Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEISURE"" "subject:"[enn] LEISURE""
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Inkludering av elever med ADHD på fritidshemmen : Hur fritidshemslärarna arbetar med inkludering och vilka utmaningar fritidshemslärarna upplever i sitt dagliga arbeteKas Touma, Lukas, Sauma, Lilliana January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på elever med ADHD på fritidshemmen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fritidshemslärarna arbetar för att inkludera elever med ADHD på fritidshemmen och vilka utmaningar som fritidshemslärare upplever i sitt dagliga arbete. För att samla in data valde vi att använda oss av kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi utförde intervjuerna på två skolor i olika kommuner inom Stockholmsområdet där vi intervjuade tre fritidshemslärare från varsin skola. Vi valde två olika kommuner för att få en inblick i vilka likheter och skillnader som finns i arbetet med att inkludera elever med ADHD i undervisningen på fritidshemmet. Vid analysen av empirin vi gjort utgick vi från Vygotskijs teori samt de relationella och kategoriska perspektiven inom specialpedagogiken. Resultatet av studien visar att de olika kommunerna använder sig av liknande strategier för att inkludera elever med ADHD på fritidshemmet. De strategier de använder sig av är förberedelser, enskild introduktion, ge eleven en roll i undervisningen och inkludera eleven i planeringen av aktiviteten. Det som skiljer kommunerna åt är att den ena skolan arbetade med laminerat schema med hjälp av bildstöd samt stöd av fritidshemslärarens kroppsspråk. Resultatet av studien visar även på att de intervjuade fritidshemslärarna använder liknande strategier när de stöter på utmaningar med elever med ADHD. De förklarade vikten av att bemöta eleverna lågaffektivt och att låta eleven återhämta sig innan man kan prata om en konflikt som uppstått. / This study focuses on students with ADHD in leisure centers. The purpose of the study is to investigate how leisure educators work to include students with ADHD in leisure centers and the challenges that leisure educators experience in their daily work. To collect data and analyze our research, we chose to use qualitative interviews. We conducted interviews at two schools in the Stockholm area from different municipalities, where we interviewed three leisure educators from each school. We chose two different municipalities to investigate similarities and differences in including students with ADHD in their leisure center teaching. In analyzing the data we collected, we relied on Vygotsky's theory, as well as the relational and categorical perspectives. The results of the study show that the two municipalities use similar strategies to include students with ADHD in leisure centers. The difference between the municipalities was that one school worked with a laminated schedule using picture support, as well as support from the leisure educators body language. The results of the study also show that the interviewed leisure educators use similar strategies when they face challenges with students with ADHD. They explained the importance of meeting the students in a low affective manner and allowing the student to recover before discussing any conflicts that may have arisen.
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The Contribution of Couple Leisure Involvement, Leisure Time and Leisure Satisfaction to Marital SatisfactionJohnson, Heather Ann 28 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to further clarify the relationship between couple leisure patterns and marital satisfaction by examining the contribution of joint couple leisure involvement, leisure time, and leisure satisfaction to couples' satisfaction with married life. The sample consisted of 48 married couples (N = 96). The Marital Activity Profile (MAP), a modified version of the Family Leisure Activity Profile (FLAP) was used to determine couple leisure involvement in core and balance leisure activities and leisure satisfaction. The Satisfaction With Married Life (SWML), a modified version of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was used to measure marital satisfaction. Blocked multiple regression analyses indicated a positive relationship between satisfaction with couple leisure and marital satisfaction, specifically satisfaction with core leisure activity patterns. Implications and recommendations for further research are discussed.
