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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empresa fleximuebles

Gutierrez Guzman, Jean Pierre, Huari Castillon, Isabel Diana, Surita Melendrez, Henry Gusman, Moreno Chujutalli, Yessica Yolanda, Vargas Tirado, Rosa Isabel 19 July 2021 (has links)
Nuestro trabajo de investigación sobre la idea de negocio de la venta de muebles plegables busca satisfacer las necesidades del mercado, principalmente en los distritos de la zona 6 de Lima Metropolitana. Se ha considerado la demanda de mujeres y hombres entre los 25 y 46 años, que se encuentren viviendo en un departamento o que estén próximos de adquirir uno; pertenecientes al nivel socioeconómico B. Además, se desea generar una ventaja competitiva en brindar productos de alta calidad frente a la competencia, satisfaciendo a nuestros clientes que buscan muebles para ahorrar espacio en su hogar. Por tanto, Fleximuebles ofrecerá dos modelos de muebles plegables en material de madera tornillo, conocida por su durabilidad. Para tal modo, los métodos de investigación fueron las entrevistas y el modelo experimento Pitch, producto mínimo viable (MVP). Con esta información se pudo recopilar resultados favorables que apoyaron nuestras iniciales hipótesis, tal que en las entrevistas el 75% de los entrevistados realiza teletrabajo y el 55% señala tener clases online. Con respecto al Landing page pudimos verificar la aceptación de nuestros productos. Fleximuebles requiere de una inversión inicial de S/22,249.00 soles de los cuales el 40%, equivalente a S/8,900.00 soles, es financiamiento de los accionistas y el 60%, equivalente a S/13,350.00 soles, financiamiento de terceros. / Our research work on the business idea of ​​the sale of folding furniture seeks to satisfy the needs of the market, mainly in the districts of zone 6 of Metropolitan Lima. The demand of women and men between the ages of 25 and 46, who are living in an apartment or who are close to acquiring one, has been considered; belonging to socioeconomic level B. In addition, we want to generate a competitive advantage in providing high quality products against the competition, satisfying our customers who are looking for furniture to save space in their home. Therefore, Fleximuebles will offer two models of folding furniture in screw wood material, known for its durability. For this, the research methods were interviews and the experimental model Pitch, minimum viable product (MVP). With this information, it was possible to collect favorable results that supported our initial hypotheses, such that in the interviews 75% of the interviewees carried out teleworking and 55% indicated that they had online classes. Regarding the Landing page, we were able to verify the acceptance of our products. Fleximuebles requires an initial investment of S / 22,249.00 soles, of which 40%, equivalent to S / 8,900.00 soles, is financing from shareholders and 60%, equivalent to S / 13,350.00 soles, financing from third parties. / Trabajo de investigación

Growth Guide: Plataforma de orientación al emprendedor / Growth guide: entrepreneur orientation platform

Antezana Quilla , Camila Solange, Herrada Tineo, Kárey Guineth, Nevado Cabeza, Evelyn, Tapia Villalobos, Nicol Dayara, Vásquez Jáuregui, Fiorella Alexandra 01 December 2021 (has links)
Actualmente la situación a nivel mundial, y en el país resulta inestable, lo cual ha impulsado la apertura de nuevos emprendimientos e ideas de negocio adaptadas a nuevas condiciones ocasionadas por el COVID-19. Sin embargo, hay negocios que han logrado adaptarse pese a las dificultades.  Razón por la cual, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo orientar a los emprendedores mediante una plataforma digital que conecte a que les brinde informes detallados acerca de las tendencias del sector textil de moda y accesorios. Además, para que el proyecto sea rentable se ha realizado la validación de existencia de un problema entorno a los recursos limitados que sostienen para su crecimiento.  Basada en nuestra propuesta de valor se busca mejorar el rendimiento de los de los emprendedores en sus negocios y ​​exhibir a los especialistas para que puedan obtener más usuarios en el mercado a través de nuestra plataforma.  Con este proyecto nos encontramos en búsqueda de generar una idea de negocio que adapte y potencie a aquellos emprendedores que requieran recursos para un crecimiento a mediano plazo. / Currently, the situation worldwide, and in the country, is unstable, which has prompted the opening of new ventures and business ideas adapted to new conditions caused by COVID-19. However, there are businesses that have managed to adapt despite difficulties. For this reason, this research work aims to guide entrepreneurs through a digital platform that connects to provide them with detailed reports about trends in the fashion and accessories textile sector. In addition, in order for the project to be profitable, the existence of a problem has been validated around the limited resources they support for its growth. Based on our value proposition, it seeks to improve the performance of entrepreneurs in their businesses and to exhibit specialists so that they can obtain more users in the market through our platform. With this project we are looking to generate a business idea that adapts and has potential to those entrepreneurs who require resources for medium-term growth. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto House Service

