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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative study of the testing tools Ghost Inspector and Selenium

Kristensson, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
Studien undersöker de automatiserade testverktygen: Ghost Inspector och Selenium. En limiterad litteraturstudie och två fallstudier görs, för att undersöka och utvärdera testverktygen. Detta för att kunna tillgodose riktlinjer som är användbara, vid val av ett verktyg för att utföra regressionstestning på webbapplikationer.IStone använder Ghost Inspector som verktyg vid regressionstest på webb applikationer, eftersom det ger dem en effektiv konfigurering och underhålls- process. Selenium kräver mer ansträngning för konfigurering och underhåll, eftersom verktygen inte är en tjänst. Miljön i Ghost Inspector underlättar för iStone att exekvera test kontinuerligt och förser projektteamet med det senaste testresultatet. / The study evaluates the automatic testing tools: Ghost Inspector and Selenium. and focuses on comparing them in terms of the set up and maintenance processes. The study includes a limited literature study and two case studies. The purpose is to evaluate the tools and provide guidelines for choosing a regression testing tool when testing the functionality of web applications.IStone use Ghost Inspector as regressions testing tool on web applications, since it offers an effective set up and maintenance process. Selenium requires more effort to set up and maintain, since Selenium is not a service. The Ghost Inspector environment comforts iStone with the ability of executing test continuously and supplies the latest test results to the project team.

Contribution à l'évaluation de sûreté de fonctionnement des architectures de surveillance/diagnostic embarquées. Application au transport ferroviaire / Contribution to embedded monitoring/diagnosis architectures dependability assesment. Application to the railway transport

Gandibleux, Jean 06 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le transport ferroviaire, le coût et la disponibilité du matériel roulant sont des questions majeures. Pour optimiser le coût de maintenance du système de transport ferroviaire, une solution consiste à mieux détecter et diagnostiquer les défaillances. Actuellement, les architectures de surveillance/diagnostic centralisées atteignent leurs limites et imposent d'innover. Cette innovation technologique peut se matérialiser par la mise en oeuvre d’architectures embarquées de surveillance/diagnostic distribuées et communicantes afin de détecter et localiser plus rapidement les défaillances et de les valider dans le contexte opérationnel du train. Les présents travaux de doctorat, menés dans le cadre du FUI SURFER (SURveillance active Ferroviaire) coordonné par Bombardier, visent à proposer une démarche méthodologique d’évaluation de la sûreté de fonctionnement d’architectures de surveillance/diagnostic. Pour ce faire, une caractérisation et une modélisation génériques des architectures de surveillance/diagnostic basée sur le formalisme des Réseaux de Petri stochastiques ont été proposées. Ces modèles génériques intègrent les réseaux de communication (et les modes de défaillances associés) qui constituent un point dur des architectures de surveillance/diagnostic retenues. Les modèles proposés ont été implantés et validés théoriquement par simulation et une étude de sensibilité de ces architectures de surveillance/diagnostic à certains paramètres influents a été menée. Enfin, ces modèles génériques sont appliqués sur un cas réel du domaine ferroviaire, les systèmes accès voyageurs des trains, qui sont critiques en matière de disponibilité et diagnosticabilité. / In the railway transport, rolling stock cost and availability are major concern. To optimise the maintenance cost of the railway transport system, one solution consists in better detecting and diagnosing failures. Today, centralized monitoring/diagnosis architectures reach their limits. Innovation is therefore necessary. This technological innovation may be implemented with embedded distributed and communicating monitoring/diagnosis architectures in order to faster detect and localize failures and to make a validation with respect to the train operational context.The present research work, carried out as part of the SURFER FUI project (french acronym standing for railway active monitoring) lead by Bombardier, aim to propose a methodology to assess dependability of monitoring/diagnosis architectures. To this end, a caracterisation et une modélisation génériques des monitoring/diagnosis architectures based on the stochastic Petri Nets have been proposed. These generic models take into account communication networks (and the associated failure modes), which constitutes a central point of the studied monitoring/diagnosis architectures. The proposed models have been edited and theoretically validated by simulation. A sensitiveness of the monitoring/diagnosis architectures to parameters has been studied. Finally, these generic models have applied to a real case of the railway transport, train passenger access systems, which are critical in term of availability and diagnosability.

