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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förståelsen av interkulturell pedagogik : En studie om förståelsen före detta Södertörnstudenter har gällande den interkulturella pedagogiken och om de använder den i arbetslivet

Abdu Mohamed, Ali January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is through a teacher perspective gain insight to the knowledge former Sodertorn teacher students possess of intercultural pedagogy and if they use it at work. The studies main perspective is the intercultural perspective, which has been the study's lead perspective. This study also made use out of a sociocultural perspective as it fits with the intercultural perspective and puts its mark in the study. This study has used interviews for data collection. Five former Sodertorn teacher students were interviewed, the interview participants work as teachers. These five teachers’ experiences and statements were the focus of this study, the teachers had to demonstrate their intercultural skills and how they use these skills in their classroom. The study showed that four out of five interviewed teachers use intercultural education, these teachers always try to find students development zones and prior knowledge. Intercultural pedagogy approach for example focuses on the students' culture, knowledge, belongings and background. The four out of five interview participants that use intercultural pedagogy hope that their students get a deeper understanding of people that possess a different culture, religion and background. The four out of five teachers use intercultural strategies and these strategies are considered applicable when it comes to intercultural perspective.

Den romska minoriteten i majoritetssamhällets skola : Från hot till möjlighet

Rodell Olgaç, Christina January 2006 (has links)
The Roma as a minority in the mainstream schools: from a threat to a hope for the future. The purpose of this study is to investigate, describe and analyse how the relationship between the Romani minority and the Swedish majority has developed from the middle of the 20th century until the present time with regard to the school situation for the Roma. In order to discuss the changes in the relationship between the majority and the Romani minority, it has been important to analyse the concepts of culture and ethnicity, how these concepts have been used to define the Roma, and how, in turn, this definition has influenced how the Roma have been portrayed in the literature. The study is based on three types of data: texts, interviews and observations, that have been organised to cover three different periods. Three autobiographies and two theses cover the first period, from the middle of the 20th century to the 1970s, when the Roma were allowed into schools. The interviews cover the second period, from the 1970s to the year 2000, when the Roma were recognized as a national minority. The participant observations and the interviews cover the third period that deals with the present and the future with regards to education of the Roma. An interpretive hermeneutic approach has been used to analyse the data. The analysis takes the school as one order of discourse in which different discourses attempt to dominate. Both ethnicity and culture are discussed in relation to power relationship between the Roma and majority society. A “chain of consequences” approach has been used to analyse the situation of the Roma in schools, where one event in the chain results in certain consequences, for example the Romani child is present in school but without support from school or home. The consequence is school failure and marginalisation. One of the main themes that emerge from this analysis, is how schools gradually transferred the responsibility for educating the Romani children to the families, thus abdicating their role as providers of academic development. The other theme is how the school took a deficit perspective in relation to the Romani families and, rather than taking responsibility for the education of the Romani children, they blamed the failures on the Romani group and its culture. The study concludes that the institutional discrimination of the Roma and the total exclusion of the Romani culture in school still has far reaching consequences. One of consequences is that, in order to be accepted in school, some of the Romani children begin to undercommunicate their ethnic identity. Since the recognition of the Roma as a national minority, there has been a remobilisation and revitalisation by the group and their demand for more inclusion in education. This thesis suggests an intercultural approach as an alternative i.e., a change of perspective and a revision of the image of Sweden as a monocultural and monolingual nation.

Στερεότυπα και προκαταλήψεις σε γηγενείς μαθητές και μαθητές πολιτισμικά διαφορετικών ομάδων. Μια ερευνητική προσέγγιση στερεοτυπικών και προκαταληπτικών συμπεριφορών.