Asurza Huamaní, Lorenz Alonso, Fernández Ruiz, Esther Alexia, Lucero Huaraz, Zarelly Yesabet, Seminario Molina, Alessandra 28 December 2021 (has links)
El mundo está en constante cambio y con la pandemia del COVID-19, estos cambios aceleraron aún más a que los mercados se adaptaran, impulsando a que las empresas de servicios tengan que adaptarse al mismo ritmo para lograr satisfacer las nuevas necesidades del consumidor actual. En el Perú, se presenta una oportunidad de negocio, ya que se puede identificar la necesidad de resolver tareas en el hogar de los peruanos por algunas fallas técnicas de algún objeto, o muchas veces porque tienen una agenda tan ocupada que no les permite realizar estas tareas, o debido a que muchas personas no cuentan con el tiempo o conocimiento para solucionarlo. En tal sentido, este trabajo se enfoca en desarrollar House Service, una solución de servicios multi generales del hogar que por medio de una plataforma web tanto técnico como cliente podrán contactarse. Durante el trabajo de investigación de este proyecto se realizaron experimentos, entrevistas, uso de landing page y validaciones técnicas de la solución, así como del modelo de negocio. La metodología de validación nos permitió delimitar el segmento de mercado para estos servicios. Se toman como potenciales clientes a las personas que buscan ayuda en alguna tarea del hogar, que pertenezcan a la zona 6,7 y 8 de Lima Metropolitana, y que tengan entre 18 a 45 años pertenecientes al NSE A y B. / The world is always in constant change, and with the COVID-19 pandemic, these changes accelerated even more for markets to adapt, prompting that service companies have to adapt to the same pace of change, in order to meet new needs of the current consumer. In Peru, a business opportunity is presented, since the need to solve tasks in the home of Peruvians can be identified due to some technical failures of an object, or many times because they have such a busy schedule that it does not allow them to carry out these tasks, since many people do not have the time or knowledge to fix it. In this sense, this work focuses on developing a multigeneral home service solution that can be contacted through a web platform both technically and client. During the research work for the validation of this project, experiments, interviews, use of the landing page, and technical validations of the solution, as well as the business model, were carried out. The validation methodology will include defining the market segment for these services. Potential clients are people seeking help with some household chore, who belong to zone 7, 8 and 9 of Metropolitan Lima, and who are between 18 and 45 years old belonging to socioeconomic level A and B. / Trabajo de investigación


Guaylupo Cherre, Mireya Ivette, Muñoz Florencio, Katherine Mercedes, O’Brien Ruiz, Giovani Jesús 24 July 2021 (has links)
A lo largo del presente trabajo propondremos una solución alterna al problema de falta de estacionamientos en Miraflores, San Isidro y Centro de Lima; a fin de analizar el proyecto y encontrar una solución viable a este problema, se subdividió el trabajo en tres etapas: Primera Etapa: Evaluaremos la viabilidad del proyecto como alternativa de solución brindando los espacios de parqueo en Miraflores, San Isidro y Centro Lima. Para ello tendremos que identificar el número de estacionamientos disponibles en los distritos mencionados. Segunda Etapa: El producto final en un servicio que comprende la ubicación de estacionamientos disponibles en tiempo real, lo que permite al cliente un servicio rápido, seguro y fuera de la vía pública. Tercera Etapa: Según la evaluación efectuada, el local del negocio estará ubicado en San Isidro, cuya ubicación geográfica determina un punto medio con los demás distritos elegidos. El local elegido está en San Isidro, de esta manera tendremos una comunicación más efectiva con nuestros clientes. Nuestro proyecto será financiado por los aportes de los accionistas y un crédito por parte de la Caja Trujillo. / Throughout this work we will propose an alternative solution to the problem of lack of parking in Miraflores, San Isidro and Downtown Lima; In order to analyze the project and find a viable solution to this problem, the work was subdivided into three stages: First Stage: We will evaluate the viability of the project as an alternative solution by providing parking spaces in Miraflores, San Isidro and Centro Lima. For this we will have to identify the number of parking spaces available in the aforementioned districts. Second Stage: The final product in a service that includes the location of available parking in real time, which allows the customer a fast, safe and off-street service Third Stage: According to the evaluation carried out, the business premises will be located in San Isidro, whose geographical location determines a midpoint with the other chosen districts. The chosen location is San Isidro, in this way we will have more effective communication with our clients. Our project will be financed by shareholder contributions and a loan from Caja Trujillo / Trabajo de investigación

