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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Searching for patomechanisms of late life minor depression

Polyakova, Maryna 21 May 2019 (has links)
The doctoral dissertation: Searching for pathomechanisms of late-life minor depression – a combined MRI, biomarker and meta-analytic study was one of the first studies investigating the underlying pathophysiology of minor depression. The dissertation comprises a systematic review of the prevalence rates of minor depression, two meta-analyses of peripheral BDNF changes in major depressive disorder, as well as two original studies investigating serum BDNF, S100B and NSE levels and gray matter changes in minor depression. The limitations of studies and proposed improvements to the study design are discussed extensively.:1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation 1.1.1 Minor depression in the spectrum of psychiatric disorders 1.1.2 Minor depression is prevalent but unrecognized. 1.2 Theoretical background 1.2.1 Overview of depression hypotheses 1.2.2 Neurotrophic hypothesis of depressive disorders 1.2.3 Glial hypothesis of depressive disorders 1.2.4 Structural neuroimaging changes in major depression 1.3. Rationale and hypotheses of the empirical studies 1.3.1 Research questions 1.3.2 Research hypotheses 2. EMPIRICAL STUDIES 2.1 The prevalence of minor depression in the late life 2.2 The meta-analysis of BDNF changes in mood disorders 2.3 The meta-analysis of BDNF changes following ECT in depression 2.4 Serum biomarkers in minor depression 2.5 Structural brain imaging in minor depression 3. GENERAL DISCUSSION 3.1 Summary of results 3.2 Implications for research 3.3 Implications for clinical studies SUMMARY REFERENCES APPENDIX A: DECLARATION OF CONTRIBUTION APPENDIX B: STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP APPENDIX C: CURRICULUM VITAEAPPENDIX D: ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTIONS APPENDIX E: ACKNOWLEDGMENT

An Analysis of the Attempted Amalgamation of Western and Chinese Musical Elements in Huang Anlun's Piano Concerto in G Minor, Opus 25b, a Lecture Recital, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Mozart, Schubert, and Schumann

Pei, Yushu 08 1900 (has links)
While China possesses one of the world's richest musical heritages, it remained unaffected by Western music until early in this century. Subsequently, there was a movement of nationalism in music approximately three decades after the introduction of Western music. This movement, aimed at utilizing Western compositional techniques to create musical works that still would be uniquely Chinese, continues even today. Huang's piano concerto was written in 1982, just a few years after the Cultural Revolution. At the time, most Chinese composers were "handicapped" by their lack of knowledge of Western contemporary music and by their limited study of both Western and Chinese traditional forms. Huang Anlun, a composer-in-residence at the Central Opera House in Beijing, traveled to North America to study at the University of Toronto and Yale University. Subsequently his music is widely performed and well received around the world. After presenting background information on Western music in China and an introduction to basic Chinese music theory, this study has analyzed Huang's piano concerto, with a particular focus on identifying, comparing, and analyzing elements of Western and Chinese music. After a survey of the formal structure of the concerto, this study has discussed Chinese modality and Western harmony--the two most important factors in the conception of Huang's concerto. A comparative study between Chinese folk songs and the thematic materials in Huang's concerto is followed by a discussion on "imitations" of Chinese instruments. The study has also examined Western compositional techniques incorporated into this concerto, such as thematic transformation, contrapuntal writing, cyclic procedure, as well as atonal and serial techniques. Through a detailed analysis, this study attempts to demonstrate how Huang has blended Western and Chinese musical syntaxes to create an artistic work that is also uniquely Chinese.

