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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finitní průběhové tvary slovesné v odborném mluveném a psaném monologu. / Finite progressive forms in the academic spoken and written monologue

Bartekova, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Page | 5 Abstract The MA thesis explores finite progressive forms in the academic spoken and written monologue. The English progressive forms generally appear much less frequently than the simple forms do. In academic spoken language 90 per cent of the finite verb forms consist of simple forms and the representation of simple forms is even higher in academic written language with 95 per cent of the finite verb forms being simple. The reasons for this distribution are related on the one hand to the specific meaning of the progressive forms, and on the other hand to the restricted compatibility of the progressive forms and some semantic verb classes. The present study considers both of these aspects in the attempt to describe the progressive forms in the academic spoken monologue (university lectures) and in the academic written language (advanced students' papers). The material is excerpted from two British academic English corpora, namely BASE (spoken language) and BAWE (written texts), 100 examples from each corpus. The material is analyzed at the formal, functional and discourse levels. The formal analysis deals with the distribution of tense forms, negation, the subject (person and animacy) and clause types. The functional criteria involve the semantic features of the verb and subject, as well as the...

The Acquisition of the English Present Perfect by a Speaker of Brazilian Portuguese

Rocha, Eleomarques 21 May 2004 (has links)
This study contributes to the debate about the importance of focus on form to adult second language acquisition with an investigation of a Portuguese-speaking adult's acquisition of English present perfect from a historical, correlational, and qualitative viewpoint. Using a husband-wife interaction in the L1, it investigates whether explicit grammar instruction and error correction can lead to automatic production. The focus of the study, the distinction between L1 present simple and L2 present perfect, is contrasted with a control distinction: L1 stative and L2 progressive. The importance of these distinctions is that both are semantically challenging for the L2 acquirer; therefore, they might require focus on form. This study argues against claims based on Krashen's input hypothesis that only comprehensible input can promote acquisition and that explicit data and negative evidence only affect performance. The results confirm the importance of noticing (Schmidt and Frota, 1986) as an essential aspect of adult second language acquisition. With a thorough look at the semantics of the present perfect, the study shows that focus on form is highly recommended for the acquisition of complex structures.

Katten och jag : Möbler för både katt och människa / The cat and I : Furniture for both cat and man

Kåge, Oliver January 2019 (has links)
This is an investigative work about the relationship between cat and human in the home environment, interpreted through three objects. My work stems from the hypothesis that one can design furniture that increase wellbeing, whilst both being functional for cat and man. This will in turn strengthen the bond between cat and man.My research includes four parts. First being a collection of knowledge trough literature regarding the history of the cat, to better understand its needs and relation to man. Thereafter I show my market research regarding cat furnishing, to see what has been done and how others have designed with a similar question formulation as I.After that I have tried to asses how cats use furniture. I have based my research on how my cats use furniture and complemented with other cat owners’ views and thoughts to create an image of cats in general and their behaviour. My research is followed by a recital of my design process regarding the three objects. I report how I have designed each object to function for both cat and man.The result is one chair, a lamp and a table that all can be used by both cat and man separately, but most importantly together. I therefore answer the question that it is possible to design furniture that work for both cat and man, but whether my three objects are the answer may vary between people.