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An Examination of the Relationship between Family Leisure that Includes Physical Activity and Family FunctioningFenollar, Joaquin 22 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between family leisure that includes physical activity and family functioning among families that have at least one child (17 years old or younger) at home. The sample consisted of 519 families. Data were analyzed from a parental perspective. Family leisure that includes physical activity was determined by using an adapted version of the Family Leisure Activity Profile (FLAP). Family functioning was determined using FACES II. Univariate analyses indicated significant positive correlations between the amount of the intensity present during physical activity participation and family functioning, cohesion, and adaptability. Multivariable analyses indicated a significant positive relationship between family leisure involvement and family functioning. Both core and balance family leisure patterns were predictors of family functioning; however, core family leisure patterns were the strongest family leisure predictor of family functioning. Intensity of physical activity during family leisure, as indicated by the results of the multivariable analyses, was not significant in explaining the variance of the dependent variable: family functioning. For the sample of this study, home-based recreational activities were preferred over all other types of family recreation even if families were living by public parks or recreational centers. Implications for recreational practitioners, other interesting findings, and recommendations for further research are discussed.
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Fritidshus 2.0 / Cottage 2.0Törnkvist, Frida, Metzler Sædén, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete gjort inom byggnadsingenjörsutbildningen, inriktning arkitektur, vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Att ha ett alternativt boende, en sommarstuga, ett fritidshus har varit en del av den svenska kulturen under lång tid. Från att bara ha varit ett privilegium för de rikaste blev fritidshus ett mer utbrett fenomen under 1900-talet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att planera ett fritidshusområde och gestalta typhus utifrån dagens behov och förutsättningar. Tidigare litteratur och statistik har studerats, en egen utförd enkätundersökning samt intervjuer har utförts vilket legat till grund för examensarbetet. Resultatet presenteras i ett idékoncept där ett naturskönt område i Södermanland planeras att bebyggas med ett fritidshusområde. Stor vikt läggs vid att skapa ett boende som ska vara långsiktigt hållbart. Platsen och boendet ska erbjuda återhämtning och rekreation i närhet till naturen. / To have a second home, a country house, a summer cottage has been a part of Swedish culture for a long period of time. This report examines the phenomenon of leisure, cottages and cottage areas in a historical pretext. From being a benefit for those who are most well-off financially it became more and more common among ordinary people during the time of the twentieth century. How relevant the division between first and second homes are today, the different rules when it comes to construction, insulation and availability is discussed. The needs of our time are investigated and results in a draft for development of a property. A place close to Stockholm is selected. The ground is used as a basis for further development to a leisure area. Roads, joint facilities and houses are being planned close to a lake in the region Södermanland. The focus lies primarily on creating an area with buildings of durability and sustainability. The territory and the living areas are meant to offer recovery and recreation close to nature.
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"Man ska bli glad när man kommer in dit" : En kvalitativ studie om elevers uppfattning av vad som utgör en meningsfull fritidsverksamhetStrandberg Ramos, Martin, Ytterskog Leander, Sasha January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to research relating to the perspective of what students consider important to conduct the leisure-time centre so as to ensure a meaningful leisure time. The focus of the study in in highlighting the views and opinions of the students. Earlier research is based on different studies, which focus on questions such as students development, students views on transitions and students social experiences. In this study the result is analyzed through a theoretical framework based on various theories of play. The three main theories consist of didactic positions, the effects of the environment on students' state of being, and the purpose of play. The method used for this study consisted of eight qualitative, semistructured interviews conducted in groups of three students from the third grade, performed at two schools. By analyzing the result, three aspects could be discerned as important for the students, which forms the basis for the studies discussion. These three aspects are the importance of an inviting and appealing environment, the possibilities for a social community, and the role of the teacher as a figure for safety in the everyday running of the leisure-time center. Furthermore, it can be discerned that play is a central aspect, which permeates everything which the students request from the leisure-time center.
