Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEISURE"" "subject:"[enn] LEISURE""
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Lazer e saúde: as práticas corporais no sistema público de Santo André / \"Lazer e saúde\": corporal practices in the Santo André pulbic systemMarcos Warschauer 12 May 2008 (has links)
Historicamente, a Educação Física tem sido vinculada à área da Saúde fundamentada em uma visão predominantemente biológica. Entretanto, nos últimos tempos, os enfoques que privilegiam as necessidades sociais em saúde têm conquistado mais espaço. Nesse sentido, o propósito deste trabalho foi buscar subsídios no campo da Saúde Coletiva - área que dialoga com as ciências humanas e sociais - para compreender os limites e as possibilidades da implementação das práticas corporais via o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A referência documental, institucional e política foi o projeto Lazer e Saúde, promovido pela Prefeitura de Santo André, no ABC paulista. Metodologicamente falando, adotamos a pesquisa qualitativa de modo a enfatizar a análise temática. O material coletado - entrevistas, diário de campo e observações - foi organizado no formato de matriz planificada, que nos orientou na construção de dois eixos de análise: o primeiro, denominado análise temática, possibilitou a identificação dos principais temas surgidos a partir das entrevistas e suas respectivas relevâncias; o segundo, denominado análise do sujeito, permitiu a visualização dos resultados sob o ponto de vista de cada sujeito, ou seja, pelos dados colhidos nas entrevistas, foi possível promover um \"diálogo\" entre a Educação Física e a Saúde Coletiva. Os resultados apontaram a intersetorialidade como um dos principais temas no processo de implementação das práticas corporais no sistema público de saúde, evidenciaram a importância da aproximação entre campos de produção de conhecimento e, especialmente, o papel da Educação Física como protagonista na pesquisa e na intervenção quando se trata do processo saúde-adoecimento / Physical Education has been historically associated with health in its chiefly biological view. However, the focus favoring the social needs in health has been gaining ground lately, which encouraged this study to gather material in the field of Collective Health - an area confining with human and social sciences - in order to understand the limits and the possibilities of implementing corporal practices through Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). \"Lazer e Saúde\", a project conceived and sponsored by Santo André municipal administration, served as the documental, institutional, and political references for this study. As to methodology, qualitative research was adopted to emphasize theme analysis. All material gathered - interviews, field diaries, and notes - was shown in a planned matrix, leading to the construction of two axes of analysis: the first, theme analysis, made it possible to single out the chief themes emerging from the interviews and their importance; the second, subject analysis, allows viewing results for each individual\'s standpoint, i.e., the data collected in the interviews smoothed the path for a \"dialogue\" between Physical Education and Collective Health. Results show commingling as one of the chief themes in the process of implementing corporal practices in the public health system, stressed the importance of drawing the fields of knowledge production closer and in particular the role of Physical Education as a leading factor in the research and in the intervention when the subject concerns the process of health and/or its loss
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Proměna městské části Pera na kulturní čtvrt Istanbulu (v druhé polovině 19. století) / Transformatıon of Pera into Cultural District of Istanbul in the second half of the 19th CenturyBayram, Muhammet Sami January 2016 (has links)
The second half of the 19th Century was a remarkable period in the history of the transformation of Istanbul's Pera district, which can also be detected in the history of its western type theatre buildings, passages, cultural activities, district regulations, planning and establishment of other public and private spaces. The scope of the study will focus on the period between the announcement of the Edict of Gulhane (1839) till Second Constitutional Era (1908). I have chosen the Pera district, also known as Beyoğlu/Taksim for this case study, because it had quite specific functions in the city. It had hosted various ethnical groups throughout its long history, which was also the case in the middle of the 19th century, and the cultural harmony influenced the district's social life. I intend to test this hypothesis by applying Charles Landry's creativity city concept with Pera's cultural district at the end of the thesis. I will apply the aforementioned concepts and examine the remarkable modern type constructions of the district and their history. I will show that gradual growth of the amount and intensity of interactions between the West and the Ottoman Society created a cultural infrastructure, which in turn created a cosmopolitan area in Pera. Social and daily life started to change with the...