Implementation of an Idea Management System in a Global Organization : A Case Study in the Automotive Industry / Implementation of an Idea Management System in a Global Organization : A Case Study in the Automotive Industry

DÅDERMAN, ANTONIA, ÅSELIUS, MALIN January 2020 (has links)
Disruptive changes driven by sustainability, new technology and servitization challenge companies’ current products and business models. This increases the interest in radical innovations, and consequently the interest to capture radical ideas. At the same time, globalization increases the importance for digital tools in order to connect and communicate between different geographical locations. An idea management system (IMS) allows large, global companies to conduct idea management in a structured way throughout the entire company. This study aims to investigate and identify factors important for the implementation of an IMS in companies that operates globally. This is done with a case study at a company in the automotive industry who is standing before an industrial transformation. In order to analyze the empirical findings two existing frameworks is combined into an empirical classification framework. The previous literature and the empirical analysis identified three important themes; process, culture and system. The discussion around the three themes allowed for a connection between the empirical findings and the previous literature, leading to conclusions regarding the implementation of an IMS. The study firstly concludes that finding ideas is no problem, it is more important to have the right processes in place for handling ideas. One of the key aspects is individual motivation and that the system is used for learning rather than performing. A risk identified was that goals within large companies may conflict with goals of radical innovation, which highlights the importance of flexible leadership and flexible systems within the company. The IMS should start with basic features and start at selected markets, allowing feedback from the IMS ambassadors to assist in the future development of the system. Categorizing ideas and using monthly campaigns for specific problem areas can facilitate the handling of a large number of ideas, preventing the IMS from becoming a “black hole” where ideas are submitted and then disappear. / Hållbarhet, ny teknologi och tjänstefiering är förändringar som utmanar dagens företags produktutbud och affärsmodeller. Intresset för radikala innovationer har i och med det ökat och som en konsekvens av det, även bidragit med ett ökat intresse av att fånga radikala idéer inom organisationen. Samtidigt har globaliseringen ökat betydelsen av digitala verktyg för anknytning och kommunikation mellan olika geografiska platser. Ett idéhanteringssystem (förkortning IMS) möjliggör strukturerad idéhantering genom hela företaget, för stora globala företag. Målet med studien var att undersöka och identifiera faktorer som anses viktiga för implementering av ett idéhanteringssystem i stora globala företag. Detta har gjorts genom en fallstudie på ett företag inom fordonsindustrin, som står inför en stor industriell förändring. För att analysera den insamlade empiriska datan har två existerande ramverk kombinerats till ett ramverk för empirisk klassificering. Tidigare litteratur och den empiriska analysen identifierade tre viktiga teman: process, kultur och system. Diskussionen kring dessa tre teman möjliggjorde för kopplingar mellan de empiriska fynden och tidigare litteratur, vilket gav slutsatser angående implementeringen av ett idéhanteringssystem. En av studiens första slutsatser var att mängden idéer inom en organisation inte är ett problem. Det är viktigare att ha processer på plats för att hantera idéerna. En av nyckelaspekterna var att individuell motivation och att systemet bör användas för lärande snarare än prestation. En risk med målsättning identifierades, det visade att mål hos stora företag kan strida mot mål för radikala innovationer, vilket lyfter vikten av ett flexibelt ledarskap och flexibla system inom företaget. I startfasen bör idéhanteringssystemet satsa på grundläggande funktioner och testas hos utvalda marknader, vilket möjliggör utveckling av systemet genom återkoppling från systemets ambassadörer. Månatliga kampanjer och kategorisering av idéer underlättar hanteringen av stora mängder idéer, vilket motverkar att idéhanteringssystemet blir ett ”svart hål” där idéer skickas in och försvinner.

Factors external to the individual encouraging idea generation in SME contexts

Perkins, Graham Michael January 2014 (has links)
This thesis sets out to explore factors external to the individual that encourage creative idea generation in SME environments, understanding their importance in a variety of organisational contexts. The original contribution to knowledge made by this thesis is the creation of a framework which aids understanding by splitting the various factors into those responsible for initiating and sustaining idea generation. Literature concerning creative idea generation is continuously developing and contains a broad spectrum of topics and understandings. Key amongst these are leadership, the nature of creative idea generation, theories such as the ‘strength of weak ties’, collective creativity and the concept of ‘flow’. Fieldwork followed a primarily qualitative, inductive approach, using exploratory surveys, semi-structured interviews and participant observation to develop rich narrative ‘stories’ of idea generation for ten different organisations. Data was analysed in accordance with the principles of grounded theory and resulted in numerous novel findings such as the importance of internal organisational contacts to the development of ideas, the notion that organisational visions can be used to guide idea generation and the effect that physical distance has on the development of interpersonal ties. Leadership also featured heavily within the analysis process with it being found that a combination of transformational and servant qualities best enables idea generation in SME contexts. These and other findings were reflected in the final framework produced by this thesis. From a practical perspective findings from this study arguably have implications for both organisational and leadership development in SME contexts, although overall generalisability is hindered by the chosen sample. Future studies could potentially focus on applying quantitative methodologies to verify the final framework or extend understandings by interlinking organisational factors discussed by this thesis with individual characteristics, mental process and/or experiences that are also known to drive creative idea production.

