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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guarda compartilhada como expressão do princípio constitucional do melhor interesse da criança / Jointed custody

Messias, Patricia Melo 18 October 2006 (has links)
The problem of custody of children is demanded when the parents, due to separation of spouses or judicial separation, or in the dissolution hypothesis of the consensual marriage, do not live in the same house or in the cases where the parents never cohabited. Granting to the children the fundamental right to live in family, the custody should always take into consideration the welfare of the minor, which is to have the presence of both parents in his life. The jointed custody is the familiar arrangement which gives continuity to the affective boundaries established between the father and the mother, even after the family transformation. The Constitucional Grounds of the jointed custody are the equality principle of genus, of the best interest for the minor and the absolute priority for the child and adolescent. It can be executed with or without housing alternating. The problems faced in its applicability by the parents do not impede its implementation. The jointed custody gives advantages to everybody involved: the parents, children and the judiciary, and finds in the mediation the way to its effectiveness, since it promotes the family participation in the litigation involvement. In spite of the acceptance of this modality of juridical arrangement in the Brazilian juridical ordering, it is still being constructed its acceptance gradually and culture, on the contrary what happens in the compared law, where it is applied frequently. An empirical research proved its operation and necessity that the parents are informed by the law representatives about the existence and advantages of the jointed custody. / O problema da guarda de filhos é cogitado quando os pais, em decorrência da separação de fato ou de direito, ou na hipótese da dissolução de união estável, passam a não conviver sob o mesmo teto ou nos casos em que os pais nunca coabitaram. Garantindo à criança o direito fundamental de conviver em família, a guarda deve sempre atender ao melhor interesse do menor, que é ter a presença de ambos os pais em sua vida. A guarda compartilhada é o arranjo familiar que dá continuidade aos vínculos afetivos estabelecidos entre pais e filhos, estimulando uma co-participação com igualdade de direitos e deveres entre o pai e a mãe, mesmo após a transformação da família. Os fundamentos constitucionais da guarda compartilhada são os princípios da igualdade de gêneros, do melhor interesse do menor e da prioridade absoluta da criança e do adolescente. Pode ser exercida com ou sem alternância de lares. Os problemas enfrentados na sua aplicabilidade pelos pais não impedem a sua implementação. A guarda compartilhada proporciona vantagens para todos os envolvidos: os pais, os filhos e o Judiciário, e encontra na mediação o caminho para sua efetivação, na medida em que promove a participação da família na composição do litígio. Apesar da receptividade dessa modalidade de arranjo no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, ainda se está construindo de forma gradativa sua aceitação e cultura, ao contrário do que já acontece no direito comparado, onde ela é aplicada com freqüência. Uma pesquisa empírica comprovou a sua operacionalização e a necessidade de que os pais sejam informados pelos operadores do direito da existência e das vantagens da guarda compartilhada.

La croisée des Empires : Monnaie et formes de pouvoir en Lydie aux époques hellénistique et impériale : (336 avant J.C. - 268 de notre ère) / The crossroads of Empires : currency and forms of power in Lydia to Hellenistic and Imperial periods : (336 BC - AD 268)