Multi-agent decision support system in avionics : improving maintenance and reliability predictions in an intelligent environment

Haider, Kamal January 2009 (has links)
Safety of the airborne platforms rests heavily on the way they are maintained. This maintenance includes repairs and testing, to reduce platform down time. Maintenance is performed using generic and specific test equipment within the existing maintenance management system (MMS). This thesis reports the work undertaken to improve maintainability and availability of avionics systems using an intelligent decision support system (IDSS). In order to understand the shortcomings of the existing system, the prevalent practices and methodologies are researched. This research thesis reports the development and implementation of an IDSS and the significant improvements made by this IDSS by integrating autonomous and independent information sources by employing a multi-agent system (MAS). Data mining techniques and intelligence agents (IA) are employed to create an expert system. The developed IDSS successfully demonstrates its ability to integrate and collate the available information and convert into valuable knowledge. Using this knowledge, the IDSS is able to generate interpreted alerts, warnings and recommendations thereby reasonably improving platform maintainability and availability. All facets of integrated logistics support (ILS) are considered to create a holistic picture. As the system ages, the IDSS also matures to assist managers and maintainers in making informed decisions about the platform, the unit under test (UUT) and even the environment that supports the platform.

Modélisation et optimisation de la maintenance et de la surveillance des systèmes multi-composants - Applications à la maintenance et à la conception de véhicules industriels / Modeling and optimization of multicomponent systems maintenance and monitoring - Application to commercial vehicles maintenance and re-design

Lesobre, Romain 26 March 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse traitent des problèmes de maintenance associés aux véhicules industriels. Ils se concentrent sur la planification des opérations de maintenance et sur le développement d'une méthodologie de conception pour la maintenance. Le but est de proposer une offre de maintenance personnalisée en fonction de chaque véhicule et capable de s'adapter aux contraintes des utilisateurs. Dans l'industrie du transport, ces contraintes se caractérisent par un nombre d'opportunités de maintenance limité et des immobilisations à fortes conséquences financières. Cette offre a vocation à garantir un niveau de disponibilité élevé tout en réduisant l'impact de la maintenance sur les coûts globaux d'exploitation. Dans ce cadre, la politique de maintenance développée vise à assurer, moyennant un certain risque, l'autonomie d'un système multi-composant sur des périodes d'opérations données. Pendant ces périodes, aucune opération de maintenance et aucune défaillance du système ne doivent venir perturber la réalisation des missions. A la fin de chaque période, la politique considérée évalue la nécessité d'une intervention de maintenance pour assurer la prochaine période avec un niveau de confiance spécifié. Lorsque la maintenance est jugée indispensable, des critères intégrant les coûts et l'efficacité de la maintenance sont introduits pour sélectionner les opérations à réaliser. Cette forme originale de regroupement dynamique s'appuie à la fois sur les modèles de fiabilité des composants, sur la structure fiabiliste du système et sur les informations de surveillance disponibles en ligne. Celles-ci se composent d'informations liées à l'état de santé des composants mais également à leurs conditions d'utilisation. La flexibilité du processus permet d'intégrer, dans la décision, des niveaux d'informations différents suivant les composants. Les paramètres de cette politique, à savoir la longueur de la période et le niveau de confiance, sont optimisés en fonction du coût total de maintenance. Ce coût, évalué sur un horizon fini, intègre les coûts directs associés aux opérations de maintenance et les coûts indirects engendrés par les immobilisations. Pour envisager une réduction significative des coûts d'exploitation du système, l'optimisation de la politique de maintenance seule ne suffit pas. Il est primordial de mener une réflexion plus large associant le système et sa maintenance dès la conception. Pour diriger cette réflexion, la méthodologie de conception proposée hiérarchise, à l'aide d'un facteur d'importance original, l'impact des composants sur les coûts d'exploitation. Différentes options de conceptions sont ensuite évaluées, par simulation, sur les composants jugés prioritaires. Les options retenues conduisent à réduire les coûts globaux d'exploitation. Des résultats de simulation permettent d'illustrer les méthodes développées. Une application sur un sous-système du véhicule industriel est également réalisée. / This thesis research work focuses on the maintenance operations scheduling and the development of a design methodology for maintenance. The aim is to suggest a customized maintenance service offer for each vehicle and able to adapt to user constraints. In the transport industry, these constraints are defined by a limited number of maintenance opportunities and vehicle unplanned stops with significant financial consequences. This service offer should enable both to improve the vehicle uptime and to reduce the maintenance impact on operating costs. In this framework, the developed maintenance policy ensures, with a given risk probability, maintenance free operating periods for a multi-component system. During these periods, the system should be able to carry out all its assigned missions without maintenance actions and system fault. And the end of each period, the considered policy evaluates if a maintenance action is required to ensure maintenance-free and fault-free operation on the next period with a specified confidence level. When a maintenance action is mandatory, decision criteria considering the maintenance costs and the maintenance efficiency are used to select the operations to be performed. This form of dynamic clustering, called time-driven clustering, integrates both the component reliability models, the system structure and the available monitoring information. In our case, the monitoring information refers to the component state information and information on the component operating conditions. The process flexibility makes possible to make a maintenance decision in using different information levels for system components. The policy parameters, namely the period length and the confidence level value, are optimized based on the total maintenance cost. This cost, evaluated on a finite horizon, is composed of directs costs related to maintenance operations and indirect costs generated by system immobilizations. In order to reach a significant operating costs reduction, the maintenance policy optimization alone is not sufficient. It is essential to have a broader approach to involve the system and its maintenance since the conception. In this context, the developed design methodology suggests to prioritize the components impact on the operating costs. This prioritization is performed thanks to a defined importance factor. Then, multiple design options are evaluated by simulation in priority component. The selected options lead to reduce the operating costs. This work contains simulation results that illustrate the methods mentioned above. Moreover, a heavy vehicle sub-system is used as a test-case.

