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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zdravý životní styl u žáků druhého stupně vybrané pražské základní školy / Healthy lifestyle of pupils of the second grade of selected Prague primary school

Rašovský, Matěj January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis Healthy lifestyle of pupils of the second grade of selected Prague primary school was prepared with the aim of finding out the healthy lifestyle of the pupils of the given group that is, pupils of the second grade of the Prague school. The standard CINDI Health Monitor method was used for this finding, thanks to which it is possible to compare healthy people's lifestyles across age groups. This method includes a standard set of questions to which probands answer dichotomously or yes-no. Our research has been supplemented by questions specific to our age group. These questions were evaluated by the percentage of positive answers and compared with previous surveys across age groups. Specifically with a group of students and adults over the age of 25. In terms of statistics, a correlate was also used, which better captured the relationship between the given age groups. Another goal of this work was to establish recommendations for the recovery of the health style of students who were the subject of this work, based on the intersection of the results with theoretical background. The selected group of pupils has a good health style, which may be due to the location of the school and also its culture, as there are many sports students. The main recommendation for pupils is to limit...

Evaluation of Three Parent-Focused Disability Information and Healthy Lifestyle Curriculum Modules for Latino Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

Blair, Martin E 01 May 2008 (has links)
Parents of children with disabilities need accurate information to help them provide tailored services and supports to their families. This is especially true for immigrant Latino families who tend to experience poor overall health and who tend to avoid formal services and supports.Based on input gathered from Latino Parents of children with disabilities, a three module curriculum, "Empowering Families," was developed. Following a cultural appropriateness review of the curriculum and associated measurement instruments, revisions were made to the content and presentation procedure. This was followed by a field test of the curriculum with two groups of Latino parent/caregivers of children with developmental disabilities. Results from the training sessions with both groups indicate that the training resulted in moderate knowledge gains and that self-reported healthy lifestyle behaviors experience minimal improvement. Overall health status was essentially unchanged. Participants rated the content very highly in terms of cultural appropriateness and usefulness.

Informovanost dětí o složení vybraných cukrovinek / Children's awareness of compositions in selected confectionery

Beer, Monika January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of informing children about the composition of selected confectionery and contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical section is focused on information about confectionery and its composition, the health risks associated with the consumption of confectionery and a healthy lifestyle in children of older school age. In practical terms, the chapters are focused on a questionnaire investigation, information gathering and visualisation leading to clear conclusions of the objective of this work. A research investigation of this graduate work confirmed that pupils of older school age from Dubí 1 Primary School are informed about the composition and content of additives in confectionery and are informed about the health risks that may be associated with their consumption in the case of 48% of the boys and girls interviewed. The research investigation was concluded with the results of the correct responses of the older school aged pupils from Dubí 1 Primary School. The data obtained provided information that:  Items of older school age monitor the composition of confectionery on their packaging from producers in an average of 41% of the pupils interviewed.  Items Oak 1 pupils are informed about the presence of additives in an average of 28% of cases....

Upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar hos patienter diagnostiserade med diabetes mellitus typ 2 : En litteraturöversikt / Experiences of lifestyle changes in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 : A literature review

Käller, Iana, Marza, Marlen January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 är en global kronisk sjukdom.  I Sverige har cirka en halv miljon av befolkningen sjukdomen och ungefär 350 miljoner i hela världen. Sjukdomen är allvarlig och orsakar konsekvenser såsom kardiovaskulära sjukdomar och för tidig dödlighet.  Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar hos patienter diagnostiserade med diabetes mellitus typ 2  Metod: Litteraturöversikten var baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar som har använts i resultatet. Databaser som användes var Cinahl Complete och PubMed. Artiklar var kvalitativa. Artiklarna granskades med Fribergs analysmetod (Friberg, 2022). Resultat: Resultatet presenterades i fyra teman. Negativa aspekter av livsstilsförändringar i dagligt liv, Positiva aspekter av livsstilsförändringar i dagligt liv, upplevelser av nödvändig kunskap vid livsstilsförändringar och upplevelserna av den egna motivationen av livsstilsförändringarna. Sammanfattning: Deltagarna i litteraturöversikten som blev diagnostiserade med DMT2 hade olika upplevelser samt uppfattningar av livsstilsförändringar. Olika upplevelser av fysiska hälsa och psykiska hälsa förekom bland studierna. Inom hälso- och sjukvården bör sjuksköterskor arbeta utifrån deras profession genom att omhänderta dessa individer och erbjuda evidensbaserad vård där individer blir inkluderade i sin behandling. / Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a global chronic disease. In Sweden, approximately half a million of the population have the disease and approximately 350 million worldwide. The disease is serious and causes consequences such as cardiovascular diseases and premature mortality Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to light up the experiences of lifestyle changes in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2.   Method: The literature review was based on eleven scientific articles that have been used in the results. Databases used were Cinahl Complete and PubMed. Articles were qualitative. The articles were reviewed using Friberg's analysis method (Friberg, 2022).  Results: The results were presented in four themes. Negative aspects of lifestyle changes in daily life, Positive aspects of lifestyle changes in daily life, experiences of necessary knowledge during lifestyle changes and the experiences of the own motivation of the lifestyle changes. Summary: The participants in the literature review who were diagnosed with DMT2 had different experiences and perceptions of lifestyle changes. Different experiences of physical health and mental health occurred among the studies. Within health care, nurses should work based on their profession by caring for these individuals and offering evidence-based care where individuals are included in their treatment.

