Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEISURE"" "subject:"[enn] LEISURE""
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Effects of self advocacy training in leisure on adults with severe physical disabilitiesBrown, Patricia Johnson January 1988 (has links)
The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the extent to which a self-advocacy training intervention in leisure would alter the pre-and-post-scores of tests on knowledge of rights and responsibilities, attitudes toward leisure, and behavior in leisure on adults with severe physical disabilities participating in an adult daycare program.
Four one and one half hour training modules focusing on rights and responsibilities (Rights Now) and leisure access in the community (LIFE: Leisure Is For Everyone) were used for the treatment intervention. Thirty-nine adults ranging in age from 22 to 80 years and who participate in an adult day care program were selected for study. A nonrandomized pretest-posttest design was used. An experimental group of twenty participants received the treatment, and a control group of nineteen participated in their normal leisure activities. Each participant took a series of pre-and post-tests/assessments consisting of 1) a Knowledge of Rights and Responsibilities test (Browning, Thorin, and Rhoades, 1984) and 2) two scales of the Leisure Diagnostic Battery (Competence and Control). Participant behavior in leisure was assessed pre and post by observers using a Participation Patterns instrument (Brown, 1988). Demographic data was also collected on each participant. Data was analyzed using the following procedures: a t-test on gain vi scores, frequencies, means, standard deviations, Cronbach's alphas, and Pearson Product Moment Correlations were utilized. The .05 level of significance was chosen to test whether or not there were significant differences between pre-and post-test measures. The data revealed by this study indicated that significant differences between experimental and control subjects were detected on the behavior toward leisure variable. Other results, although not statistically significant, widened support for the intervention. / Ed. D.
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Validation of the life interests (leisure/work) inventory for secondary school studentsWilliams, Alice Verra January 1986 (has links)
This study focused on three major research questions.
The first was to determine the validity of George R. Frisbie's Life Interests Inventory (1982) with 621 vocational and academic secondary school students, closely replicating his work with a post-high school population. The results showed statistically acceptable validity and reliability.
Secondly, significant differences in the responses to the 15 interest scales of the Inventory were found within the three major sub-groups: the vocational and academic; black and white; and male and female.
The interpretation of the responses to the third question as to how the LII affected the student's perception of work and leisure gave ambiguous results.
The LII was found to have discriminating and predictive value, with its unique emphasis on both work and leisure, with promise as a simple and easily scored aid in developmental career counseling and assessment in the high school. / Ed. D.
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A correlational study of leisure participation, leisure attitudes, and leisure satisfaction among leisure educators, leisure practitioners, and a general population groupDrummond, James P. January 1984 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if the years of academic study and avaiable recreation amenities associated with the vocation of parks and recreation and/or education result in significant individual scores of leisure participation, leisure attitudes, and leisure satisfaction. Survey data were collected from leisure educators, leisure practitioners, and a random sample of alumni from a large southern land-grant university. Survey instruments were systematically distributed to the aforementioned groups within the National Recreation and Park Association's Southern Region. The sample population was surveyed during the summer of 1984.
Objectives of this study were to: (1) analyze patterns of leisure participation among leisure educators and practitioners, (2) analyze leisure attitudes of leisure educators and practitioners, and (3) analyze perceived leisure satisfaction of leisure educators and practitioners. The standardized measuring devices used to accomplish these objectives were The Leisure Activities Blank (LAB), The Leisure Attitude Scale (LAS), and The Leisure Satisfacton Scale (LSS). Each relied upon a Likert-type scaling.
One-way analyses of variance were utilized to test differences between the dependent (LAB, LAS, & LSS) and independent (leisure educators, leisure practitioners, and a general population group) variables. Tukey's (HSD) tests indicated true differences when analyses of variance findings were significant. Significance for each statistical procedure was set at the .05 level of confidence. In addition, Pearson product-moment correlations were used to test for association among dependent, independent, and selected demographic variables.
The results of this study demonstrated that leisure practitioners participate in leisure activity more frequently than the general population group. Leisure educators participate no more frequently than the general population group. No difference in leisure attitude was discernable among the three independent variables. Both leisure educators and practitioners exhibited higher scores of leisure satisfaction than the general population group. However, the general population group was the only independent variable to show a significant relationship between leisure satisfaction and recreation participation. Leisure educators and the general population group had a significant association between leisure attitude and participation whereas the practitioners did not. Significant relationships between leisure attitude and leisure satisfaction were found for all three independent variables.