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Novos Balneários do Oeste Paulista: um olhar para o lazer em praias do interior / New beaches of the west of São Paulo: a look at leisure on the beaches of the countrysideRibeiro, Roberta Dias de Moraes 26 September 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os balneários das cidades de Presidente Epitácio e Rosana, no estado de São Paulo, como alternativas de lazer, identificando as políticas públicas que os municípios possuem e os projetos futuros. Buscou-se conhecer o entendimento que os responsáveis das secretarias/divisões de turismo e lazer e os frequentadores desses espaços têm em relação às políticas públicas. Mesmo sendo um direito social garantido por lei, o lazer não figura entre as prioridades dos nossos gestores públicos e quando aparece em seus discursos, é diminuído a apenas um de seus conteúdos, geralmente ao físico-esportivo. A metodologia utilizada foi composta pela combinação de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e empírica, estudo de caso com coleta de dados utilizando-se entrevistas semiestruturadas. As entrevistas foram destinadas aos gestores responsáveis pelas secretarias/divisões de turismo e lazer e aos visitantes dos balneários estudados, resultando num total de 166 entrevistas. Além disso, foi realizada uma observação estruturada com intuito de analisar os fatores externos dos balneários, como conservação do local. Como resultados, identificou-se a dificuldade sobre o entendimento do lazer pelos gestores. Eles configuram o lazer em seu departamento como a agenda de eventos do município e, por consequência, denominam essa agenda como sua política de lazer. Constatamos também que os visitantes dos balneários não percebem a presença física, constante, do poder público municipal, não tendo eficácia a fiscalização das regras estabelecidas pela Prefeitura. Apesar de os balneários possuírem potencial para todo o Oeste paulista, a maioria do público que frequenta os balneários é residente da cidade local. Desta forma, desafios são lançados para as Prefeituras Municipais alcançarem novas fronteiras, como por exemplo, novas parcerias por meio da intersetorialidade; outros métodos de publicidade que atinjam, em especial, as cidades vizinhas; e estabelecer políticas públicas de lazer para além da agenda de eventos / This study aimed to analyze the beaches of Epitacio and Rosana cities in the state of São Paulo as leisure alternatives, identifying its public policies and future projects. It was sought to know how the tourism and leisure department managers and visitors to those spaces understand the local public policies. Even though it is a social right guaranteed by law, leisure is not included among the list of our public managers and when it appears in their speeches, it is reduced to only one of its contents, usually to the physical-sport. The methodology was formed by bibliographical, documentary and empirical research, a case study with data collection, and semi-structured interviews applied to the managers of the tourism and leisure departments and to visitors to the beaches studied, resulting in a total of 166 interviews. In addition, a structured observation was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the external factors of the bathing places, such as site conservation. The results identify a difficulty about the understanding of leisure by managers. They set up leisure in their department as a calendar of events of the municipality, and consequently, they call this agenda as their leisure policy. We also noticed that the visitors to the bathing places do not perceive the physical presence of the municipal public power as constant, which implies the inefficacy of an inspection of the local rules. Although the beaches have potential for the whole of the West of São Paulo, most people who visit the bathing places live in the local city. In this way, challenges are launched for municipalities to reach new frontiers, such as new partnerships through intersectorality; other advertising methods which attack, in particular, neighboring towns; and establish public leisure policies beyond the agenda of events
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Reconstructing communities : the impact of regeneration on community dynamics and processesPethia, Stacey R. January 2011 (has links)
The New Labour government placed communities at the heart of urban regeneration policy. Area deprivation and social exclusion were to be addressed through rebuilding community in deprived areas, a process involving tenure diversification and the building of bridging social capital to support community empowerment, increased aspirations and wide-spread mutually supportive relationships. There is, however, little empirical evidence that tenure mix is an effective means for achieving the social goals of neighbourhood renewal. This thesis contributes to the mixed tenure debate by exploring the impact of regeneration on community. The research was guided by theories of social structure and cultural systems and argues that the regeneration process may give rise to social divisions and conflict between community groups, inhibiting culture change. The research was conducted on a social housing estate located within the West Midlands region. The findings represent the views of local residents and community workers and suggest that greater recognition needs to be given to the role intimate social ties play in community sustainability, that the provision of supportive services must be balanced with individual self-efficacy, and that regeneration policy should focus less on what new homeowners can bring to a community and more on what community can already offer.