Технологии управления отношением к здоровому образу жизни как профилактика девиации молодежи : магистерская диссертация / Technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle as a prevention of youth deviation

Арсланбекова, Э. М., Arslanbekova, E. M. January 2022 (has links)
Актуальность диссертационной работы заключается в необходимости изучения взаимосвязи между технологиями управления отношением к здоровому образу жизни и девиантным поведением молодёжи. Рассмотрены теоретические аспекты сущности понятий «молодёжь», «девиантное поведение», «здоровый образ жизни», а также опыт применения и распространения технологий управления отношением к здоровому образу жизни молодёжи. Во второй главе диссертационной работы представлены результаты эмпирического социологического исследования технологий управления отношением к ЗОЖ как профилактики девиации молодёжи на примере Екатеринбургского института физической культуры (филиал) ФГБОУ ВО "УралГУФК". По итогам эмпирического исследования и анализа отечественного, зарубежного опыта применения технологий управления ЗОЖ был разработан и реализован проект «Студенты-центр здорового образа жизни», а также определена его эффективность. / The relevance of the dissertation work lies in the need to study the relationship between technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and deviant behavior of young people. The theoretical aspects of the essence of the concepts of "youth", "deviant behavior", "healthy lifestyle", as well as the experience of applying and disseminating technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle of young people are considered. The second chapter of the dissertation presents the results of an empirical sociological study of technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle as a prevention of youth deviation on the example of the Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "UralGUPC". Based on the results of empirical research and analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the application of healthy lifestyle management technologies, the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center" was developed and implemented, and its effectiveness was determined.

Primary Care Provider Density and Social Ecological Factors Related to County-Level Diabetes Prevalence in the United States

Kemsley, Robert Alan 27 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Diabetes is a critical public health concern with considerable financial and personal costs in the United States. Research has identified several interventions available to primary care providers to prevent diabetes. These interventions may prevent diabetes by influencing personal, community, and public health policy factors. These factors are key components of the social ecological model, which examines the influence of diverse social influences on health. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the univariate relationship between PCP density and diabetes prevalence, as well as the multivariate relationship between PCP density and diabetes prevalence with physical inactivity prevalence, obesity prevalence, and social vulnerability scores held constant. This study also accounted for state-level differences in diabetes prevalence through fixed-level state effects. The initial univariate analysis yielded no significant relationship. The final multivariate regression yielded a statistically significant relationship in a model that better fit the data—as seen by p values <0.001 and information criteria decreases from 12,538.67 to 11,099.72 (AIC) and 12,538.67 to 11,099.72 (BIC). In this final multivariate regression, a 1% increase in primary care provider density was associated with a 0.0019% decrease in diabetes prevalence. Meanwhile, a 1%- or 1-point increase in physical inactivity prevalence, obesity prevalence, and social vulnerability scores led to 0.20%, 0.06%, and 0.14% increases in diabetes prevalence respectively. These findings highlight the value of social ecological factors in diabetes research, as well as the increased need for evidence-based diabetes prevention in primary care, including strategies that target personal, community, and public health policy factors related to diabetes.

5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių požiūris į sveikatos ugdymą / 5-8 grade students approach to health promotion