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The Motivational Readiness to Change Leisure Time Physical Activity Behavior of Mississippi Community College StudentsCrenshaw, Jerry Phillip 05 May 2007 (has links)
The stages of motivational readiness to change leisure time physical activity behavior of students from two Mississippi community colleges were investigated. The Stages of Motivational Readiness to Change (SMRC) model postulates that behavior change is a longitudinal process described by five stages that assess an individual?s motivational level relative to changing leisure time physical activity behavior. That is, individuals are positioned in one of the following five stages at any given point in time: (a) precontemplation (i.e., no intention to change); (b) contemplation (i.e., considering a change); (c) preparation (i.e., small changes already made toward an ultimate behavior goal); (d) action (i.e., a desired behavior has been adopted); or (e) maintenance (i.e., working to prevent a relapse). The Physical Activity Stages of Change Questionnaire (PASQ) was used for data collection in this study. The results revealed 35% were completely sedentary (precontemplation, contemplation) and 64.9% were participating in occasional or regular leisure time physical activity (preparation, action, maintenance). To examine the dependency of stage position upon ethnicity, gender, age, and income, the chi-square test of independence was performed. Findings indicated stage position to be independent of ethnicity, but dependent upon the remaining independent variables. This study?s conclusions indicated that stage-matched interventions are necessary to increase and maintain individual leisure time physical activity behavior.
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Samverkan som en förutsättning : En studie om skolan och fritidshemmets samverkansuppdrag och dess betydelse för att bedriva undervisning / The Possibilities of collaboration : A study on the Swedish school and Leisure-time Center´s collaborative assignment and its importance for educationAringskog, Tim, Hedlund, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Grunden till samverkan mellan grundskolan och fritidshemmets verksamheter består avriktlinjer i förhållande till samverkansuppdraget och fritidshemmets kompletterandeuppdrag gentemot skolan (Skolverket, 2019). Syftet med studien är att utforska hursamverkansuppdraget påverkar förutsättningarna för att bedriva undervisning i skolaoch fritidshem, samt undersöks fritidslärares och klasslärares perspektiv påsamverkansuppdraget. Utifrån detta syfte utformades en enkätstudie med öppna ochslutna frågor. De respondenter som söktes var verksamma lärare inom F-3 ochfritidshemmets verksamheter. Enkätstudien gjordes tillgänglig online och enkätenskickades med ett informationsbrev till 30 rektorer i olika kommuner samt på grund avlågt deltagarantal även i en Facebook-grupp. Enkäten möjliggjorde en inblick i hursamverkan ser ut i respondenternas verksamheter samt hur den skulle kunna förbättrasutifrån respondenternas perspektiv. Resultatet från de slutna frågorna i studien påvisaratt samverkan mellan lärare inom F-3 och fritidshemmets verksamheter gynnar samtmöjliggör undervisningen i skolan och i fritidshemmet. Resultat från de öppna frågornaindikerar också att samverkan mellan verksamheterna sker mestadels från fritidslärarnassida vilka påpekar hur en ensidig samverkan negativt kan påverka undervisningen ideras verksamhet. En röd tråd mellan verksamheterna och att arbetet från skolanslektioner fortsätter in på fritids menar dock både lärare inom F-3 och fritidshemmetsverksamhet kan gynna undervisningen. Utifrån ramfaktorteori samt styrdokument såkunde även andra faktorer som möjligtvis förbättrar eller försämrar grund- ochfritidslärarnas samverkan samt undervisning undersökas.
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<p><strong>Objectives</strong>: Research shows that Montessori-based activities can help address responsive behaviours experienced by persons with dementia by increasing their participation in and enjoyment of daily life. The purpose of this study was to investigate staff perceptions of factors that affect the implementation of Montessori Methods for Dementia™ (MMD) in Ontario long-term care (LTC) homes.</p> <p><strong>Methods</strong>: Qualitative data was obtained during semi-structured telephone interviews with 17 participants who were putting MMD into practice in Ontario LTC homes. The study was guided by a political economy of aging perspective using thematic analysis to elucidate the various factors that affected the implementation of MMD.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Several themes emerged from the data: Regulating and Funding Medical Practices; Shifting Practice Amidst Resistance to Change; Educating and Understanding; Seeing Results is Believing; Being Supported; (Re-)Connecting People and Passions; and Improving Residents’ Quality of Life. Barriers such as insufficient funding and negative attitudes toward activities and MMD reinforced a task-oriented biomedical model of care, whereas various forms of support and understanding helped put MMD into practice as a person-centred program, which improved the quality of life of residents with dementia, staff and family members.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>:<strong> </strong>The results from this research can help ensure that MMD are as practical and easy to implement as possible despite perceived barriers so that persons with dementia in LTC and their partners in care can have a good quality of life. The findings include suggestions for future research, reducing staff hierarchies and ensuring there is sufficient organizational, financial, educational, and personal support. <strong><br /> </strong></p> / Master of Arts (MA)
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The effect of leisure counseling upon selected attitudes of potential cardiac clientsHoeft, Thea M. January 1979 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to verify the efficiency of McDowell's leisure counseling model for potential use with cardiac rehabilitation and intervention programs in effecting leisure attitudes, work attitudes, work self-concept, leisure self-concept and leisure satisfaction.