Security of tenure in incremental development : A case study of informal settlements in Pune, India

Lindgren, Oscar January 2012 (has links)
The author Mike Davis has labelled our entire globe as a planet of slums. This hesis aims to provide some insights to the research field of slum rehabilitation, and thus contribution to efforts to make our globe slum free. The United Nations states that security of tenure is one of the essential preconditions for improvements in slums. The statement comes with support from academic research, which highlights the relation between secure tenure and a slums physical quality. Out of these messages two hypotheses are formulated and tested throughout the thesis; one theoretical, the other empirical. The theoretical section holds that tenure should be studied according to property rights and tenure status, that interventions for slum rehabilitation should support the dwellers efforts of incremental development, that tenure is granted in both the informal and formal land market, and that there are several causalities between secure tenure and the quality of housing and infrastructure. The case study examines 208 informal settlements in terms of their living conditions in the city of Pune, India. The thesis draws on empirical data in the form of a citywide slum survey that has been made available by the non-governmental organisations, Maharashtra Action League and CHF International, both of which operate in Pune. The empirical section reveals that secure tenure does not influence housing quality at all, that secure tenure just slightly influences available infrastructure in a settlement, and that urban planners are able to support a sustainable and incremental rehabilitation of slums by focusing on tenure security.

Investigating Minor States of the Oncoprotein N-MYC, with Focus on Proline Cis/Trans Isomerisation using NMR Spectroscopy

Haugskott, Frida January 2021 (has links)
MYC is a family of three regulator genes that codes for transcription factors. Expression of Myc proteins from MYC genes is found to be deregulated in 70 % of all cancer forms. The three human homologs C-Myc, N-Myc and L-Myc are mainly associated with cancer in the lymphatic system, nerve tissues and lung cancer, respectively. Even though N-Myc is associated with Neuroblastoma, the cancer variant that is most common among children, the field is focused towards C-Myc. The activation of C-Myc begins with phosphorylation of Serine 62, followed by trans-to-cis isomerisation of Proline 63. Then Threonine 58 becomes phosphorylated leading to that Serine 62 is dephosphorylated and subsequent cis-to-trans isomerisation of Proline 63, and C-Myc is marked for degradation. Cis-trans isomerisation is necessary for regulation of gene expression, and is therefore important to understand. Since N-Myc and C-Myc have identical sequences between residues 47 to residue 69, the hypothesis is that N-Myc is activated in the same manner, but this has not been confirmed. In this project the first 69 amino acids of N-Myc were analysed with NMR spectroscopy. This resulted in a near complete assignment of the major conformation, and of the alternative minor conformations as well. The traditional assignment experiments HNCACB, HN(CO)CACB, HNCO, HN(CA)CO in combination with CCH-TOCSY and HN(CCO)C revealed that the majority of the minor configurations can be explained by cis/trans isomerisation of prolines. In addition, the protein was analysed with direct carbon detected NMR spectroscopy to be able to detect the prolines.

Educating students about sex is like giving them a gift, without being allowed to open it. - A study about students’ attitudes towards Sexual and reproductive health and rights education in Moshi, Tanzania

Sandqvist, Josefine, Yngheden, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
The study was conducted in Moshi, the regional Capital of Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. It was financed by Sida’s Minor Field Study scholarship in March and April 2019. This study was carried out at a Secondary school and focuses on students’ attitudes and knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights, SRHR, as well as examine how different actors influence the students’ decision-making and attitudes in Form 4. Qualitative semi-structured interviews are conducted, combined with the use of flashcards, as a method. Each flashcard contains topics within the concept of SRHR and was based on previous research and definitions. The use of flashcards was conducted in two steps. Firstly, the students’ categorized SRHR-topics in five different categories. Secondly, the students’ ranked ten actors in which affect them the most to least. Most of the students believe that most of the topics are important to learn about but in a future context. They also believe that education in some topics will result in increased sexual behavior. The students identify that authorities, such as parents and school, affect them the most in their decision-making and attitudes. To conclude, the students were found to have limited education focusing on attitudes as well as access to evidence-based education.

