Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] KINDERGARTEN"" "subject:"[enn] KINDERGARTEN""
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電子童書與幼兒閱讀理解之研究徐韶君, Hsu,Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:閱讀理解、動畫與文本一致性、電子童書、幼兒 / This study has two parts: one is to research the impact of coherence between text and animation on children’s reading. The other is to analyze the effect of ages on children’s reading comprehention while they read electronic story books.
The research adopted one of a series of Living-books, called Little Monster At School. 30 aged 4 and 60 aged 5 children from public and private kindergartens of Taipei city and County participated in the study. There were 2 tasks. Tesk one was coherent text for experimental group. Task 2 was incoherent text for control group. The content of the two tasks was the same.
After reading the electronic book, all children took memory test and comprehension test which was devided into 2 sub-score: fact comprehension and inference comprehension.
Results are:
1. Memory test’s scores of experimental group is obviously higher than that of control group.
2. Reading comprehension scores of experimental group is also higher than that of control group.
3. Memory test’s scores of age 5 children is higher than age 4 children.
4. Age 5 children get higher total reading comprehension scores than age 4 children. Furthermore, they get higher score on fact questions. Scores of inference questions however, do not show age difference.
5. Memory and story reading comprehension scores have positive correlation. It reveals that children reading coherent animation and text have higher memory scores and higher comprehension scores. On the other hand, children who had the incoherent text had poor scores of both.
Based on the results, researcher provides suggestions for teachers, parents and book publisher.
Key words: reading comprehension, animation of electronic storybooks, coherence of text, kindergarten children.
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臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力之研究 / A study on the team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei city王志翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究方法主要為訪談法以及問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市公立幼稚園園長及教師為研究對象,共500位,樣本回收290份,回收率為58%,可用樣本為287份,可用率為57.4%。研究工具為「臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力調查問卷」,主要包括兩大部分,首先是參考Saucier(1994)所編製的「Mini-Markers」(五大人格特質精簡量表),經翻譯與題意修正後發展成適用於國內的「臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質量表」,第二,則是自編之「臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力量表」。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、逐步多元迴歸分析(Stepwise Multiple Regression)等方法進行分析。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下:
最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾供臺北市教育行政機關、臺北市公立幼稚園園長以及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City, and to explore the relationship between personality traits and team leadership competencies, and to discuss personality traits how to influence team leadership competencies.
The survey method included interview and questionnaires investigation. Participants in this study were teachers and directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City, and the number of participants were 500, and 290 samples(58%) were retrieved, and 287 valid samples(57.4%) were used in this study. The measures included Mini –Markers that made by Saucier (1994) and team leadership competencies questionnaire that made by author. Data were analyzed by description statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product -moment correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, this study finds reaches the following results:
A.In the aspect of personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City:
1.The personality traits include five parts:
(1) Extraversion, (2) Agreeableness,(3) Conscientiousness,(4) Emotional stability,(5) Openness to Experience. The perception of directors and teachers were above average agreement of the five parts. For directors, the best dimension is “Agreeableness”, and the worst dimension is “Openness to Experience”.
2.The team leadership competencies include three parts: (1) Core Leadership,(2) Team Building,(3) Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Solving. The perception of directors and teachers were above average agreement of the three parts. For directors, the best dimension is “Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Solving”, and the worst dimension is “Team Building”.
B.The influences of personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City:
1.Personality Traits: highest educational degree, years of director service, and school size have significant influences on personality traits. But director’s age and years of service do not have any significant influences.
2.Team Leadership Competencies: school size has significant influences on team leadership competencies. But director’s age, highest educational degree, years of service, and years of director service do not have any significant influences.
C.In the aspect of relationship between personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City:
1.There is a significant and positive correlation between personality traits and team leadership competencies.
2.Personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience) do promote team leadership competencies, especially Openness to Experience.
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Exploring Reggio-Inspired Documentation: Lived Experiences of Elementary Teachers and ChildrenMillan, Jenifer Marie 19 May 2014 (has links)
In this interpretive phenomenological research study, making meaning of teachers and children's experiences of Reggio-inspired documentation takes center stage. Reggio-inspired documentation is a way of visually stabilizing and bringing meaning to experiences, ideas, thoughts and the daily interactions of children and adults (Bonilauri & Rubizzi, 2010; Filippini, Trancossi & Vecchi, 2009; Guidici et al, 2001; Rinaldi, 2006). Collecting research in The School of Inspiration elementary program brings to light the many experiences and possible meanings of Reggio-inspired documentation. The study's participants consist of 2 teachers, 45 children, and me, as a participant researcher, all developing the meaning over time.
