Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NEUROSURGERY"" "subject:"[enn] NEUROSURGERY""
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Neurosurgical Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Central Germany: A Retrospective Single Center Study of the Second WaveSander, Caroline, von Dercks, Nikolaus, Fehrenbach, Michael Karl, Wende, Tim, Stehr, Sebastian, Winkler, Dirk, Meixensberger, Jürgen, Arlt, Felix 04 May 2023 (has links)
The healthcare system has been placed under an enormous burden by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic. In addition to the challenge of providing sufficient care for COVID-19 patients, there is also a need to ensure adequate care for non-COVID-19 patients. We investigated neurosurgical care in a university hospital during the pandemic. We examined the second wave of the pandemic from 1 October 2020 to 15 March 2021 in this retrospective single-center study and compared it to a pre-pandemic period from 1 October 2019 to 15 March 2020. Any neurosurgical intervention, along with patient- and treatment-dependent factors, were recorded. We also examined perioperative complications and unplanned readmissions. A statistical comparison of the study groups was performed. We treated 535 patients with a total of 602 neurosurgical surgeries during the pandemic. This compares to 602 patients with 717 surgeries during the pre-pandemic period. There were 67 fewer patients (reduction to 88.87%) admitted and 115 fewer surgeries (reduction to 83.96%) performed, which were essentially highly elective procedures, such as cervical spinal stenosis, intracranial neurinomas, and peripheral nerve lesions. Regarding complication rates and unplanned readmissions, there was no significant difference between the COVID-19 pandemic and the non-pandemic patient group. Operative capacities were slightly reduced to 88% due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, comprehensive emergency and elective care was guaranteed in our university hospital. This speaks for the sufficient resources and high-quality processes that existed even before the pandemic.
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Tinzaparin vs. Nadroparin Safety and Efficacy in NeurosurgeryWilhelmy, Florian, Hantsche, Annika, Gaier, Michael, Kasper, Johannes, Fehrenbach, Michael Karl, Oesemann, Rene, Meixensberger, Jürgen, Lindner, Dirk 01 February 2024 (has links)
Background: An outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in China in 2020 has led to an
unprecedented shortage of nadroparin. Most patients, especially those kept in hospital for surgery,
are currently treated with prophylactic anticoagulation (AC). In search of alternatives for nadroparin
(fraxiparine), we found no sufficient data on alternatives for neurosurgical patients, such as tinzaparin
of European origin. We compared nadroparin and tinzaparin concerning adverse events
(bleeding versus thromboembolic events) in neurosurgical patients. Methods: Between 2012 and
2018, 517 neurosurgical patients with benign and malignant brain tumors as well as 297 patients with
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) were treated in the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital
Leipzig, receiving prophylactic anticoagulation within 48 h. In 2015, prophylactic anticoagulation
was switched from nadroparin to tinzaparin throughout the university hospital. In a retrospective
manner, the frequency and occurrence of adverse events (rebleeding and thromboembolic events) in
connection with the substance used were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s
exact test and the chi-squared test. Results: Rebleeding rates were similar in both nadroparin and
tinzaparin cohorts in patients being treated for meningioma, glioma, and SAH combined (8.8% vs.
10.3%). Accordingly, the rates of overall thromboembolic events were not significantly different (5.5%
vs. 4.3%). The severity of rebleeding did not vary. There was no significant difference among subgroups
when compared for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE). Conclusion:
In this retrospective study, tinzaparin seems to be a safe alternative to nadroparin for AC in patients
undergoing brain tumor surgery or suffering from SAH.
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Intraoperative thermografische Bildgebung zur funktionellen Charakterisierung des zerebralen KortexMüller, Juliane 29 October 2024 (has links)
Jährlich erkranken in Deutschland etwa 7.800 Menschen neu an einem Tumor des zentralen Nervensystems, wobei das Glioblastom (GBM) die häufigste und aggressivste Form darstellt. Der aktuelle Therapieansatz für GBM und andere Gliome besteht hauptsächlich in der chirurgischen Resektion, wobei die vollständige Entfernung des Tumorgewebes der wichtigste Prädiktor für das progressionsfreie Überleben ist. Gleichzeitig müssen Patientensicherheit und der Erhalt überlebenswichtiger Hirnfunktionen gewährleistet werden. Daher kommen in der modernen Neurochirurgie umfangreiche diagnostische und operationsunterstützende Technologien zum Einsatz. Zu den Standards der neurochirurgischen Bildgebung zählen konventionelle Schnittbildverfahren wie Magnetresonanztomografie (MRT) und Computertomografie (CT). Diese Verfahren haben jedoch Einschränkungen, insbesondere durch intrakranielle Massenverschiebungen während der Operation. Moderne optische Bildgebungsverfahren gewinnen daher an Bedeutung, da sie flexibel, einfach anzuwenden und nichtinvasiv sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einsatz der intraoperativen thermografischen Bildgebung (ITI), die auf