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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imagens da qualidade de ensino: por uma sociologia dos estabelecidos e dos outsiders da educação / The images of educational quality: for a sociology of the established and outsiders of education

Raquel Balmant Emerique 26 November 2007 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O trabalho é uma exploração em três direções. O primeiro capítulo da tese recupera o percurso da Sociologia da Educação e a sua tradição de estudos sobre as desigualdades escolares no contexto nacional e internacional. Localiza a qualidade do ensino como questão privilegiada nos debates atuais sobre as desigualdades de oportunidades escolares. O segundo capítulo explora as imagens da qualidade do ensino médio no Brasil tomando como referência a literatura sobre efeito-escola. Os resultados do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) do ano de 2005 foram analisados, observando a distribuição dos colégios de ensino médio de qualidade no município do Rio de Janeiro. Tomando como fonte as respostas que os participantes do ENEM 2005 deram ao questionário socioeconômico, as suas percepções sobre qualidade de ensino foram analisadas. O alto índice de avaliação positiva das escolas sugere critérios de avaliação diferentes dos adotados pelo ENEM. A hipótese sustentada é que a avaliação dos participantes foi orientada pelas idéias de inclusão, de oportunidade e de acesso à educação. Para fundamentar a hipótese, a história da expansão do ensino médio no Brasil foi recuperada destacando as concepções de qualidade dos diferentes atores sociais. O terceiro capítulo é uma exploração em campo de oito escolas, públicas e privadas, com alto desempenho no ENEM 2005, no município do Rio de Janeiro, a partir do depoimento dos seus melhores alunos. O objetivo consiste em observar as diferenças presentes no universo das melhores ofertas escolares. / The present work is an exploration in three directions. The first part of the doctorship thesis recovers the route followed by Educational Sociology in its tradition of studying educational inequality, both in national and international contexts. Also, it focus teaching quality as a prevalent issue in nowadays discussions about the inequality of educational opportunities. The second part explores the different pictures of high school quality in Brazil, taking as reference the existing literature on school-effect. The results of the ENEM Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (High School National Exams) of the year 2005 were analyzed, pointing out the distribution of high quality High Schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The students perceptions of teaching quality were analyzed based on their answers given to the social-economical questions when participating of the ENEM during 2005. The high rate of positive evaluations of the High Schools quality by those students suggests different criteria of evaluation from those used by the ENEM. The hypothesis was held that the students evaluations were oriented by the ideas of social-economical inclusion, opportunity and educational access. To validate the hypothesis, the history of high school expansion in Brazil was recovered, highlighting the different conceptions of quality by the different social characters. The third part is an exploration of eight different schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, both public and private, in which students achieved high performance in the ENEM of 2005, based on interviews with their best students. The goal is to observe the existing differences in the world of the best education available.

Führt Studium ohne Abitur zu geringerem Studienerfolg?: Befunde einer quantitativen Fallstudie

Brändle, Tobias, Lengfeld, Holger January 2015 (has links)
Im Jahr 2009 sind die deutschen Hochschulen für beruflich qualifizierte Bewerber ohne schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung geöffnet worden. Der Beitrag fragt, inwiefern sich diese nicht-traditionellen Studierenden hinsichtlich des Studienerfolgs von traditionellen Studierenden mit Abitur unterscheiden. Auf der Basis von Überlegungen zu Kompetenzunterschieden aufgrund unterschiedlicher Bildungsverläufe und der kulturellen Schließung des akademischen Feldes für Personen mit niedrigerer sozialer Herkunft bilden wir Hypothesen zu Leistungsunterschieden. Diese überprüfen wir anhand von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungsdaten von 4.224 B.A.-Studierenden eines Fachbereichs einer deutschen Universität. Die Analysen zeigen, dass nicht-traditionelle Studierende im Vergleich zu Personen mit Abitur im ersten Studienjahr 7,4 Prozent weniger Lehrveranstaltungen bestehen, eine um ein Fünftel geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, das Studium innerhalb eines Zeitraums von mindestens neun Semestern zu beenden und das Studium mit einem durchschnittlich um 0,15 Notenpunkte schlechteren Endergebnis abschließen. Aufgrund der spezifischen Bedingungen des analysierten Fachbereichs schlussfolgern wir, dass diese Leistungsunterschiede in der Breite der deutschen Hochschullandschaft stärker ausgeprägt sein müssten als in dem untersuchten spezifischen Fall.