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A escola pública e o lazer: um estudo de caso do programa parceiros do futuro - SEE/SP / Public schools and leisure: a case study of the Parceiros do Futuro Program SEE/SPPacheco, Reinaldo Tadeu Boscolo 30 April 2004 (has links)
Os grandes aglomerados urbanos ressentem-se da falta de espaços públicos para o usufruto do lazer. As políticas públicas nesse setor não são priorizadas. Na tentativa de suprir tais carências, acontecem intervenções estatais usando o único espaço público disponível em muitas regiões: a escola. Promovendo sua abertura aos finais de semana para diversas atividades, o Estado busca responder a uma demanda social por lazer, fazendo uso de um discurso de contenção de violência escolar e urbana por intermédio da ocupação social dos jovens das classes populares. Essa forma de intervenção revela uma idéia de controle social por meio do lazer, descaracterizando-o como direito social para qualquer cidadão. Além disso, as escolas que são objeto de intervenção não conseguem desenvolver um projeto autônomo, articulado com seu projeto pedagógico e sua realidade cotidiana. Dessa forma, não há articulação entre os processos de educação formal e não-formal. A falta de autonomia da unidade escolar e o precário processo de democratização das relações internas impedem a participação e o controle por parte da população do que é realizado na escola pública, que se torna refém de processos alheios à realidade local. A estrutura material e profissional precária impede que o programa possa qualificar as atividades desenvolvidas e os educadores, que atuam nas escolas aos finais de semana, não recebem o treinamento e a capacitação necessários para desenvolverem um programa educativo. As atividades desenvolvidas não passam por um processo de reflexão sobre seus aspectos educativos e reproduzem, em muitos casos, as demandas próprias da indústria cultural. Além disso, não são desenvolvidos mecanismos que façam interagir as políticas públicas no campo da educação, do lazer, da cultura e do esporte. Observou-se que a criação desses programas responde muito mais às demandas de enquadramento social dos jovens do que de garantia de acesso a espaços de sociabilidade e lazer para todos os cidadãos. Não há sustentabilidade possível de programas de lazer que façam uso das escolas públicas se não houver um investimento condizente com a necessidade de qualificação do que é desenvolvido, de controle por parte da sociedade civil e de articulação com o que deveria ser a finalidade da escola pública: educar para a emancipação e para a construção de uma sociedade democrática e socialmente justa. / Large urban conglomerates often lack enough public spaces for leisure. Governmental policies in this area are not prioritized. In an attempt to fill this gap, the State has decided to intervene using the only public spaces available in many regions: schools. By opening schools for a range of weekend activities, the State seeks to fulfill a social demand for leisure, while alleging to curb school and urban violence by keeping lower class youth socially occupied. This form of intervention underscores a design for social control through leisure, disavowing it as basic social right of all citizens. In addition, schools subject to such intervention are not allowed to develop autonomous projects, aligned with their own educational proposals and day-to-day reality, and this leads to a mismatch between the formal and non-formal educational processes. The school units lack of autonomy and the precarious process of democratizing internal relations prevent the population from participating in and controlling what happens in the public school, which thus becomes hostage to processes extraneous to local realities. The precarious material and professional structure prevents this program from qualifying both the activities being developed and the educators themselves, who work in the schools on weekends but receive neither the training nor the skills required to develop an educational program. The activities are carried out with no thought to their educational aspects and, in many cases, end up by reproducing the demands of the industrial culture itself. Furthermore, no mechanism has been cogitated to establish interactions between existing public policies in the areas of education, leisure, culture and sports. It has been said that such programs are created more as a response to demands for making youth socially compliant than to assure access to spaces for the leisure and socializing of all citizens. No leisure program that makes use of public schools can be sustainable without a commensurate investment to qualify what is being developed, to allow control by civil society and to align it with what ought to be the purpose of a public school: an education to further emancipation and to establish a democratic and socially equitable society.
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Teaching the Leisure Skill of Photography to Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderTsai, Alicia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often do not use their leisure time appropriately. Previous studies have shown that children with ASD tend to engage in inappropriate actions and maladaptive behaviors (such as engaging in stereotypy and tantrums) that decrease their quality of life. Establishing age-appropriate leisure skills is important for these children as these skills have been recognized as fulfilling habilitative needs, and can increase the quality of life and social acceptance and decrease the amount of stress for these individuals. The present study used a multiple baseline across-participants design to investigate whether children with ASD can learn and maintain the skill of photography. Eight children (5 boys and 3 girls, ages 5-16) with ASD were taught using behavioral skills training to engage in an appropriate leisure skill–taking pictures. When mastery criterion was met during training (participants were able to take two consecutive pictures following the six operationally defined steps), participants completed a follow-up three weeks later to examine whether they were able to maintain the skill. Six out of the eight participants were able to successfully learn how to take pictures. This study furthers the current literature on teaching leisure skills to children with ASD and future studies can focus on expanding appropriate leisure skills that are taught to children with ASD, as well as measuring the effects (i.e. social, therapeutic) of learning photography, in addition to other leisure skills.
