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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Συμβολή στη μελέτη της νευροτοξικότητας του αργιλίου και της αφλατοξίνης Β1 και του νευροπροστατευτικού ρόλου των στύλων του φυτού Crocus sativus

Λιναρδάκη, Ζαχαρούλα 02 April 2014 (has links)
Ο εγκέφαλος των θηλαστικών είναι αρκετά ευάλωτος στις επιδράσεις περιβαλλοντικών τοξινών, λόγω των ιδιαίτερων δομικών και λειτουργικών χαρακτηριστικών του. Η έκθεση σε μια νευροτοξίνη εκδηλώνεται συνήθως μέσω γνωστικών και συμπεριφορικών διαταραχών, που συνοδεύουν δυσμενείς νευροχημικές αλλαγές και καθορίζονται από το είδος, την ηλικία, το φύλο, το γενετικό προφίλ, τη δόση, την οδό και τη χρονική περίοδο έκθεσης. Ωστόσο, η χρόνια έκθεση σε ένα νευροτοξικό παράγοντα είναι δυνατόν να επάγει μη αναστρέψιμη νευρωνική βλάβη και εκφύλιση. Το αργίλιο (Al), που συνιστά το τρίτο σε αφθονία στοιχείο στη φύση, ασκεί ποικίλες νευροτοξικές επιδράσεις, ανάλογα με τη χημική μορφή του μετάλλου, τη δόση, την οδό και την περίοδο έκθεσης, ενώ αμφιλεγόμενη παραμένει η εμπλοκή του στην παθογένεια της νόσου του Alzheimer. Η αφλατοξίνη Β1 (AFB1) ανήκει στην ομάδα των μυκοτοξινών (δευτερογενής μεταβολίτης των μυκήτων του γένους Aspergillus), μολύνει καλλιέργειες και ζωοτροφές και αποτελεί ισχυρή ηπατοτοξίνη και ηπατοκαρκινογόνο. Εντούτοις, η νευροτοξικότητα της AFB1 είναι ελάχιστα μελετημένη και οι λίγες αναφορές που παρουσιάζουν την εκδήλωση συμπεριφορικών διαταραχών, αφορούν την έκθεση σε αναπτυξιακό στάδιο. Εκτενής και εντατική είναι τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες η έρευνα της νευροπροστατευτικής δράσης φαρμακευτικών φυτών και των βιοδραστικών συστατικών τους, με απώτερο στόχο την πρόληψη ή αντιμετώπιση της εγκεφαλικής δυσλειτουργίας που επάγεται από γενετικούς ή/και περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες. Ενδιαφέρον για τον ελλαδικό χώρο, λόγω της υψηλής εμπορικής του αξίας, έχει το καλλιεργούμενο φυτικό είδος Crocus sativus L., του οποίου οι στύλοι (κρόκος ή σαφράν) χρησιμοποιούνται στη διατροφή ως άρτυμα και η φαρμακευτική τους αξία έχει αναγνωριστεί εδώ και χιλιετίες. Στόχος της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής ήταν να συμβάλλει στην έρευνα της νευροτοξικής δράσης του Al και της AFB1 και του νευροπροστατευτικού ρόλου των στύλων του C. sativus, εστιάζοντας σε παραμέτρους της μνημονικής λειτουργίας ενηλίκων μυών, της χολινεργικής/μονοαμινεργικής διαβίβασης και της οξειδωτικής/αντιοξειδωτικής κατάστασης του εγκεφάλου τους. ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ: Σε αρσενικούς ενήλικες Balb-c μύες (n=7-10/ομάδα) χορηγήθηκε δια στόματος AlCl3 (50 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα) διαλυμένο στο κανονικό πόσιμο νερό για 5 εβδομάδες ή ενδοπεριτοναϊκά (i.p.) AFB1 (0.3 και 0.6 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα) για 4 ημέρες. Η ικανότητα εκχυλισμάτων των στύλων του C. sativus και της κροκετίνης, του κύριου βιοδραστικού μεταβολίτη των καροτενοειδών συστατικών (κροκίνες) του κρόκου, να προλαμβάνουν ή να ανατρέπουν τις βλαπτικές επιδράσεις του Al και της AFB1 στον εγκέφαλο των μυών, διερευνήθηκε ακολουθώντας τα εξής σχήματα χορήγησης: α) υδατικό/μεθανολικό εκχύλισμα κρόκου (60 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα) χορηγήθηκε i.p. τις τελευταίες 6 ημέρες της περιόδου χορήγησης του AlCl3 (50 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα στο πόσιμο νερό για 5 εβδομάδες), β) αφέψημα κρόκου (0.45 mg/mL) καταναλώθηκε για 2 εβδομάδες πριν τη χορήγηση AFB1 (0.6 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα i.p. τις τελευταίες 4 ημέρες της περιόδου χορήγησης του αφεψήματος), και γ) καθαρή κροκετίνη (4 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα) χορηγήθηκε i.p. για 3 ημέρες πριν ή μετά τη χορήγηση AFB1 (0.6 mg/kg σωματικού βάρους/ημέρα i.p. για 4 ημέρες). Μελετήθηκαν επίσης, οι επιδράσεις των προηγούμενων σχημάτων χορήγησης του αφεψήματος κρόκου και της κροκετίνης στον εγκέφαλο υγιών ενηλίκων μυών. Η ικανότητα μάθησης/μνήμης των μυών αξιολογήθηκε με τη δοκιμασία παθητικής αποφυγής. Η ενεργότητα της ακετυλοχολινεστεράσης [AChE, διαλυτές σε άλας (SS)/απορρυπαντικό (DS) ισομορφές], της βουτυρυλοχολινεστεράσης (BuChE, SS/DS ισομορφές) και της μονοαμινοξειδάσης (ΜΑΟ, -Α και -Β ισομορφές) προσδιορίστηκαν στον ολικό εγκέφαλο (-ce, πλην παρεγκεφαλίδας) και την παρεγκεφαλίδα, ως δείκτες της χολινεργικής και μονοαμινεργικής διαβίβασης, αντιστοίχως. Επίσης, μετρήθηκαν οι συγκεντρώσεις της μηλονικής διαλδεΰδης (MDA) και της ανηγμένης γλουταθειόνης (GSH), ως δείκτες της λιπιδικής υπεροξείδωσης και της αντιοξειδωτικής άμυνας, αντιστοίχως, των εγκεφαλικών ιστών. Με τη χρήση φασματομετρίας ατομικής απορρόφησης μετρήθηκαν τα επίπεδα Al στους εγκεφαλικούς ιστούς, ενώ, για πρώτη φορά, η κροκετίνη προσδιορίστηκε στον ολικό εγκέφαλο (-ce) των μυών μετά την i.p. χορήγηση εκχυλίσματος κρόκου, με HPLC ανάλυση. ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ: Η μακρόχρονη πρόσληψη υψηλής δόσης AlCl3 μέσω του πόσιμου νερού οδήγησε σε εξασθένηση της μάθησης/μνήμης των μυών, σημαντική μείωση της ενεργότητας της AChE και BuChE, αύξηση της ενεργότητας των ισομορφών της ΜΑΟ του ολικού εγκεφάλου (-ce), αλλά αναστολή της ΜΑΟ-Β της παρεγκεφαλίδας, σημαντική αύξηση των επιπέδων MDA στον εγκέφαλο και μείωση της συγκέντρωσης GSH στους εγκεφαλικούς ιστούς. Συσσώρευση του μετάλλου καταγράφηκε στους εγκεφαλικούς ιστούς των μυών που λάμβαναν AlCl3. Μνημονικό έλλειμμα εμφάνισαν οι μύες που έλαβαν την υψηλή (0.6 mg/kg) αλλά όχι χαμηλή δόση (0.3 mg/kg) AFB1. Επίσης, η βραχύχρονη i.p. χορήγηση της μυκοτοξίνης ανέστειλε τις χολινεστεράσες (ChEs), ενεργοποίησε τη ΜΑΟ, αύξησε σημαντικά τη λιπιδική υπεροξείδωση και μείωσε τα επίπεδα GSH στους εγκεφαλικούς ιστούς. Ωστόσο, διαφορική απόκριση στην έκθεση στην AFB1 παρουσίασαν οι ισομορφές της BuChE και ΜΑΟ των εγκεφαλικών ιστών, ανάλογα με τη χορηγούμενη δόση. Αντιχολινεστερασική και αντιοξειδωτική δράση επέδειξαν τόσο η μακρόχρονη πρόσληψη αφεψήματος κρόκου όσο και η βραχύχρονη i.p. χορήγηση κροκετίνης στους εγκεφαλικούς ιστούς των υγιών μυών, ενώ δεν μετέβαλλαν τη μνημονική τους ικανότητα. Η βραχύχρονη συγχορήγηση εκχυλίσματος κρόκου στο τέλος της περιόδου πρόσληψης AlCl3, αν και δεν είχε καμία επίδραση στη γνωστική ικανότητα των μυών, αντέστρεψε σημαντικά τις επαγόμενες από το Al αλλαγές της ενεργότητας της ΜΑΟ και των επιπέδων MDA και GSH των εγκεφαλικών ιστών. Επιπλέον, η ενεργότητα των ισομορφών της AChE των εγκεφαλικών ιστών μειώθηκε περαιτέρω σημαντικά μετά τη χορήγηση του εκχυλίσματος. HPLC ανάλυση του ολικού εγκεφάλου (-ce) των μυών αποκάλυψε, για πρώτη φορά στην παρούσα μελέτη, την παρουσία κροκετίνης μετά τη βραχύχρονη συγχορήγηση εκχυλίσματος κρόκου, η οποία δεν ανιχνεύτηκε στους μύες μάρτυρες. Η μακρόχρονη καθημερινή κατανάλωση αφεψήματος κρόκου πριν την έκθεση σε υψηλή δόση AFB1 απέτρεψε την επαγόμενη από τη μυκοτοξίνη μνημονική εξασθένηση, αναστολή της DS-BuChE του ολικού εγκεφάλου (-ce), αύξηση της ενεργότητας της ΜΑΟ-Α του εγκεφάλου και της ΜΑΟ-Β της παρεγκεφαλίδας και οξειδωτική βλάβη των λιπιδίων στους εγκεφαλικούς ιστούς. Επίσης, οι μύες που κατανάλωναν το αφέψημα εμφάνισαν περαιτέρω σημαντική μείωση της ενεργότητας των ισομορφών της AChE του ολικού εγκεφάλου (-ce), της DS-AChE της παρεγκεφαλίδας και των επιπέδων GSH των εγκεφαλικών ιστών. Αν και η βραχύχρονη i.p. χορήγηση καθαρής κροκετίνης πριν ή μετά την έκθεση σε υψηλή δόση AFB1 δεν επηρέασε την ικανότητα μάθησης/μνήμης των μυών, έδρασε αποτελεσματικά στην πρόληψη ή αντιστροφή της επαγόμενης από τη μυκοτοξίνη αναστολής της BuChE του ολικού εγκεφάλου (-ce), ενεργοποίησης των ισομορφών της ΜΑΟ του εγκεφάλου και αύξησης της λιπιδικής υπεροξείδωσης των εγκεφαλικών ιστών. Ωστόσο, μόνο η προηγηθείσα χορήγηση κροκετίνης απέτρεψε την αύξηση της ενεργότητας της ΜΑΟ-Β της παρεγκεφαλίδας και τη μείωση των επιπέδων GSH των εγκεφαλικών ιστών, που προκάλεσε η χορήγηση της AFB1. Διαφορική απόκριση (περαιτέρω αναστολή ή αύξηση) στη χορήγηση κροκετίνης εμφάνισαν οι ισομορφές της AChE των εγκεφαλικών ιστών, ανάλογα με τη χρονική ακολουθία της χορήγησης. ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ: Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης δείχνουν ότι η μακρόχρονη πρόσληψη AlCl3 μέσω του πόσιμου νερού και η βραχύχρονη συστημική έκθεση στην AFB1 ασκούν ισχυρές νευροτοξικές επιδράσεις στους ενήλικες μύες, όπως απέδειξαν η επαγωγή μνημονικής εξασθένησης και οι νευροχημικές διαταραχές. Η αναστολή του γνωστικού ελλείμματος από τη μακρόχρονη κατανάλωση αφεψήματος κρόκου, υποστηρίζει τη νευροπροστατευτική δράση του κρόκου έναντι της νευροτοξικότητας της AFB1 και τον αναδεικνύει ως ελπιδοφόρο διατροφικό παράγοντα στην πρόληψη της εγκεφαλικής δυσλειτουργίας. Ωστόσο, οι ευεργετικές επιδράσεις της κροκετίνης στους νευροχημικούς δείκτες της εγκεφαλικής λειτουργίας υπό συνθήκες τοξικότητας και η απόδειξη της βιοδιαθεσιμότητάς της στον εγκέφαλο, προτείνουν τη συμβολή των καροτενοειδών συστατικών του κρόκου στις νευροπροστατευτικές του ιδιότητες και ενθαρρύνουν την περαιτέρω διερεύνησή τους ως νευροπροστατευτικών παραγόντων. / Mammalian brain is quite susceptible to environmental toxins, due to its special structural and functional features. Exposure to a neurotoxin is commonly manifested through cognitive and behavioral disturbances that follow adverse neurochemical changes and are defined by the animal species in question, the age, the gender, the genetic profile, the dose, the route and the period of exposure. However, chronic exposure to a neurotoxic agent may induce irreversible neuronal damage and degeneration. Aluminum (Al), which is the third most abundant element in nature, exerts diverse neurotoxic effects, depending on the metal’s chemical form, the dose, the route and the period of exposure, while its implication in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease remains controversial. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is classified to the group of mycotoxins (secondary metabolite of the fungi of Aspergillus sp.), contaminates crops and feeds and constitutes potent hepatotoxin and hepatocarcinogen. Nevertheless, AFB1 neurotoxicity is poorly studied and the few reports focus on the manifestation of behavioral disorders after exposure at developmental stage. During the last decades, extensive research on the neuroprotective action of medicinal plants and their bioactive components is carried out, with the aim of prevention or treatment of brain dysfunction that is provoked by genetic and/or environmental agents. The plant Crocus sativus L. is of particular interest in Greece ,due to its large-scale cultivation and the high commercial value of its styles (saffron); saffron is used as a spice in diet and its medicinal properties have been recognized for millenia. The aim of the present study was to contribute to the investigation of the neurotoxic activity of Al and AFB1 and the neuroprotective role of saffron, focusing on aspects of memory function, brain cholinergic/monoaminergic transmission and oxidant/antioxidant state in adult mice. METHODS: Male adult Balb-c mice (n=7-10/group) received either AlCl3 orally (50 mg/kg body weight/day) dissolved