Hochard, Pierre-Olivier 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’étude de la Lydie antique s’est traditionnellement concentrée sur deux points : les recherches sur les origines de la monnaie et la période lydo-perse d’une part, et la cité de Sardes d’autre part. Cette recherche propose d’étudier cette région à partir d’un corpus numismatique, afin d’établir l’histoire de la Lydie à travers les différentes expériences impériales des époques hellénistique et romaine. Avec la conquête d’Alexandre le Grand et l’installation de l’ordre séleucide, la Lydie entre pleinement dans le monde grec. Avec l’extension de la puissance pergaménienne, et donc la rivalité croissante entre les Attalides et les Séleucides, les cités lydiennes se trouvent au coeur des grands enjeux internationaux de la période. Malgré l’installation romaine à la fin du IIe siècle avant J.-C., la Lydie reste troublée par les tensions de la basse époque hellénistique. L’étude de la période impériale ouvre d’autres perspectives : questionner la rupture traditionnelle entre période hellénistique et romaine, appréhender les conséquences la réforme monétaire d’Auguste, étudier les relations entre hellénisme et romanité et apporter un éclairage nouveau sur la « crise » du IIIe siècle. Cette étude propose d’inscrire la Lydie dans un temps long permettant de questionner les modalités de son intégration aux espaces impériaux qui la dominent et d’interroger les processus d’hellénisation et de romanisation d’une région orientale au passé prestigieux / The study of antique Lydia has traditionally been focused on two lines: research on the origin of the money and the Lydo-Persian period on the one hand, and the city of Sardis on the other hand. The aim of this research is to study the history of this region from a collection of numismatic sources, to establish the story of Lydia through the different imperial experience of the Hellenistic and Imperial areas. With Alexander’s conquest and the installation of the Seleucid’s organisation, Lydia completely joined the Greek world. With the extension of Pergamon’s power, and the rising rivalry between the Attalids and the Seleucids, Lydian cities found themselves at the heart of the time period’s major international issues. Despite the Roman settlement in Asia Minor at the end of the second century B.C., Lydia experienced tensions from lower Hellenistic period on. The study of the imperial period opens up other perspectives: disregarding the traditional separation between the Hellenistic and the Roman periods, grasping the consequences of Augustus’s monetary reform, reviewing the links between Hellenism and Romanity, and providing a new light upon the “crisis” of the Third century. This study would fit Lydia into a long time period, questioning its integration into imperial spaces which prevail over, and questioning the process of Hellenisation and Romanisation of a region which has a glorious past

Œuvre(s) du pluriel : vers une esthétique du dispersé / Work(s) in the plural : towards an aesthetics of dispersion

Lascault, Michel 30 September 2017 (has links)
La pluridisciplinarité artistique contemporaine, qui remonte à l’humanisme et au romantisme, est-elle encore liée à un désir de connaissance et de totalité, ou s’inscrit-elle dans un spectre de fragmentation ? Les défaillances reconnues du savoir, du sujet et de l’œuvre forment une résistance à la puissance des technostructures. La sphère de l’art, détachée de la division du travail artistique, s’inscrit dans une négativité non dialectique. Par la sape méthodique des référents et des maîtrises, l’œuvre s’ouvre au désordre et au manque. Poursuivant simultanément plusieurs démarches distinctes dans les arts visuels, la musique et l’écriture, passant de l’art populaire à l’art intellectualisé, étant autant témoin qu’acteur de mon travail, je propose une approche de l’art qui se définit plus par l’errance et la pluralité que par un projet unitaire. La position mineure et dispersée se ressource dans une poïétique prolifique : simultanéité divergente, transposition négative, hétérogénéité, confusion des temps, présence du vide et du fantomatique… / Is artistic pluridisciplinarity, which goes back to Humanism and Romanticism, still connected to a desire for knowledge and for holistic apprehension, or does it reveal the prospect of fragmentation? The known shortcomings of knowledge, of the subject, and of the work of art resist the power of techno-structures. Once the artistic sphere gets disconnected from the division of artistic labor, it is amenable to a non-dialectical negativity. As the work of art methodically subverts referents, mastery and know-hows, it becomes accessible to loss and disorder. Being as much the witness as the agent of the work I produce, I propose an approach to art conceived as wandering and plural—an approach based on various forms of practice in visual arts, music, and writing, which shift from popular to intellectual art. This artistic stance, minor and scattered, draws its strength from a prolific poietics: divergent simultaneity, negative transposition, heterogeneity, confusion of temporalities, void, and haunting presences…

La notion de mineur dans l'oeuvre de Pier Paolo Pasolini / The notion of minor in Pier Paolo Pasolini's works

