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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da qualidade óssea de bovinos / Assessment of bone quality of bovine

Rogério Erbereli 18 August 2017 (has links)
A qualidade óssea em grandes animais é avaliada pela densidade mineral óssea (DMO) utilizando a técnica de densitometria óptica em imagens radiográficas; o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar e comparar a qualidade óssea baseada na microarquitetura de uma forma inédita. Foram selecionados 20 bovinos, 10 da raça Canchim e 10 da raça Nelore, com controle dos processos biológicos e bioquímicos do nascimento até o abate aos 24 meses de idade, antes de entrarem na fase adulta. O osso metatarsal foi escolhido por suportar maior carga e amostras da diáfise do osso cortical seco foram obtidas. A avaliação da estrutura cristalina de ossos metatarsais secos foi realizada utilizando difração de raios X com a aplicação do método de refinamento de Rietveld, avaliando parâmetros de rede, tamanho de cristalito e microdeformação. A técnica de nanoindentação permitiu avaliar os módulos de elasticidade e valores de nanoindentação. A composição química razão cálcio e fósforo do material, resistência à deformação plástica, valores de microdureza, e imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia óptica foram realizadas. A comparação entre os resultados das duas raças, Canchim e Nelore, dos valores de parâmetros de rede da estrutura cristalina da hidroxiapatita, tamanho de cristalito, microdeformações, relação cálcio e fósforo, microdurezas Vickers/Knoop, nanodureza Vickers e módulo de elasticidade indicaram que a qualidade óssea das raças Canchim e Nelore é estatisticamente semelhante para 30% dos parâmetros estudados e que para os demais 70% dos parâmetros estudados não há semelhança. / The bone quality in large animals is evaluated by bone mineral density (BMD) using the optical densitometry technique in radiographic images; The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare bone quality based on microarchitecture unpublished. Twenty bovines were selected, 10 from the Canchim breed and 10 from the Nelore breed, with control of the biological and biochemical processes from birth to slaughter at 24 months of age, before entering adulthood. The metatarsal bone was chosen because it supported higher load and samples of the diaphysis of the dry cortical bone were obtained. The evaluation of the crystalline structure of dry metatarsal bones was performed using X - ray diffraction with the application of the Rietveld refinement method, evaluating network parameters, crystallite size and microdeformation. The nanoindentation technique allowed to evaluate the modulus of elasticity and nanoindentation values. The chemical composition calcium and phosphorus ratio of the material, resistance to plastic deformation, values of microhardness, and scanning electron microscopy images and optical microscopy were performed. The comparison between the results of the two races, Canchim and Nelore, of the network parameter values of the hydroxyapatite crystal structure, crystallite size, microdeformations, calcium and phosphorus ratio, Vickers/Knoop microhardness, Vickers nanodness and modulus of elasticity indicated that Quality of the Canchim and Nelore races is statistically similar for 30% of the studied parameters and that for the ofter 70% of the studied parameters there is no similarity.

Porušování vybraných stavebních kompozitů v blízkosti rozhraní plniva a matrice / Fracture of selected building composites in the vicinity of aggregate-matrix-interface

Vyhlídal, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The interface between aggregate grains and matrix in cementitious composites is their weakest element. The topic is particularly significant in the case of high performance and high strength concrete technology for which the eliminination or reduction of these weak links are necessary. The aim of this thesis is to determine the influence of the interface on the fracture behaviour of the cementitious composites. The fracture experiments were performed for this purpose and were complemented by the nanoindentation’s results and scanning electron microscopy results. Numerical model was created in ANSYS software on the basis of these data and the fracture toughness values of the interface were evaluated by means of the generalized fracture mechanics principles. Conclusion of the thesis is proof that the interface properties have a significant influence on the fracture behaviour of cementitious composites.