in normal drinking water for 5 weeks or AFB1 intraperitoneally (i.p.) (0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg body weight/day) for 4 days. The potential of saffron extracts and crocetin, the main bioactive metabolite of saffron carotenoid constituents (crocins), in prevention or reversal of the detrimental effects of Al and AFB1 on mouse brain, was investigated by adopting the following administration schemes: a) aqueous methanolic extract of saffron (60 mg/kg body weight/day) was administered i.p. for the last 6 days of AlCl3 treatment period (50 mg/kg body weight/day in drinking water for 5 weeks), b) saffron infusion (0.45 mg/mL) was consumed for 2 weeks prior to AFB1 administration (0.6 mg/kg body weight/day i.p. for the last 4 days of saffron infusion treatment period), and c) pure crocetin (4 mg/kg body weight/day) was administered i.p. for 3 days before or after AFB1 administration (0.6 mg/kg body weight/day i.p. for 4 days). The effects of the previous administration schemes of saffron infusion and crocetin on brain of healthy adult mice, were also studied. The learning/memory ability of mice was evaluated by step-through passive avoidance task. The activity of acetylcholinesterase [AChE, salt-(SS)/detergent-soluble (DS) isoforms], butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE, SS/DS isoforms) and monoamine oxidase (MAO, -A and -B isoforms) was assessed in whole brain (-ce, minus cerebellum) and cerebellum, as indices of cholinergic and monoaminergic transmission, respectively. Moreover, malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations were determined as indices of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defence, respectively, in cerebral tissues. Cerebral tissues’ Al levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry, while, for the first time, crocetin was determined in mouse whole brain (-ce) after i.p. administration of saffron extract by HPLC analysis. RESULTS: Long-term intake of high dose of AlCl3 through drinking water resulted in learning/memory impairment of mice, significant reduction of AChE and BuChE activity, increase of MAO isoforms’ activity in whole brain (-ce), but inhibition of cerebellar MAO-B, significant elevation of brain MDA levels and decrease of GSH content in cerebral tissues. Metal accumulation was recorded in brain tissues of AlCl3 treated mice. Mice receiving high (0.6 mg/kg) but not low dose (0.3 mg/kg) of AFB1 displayed memory deficit. Furthermore, short-term i.p. administration of mycotoxin inhibited cholinesterases (ChEs), activated MAO, increased significantly lipid peroxidation and reduced GSH levels in cerebral tissues. However, brain tissues’ BuChE and MAO isoforms presented differential response to AFB1 exposure, depending on the administered dosage. Both long-term saffron infusion intake and short-term i.p. administration of crocetin exerted anti-cholinesterase and antioxidant action in healthy mice’ cerebral tissues, while their memory performance remained unchanged. Although short-term co-administration of saffron extract at the end of AlCl3 treatment period had no effect on cognitive capacity of mice, it reversed significantly the Al-induced changes in MAO activity and the levels of MDA and GSH of cerebral tissues. Moreover, cerebral AChE isoforms’ activity was further significantly decreased following saffron extract co-administration. HPLC analysis of mouse whole brain (-ce) revealed, for the first time, the presence of crocetin after short-term saffron extract co-administration, which was not detected in control mice. Long-term daily consumption of saffron infusion prior to AFB1 (high dose) exposure prevented the mycotoxin-induced memory impairment, inhibition of whole brain (-ce) DS-BuChE, increase of brain MAO-A and cerebellar MAO-B activity, and oxidative damage of lipids in brain tissues. Also, saffron infusion pre-treated mice displayed further significant decrease of the activity of AChE isoforms in whole brain (-ce), DS-AChE in cerebellum and the levels of GSH in cerebral tissues. Although, short-term i.p. administration of pure crocetin before or after AFB1 (high dose) exposure had no effect on learning/memory ability of mice, it effectively prevented or reversed the mycotoxin-induced inhibition of whole brain (-ce) BuChE, activation of brain MAO isoforms and elevation of cerebral tissues’ lipid peroxidation. However, only crocetin pre-treatment inhibited the increase of cerebellar MAO-B activity and reduction of brain tissues’ GSH content which were provoked by AFB1 administration. Cerebral tissues’ AChE isoforms presented differential response (further decrease or increase) to crocetin treatment, depending on time course of administration. CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study show that long-term intake of AlCl3 through drinking water and short-term systemic exposure to AFB1, exert strong neurotoxic effects on adult mice, as evidenced by the induction of memory impairment and the neurochemical disturbances. The inhibition of cognitive deficit by long-term saffron infusion consumption supports its neuroprotective action against AFB1 neurotoxicity and highlights saffron as a promising dietary agent in prevention of brain dysfunction. However, the beneficial effects of crocetin on neurochemical indices of brain function under toxicity and the demonstration of its bioavailability in brain, suggest the contribution of saffron carotenoids in saffron’s neuroprotective properties and encourage their further investigation as neuroprotective agents.