Σακκάτου, Ασπασία 03 October 2011 (has links)
Το μεταναστευτικό ρεύμα των τελευταίων δεκαετιών έχει επηρεάσει σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο τη σύνθεση των κοινωνιών και τις έχει μετατρέψει σε πολυπολιτισμικές. Τα προβλήματα που προκύπτουν από την αλληλεπίδραση των πολιτισμών είναι εμφανή και απαιτούν να δοθούν λύσεις, έτσι ώστε η αλληλεπίδρασή τους να μην αποτελεί εμπόδιο στην ανάπτυξη των διομαδικών σχέσεων. Η ελληνική κοινωνία αντιμετωπίζει έντονα μια νέα πραγματικότητα: την πολυπολιτισμικότητα, που είναι αποτέλεσμα της συμβίωσης του γηγενούς πληθυσμού με τις κοινότητες των μουσουλμάνων, των τσιγγάνων, των παλλινοστούντων ομογενών και των προσφύγων, των οποίων ο αριθμός συνεχώς διευρύνεται τα τελευταία χρόνια, δημιουργώντας οξύτατα προβλήματα. Αποτέλεσμα αυτών των αλλαγών είναι η συνεχής αύξηση της γλωσσικής και πολιτισμικής ανομοιογένειας της ελληνικής κοινωνία, που οδηγεί σε νέους κοινωνικούς, πολιτικούς και εκπαιδευτικούς προβληματισμούς. Η εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα έρχεται καθημερινά αντιμέτωπη με πληθώρα προβλημάτων και καλείται να ανταποκριθεί στη νέα πραγματικότητα που δημιουργείται από τη παρουσία παιδιών με διαφορετικό πολιτισμικό υπόβαθρο στις σχολικές τάξεις. Επομένως, ο πολιτισμικός πλουραλισμός στο χώρο του σχολείου έχει δημιουργήσει νέες ανάγκες στο ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα, οι οποίες υπαγορεύουν μια παιδαγωγική ίσων ευκαιριών, μια παιδαγωγική κοινωνικής ένταξης των «διαφορετικών», η οποία θα λαμβάνει υπόψη τις κοινωνικές και πολιτισμικές τους ιδιαιτερότητες. Η διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση στοχεύει στην εποικοδομητική συμβίωση, σε ένα πολυπολιτισμικό περιβάλλον που βασίζεται στην αποδοχή και το σεβασμό του διαφορετικού. Επιδιώκει να εμποδίσει το σχηματισμό στερεότυπων και προκαταλήψεων απέναντι σε πρόσωπα και πολιτισμούς και να υπερβεί κάθε μορφή εθνοκεντρικής αντιμετώπισης. Στο παραπάνω πλαίσιο κοινωνικών συνθηκών αναπτύσσονται στερεότυπα και προκαταλήψεις για το «διαφορετικό», οι οποίες όμως αποτελούν εμπόδιο στην επαφή των ατόμων. Τα στερεότυπα δημιουργούνται σε μικρή ηλικία, αλλάζουν με δυσκολία, ενώ η αλλαγή τους είναι παράλληλα αποτέλεσμα ευρύτερων κοινωνικών, οικονομικών και πολιτικών συνθηκών. Από τη συνύπαρξη των γηγενών και των πολιτισμικά διαφορετικών μαθητών στο χώρο του σχολείου προκύπτουν προβλήματα στις διομαδικές τους σχέσεις. Η ύπαρξη των στερεοτύπων στις σχέσεις των γηγενών και των πολιτισμικά διαφορετικών μαθητών, οι οποίες καθορίζονται και διαμορφώνονται από το γεγονός ότι τα άτομα ανήκουν στην ίδια ή σε διαφορετικές ομάδες, αποτελεί το σκοπό της εργασίας μας. Σκοπός μας είναι να ανιχνεύσουμε το βαθμό και την ένταση των στερεοτυπικών αντιλήψεων που εμφανίζονται στο χώρο του σχολείου, τόσο από τους γηγενείς προς τους πολιτισμικά διαφορετικούς μαθητές όσο και από τους πολιτισμικά διαφορετικούς προς τους γηγενείς μαθητές. / The immigration stream of the last decades has influenced in an international level the synthesis of societies and has turned them into multicultural ones. The problems that rise from the interaction of civilizations are obvious and demand solutions, so that their interaction facilitates the evolution of intergroup relationships. The Greek society faces a new reality: the multiculturalism, which comes as a result of cohabitation of the local people with the Muslims communities, the Gypsies, the repatriated citizens and the immigrants whose popular number is increasingly rising in the past years, having as a result tremendous problems. Therefore, the Greek society suffers linguistic and cultural gaps that lead to different arising problems on social, political and educational bases. The educational society faces various problems and it is called to respond to a new reality that is created by the presence of students with different cultural background at school. Thus, due to multiculturalism at school new needs has risen in the Greek educational system. These needs require for all the students to be equal and a pedagogical social adjustment of the non native students which will take into account their social and cultural diversities. The intercultural education aims at the beneficial cohabitation, in a multicultural environment that focuses on the admission and the respect of different cultures. Furthermore, it targets at preventing the creation of stereotypes and prejudice against cultures and individuals. While debating the aforementioned matter of social conditions, stereotypes and prejudice are evolving, bringing obstacles in the relationships among individuals. Stereotypes appear in childhood, they are difficult to subdue changes and can be influenced by both social, economic and politic conditions as well. Having the natives and non native students interacting together at school, it is for sure that problems will rise as far as their intergroup relationships are concerned. Our research focuses on the potential stereotypes that are evolved in the relationships between native and multiculturally different students, which are defined and reshaped by the fact that the individuals belong to the same or different groups. Our goal is to detect the magnitude and the growth of stereotypes that appear at school, concerning the behaviour of native students towards the culturally different ones and vice versa.

