre a vegetação vizinha. Os efeitos de borda, em termos de altura e densidade do sub-bosque, em fragmentos de vegetação nativa adjacentes aos plantios de eucalipto e vice-versa foram mais atenuados do que próximo às pastagens. Os resultados indicaram que a proteção de florestas nativas em áreas de silvicultura além de favorecer a manutenção de serviços ecossistêmicos locais (provisão e manutenção do fluxo de água, diversidade de espécies da flora e fauna, controle natural de pragas etc.) poderia ajudar a manter a homogeneidade dos talhões devido à sua capacidade de minimizar os efeitos de borda. Esta proteção poderia favorecer a ocorrência de eucaliptos de borda mais semelhantes aos de interior. No segundo estudo, foram abordados efeitos de borda causados pela abertura de linhas sísmicas durante o processo de exploração de gás e petróleo em áreas de Floresta Boreal, na região central de Alberta. Além da quantificação dos efeitos da distância das linhas sísmicas na altura e cobertura arbórea da vegetação vizinha, foram avaliadas as interações entre tais variáveis e fatores de crescimento primário da vegetação relacionados a posição topográfica, radiação e superfície geológica. Os resultados mostraram que variações significativas na estrutura da vegetação adjacente à borda da floresta ocorrem próximas às linhas sísmicas, incluindo altura e cobertura arbórea reduzidas. Análises por meio de florestas aleatórias (random forest) revelaram que a distância da linha sísmica, a radiação incidente e o potencial de acumulação de água superficial (inferida a partir do índice de posição topográfica) são as variáveis mais importantes para predição de altura e cobertura arbórea. No geral, o lidar se mostrou uma ferramenta robusta para avaliar as dimensões espaciais e ecológicas dos efeitos de borda em diferentes cenários. Com isso em mente, estratégias de manejo e conservação para áreas fragmentadas poderiam se beneficiar desta tecnologia para redução do impacto de efeitos de borda nos ecossistemas.
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Turbulência Eletrostática e Magnética em Tokamaks / Electrostatic and magnetic turbulence in TokamaksCastro, Raul Murete de 22 October 1996 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo experimental da turbulência e do transporte de partículas e energia induzido por flutuações na borda do plasma do tokamak TBR-1. Para isto, foi utilizado um conjunto de sondas eletrostáticas (incluindo uma sonda tripla de resposta rápida) e magnéticas, especialmente construído para este fim. Técnicas de análise espectral foram aplicadas aos dados e permitiram verificar a influência das flutuações da temperatura nos parâmetros de transporte. Os resultados mostram que o nível relativo das flutuações da temperatura é da ordem de 10% e os da densidade e do potencial variam de ~10 a ~ 30 %. As flutuações eletrostáticas possuem faixas largas de freqüência e números de onda, o que caracteriza a borda do plasma como um meio turbulento. Estas flutuações se propagam no sentido da deriva diamagnética dos íons. A correção das flutuações das grandezas do plasma utilizando as flutuações da temperatura causou mudanças significativas nos transportes de partículas e energia induzidos por flutuações, nas posições mais internas da borda do plasma. O tempo de confinamento de partículas, calculado a partir deste transporte, está na faixa de ~1 a ~ 1,5 ms, que é da mesma ordem do tempo de confinamento obtido por outros métodos, indicando assim que o transporte induzido por flutuações pode ser considerado como o principal processo de perda de partículas na borda do plasma. Utilizando perturbações magnéticas externas, verificamos que a temperatura e a densidade diminuem e há alterações significativas nas características das flutuações eletrostáticas e magnéticas. Os transportes de partículas e de energia também são afetados, diminuindo nas posições mais internas da borda do plasma. Estes efeitos mostram que a borda do plasma torna-se um meio menos turbulento e que estas perturbações são um meio efetivo de controle do transporte nesta região. / In this work we report an experimental study of the turbulence and the particle and energy transport due to fluctuations in the plasma edge of the TBR-1 tokamak. For this study a special set of electrostatic probes (including one fast response triple probe) and magnetic probes have been constructed. The triple probe permitted measurements of temperature fluctuations. Spectral analysis techniques were applied to the data and permitted to verify the influence of temperature fluctuations on the transport parameters. Our results indicate that the relative level of temperature fluctuations is ~ 10 % and the relative levels of density and potential fluctuations are in the range from ~ 10 to ~ 30 %. The electrostatic fluctuations are broadband in frequencies and wave numbers indicating that plasma edge is a turbulent medium. These fluctuations propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. If temperature fluctuations are taken into account, significant modifications in the calculated transport parameters are obtained mainly in the inner positions of plasma edge. The particle confinement time, calculated from the transport corrected by the temperature fluctuations, is in the range from ~ 1 to ~ 1.5 ms. These values are comparable with those calculated by using other methods, indicating that transport induced by fluctuations is the main process of particle loss in the TBR-1 plasma edge. Controlled electrical currents circulating in helical windings were used to produce magnetic perturbations. These perturbations produce a decrease in the plasma mean density and temperature, and a significant alteration in the electrostatic and magnetic fluctuations. The transport parameters are also affected, decreasing at the inner positions of the plasma edge. The effect of these magnetic fields shows that these perturbations are an effective mean to control the transport in this region.