Anpassung antioxidativer Systeme an Licht und Temperatur: / holzige und krautige Pflanzen im Vergleich / Acclimation of antioxidative systems to light and temperature: / woody and herbaceous plants in comparison

Peltzer, Detlef 28 March 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Nouveau regard sur la signalisation AMPK : multiples fonctions de nouveaux interacteurs

Zorman, Sarah 08 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La protéine kinase activée par AMP (AMPK) est un senseur et régulateur central de l'état énergétique cellulaire, mais ces voies de signalisation ne sont pour le moment que partiellement comprises. Deux criblages non-biaisés pour la recherche de partenaires d'interaction et de substrats d'AMPK ont précédemment été réalisés dans le laboratoire. Ces derniers ont permis l'identification de plusieurs candidats (protéines), mais leur rôle fonctionnel et physiologique n'était pas encore établi. Ici nous avons caractérisé la fonction de la relation entre AMPK et quatre partenaires d'interaction : gluthation S-transferases (GSTP1 and GSTM1), fumarate hydratase (FH), l'E3 ubiquitine-ligase (NRDP1), et les protéines associées à la membrane (VAMP2 and VAMP3). Chacune de ces interactions parait avoir un rôle différent dans la signalisation AMPK, agissant en amont ou en aval de la protéine AMPK. GSTP1 et GSTM1 contribueraient à l'activation d'AMPK en facilitant la S-glutathionylation d'AMPK en conditions oxydatives moyennes. Cette régulation non-canonique suggère que l'AMPK peut être un senseur de l'état redox cellulaire. FH mitochondrial est l'unique substrat AMPK clairement identifié. Etonnamment le site de phosphorylation se trouve dans le peptide signal mitochondrial, ce qui pourrait affecter l'import mitochondrial. NRDP1, protéine pour laquelle nous avons pour la première fois développé un protocole de production de la protéine soluble, est faiblement phosphorylée par l'AMPK. L'interaction ne sert pas à l'ubiquitination d'AMPK, mais affecte le renouvellement de NRDP1. Finalement, l'interaction de VAMP2/3 avec AMPK n'implique pas d'évènement de phosphorylation ou d'activation d'un des partenaires. Nous proposons un mécanisme de recrutement d'AMPK par VAMP2/3 (" scaffold ") au niveau des vésicules en exocytose. Ce recrutement favoriserait la phosphorylation de substrats de l'AMPK à la surface des vésicules en exocytoses. Une fois mis en commun, nos résultats enrichissent les connaissances sur les voies de signalisation AMPK, et suggèrent une grande complexité de ces dernières. Plus que les kinases en amont et des substrats en aval, la régulation de la signalisation d'AMPK se fait via des modifications secondaires autres que la phosphorylation, via des effets sur le renouvellement de protéines, et probablement via un recrutement spécifique de l'AMPK dans certains compartiments cellulaires.

Inflammation, stress oxydant, profil métabolique : influence des apports alimentaires et de la dépense énergétique

