Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEISURE"" "subject:"[enn] LEISURE""
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Ledarskapet i läraryrket : - sex pedagogers syn på sitt ledarskap / Leadership in the teaching profession : - six educators´ view of their leadershipGunnarsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att beskriva och analysera sex pedagogers syn på sitt ledarskap. För att göra detta har jag genomfört sex kvalitativa intervjuer med olika pedagoger. De intervjuade är: tre förskolelärare, två lärare för yngre barn och en fritidspedagog. Pedagogerna är från olika städer och olika arbetslag. Jag har utfört undersökningen utifrån fyra huvudfrågor:</p><p>– Vad innebär ledarskapet?</p><p>– Vad är det som påverkar ledarskapet?</p><p>– Hur kan man utveckla sig själv som ledare?</p><p>– Vilken sorts ledare behöver barn idag?</p><p>Resultatet visar att ledarskapet i läraryrket framförallt innebär att lära barnen det sociala samspelet. Pedagogerna anser att ledarskapet påverkas av en rad faktorer, bl.a. av barngruppen, kollegorna, den egna personligheten och egna erfarenheter. Utvecklingen till att bli en bättre ledare sker genom att man får erfarenhet. Man utvecklar sig själv bl.a. genom att pröva olika metoder och genom att lära av andra ledare. Intervjupersonerna anser att barn idag bl.a. behöver en tydlig ledare som kan sätta gränser och samtidigt vara en lyhörd ledare som lyssnar på barnen.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyse how six educators look upon their leadership. To achieve this purpose I have carried out six qualitative interviews. The interviewees are: three preschool teachers, two primary school teachers and one leisure pedagogue. The educators work in different cities and in different working teams. My main questions in the study have been:</p><p>- The meaning of the leadership?</p><p>- The factors which affect the leadership?</p><p>- How can one develope ones leadership?</p><p>- What kind of leader do children of today need?</p><p>The results show that the leadership in the teaching profession above all implys teaching children the social teamwork. The educators think that the leadership is influenced by many factors for example: the children in the group, the colleagues, the personality of the leader and his/her experiences. By getting more and more experienced you become a better leader. Trying different methods and learning from other leaders are ways of developing your leadership. The interviewees think that children of today among other things need a clear leader who can set bounds and at the same time be a person with a sensitive ear who listens to the children.</p>
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Grosse gelenkte Projekte in der Schule der Wendezeit / Large directed school projects during the turnaround in East GermanyPrange, Gabriele January 2008 (has links)
Die von mir vorgelegte Arbeit widmet sich insgesamt der Fragestellung, wie große gelenkte Projekte an einer ostdeutschen Schule in der Wendezeit durchgeführt wurden, was aus ihnen folgte und welche Konsequenzen für die Theorie der schulischen Projektarbeit daraus gezogen werden können. Insbesondere zeigt sie auf inwieweit die Arbeit mit Projekten die Forderungen der Gesellschaft, Schule als Lern-, Arbeits-, Lebens- und Freizeitort für Schüler/innen zu gestalten, erfüllt werden kann. Unterschiedlichste Schülerbeispiele (für Begabte, (Hoch)begabte, "schwierig Begabte", Verhaltensschwierige, überraschende Entwicklungen, Lernunwillige u.a.) werden vorgestellt und daran aufgezeigt, was Projektarbeit leisten kann, um die individuellen Leistungsmöglichkeiten von allen Schüler/innen gerecht zu werden, um diese auszuschöpfen, zu fördern und weiter zu entwickeln.