Utilizing observations, photographs, field notes, journal writing and interviews, I documented this research study over a number of months. During this time, I spent hours in the environment listening, observing and taking photographs and then reflecting back on the experiences. The many experiences developed into three essential themes, transformation and growth, noble lives, and connections. The documentation experiences and the beautiful representations of learning and relationships built layers and moments that scaffold upon each other. A deeper look inside these experiences revealed how each child and teacher fostered a relationship with documentation carefully considering their daily reflection. Reflection led to implications for possible futures in elementary education such as maintaining intentional reflection, developing an academic journey and designing and fostering group identity.
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The Brigance K&1 Screen and Corresponding Teacher Ratings of StudentsWaddington, Shanna 01 July 1982 (has links)
The relationship between teacher ratings of kindergarten students and scores on the Brigance K&1 Screen was examined in order to obtain a measure of construct validity for the Brigance. A Kentucky sample and California sample were included in the study. Data was analyzed separately for each sample for purposes of regional comparison. Teacher’s ratings of students’ overall ability and ability across five skill dimensions (expressive language, receptive language, personal information, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills) were compared via a linear regression analysis. The results indicated that overall ratings of students by teachers are significant and reliable combinations of ratings on the five dimensions of educational/developmental skills for both samples. A second linear regression analysis compared Brigance total scores with ratings on the individual skills. The results were significant for both samples but revealed some regional differences. A third linear regression analysis involved a comparison of overall ratings with Brigance total scores. The Brigance scores were significantly related to overall ratings in both samples, and the relationship may be described as positive.
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Holding Back: An Analysis of the History, Utility, and Effects of Academic RedshirtingAndrew-Sfeir, Athena 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the history, purpose, utility, and effects of deliberate delayed kindergarten, known colloquially as "academic redshirting" or, simply, "redshirting." This thesis discusses and examines the history of kindergarten, the definition of school readiness, factors that led to the emergence of academic redshirting, demographics of children who are typically redshirted, and the consequences of the redshirted population within the kindergarten classroom. Also examined are trends in state and district mandated kindergarten age minimums over the last 50 years. The paper concludes with a policy recommendation for the improvement of early childhood education in the United States and a challenge to those who care about the future of American public education.
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An Open Education Kindergarten Curriculum GuideHoward, Dianne Tyus 01 January 1977 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to develop an open education kindergarten curriculum guide utilizing learning centers. This curriculum guide consists of a discussion of specific aspects of implementation of learning centers and a detailed analysis of twelve learning centers. Whether learning centers are implemented gradually, moderately, or totally, the following factors are essential to consider prior to implementation: physical environment, materials, classroom management, evaluation and record keeping, and parental involvement. The following learning centers are discussed in-depth with respect to goals, objectives, enabling activities, and materials and supplies: math, science, language arts, social studies, art, music, block building, dramatic play, sand and water, woodworking, cooking and sewing, and movement. Successful implementation of learning centers in kindergarten appears to be a result of the implementing teacher's attitude toward open education. The attitude of openness is vital in order to successfully develop and implement learning centers.
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Liens entre défavorisation extrême chez des enfants à la maternelle et engagement en classe en 3e année du primaireCrépeau, Stéphanie 11 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre les conditions de défavorisation extrême associées à la pauvreté familiale telles que vécues par l’enfant en maternelle et son engagement en classe en 3e année du primaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé des données portant sur un groupe de 341 enfants provenant des régions les plus défavorisées de Montréal à partir des observations rapportées par leur enseignant. Plusieurs régressions multiples ont permis de mettre en évidence des indicateurs sur l’engagement en classe, soit la concentration, la persistance et l’autonomie des participants avec quatre indicateurs liés à la défavorisation extrême soit la faim, les retards à l’école, l’habillement inadéquat et les signes de fatigue. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que chacun de ces indicateurs pouvait indépendamment contribuer à l’engagement en classe, mais, que deux indicateurs ont un pouvoir prédictif supérieur et fiable, soit le retard en classe et les signes de fatigue. D’autres recherches plus poussées étaient les résultats de la présente étude et suggèrent comment une intervention précoce des enseignants, au début du primaire, pourrait encourager l’engagement en classe d’enfant provenant d’une population défavorisée urbaine. / This study sought to verify the link between certain conditions indicating deprivation in kindergarten children attending school in low income neighbourhoods and subsequent classroom engagement in third grade. Participants are from the Montreal Longitudinal Preschool Study (n = 341). For the deprivation variable, kindergarten teachers reported upon the frequency that children arrived to school hungry, not adequately clothed, late to school or tired. For the classroom engagement variable, third grade teachers reported on children’s task-orientation, persistence, and autonomous learning behaviour in the classroom at the end of the school year. A series of multiple regression analyses were used to verify the possibles links, first by the unique contribution of each deprivation variable and subsequently by attempting to determine which specific deprivation variable which contributed the most weight in the prediction of classroom engagement. Each deprivation variable made its unique contribution independent of child and environmental controls; however, arriving late and being tired seemed to matter most in terms of predictive power. Although cognitive skills and behavioral skills matter in school readiness, this study suggests the importance of teacher input when identifying children at risk of later learning-related behavioral difficulties. More inferential research needs to be conducted on this prospective relationship in order to better understand its dynamics and offer strategies for preventive intervention.