Mechanické vlastnosti mikrostrukturních komponent anorganických materiálů / Mechanical Properties of Microstructural Components of Inorganic Materials

Wasserbauer, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá studiem strukturních a mechanických vlastností anorganických materiálů. Cílem je nalezení jednotlivých fází ve zkoumaném materiálu a hlavně lokalizace (mechanicky) nejslabšího místa, jeho ovlivnění a následně výroba materiálu o lepších mechanických vlastnostech. Z důvodu velkého množství použitých metod je základní teorie vložena vždy na začátku příslušné kapitoly. Taktéž z důvodu značného množství výsledků jsou na konci kapitol uvedeny dílčí závěry. Práce je rozdělena na tři části, kdy první se zabývá seznámením s možnostmi modelování mikro-mechanických vlastností a provedením experimentů umožňujících posouzení rozsahu platnosti některého modelu. V druhé části je provedeno shrnutí současných možností indentačních zkoušek pro měření mechanických vlastností strukturních složek betonu a praktické zvládnutí metodiky vhodné k užití pro výzkum materiálů zkoumaných domovským pracovištěm. V třetí části je navržena metoda identifikace nejslabších článků struktury anorganických pojiv a její ověření na konkrétním materiálu zkoumaném na domovském pracovišti. V této dizertační práci jsou použity tyto metody: kalorimetrie, ultrazvukové testování, jednoosá pevnost v tlaku, nanoindentace, korelativní mikroskopie a rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie s energiově disperzním spektrometrem. Dílčími výsledky jsou kompletní charakterizace cementových materiálů, upřesnění stávajících poznatků a nalezení optimálního postupu pro charakterizaci. Hlavním výsledkem je inovativní přístup vedoucí k pozitivnímu ovlivnění materiálu.

Das Konzept des effektiven Indenters für die Ermittlung des Elastizitätsmoduls und der Fließgrenze dünner Schichten

Herrmann, Matthias 27 May 2010 (has links)
Nanoindentations-Messungen haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten als Verfahren zur Ermittlung mechanischer Eigenschaften dünner Schichten stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Für die Gewinnung eines tiefergreifenden Verständnisses des mechanischen Verhaltens dieser Schichten ist die Kenntnis des Elastizitätsmoduls und der Fließgrenze von essentieller Bedeutung – nicht zuletzt, da diese auch als Eingabeparameter für Simulationen des Materialverhaltens gefordert sind. Eine noch nicht im Detail verstandene Forschungsfrage bei der Kennwertermittlung ist die Berücksichtigung des Dünnschichtcharakters der Proben, deretwegen diese Untersuchungen im Wesentlichen immer noch einen Grundlagencharakter tragen und derzeit Gegenstand intensiver weltweiter Forschung sind. Auswege für eine solche Berücksichtigung existieren bisher nur für wenige Anwendungsfälle. Das Konzept des effektiven Indenters stellt eine Erweiterung der Auswerteansätze und damit neue Möglichkeit für die mechanische Charakterisierung der Dünnschichteigenschaften dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit dieses Konzept zur Ermittlung des Elastizitätsmoduls dünner Schichten geeignet ist. Ebenso werden die Untersuchungen auf die Fließgrenze ausgeweitet. Beispielhaft kommen unterschiedliche Schichtmaterialien zum Einsatz, mit denen der Unterschied zwischen den Schicht-Substrat-Eigenschaften – Elastizitätsmodul und Fließgrenze – variiert werden kann. Durch Vergleich der für die BERKOVICH-Eindrücke erhaltenen Ergebnisse zu den mittels der Kugeleindrucksversuche bestimmten Werte – als etabliertes Messverfahren – wird festgestellt, dass o. g. Konzept prinzipiell für die oben angeführten Fragestellungen geeignet ist, insofern die erreichten Eindringtiefen im Vergleich zur Schichtdicke relativ gering sind. Physikalische Ursachen für dieses Verhalten werden vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. Ebenso wird eine spezielle Vorgehensweise des Konzepts des effektiven Indenters für die Charakterisierung von porösen sowie nichtporösen Low-k-Schichtmaterialien untersucht. Zusätzlich werden Finite-Elemente-Simulationen für grundlegende Betrachtungen zur Wirkungsweise des o. g. Konzepts anhand von massiven Proben herangezogen. / Considerable research effort has focused on measuring the mechanical properties of thin films via nanoindentation. To characterize the mechanical behavior of thin films, accurate determination of Young’s modulus and yield strength is required. For the purpose of modeling and dimensioning, these quantities serve as input parameters as well. An existing major challenge in the context of (nanoindentation) data analysis is the complete consideration of the layered structure of the specimen. In the literature, a few experimental and theoretical-based approaches have been developed to extract actual film properties. However, those approaches are only applicable under specific conditions and, hence, the problem is not satisfyingly solved to date. Therewith, investigations of accurately assessing mechanical properties of thin films, in general, or Young’s modulus and yield strength, in detail, are still part of ongoing research in the field of mechanical testing in materials research and development. The concept of the “effective indenter” is an extension of the current and established analysis of nanoindentation data and is a new possibility to determine mechanical properties of thin films. In this work, an investigation is given concerning the suitability of the model, in a specific approximation, for determining Young’s modulus of thin films. In a second step, the investigations are focused on the determination of yield strength. Film/substrate composites having a varying ratio of modulus and yield strength between film and substrate are chosen; BERKOVICH indentations are analyzed and spherical indentation experiments are used as second and independent technique. It is shown that the model is suitable to deliver Young’s modulus of thin films. However, a critical ratio of indentation depth to film thickness is identified; for ratios above this critical value, the model, in the present approximation, can no longer be used. Physical mechanisms that explain this finding are suggested and discussed. Moreover, the above-mentioned model is used to characterize the very specific class of materials of non-porous and porous low-k dielectric thin films in terms of yield strength and Young’s modulus. Finally, finite element modeling is used to study critical issues in applying the model of the “effective indenter” and its specific approximation used here for analysis of nanoindentation data for bulk materials.