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Desenvolvimento de um processador pipeline dedicado para extração de bordas em tempo real / Development of a dedicated pipeline processor for real time edge extractionLuppe, Maximiliam 24 June 1997 (has links)
A detecção de bordas é um primeiro passo importante no processamento digital de imagens, pois permite separar blocos distinto presentes em uma imagem. O desenvolvimento de sistemas autônomos que realizem tarefas a partir de informações visuais necessitam que o processamento destas seja realizado em tempo real. Este trabalho descreve a implementação de um processador, baseado numa arquitetura pipeline e no operador de máscara chamado Cruz de Roberts, dedicado para a extração de bordas em tempo real de imagens de vídeo. Tanto a entrada como a saída dos dados são em formato de vídeo composto monocromático padrão e foram utilizados circuitos digitais discretos para a implementação do processador. Os resultados são apresentados em forma de imagens e estas são comparadas com os resultados obtidos através de programas que realizam a detecção de bordas. / Edge detection is the first important step in digital image processing which allows to separate the distinct blocks present in an image. The development of automatic systemswhich perform operations from visual information need real time processing. This work describes the implementation of a pipeline processor based in the Robert\'s Cross mask operator, dedicated to extract edges from video images in real time. Both input and output video signals are monochromatic. Common digital circuits have been used to implement the processor. The results obtained are presented as images and are compared with edge detected images obtained from comercial software.
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Resistência ao lascamento e tensões residuais superficiais de barras de Y-TZP/cerâmica de recobrimento em fução do método de processamento dos materiais cerâmicos / Edge chipping resistance and surface residual stresses of Y-TZP/veneering ceramics as a function of the ceramic materials processing methodsLima, Erick de 07 March 2017 (has links)
Objetivos: avaliar espécimes com as seguintes combinações de materiais/processamentos: a) porcelana feldspática aplicada por meio de técnica tradicional sobre infraestrutura de zircônia; b) porcelana feldspática injetada sobre infraestrutura de zircônia, c) porcelana feldspática usinada em sistema CAD-CAM e cimentada (Rapid Layer Technique) sobre infraestrutura de zircônia; d) vitro-cerâmica à base de dissilicato de lítio processada por meio de sistema CAD-CAM e unida à infraestrutura de zircônia por meio da sinterização de um vidro na interface (técnica CAD-on) com relação a: (1) resistência ao lascamento de aresta do material de recobrimento (a influência do tipo de resfriamento foi analisada para os processamentos a e b) e; (2) níveis de tensão residual superficial mensurados nos materiais de recobrimento, por meio de ensaio de fratura por endentação (a influência do tipo de resfriamento foi analisada para os processamentos a e b). Material e métodos: Barras de duas camadas com dimensões de 25 mm de comprimento por 4 mm de largura e com espessuras de porcelana e infraestrutura combinadas de modo a oferecer a razão de 1 mm de cada material foram confeccionadas seguindo as orientações dos fabricantes. O teste de lascamento de aresta foi realizado em uma máquina universal de ensaios, utilizando um endentador Vickers acoplado a essa máquina. A tensão térmica residual superficial foi calculada a partir de endentações feitas na camada de porcelana. Resultados: A resistência ao lascamento (ReA) foi significativamente maior para os espécimes processados pelo sistema CAD-on (ReA = 612,8±271,8 N/mm). Bilayers confeccionadas pelo sistema Rapid Layer Technique apresentaram valor de ReA intermediário de (417,9±187,2 N/mm) e os grupos nos quais foi utilizada porcelana processada pela técnica de sinterização tradicional ou por injeção foram os que apresentaram os menores valores de resistência ao lascamento, com médias de 349,7±116,8 N/mm (tradicional/resfriamento lento) 285,6±117,5 N/mm (tradicional/resfriamento rápido), 298,4±119,9 N/mm (injetado/resfriamento