Organizace základního vzdělání v Evropě: Srovnávací analýza Finska a České republiky z hlediska spravedlnosti / The organization of primary and lower secondary education in Europe: Comparative analysis of the Czech Republic and Finland in terms of equity.

Paulová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a comparative study, which compare two selected countries, Finland and the Czech Republic in the organization of basic education. The benchmark of equity has been chosen as a comparative criterion. This criterion was further divided into single indicators. The key indicator in this respect was the selectivity of educational systems. For this reason, the thesis presents especially the form and the extent of differentiation of students by each level of basic education in both chosen counties and try to find the number of children who are educated in them. The results of comparative analysis showed that five educational programs with different degree of quality exist in the Czech Republic, while there are only two types of schools in Finland. Finland has used the differentiation of pupils in schools, even in clases in much smaller scale in comparison with the Czech Republic. In Finland, there are no classes with extended teaching of some subjects. The next difference between selected countries is about the age when the students start to be selectived. The students are not differentionated before 16-years in Finland. On the other hand, students of the Czech Republic are divaded in various educational programs after completion of primary school, that means in 11-years. Only 4 % of...

Yuli's story: Using educational policy to achieve cultural genocide

Leon, Katrina Johnson 01 January 2016 (has links)
All children residing in the United States have the right to a quality education. At least that is our collective expectation. Through the lived experience of Yuli, a Native American woman from the Southwest, you will discover, due to her birth on a remote reservation, she was not given the same access to education you or I would expect. On Yuli’s reservation, the school system is managed by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). Rather than provide K-12 schooling, the BIE operates K-8 on her reservation and then Native youth who want to go to high school must move off-reservation. This qualitative study focuses on Yuli’s experience as she traversed the educational system offered to her in order to complete eighth grade, earn her high school diploma and be accepted to college. Her narrative gives insight into what she lost, personally and culturally, as a result of the operational delinquency of a United States of America government agency tasked with one duty, providing an adequate, quality education to Indigenous youth across America. This study explores Yuli’s story, educational inopportunity, and the cultural impact of leaving the reservation to attain an education.

The Social Function of For-Profit Higher Education in the United States

Baird, Andrew 01 January 2014 (has links)
This study uses the competing Burton Clark's "Cooling Out Theory" and Daniel Bell's "Theory of the Postindustrial Economy" to examine the function that for-profit colleges and universities (FPCUs) play in American higher education and how it is different from non-profit traditional colleges and universities (TCUs). This was done through three sections of analysis. The first examined if students who enroll at these FPCUs are less academically prepared than those attending non-profit traditional colleges or universities. The second tested if academic preparedness is associated with postsecondary performance at FPCUs to the same degree it is at TCUs. The final section of analysis looked at FPCU graduates to see if they have different short-term job outcomes when compared to traditional college graduates. This research utilizes The Beginning Postsecondary Survey 2009- a restricted-use longitudinal data set produced by the National Center for Education Statistics that followed 16,700 first-time college enrollees from 2003 until 2009. This data set includes information on student demographics, academic performance, enrollment history, and job outcomes. The results of this study indicated that when compared to traditional college students, FPCU students are less likely to be academically prepared for college and are more frequently characterized by risk factors that previous research has shown makes it less likely they will complete their degree. This research also found that unlike TCUs, high school academic performance is not associated with post-secondary performance or likelihood of degree attainment at FPCUs. Finally, it was observed that FPCU graduates were less likely to have jobs related to their degree and earned less income than TCU graduates, but had about the same degree of job satisfaction.