An Investigation of Plasma Pretreatments and Plasma Polymerized Thin Films for Titanium/Polyimide Adhesion

DiFelice, Ronald Attilio 27 April 2001 (has links)
Plasma pretreatments are environmentally benign and energy efficient processes for modifying the surface chemistry of materials. In an effort to improve the strength of the titanium alloy/FM-5 polyimide adhesive joint for aerospace applications, oxygen plasma pretreatments and novel thin plasma polymerized (PP) films were investigated as adhesion promoters. Plasma treatments were carried out using custom-built, low pressure, radio frequency, inductively coupled plasma reactors. Ti-6Al-4V coupons were plasma treated and used to prepare miniature single lap shear (SLS) joints. The effects of plasma pretreatments on surface chemistry were studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR), and contact angle measurements. Relationships between composition, mechanical properties, and adhesion of PP films on Ti-6Al-4V and silicon wafers were investigated. The nanomechanical properties (modulus, hardness and adhesion) were studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoindentation and nanoscratch testing. A design of experiments (DOE) three factorial model was used to optimize the parameters for oxygen plasma treatments. Oxygen plasma pretreatments enhanced joint strength by cleaning the titanium surface and creating an extended oxide layer. Nanoindentation of oxygen plasma treated substrates showed no change in the surface mechanical properties due to the oxygen plasma treatment. This suggested that the improved SLS strength of the oxygen plasma pretreated substrates was due to the cleaning of the substrate and the removal of carbonaceous contaminants, rather than any changes in the morphology of the oxide layer. PP acetylene films were predominantly carbon, with oxygen as the other main constituent (incorporated mostly as C-O and C=O). For all SLS specimens tested, the adhesion between PP acetylene and FM-5 adhesive was adequate. However, the strength of SLS joints was limited by the adhesion of the PP acetylene to the Ti-6Al-4V substrate. The effects of a large number of plasma parameters, such as substrate pretreatment, carrier gas, input power, flow rate and film thickness were investigated. All samples failed at the PP film/Ti-6Al-4V interface or within the PP acetylene film, and thicker PP films yielded lower SLS strengths. PP films deposited at lower power exhibited higher hardness and reduced modulus than films deposited at higher power. Overall, thinner films exhibited higher hardness and reduced Young's modulus than thicker films. PP films of higher hardness yielded higher critical loads at debond (thickness normalized) during the nanoscratch test. Thin films were developed via the vapor plasma polymerization of titanium(IV) isobutoxide (TiiB). XPS results suggested that titanium was incorporated into the film as TiO2 clusters dispersed in an organic matrix. No evidence for Ti-C was obtained from the XPS spectra. PP films of TiiB were much more compliant than PP acetylene films. This behavior was attributed to decreased fragmentation and lower crosslinking that occurred during PP TiiB film deposition. These PP films did not exhibit sol-gel-like qualities, and because of the way titanium was incorporated into the films, a more appropriate name for these films might be "titanium dioxide-doped plasma polymerized films." / Ph. D.