Budreika, Vytenis, Račickas, Arnoldas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Objektas – 5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių požiūris į sveikatos ugdymą. Tikslas – ištirti 5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonių skirtumus apie sveikatos ugdymą. Uždaviniai: 1. palyginti 5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonę apie socialinės aplinkos įtaką rūpinantis sveikata. 2. palyginti 5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių sveikos gyvensenos būdus, įvertinant balais. 3. palyginti 5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonę apie sveiką gyvenseną įtakojančius veiksnius. 4. palyginti 5-8 ir 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonę apie sveikos gyvensenos temų aptarimą pamokų metu. Svarbiausi rezultatai - Tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad 5-8 klasių mokiniams sveikatos ugdymas tiek mokykloje, tiek neformalaus ugdymo veikloje yra prastesnis, lyginant su 9-12 klasių mokiniais. Statistiškai matoma, kad 5-8 klasių mokiniai mažiau užsiima sportu, nes anketoje pateiktus sveikatai ir sveikam gyvenimo būdui veiksnius jie vertina labiau nereikšmingais, nei 9-12 klasių mokiniai. Galima drąsiai teigti, kad 5-8 klasių mokiniai iš dalies neįsisavina informacijos apie sveikatos ugdymą, kuriuos aptaria per mokykloje dėstomus dalykus. Išvados - Pagal gautus rezultatus galima teigti, kad tiek 5-8, tiek 9-12 klasių mokinių požiūris į sveikatos ugdymą nėra pakankamas ir šią situaciją reiktų pradėti keisti nuo sveikos gyvensenos temų aptarimo, jo dažnumo pamokų metu. Atsižvelgiant į 5-8 klasių mokinių požiūrį derėtų jų ugdymo programą padaryti paprastesnę, kad mokinys į sportą pažvelgtų su didesniu noru, kad informacija jam būtų lengviau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object - 5-8 and 9-12 grade students approach to health education. Purpose - to investigate the 5-8 and 9-12 grade students about the differences between health education. Objectives: 1. compare 5-8 and 9-12 grade students about the social environment to health. 2. compare 5-8 and 9-12 grade students a healthy lifestyle means of evaluating scores. 3. compare 5-8 and 9-12 grade students about healthy lifestyles influencing factors. 4. compare 5-8 and 9-12 grade students about healthy living areas to the classroom. The most important results - the study showed that students in grades 5-8 in school health education and non-formal education activities are inferior compared to 9-12 grade students. Statistically seen that 5-8 students less engaged in the sport because of a health questionnaire and a healthy lifestyle factors are the more trivial than 9-12 students. It is safe to say that 5-8 students partly assimilate information about health education, which are discussed within the school subjects. Conclusions - The results suggest that both the 5-8 and 9-12 grade students approach to health education is not sufficient and that the situation should begin to change from a healthy lifestyle topics discussion, the frequency of lessons. Given the 5-8 grade students should approach their curriculum to make simpler the student insights into the sport with a greater willingness to get the information he would be more easily understood. Suggestions - analysis of the 5-8 and 9-12... [to full text]

Motivace dětí a dospívajících ke zdravému životnímu stylu / Children and Adult Motivation to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Buzická, Lada January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Children and Adult Motivation to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle" deals with the possibilities of supporting and directing an individual to a responsible lifestyle. It addresses the issues of education regarding the habits of healthy and active lifestyle as a prerequisite of a full life. In the theoretical part, it defines the healthy lifestyle, its particular characteristics as well as the factors that influence it. In the empirical part, it uses a questionnaire survey to establish the motivation of modern children and adults to the desirable lifestyle. The thesis is intended to bring an actual view of the problems in question.

Obezital v pojetí médií: komparativní obsahová analýza televizních pořadů Jste to, co jíte a The Biggest Loser / Healthy lifestyle as a media concept: a comparative content analysis of television programs Jsteto, co jíte and The biggest loser

Chrtková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Healthy lifestyle is a phenomenon that is inseparably connected to the current society - to people's everyday life, to habits, culture and last but not least to the media. This master thesis is focused on how media comprehend not only healthy lifestyle but also how they present individuals who do not respond to current beauty ideal - individuals suffering from overweight and obesity. First part of the thesis theoretically describes obesity as a medicinal and social problem. It shows broad spectrum of aspects connected with the diagnosis of obesity taken from medicinal view. It also points out the so called idealization of slenderness, or cult of slenderness, which in a certain way makes obesity discriminative element. Part of the text is an original Michael Foucault interpretation, who considers health to be a disciplinary power technology. Following is the description of health communication (communication in the area of health), description of the basics of fat studies, media as a healthy lifestyle platform and also the media genre reality show. In practical part, based on the theoretical foundation, the thesis applies quantitative content analysis and frame analysis of two television shows - Czech "Jste to, co jíte" and American "The Biggest Loser." Through mutual comparison are presented...

Tvorba a realizace projektu pro podporu zdraví dětí v předškolním věku / Development and Application of the health and wellbeing promotion in preschool children

Jedináková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
SUMMARY: Graduation theses titled - Development and Application of the health and wellbeing promotion in preschool children - describes preparation, application and evaluation of a project which focuses on health and healthy lifestyle promotion in preschool aged children by using specific physical exercises and activities focused on health. The Project has been applied in a Preschool facility with a specific group of children and its content was adapted by the Preschool's official curriculum.

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