Evolvability of Software Systems / Evolvability av programvarusystem

Nasir, Muhammad-Iftikhar, Iqbal, Rizwan January 2008 (has links)
Software evolvability, meeting the future requirements of the customer is one of the emerging challenges which software industry is facing nowadays. Software evolvability is the ability of software system to accommodate future requirements. Studies have shown that software evolvability has large economic benefits but at the same time it’s difficult to assess. Over the time many methods have been derived to assess the software evolvability. Software evolvability depends upon various characteristics of the software system. In this paper we will discuss different characteristics of the software systems on which software evolvability depends. We will also have a look on hierarchy of these characteristics based on their role in the evolvability of software system. Moreover we will find out that what level of qualifications is appropriate for an expert to assess the software evolvability of a software system / Software evolvability plays an important role in the software life cycle. It is ease with which software system can be modified for future requirements. There are different methods for assessing the software evolvability. Mainly, structural measures; expert assessment and combined approach. Structural approach focus on the class level measures i.e. inheritance, modularity, coupling etc. Whereas, the expert assessment approach utilizes experts opinion regarding the software system i.e. how much it is evolvable? Combined approach is a combination of structural measures and expert assessment. According to David E. Peercy software evolvability depends upon six factors i.e. modularity, descriptiveness, consistency, simplicity, expandability and instrumentation. However, David A. Sunday considered five factors which are modularity, descriptiveness, consistency, testability and changeability. Moreover, there are other factors which also influence the software evolvability i.e. skills and qualification of the maintainer, organizational support to evolvability and characteristics of the methods being used for maintenance. The importance of research methodology can't be neglected because it gives us thought about our research before start. It has a positive impact on research. We are able to understand the structure of our work and have rough idea about research procedure. Our research methodology on theme evolvability of software systems is consistent of few steps. These steps are literature review, informal discussions and then development of a questionnaire. Subsequently questionnaire is distributed to the subjects and conclusions are drawn, based on their feedback and analysis of results. We visited different software houses and discussed all the factors related to the survey. Experienced and qualified professionals were selected as subjects. To get the survey feedback we made phone calls, email reminders and personal meetings. Which result in high survey response i.e. 75%. Questionnaire was designed into three parts namely as personal information, characteristics of software evolvability and qualifications required for an expert. Pre-test was also designed to assure that the questions for the survey were properly defined and participants had no difficulty in understanding them. Participants of the survey included software developers, team leads, software testers and research students. Special consideration was given to the ethical issues in design and conduction of survey. We discussed about the response behavior of the participants analysis of the data we collected from survey. Analysis was conducted by different means like standard deviation, mean, medium, mode and variance in survey results. First part of the analysis is about what characteristics of the software which effect software evolvability and their priority. In this part we concluded that there are total eleven characteristics of the software evolvability out of which design and architecture is highly prioritized while technical platform and comments are least prioritized characteristics. In the second part of the analysis we concluded that technical training and quality assurance management experience are most important criteria for an expert while development experience and testing experience is least important In the last part of the thesis we discussed the research work, validity assessment of results and answers to the questions. We used A Lincoln‘s and Cuba’s criterion for validation assessment to support the validity of results. Validity is judged by four aspects credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability.