Passerone, Léa 09 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier la façon dont l’idée de mineur traverse l’œuvre de Pier Paolo Pasolini, que ce soit dans son sens linguistique et littéraire (rapport aux langues et aux auteurs dits « mineurs »), sociopolitique (présence des subalternes et des minorités), ou encore spirituel (« mineur » au sens franciscain). L’ensemble de la vaste production artistique et critique de l’auteur italien que nous prenons en considération semble en effet guidé par le désir de porter à la lumière et de valoriser ce qui d’ordinaire est dénigré, oublié et situé au bas des hiérarchies, quelles qu’elles soient : paysans frioulans, sous-prolétaires romains, peuples du Tiers Monde, langues et cultures périphériques, etc. Les notions de « minore » (« mineur ») et de « minoranza » (« minorité ») paraissent d’autant plus significatives et pertinentes qu’elles sont utilisées et problématisées par l’écrivain-cinéaste, de ses premiers essais littéraires à ses derniers articles et scénarios, à des moments clés de son parcours. Elles se révèlent en outre étroitement liées aux périodes de profondes transformations socio-culturelles que traverse l’Italie, dont elles se font le reflet antithétique. Alors que le prétendu « miracle économique » bat son plein au cœur des années 1960, la notion de mineur, centrée autour de l’idée d’infériorité et d’humilité, cède la place à la notion plus politique et polémique de minorité. Si cette dernière reprend certains traits de la précédente, elle se définit davantage comme altérité radicale et puissance de contestation des modèles dominants, tout en accentuant l’esthétique et la poétique de la contamination, selon lesquelles humilis et sublimis sont indissociables. / This PhD thesis intends to explore how the idea of minor is present throughout Pier Paolo Pasolini’s works, in its linguistic and literary sense (linked to languages and authors called « minors »), in its socio-political sense (presence of the subalterns and the minorities), or even in its spiritual sense (« minor » according to Franciscans). The extensive artistic and critical production of the Italian author who we consider, seems in fact to be guided by the will of highlighting and promoting what is usually depreciated, forgotten and situated at lower levels in every hierarchy : Friulian peasants, Roman sub-proletarians, people from the Third World, outlying languages and cultures, etc. The notions of minor and minorities are particularly significant and relevant, given that they are used and questionned by the writer and the director from his first literary essays to his last articles and scenarios, in key moments of his career. Furthermore, they appear closely associated to the period of deep socio-cultural changes that Italy is experiencing, hence the contradicting images they convey. While the so-called « economic miracle » is triumphal in the sixties, the notion of « minor », centered on the idea of inferiority and humility, is replaced by the more political and polemical notion of minority. If this last notion has some characteristics of the former one, it should also be defined as a radical alterity and contesting power of the dominant models, at the same time keeping the emphasis on the contamination esthetic and poetics, whereby humilis and sublimis are inseparable.

The Health of the Ugandan Coffee Business Ecosystem

Garces Rivera, Marlen, Pfeiffer, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Aim - The aim of this thesis is to understand the challenges of the Ugandan coffee industry by having a business ecosystem perspective. By using a broader perspective like the BE, one can see relations and connections that may not have been visible before. Furthermore, when using a BE perspective more actors are included in the systemic work, and important platforms and tools are included in the work of moving the BE forward as one entity. Methodology - A qualitative study was conducted to examine and understand the Ugandan coffee industry from a business ecosystem perspective. 18 semi-structured interviews were performed with coffee farmers and coffee organizations in Uganda. The data was divided into five different themes; Knowledge Sharing in the Business Ecosystem, Platforms and Interactions in the Business Ecosystem, Roles in the Business Ecosystem, Challenges in the Business Ecosystem and Youth in the Business Ecosystem. Conclusions - The findings of the thesis are that some parts of the business ecosystem are missing or lacking. Effective platforms for knowledge sharing are an issue, due to lack of access to a technological platform, monetary resources and low level of education. It was difficult to place some of the actors in different roles that exist in the business ecosystem, because sometimes an actor could fit the description of multiple roles. The interactions and the knowledge sharing also need improvement. Research limitations - Due to the sheer size of any business ecosystem, it is a daunting task to map one out. To make it more manageable, a particular part of the business ecosystem was examined. This might have resulted in the exclusion of important actors. Many of the interviews required an interpreter which meant that some interpretations may have been lost in translation. Furthermore, all the interviews with coffee farmers were arranged by a third party. Which could affect the results. Research contribution – In this thesis a business ecosystem perspective was applied on the Ugandan coffee industry, which has never been done before. Furthermore, it discusses what an unhealthy or lacking business ecosystem is or looks like, since there is little or no previous literature discussing this.