Bewertung von Verfahren zur Fließspannungsbestimmung in der Nanoindentation

Clausner, André 17 September 2013 (has links)
Die Nanoindentation ist ein inzwischen etabliertes Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Materialkennwerte Härte und Elastizitätsmodul in kleinen Größendimensionen. Eine zusätzliche Bestimmung der Fließspannung aus solchen Nanoindentationsexperimenten würde deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten deutlich erweitern und zum Beispiel für die Bauteilauslegung kleiner Strukturen, Schichtcharakterisierung und die Beschaffung von Simulationseingangsdaten einen großen Fortschritt bedeuten. Diese Gründe machen das Thema zu einem aktuellen Forschungsgegenstand. In der vorliegenden Arbeit steht deswegen die Bewertung von Fließspannungsbestimmungsverfahren für Massivmaterialien in der Nanoindentation mittels einer Kombination aus Finite-Elemente-Simulationen und umfangreichen Experimentaldaten im Zentrum. Im Speziellen wird dabei das Konzept des effektiv geformten Indenters mit dem erweiterten Hertzschen Ansatz und dessen Anwendung zur Fließspannungsbestimmung aus Eindringversuchen mit selbstähnlichen Berkovichpyramiden betrachtet. Zur Bearbeitung dieser Aufgabenstellung wurden unter anderem drei Referenzverfahren zur Fließspannungsbestimmung (die Expanding cavity-Modelle, das Loading partial unloading-Verfahren und Minidruckversuche) ausführlich charakterisiert. Damit konnten dann im Weiteren belastbare Referenzfließspannungen für die umfangreiche Experimentaldatenbasis zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Außerdem wurden die untersuchten Materialien auf den Einfluss der Größenabhängigkeit der Fließspannungen, den Indentation size effect, hin untersucht. Dabei wurden die vorliegenden physikalischen Vorgänge in den Proben beschrieben, dahingehende Unterschiede bei den betrachteten Referenzverfahren charakterisiert und den Fließspannungswerten die Fließzonendimensionen zugeordnet. Mit den damit zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen konnte das Konzept des effektiv geformten Indenters in seiner Anwendung zur Fließspannungsbestimmung grundlegend bewertet werden. Alle Untersuchungen wurden dabei stets parallel mit Hilfe von Simulations- und Experimentaldaten durchgeführt, um tiefere Einblicke in die zu Grunde liegende Mechanik der Fließprozesse zu gewinnen.