Electromagnetic form factors of the Sigma*-Lambda transition

Vitos, Timea January 2019 (has links)
We introduce and examine the analytic properties of the three electromagnetic transition form factors of the Sigma*-Lambda hyperon transition. In the first part of the thesis, we discuss the interaction Lagrangian for the hyperons at hand. We calculate the decay rate of the Dalitz decay  Sigma* Lambda -> e+e- in the one-photon approximation in terms of the form factors, as well as the differential cross section of the scattering e+e- -> Sigma*bar Lambda in the one-photon approximation. In the second part of the thesis, we build up the machinery for calculation of the form factors using dispersion relations, performing an analytic continuation from the timelike, q2 > 0, to the spacelike, q2 < 0, region of the virtual photon invariant mass q2. Due to an anomalous cut in the triangle diagram arising from a two-pion saturation of the photon-hyperon vertex, there is an additional term in the dispersive integral. We use the scalar three-point function as a model for the examination of the dispersive approach with the anomalous cut. The one-loop diagram is calculated both directly and using dispersion relations. After comparison of the two methods, they are found to coincide when the anomalous contribution is added to the dispersive integral in the case of the octet Sigma exchange. By examination of the branch points of the logarithm in the discontinuity, we deduce the structure of the Riemann surface of the unitarity cut and present trajectories of the branch points. The result of our analysis of the analytic structure yields a correct dispersive relation for the electromagnetic transition form factors. This opens the way for the calculation of these form factors in the low-energy region for both space- and timelike q2. As an outlook, we present preliminary calculations for the hyperon-pion scattering amplitude using the unitarity and the anomalous contribution in a once-subtracted dispersion relation. Finally we present the corresponding preliminary unsubtracted dispersive calculations for the form factors.

Två byskolor, sju intervjuer, åtta ramfaktorer : Hur lärare uppfattar sin undervisning och arbetssituation

Sundbom, Sara, Jakobsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Byskolor lever i ständig ovisshet gällande om de ska få fortsätta sin verksamhet eller behöva läggas ned. I en liten skola med ett lågt elevantal placeras eleverna oftast i åldersintegrerade klasser, vilket kan ge en större känsla av närhet och gemenskap. Men elever och lärare i den mindre skolan upplever också, likt vilken annan skola som helst, svårigheter och utmaningar inom verksamheten och undervisningen. Lärarna, som är en viktig del av byskolorna, kan ibland antas ha en lättare arbetsbörda än lärare som arbetar på större skolor med fler elever. Men faktum är att byskolornas lärare ständigt påverkas av flera utomstående faktorer som inverkar på deras undervisning. Denna studie syftar därmed till att ta del av sju byskolelärares upplevelser och tankar om hur deras undervisning och arbete påverkas av ett antal ramfaktorer, det vill säga faktorer utanför lärarens direkta kontroll som påverkar undervisningen. Därför har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts och innehållet har analyserats utifrån Urban Dahllöfs och Ulf P. Lundgrens ramfaktorteori enligt ett särskilt analysupplägg som skapats i enlighet med studien. De ramfaktorer som undersöks är tid, personal, gruppstorlek, lokaler, ekonomiska resurser, skolledning och organisation, närsamhället samt kulturer och vårdnadshavare. Resultatet av studien visar att ramfaktorerna tid, personal, gruppstorlek, ekonomiska resurser samt kulturer och vårdnadshavare påverkar byskolelärarnas undervisning och arbetssituation mest, både positivt och negativt. Resultatet visar även att ramfaktorerna tid, ekonomi och skolledning och organisation samverkar på så sätt att de ekonomiska beslut som fattas av skolledningen påverkar hur mycket personal som kan organiseras inom skolans verksamhet, vilket i sin tur påverkar hur mycket tid läraren upplever sig kunna ägna åt undervisning och andra arbetsuppgifter. I jämförelsen mellan de två byskolorna framkom fler likheter än skillnader i hur lärarna uppfattar sin undervisning och arbetssituation. Två av de likheter som framkom var exempelvis upplevd tidsbrist, främst vid planering, och att den nationella lärarbristen inte upplevs påverka byskolorna som undersöks. En av de skillnader som framkommer är byskolornas skilda perspektiv på utmaningar som gruppstorleken kan medföra där den ena byskolan har ett elevperspektiv, medan den andra har ett perspektiv med fokus på åldersintegrering i klasserna. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet att de ramfaktorer som undersöks påverkar lärarnas undervisning och arbetssituation i stor utsträckning.

Jämförelse mellan progressiva glasögonglas : Är Free-form bättre än konventionella?