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The Impacts of Supra-Regional Multi-Resort Season Passes: A Hedonic Pricing Model of Single-Day Lift Tickets for US Ski AreasLai, Sijia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Numerous media analyses claim that supra-regional multi-resort season passes (mega passes) are negatively impacting skiing, snowboarding, and winter-sport communities. In particular, media claims that ski areas on these season passes are charging higher single-day lift ticket prices to nudge people to buy their season pass products. To test this claim, I use a hedonic pricing model to estimate the impact of season passes on adult single-day lift ticket prices. By applying OLS regressions to a dataset of 302 US ski areas for the winter of 2018-19, I find that the ski areas on the leading season passes (Ikon and Epic Pass) charge price premiums for their adult single-day lift tickets. However, the magnitude of the price premiums is much smaller after controlling for ski area characteristics and regional fixed effects.
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Effets de programmes de stimulation cognitive par les activités de loisir sur les fonctions cognitives et la santé psychologique chez l'adulte âgé / Effects of programs of cognitive stimulation with leisure activities on cognitive functions and psychological health during ageingGrimaud, Élisabeth 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif général de ce travail de thèse était d’étudier la possibilité d’améliorer le fonctionnement cognitif (mémoire de travail, mémoire épisodique, vitesse de traitement, fonctions exécutives) et la santé psychologique (estime de soi, plainte mnésique, satisfaction de vie) lors du vieillissement grâce à la pratique des activités de loisir. Pour cela, quatre programmes utilisant les activités de loisir, allant du plus unimodal au plus multimodal, ont été conçus et proposés à des participants âgés. Leurs scores à différentes mesures ont été évalués avant et après les interventions et comparés à ceux de groupes contrôles. Les résultats mettent en évidence que globalement ces programmes permettaient l’amélioration des performances cognitives ainsi que des transferts sur la santé psychologique, sauf l’entraînement unimodal (i.e., spécifique). / The main objective of this thesis was to test the possibility to improve cognitive functioning (working memory, episodic memory, speed of processing, executive functions) and psychological health (self-esteem, memory complaint, satisfaction of life) with leisure activities during aging. The present work was based on four programs using leisure activities, from unimodal to multimodal composition including pretests and posttests and compared to control groups. Globally, results show that the programs heterogeneously improve cognitive performances and provide evidence of benefits transfer to psychological health, except for the unimodal program. Overall, results show that unimodal cognitive training only improve cognitive functioning (Experience 1), whereas playful and multimodal interventions improve psychological health and influence cognitive performance (Experiences 2, 3, et 4). Eventually, our results show that leisure activities during lifespan are associated with a better psychological health (Experiment 3), improve subjective well-being and help to better adapt to ageing. This work supports the idea that leisure activities during life span are in line with psychological health. It also highlights that multimodal cognitive interventions contribute to successful ageing more than unimodal programs.
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Cityscape connections: National Park Service relevance and resilience in urban areasPerry, Elizabeth Eleanor 01 January 2018 (has links)
The National Park Service (NPS) strives to embody U.S. democratic ideals, conserving our collective stories and scenery for their intrinsic value and the enjoyment of current and future generations. However, although these places are conserved for all, they are not enjoyed by all. As with other conservation agencies, the NPS finds itself increasingly concerned with building relevance with diverse potential stewards. In cities, where 80% of the U.S. population and 40% of the NPS portfolio is based, there is a prime opportunity to build relevance with large, diverse, and proximate audiences. Recognizing this opportunity, the NPS initiated its Urban Agenda as a centerpiece of its 2016 centennial. The Urban Agenda seeks to connect people with proximate NPS parks and programs, primarily by using collaborations as pathways to relevance. In doing so, the agency may become a more resilient and value-added component of these larger landscapes. However, connections between relevance, resilience, and collaborations, especially at the organizational level, have rarely been addressed.