A aproxima??o entre educa??o escolar e trabalho: a experi?ncia da Casa do Menor Trabalhador

Pinto, ?rica Nazar? Arrais 16 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EricaNAP_DISSERT.pdf: 2915013 bytes, checksum: 839df88f5c925552ccb6d8a8653eb917 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-16 / It aims to consider the possible relationship between formal school education and work, from the experience of the State School House of the Minor Worker CMT of Natal-RN in this first decade of the 21st century. In this institution, children and adolescents are enrolled in the Fundamental Teaching sponsored by the State Public System studying the regular curriculum contents defined for this level of teaching, and in the opposite shift they take part in career workshops which are kept by members of a religious congregation. CMT has had as its object, since its foundation, to take children and adolescents from the streets and to provide them with a full time education associating basic education and training/qualification for the job market. In our research, we tried to learn a little bit of the expectations, concerns and knowledge of the young participants of two workshops: carpentry and bakery, so that we could gain sufficient understanding of the learning process of these youths, while still keeping an approximation with the reality of the aforementioned subjects. It was possible for us to conduct a description of the contexts and of characteristics of the subjects which make up CMT, capturing concrete aspects and aspects of the thoughts of students, teachers, instructors and coordinators. The main point of our research was: how does the approximation between formal school education and work take place in the House of the Minor Worker? To search for possible answers we have made use of basic techniques for the data construction - questionnaire, observation, conversation groups, assessment drills which allowed an approximation and a good dialogue with the participants. We also discussed the job world in the context of the capitalist exploration, from the contributions of M?sz?ros (2005), Frigotto (1989); (1993); (1999); (2002); Ferretti (1994); (2004); Kuenzer (1989); (1997), in order to understand the skills demanded of the worker and the necessity of an education which allows the professional qualification of youths eager to enter the job market, through the first job. In this perspective, the study that we have systematized here aims to show the relevance of an education which manages to take a firm and conscientious stand in connection with the hegemonic capitalist project and to provide for a humane, ethical, responsible, critical and civic background / Procura refletir acerca da rela??o poss?vel entre educa??o escolar e trabalho a partir da experi?ncia da Escola Estadual Casa do Menor Trabalhador - CMT de Natal/RN nessa primeira d?cada do s?culo XXI. Nesta institui??o as crian?as e adolescentes est?o matriculados no Ensino Fundamental mantido pelo sistema p?blico estadual estudando os conte?dos curriculares regulares previstos para este n?vel de ensino, e no turno oposto participam de oficinas profissionalizantes que s?o mantidas por iniciativa de membros de uma congrega??o religiosa e doa??es. A CMT teve por objetivo desde sua funda??o retirar crian?as e adolescentes das ruas e proporcionar a estes uma educa??o em tempo integral associando educa??o b?sica e forma??o/qualifica??o para o mundo do trabalho. Em nossa pesquisa procuramos conhecer um pouco das expectativas, preocupa??es e saberes dos jovens participantes de duas oficinas: marcenaria e panifica??o, para que assim tiv?ssemos subs?dios necess?rios ? compreens?o do processo formativo destes jovens, e ainda, manter uma aproxima??o com a realidade dos referidos sujeitos. Tornou-se poss?vel para n?s realizarmos uma descri??o dos contextos e de caracter?sticas dos sujeitos que comp?em a CMT, apreendendo aspectos concretos e dos pensamentos do alunado, professores, instrutores e coordenadores. A quest?o central de nossa pesquisa foi: como se processa na Casa do Menor Trabalhador a aproxima??o entre educa??o escolar e trabalho? Para buscarmos poss?veis respostas utilizamos t?cnicas b?sicas para a constru??o dos dados question?rio, observa??o, roda de conversa, exerc?cios avaliativos - que permitiram uma aproxima??o e bom di?logo com os sujeitos participantes. E ainda, discutimos o mundo do trabalho no contexto de explora??o capitalista a partir das contribui??es de M?sz?ros (2005), Frigotto (1989); (1993); (1999); (2002), Ferretti (1994); (2004), Kuenzer (1989); (1997), de modo a compreender as habilidades requeridas do trabalhador e a necessidade de uma educa??o que propicie a qualifica??o profissional de jovens em busca por inser??o no mundo do trabalho atrav?s do primeiro emprego. Nessa perspectiva, o estudo que aqui sistematizamos, objetiva mostrar a import?ncia de uma educa??o que procure se posicionar reflexivamente em rela??o ao projeto capitalista hegem?nico e viabilize uma forma??o humana, ?tica, respons?vel, cr?tica e cidad?