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Den oförutsägbare privatresenärens köpbeteende : inom flygtransportbranschenNyström, Martin, Wahlman, Anna January 2005 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flygtransportbranschen är hårt konkurrensutsatt genom stark etablering av lågprisbolag. Därtill har händelser såsom terrordådet i New York och SARS påverkat marknaden negativt; branschen har dessutom drabbats av förändrat kundbeteende, bland annat hos privatkunder, och flygbolagen finner det allt svårare att förutse kundernas köp. En medvetenhet om att resenärerna ser priset som en primär faktor vid val av flygbolag finns, men det har visat sig svårt att identifiera andra faktorer. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för privatresenärers köpbeteende vid val av flygbolag. Vidare skall vi genom detta dra slutsatser om faktorer som påverkar kundtroheten inom flygtransportbranschen. Genomförande: Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ metod, där empirisk rådata har insamlats genom 48 intervjuer med privatresenärer, fyra intervjuer med anställda på marknadsavdelningen på Scandinavian Airlines Sverige AB och en oberoende intervju med en professor vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Resultat: Våra resultat bekräftar prisets betydelse vid val av flygbolag, men utöver detta har vi kunnat se ett antal för privatresenären värdeskapande faktorer, bland annat personalens bemötande, som påverkar valet av flygbolag. För att beskriva privatresenärernas köpbeteende har vi utvecklat en anpassad behovshierarki för flygtransportbranschen baserat på Maslow, där olika värdeskapande faktorer beskrivs. Studien visar att privatresenären, i huvudsak, ser flygresan inrikes och inom Europa som en transport och efterfrågar därmed främst en enkel, smärtfri och billig resa. Vid interkontinentala flygresor får andra värden en större vikt. Studien har även visat att privatresenärernas motiv för att återkommande efterfråga ett flygbolag inte går att beskrivas på ett generellt plan. Av den anledningen har vi utvecklat lojalitetsbegreppet genom identifiering och beskrivning av sju olika typer av lojaliteter, vilka utvärderas i relation till troheten till företaget, engagemanget till köpprocessen och engagemanget till företaget. / Background: The commercial airline business is facing keen competition from low fares airlines. Air transport has also been effected by incidents like terrorist attacks and SARS. On top of this, the airlines are seeing a change in their customers’ behaviours, which makes it harder to foresee their purchases. The airlines know that the primary factor for choosing an airline is price, but it has proven to be difficult to identify other factors. Purpose: The purpose of our master thesis is to increase the comprehension about leisure travellers’ buying behaviour, when choosing a specific airline. Further, we shall draw conclusions about factors that have an effect on loyalty within the commercial airline business. Research method: The master thesis is based on an empirical study. 48 interviews have been conducted with leisure travellers, and four with staff members from the marketing department at Scandinavian Airlines Sverige AB; one independent interview with a professor at Stockholm School of Economics was also conducted. Results: Our study confirms the importance of price when choosing a specific airline, but we have also seen that other value-based factors have an influence on the choice; among other things kind treatment from the airline staff. To be able to describe the leisure travellers’ buying behaviour, we developed a suited hierarchy of needs for the commercial airline business, based on Maslow, where you can find different value-based factors. Our results show that the leisure traveller sees the flight only as a transport, when travelling domestic or within Europe, and therefore searches for an easy way of travelling to the best price available. When travelling on intercontinental flights, customers attach more importance to other values. The study has also shown that the leisure travellers’ motives for repurchasing from the same airline cannot be described on a general level. We have therefore developed the concept of loyalty by identifying and describing seven types of loyalties. All are being evaluated in relation to the loyalty to the company, the commitment to the buying process and the commitment to the company.
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Ledarskapet i läraryrket : - sex pedagogers syn på sitt ledarskap / Leadership in the teaching profession : - six educators´ view of their leadershipGunnarsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att beskriva och analysera sex pedagogers syn på sitt ledarskap. För att göra detta har jag genomfört sex kvalitativa intervjuer med olika pedagoger. De intervjuade är: tre förskolelärare, två lärare för yngre barn och en fritidspedagog. Pedagogerna är från olika städer och olika arbetslag. Jag har utfört undersökningen utifrån fyra huvudfrågor: – Vad innebär ledarskapet? – Vad är det som påverkar ledarskapet? – Hur kan man utveckla sig själv som ledare? – Vilken sorts ledare behöver barn idag? Resultatet visar att ledarskapet i läraryrket framförallt innebär att lära barnen det sociala samspelet. Pedagogerna anser att ledarskapet påverkas av en rad faktorer, bl.a. av barngruppen, kollegorna, den egna personligheten och egna erfarenheter. Utvecklingen till att bli en bättre ledare sker genom att man får erfarenhet. Man utvecklar sig själv bl.a. genom att pröva olika metoder och genom att lära av andra ledare. Intervjupersonerna anser att barn idag bl.a. behöver en tydlig ledare som kan sätta gränser och samtidigt vara en lyhörd ledare som lyssnar på barnen. / The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyse how six educators look upon their leadership. To achieve this purpose I have carried out six qualitative interviews. The interviewees are: three preschool teachers, two primary school teachers and one leisure pedagogue. The educators work in different cities and in different working teams. My main questions in the study have been: - The meaning of the leadership? - The factors which affect the leadership? - How can one develope ones leadership? - What kind of leader do children of today need? The results show that the leadership in the teaching profession above all implys teaching children the social teamwork. The educators think that the leadership is influenced by many factors for example: the children in the group, the colleagues, the personality of the leader and his/her experiences. By getting more and more experienced you become a better leader. Trying different methods and learning from other leaders are ways of developing your leadership. The interviewees think that children of today among other things need a clear leader who can set bounds and at the same time be a person with a sensitive ear who listens to the children.