Etnicidad lingüística en la educación primaria de los niños indígenas del Perú desde 2000 hasta el 2015 / Linguistic ethnicity in primary education of indigenous children in Peru from 2000 to 2015

Garay Pacherre, Guadalupe del Rocío 03 July 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo utiliza la data “Peruvian Young Lives International Study” referente al nivel escolar de pobreza infantil para investigar el efecto de la presencia de lenguas distintas al Castellano en el logro cognitivo de los niños de Educación Primaria. Se encontró que la presencia de una lengua distinta al Castellano en la Educación Primaria disminuye en 2.22 puntos el puntaje en las pruebas cognitivas. No existe evidencia de este efecto visto por el lado de factores de oferta. Estos hallazgos sugieren también que la educación en lenguas distintas al Castellano en el nivel primario, para aquellos niños cuyos padres hablan una lengua distinta al Castellano, mejoran sus resultados cognitivos. / The present work uses the Peruvian Young Lives International Study of Childhood Poverty’s School Level data to investigate the effect of the presence of different languages, except Spanish, on the cognitive knowledge of primary school children. It was found that the presence of a specific language, excepto the Spanish language, in primary education reduce at 2.22 points the score on cognitive tests. There is no evidence of this effect from the supply factors. These findings also suggest that education in languages different than Spanish at the primary level, for those children whose parents speak a language different than Spanish, it improves their cognitive results. / Trabajo de investigación


FAGNER HENRIQUE GUEDES NEVES 09 April 2015 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho situa-se na confluência entre conhecimento, educação escolar, ensino de Sociologia e interculturalidade, um diálogo pouco explorado pela pesquisa educacional brasileira. Tendo como referenciais os estudos interculturais de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Vera Maria Candau e Antônio Flávio Moreira, busca-se discutir como os professores de Sociologia lotados na escola básica compreendem as possibilidades de debates entre o saber sociológico escolar e a educação intercultural. Neste empreendimento, dois objetivos são visados: (1) identificar as representações de professores de Sociologia de escolas públicas de Niterói sobre as relações entre o conhecimento sociológico escolar vigente na escola básica brasileira e a proposta da educação intercultural e a (2) problematizar possibilidades de construção de currículos escolares sociológicos interculturalmente orientados no contexto de escolas da rede pública. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com onze sujeitos licenciados em Ciências Sociais e atuantes no magistério estadual de Sociologia há pelo menos dois anos. Foram também analisados documentos curriculares oficiais voltados ao ensino médio e à disciplina de Sociologia. Mediante a articulação entre os dados obtidos através desses procedimentos e os referenciais teórico-conceituais enunciados, foi possível obter significativos achados. A despeito de diversas proposições favoráveis à educação intercultural nos documentos curriculares analisados, esta ainda é escassamente promovida na seleção de conteúdos e no desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas no ensino básico de Sociologia, conforme relatam os sujeitos da pesquisa. Nesse cenário, a construção intercultural do conhecimento sociológico escolar é uma meta a se cumprir, repleta de desafios a serem enfrentados pelo sistema escolar e os educadores. / [en] This work approaches an unusual discussion in the Brazilian educational research, involving knowledge, school education, Sociology teaching, and interculturalism. Specifically, the work focuses the public high-school Sociology teachers opinions about the dialogues between the Sociology knowledge and the project of the intercultural education, considering the conceptions from Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Vera Maria Candau, and Antônio Flávio Moreira. There are two research goals: (1) to identify the high-school Sociology-teachers representations about the Sociology knowledge which is normally taught at the Brazilian Schools and its relationships with the intercultural education; (2) to propose some possibilities of creating Sociology public high-schools curricula under the intercultural concepts. Semi-structured interviews with eleven Social Sciences licensed-teachers who have been working at public high-schools in Niterói City (State of Rio de Janeiro) for at least two years were made. In addition, the official curricula documents concerning Sociology teaching and high-school education were analyzed. Linking the achieved data with the theoretical references, some important results were found. Although the analyzed documents point many propositions around the intercultural constitution of the Sociology teaching, content choices and the pedagogical practices are not usually affected by the intercultural education. At this scenery, building a high-school Sociology teaching under intercultural ideas remains as a non-reached goal, which is plenty of challenges to be faced by the educators.