Residori, Sara 24 October 2022 (has links)
Nature develops several materials with remarkable functional properties composed of comparatively simple base substances. Biological materials are often composites, which optime the conformation to their function. On the other hand, synthetic materials are designed a priori, structuring them according to the performance to be achieved. 3D printing manufacturing is the most direct method for specific component production and earmarks the sample with material and geometry designed ad-hoc for a defined purpose, starting from a biomimetic approach to functional structures. The technique has the advantage of being quick, accurate, and with a limited waste of materials. The sample printing occurs through the deposition of material layer by layer. Furthermore, the material is often a composite, which matches the characteristics of components with different geometry and properties, achieving better mechanical and physical performances. This thesis analyses the mechanics of natural and custom-made composites: the spider body and the manufacturing of metallic and non-metallic graphene composites. The spider body is investigated in different sections of the exoskeleton and specifically the fangs. The study involves the mechanical characterization of the single components by the nanoindentation technique, with a special focus on the hardness and Young's modulus. The experimental results were mapped, purposing to present an accurate comparison of the mechanical properties of the spider body. The different stiffness of components is due to the tuning of the same basic material (the cuticle, i.e. mainly composed of chitin) for achieving different mechanical functions, which have improved the animal adaptation to specific evolutive requirements. The synthetic composites, suitable for 3D printing fabrication, are metallic and non-metallic matrices combined with carbon-based fillers. Non-metallic graphene composites are multiscale compounds. Specifically, the material is a blend of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) matrix and different percentages of micro-carbon fibers (MCF). In the second step, nanoscale filler of carbon nanotubes (CNT) or graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) are added to the base mixture. The production process of composite materials followed a specific protocol for the optimal procedure and the machine parameters, as also foreseen in the literature. This method allowed the control over the percentages of the different materials to be adopted and ensured a homogeneous distribution of fillers in the plastic matrix. Multiscale compounds provide the basic materials for the extrusion of fused filaments, suitable for 3D printing of the samples. The composites were tested in the configuration of compression moulded sheets, as reference tests, and also in the corresponding 3D printed specimens. The addition of the micro-filler inside the ABS matrix caused a notable increment in stiffness and a slight increase in strength, with a significant reduction in deformation at the break. Concurrently, the addition of nanofillers was very effective in improving electrical conductivity compared to pure ABS and micro-composites, even at the lowest filler content. Composites with GNP as a nano-filler had a good impact on the stiffness of the materials, while the electrical conductivity of the composites is favoured by the presence of CNTs. Moreover, the extrusion of the filament and the print of fused filament fabrication led to the creation of voids within the structure, causing a significant loss of mechanical properties and a slight improvement in the electrical conductivity of the multiscale moulded composites. The final aim of this work is the identification of 3D-printed multiscale composites capable of the best matching of mechanical and electrical properties among the different compounds proposed. Since structures with metallic matrix and high mechanical performances are suitable for aerospace and automotive industry applications, metallic graphene composites are studied in the additive manufacturing sector. A comprehensive study of the mechanical and electrical properties of an innovative copper-graphene oxide composite (Cu-GO) was developed in collaboration with Fondazione E. Amaldi, in Rome. An extensive survey campaign on the working conditions was developed, leading to the definition of an optimal protocol of printing parameters for obtaining the samples with the highest density. The composite powders were prepared following two different routes to disperse the nanofiller into Cu matrix and, afterward, were processed by selective laser melting (SLM) technique. Analyses of the morphology, macroscopic and microscopic structure, and degree of oxidation of the printed samples were performed. Samples prepared followed the mechanical mixing procedure showed a better response to the 3D printing process in all tests. The mechanical characterization has instead provided a clear increase in the resistance of the material prepared with the ultrasonicated bath method, despite the greater porosity of specimens. The interesting comparison obtained between samples from different routes highlights the influence of powder preparation and working conditions on the printing results. We hope that the research could be useful to investigate in detail the potential applications suitable for composites in different technological fields and stimulate further comparative analysis.

Effect of Postweld Heat Treatment on the Properties of Steel Clad with Alloy 625 for Petrochemical Applications

Dai, Tao, Dai 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.