This dissertation: 1) identifies perspectives on NPS relevance in the urban context; 2) examines the diversity of brokers and roles in facilitating relevance across collaborative networks; and 3) assesses areas of intra-NPS relationship-building for enhanced relevance. A multi-site, multi-methods evaluation was conducted. Detroit, Tucson, and Boston, all cities with Urban Agenda investment but representing different proximities to physical NPS parks, were selected as cases. Qualitative in-depth interviews with NPS staff and community partners were paired with quantitative social network analysis. The first phase of research identifies areas of commonality and difference among perceptions about relevance. Qualitative inquiry found that, across cities, NPS staff tended to conceptualize relevance in agency-focused ways while community partners conceptualized it on broader scales, both in audiences and goals. These differences in scale may be complementary, though, with the NPS further enhancing its relevance by recognizing the larger context and embedding its perspectives within this context. The second phase of research quantitatively examines collaborative network composition and potential, especially regarding network and broker diversity. Study results suggest that building the breadth and depth of a network, as well as targeting specific areas of desired growth, are ways to effectively build network resilience and further connections for relevance. The third phase of research examines relationships among parks, programs, and offices of the NPS. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods, this inquiry found that relationships between parks are most numerous and supported by institutional structures. However, connections to and within programs are a desired area for further connection. All relationship-building structures and language must emphasize the utility of internal connections for external relevance. Balancing relationship types while being inclusive of non-park groups may be essential in promoting organizational resilience and relevance. This evaluation contributes to theoretical understanding about and indicators of relevance and resilience. Together, results from these three phases of study can help the NPS understand specific relevance considerations in urban areas, efficiently use their resources to enhance relevance, and continue to strive toward our democratic ideals.
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Den oförutsägbare privatresenärens köpbeteende : inom flygtransportbranschenNyström, Martin, Wahlman, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Flygtransportbranschen är hårt konkurrensutsatt genom stark etablering av lågprisbolag. Därtill har händelser såsom terrordådet i New York och SARS påverkat marknaden negativt; branschen har dessutom drabbats av förändrat kundbeteende, bland annat hos privatkunder, och flygbolagen finner det allt svårare att förutse kundernas köp. En medvetenhet om att resenärerna ser priset som en primär faktor vid val av flygbolag finns, men det har visat sig svårt att identifiera andra faktorer.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för privatresenärers köpbeteende vid val av flygbolag. Vidare skall vi genom detta dra slutsatser om faktorer som påverkar kundtroheten inom flygtransportbranschen.</p><p>Genomförande: Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ metod, där empirisk rådata har insamlats genom 48 intervjuer med privatresenärer, fyra intervjuer med anställda på marknadsavdelningen på Scandinavian Airlines Sverige AB och en oberoende intervju med en professor vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.</p><p>Resultat: Våra resultat bekräftar prisets betydelse vid val av flygbolag, men utöver detta har vi kunnat se ett antal för privatresenären värdeskapande faktorer, bland annat personalens bemötande, som påverkar valet av flygbolag. För att beskriva privatresenärernas köpbeteende har vi utvecklat en anpassad behovshierarki för flygtransportbranschen baserat på Maslow, där olika värdeskapande faktorer beskrivs. Studien visar att privatresenären, i huvudsak, ser flygresan inrikes och inom Europa som en transport och efterfrågar därmed främst en enkel, smärtfri och billig resa. Vid interkontinentala flygresor får andra värden en större vikt. Studien har även visat att privatresenärernas motiv för att återkommande efterfråga ett flygbolag inte går att beskrivas på ett generellt plan. Av den anledningen har vi utvecklat lojalitetsbegreppet genom identifiering och beskrivning av sju olika typer av lojaliteter, vilka utvärderas i relation till troheten till företaget, engagemanget till köpprocessen och engagemanget till företaget.</p> / <p>Background: The commercial airline business is facing keen competition from low fares airlines. Air transport has also been effected by incidents like terrorist attacks and SARS. On top of this, the airlines are seeing a change in their customers’ behaviours, which makes it harder to foresee their purchases. The airlines know that the primary factor for choosing an airline is price, but it has proven to be difficult to identify other factors.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of our master thesis is to increase the comprehension about leisure travellers’ buying behaviour, when choosing a specific airline. Further, we shall draw conclusions about factors that have an effect on loyalty within the commercial airline business.</p><p>Research method: The master thesis is based on an empirical study. 48 interviews have been conducted with leisure travellers, and four with staff members from the marketing department at Scandinavian Airlines Sverige AB; one independent interview with a professor at Stockholm School of Economics was also conducted.</p><p>Results: Our study confirms the importance of price when choosing a specific airline, but we have also seen that other value-based factors have an influence on the choice; among other things kind treatment from the airline staff. To be able to describe the leisure travellers’ buying behaviour, we developed a suited hierarchy of needs for the commercial airline business, based on Maslow, where you can find different value-based factors. Our results show that the leisure traveller sees the flight only as a transport, when travelling domestic or within Europe, and therefore searches for an easy way of travelling to the best price available. When travelling on intercontinental flights, customers attach more importance to other values. The study has also shown that the leisure travellers’ motives for repurchasing from the same airline cannot be described on a general level. We have therefore developed the concept of loyalty by identifying and describing seven types of loyalties. All are being evaluated in relation to the loyalty to the company, the commitment to the buying process and the commitment to the company.</p>
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