Alain Badiou's transitory theatre

Dalmasso, Frederic January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores how theatre informs Badiou's philosophy through detailed analysis of Badiou's theory of theatre and his six plays L'Écharpe rouge, Incident at Antioch and the Ahmed tetralogy . It argues that theatre has provided an ideal and material ground for Badiou to rehearse concepts he developed in his Logics of the Worlds (2006) and Second Manifesto for Philosophy (2009), such as that of ideation and incorporation. By placing theatre at the core of Badiou's work, this thesis provides a different point of entry into Badiou's philosophy: it demonstrates the overarching nature of Badiou's materialist dialectic, which leads to exploring the relationship between politics and theatre. By ultimately defining Badiou's theatre as a theatre of inexist[a]nce and insisting upon the ontological nature of theatre, this thesis heralds new approaches to the relationship between theatre and philosophy.

Juvenile Delinquency, IDEA Disability, and School Drop Out in High School Students

Glennon, Sara Denise January 2009 (has links)
Over the past 10-15 years, the epidemiological research literature on juvenile delinquency has suggested that there is an over-representation of males and Hispanics within the juvenile justice system, and a disproportionate number of youths having an IDEA disability, including emotional disability, learning disability, and mental retardation. In addition, juvenile delinquents tend to perform lower academically than their peers, come from low socioeconomic status backgrounds, drop out of school more often, and frequently come into contact with law enforcement agencies. Moreover, low academic achievement, male gender, and drop out contribute to the increased chances that adolescents will become involved in delinquent activities. Characteristics of juvenile delinquents also tend to be stable over time and resistant to most types of intervention.The purpose of the present study was to examine whether there were significantly greater percentages of school drop out in adjudicated versus non-adjudicated delinquent high school youths with and without an IDEA disability diagnosis. Significant differences between standardized test scores of those adjudicated and non-adjudicated youths who dropped out versus remained in school were also examined. Other variables studied in conjunction with these included gender, minority, and free/reduced lunch status.Chi-Square Tests of Independence revealed a significant association between adjudication and drop out, regardless of disability, gender, minority, or free/reduced lunch status. Chi-Square results also showed a significant association between adjudication and disability, but for non-drop out delinquent youths only. Drop out and disability was found to be significantly associated for males only.Univariate Analyses of Variance revealed significant differences in AIMS Reading standard scores between delinquents who had, versus had not, been identified as having a disability. Significant differences in reading scores were also found between those identified, versus not identified as SLD. Furthermore, an interaction effect between disability and minority status was present. Similar differences were found with respect to AIMS Math scores. Limitations and implications of findings as well as future research directions were discussed.

Choice for All? Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities

Estes, Mary Bailey 08 1900 (has links)
In order to assess the extent and quality of special education services in charter schools in north Texas, the researcher examined data submitted to Texa Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS), and conducted qualitative interviews with selected charter school administrators. Five cornerstones of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): zero reject, individualized education program (IEP), appropriate assessment, free appropriate public education (FAPE), and least restrictive environment (LRE), were utilized in the assessment of quality. Levels of expertise in federal disability law and fiscal barriers were explored, as well.

Building an Intelligent Filtering System Using Idea Indexing

Yang, Li 08 1900 (has links)
The widely used vector model maintains its popularity because of its simplicity, fast speed, and the appeal of using spatial proximity for semantic proximity. However, this model faces a disadvantage that is associated with the vagueness from keywords overlapping. Efforts have been made to improve the vector model. The research on improving document representation has been focused on four areas, namely, statistical co-occurrence of related items, forming term phrases, grouping of related words, and representing the content of documents. In this thesis, we propose the idea-indexing model to improve document representation for the filtering task in IR. The idea-indexing model matches document terms with the ideas they express and indexes the document with these ideas. This indexing scheme represents the document with its semantics instead of sets of independent terms. We show in this thesis that indexing with ideas leads to better performance.

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