Nouvelles brasures sans plomb : conception des dispositifs d'essai, fabrication des échantillons et caractérisation / New Lead-Free Solders : testing Device Development, Specimen Fabrication, and Characterization

Tao, Quang Bang 06 December 2016 (has links)
De nos jours, une des stratégies pour améliorer les propriétés des brasures sans plomb est d'introduire en petites quantités certains éléments d'alliage. Dans notre étude, deux nouveaux types de brasures, dénommés Innolot et SAC-Bi et dont l'utilisation dans diverses applications électroniques augmente, sont caractérisées. En particulier, l'effet des éléments Ni, Sb et Bi sur les propriétés mécaniques est analysé. L'étude vise également à évaluer l'influence des facteurs de sollicitation, du vieillissement en température sur la réponse des matériaux et leurs évolutions microstructurales. A cet effet, une machine permettant de réaliser des essais de micro-traction sur éprouvettes miniatures a été conçue et fabriquée. Les sollicitations qu'elle permet d'appliquer sont multiples (traction, cisaillement et cyclage) et des conditions en température et en vitesse de déformation peuvent être imposées lors de l'essai. La fabrication des éprouvettes nécessaires aux essais a également été entreprise dans cette étude afin d'avoir un matériau similaire à celui issu du process industriel et de disposer d'une géométrie adaptée au type de caractérisation souhaitée (éprouvettes massives, à simple recouvrement, etc.).Après ces étapes préparatoires, des tests ont été réalisés sous sollicitations de traction, cisaillement, fluage et fatigue en faisant varier les conditions d'essais. Le premier objectif a été l'identification du comportement des brasures, y compris en prenant en compte l'effet du vieillissement. Ces données ont permis ensuite de réaliser des simulations thermo-mécaniques sur les matériaux utilisés sous forme de joints de brasure dans un module de puissance sous cyclage thermique. Les analyses de microstructure (SEM/EDS et EPMA) faites par la suite ont montré le rôle des éléments d'alliage (Ni, Sb et Bi) sur les performances mécaniques des brasures en termes de résistance, limite élastique et rigidité. Le rôle des facteurs d'essai, comme la température, la vitesse de sollicitation et la durée de vieillissement, a également été mis en évidence au niveau des propriétés obtenues et des changements dans la microstructure. Il a été établi que l'élément Sb permet de favoriser le durcissement par écrouissage des brasures, tandis que l'ajout des éléments Ni et Bi permettent un raffinement de la microstructure. Les essais ont aussi permis d'identifier les 9 paramètres de la loi d'Anand par une procédure numérique s'appuyant sur les données de traction et de cisaillement, permettant ainsi de réaliser des simulations par éléments finis. Ces dernières suggèrent un meilleur comportement à la fatigue pour la brasure Innolot qui bénéficie est effets favorables des additifs. / Nowadays, one of the strategies to improve the reliability of lead-free solder joints is to add minor alloying elements to solders. In this study, new lead-free solders, namely InnoLot and SAC387-Bi, which have begun to come into use in the electronic packaging, were considered to study the effect of Ni, Sb and Bi, as well as that of the testing conditions and isothermal aging, on the mechanical properties and microstructure evolution. A new micro-tensile machine are designed and fabricated, which can do tensile, compressive and cyclic tests with variation of speeds and temperatures, for testing miniature joint and bulk specimens. Additionally, the procedure to fabricate appropriate lap-shear joint and bulk specimens are described in this research. The tests, including shear, tensile, creep and fatigue tests, were conducted by micro-tensile and Instron machine at different test conditions. The first study is to characterize, experimentally, the mechanical behaviors and life time of solder joints submitted to isothermal aging and mechanical tests. The second goal of the project is to perform thermo-mechanical simulations of IGBT under thermal cycling. The experimental results indicate that, with addition of Ni, Sb and Bi in to SAC solder, the stress levels (UTS, yield stress) are improved. Moreover, testing conditions, such as temperature, strain rate, amplitude, aging time, may have substantial effects on the mechanical behavior and the microstructure features of the solder alloys. The enhanced strength and life time of the solders is attribute to the solid hardening effects of Sb in the Sn matrix and the refinement of the microstructure with the addition of Ni and Bi. The nine Anand material parameters are identified by using the data from shear and tensile tests. And then, the obtained values were utilized to analyze the stress-strain response of an IGBT under thermal cycling. The results of simulations represent that the response to thermal cycling of the new solders is better than the reference solder, suggesting that additions of minor elements can enhance the fatigue life of the solder joints. Finally, the SEM/EDS and EPMA analysis of as-cast, as-reflowed as well as fractured specimens were done to observe the effects of these above factors on the microstructure of the solder alloys.

