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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Media in Policing: a Study of Dallas-fort Worth Area City Police Departments

Altunbas, Fuat 08 1900 (has links)
Social media offers numerous opportunities to companies, organizations and government agencies to communicate with people outside their organization, to promote their interests and to better serve their customers, or as in the case with government agencies, to better serve their citizens. However, little is known about how police departments in particular use social media. This research study explores why police departments use social media, how they manage their social media tools, and the problems and challenges experienced as they use social media. This qualitative study is largely guided by grounded theory. The data were collected from a study population using local police departments in the Dallas-Fort worth (DFW) area principal cities using both individual interviews with police departments’ social media officers and observations of these departments’ online social media tools (in particular, Facebook and Twitter). This study has shown that the DFW area city police departments are using social media quite extensively to keep the public informed and often for investigative purposes. There are some success factors to adopting and using these tools, such as the motivation of department staff and their benefits, successful implementation of the tools, the simplicity of using tools and that it is absolutely free.

Framing the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook Scandal in U.S. and U.K. Newspapers: A Quantitative Content Analysis

Sesay, Abubakarr 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

We're Friends Right? Dialogical Strategy Effects in CSR Facebook Posts on Perceived Organizational Trust and Authenticity

McDonald, Casey J. 01 June 2016 (has links)
A study examining the effects of public relations' dialogical communication strategies on stakeholder's perceptions of trust and authenticity of organizations was conducted. The experiment was tested on organizational Facebook posts broadcasting a corporate social responsibility message. While "Human Voice" had no affect on perceived trustworthiness or authenticity, Dialogical Loop was found to significantly effect stakeholder perceptions of authenticity, but not trustworthiness. Due to the presence Dialogical Loop in the form of replies to user comments, users perceived the organization as less authentic. Ruminations about possible implications for public relations theory and practice on social media as well as recommendations for further study of the Facebook platform is discussed.

Våga? Vägra sociala medier : En retorisk textanalys utifrån representationer av tidningsartiklar om skådespelarna Adam Lundgrens och Daisy Ridleys sociala medieval. / Dare? To use social media

Ekström Andersson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
“Famous Star Wars Actress Daisy Ridley has quit her social media… this time for good.” “Adam Lundgren from the popular television show “Vår tid är nu” has a fear of social media. He says:” -          This is not good for me; I don’t think it is good for anyone.   In this study I have formed a rhetoric text analysis on two American articles from their daily press as well as online articles; providing a very famous celebrity in focus Daisy Ridley, who is not on social media, compared to two Swedish articles from their daily press and online articles with a famous Swedish celebrity (Adam Lundgren), who is also not on social media.  The main purpose of this comparison is to see how the two countries represent these celebrities’ opinions and choices about resisting being on social media. Questioning why and what their reasoning for them two celebrities to not be on social media?  The result shows that Swedish media didn’t care about Adam Lundgrens distance from social media, until a Swedish SVT production “Vägra sociala medier” aired on television with Adam Lundgren as the main character who reflecting his own thoughts and opinions. The American articles have shown that Daisy Ridley’s absence from social media, were for different reasons that have had the same conclusion, “Daisy Ridley quits social media”. Daisy Ridley has earlier been very positive towards social media and been supporting her fans through the platforms. However, because of hatred and bad behavior online, the deeply negative affect has caused Ridley to possibly put an end to her social media.

Internetový marketing v sociálních médiích / Social Media Marketing

Plšek, Vítězslav January 2012 (has links)
Social media represent brand new environment, which can be very useful for marketing communication, product propagation and also for getting a feedback from customers. The aim of thesis is to analyze multiple ways of social media usage at companies using social media to propagate themselves on the Internet. Information resulted from this research will go through further analysis and create marketing comminucation plan of the company specialized for expedition flashlights.

En un abrir y cerrar de Facebook. Hacia una comprensión de la presentación del sí mismo en el servicio de red social virtual

Massa Slimming, Sebastián January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias Sociales mención Sociología de la Modernización / La presente investigación se basó en estudiar y comprender cómo trabajan el sí mismo los jóvenes usuarios de Facebook en sus presentaciones cotidianas mediante las proposiciones teóricas de Erving Goffman (1959), quien inaugurando la perspectiva microsociológica de la acción, adopta las metáforas teatratales para el entendimiento de las interacciones sociales como aquellas actuaciones que despliegan los sujetos para producir una determinada visión de sí mismos que dote de certeza y verosimilitud su presentación. La metodología utilizada fue la articulación entre etnografía virtual y entrevistas en profundidad, con el fin de contraponer la producción de información y a su vez, contribuir a un módulo integrado que concilie diferentes perspectivas epistemológicas para mejorar las miradas anteriores sobre el objeto de estudio. Se concluye que la presentación de sí mismo en Facebook guarda similitudes con la presentación en la “vida real”, en la que del mismo modo se desempeñan actuaciones que responden a prácticas ritualizadas vinculadas a los valores circunscritos de la sociedad. No obstante, en el entorno online hay mayor grado de control de las impresiones frente a los demás, aunque el trabajo de sí mismo se torna complejo debido a los límites entre lo qué es público y qué es privado / The present research was based on studying and understanding how the young users work on Facebook their daily presentations through the theoretical propositions of Erving Goffman (1959), who inaugurating the microsociological perspective of the action, adopts theatrical metaphors for the understanding of social interactions as those actions that the subjects display to produce a certain vision of themselves that gives certainty and verisimilitude their presentation. The methodology used was an articulation between virtual ethnography and in-depth interviews, in order to contrast the production of information and also contribute to an integrated module that reconciles different epistemological perspectives to improve the previous views on the object of study. It is concluded that the presentation of itself in Facebook keeps similarities with the presentation in the "real life", in which also perform actions that respond to ritualized practices linked to the circumscribed values of society. However, in the online environment there is a greater degree of control of the impressions in front of the others, although the work of itself becomes complex due to the limits between what is public and what is private