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Ungdomars dagliga interaktion : En språkvetenskaplig studie av sex gymnasieungdomars bruk av tal, skrift och interaktionsmedier / Young people’s everyday interaction : A sociolinguistic study of six upper secondary school adolescents’ use of speech, writing and interactive mediaBellander, Theres January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores young people's interaction with different individuals through a variety of media. Three girls and three boys aged 16–18, from an urban school, a rural school and a suburban school, were each observed for a week, at school, at home and during leisure activities. The data analysed consist of field notes, video and audio recordings, and texts written by the participants. The aim of the study is to investigate how young people’s use of language varies in relation to different contexts. Questions are asked about what activities they participate in, what media they use and how they use them, and how they express themselves orally and in writing in different contexts and through different media. The study is based in sociolinguistic theory and activity type theory. Data were collected using ethnographical methods, and analytical tools were drawn from a broadly defined field of discourse analysis. The investigation sheds light on the relationship between what young people are doing socially in any given situation and how they interact. Variation in linguistic styles is made visible by a study of the same individuals involved in different communicative activities. Young people are shown to be a heterogeneous group who engage in different sets of activities. The study questions prevailing definitions and categorisations of adolescents’ linguistic styles and use of electronic media. The outcome is a complex description of everyday interaction, which is found to be shaped by the frames for communicative activities, the technical characteristics of the media employed, and individual factors. In conversational turns, Internet chat messages and text messages, young people select resources from their individual linguistic repertoires in order to achieve specific goals or construct particular roles through their interaction.
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Knowledge and pleasure at Regent's Park : the gardens of the Zoological Society of London during the nineteenth centuryÅ kerberg, Sofia January 2001 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is the Zoological Gardens of the Zoological Society of London (f. 1826) in the nineteenth century. Located in Regent s Park, it was the express purpose of the Gardens (f. 1828) to function as a testing-ground for acclimatisation and to demonstrate the scientific importance of various animal species. The aim is to analyse what the Gardens signified as a recreational, educational and scientific institution in nineteenth-century London by considering them from four different perspectives: as a pan of a newly-founded society, as a part of the leisure culture of mid-Victorian London, as a mediator of popular zoology and as a constituent of the Zoological Society's scientific ambitions. After an introduction which describes the devlopment of European zoos, Chapter two recapitulates the early years of the Society and the Gardens. The original aims of the Society—science and acclimatisation located in a museum and zoological garden—as stated in various prospectuses, are examined. The implications of acclimatisation, it being a problematic practice, are outlined and the connections between acclimatisation, the Society, the Gardens and the British Empire are also briefly considered. The founding of the Gardens is extensively described as well as how the animals were obtained and how exhibits were arranged. Chapter three is based primarily on the popular response to the Gardens in the 1850s when, after a period of decline, the institution once again became a common London visiting-place. The most important questions of this chapter concern the public and how it reacted to the Gardens of this period. The financial problems preceding the five years between 1850 and 1855 ^ described as well as how the Society managed to regain its popularity. This process was closely linked to the decision in 1847to let non-members of the Society enter the Gardens, and the implications of this resolution are discussed. As a background to the Gardens' popularity, two other London recreations are also described: the Colosseum Panorama and the Surrey Zoological Garden. The Surrey Zoological Garden especially is interesting, as it was a rival of the Society's Gardens, and the different attractions of these establishments are considered. Chapter four focuses on the official and non-official guidebooks to the Gardens and the implications of these as mediators of popular zoology. The historical and cultural connection between the guidebooks and travel handbooks is oudined and also how the genre as a whole is constructed. The progress and development of the Society's guidebooks during the nineteenth century is described and the differences between these guidebooks and the non-official ones are examined. Finally, with the aid of Victorian children's books, I argue that the guidebooks can literally be considered as travel handbooks since a visit to the Gardens may be regarded as a journey of knowledge. Chapter five is an in-depth study of the zoological science of the Gardens. The scientific work of the Society is briefly described, starting with the Committee of Science and Correspondence, and the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. The Proceedings reports that base their findings on animals in the Gardens are then described together with minor detours into the history of taxonomy and morphology. / digitalisering@umu
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Image versus Position: Canada as a Potential Destination for Mainland ChineseZou, Pengbo January 2007 (has links)
The potential of the Chinese outbound tourism market is substantial; however, research on this market to Canada is limited. This may be due, in part, to the lack of Approved Destination Status (ADS). This study examined the possible perceived image of Canada obtained by potential Chinese tourists, and to compare to the marketing position of Canada by CTC China Division-in effect, to conduct a product-market match between two concepts.