Scaling Frugal Innovation Based Startups to Accelerate Sustainable Development : A Minor Field Study in Cape Town, South Africa / Skala upp frugala innovationsbaserade startups för att accelerera hållbar utveckling : En fältstudie i Kapstaden, Sydafrika

Johansson, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
With the rise of a global economy and the growing importance of emerging markets, socioeconomic and environmental issues are becoming the main driving forces for many innovation practitioners. As a result of the recognition that traditional ways of managing innovation are not sustainable and that more inclusive and accessible efforts are needed, the exploration of frugal approaches to innovation has emerged. Startups that apply frugal innovation have the potential to stimulate sustainable growth and reduce development gaps between less developed and developed countries. Yet, given their specific context, many startups face difficulties to commercialize technologies and scale to new markets. There is a need to understand how to support startups and entrepreneurs to scale up in their early stages as a means to drive sustainable growth in emergent economies. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate what factors influence frugal innovation-based startups’ potential to accelerate (economic, environmental, and social) sustainable development. To understand the influencing factors, an investigation of the barriers and enablers to scale up as well as the entrepreneurial behaviors in relation to their social settings, is necessary. Literature within frugal innovation was reviewed and a study was performed in Cape Town, South Africa. South Africa is a relevant research area for frugal innovation since startups have the potential to leverage resources of the high-income market to solve large problems in lowincome communities (i.e. informal settings or townships). In-depth interviews were conducted with startup representatives and stakeholders within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The study revealed that due to the entrepreneurs’ background, they have the ability to understand customer needs and influence mindset change. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurs are dependent on social support, because they often lack self-advocacy, skills, and resources required to scale up. The importance of democratizing digital technologies as well as leverage entrepreneurial ecosystems was highlighted. The author also suggests further discussions on how sustainable impact is assessed as well as the role of power dynamics within entrepreneurial ecosystems. / I linje med utvecklingen av att den globala ekonomin och den ökade vikten av tillväxtmarknader har socioekonomiska och miljörelaterade faktorer blivit en central drivkraft för många innovationsutövare. Från vetskapen att de traditionella sätten att hantera innovation inte är hållbara och att mer inkluderande och tillgängliga processer krävs, har appliceringen av frugala tillvägagångssätt av innovation uppkommit. Startups som tillämpar frugal innovation har potential att stimulera hållbar tillväxt och minska utvecklingsgapen mellan mindre utvecklade och utvecklade länder. Dock, givet deras unika kontext, har många startups svårt att kommersialisera teknik och skala upp till nya marknader. Följaktligen, finns det behov att förstå hur man kan stödja entreprenörer och startups att skala upp i tidigt skede för att driva hållbar utveckling i tillväxtmarknader. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar frugala innovationsbaserade startups möjligheter att accelerera (ekonomisk, ekologisk och social) hållbar utveckling. För att förstå de influerande faktorerna är det nödvändigt att undersöka hinder och möjliggörare till att skala upp samt entreprenörernas beteende i förhållande till deras sociala kontext. Litteratur inom Frugal innovation granskades och en fältstudie utfördes i Kapstaden, Sydafrika. Sydafrika är ett relevant forskningsområde för frugal innovation eftersom startups har möjlighet att utnyttja höginkomstmarknadens resurser för att lösa stora problem inom låginkomstmarknaden. Fördjupade intervjuer genomfördes med startups representanter och intressenter inom entreprenöriella ekosystem. Studien avslöjade att på grund av entreprenörernas bakgrund har de en unik förmåga att förstå den informella marknadens behov och möjlighet att influera nya tänkesätt. Samtidigt är entreprenörerna beroende av socialt stöd på grund av brist på kompetenser, kunskaper och resurser nödvändiga för att skala upp. Därav belystes vikten av att demokratisera digital teknik samt utnyttja entreprenöriella ekosystem. Författaren föreslår också ytterligare diskussioner om hur hållbarhetskrav mäts samt maktdynamikens roll inom entreprenöriella ekosystem.