Four years on the road to cosmopolitan lives : student development through the extended international education experience

Starcher, Andrew Lee January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to explore how students developed over a four-year international higher education experience, the first longitudinal study of student development through undergraduate careers completed entirely abroad. One hundred six students representing forty-three different countries at an American international liberal arts college in Switzerland participated in this grounded theory study, which incorporated an additional 186 anonymous survey respondents. The study addressed the processes and outcomes of such an education. The work utilized data produced through a number of different formats, including student peer-to-peer interviews, reflective student writing, participant observation, and open survey questions. The research showed that this experience prepared students for seven related cosmopolitan futures, ranging from global activist to glocal elite. In addition to classifying typologies, the study explained how students utilized three separate learning arenas to structure their experience: the intercultural bubble, the larger world of travel, and local communities. Students autonomously employed distinct methods within these learning arenas, using cyclical processes involving agency, constant comparison, risk-taking, and reflection. Students developed both intercultural competencies and worldliness. Key aspects of intercultural competencies included adaptability, open-mindedness, and perspective-taking. Worldliness instead comprised independence, travel savvy, and self-assuredness. Findings suggest that, regardless of a student’s original cosmopolitical orientation, the net effect of the extended international higher education experience was to expand students’ orientations and modes of acting and perceiving toward greater global understanding and appreciation, including aspects of ethical cosmopolitanism. The experience was transformative, albeit in an incremental fashion, building upon students’ previous lives. The research proposed a more evidence-based definition of cosmopolitan education than previous conceptualizations, one that encompasses tensions in discourses around internationalization and globalization. This thesis contributes to the literatures on the internationalization of higher education, international education, education for global citizenship, higher education policy, cosmopolitanism in practice, and the sociology of globalization. The thesis concludes with recommendations for international education researchers, practitioners, and campus leaders.

EducaÃÃo FÃsica Escolar e EducaÃÃo Intercultural : possibilidades pedagÃgicas para o ensino mÃdio / School physical education and intercultural education: pedagogical possibilities for high school