Les filles sur le chemin de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne : analyse de leurs trajectoires, représentations sociales de l’école et résilience à travers leurs récits biographiques

Mapto Kengne, Valèse 02 1900 (has links)
Les graphiques ont été réalisés avec le logiciel Alceste. / La scolarisation, l’éducation et la formation sont à la fois une nécessité et une contrainte pour l’évolution des pays en développement, car le développement durable exige l’accès au savoir et à la culture moderne et technologique. Le propos de notre recherche est de comprendre le vécu de la scolarisation des filles en Afrique subsaharienne à travers l'analyse de leurs récits biographiques. Cette recherche porte sur trois questions à propos des filles dans l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne: (1) Quelles trajectoires suivent les filles en Afrique subsaharienne pour devenir des étudiantes universitaires? (2) Quel rôle jouent les représentations sociales et la résilience dans le vécu des filles pour atteindre le niveau universitaire? (3) En se fondant sur des récits biographiques fournis par des étudiantes universitaires subsahariennes, quels facteurs, de risque ou de protection, semblent déterminants pour réussir à atteindre le niveau universitaire? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons constitué un corpus de 23 récits biographiques. L'analyse du contenu de ces récits a été effectuée à l'aide d'Alceste, un logiciel d'analyse de données textuelles. Alceste a traité chaque mot dans les 23 récits, puis a exécuté une analyse factorielle de ces mots. L'avantage de cette méthode d’analyse est de permettre au chercheur de découvrir des dimensions cachées au sein de la masse de données analysées. Trois classes de mots ont émergé de cette analyse factorielle. Les trois classes ont été croisées avec les 23 répondantes. L'analyse des tableaux croisés a révélé trois types d'étudiantes universitaires résilientes, selon leur trajectoire scolaire: la battante, l'assistée et l'héritière. En nous fondant sur: (a) les récits des étudiantes, (b) les trois classes produites par le logiciel Alceste, et (c) les tableaux croisés, nous avons tracé trois portraits-types d’étudiante. La trajectoire de chaque type d'étudiante met en présence et en interaction diverses variables sociologiques et individuelles: milieu socio-économique, milieu familial, contexte rural-urbain, âge, obstacles, échecs, redoublements, succès. La scolarisation des filles augmente plus rapidement en milieu urbain qu'en milieu rural. Chez les battantes, la scolarisation est vécue dans le sacrifice, la souffrance et l'impuissance. Chez les assistées, elle avance grâce à des contacts et un réseau d’opportunités. Chez les héritières, elle débute dans la tendre enfance et progresse rapidement. Dans leurs récits, les informatrices emploient des mots qui traduisent les disparités, les variations, les dynamiques et les détours dans leurs trajectoires scolaires. Les contextes, les lieux, les événements, l’âge et la fratrie affectent les trajectoires de différentes manières. Néanmoins, toutes les filles sont motivées à atteindre l’enseignement supérieur. L'entrée précoce à l'école, que l'on retrouve à la ville plutôt qu'à la campagne, est au nombre des facteurs de protection qui contribuent le plus à la scolarisation des filles au niveau universitaire. Un autre facteur de première importance est la scolarité des parents: les parents instruits ont de meilleures chances de voir leurs filles, des héritières, persévérer dans leurs études. Chez les battantes et les assistées, les facteurs de protection individuels sont décisifs: avec relativement peu de moyens financiers et d'appui familial, ces filles doivent se débrouiller et concevoir des solutions inédites afin de triompher de l'adversité. On note, en particulier, le courage et l'esprit combatif des battantes, de même que l'aide et le soutien d'un réseau procuré aux assistées. Cependant, l'effet de tous ces facteurs n'est pas le même dans les divers contextes familiaux, sociaux et institutionnels. Au delà de ce que nous avons mis en lumière au sujet des battantes, des assistées et des héritières, il reste encore beaucoup à découvrir au sujet de la fréquentation et de la persévérance scolaires des filles en Afrique subsaharienne. Depuis la Conférence de Jomtien en 1990, diverses mobilisations