DOUGLAS LUIZ PINTO DE LACERDA 04 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Folhelhos desempenham tanto a função de rocha capeadora, camada de rocha de baixa permeabilidade que contém os hidrocarbonetos no reservatório , quanto de rocha geradora de petróleo em sistemas petrolíferos convencionais. Mais recentemente passaram a ser exploradas como reservatórios não convencionais. As suas propriedades mecânicas são importantes na determinação da estabilidade estrutural de poços e na avaliação da fraturabilidade de reservatórios não convencionais. Além disso, permitem a conexão entre os dados de prospecção de petróleo e as características geoquímicas da rocha geradora. Nesta tese, as propriedades nanomecânicas de amostras de folhelho Irati, provenientes da Bacia do Paraná, foram caracterizadas por microscopia de força atômica e nanoindentação em conjunto com microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Procedimentos de processamento de imagens foram desenvolvidos para construir imagens de propriedades tribomecânicas dos minerais e da matéria orgânica presentes na superfície. A identificação mineralógica realizada no microscópio eletrônico permitiu associar o contraste verificado nas imagens obtidas no microscópio de força atômica às propriedades tribomecânicas dos minerais e matéria orgânica. Esses constituintes do folhelho também foram caracterizados por nanoindentação para permitir a medida de duas propriedades mecânicas por um método independente. Por fim, um conjunto de nanoindentações aleatoriamente distribuídas na superfície foi executada em uma amostra da mesma região, sendo o resultado estatisticamente analisado para permitir a comparação com as propriedades macroscópicas. / [en] Shales perform both the cap rock, low permeability rock layer that restrain hydrocarbons in the reservoir, and petroleum source rock in conventional petroleum systems. More recently they have been exploited as unconventional reservoirs. Their mechanical properties are important in determining the structural stability of wells and in evaluating the fracability of unconventional reservoirs. In addition, they allow the connection between oil prospecting data and the geochemical characteristics of the source rock. In this thesis, the nanomechanical properties of Irati shale samples from the Paraná Basin were characterized by atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation together with scanning electron microscopy. Image processing procedures were developed to construct images of tribomechanical properties of minerals and organic matter present on the surface. The mineralogical identification performed by electron microscopes allowed to associate the contrast found in the images obtained with the atomic force microscope to the tribomechanical properties of minerals and organic matter. These shale constituents were also characterized by nanoindentation to allow the measurement of two mechanical properties by an independent method. Finally, a set of randomly distributed nanoindentations on the surface was performed on a sample from the same region, and the result was statistically analyzed to allow comparison with macroscopic properties.

Dispositifs photoniques hybrides sur Silicium comportant des guides nano-structurés : conception, fabrication et caractérisation / Hybrid photonic devices on silicon including nanostructured waveguides : conception, fabrication and characterization