O discurso do fracasso escolar como tecnologia de governo da infância: arqueologia de um conceito

Queiroga, Maria do Socorro Nóbrega 22 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T13:27:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parte1.pdf: 1736959 bytes, checksum: 0974887689287b01cb773cd8b3b1b7d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The conducted study present in this thesis is on the archeology of the failure school concept, focused on the theoretical perspective of pos structural studies, mainly on the propositions of Michel Foucault. Taking the archeological method of Foucault for analysis of the documents, it was established thee axis from which it was possible to conduct a reading of the speeches produced on children with minor trajectory in school: the speeches of childhood, school education, and school failure. The speeches on children with minor trajectory in school, in which the discursive formation is present for the school failure produced files. These files were selected based on the knowledge of psychology and teaching, established thee historical series: the eugenism series predominant since early of the XIX century until the early 30´s; the planning series which covers the period between the decade of 1960 and 1980 of the XX century and the efficiency series from early 80´s until present days. In a first moment, it is presented the work proposal and, later, a description on the childhood constitution as a social category, having as a support the historic sociology of Nobert Elias and the studies of Philippe Ariès, in order to understand how, from a given moment in history of the European societies the childhood was invented; and, how the necessity of protecting the childhood made the modern school produce new ways of disciplining the children. Next, it is done an archeological journey in relation to the Brazilian childhood constitution. In a second moment, it is presented an archeological reading of the speeches that produced substance to each one of the historical series the I National Conference on Education, for the eugenism series; the cultural privatization theory, for the planning series, and the constructivists speeches, for the efficiency series. At the same time simultaneously, using the genealogical tools constructed by Michel Foucault, it is presented a series of these speeches in their functioning, the effects of the power and government of the children of the producing children. All these from the conditions of possibilities of their emergence and appropriation in Brazil, considering the relationship of power and the economic, social, politic, and educational arrangements established in each none of the series. By commenting some considerations on the constitution of positionof- the subject, such as the children the failed in school, they are treated as a result of the discursive strategies and of the production of collective equipment for the childhood, made from the relations of power and tighten to the administration, regulation, and childhood government, in which is functional to the legitimacy of the inclusion and exclusion processes. / O estudo realizado nessa Tese trata da arqueologia do conceito de fracasso escolar, na perspectiva teórica dos estudos pós-estruturalistas, sobretudo das proposições de Michel Foucault. Tomando como referencial para a análise dos documentos o método arqueológico de Foucault, estabeleci três eixos a partir dos quais pude fazer uma leitura dos discursos produzidos sobre as crianças com trajetórias minoritárias na escola: os discursos da infância, da educação escolar e do fracasso escolar. Os discursos sobre as crianças com trajetórias minoritárias na escola, nos quais se insere a formação discursiva do fracasso escolar produziram arquivos, dos quais selecionei aqueles veiculados pelos saberes da psicologia e da pedagogia, estabelecendo três séries históricas: a série do eugenismo predominante desde meados do século XIX até a década de trinta do século XX; a série do discurso do planejamento - que compreende o período entre a década de 1960 e 1980 do século XX - e a série do discurso da eficácia - de meados dos anos de 1980 até a contemporaneidade. Num primeiro momento, apresento a minha proposta de trabalho e, em seguida uma descrição sobre a constituição da infância como categoria social, tomando como suporte a sociologia histórica de Norbert Elias e os estudos de Philippe Ariès, de modo a compreender como, a partir de um certo momento na história das sociedades européias ocidentais a infância foi inventada; e, como a necessidade de proteger a infância fez com que a escola moderna se constituísse no lugar de produção de novas formas de disciplinamento das crianças. Em seguida faço esse percurso arqueológico em relação à constituição da infância no Brasil. Num segundo momento, faço uma leitura arqueológica dos discursos que deram substância a cada uma das séries históricas as teses da I Conferência Nacional de Educação, para a série histórica do eugenismo; a teoria da privação cultural, para a série do planejamento e o discurso construtivista para a série da eficácia. Simultaneamente, utilizando as ferramentas genealógicas construídas por Michel Foucault, analiso esse discurso no seu funcionamento, quanto aos efeitos de poder e de governo das crianças que tem produzido, a partir das condições de possibilidades de sua emergência e apropriação no Brasil, tendo em conta as relações de poder e os arranjos econômicos, sociais, políticos e educacionais estabelecidos em cada uma das séries. Ao tecer algumas considerações sobre a constituição de posições-de-sujeito, como as de crianças que fracassam na escola, trato-as como resultado de estratégias discursivas e da produção de equipamentos coletivos para a infância, construídos a partir de relações de poder e ligados à administração, regulação e governo da infância, tendo sido funcional à legitimação de processos de inclusão e exclusão.