ont porté fruit et facilité l'accès des filles à l'école. Notre recherche auprès d'étudiantes universitaires en Afrique Subsaharienne montre que toutes ces filles font preuve de résilience, et que les moyens et solutions pour atteindre l'enseignement supérieur sont spécifiques à chaque fille. / Schooling, education and training are a necessity as well as a constraint for the evolution of developing countries, because sustainable development requires access to modern and technological knowledge and culture. The aim of our research is to discover the factual experience of the schooling of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, through an analysis of their biographical narratives. This doctoral dissertation addresses three questions concerning the higher education of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa: (1) What trajectories do Sub-Saharan girls follow to become university students? (2) What role do Sub-Saharan girls' social representations and resilience play in attaining higher education? (3) On the basis of biographical narratives provided by Sub-Saharan girl university students, what factors, risk or protective, seem determinant to succeed in reaching higher education? To answer these questions, we gathered a corpus of 23 biographical narratives. The content analysis of these narratives was carried out with the aid of Alceste, a software program for the analysis of textual data. Alceste processed each word in the 23 narratives, and then executed a factor analysis of these words. The advantage of this method is to allow the researcher to uncover hidden dimensions within the mass of data analyzed. Three classes of words emerged from this factor analysis. The three classes were cross-tabulated with the 23 respondents. The result of the cross-tabulation revealed three types of resilient girl university students, according to their schooling trajectory: the fighter, the assisted and the heiress. On the basis of: (a) the girl students' narratives, (b) the three classes produced by software program Alceste, and (c) the cross-tabulations, we draw three typical portraits of the girl students. The trajectory of each type of student involves an interaction of various sociological and individual variables: socio-economic background, family environment, rural-urban context, age, obstacles, failures, grade repeatings, success. The schooling of girls increases more rapidly in urban areas than in rural areas. For the fighters, schooling is experienced through sacrifice, suffering and helplessness. For the assisted, it moves forward thanks to contacts and timely networking. For the heiresses, it starts in early childhood and progresses rapidly. In their narratives, the informants use words that express disparities, variations, dynamics and detours in their schooling trajectories. Contexts, locations, events, age and family affect the trajectories in various ways. Common to all girls, though, is the motivation to attain higher education. Early access to schooling, which is found in the cities rather than in rural areas, is among the protective factors that contribute most to the schooling of girls at the university level. Another factor of utmost importance is parents’ schooling: highly educated parents have better chances to see their daughters, heiresses, persevere in their studies. Among fighters and assisted, individual protective factors are decisive: with little or no financial means or familial support, these girls need to manage on their own and conceive novel solutions in order to overcome adversity. We note, in particular, the courage and battling spirit of the fighters, and the help and support provided by a network to the assisted. However, the effect of all these factors is not the same in the various familial, social and institutional contexts. Beyond what we have shed light on concerning the fighters, the assisted and the heiresses, much remains to be discovered concerning the schooling and educational perseverance of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since the Jomtien Conference in 1990, various mobilizations have borne fruit, as they facilitated girls’ access to school. Our research on girl university students in Sub-Saharan Africa shows that all of these girls display resilience and that the means and solutions to attain higher education are specific to each girl.