Citron, Christer January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra upplevelsen av synfältsbredden och komforten i två olika progressiva glasögonglas med samma grunddesign, men som slipats enligt olika tekniker: Konventionell teknik och Free-form teknik. Metod: 16 personer med glasögonrefraktion inom ± 2,5 dioptrier, sfärisk ekvivalent deltog i studien. Könsfördelningen var 9 kvinnor och 7 män i åldrar från 43 till 74 år. Deltagarna fick först svara på ett antal allmänna frågor om glasögonvana mm. Därefter fick var och en testa ett par glasögon med den ena typen av progressivt glas i fem dagar, för att sen få prova den andra typen också i fem dagar. Testerna gjordes så att hälften fick börja med typ 1 och andra hälften med typ 2 utan att veta vilken man provade. Efter varje test utvärderades glasögonglasen med frågeformulär och mätning av synfältsbredden på 40 cm. Resultat: Det var ingen signifikant skillnad mellan synfältsbredd och komfort i progressiva glasögonglas av konventionell design ”Gamma” och Free-form design ”Gamma HD”. Slutsats: De flesta deltagare i den här studien upplever ingen större skillnad mellan progressiva glas med konventionell design ”Gamma” eller Free-form design ”Gamma HD” och är mycket nöjda generellt med komforten.

Direito: da forma jurídica à hegemonia / Law: from juridical form to hegemony

Vasconcelos, Jonnas Esmeraldo Marques de 02 December 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo articular as contribuições de dois marxistas à ciência jurídica, são eles: Eugeny Pasukanis e Antonio Gramsci. Trata-se de esforço para delimitar pontos de diálogo entre ambos, os quais refletiram, cada um à sua maneira, sobre o direito. Apesar de contemporâneos, esses dois pensadores não mantiveram contato entre suas posições teóricas. O diálogo entre as suas reflexões, tendo como fio condutor a abordagem sobre o direito, é o desafio enfrentado nessa pesquisa. Por um lado, com o conceito de forma jurídica, a teoria de Pasukanis busca explicar a especificidade do direito que se desenvolve intimamente conectado às relações de produção e troca do capitalismo. Por outro lado, ao investigar as particularidades que conformam as relações políticas no capitalismo, a abordagem de Gramsci sobre a hegemonia estabelece quadro analítico para o estudo da dinâmica do direito. Da aproximação entre essas análises, apostamos na construção de campo conceitual fértil ao estudo jurídico, capaz de iluminar as questões sobre os limites, as possibilidades de desenvolvimento e os sentidos do direito na sociedade capitalista. / This research aims to analyse the contributions of two marxist authors to the study of Legal Science: Eugeny Pasukanis and Antonio Gramsci. It seeks to delimitate the points of contact, deviation and complementation between these two authors, who came to think about Law in their own different ways. Although contemporaries, Pasukanis and Gramsci did not maintain any contact regarding their theoretical positions. Thus, the attempt to stablish a dialogue between their thoughts, using Law as a common thread, presents itself as the main challenge facing this research. On the one hand, through the concept of juridical form, Pasukanis theory seeks to explain the specificity of Law that arises from its intimate historical connections to capitalisms production and trade relations. On the other hand, by investigating the specificities that shape political relations under capitalism, Gramscis approach to hegemony stablishes an interesting analytical framework for studying the dynamics of Law. By approximating these two concepts of juridical form and hegemony, a rich conceptual field is constructed, enabling a critical analysis that could shed light into some compelling questions in relation to the limits, development possibilities and meanings of Law in a capitalist society.