MÃrcio RÃgis Pinto Pompeu 26 May 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / A complexidade das relaÃÃes e a diversidade cultural configuram um cenÃrio atual, que, em meio ao processo de globalizaÃÃo, estabelece o conflito entre diferentes culturas que se manifestam, de forma intensa, em todos os espaÃos sociais. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho se apropria da relaÃÃo entre a EducaÃÃo FÃsica escolar e a educaÃÃo intercultural como um caminho de possibilidades para a prÃtica escolar. Apresenta como objetivo geral analisar as interfaces entre a EducaÃÃo FÃsica escolar e a educaÃÃo intercultural, identificando possibilidades pedagÃgicas para o ensino mÃdio. Esse estudo apoiou-se, no seu referencial teÃrico, em autores como: Candau (2002, 2011, 2014); Fleuri (2003, 2005); Bauman (2012); Geertz (2014); Forquin (1993); Moreira e Candau (2007); Freire (1992); Santos (2009); Daolio (2004, 2011); dentre outros. Dessa forma, na busca pela melhor definiÃÃo da opÃÃo metodolÃgica desse estudo, o enfoque utilizado foi o qualitativo. A caracterÃstica da pesquisa à descritiva. O cenÃrio do estudo foi a rede estadual de ensino da cidade de Fortaleza. Os colaboradores da pesquisa foram 06 professores(as) lotados na disciplina de EducaÃÃo FÃsica das escolas participantes do estudo. Estes(as) professores(as) compuseram um grupo focal (GF) como instrumento de coleta das informaÃÃes acerca do significado das questÃes especÃficas e diretivas determinadas pelo pesquisador, para o cruzamento das informaÃÃes construÃdas tambÃm do aporte teÃrico e do levantamento de dados bibliogrÃficos, a fim de obter luz dos teÃricos do referido tema em questÃo. Nos resultados de busca, evidenciou-se que a articulaÃÃo entre os campos inferidos em termos teÃricos se revelou muito discreta, configurando-se uma temÃtica pouco privilegiada no Ãmbito das pesquisas cientÃficas. Caracterizaram-se princÃpios e pressupostos pedagÃgicos da: alteridade, diÃlogo, inclusÃo e cidadania, que embasam a EducaÃÃo FÃsica numa perspectiva intercultural. Constataram-se desafios comuns para se trabalhar com uma prÃtica intercultural nas aulas de EducaÃÃo FÃsica escolar, bem como se desvelaram experiÃncias que destacam uma relaÃÃo superficial com a EducaÃÃo FÃsica numa perspectiva intercultural e outras de maior aproximaÃÃo efetiva de uma EducaÃÃo FÃsica numa proposiÃÃo intercultural. / The complexity of the relations and the cultural diversity configure a current situation that, in the globalization process, establishes a conflict between different cultures, which arises in all the social scenarios. Therefore, this article appropriates the relation between Physical Education and intercultural education as a way full of possibilities for school practice. It presents as its main goal to analyze the interfaces between school Physical Education and intercultural education, identifying pedagogical possibilities for High School. This study has as its theoretical frame authors like: Candau (2002, 2011, 2014); Fleuri (2003, 2005); Bauman (2012); Geertz (2014); Forquin (1993); Moreira e Candau (2007); Freire (1992); Santos (2009); Daolio (2004, 2011); among others. This way, trying to reach the best definition of the methodological option for this study, the focus adopted was qualitative. The characteristic of the research is descriptive. The scenario of the study was the state education network of Fortaleza. The contributors for this research were 06 Physical Education teachers from the schools which participated in the study. These teachers composed a focus group (FG) as an instrument for collecting information about the meaning of specific and directive questions determined by the researcher for linking databases, these ones built, also, from the theoretical basis and from a bibliographical data survey in order to get illumination from the theorists consulted for this study. The results demonstrated that the connection between the inferred fields in theoretical terms showed very discreet, configuring a low privileged theme in the scientific area. Principles and pedagogical assumptions of alterity, dialog, inclusion and citizenship, that support Physical Education in an intercultural perspective, were characterized. We could also identify common challenges to work with an intercultural practice in Physical Education classes as well as a superficial relation with Physical Education in an intercultural perspective and even with others perspectives closer to Physical Education in an intercultural proportion.

Réalités, situations, rôles, statuts des langues arabe et française en Algérie : étude phonétique et syntaxique / Realities, situations, roles, status of Arabic and French languages in Algeria : phonetic and syntactic study

Besbas, Fatima Zohra 31 March 2017 (has links)
Le contexte algérien est fait de plusieurs langues en contact, dont les interactions varient suivant les situations géographiques, socio-culturelles et socio-économiques observées. Leur coexistence/leur concurrence créent des situations d’enseignement/apprentissage complexes et particulières, dont l’étude précise est nécessaire pour que l’école algérienne puisse tirer parti de la richesse du plurilinguisme, car actuellement le plurilinguisme est la règle et le monolinguisme est l’exception. Cela dit, il est à noter que l’arabe standard moderne tout comme le français ne constituent nullement la langue maternelle du locuteur algérien même si l’on retrouve ces deux langues dans des domaines multiples et variés comme les média, l’administration, l’économie, les sciences…néanmoins un conflit existe et perdure, ce sont les parlers du quotidien, les idiomes locaux, régionaux qui dominent dans ce pays et qui influent sur ce processus d’enseignement/apprentissage des deux langues . / The algerian context is composed of several languages in contact, of which the interactions varie according to the geographical locations, sociocultural and socio-economic observed. Their coexistence/their competition create sophisticated and particular situations of teaching and learning. Their precises studies are necessary so that the algerian school takes advantage of the richness of the plurilingualism, because currently the plurilingualism is the rule and the monolingualism is the exception. However, it should be noted that neither modern standard arabic nor french constitute the mother tongue of any algerian speaker even if one finds these two languages in multiple and varied fields such as the media, the administration, the economy, sciences… nevertheless a conflict exists and continues : it is a matter of the daily speeches, the local and regional idioms which dominate in this country with their influence on the process of teaching and learning these two languages .