lento) e 263,5±107,9 N/mm (injetado/resfriamento rápido). Para os grupos com porcelana aplicada sobre a infraestrutura pela técnica tradicional e injetada o teste t de Student mostrou que houve um efeito significativo do protocolo de resfriamento, sendo que os espécimes que passaram por resfriamento lento atingiram maiores valores de ReA. Apenas o grupo Rapid Layer Technique apresentou média de tensão superficial correspondente a tensões de tração. Todos os outros grupos apresentaram tensões de compressão na superfície. Conclusões: há um efeito significativo da associação material/processamento na resistência ao lascamento de aresta das bilayers testadas e com relação ao efeito da velocidade de resfriamento (lento e rápido). Os espécimes que passaram por resfriamento lento atingiram maiores valores de resistência ao lascamento, independentemente do método de processamento (tradicional ou injeção). A combinação material/processamento afetou significativamente as tensões residuais superficiais das bilayers testadas, porém, não houve efeito da velocidade de resfriamento no nível de tensões térmicas residuais superficiais para os espécimes processados tanto pela técnica tradicional como pela técnica de injeção. / Objectives: to evaluate specimens with the following materials/processing combinations: a) feldspathic porcelain applied on zirconia through traditional technique; b) feldspathic porcelain applied on zirconia through press-on technique, c) feldspathic porcelain milled in CAD-CAM system and cemented (Rapid Layer Technique) on zirconia infrastructure; D) lithium disilicate glass-ceramic milled in CAD-CAM system and bonded to the zirconia infrastructure by means of a fusion glass-ceramic applied at the interface (CAD-on technique) relating to: (1) edge chipping resistance of the veneering materials (influence of the cooling rate was analyzed for the processing methods a and b) and; (2) surface residual stress levels measured in the veneering materials through indentation fracture method (influence of the cooling rate was analyzed for the processing methods a and b). Materials and methods: Bilayer bars with 25 mm length, 4 mm width and thicknesses of porcelain and infrastructure combined to provide 1 mm ratio of each material were made following manufacturers\' instructions. The edge chipping test was performed in an universal testing machine, using a Vickers indenter coupled to it. The surface residual thermal stress was calculated from indentations made on the porcelain layer. Results: The chipping resistance (ReA) was significantly higher for the specimens processed by the CAD-on system (ReA = 612.8±271.8 N/mm). Bilayers made by the Rapid Layer Technique system presented an intermediate ReA mean value of 417.9±187.2 N/mm and the groups in which the porcelain layer was processed by traditional or press-on technique presented the lowest values of chipping resistance, with mean values of 349,7±116,8 N/mm (traditional/slow cooling) 285,6±117,5 N/mm (traditional/fast cooling), 298,4±119,9 N/mm (press-on/slow cooling) and 263,5±107,9 N/mm (press-on/fast cooling). For the groups with porcelain applied on the infrastructure by the traditional and press-on technique, Student\'s t test showed that there was a significant effect of the cooling rate, and the specimens that went through slow cooling rate reached higher ReA values. Only the Rapid Layer Technique group presented mean of surface stresses corresponding to tensile stresses. All other groups exhibited surface compression stresses. Conclusions: there is a significant effect of the material/processing association on the edge chipping resistance of the tested bilayers and regarding the cooling rate effect (slow and fast), the specimens that went through slow cooling rate reached higher values of edge chipping resistance, regardless of the processing method (traditional or press-on). The material/processing combination significantly affected the surface residual stresses of the tested bilayers, however, there was no effect of the cooling rate on the superficial residual thermal stresses levels for the specimens processed by both the traditional technique and the press-on technique.
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