Sobre o retrato do filósofo na República de Platão / On the philosophers portrait in Plato\'s Republic

Paula, Henrique Gonçalves de 08 September 2010 (has links)
A República ocupa lugar de destaque no conjunto da obra platônica tanto pela importância do tema de que trata e pelo teor das teses defendidas quanto pela diversidade de questões que aborda no desenvolvimento de seu argumento principal. Em sua mais famosa e influente obra, Platão define a justiça a partir do estabelecimento de uma analogia entre a alma humana e a cidade, mostrando-nos em que consiste esta virtude seja no âmbito particular da vida moral humana seja na vida política de uma cidade idealmente planejada. A obra apresenta inicialmente uma dupla linha de argumentação, tratando, primeiro, da definição da justiça na cidade para, então, poder compará-la e aplicá-la à concepção de justiça na alma humana. O primeiro clímax argumentativo é atingido ao final do livro IV quando a analogia é finalmente estabelecida e obtemos tanto a definição política da justiça quanto sua definição moral. Mas os afluentes moral e político da argumentação entrecruzam-se e desembocam ambos nos livros centrais da obra (V, VI e VII) quando a figura do filósofo passa a ser desenvolvida. Platão demonstra-nos que o filósofo é, ao mesmo tempo, o indivíduo virtuoso por excelência e, portanto, o modelo máximo individual de justiça, e também o único e legítimo líder político da cidade justa, além de elemento indispensável a sua concretização. Nosso trabalho tem por objetivo descrever e analisar o argumento principal dos livros centrais que legitima o posto supremo do filósofo na cidade justa, mostrando como as questões metafísicas e epistemológicas ocupam um papel fundamental na economia da obra. A problemática central da pesquisa concentra-se nos dilemas decorrentes da definição do conhecimento do filósofo que legitima seu posto na cidade. A pergunta fundamental que desejamos responder é: de que modo o conhecimento das Formas pode oferecer um saber prático suficiente e eficiente para a atividade política do filósofo? Avaliamos a hipótese de alguns comentadores de que o argumento de Platão guarda em seu interior um conflito entre a descrição do aspecto teórico do filósofo e seu aspecto prático, e que o elemento fundamental e final de sua formação, o conhecimento da Forma do Bem, é definido de um modo tão abstrato e distante do mundo concreto que não nos deixa claro como ele pode servir de paradigma para a atividade de governante do filósofo. A alegação geral é a de que o conhecimento das Formas e do Bem não fornece ao filósofo nenhuma vantagem com relação aos outros possíveis candidatos à administração dos interesses da cidade. O objetivo máximo de nosso trabalho é nos contrapormos a tal interpretação oferecendo uma hipótese alternativa de leitura do argumento platônico. Nossa concepção parte de uma interpretação distinta da natureza do conhecimento da Forma do Bem, entendendo-a como a compreensão da própria estrutura racional da realidade. Outro ponto chave de nossa leitura é a interpretação que desenvolvemos do conceito platônico de mímesis, peça indispensável para entendermos a razão de não haver nenhuma espécie de conflito entre o que seriam as descrições teórica e prática do filósofo. / The Republic remains as the most special piece of Platos philosophical work, due to the importance of its subject and the meaning of its theses, as well as for the plurality of questions that emerge from its central argument. In his most famous work Plato defines justice by making use of the analogy between the human soul and the city, showing us the true nature of that virtue in its moral aspect with regard to the individual human life, and also in its political aspect in conceiving an imaginary perfect city. Plato leads his argument first through the definition of the perfect just city, so he can later compare and apply his former conclusions to his conception of the human soul. The first important achievement of the text occurs when the analogy is finally completed and we have the two definitions of justice accomplished. But the moral and the political courses of the argument entwine and receive full treatment only in the central books (V, VI, and VII) of the writing, where the picture of the true philosopher starts to be developed. Plato demonstrates us that the philosopher is, at the same time, the genuinely virtuous person, and therefore, the greatest model of individual justice, and the one and only one political chief of the perfect just city, by right - and also the indispensable element for its existence. Our goal in this work is to describe and analyze the main argument of the Republics central books that justifies the supreme position of the philosopher in the just city, showing how the metaphysical and epistemological issues have a special role in the economy of that work. The central problem of this research focuses the many dilemmas concerning the definition of the philosophers knowledge that legitimates his command of the city. We shall answer how it is possible that the knowledge of the Forms can constitute the practical wisdom the philosopher needs for his political activities. An evaluation is made of some scholars assumption that in Platos argument lies a deep conflict between his practical conception of the philosopher and his theoretical conception of the same. Indeed, a suspicion is raised by some commentators that the knowledge of the Forms and of the Good is so abstract and distant from our ordinary world that it is not really clear how it is to be used as a paradigm for the governing activity of the philosopher. The general assumption is that the special knowledge of the philosopher does not offer him any advantage over other possible candidates to the political office. Our main objective in this work is to develop an alternative view of Platos argument that shows how it is coherent and does not present the problems pointed out by these readers. We shall first develop a different conception of the nature of the knowledge of the Good, taking it as the understanding of the rational structure of reality. Another main point of our reading is the interpretation we offer of the important platonic concept of mímesis - a key to the understanding that there is no such conflict on Platos views on the philosopher.