Lavoie, Marie-Eve 02 1900 (has links)
Le risque cardiométabolique (RCM) représente l’ensemble de tous les facteurs de risque pour les maladies cardiovasculaires et le diabète de type 2, incluant les facteurs de risque traditionnels et ceux émergents. Les évidences indiquent que la résistance à l’insuline, l’inflammation et le stress oxydant jouent un rôle clé dans le RCM, bien que l’acteur initiateur des altérations métaboliques caractéristiques du RCM reste encore à définir. Les femmes post-ménopausées constituent un sous-groupe important de la population puisque le risque de complications cardiométaboliques augmente après la ménopause. Les facteurs de RCM peuvent être modulés par l’alimentation, l’activité physique et la perte de poids. Alors que l’étude de nutriments / aliments spécifiques a permis de mieux comprendre l’implication de l’alimentation dans le RCM, celle de la qualité de l’alimentation est prometteuse. L’activité physique a des effets bénéfiques sur le RCM bien démontrés chez des personnes actives. Cependant, la relation entre la dépense énergétique et le RCM chez des individus sédentaires a été moins investiguée. De même, peu ou pas de données existent quant à une interaction synergique possible entre l’alimentation et l’activité physique sur le RCM. L’objectif de la présente thèse est d’investiguer les relations entre l’alimentation, l’activité physique, le stress oxydant et le RCM chez des femmes post-ménopausées en surpoids ou obèses, sédentaires et sans autres complications métaboliques. Les résultats montrent que d’une part, chez ces femmes sédentaires, une dépense énergétique active (DÉAP) élevée est associée à un meilleur profil inflammatoire, indépendamment de l’adiposité. D’autre part, il existe une relation synergique entre la qualité alimentaire et la DÉAP associée à un meilleur RCM. Une qualité alimentaire élevée combinée à une DÉAP élevée est associée à un meilleur profil lipidique et lipoprotéique et à une inflammation sub-clinique moindre, indépendamment de l’adiposité. Par ailleurs, dans une étude pilote, seuls des effets indépendants des changements de la qualité alimentaire et de la DÉAP sur les changements dans les facteurs de RCM ont été observés suite à cette diète hypocalorique de 6 mois, indépendamment du changement de l’adiposité encouru. En effet, au-delà de la réduction de l’adiposité et de l’amélioration du profil lipoprotéique induites par l’intervention, l’amélioration de la qualité alimentaire et de la DÉAP est associée, indépendamment l’une de l’autre, à une meilleure pression artérielle et un meilleur profil lipidique. Par ailleurs, une modification du système glutathion, un des systèmes antioxydants les plus communs de l’organisme, est associée à un RCM élevé. Une activité élevée de la glutathion peroxydase est associée à une résistance à l’insuline et à une épaisseur plus importante de l’intima-media de la carotide. Ces relations pourraient être médiées par un stress réducteur. En conclusion, l’adoption d’une saine alimentation et la pratique d’activités physiques doivent être encouragées dans les interventions visant à contrer l’obésité et ses complications, même en absence d’un changement d’adiposité. D’autre part, l’activité de la glutathion peroxydase pourrait être un paramètre impliqué dans le développement de désordres cardiométaboliques sub-cliniques et asymptomatiques chez des femmes obèses. D’autres investigations sont requises pour confirmer ces observations et élucider les mécanismes d’action impliqués. / The cardiometabolic risk represents all risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, including the traditional and the emerging risk factors. Accumulating evidences indicate that insulin resistance, inflammation and oxidative stress are key players in the cardiometabolic risk, although the main cause initiating the metabolic alterations associated with the cardiometabolic risk has to be identified. Postmenopausal women are an important sub-group of the general population because the risk of developing cardiometabolic complications increases after menopause. The cardiometabolic risk factors can be modulated by dietary intake, physical activity and weight loss. Despite the fact that the study of specific nutrients or foods provided a better understanding of the implication of nutrition in the cardiometabolic risk, the relationship between diet quality and cardiometabolic risk has been less studied. Beneficial effects of physical activity on the cardiometabolic risk have been demonstrated in physically active individuals. However, the relationship between energy expenditure and the cardiometabolic risk in sedentary individuals has been less investigated. Similarly, it is unknown whether dietary intake interacts with physical activity in order to have greater beneficial effects on the cardiometabolic risk. The objective of this thesis is to determine the relationships between diet quality, physical activity and oxidative stress on the cardiometabolic risk in sedentary postmenopausal overweight and obese women without cardiometabolic complications. The results showed that, in these sedentary women, physical activity energy expenditure is associated with reduced inflammation, independently of adiposity. Moreover, there is a synergistic relationship between quality and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) which is associated with a reduced cardiometabolic risk compared to their separate effects. Indeed, high diet quality combined to high PAEE levels is associated with a better lipid and lipoprotein profile and a lower inflammatory status, independently of adiposity. However, in a pilot study, only independent effects of changes in diet quality and PAEE on the changes in cardiometabolic risk factors was observed following a 6-month hypocaloric diet. Indeed, beyond the reduction of adiposity and improvement of the lipoprotein profile induced by this diet, improved diet quality and increased PAEE are associated with beneficial changes in blood pressure and lipid profile. On the other hand, modification in the glutathione system, which is one of the most common antioxidant systems in the body, is associated with a higher cardiometabolic risk. Greater glutathione peroxidase activity is associated with insulin resistance and greater intima-media thickness of blood vessels. These relationships may be mediated through a reductive stress. In conclusion, a healthy diet and physical activity should be emphasized in interventions aimed to reduce obesity and its related complications, even in absence of change in adiposity. Moreover, glutathione peroxidase activity may be a parameter contributing to the development of sub-clinical but clinically relevant asymptomatic cardiometabolic abnormalities in obese women. Further investigations are needed to confirm these results and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.

Sulphur Amino Acid Requirement and Metabolism in the Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Fed Human Neonate

Courtney-Martin, Glenda 23 September 2009 (has links)
Except for tyrosine, the amino acid requirement of parenterally fed (PN) human neonates has not been derived. Methionine and cysteine are indispensable and dispensable sulphur amino acids respectively. Cysteine is synthesized from methionine. Cysteine is unstable in solution, and is left out or added in very small amounts to amino acid solutions. Methionine is added to compensate for the lack of cysteine, assuming that the neonate will convert methionine to cysteine to meet the body’s metabolic demand. Methionine is hepatotoxic and there is evidence that the neonate has limited ability for its conversion to cysteine. To determine the requirement of the neonate for methionine, PN-fed, stable, post-surgical neonates received graded intakes of methionine. The mean methionine requirement was estimated to be 49 mg.kg-1.day-1, which is 48 to 90% of the methionine content of current commercial amino acid solutions. Because cysteine is the rate limiting substrate for glutathione (GSH) synthesis and current methods of determining amino acid requirement measure requirement for protein synthesis, SAA requirements for maintenance of GSH status was deleniated in healthy adult males and in PN-fed human neonates. GSH kinetics was measured in healthy men receiving the mean methionine requirement and graded intakes of cysteine. GSH synthesis did not change with the addition of cysteine. Additionally, PN-fed post-surgical neonates recieved a methionine-adequate cysteine-free PN followed by cysteine supplemented PN for two 3-day periods and GSH kinetics measured on days 3 and 6. There was no change in GSH synthesis in response to cysteine supplementation. It is concluded that the PN-fed human neonate is capable of synthesizing enough cysteine from methionine not only for protein synthesis but for GSH synthesis. For both healthy men and stable post-surgical neonates, the requirement for GSH synthesis is met at the sulphur amino acid requirement derived using the indicator amino acid technique

Sulphur Amino Acid Requirement and Metabolism in the Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Fed Human Neonate