To test the effectiveness of McDowell's model, an experimental research design, utilizing a pretest-posttest control group design, was used. The independent variable was counseling and the dependent variables, stated as alternative research hypotheses, were a positive effect on leisure self-concept, work self-concept, leisure attitudes, work attitudes and leisure satisfaction. Over a three month period, 24 adult subjects from an Adult Fitness Intervention Program volunteered for leisure counseling and were randomly assigned to one of two groups after which treatment was also randomly assigned. A test for homogeneity of regression revealed the subjects to be representative of the population on all variables except Work Self-Concept. In the study, a client typically was married, middle-aged, white-collar male worker.
To measure the dependent variables, five instruments designed to be used with McDowell's model were used. The data obtained from the leisure counseling sample was first subject to a test for homogeneity of regression after which hypotheses one, two, three and five, were subjected to an analysis of covariance.
The findings of the analysis of data allowed for the rejection of the null hypotheses and the acceptance of the research hypotheses for hypotheses two and five. For hypotheses one and three, the researcher failed to reject the null hypothesis, and rejected the research hypothesis. An interpretation of these findings suggested that leisure counseling using McDowell's model can affect one's leisure self-concept and leisure satisfaction.
From the study it was concluded that for the sample studied McDowell's leisure counseling model can be said to have positively increased the clients' leisure self-concept and leisure satisfaction on a short term basis. It was also concluded that leisure counseling as a component of cardiac rehabilitation/intervention programs using McDowell's model was said to be neither effective or ineffective for the sample studies. These results must account for the fact that the research methodology was not able to identify the possible reactive effect of the pretest. / Ed. D.
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休閒心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康之關係探討郭肇元 Unknown Date (has links)
幸福、快樂的人生,自古以來是人類所努力追求的目標,心流經驗(flow experience)以內在動機為基礎,闡述了透過心流經驗的正向感受,提升個體自我成長與生活品質的途徑。本研究主要目的以心流理論為架構,來探討休閒中之心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康間的關係,並進一步瞭解不同休閒活動種類間的差異。
最後根據研究分析所得結果,本研究討論其意義,並對後續研究、上班族群與相關實務工作者,提出研究方向及建議。 / This study revised the flow state scale(Jackson & Marsh, 1996) and the description of the quality of experience(Csikszentmihalyi & LeFevre, 1989) as the scale of flow experience in leisure and leisure experience questionnaire, respectively, to understand the relationship of flow experience, leisure experience and mental-physical health in 541 adult workers from different organizations in Taiwan. Results showed that significant positive associations between flow experience and leisure experience, flow experience and mental-physical health, also, leisure experience and mental-physical health. The patterns of flow experience in leisure are found something different on leisure experience and mental- physical health. The congruence/good pattern is significantly better than congruence/poor pattern on leisure experience and mental-physical health; and the congruence/good pattern is also significantly better than over- estimate pattern on leisure experience. Nevertheless, the congruence/good pattern is significantly worse than over-estimate and congruence/poor patterns on harmful coping behaviors subscale.
In addition, results also presented that those who are categorized into the congruence/good flow pattern tend to choose active leisure(eg., outdoor activities, physical activities, hobbies, and mental activities); reversely, those who are categorized into the congruence/poor pattern tend to choose passive leisure(eg., television-viewing and shopping). Moreover, those choosing active leisure are better than those choosing passive leisure on flow experience and leisure experience.
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