Supportability Engineering in Wind Power Systems - Who Cares? : Considering important stakeholders and their requirements

Ciganovic, Renato January 2011 (has links)
Wind power is one of the fastest growing energy sources, which have advantages in terms of delivering clean, cheap and fast energy. Many actors and organizations have realized this potential, which has lead to exponential growth of the wind power over recent couple of years. Despite promising future of clean and green energy through wind there are still areas to be improved to tackle main hinders for further development on a larger scale. The larger scale development of wind power has up-to-date been reached in only few countries such asDenmarkandGermany. The most potential can be found through offshore wind turbines due to, among other, lesser height and noise restrictions than inland wind turbines as well as better wind resources. This thesis is mainly characterized by the mixed-method method, which is in its turn characterized by mixing different research methods such as induction, deduction and abduction as they might be suitable to apply during the different stages of the research process. In this thesis the system approach will be considered to model the scope of this study’s context. As this thesis was constructed as a theoretical study the systematic literature review was used as the main source for data collection. The synthesis of the reviewed articles was initially performed in a broad manner to show overall picture of research related to the scope of this thesis. In the following step, the adopted LCM tool was used to extract study specific data from the reviewed and additional articles. This enabled to link some of the current problems, in wind power area, and ‘unfulfilled’ stakeholder requirements.    This thesis aim was to identify important stakeholders and to address their respective requirements within the scope of supportability engineering applied in the wind power context, particularly stakeholder requirements that have not been considered by previous research. The purpose of it was to compare different requirements with current issues in the wind power sector. Conducted systematic literature review showed significant and costly (development) issues related to the supportability engineering such as reliability, availability, maintainability, accessibility problems etc. This was fully in line with the stakeholders’ requirements, which in several cases demanded higher dependability i.e. availability performance and its influencing factors.  The thesis also included definition of supportability engineering framework, through comparing several widely accepted and standardized theoretical concepts. This comparison enabled definition of more focused approach with requirements on the ‘supported system’ and to lesser extent the ‘support system’. These requirements are usually mixed within the different theoretical concepts.  The main findings from this study are that application of supportability engineering framework would lead to earlier identification of important stakeholders and their requirements. Considering these requirements, for instance availability and maintainability of the wind turbines, at earlier stages of the life cycle through better design and improved supportability infrastructure could potentially decrease amount of current problems in the wind energy sector in particular for the offshore part. Another result was that different stakeholders and their requirements were identified. Thesis contribution overall was a new ‘refined approach’ to deal with supportability issues through supportability engineering framework, whose main focus is the ‘supported system’.

Gestão de continuidade de negócios aplicada no ensino presencial mediado por recursos tecnológicos. / Business continuity management (BCM) used to they education system mediated classroom resources technology (SPMRT).

Gorayeb, Diana Maria da Câmara 13 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe diretrizes de Gestão de Continuidade de Negócios (GCN) para a tecnologia de Ensino Presencial Mediado por Recursos Tecnológicos (EPMRT), que conta, para a realização de suas atividades acadêmicas, com um sistema complexo para transmissão de aulas e exige um grande esforço para o controle das suas operações e das respostas coordenadas diante de erros, falhas e defeitos, ou quaisquer incidentes que resultem na interrupção das suas atividades. A manutenção deste ambiente tecnológico está relacionada com a implantação de processos eficientes de gestão de risco e do ciclo de melhoria contínua em ambiente de TI com a adoção do ITIL® e através da construção das diretrizes de um Plano de Continuidade de Negócios (PCN), documentado por meio de elementos da UML, utilizando a Análise de Impacto nos Negócios (BIA), a Avaliação dos Riscos (RA) e os atributos de Dependabilidade para os elementos tecnológicos: disponibilidade, confiabilidade, segurança, confidencialidade, integridade e manutenibilidade. / This paper proposes guidelines for Business Continuity Management (BCM) that uses a technology called Education System Mediated Classroom Resources Technology (SPMRT), which needs, for the achievement of their academic activities, a complex system for transmission of lessons and requires a great effort to control their operations and coordinated fast responses in case of errors, faults, attacks and defects, or any incidents that result in the disruption of their activities. Maintaining this technological environment is related to the implementation of efficient processes of risk management and continuous improvement cycle in the IT environment with the adoption of ITIL® and through the construction of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), documented by elements of the UML using the Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Risk Assessment (RA) and the attributes of Dependability: availability, reliability, security, confidentiality, integrity and maintainability.

Gestão de continuidade de negócios aplicada no ensino presencial mediado por recursos tecnológicos. / Business continuity management (BCM) used to they education system mediated classroom resources technology (SPMRT).