Courtney-Martin, Glenda 23 September 2009 (has links)
Except for tyrosine, the amino acid requirement of parenterally fed (PN) human neonates has not been derived. Methionine and cysteine are indispensable and dispensable sulphur amino acids respectively. Cysteine is synthesized from methionine. Cysteine is unstable in solution, and is left out or added in very small amounts to amino acid solutions. Methionine is added to compensate for the lack of cysteine, assuming that the neonate will convert methionine to cysteine to meet the body’s metabolic demand. Methionine is hepatotoxic and there is evidence that the neonate has limited ability for its conversion to cysteine. To determine the requirement of the neonate for methionine, PN-fed, stable, post-surgical neonates received graded intakes of methionine. The mean methionine requirement was estimated to be 49 mg.kg-1.day-1, which is 48 to 90% of the methionine content of current commercial amino acid solutions. Because cysteine is the rate limiting substrate for glutathione (GSH) synthesis and current methods of determining amino acid requirement measure requirement for protein synthesis, SAA requirements for maintenance of GSH status was deleniated in healthy adult males and in PN-fed human neonates. GSH kinetics was measured in healthy men receiving the mean methionine requirement and graded intakes of cysteine. GSH synthesis did not change with the addition of cysteine. Additionally, PN-fed post-surgical neonates recieved a methionine-adequate cysteine-free PN followed by cysteine supplemented PN for two 3-day periods and GSH kinetics measured on days 3 and 6. There was no change in GSH synthesis in response to cysteine supplementation. It is concluded that the PN-fed human neonate is capable of synthesizing enough cysteine from methionine not only for protein synthesis but for GSH synthesis. For both healthy men and stable post-surgical neonates, the requirement for GSH synthesis is met at the sulphur amino acid requirement derived using the indicator amino acid technique

Directed Evolution of Glutathione Transferases with Altered Substrate Selectivity Profiles : A Laboratory Evolution Study Shedding Light on the Multidimensional Nature of Epistasis

Zhang, Wei January 2011 (has links)
Directed evolution is generally regarded as a useful approach in protein engineering. By subjecting members of a mutant library to the power of Darwinian evolution, desired protein properties are obtained. Numerous reports have appeared in the literature showing the success of tailoring proteins for various applications by this method. Is it a one-way track that protein practitioners can only learn from nature to enable more efficient protein engineering? A structure-and-mechanism-based approach, supplemented with the use of reduced amino acid alphabets, was proposed as a general means for semi-rational enzyme engineering. Using human GST A2-2*E, the most active human enzyme in the bioactivation of azathioprine, as a parental enzyme to test this approach, a L107G/L108D/F222H triple-point mutant of GST A2-2*E (thereafter designated as GDH) was discovered with 70-fold increased activity, approaching the upper limit of specific activity of the GST scaffold. The approach was further experimentally verified to be more successful than intuitively choosing active-site residues in proximity to the bound substrate for the improvement of enzyme performance. By constructing all intermediates along all putative mutational paths leading from GST A2-2*E to mutant GDH and assaying them with nine alternative substrates, the fitness landscapes were found to be “rugged” in differential fashions in substrate-activity space. The multidimensional fitness landscapes stemming from functional promiscuity can lead to alternative outcomes with enzymes optimized for other features than the selectable markers that were relevant at the origin of the evolutionary process. The results in this thesis suggest that in this manner an evolutionary response to changing environmental conditions can readily be mounted. In summary, the thesis demonstrates the attractive features of the structure-and-mechanism-based semi-rational directed evolution approach for optimizing enzyme performance. Moreover, the results gained from the studies show that laboratory evolution may refine our understanding of evolutionary process in nature.

Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Studies of Bronsted Acid-Base Chemistry in Aqueous Solutions