Podrobné zaměření polohopisu a výškopisu v části povodí Jenín jako podklad ke sledování dlouhodobých změn krajiny. / Detailed surveying of planimetry and altitude points in the part of the area of the river Jenín as control points in order to watch long time changes of the landscape.

ARNOŠTOVÁ, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this thesis was a detailed planimetric survey and altimetric surfy in a part of the basin of Jenín as a map base to monitor long-term landscape changes. Location of this area was performed near the town of Jenín. Jenín is located in the cadastre unit of Jenín, the town of Dolní Dvořiště, Český Krumlov region. The extent of the mapped area is 40 ha. The aim of this study was to make a planimetric map and a topographic map on a scale of 1:1000. Terrain reconnaissance and current minor control reconnaissance anticipated the map execution as well as the point monumentation proposal and location of detailed survey points, computational process and cartographic works. The area was located by tacheometry. Location of detailed survey points was settled by polar method, heights were measured trigonometrically. Position data of all points are given in the Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network and hypsographic Baltic Vertical system.

Vytvoření a ověření zásobníku drobných pohybových her na 1. stupni ZŠ\\ / Creation and verification of reservoir of minor locomotive games at primary school

PAULOVÁ, Romana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this theme is the questions of minor locomotive games at primary school. In theoretical part there is the description of a game, a locomotive game, a minor locomotive game, its division, importance, placing and organization. There is also characteristic of a pupil at primary school, the teacher´s role, methodology of a game and inadequacies in profession in this subject. Practical part illustrates the methodology of locomotive games, their selections, verification and recommendation in profession.

From the film frames to the minor cinema: apparatus, montage and movements in Solon Ribeiroâs work / Dos fotogramas ao cinema menor: dispositivos, montagem e movimentos na obra de Solon Ribeiro.