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Links between developmental changes in kindergarten behaviors and later peer associationsAllard, Anne-Julie January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Les stratégies de compréhension lors de lectures à voix haute : accompagnement parental auprès d’enfants de cinq ansProvencher, Julie 08 1900 (has links)
Le rôle du parent est important dans le développement de la compétence en lecture de jeunes enfants et lire à son enfant est une pratique de littératie familiale fortement encouragée par la société. Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire cet accompagnement parental notamment en lien avec les stratégies de compréhension utilisées entre un parent et son enfant lors de la lecture à voix haute. Nous avons observé 10 parents lire un abécédaire, un texte narratif avec intrigue, un texte narratif sans intrigue et un texte informatif à leur enfant de cinq ans. Il s’avère que les stratégies utilisées par les parents et leurs enfants diffèrent selon le genre de texte.
Les élèves ayant de faibles résultats (reconnaissance des lettres et de leurs sons, rappel du texte, compréhension du vocabulaire réceptif et de la morphosyntaxe) utilisent également moins de stratégies de compréhension lors de la lecture à voix haute que les enfants présentant de meilleurs résultats. Nous avons également vérifié l’étayage offert par les parents d’enfants présentant de bonnes et de faibles compétences en lecture. Ces deux groupes de parents se distinguent par la qualité et la fréquence de l’utilisation des stratégies de compréhension. En effet, nous remarquons que les parents qui guident leurs enfants dans l’utilisation des stratégies de compréhension sont davantage associés aux enfants démontrant une bonne compétence en lecture.
Finalement, nous avons aussi vérifié les pratiques de littératie familiale (temps d’exposition et accessibilité à la lecture, modélisation par les membres de la famille, attitude des parents envers la lecture et mise en place d’activité favorisant la conscience phonologique de l’enfant). Seule la mise sur pied d’activités favorisant la conscience phonologique a pu être liée au rendement des enfants. / A parent’s role in their child’s reading development is important, and reading to your child is a family literacy practice that is strongly encouraged by society. This research describes parental support specifically in relation to reading comprehension strategies used between the parent and child while the parent is reading out loud. We observed 10 parents read aloud an alphabet book, a narrative text with an element of suspense, a narrative text without suspense, and a non-fiction text to their five year old child. It turns out that the reading comprehension strategies used by parents differed according to the type of text being read.
The children with the lowest results (letter sound recognition, story recall, and comprehension of vocabulary and syntax) used less comprehension strategies during read alouds than the children with higher results. We also observed support offered by parents of children with lower and higher results. These two groups of parents differ by the quality and the frequency of their use of reading comprehension strategies. In fact, we noticed that parents who guide their child in using reading comprehension strategies are associated with their children having better results in reading.
Finally, we verified the family literacy practices (time exposed to reading, accessibility of books, family members modelling reading, attitude of parents toward reading, and activities that promote letter sound knowledge/phonemic awareness). Only the family practice of creating activities to further develop letter sound knowledge/phonemic awareness was directly linked to the child’s results.
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Námětové vycházky s dětmi předškolního věku, orientované na environmentální činnosti / Topical walks with preschool children oriented to environmental activitiesStrašáková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
STRAŠÁKOVÁ, Lenka. Topical walks with preschool children oriented to environmental activities. [Diploma Dissertation]. Praha: Fakulty of Education University of Praha, 2010. 126 pp. The main goal of this diploma thesis is the global observation of the nature while going out with children at kindergarten. Current curriculum is part of this thesis because kindergarten teachers have to plan and realize all the activities in relation to the recent curriculum. New possibilities for the pedagogical activities are compared as well. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I am dealing with the main issues in relation to the chosen topic. The idea is backed up by available literature. In the practical part of my thesis, I am using questionnaires. The purpose is to find out whether the kindergarten teachers globally plan the observation of the nature in their education programs. The evaluation is included as well. The evaluation should be used to plan the activities which will be further planned and carried out. Key words: child at kindergarten, walk, animals, plants, watching and cognition of nature, program for preschool education
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