Tummanapelli, Anil Kumar January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge of the dissociation constants of the ionizable protons of weak acids in aqueous media is of fundamental importance in many areas of chemistry and biochemistry. The pKa value, or equilibrium dissociation constant, of a molecule determines the relative concentration of its protonated and deprotonated forms at a specified pH and is therefore an important descriptor of its chemical reactivity. Considerable efforts have been devoted to the determination of pKa values by deferent experimental techniques. Although in most cases the determination of pKa values from experimental is straightforward, there are situations where interpretation is difficult and the results ambiguous. It is, therefore, not surprising that the capability to provide accurate estimates of the pKa value has been a central goal in theoretical chemistry and there has been a large effort in developing methodologies for predicting pKa values for a variety of chemical systems by differing quantum chemical techniques. A prediction accuracy within 0.5 pKa units of experiment is the desirable level of accuracy. This is a non-trivial exercise, for an error of 1 kcal/mol in estimates of the free energy value would result in an error of 0.74 pKa units. In this thesis ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) has been used for investigating the Brϕnsted acid-base chemistry of weak acids in aqueous solution. A key issue in any dissociation event is how the solvating water molecules arrange themselves spatially and dynamically around the neutral and dissociated acid molecule. Ab initio methods have the advantage that all solvent water molecules can, in principle, be con- sidered explicitly. One of the factors that has inhibited the widespread use of ab initio MD methods to study the dissociation reaction is that dissociation of weak acids are rare events that require extremely long simulation times before one is observed. The metady- namics formalism provides a solution to this conundrum by preventing the system from revisiting regions of configuration space where it has been in the past. The formalism allows the system to escape the free-energy minima by biasing the dynamics with a history dependent potential (or force) that acts on select degrees of freedom, referred to as collective variables. The bias potentials, modeled by repulsive inverted Gaussians that are dropped during propagation, drive the system out of any free-energy minima and allow it to explore the configuration space by a relatively quick and efficient sampling. The the- sis deals with a detailed investigation of the Brϕnsted acid-base chemistry of weak acids in aqueous solutions by the CPMD-metadynamics procedure. In Chapter 1, current approaches for the theoretical estimation of pKa values are summarized while in Chapter 2 the simulation methodology and the metadynamics sampling techniques used in thisstudy are described. The potential of the CPMD-metadynamics procedure to provide estimates of the acid dissociation constant (pKa) is explored in Chapter 3, using acetic acid as a test sys- tem. Using the bond-distance dependent coordination number of protons bound to the dissociating carboxylic groups as the collective variable, the free-energy profile for the dissociation reaction of acetic acid in water was computed. Convergence of the free-energy profiles and barriers for the simulations parameters is demonstrated. The free-energy profiles exhibit two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and neutral states of the acid and the deference in their values provides the estimate for pKa. The estimated value of pKa for acetic acid from the simulations, 4.80, is in good agreement with the experiment at value of 4.76. It is shown that the good agreement with experiment is a consequence of the cancellation of errors, as the pKa values are computed as the difference in the free energy values at the minima corresponding to the neutral and dissociated state. The chapter further explores the critical factors required for obtaining accurate estimates of the pKa values by the CPMD-metadynamics procedure. It is shown that having water molecules sufficient to complete three hydration shells as well as maintaining water density in the simulation cell as close to unity is important. In Chapter 4, the CPMD-metadynamics procedure described in Chapter-3 has been used to investigate the dissociation of a series of weak organic acids in aqueous solutions. The acids studied were chosen to highlight some of the major factors that influence the dissociation constant. These include the influence of the inductive effect, the stabilization of the dissociated anion by H-bonding as well as the presence of multiple ionizable groups. The acids investigated were aliphatic carboxylic acids, chlorine-substituted carboxylic acids, cid and trans-butenedioic, the isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid and phthalic acids and its isomers. It was found that in each of these examples the CPMD-metadynamics procedure correctly estimates the pKa values, indicating that the formulism is capable of capturing these influences and equally importantly indicating that the cancellation of errors is indeed universal. Further, it is shown that the procedure can provide accurate estimates of the successive pKa values of polypro tic acids as well as the subtle deference in their values for deterrent isomers of the acid molecule. Changes in protonation-deprotonation of amino acid residues in proteins play a key role in many biological processes and pathways. It is shown that CPMD simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free energy profile of the protonation- deprotonation reaction can provide estimates of the multiple pKa values of the 20 canonical α-amino acids in aqueous solutions in good agreement with experiment (Chapter 5). The distance-dependent coordination number of the protons bound to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic and the amine groups is used as the collective variable to explore the free energy profiles of the Brϕnsted acid-base chemistry of amino acids in aqueous solutions. Water molecules, sufficient to complete three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule were included explicitly in the computation procedure. The method works equally well for amino acids with neutral, acidic and basic side chains and provides estimates of the multiple pKa values with a mean relative error with respect to experimental results, of 0.2 pKa units. The tripeptide Glutathione (GSH) is one of the most abundant peptides and the major repository for non-protein sulfur in both animal and plant cells. It plays a critical role in intracellular oxidative stress management by the reversible formation of glutathione disulfide with the thioldisulfide pair acting as a redox buffer. The state of charge of the ionizable groups of GSH can influences the redox couple and hence the pKa value of the cysteine residue of GSH is critical to its functioning. In Chapter 6, it has been reported that ab initio Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics simulations of glutathione solvated by 200 water molecules, all of which are considered in the simulation. It is shown that the free-energy landscape for the protonation - deprotonation reaction of the cysteine residue of GSH computed using metadynamics sampling provides accurate estimates of the pKa and correctly predicts the shift in the dissociation constant values as compared to the isolated cysteine amino acid. The dissociation constants of weak acids are commonly determined from pH-titration curves. For simple acids the determination of the pKa from the titration curves using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is relatively straightforward. There are situations, however, especially in polypro tic acids with closely spaced dissociation constants, where titration curves do not exhibit clear inflexion and equivalence stages and consequently the estimation of multiple pKa values from a single titration curve is no longer straightfor- ward resulting in uncertainties in the determined pKa values. In Chapter 7, the multiple dissociation constant of the hexapeptide glutathione disulfide (GSSG) with six ionizable groups and six associated dissociation constants has been investigated. The six pKa values of GSSG were estimated using the CPMD-metadynamics procedure from the free-energy profiles for each dissociation reaction computed using the appropriate collective variable. The six pKa values of GSSG were estimated and the theoretical pH-titration curve was then compared with the experimentally measured pH-titration curve and found to be in excellent agreement. The object of the exercise was to establish whether interpretation of pH-titration curves of complex molecules with multiple ionizable groups could be facilitated using results of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.

Perfil de ácidos graxos, estabilidade oxidativa e aspectos sensoriais do leite de vacas suplementadas com óleo de linhaça na dieta e selenito de sódio injetável / Fatty acid profile, oxidative stability and sensory aspects of milk from cows fed with linseed oil in the diet and sodium selenite injection

Cardozo, Leila 17 January 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of dietary linseed oil with or without injection of sodium selenite upon fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of milk from dairy cows as well as the acceptance of the milk and the increasing order of preference by the evaluators. Chapter 1 describes the experiment where fourteen cows were allocated into four treatments: Group 1 which received daily 400 mL of linseed oil (LIN); Group 2, 400 mL of linseed oil + 0.2 mg/BW sodium selenite IM (LINSe); Group 3, untreated controls (C). The oil was supplied daily after 15 days of de single application of sodium selenite. Treatments lasted 4 weeks. Linseed oil supplemented animals produced milk with higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid and omega 3 but also more susceptible to oxidation. The application of sodium selenite was effective to prevent premature oxidation of milk. Chapter 2 describes the acceptance and increasing order of preference by the evaluators. The evaluators were not able to identify differences in color, odor and flavor among samples of milk from treated and control groups in relation to a known standard. The inclusion of linseed oil on the cows diet promotes and increase in CLA and omega 3 in milk, which in turn becomes more susceptible to oxidation, requiring the use of antioxidants. Even though causing biochemicals alterations, the addition of 400 mL daily of linseed oil in the diet of dairy cows is not capable of causing sensory changes in milk. / O presente trabalho descreve as avaliações feitas no leite de vacas leiteiras submetidas a suplementação com óleo de linhaça na dieta, com ou sem injeção de selenito de sódio, quanto ao perfil de ácidos graxos, estabilidade oxidativa e em relação às propriedades organolépticas do leite. O capítulo 1 descreve o experimento em que catorze vacas foram distribuídas em três tratamentos: Grupo 1, que recebeu diariamente 400 mL de óleo de linhaça (LIN); Grupo 2, 400 mL de óleo de linhaça + 0,2 mg / Kg de selenito de sódio IM (LINSe) e Grupo 3 controles não tratados (C). O óleo foi fornecido diariamente após 15 dias da aplicação única de selenito de sódio, e o experimento teve duração de quatro semanas. Foram feitas análises do perfil de ácidos graxos e de reações ao ácido tiobarbitúrico, que mede a estabilidade oxidativa do produto. Os animais suplementados com o óleo de linhaça produziram leite com altos níveis de ácido linoleico conjugado e de ômega 3, contudo, mais suscetível à oxidação. A aplicação injetável de selenito de sódio mostrou-se eficaz ao impedir a oxidação prematura do leite. O capítulo 2 descreve o experimento onde se verificou a aceitação e a ordem crescente de preferência pelos avaliadores, de amostras de leite, através de análises de cor, odor e sabor. Catorze vacas foram distribuídas em três tratamentos: Grupo 1, que recebeu diariamente 400 mL de óleo de linhaça (LIN), Grupo 2, 400 mL de óleo de linhaça + 0,2 mg /Kg de selenito de sódio IM (LINSe) e Grupo 3 controles não tratados (C). O óleo foi fornecido diariamente após 15 dias da aplicação única de selenito de sódio, e o experimento teve duração de dez semanas. O resultado deste estudo foi de que os avaliadores não foram capazes de identificar diferenças de cor, odor e sabor entre as amostras de leite dos grupos tratados e do controle, em relação a um padrão conhecido. Assim, concluiu-se que a inclusão do óleo de linhaça na dieta de vacas leiteiras resulta em aumento do CLA, ômega 3 e consequentemente da oxidação do leite, necessitando assim o uso de substâncias antioxidantes ou promotores antioxidantes, como o selenito de sódio injetável para retardar a oxidação. Entretanto, a inclusão de 400 mL diários de óleo de linhaça na dieta de vacas leiteiras não é capaz de provocar alterações sensoriais no leite.