Achieving Social Innovation with Citizen Co-Creation : A Minor Field Study with a public entity in Medellin, Colombia / Att uppnå social innovation genom Citizen CoCreation : En fältstudie med en statlig organisation i Medellin, Colombia

Isacsson Larsson, Mimmi, Sabir Tairlbahre, Jasmin January 2019 (has links)
The world is facing severe and complex issues and the sustainable development challenges are immense. In order to meet the challenges, social innovation is crucially needed. Developing social innovation is however challenging and collaboration among stakeholders is an important factor to overcome this. A way to collaborate with citizens is with citizen co-creation. The aim of this study was to investigate how citizen co-creation is used as a mean to achieve social innovation. This was done by investigating the research questions “Which factors have a positive impact on the citizen co-creation process to achieve social innovation?“ and “What are the challenges of using citizen co-creation to achieve social innovation and what are the potential solutions?”. Literature within social innovation and citizen co-creation was reviewed and a case study was performed. The case study was executed in Medellin, Colombia, together with a public entity working with the transformation of the city. A program for a citizen co-creation process called MiMedellin was studied. Interviews were performed with team members working with the program and stakeholders involved in a specific project. Secondary data regarding type of challenges and the citizens behaviour on the platform was also analysed in order to confirm information collected in the interviews. This master’s thesis revealed a strong link between citizen co-creation and social innovation. The ways to work in citizen co-creation align with key factors in the social innovation process and citizen co-creation is therefore a mean to achieve social innovation. Factors with a positive impact in the citizen co-creation process were found to be related to ways to work, methods for citizen participation and leadership. Challenges of achieving social innovation with citizen co-creation were found to be related to trust, engagement and the complexity of the process. This master’s thesis suggests ways to overcome the challenges as well as gives practical and theoretical implications and areas for future research. / Världen står inför stora svårigheter med enorma globala utmaningar. För att möta de utmaningarna är social innovation avgörande. Att utveckla sociala innovationer är däremot komplext och samarbete mellan intressenter ses som en viktig faktor för att övervinna detta. Ett sätt att involvera medborgare i samarbetet är genom citizen co-creation. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur citizen co-creation används som ett medel för att uppnå social innovation, genom att undersöka följande forskningsfrågor: “Vilka faktorer har en positiv inverkan på citizen co-creation processen för att uppnå sociala innovation?” och “Vilka utmaningar finns med att använda citizen co-creation för att uppnå social innovation och vilka är de potentiella lösningarna? Litteratur inom social innovation och citizen co-creation granskades och en fallstudie genomfördes. Studien genomfördes i Medellin i Colombia tillsammans med en statlig organisation som arbetar med transformation av staden. Ett program för en citizen co-creation process som kallas MiMedellin studerades. Intervjuer genomfördes med gruppmedlemmar inom programmet och intressenterna som deltog i ett specifikt projekt. Sekundärdata för tidigare utmaningar och medborgares beteende på plattformen analyserades även för att bekräfta information som samlats in i intervjuerna. Denna masteruppsats avslöjade en stark koppling mellan citizen co-creation och social innovation. Arbetssättet inom citizen co-creation går väl samman med nyckelfaktorer i processen att utveckla sociala innovationer. På det sättet är citizen co-creation ett medel för att uppnå sociala innovationer. Faktorer med en positiv inverkan på citizen co-creation processen var kopplade till sätt att arbeta, metoder att involvera medborgare och ledarskap. Utmaningar med att uppnå sociala innovation med citizen co-creation var kopplade till tillit, engagemang och processens komplexitet. Denna masterupssats föreslår sätt att möta utmaningarna och ger även praktiska och teoretiska implikationer samt områden för framtida forskning.