Experiences of Rural Students with Schooling in Community Schools in Egypt

El-Sherif, Lucy 20 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the schooling experiences of eleven graduates from the rural south of Egypt with primary community schools in Assiut. The study used individual interviews and focus groups to examine how community school graduates understood their experiences. The community schools were found to have removed previous obstacles of distance and cost. The quality of education that the students received allowed them to flourish in education rather than falter, and that was largely influenced by the quality of their relationship with their teachers. The students learned academic skills, as well as attitudes and dispositions that serve as cultural capital. They have more opportunities than before, yet also face significant challenges as they transition to the public system. The model of community schooling is also facing significant challenges as differences with the public schooling systems are exerting tension on the community school model to converge.

Les filles sur le chemin de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne : analyse de leurs trajectoires, représentations sociales de l’école et résilience à travers leurs récits biographiques

Mapto Kengne, Valèse 02 1900 (has links)
La scolarisation, l’éducation et la formation sont à la fois une nécessité et une contrainte pour l’évolution des pays en développement, car le développement durable exige l’accès au savoir et à la culture moderne et technologique. Le propos de notre recherche est de comprendre le vécu de la scolarisation des filles en Afrique subsaharienne à travers l'analyse de leurs récits biographiques. Cette recherche porte sur trois questions à propos des filles dans l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne: (1) Quelles trajectoires suivent les filles en Afrique subsaharienne pour devenir des étudiantes universitaires? (2) Quel rôle jouent les représentations sociales et la résilience dans le vécu des filles pour atteindre le niveau universitaire? (3) En se fondant sur des récits biographiques fournis par des étudiantes universitaires subsahariennes, quels facteurs, de risque ou de protection, semblent déterminants pour réussir à atteindre le niveau universitaire? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons constitué un corpus de 23 récits biographiques. L'analyse du contenu de ces récits a été effectuée à l'aide d'Alceste, un logiciel d'analyse de données textuelles. Alceste a traité chaque mot dans les 23 récits, puis a exécuté une analyse factorielle de ces mots. L'avantage de cette méthode d’analyse est de permettre au chercheur de découvrir des dimensions cachées au sein de la masse de données analysées. Trois classes de mots ont émergé de cette analyse factorielle. Les trois classes ont été croisées avec les 23 répondantes. L'analyse des tableaux croisés a révélé trois types d'étudiantes universitaires résilientes, selon leur trajectoire scolaire: la battante, l'assistée et l'héritière. En nous fondant sur: (a) les récits des étudiantes, (b) les trois classes produites par le logiciel Alceste, et (c) les tableaux croisés, nous avons tracé trois portraits-types d’étudiante. La trajectoire de chaque type d'étudiante met en présence et en interaction diverses variables sociologiques et individuelles: milieu socio-économique, milieu familial, contexte rural-urbain, âge, obstacles, échecs, redoublements, succès. La scolarisation des filles augmente plus rapidement en milieu urbain qu'en milieu rural. Chez les battantes, la scolarisation est vécue dans le sacrifice, la souffrance et l'impuissance. Chez les assistées, elle avance grâce à des contacts et un réseau d’opportunités. Chez les héritières, elle débute dans la tendre enfance et progresse rapidement. Dans leurs récits, les informatrices emploient des mots qui traduisent les disparités, les variations, les dynamiques et les détours dans leurs trajectoires scolaires. Les contextes, les lieux, les événements, l’âge et la fratrie affectent les trajectoires de différentes manières. Néanmoins, toutes les filles sont motivées à atteindre l’enseignement supérieur. L'entrée précoce à l'école, que l'on retrouve à la ville plutôt qu'à la campagne, est au nombre des facteurs de protection qui contribuent le plus à la scolarisation des filles au niveau universitaire. Un autre facteur de première importance est la scolarité des parents: les parents instruits ont de meilleures chances de voir leurs filles, des héritières, persévérer dans leurs études. Chez les battantes et les assistées, les facteurs de protection individuels sont décisifs: avec relativement peu de moyens financiers et d'appui familial, ces filles doivent se débrouiller et concevoir des solutions inédites afin de triompher de l'adversité. On note, en particulier, le courage et l'esprit combatif des battantes, de même que l'aide et le soutien d'un réseau procuré aux assistées. Cependant, l'effet de tous ces facteurs n'est pas le même dans les divers contextes familiaux, sociaux et institutionnels. Au delà de ce que nous avons mis en lumière au sujet des battantes, des assistées et des héritières, il reste encore beaucoup à découvrir au sujet de la fréquentation et de la persévérance scolaires des filles en Afrique subsaharienne. Depuis la Conférence de Jomtien en 1990, diverses mobilisations ont porté fruit et facilité l'accès des filles à l'école. Notre recherche auprès