Content analysis and an importance and performance analysis were used in the study. A questionnaire distributed at the Beijing Capital International Airport solicited perceptions of tourism in Canada, importance of selected attributes in travel decision making, performance of selected attributes on Canada, and trip preferences. The marketing position of Canada was examined through a content analysis of the promotional materials circulated from CTC China Division in Beijing, China. The coherences and gaps between perceived image of Canada and marketing position of Canada provide some marketing implications.
This study concludes that the general tourism image of Canada is vague but positive, which is probably derived from the historically favorable image of Canada in china. Potential Chinese tourists had little knowledge on specific tourism sights; however, they recognized star attractions of Vancouver, Niagara Falls, and Toronto. Potential Chinese tourists prefer slow-paced trips; group tours; two weeks in length; in fall season; featuring mid-budget accommodation, preferably bed-and-breakfasts; on motor coach; visiting nature based sights at majority; and providing foods of various cultures. The current marketing position of Canada reflected through promotional materials by CTC and its partners has coherences in promoting tourism attractions in Canada to the image of Canada. Gaps exist on the promotion of travel issues and unconventional attractions, which inspires the marketing implications. Promotional resources should be allocate to unconventional tourism attractions with consideration rather than the presence of Chinese and mandarin speaking environment in Canada because of Chinese tourists’ demand for culture diversity. Promotion should include more information about travel expense and visas to establish reasonable consumer expectations.
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Estudio de los accidentes domésticos y de ocio atendidos en el Hospital Nacional "Marqués de Valdecilla" en el periodo de dos años (1 de septiembre de 1986 - 31 de agosto de 1988)Río Madrazo, José Antonio del 14 December 1990 (has links)
Este trabajo se ha realizado ante el importante problema que supone los accidentes en todos los países del mundo. El objetivo primario ha sido el estudio de los accidentes domésticos y de ocio en la población en general, y proyectado sobre el conjunto de individuos accidentados que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Nacional Marqués de Valdecilla en el periodo mencionado (36.388 accidentados, de ellos 18.951 varones y 17.437 mujeres). En la recogida de datos , se utilizó un modelo de ficha en la que figuraban las siguientes variables: -Fecha de tratamiento (año, mes, día), -Hora de asistencia, -Número de días de hospitalización, -Tratamiento y cuidados posteriores, -Edad del accidentado, -Sexo, -Mecánica del accidente, -Lugar del accidente, -Actividad realizada, -Diagnóstico de lesiones, -Parte del cuerpo afectada, -Producto implicado en el accidente, -Producto causante, -Descripción del accidente. Se estudiaron las distintas variables y la interacción entre ellas, para tener un conocimiento profundo de la realidad de los accidentes domésticos y de ocio. Estos accidentes originaron una gran demanda asistencial de urgencia, gran número de hospitalizaciones y estancias, así como de control sanitario en los centros de zona, ocasionando sufrimiento humano y gran carga económica. De este estudio se infiere el distinto papel que desarrolla cada sexo en la sociedad, a pesar de la igualdad teórica reconocida. Una vez estudiados estos accidentes nos permite sentar las bases para su prevención, y debido a que sobre ellos inciden gran número de variables, las medidas preventivas deben ser multifactoriales y factibles. / This work was made because of the important problem that these accidents suppose on all over the world.The primary aim was the study of the domestic and leisure accidents on the population in general, and as well as the inclusion of all the injured people who came to the National Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital Emergency Service, during the mentioned period (36,388 injured persons, 18,951 of them were men, and the remaining 14,437 were women).To gather information was used a standard form in which the following variables appeared:-Date of treatment (year, month, day).-Hour of attendance.-Number of days they stayed in the Hospital.-Treatment and following cares.-Age of injured person.-Sex.-Mechanics pertaining to the accident of the injured person.-Place where the accident took place.-Activity done when the accident took place.-Injury diagnosis.-Part of the body affected.-Product involved in the accident.-Causing product.-Description of the accident.Different variables and the reciprocal influence between them were studied, in order to have a profound knowledge of the reality in the domestic and leisure accidents. These accidents originated a great demand in urgent attendance, a great number of hospitations and stays, as well as the health control in local centres. All of this causes human suffering and as well as a great economical cost.From this study you can conclude the different role that is allotted to each sex in the Society, in spite of the theoretical equality accepted of both sexes. Once we have studied the accidents, this allowed us to stablish the rules in order to take precautions against them. Due to the great number of variables that affect them, the preventive measures must be multifactorial and feasible.