Among the demographic variables, age correlated negatively for both leisure satisfaction and leisure participation within the general population group. Female leisure practitioners indicated higher levels of leisure satisfaction than male counterparts. Level of education related negatively with leisure participation for leisure educators. / Ed. D.
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Fritidshemmets pedagoger i utvecklingssamtalet : En fenomenografisk studie av pedagogers uppfattningar av meningsfullt deltagandeOrtiz, Maximiliano January 2016 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker, utifrån ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv, fritidshemspedagogers uppfattningar av utvecklingssamtal. Studien undersöker de variationer som finns bland pedagogernas uppfattningar av meningsfullheten de tillskriver sitt deltagande. Verksamma pedagoger på fritidshem i Storstockholm intervjuades och det insamlade materialet kategoriserades och analyserades enligt den fenomenografiska analysmetoden. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna såg sitt deltagande i utvecklingssamtalet som meningsfullt framförallt för att få ge sin bild av elevers sociala utveckling. Detta beskrevs genomgående som fritidshemmets viktigaste uppdrag. Variationer framkom vid flertalet kategorier. Samverkan och samarbetet, eller frånvaro därav, med klassläraren i anslutning till utvecklingssamtalet lyftes även fram som viktigt för upplevelsen av meningsfullhet. I studien framträdde tydligt betydelsen av professionell legitimitet. Fenomenet utvecklingssamtal sågs i sin helhet som något viktigt och en arena där fritidshemspedagoger kan belysa vikten av sitt uppdrag och tilldelas en tydlig och betydelsefull roll i skolans organisation. / The aim of this qualitative study is to examine, from a phenomeographic perspective, the perception of leisure-time centre pedagogues in regards to participation in the parent-teacher appraisal meeting. The study examines variations among this perception based on the sense of purpose expressed by the pedagogues. Pedagogues working in the Stockholm region were interviewed, the data later categorized and analyzed in accordance with the methods of phenomenography. Results showed that the pedagogues viewed their participation as important primarily for the chance to present their appraisal of pupils´ social development. This was described in unison as the most important task of the leisure-time centre for school-children. Variations appeared in multiple descriptive categories. Collaboration, or the lack thereof, with the classroom-teacher at the time of the appraisal meeting was also seen as an important factor to render purpose. The study clearly showed the importance of professional legitimacy. The phenomenon parent-teacher appraisal meeting as a whole was seen as an important field for leisure-time pedagogues to present the importance of their work, one in which they can possess a clear and purposeful role in school organization.
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Attitudes of Texas Secondary School Curriculum Administrators Toward Education for LeisureRapp, David M. 05 1900 (has links)
This investigation seeks to determine the administrator's attitudes toward education for leisure taught through the education process as it prepares the youth of today for the use of their leisure time. A 26-question questionnaire was mailed to 100 administrators, Descriptive data was requested to aid the Chi-square analysis at the .05 level performed on each question, A 74-percent return was received. The administrators expressed a favorable attitude toward education for leisure. The present degree held by the administrators did have a significant relationship to their expressed attitudes. It is recommended that classes specifically related to education for leisure be included in the school curriculum.
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Historický vývoj volnočasových aktivit ve Varnsdorfu (1945-1989) / The historical development of leisure time activities in Varnsdorf (1945-1989)Louková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the historical development of leisure activities in the North Bohemian town of Varnsdorf. It particularly deals with the period from 1945 to 1989 in great detail. The text also contains a chapter describing general free time issues and a brief chapter devoted to the development of leisure activities in Varnsdorf until 1945. It mentions Mr. Josef Mašín as an important local personam who remarkably influenced leisure activities in the town. Keywords: leisure time pedagogy, historical development, leisure time activities, Varnsdorf, Josef Mašín
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Rizikové chování a volnočasové aktivity u dětí před umístěním do dětského domova / Risk behavior and leisure activities for children before they are placed in Children's homeVápenková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
TITTLE: Risk behaviour and leisure activities for children before they are placed in Children's home ABSTRACT: Thesis Risk behavior and leisure activities for children they are placed in children's home is oriented on the factors that influence spending time children before they are placed in a children's home and how spend children their time. In the theoretical part of my work dealing with the substitute family care and family preservation. The chaps risk behaviour and leisure time are fundamental. Where I try to focus specific These two parts with regard to children before placed in childrens home. The practical part of this work was founded of visits two childrens homes. Where I studied documentation and did twenty-six interviews with children. The main part is devoted to the presentation of the obtained results, so how children spend their time before they are placed in a children's home. The results are analyzed and possible solutions and recommendations for working with children and families in family preservation.