DIANA SAYÃO VIEIRA 26 August 2011 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo aborda o tema da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) no ensino médio supletivo noturno. Focaliza uma escola que desenvolve essa modalidade de ensino, procurando compreendê-la na perspectiva do multiculturalismo crítico, sob a ótica da interculturalidade. Com essa abordagem, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, mais precisamente um estudo de caso, em um Colégio Estadual do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, denominado Colégio Arpoador. Foram selecionadas como estratégias metodológicas, além da revisão de bibliografia, três técnicas para a coleta de dados: a observação, a análise documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. Os objetivos principais da pesquisa foram: analisar se os(as) professores(as) do Colégio Arpoador reconhecem e trabalham com a realidade heterogênea dos(as) alunos(as), levando em consideração as práticas pedagógicas, o currículo e a construção da(s) identidades dos(as) alunos(as), além de buscar identificar as possíveis contribuições de uma educação intercultural para essa modalidade. Os resultados obtidos através dos depoimentos dos(as) professores(as) indicam que eles reconhecem a grande diversidade cultural dos(as) alunos(as). No entanto, essa realidade não parece ser referência para pensar suas práticas pedagógicas e a seleção do currículo. A educação intercultural não parece ser uma prática conhecida pelos(as) professores(as), mas foi possível perceber um esforço dos(as) mesmos(as) em compreender do que ela trata e como poderia ser promovida no cotidiano escolar. A partir dos resultados, a pesquisa procurou apontar dificuldades encontradas na EJA de ensino médio e sugerir caminhos de renovação, partindo do princípio que a educação intercultural é capaz de trazer múltiplos benefícios para esta realidade. / [en] This work is a study about the Adults and Youth Education (Educação de Jovens e Adultos –EJA) in an evening high school equivalency program. We have chosen one school that is part of this kind of program and we have tried to understand its functioning under a critic multiculturalism perspective in an interculturallity vision. Starting with this premise, a qualitative research was carried out, in fact a case study, in a public school of the state of Rio de Janeiro, named Colégio Arpoador. The methodological strategies included, besides the bibliography review, three data collection techniques: observation, documental analyses and semi-structured interview. The main objectives were to analyze if Colégio Arpoador’s teachers recognize and work with the heterogeneous reality of its students, considering their pedagogical practices, the curriculum and the identity construction, besides identifying the contributions of an intercultural education for this kind of equivalency program. The results obtained from the teacher testimonies indicate that they recognize the existence of a great cultural diversity among students, although this reality seems not to constitute a reference to their pedagogical practices and the curriculum subject selection. It seems that teachers don’t experience the intercultural education as a practice, but there is an effort to understand how it works and how it can be stimulated in daily school. From the results, the research tried to show the difficulties found in high school EJA, and also tried to suggest ways to renovate the pedagogical practices, starting from the principle that intercultural education is a very productive way of giving multiples benefits for that reality.

Resolving the culture conundrum: A conceptual framework for the management of culture in TESOL

Williams, Alan Brunton, Alan.Williams@latrobe.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
The thesis explores the place of culture in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). The study originally set out to investigate the ways in which teachers understand culture and deal with it in their teaching of English. A survey of teachers found that while the teachers had sophisticated understandings about culture and its relationship with language at a general level, they did not have clear understandings about how cultural teaching can be enacted in the classroom. This conundrum was also evident in the literature on teaching culture in TESOL. An extensive survey of the literature found that while there are a number of different perspectives on how culture can be understood and dealt with in TESOL, none of these provide a comprehensive basis for the understandings teachers need for the practicalities of teaching. The focus of the study shifted from an investigation of professional development to the articulation of a conceptual framework to inform teachers in the way they can manage the teaching of culture. The framework draws on some significant insights of one of the perspectives in the literature, Intercultural Language Teaching, as well as some insights from other perspectives. The framework identifies dimensions in which teachers need to understand how culture can be manifest and managed in TESOL. For each dimension a number of factors on which decisions need to be made are identified. The framework also identifies a number of principles to guide teachers in their decision-making about the teaching culture. The potential of the framework to inform the teaching of English to adult immigrants in Australia, as well as students studying English in a university in Vietnam is explored. The capacity of the framework to inform TESOL teacher education, research and theory building is also evaluated.

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