Itawi, Ahmad 01 December 2014 (has links)
Le contexte de cette thèse couvre les dispositifs photoniques hybrides III-V sur silicium. L’étude porte sur l’intégration par collage de matériau à base d'InP sur le silicium, puis la conception d’un guide optique comportant une nanostructuration qui permettra la sélection en longueur d’onde dans un laser DFB hybride. Enfin, on étudie les étapes technologiques de fabrication d’un laser hybride injecté électriquement fonctionnant dans le domaine spectral 1.55µm, et on caractérise les dispositifs. Pour associer les matériaux III-V sur Si, nous avons développé le collage sans couche intermédiaire que l’on nomme collage hétéroépitaxial ou oxide-free. Ce collage est reporté dans la littérature comme présentant une meilleure qualité électrique. Nous avons établi les conditions de préparation permettant d’obtenir des surfaces parfaitement désoxydées, et les conditions de recuit conduisant à une interface hybride sans oxyde et sans dislocation. Mais ce recuit est réalisé à température assez élevée (~450-500°C). Nous avons alors développé le collage avec une fine couche intermédiaire d’oxyde réalisé à plus faible température -300°C- qui présente l'avantage d'être compatible avec la technologie CMOS. Nous avons étudié différentes approches pour élaborer et activer une couche d’oxyde très fine (~3nm), de façon à obtenir une surface collée sans zones localement non collées. Le collage est dans les deux cas réalisé sous vide dans un équipement de type Bonder Suss SB6e. La qualité structurale de l’interface a été observée par STEM et la qualité mécanique du joint de collage a été caractérisée par indentation. Une méthode originale de mesure quantitative et locale de l’énergie du joint de collage a été développée. La qualité optique des couches collées a été étudiée par la mesure de la photoluminescence de puits quantiques placés proches du joint d’interface. En conséquence du collage sans couche intermédiaire ou avec une couche très fine, le design du mode optique est de type double-cœur, qui ne nécessite pas de taper. Le guide optique Si est de type shallow ridge, le confinement latéral étant assuré par un matériau nanostructuré à une période sub-longueur d’onde. Ce matériau fonctionne comme un matériau effectif uniaxe pour lequel on a calculé les indices optiques ordinaire et extraordinaire selon la géométrie de la nanostructuration. On peut rajouter sur cette nanostructuration une super-périodicité qui conduit à un fonctionnement sélectif en longueur d’onde. Le comportement modal du guide est simulé à l'aide du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics, le comportement spectral est simulé par FTDT 3D. Nous avons validé la pertinence de ce design en mesurant la transmission de guides hybrides. Ce design sera inclus dans un laser et permettra d’obtenir une émission monofréquence de type DFB. Nous avons développé les étapes technologiques nécessaires à la fabrication d’un laser hybride à base d'InP sur Silicium fonctionnant en injection électrique. Nous avons mis en oeuvre de nombreuses techniques, et développé plusieurs procédés spécifiques, en particulier, des procédés de gravure sèche de type Inductive Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching ICP-RIE pour la gravure de la nanostructuration dans le silicium, et pour la gravure du mésa du laser. La présence des 2 matériaux III-V et Si dans le dispositif hybride rend ces étapes complexes. Les premiers résultats peuvent être améliorés en optimisant la technologie des contacts. Un design permettant de s’affranchir de la pénalité thermique présenté par tous les dispositifs ayant les 2 contacts électriques du coté du matériau III-V a été proposé, exploitant le passage du courant à l’interface hybride III-V / Si, ce qui est possible dans le cas du collage oxide-free. Cette approche ouvre des perspectives d’intégration au-delà de la photonique. / This work contributes to the general context of III-V materials on Silicon hybrid devices for optical integrated functions, mainly emission/amplification at 1.55µm. Devices are considered for operation under electrical injection, reaching performances relevant for data transfer application. The main three contributions of this work concern: (i) bonding InP-based materials on Si, (ii) nanostructuration of the Si guiding layer for spatial and spectral control of the guided mode and (iii) technology of an hybrid electrically injected laser, with a special attention to the thermal budget. Bonding has been investigated following two approaches. The first one we call heterohepitaxial or oxide-free bonding, is performed without any intermediate layer at a temperature ~450°C. This approach has the great advantage allowing electrical transport across the interface, as reported in the literature. We have developed oxide-free surface preparation for both materials, mainly InP-based layers, and established bonding parameter processing. An in-depth STEM and RX structural characterization has demonstrated an oxide-free reconstructed interface without any dislocation except on one or two atomic layers which accommodate the large lattice mismatch (8.1%) between InP and Si. Photoluminescence of quantum wells intentionally grown close to the interface has shown no degradation. We have also developed an oxide-based bonding process operated at 300°C in order to be compatible with CMOS processing. The original ozone activation of the very thin (~5nm) oxide layer we have proposed demonstrates a bonding surface without any unbonded area due to degassing under annealing. We have developed an original method based on nanoindentation characterization in order to obtain a quantitative and local value of the surface bonding energy. Related to the absence or to the very thin intermediate layer between the two materials, our modal design is based on a double core structure, where most of the optical mode is confined in the Si guiding layer, and no taper is required. The Si waveguide on top of the SOI stack is a shallow ridge. A nanostructured material on both sides of the waveguide core ensures the lateral confinement, the nanostructuration geometry being at a sub-wavelength period in order to operate this material well below its photonic gap. It behaves as an uniaxial material with ordinary and extraordinary indices calculated according to the structuration geometry. Such a structuration allows modal and spectral control of the guided mode. 3D modal and spectral simulation have been performed. We have demonstrated, on a double-period structuration, a wavelength selective operation of hybrid optical waveguides. Such a double-period geometry could be included in a laser design for DFB operation. This nanostructuration has larger potential application such as coupled waveguides arrays or selective resonators. We have developed all the technological processing steps for an electrically injected hybrid laser fabrication. Main developments concern dry etching, performed with the Inductive Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching ICP-RIE technique of both the nanostructuration of the Silicon material, and the mesa of the hybrid laser. Efficient electrical contacts fabrication is also a complex step. First lasers operating performances could be improved. We have investigated a specific design in order to overcome the thermal penalty encountered by all the hybrid devices. This penalty is due to the thick buried oxide layer of the SOI stack that prevents heating related to the current flow to be dissipated. Taking advantage of the electrical transport we have shown at the oxide-free interface, we propose a design where the n-contact is defined on the guiding Si layer, suppressing thermal heating under electrical operation. Such an approach is very promising for densely packed hybrid devices integrated with associated electronic driving elements on Si.

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