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Možnosti a bariéry aktivního trávení volného času z pohledu studentů střední školy / The opportunities and obstacles of active leisure time from the perspective of the secondary school studentsDvořáková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The thesis called "The opportunities and obstacles of active leisure time from the perspective of the high school students" deals with the leisure time of selected high school students. The main aim is get information about their possibilities and obstacles in their leisure time. The theoretical part focuses on the themes leisure time and the development period of adolescence across chapters. That part does not miss the related theme of motivation, lifestyle and technology in leisure time. The practical part evaluates the questionnaire survey and examines activities high school students in their free time, and finds out their possibilities and barriers in their leisure time. Finally, I realized an analysis of leisure institutions and created an online map of leisure institutions where students can spend their time and be active. Beneficial for pedagogical practice are results of the survey which provide feedback for the school, but also for pedagogical practice in high school in general.
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Inkludering i fysisk aktivitet på fritidshemmet : En enkätundersökning om fritidslärares syn på motivation och anpassning till fysisk aktivitet / Inclusion in physical activity at the leisure center : - A survey of leisure teachers' views on motivation and adaptation to physical activityBarkelind, Denise, Ekelin, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med vår undersökning är att visa på hur lärare i fritidshem kan inkludera alla elever under den fysiska aktiviteten på fritidshemmet. Bakgrunden till denna undersökning är att det blir allt vanligare att eleverna väljer aktiviteter som inte innehåller fysisk aktivitet, och vi vill därför lyfta vikten av att vara en förebild och inspirera eleverna till att välja aktiviteter som gynnar kunskap och intresse för rörelseglädje. Våra frågeställningar är ”Hur kan lärare i fritidshemmet motivera alla elever till att vara delaktiga i den fysiska aktiviteten under deras fritid?” och ”Hur anpassas aktiviteterna för en enskild elev?”. Undersökningen är grundad i en teori vid namn Normativ teori som lyfter ämnen som jämlikhet, och social rättvisa. Metoden vi har valt att använda oss av är kvalitativ enkätundersökning där vi fick in 13 svar. Resultaten visade sig vara enhetliga då samtliga arbetar för inkludering genom att lärare i fritidshem själva deltar i aktiviteter, samt utformar aktiviteterna efter elevernas intressen. Den tidigare forskningen i jämförelse med våra enkätsvar visar på att detta är en betydelsefull förutsättning för att eleverna ska få mera engagemang och intresse för att vilja delta i varierande aktiviteter.
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Konflikthantering på fritidshem : En kvalitativ studie om konflikter, konflikthantering och förebyggande arbete kring konflikter på fritidshemmet / Conflict management at lesisure-time center : A qualitative study on conflicts, conflict management and preventive work on conflicts at the lesisure-time centerFayez, Ninwa, André, Dikizeko Abel January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain an insight into what the most common conflicts are between pupils in the leisure-time center according to leisure-time teachers, how the leisuretime teachers handle these and how the leisure-time teachers prevent conflicts. The previous research done in our study is based on previous thesis and research on conflicts and conflict management. The theoretical perspectives of the study are based on Johan Galtung's ABC model, Cohen's conflict pyramid and Arne Maltén's conflict strategies. The empirical evidence was collected through a qualitative method with interviews of four leisure time educators and an assistant principal. In addition, two observations were made on two different occasions in a school located in the Stockholm area. We analyzed our empirical evidence with help of Andrzej Szklarski's four categories for various reasons for the emergence of conflicts, Johan Galtung's ABC model, Cohen's conflict pyramid and Arne Maltén's conflict strategies. In our study we have found that the reason why conflicts arise between pupils can, for example, be due to a lack of occupation among pupils, envy in friends' relationships but also in disagreement on game and play rules. Another reason may be verbal comments where students disturb the play of other students but also conflicts that occur through social media where the students take the conflicts from home when they come to school. Based on interviews and observation we have seen that the leisure-time teachers usually handle conflicts by letting the ones involved in the conflict tell their experience of the conflict situation without being interrupted to then resolve the conflict together. It also emerged in our empirical evidence report that in conflict situations where the parties do not find a solution to a conflict it is possible that the leisure-time teachers may make a decision, especially if the conflicts have been going on for a long time between the parties. Good leadership and competent, present and educated staff are of great importance in order to prevent conflicts in the leisure-time center.
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