AnnÃdia Leite Brito 23 March 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Solon Ribeiroâs work with the frames of classical cinema inherited from his father articulates apparatus through another montage so that these images survive through constant variations made by his gestures in a minor cinema. The solo exhibitions O golpe do corte (2005), Quando o cinema se desfaz em fotograma (2009) and O cinema à meu playground (2013) are investigated following the development of his work over the course of time. The methodology used takes the body of workâs singularities into account to promote the encounter with the theories of important authors, turning them into intercessors in the construction of the discussion. Furthermore, a documental research was accomplished, which included conversations with the artist â Appendix A in the thesis â and the reunion and analysis of archive material regarding his exhibitions. Starting with apparatus theory on film (BAUDRY), the research moves to the concept of apparatus on Agambenâs and Flusserâs philosophy and dispositif on Deleuzeâs philosophy, expanding the understanding of cinema to the experiences on an expanded field (PARENTE). The elements of each work are examined to point out the processes and singularities of their configurations. The processual characteristics of the artistâs work is made evident by the repeated use of given frames and by the modification of some apparatuses already shown. The transformation from the classical montage (LEONE; MOURÃO) to the ones Ribeiro produces on space turns him closer to Aby Warburgâs philosophical and historic practice in his Atlas Mnemosyne (1924-1929). The heuristic montage (DIDI-HUBERMAN) found on framesâ time collision is related to Deleuzeâs time-image, since both comprise the development of thought through images, emphasizing the difference between the fatherâs affective and collector practice and the artistâs acts of dislocation which led to framesâ survival (DIDI-HUBERMAN). The changes on each workâs time and space point out to the improbable movements (DUBOIS) placed between the framesâ apparent fluidity and immobility (BELLOUR). Ribeiroâs cinema becoming-photography (FATORELLI) leads to reflection on cinema itself and to the making of a minor cinema (DELEUZE; GUATTARI) that asserts the possibility of other cinema created from the elements of hegemonic cinemaâs form (PARENTE). / O trabalho de Solon Ribeiro com os fotogramas do cinema clÃssico herdados de seu pai articula dispositivos atravÃs de outra montagem para que essas imagens sobrevivam por meio da constante variaÃÃo operada por seus gestos em um cinema menor. As exposiÃÃes individuais O golpe do corte (2005), Quando o cinema se desfaz em fotograma (2009) e O cinema à meu playground (2013) sÃo investigadas acompanhando os desdobramentos do trabalho no tempo. A metodologia empregada toma as singularidades do corpo da obra em questÃo ao tensionÃ-las com a teoria de importantes autores, tornando-os intercessores na tessitura da discussÃo. Ademais, foi realizada pesquisa documental, que inclui conversas com o artista â ApÃndice A da dissertaÃÃo â e reuniÃo e anÃlise de material de arquivo referente a suas exposiÃÃes. A partir da teoria do dispositivo no cinema (BAUDRY), a pesquisa passa aos conceitos de dispositivo na filosofia de Agamben e de Deleuze e de aparelho em Flusser, alargando a noÃÃo de cinema para as experiÃncias em campo expandido (PARENTE). Os elementos pertencentes a cada obra sÃo examinados e tÃm os processos e as singularidades de suas configuraÃÃes apontados. A caracterÃstica processual inerente ao trabalho do artista à evidenciada pela reiteraÃÃo no uso de determinados frames e pelo retorno ou modificaÃÃo de certos dispositivos jà apresentados. As transformaÃÃes da montagem cinematogrÃfica clÃssica (LEONE; MOURÃO) para as montagens operadas por Ribeiro no espaÃo o aproximam da prÃtica filosÃfico-histÃrica de Aby Warburg em seu Atlas Mnemosyne (1924-1929). A montagem heurÃstica (DIDI-HUBERMAN) no choque entre os tempos dos fotogramas à relacionada com a imagem-tempo deleuzeana, posto que ambas compreendem uma experimentaÃÃo que envolve a articulaÃÃo de um pensamento em imagens, ressaltando a diferenÃa entre a prÃtica afetivo-colecionista do pai e o deslocamento ensejador da sobrevivÃncias (DIDI-HUBERMAN) dos frames pelo artista. As modificaÃÃes no tempo e no espaÃo de cada obra apontam para movimentos improvÃveis (DUBOIS) que se colocam no interstÃcio entre a aparÃncia de fluidez e de imobilidade dos fotogramas (BELLOUR). O devir fotogrÃfico (FATORELLI) do cinema de Ribeiro leva à reflexÃo sobre a linguagem cinematogrÃfica, conduzindo-a a um cinema menor (DELEUZE; GUATTARI) ao afirmar a possibilidade da construÃÃo de um outro cinema engendrado a partir dos elementos da forma cinema (PARENTE) hegemÃnica.

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