Electrification and implementation of an uninterruptable power supply system at a medical center in the Talara Province, Peru / Elektrifiering och implementering av ett avbrottsfritt strömförsörjningssystem vid ett medicinskt center i Talara-provinsen, Peru

Hagelin, Johnny January 2023 (has links)
Marginalisering gällande tillgång till elektricitet utgör en betydande utmaning i avlägsna områden i Peru. Elnätets stabilitet är låg och detta utgör ett hot mot viktig infrastruktur såsom sjukhus och vårdcentraler. Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen förloras 50 % av alla vacciner världen över på grund av felaktig hantering där strömavbrott är en viktig del av problemet. Syftet med denna studie var att öka energitåligheten hos ett medicinskt center i Talara i norra Peru. För att uppnå detta mål utfördes teknisk dimensionering av ett avbrottsfritt strömförsörjningssystem (UPS) bestående av solceller och batterier. Två kvalitativa intervjuer med en eldistributör i norra Peru och en tillsynsmyndighet gjordes för att fördjupa kunskapen om vilka utmaningar som finns gällande elnätets tillförlitlighet. Två scenarier utvärderades i dimensioneringen av UPS systemet. Scenario 1 presenterar den ursprungliga planen av EcoSwell som inkluderar all utrustning som var avsedd att strömförsörjas av UPS systemet, medan scenario 2 är en reducerad version av scenario 1 för att minska de totala kostnaderna. För scenario 1 kommer totalt 36 batterier och 48 solceller att krävas för att försörja all utrustning med energi. I scenario 2 kommer 20 batterier och 24 solceller att behövas. OMP Solar blev den utvalda leverantören av solceller och batterier och den totala kostnaden för installation och all extrautrustning är 66 713,98 S/ (184 036 SEK). Det uppskattades att 37 % och 17 % för scenario 1 respektive 2 av den totala energianvändningen vid vårdcentralen kommer att utgöras utav UPS systemet. / Marginalization in terms of electricity access presents a significant challenge in remote areas in Peru. The resilience of the electric grid is low, and this presents a threat to important infrastructure such as hospitals and medical centers. According to the World Health Organization, 50% of vaccines worldwide are wasted due to improper handling in which power cuts is a major problem. The aim of this study was to increase the energy resilience of a medical center located in Talara in northern Peru. In pursuit of this aim, technical sizing of an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) system consisting of photovoltaic modules and lead-acid gel batteries was done. Two qualitative interviews with an electricity distributor in northern Peru and a supervisory authority was made to deepen the knowledge of what challenges exist regarding the reliability of the electric grid.  Two scenarios were evaluated in the sizing of the UPS. Scenario 1 presents the original plan by EcoSwell including all equipment that was intended to be powered up by the UPS, while scenario 2 is a reduced version of scenario 1 to decrease overall costs. For scenario 1 a total of 36 batteries and 48 solar modules will be required to power up all equipment. In scenario 2, 20 batteries and 24 solar modules will be required. OMP Solar was the chosen provider of solar modules and batteries and the total cost for installation and all auxiliary equipment is 66 713,98 S/ (184 036 SEK). It was estimated that 37% and 17% for scenario 1 and 2 respectively of the total energy usage at the medical center will be from the UPS.

Alkaloidy Vinca minor L. a jejich biologická aktivita VIII. / Vinca minor L. alkaloids and their biological activity VIII.

Hojgrová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
V. Hojgrová: Alkaloids of Vinca minor L. and their biological activity VIII. Diploma thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany. Number of pages 69. This diploma thesis deals with the isolation of alkaloids from Vinca minor L. from the family Apocynaceae. Separation of alkaloids from the selected fraction (VM 215-258) or from their subfractions (VM 34-41, VM 86, VM 87-113) was performed by preparative TLC. Two pure alkaloids were isolated from the subfraction (VH 34-41). The first VH-1 alkaloid not yet isolated and the second VH 2 alkaloid: (-)-raucubainin. Alkaloids were identified by EI-MS, LC-MS, NMR and optical rotation and were compared with data in the literature. Isolated alkaloids were tested for acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) and prolyloligopeptidase (POP) inhibitory activity and for cytotoxicity. Both substances did not show significant cholinesterase inhibitory activity IC50 against AChE after measurement, only (-)-raucubainin showed a slight activity against BuChE (IC50 = 94 ± 7 μM), VH-1 was found to be inactive (IC50 > 100 μM). POP inhibitory activity has so far only been tested for (-)-raucubainin; was found to be inactive (IC50 > 1000 µM). The results of the cytotoxic activity of the alkaloids...

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