Vegan lifestile on Facebook : An online ethnography study / Vegan lifestile on Facebook : An online ethnography study

Arriazú Nolasco, Noelia January 2016 (has links)
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of vegans in the world. The main goal of my research is to understand the vegan struggles in their daily life and study how Facebook might help them solve these difficulties. This master's thesis focuses on the user perspective and how they perceive barriers to follow a vegetarian lifestyle in Spain. The research questions are about finding those barriers and knowing how they could be solved by using Facebook groups. For this purpose, an ethnographic approach has been used. The target group of this study are vegans who have gone through the time of change and may have had some problems in making that decision. Fifteen vegans have been interviewed to find challenges that have arisen when they have changed their lifestyles. After that, an online ethnography study has been performed by observing the content of a Facebook group, called "Vegetarianos y Veganos – España", focusing on publications where group members were asking for advice, information or solutions. The results indicate that the investigated group of Facebook is essential for the exchange of information, knowledge and experience. The members also contribute to increased knowledge through publications and comments. But most importantly, the members receive solutions to the problems they share with the group.

El uso de la red social Facebook en la gestión de la imagen institucional en la Policía Nacional del Perú hacia los jóvenes de Lima Metropolitana

Vasquez Peña, Miguel Arturo 13 November 2019 (has links)
Durante los recientes años, los constantes cambios en lo digital han influido de gran manera en la forma en que se comunican tanto las personas como las organizaciones. Sin embargo, el aprovechamiento que han tenido las instituciones públicas en sus redes sociales no ha sido el más idóneo, en comparación a las privadas. En general, todavía se pueden observar malas prácticas en la utilización de estos canales de comunicación, lo cual ha tenido como consecuencia que sus publicaciones reciban bajos niveles de interacción por parte de la ciudadanía. Dentro de este panorama, una de las instituciones públicas que más ha destacado en sus redes sociales es la Policía Nacional del Perú. Por ello, el presente trabajo analiza cómo influyen la gestión de la comunicación corporativa de la P.N.P. a través de Facebook en la imagen que se forman los jóvenes de la institución. Para el desarrollo del análisis, se tomó como muestra a 10 jóvenes de 18 a 24 años que viven en Lima Metropolitana y 5 policiales pertenecientes a la Dirección de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional de la Policía Nacional del Perú tomando en cuenta categorías como la página de Facebook de la Policía, la interacción, el contenido y la gestión de la imagen institucional en la P.N.P. mediante su página de Facebook, uno de los resultados que dio el estudio fue que los jóvenes consideran a la P.N.P. como una institución que les brinda una imagen amigable y confiable gracias al contenido publicado en su página de Facebook. / During the recent years, the constant changes in digital have greatly influenced the way in which people and organizations communicate. However, the use that public institutions have had in their social networks has not been the most suitable, compared to private ones. In general, bad practices can still be observed in the use of these communication channels, which has resulted in their publications receiving low levels of interaction by citizens. Within this panorama, one of the public institutions that has stood out most in its social networks is the National Police of Peru. Therefore, this paper analyzes how they influence the management of the corporate communication of the P.N.P. through Facebook in the image formed by the youth of the institution. For the development of the analysis, 10 young people aged 18 to 24 years living in Metropolitan Lima and 5 police officers belonging to the Directorate of Communication and Institutional Image of the National Police of Peru were taken as a sample taking into account categories such as the Facebook page Police, interaction, content and management of the institutional image in the PNP Through its Facebook page, one of the results of the study was that young people consider the P.N.P. as an institution that gives them a friendly and reliable image thanks to the content published on their Facebook page. / Trabajo de investigación

Femmebook; Femininní sebeprezentace na sociální síti / Femmebook; Feminine selfpresentation on social network

Žilková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Introduced Diploma thesis aims to analyze the schemes of online self-presented femininity on a social network site using depth analysis of chosen Profiles. The aim was to discover the concepts of online self-presentation using gender perspective. Facebook as a huge user based medium, which allows all its users to produce content, constitutes a potential to change stereotyped schemes in presenting femininity in media. In theroretical part I summarize the principles of Facebook functions, I engage in Goffman's (and his followers') dramaturgical metafor and I link it to the theories of Gender Advertisements, The Beauty myth and Male gaze. All of these theories I use in analytical part of the thesis.

Návrh strategie zvýšení online visibility společností ve vybraném odvětví

Pečinková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a web presentation of café-type enterprises in Blansko. After introducing the options of online presentation and how to optimize it, it is shown how to work with web analysis. There is analysed café market in Blansko district, followed by analysis of web presentation of Cafisco and Julie's coffee shops in Blansko. There is designed a strategy for these two cafés to improve their presentation and then evaluate the steps taken. Businesses are then encouraged to further optimize their presentation on the Internet. Cafes in this district have some common features, which are then generalized as the basic recommendations for these types of businesses in the area.

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