Diana Maria da Câmara Gorayeb 13 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe diretrizes de Gestão de Continuidade de Negócios (GCN) para a tecnologia de Ensino Presencial Mediado por Recursos Tecnológicos (EPMRT), que conta, para a realização de suas atividades acadêmicas, com um sistema complexo para transmissão de aulas e exige um grande esforço para o controle das suas operações e das respostas coordenadas diante de erros, falhas e defeitos, ou quaisquer incidentes que resultem na interrupção das suas atividades. A manutenção deste ambiente tecnológico está relacionada com a implantação de processos eficientes de gestão de risco e do ciclo de melhoria contínua em ambiente de TI com a adoção do ITIL® e através da construção das diretrizes de um Plano de Continuidade de Negócios (PCN), documentado por meio de elementos da UML, utilizando a Análise de Impacto nos Negócios (BIA), a Avaliação dos Riscos (RA) e os atributos de Dependabilidade para os elementos tecnológicos: disponibilidade, confiabilidade, segurança, confidencialidade, integridade e manutenibilidade. / This paper proposes guidelines for Business Continuity Management (BCM) that uses a technology called Education System Mediated Classroom Resources Technology (SPMRT), which needs, for the achievement of their academic activities, a complex system for transmission of lessons and requires a great effort to control their operations and coordinated fast responses in case of errors, faults, attacks and defects, or any incidents that result in the disruption of their activities. Maintaining this technological environment is related to the implementation of efficient processes of risk management and continuous improvement cycle in the IT environment with the adoption of ITIL® and through the construction of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), documented by elements of the UML using the Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Risk Assessment (RA) and the attributes of Dependability: availability, reliability, security, confidentiality, integrity and maintainability.

The development of a framework for an integrated logistics support system within a high technology industry in a developing country

Lambert, Keith Richard 31 March 2008 (has links)
Competitive and high-risk environments require complex high technology systems, which need to be supported and maintained over their respective life cycles. These systems often have a significant consequence of failure, and require complex management systems to achieve their operational objectives. Significant leadership and management challenges exist, not only in South Africa, but also in other developing countries, where systems may be utilised beyond the lifespan they were designed for and are susceptible to obsolescence. This study was conducted by following a structured process; the research consisted of three stages. The first stage dealt with the research problem, including the delimitations of the study. The second stage was further divided into three phases. The first phase deconstructed the appropriate literature, which included the interpretation of numerous definitions of logistics, integrated logistics support, and the integrated logistics support elements. In addition, the research was grounded in the fields of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support. The second phase focused on the deconstruction of six case studies from four different high technology complex systems. From the analysis of the first two phases followed the third phase of research, which focused on the identification of areas requiring further research. Further research was conducted by means of a questionnaire, the results of which were analysed for variable dependency and variable association. The third stage of the research included the collation and analysis of the findings of the first two stages of research. The analysis utilised the principles of Mode 2 research and design science research, whereby an ILS framework and associated grounded technological rules have been recommended. These recommendations are robust in nature, as they can be applied in the most challenging environment and circumstances as identified. Furthermore, by grounding the theory in the disciplines of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support, the reliability, validity, relevance, and applicability of the study could be substantiated. This implied that the generated theoretical knowledge could be transferred to and applied in practice, and as such, an organisation can reap substantial value added benefits, and gain considerable competitive advantage in the market place by applying this developed ILS framework and associated ILS grounded technological rules. / Business Leadership / D. BL.

The development of a framework for an integrated logistics support system within a high technology industry in a developing country

Lambert, Keith Richard 31 March 2008 (has links)
Competitive and high-risk environments require complex high technology systems, which need to be supported and maintained over their respective life cycles. These systems often have a significant consequence of failure, and require complex management systems to achieve their operational objectives. Significant leadership and management challenges exist, not only in South Africa, but also in other developing countries, where systems may be utilised beyond the lifespan they were designed for and are susceptible to obsolescence. This study was conducted by following a structured process; the research consisted of three stages. The first stage dealt with the research problem, including the delimitations of the study. The second stage was further divided into three phases. The first phase deconstructed the appropriate literature, which included the interpretation of numerous definitions of logistics, integrated logistics support, and the integrated logistics support elements. In addition, the research was grounded in the fields of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support. The second phase focused on the deconstruction of six case studies from four different high technology complex systems. From the analysis of the first two phases followed the third phase of research, which focused on the identification of areas requiring further research. Further research was conducted by means of a questionnaire, the results of which were analysed for variable dependency and variable association. The third stage of the research included the collation and analysis of the findings of the first two stages of research. The analysis utilised the principles of Mode 2 research and design science research, whereby an ILS framework and associated grounded technological rules have been recommended. These recommendations are robust in nature, as they can be applied in the most challenging environment and circumstances as identified. Furthermore, by grounding the theory in the disciplines of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support, the reliability, validity, relevance, and applicability of the study could be substantiated. This implied that the generated theoretical knowledge could be transferred to and applied in practice, and as such, an organisation can reap substantial value added benefits, and gain considerable competitive advantage in the market place by applying this developed ILS framework and associated ILS grounded technological rules. / Business Leadership / D. BL.

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