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Image versus Position: Canada as a Potential Destination for Mainland ChineseZou, Pengbo January 2007 (has links)
The potential of the Chinese outbound tourism market is substantial; however, research on this market to Canada is limited. This may be due, in part, to the lack of Approved Destination Status (ADS). This study examined the possible perceived image of Canada obtained by potential Chinese tourists, and to compare to the marketing position of Canada by CTC China Division-in effect, to conduct a product-market match between two concepts.
Content analysis and an importance and performance analysis were used in the study. A questionnaire distributed at the Beijing Capital International Airport solicited perceptions of tourism in Canada, importance of selected attributes in travel decision making, performance of selected attributes on Canada, and trip preferences. The marketing position of Canada was examined through a content analysis of the promotional materials circulated from CTC China Division in Beijing, China. The coherences and gaps between perceived image of Canada and marketing position of Canada provide some marketing implications.
This study concludes that the general tourism image of Canada is vague but positive, which is probably derived from the historically favorable image of Canada in china. Potential Chinese tourists had little knowledge on specific tourism sights; however, they recognized star attractions of Vancouver, Niagara Falls, and Toronto. Potential Chinese tourists prefer slow-paced trips; group tours; two weeks in length; in fall season; featuring mid-budget accommodation, preferably bed-and-breakfasts; on motor coach; visiting nature based sights at majority; and providing foods of various cultures. The current marketing position of Canada reflected through promotional materials by CTC and its partners has coherences in promoting tourism attractions in Canada to the image of Canada. Gaps exist on the promotion of travel issues and unconventional attractions, which inspires the marketing implications. Promotional resources should be allocate to unconventional tourism attractions with consideration rather than the presence of Chinese and mandarin speaking environment in Canada because of Chinese tourists’ demand for culture diversity. Promotion should include more information about travel expense and visas to establish reasonable consumer expectations.
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Från jag till vi : en essä om strävan efter en god gruppdynamik och sammanhållningRibjer, Helene January 2012 (has links)
Life is for us humans a social life. We are constantly in different social communities with various purposes. Throughout life we are part of different groups, for better or worse. The basic social communities, in our society, are the groups we live, work, learn and grow in. This essay deals with the groups children develop and learn in, in school and leisure time center. The intention is to explore how teachers and leisure time pedagogue can work with these groups and what may be the best way to create a good group dynamic and cohesion. The essay is based on three portrayed experiences that are used in a developing process using a distanced discussion and reflective writing. I have found that the attitude and leadership teachers and leisure time pedagogue exercise, against both the individual child and the group, are crucial regarding the group´s functioning and wellbeing. One approach is to work with team building exercises and similar methods which I believe would help improve group cohesion and security. I also see that it is very important for teachers and leisure time pedagogue to think and reflect about how they convey the implied value of education to the children. A critical view and reflective way, of both our self and the function as a whole, I have also found to be important to be able to achieve good group cohesion. / Tillvaron är för oss människor en social tillvaro. Ständigt skapas olika sociala gemenskaper med varierande syften. Vi ingår i olika grupper hela livet igenom, på gott och på ont. De grundläggande sociala gemenskaperna i vårt samhälle är de grupper vi lever, arbetar, lär och utvecklas i. Denna essä behandlar de grupper barn utvecklas och lär i, i skolan och på fritidshemmet. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur lärare och fritidspedagoger kan arbeta med dessa grupper på bästa sätt för att skapa en god gruppdynamik och sammanhållning. Essän tar utgångspunkt i tre gestaltade erfarenheter som används i en utvecklande process med hjälp av en distanserande diskussion och ett reflekterande skrivande. Jag har funnit att det förhållningssätt och ledarskap lärare och fritidspedagoger utövar, gentemot såväl det enskilda barnet som gruppen, är av avgörande vikt gällande gruppens fungerande och välmående. Ett arbetssätt att föra in i verksamheten, som jag anser skulle bidra till en förbättrad gruppsammanhållning och trygghet, är team-building och liknade arbetsätt i form av mycket gemensamma lekar och samarbetsövningar. Jag ser det också av stor vikt att fundera och reflektera över vad lärare och fritidspedagoger förmedlar till barnen genom den implicita värdepedagogiken. Ett kritisk granskande och reflekterande av oss själva såväl som verksamheten i helhet har jag också funnit som betydelsefullt för att uppnå en god gruppsammanhållning.
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