Nouveau regard sur la signalisation AMPK : multiples fonctions de nouveaux interacteurs / A fresh look at AMPK signaling : multiple functions of novel interacting proteins

Zorman, Sarah 08 November 2013 (has links)
La protéine kinase activée par AMP (AMPK) est un senseur et régulateur central de l'état énergétique cellulaire, mais ces voies de signalisation ne sont pour le moment que partiellement comprises. Deux criblages non-biaisés pour la recherche de partenaires d'interaction et de substrats d'AMPK ont précédemment été réalisés dans le laboratoire. Ces derniers ont permis l'identification de plusieurs candidats (protéines), mais leur rôle fonctionnel et physiologique n'était pas encore établi. Ici nous avons caractérisé la fonction de la relation entre AMPK et quatre partenaires d'interaction : gluthation S-transferases (GSTP1 and GSTM1), fumarate hydratase (FH), l'E3 ubiquitine-ligase (NRDP1), et les protéines associées à la membrane (VAMP2 and VAMP3). Chacune de ces interactions parait avoir un rôle différent dans la signalisation AMPK, agissant en amont ou en aval de la protéine AMPK. GSTP1 et GSTM1 contribueraient à l'activation d'AMPK en facilitant la S-glutathionylation d'AMPK en conditions oxydatives moyennes. Cette régulation non-canonique suggère que l'AMPK peut être un senseur de l'état redox cellulaire. FH mitochondrial est l'unique substrat AMPK clairement identifié. Etonnamment le site de phosphorylation se trouve dans le peptide signal mitochondrial, ce qui pourrait affecter l'import mitochondrial. NRDP1, protéine pour laquelle nous avons pour la première fois développé un protocole de production de la protéine soluble, est faiblement phosphorylée par l'AMPK. L'interaction ne sert pas à l'ubiquitination d'AMPK, mais affecte le renouvellement de NRDP1. Finalement, l'interaction de VAMP2/3 avec AMPK n'implique pas d'évènement de phosphorylation ou d'activation d'un des partenaires. Nous proposons un mécanisme de recrutement d'AMPK par VAMP2/3 (" scaffold ") au niveau des vésicules en exocytose. Ce recrutement favoriserait la phosphorylation de substrats de l'AMPK à la surface des vésicules en exocytoses. Une fois mis en commun, nos résultats enrichissent les connaissances sur les voies de signalisation AMPK, et suggèrent une grande complexité de ces dernières. Plus que les kinases en amont et des substrats en aval, la régulation de la signalisation d'AMPK se fait via des modifications secondaires autres que la phosphorylation, via des effets sur le renouvellement de protéines, et probablement via un recrutement spécifique de l'AMPK dans certains compartiments cellulaires. / AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a central energy sensor and regulator of cellular energy state, but the AMPK signaling network is still incompletely understood. Two earlier non-biased screens for AMPK interaction partners and substrates performed in the laboratory identified several candidate proteins, but functional and physiological roles remained unclear. Here we characterized the functional relationship of AMPK with four different protein interaction partners: gluthatione S-transferases (GSTP1 and GSTM1), fumarate hydratase (FH), an E3 ubiquitin-ligase (NRDP1), and vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMP2 and VAMP3). Each of these interaction partners seems to have a different function in AMPK signaling, either acting up- or down-stream of AMPK. GSTP1 and GSTM1 can contribute to AMPK activation by facilitating S-glutathionylation of AMPK under mildly oxidative conditions. This non-canonical regulation suggests AMPK as a sensor of cellular redox state. Mitochondrial FH was identified as the only clear AMPK downstream substrate, but surprisingly the phosphorylation site is present in the mitochondrial targeting prepeptide, possibly affecting mitochondrial import. NRDP1, whose expression as a full-length soluble protein was achieved here for the first time, is phosphorylated by AMPK only at low levels. The interaction does neither serve for AMPK ubiquitinylation, but rather affects NRDP1 turnover. Finally, interaction of VAMP2/3 with AMPK does not involve phosphorylation or activation events of one of the partners. Instead, we propose VAMP2/3 as scaffolding proteins that recruit AMPK to exocytotic vesicles which could favor phosphorylation of vesicular AMPK substrates for exocytosis. Collectively, our results add some new elements to the AMPK signaling network, suggesting that it is much more complex than anticipated. In addition to upstream kinases and downstream substrates, regulation of AMPK signaling occurs by second

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