Blandning av objekt från olika tidsepoker i Sanctum : Uppfattas avvikelsen om texturen modifierats?

Wallsin, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om det är möjligt att blanda objekt från olika tidsepoker i spelet Sanctum utan att spelaren observerar någon avvikelse. Detta är intressant då vi kan se om det är texturen eller formen som är mest dominant när det gäller att smälta in i en miljö, vilket kan användas för att förenkla arbetsprocesser vid skapade av spelgrafik eller vid design av miljöer, både utanför och innanför virtuella miljöer. Jag har valt att använda en kvantitativ undersökning där testpersonerna fick se på ett kort filmklipp med fyra objekt med två olika texturer, vardera placerade i en spelmiljö med två områden från olika tidsperioder i Sanctum. Därefter fick testpersonerna svara på frågor om de hade observerat något objekt som avvek från sin miljö och i så fall om det var texturen eller formen som avvikit. De fick sedan veta vad undersökningen går ut på och fick sedan se på filmklippet en gång till med möjligheten att spola och pausa i filmklippet. Därefter fick testpersonerna svara på frågor en gång till om objekt som avvikit och i så fall vad som avvek. Undersökningen har visat att det inte är möjligt att blanda objekt från olika tidsepoker om texturen inte modifierats utan att en avvikelse observeras. Däremot visar resultaten från undersökningen att det är möjligt att blanda objekt från olika tidsepoker om texturen modifierats. Det är lättare att blanda små objekt från olika tidsepoker, än att blanda stora objekt, då avvikande form lättare observeras när objekten blir större. Undersökningen tyder också på att det är  mindre chans att en avvikelse observeras om ett objekts textur modifierats för att passa in i ett mörkt område, än objekt vars textur modifierats för att passa in i ett ljust område.

Stadsgatans överlevnad : En studie av förhållandet mellan utbud, densitet och urban form

Ekman Öhrn, August, Wirf, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Staden som en handelsplats har djupa rötter och handelns form i våra städer förändras löpande, i samtiden kanske framförallt genom e-handelns intåg. Arenan för kommersiell service är i ständig förändring och när våra städer förtätas har vi genom planering chans att påverka förutsättningarna för kommersiell service. Föremålet för denna studie är förhållandet mellan densitet, service och urban form. Sambandet mellan densitet och urban kommersiell ställs mot en integrationsanalys enligt space syntax för att identifiera om olika områdens urbana form påverkar tillgången till urban kommersiell service. Genom fallstudier av Stockholm och Göteborg visar uppsatsen att över- och underrepresentation av urban kommersiell service i förhållande till befolkningsdensiteten framförallt förekommer i de centrala delarna av staden, men underrepresentation oftare i anslutning till större barriärer. Områden med höga integrationsvärden kan i studiens båda fall kopplas till en stor överrepresentation av kommersiell service.

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