d'étudiantes universitaires en Afrique Subsaharienne montre que toutes ces filles font preuve de résilience, et que les moyens et solutions pour atteindre l'enseignement supérieur sont spécifiques à chaque fille. / Schooling, education and training are a necessity as well as a constraint for the evolution of developing countries, because sustainable development requires access to modern and technological knowledge and culture. The aim of our research is to discover the factual experience of the schooling of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, through an analysis of their biographical narratives. This doctoral dissertation addresses three questions concerning the higher education of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa: (1) What trajectories do Sub-Saharan girls follow to become university students? (2) What role do Sub-Saharan girls' social representations and resilience play in attaining higher education? (3) On the basis of biographical narratives provided by Sub-Saharan girl university students, what factors, risk or protective, seem determinant to succeed in reaching higher education? To answer these questions, we gathered a corpus of 23 biographical narratives. The content analysis of these narratives was carried out with the aid of Alceste, a software program for the analysis of textual data. Alceste processed each word in the 23 narratives, and then executed a factor analysis of these words. The advantage of this method is to allow the researcher to uncover hidden dimensions within the mass of data analyzed. Three classes of words emerged from this factor analysis. The three classes were cross-tabulated with the 23 respondents. The result of the cross-tabulation revealed three types of resilient girl university students, according to their schooling trajectory: the fighter, the assisted and the heiress. On the basis of: (a) the girl students' narratives, (b) the three classes produced by software program Alceste, and (c) the cross-tabulations, we draw three typical portraits of the girl students. The trajectory of each type of student involves an interaction of various sociological and individual variables: socio-economic background, family environment, rural-urban context, age, obstacles, failures, grade repeatings, success. The schooling of girls increases more rapidly in urban areas than in rural areas. For the fighters, schooling is experienced through sacrifice, suffering and helplessness. For the assisted, it moves forward thanks to contacts and timely networking. For the heiresses, it starts in early childhood and progresses rapidly. In their narratives, the informants use words that express disparities, variations, dynamics and detours in their schooling trajectories. Contexts, locations, events, age and family affect the trajectories in various ways. Common to all girls, though, is the motivation to attain higher education. Early access to schooling, which is found in the cities rather than in rural areas, is among the protective factors that contribute most to the schooling of girls at the university level. Another factor of utmost importance is parents’ schooling: highly educated parents have better chances to see their daughters, heiresses, persevere in their studies. Among fighters and assisted, individual protective factors are decisive: with little or no financial means or familial support, these girls need to manage on their own and conceive novel solutions in order to overcome adversity. We note, in particular, the courage and battling spirit of the fighters, and the help and support provided by a network to the assisted. However, the effect of all these factors is not the same in the various familial, social and institutional contexts. Beyond what we have shed light on concerning the fighters, the assisted and the heiresses, much remains to be discovered concerning the schooling and educational perseverance of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since the Jomtien Conference in 1990, various mobilizations have borne fruit, as they facilitated girls’ access to school. Our research on girl university students in Sub-Saharan Africa shows that all of these girls display resilience and that the means and solutions to attain higher education are specific to each girl. / Les graphiques ont été réalisés avec le logiciel Alceste.

Experiences of Rural Students with Schooling in Community Schools in Egypt

El-Sherif, Lucy 20 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the schooling experiences of eleven graduates from the rural south of Egypt with primary community schools in Assiut. The study used individual interviews and focus groups to examine how community school graduates understood their experiences. The community schools were found to have removed previous obstacles of distance and cost. The quality of education that the students received allowed them to flourish in education rather than falter, and that was largely influenced by the quality of their relationship with their teachers. The students learned academic skills, as well as attitudes and dispositions that serve as cultural capital. They have more opportunities than before, yet also face significant challenges as they transition to the public system. The model of community schooling is also facing significant challenges as differences with the public schooling systems are exerting tension on the community school model to converge.

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