der Detektion von Wärmestrahlung im Infrarot-Bereich basiert. ITI ermöglicht die Ermittlung der Temperatur des exponierten Hirngewebes und eignet sich besonders für die Untersuchung zerebraler Pathologien, die mit der Hirnperfusion zusammenhängen. Die ersten Studien zur ITI zeigten deren prinzipielle Anwendbarkeit und untersuchten die thermischen Signale hinsichtlich ihrer zeitlichen und räumlichen Eigenschaften. Zwei vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten der ITI in der Neurochirurgie sind die Visualisierung der Durchblutung (Perfusion) und die Kartierung kortikaler, funktionell aktivierter Areale. Allerdings gibt es verschiedene Faktoren, die die Detektion von thermischen Signalen beeinflussen. Eine Anpassung und Optimierung der Untersuchungsmethoden und Auswertealgorithmen wurde bisher nicht durchgeführt. Die zentrale Hypothese dieser Arbeit ist, dass durch die Optimierung der Auswertung und Methodik sowie die Einordnung der ITI in das Feld klinisch etablierter und apparativ vergleichbarer intraoperativer Bildgebungsmethoden die Relevanz der ITI für die klinische Anwendung gesteigert werden kann. Es wird vermutet, dass eine optimierte ITI, die gut in den klinischen Workflow integriert werden kann, eine verbesserte Visualisierung der Durchblutung und eine präzisere Detektion funktioneller Areale ermöglicht. Das übergeordnete Ziel besteht in der Erhöhung der Patientensicherheit durch eine verbesserte intraoperative Gewebecharakterisierung, um Schäden an funktionell intaktem Hirngewebe zu vermeiden und postoperative Defizite zu reduzieren. Es wurden verschiedene Optimierungsstrategien für die ITI-Methodik entwickelt und angewendet, um diese Hypothese zu testen. Dazu gehörten die Anpassung des Bildgebungssystems an den multimodalen intraoperativen Einsatz sowie die Berücksichtigung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren im Operationssaal. Potenzielle Störquellen, wie Bewegungsartefakte durch Herzschlag und Atmung sowie thermische Einflüsse des Bildgebungssystems und der Umgebung, wurden analysiert. Das führte zur Entwicklung eines standardisierten Workflows und spezifischer Algorithmen zur Bildverarbeitung und -analyse für die jeweilige ITI-Anwendung, um trotz kleiner Signalamplituden die Qualität der thermografischen Daten zu verbessern und die Detektion relevanter physiologischer Signale zu ermöglichen. Die Validierung erfolgte durch zwei Patientenstudien, inklusive des Vergleichs der ITI-Ergebnisse mit etablierten Bildgebungsmethoden wie der fluoreszenzbasierten Indocyaningrün-Videoangiografie (ICG-VA) für die Visualisierung der Durchblutung und der Intraoperativen Optischen Bildgebung (IOI) für die Kartierung kortikaler, funktionell aktivierter Areale. Darüber hinaus wurde in einer dritten Patientenstudie das Potenzial der ITI für eine weitere Anwendung in der Epilepsiechirurgie untersucht. Die in der ersten Studie gewonnenen Erkenntnisse markieren einen signifikanten Fortschritt in der Anwendung der ITI zur Erfassung und Überwachung der zerebralen Perfusion während neurochirurgischer Eingriffe. Durch die Einführung eines semiparametrischen Regressionsmodells zur Analyse der ITI-Daten wurde das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis verbessert und das verwendete thermografische Kontrastmittel präziser detektiert. Die Analyse von 12 Patienten mit unterschiedlichen Pathologien zeigte, dass ITI sowohl physiologische Durchblutungsmuster als auch Perfusionsstörungen effektiv darstellen kann. Ein Vergleich mit der ICG-VA bestätigte die Effektivität der ITI, wobei die ITI früher und sensibler auf Minderdurchblutung reagierte, jedoch eine niedrigere räumliche Auflösung aufweist. In der zweiten Studie wurden ITI und IOI verglichen, um ihre Fähigkeit zur Detektion des primären somatosensorischen Kortex zu bewerten. Beide Methoden konnten zuverlässige Aktivitätskarten nach Stimulation des Nervus medianus erstellen. Bei Patienten ohne sensorische Beeinträchtigungen identifizierten beide Techniken die Aktivierung im S1-Areal korrekt. Die ITI führte jedoch bei einigen Patienten mit kortikalen Tumoranteilen zu falsch-positiven Ergebnissen, während die IOI solche Effekte nicht zeigte. Die dritte Studie zur ITI bei Epilepsiechirurgie lieferte wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Identifikation und Lokalisierung epileptogener Zonen im Gehirn. Die ITI ermöglichte eine präzise Darstellung der von Epilepsie betroffenen Bereiche durch spezifische thermische Frequenzmuster, die mit epileptischer Aktivität assoziiert sind. Die Anwendung der ITI in der neurochirurgischen Bildgebung bietet bedeutende Vorteile, insbesondere durch die Möglichkeit der nicht-invasiven, kontaktlosen und mehrfach wiederholbaren Überwachung der zerebralen Perfusion und der Detektion funktioneller Regionen. Sie zeigte eine schnellere und sensiblere Reaktion auf Durchblutungsstörungen als die ICG-VA, obwohl sie eine geringere räumliche Auflösung aufweist. Die Kombination von ITI und ICG-VA eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Forschung und Therapieplanung. Die Studienergebnisse unterstreichen das Potenzial der ITI für die intraoperative Überwachung und die Identifikation eloquenter Hirnareale. Weitere Untersuchungen sind notwendig, um die Auswirkungen von Tumoren auf die ITI-Signale und deren Interpretation besser zu verstehen. ITI hat sich auch in der Epilepsiechirurgie als nützlich erwiesen, indem sie spezifische thermische Muster aufdeckt, die mit epileptischer Aktivität verbunden sind. Dies könnte neue Ansätze in der Diagnose und Behandlung von Epilepsie ermöglichen. Die optimierte ITI-Methodik verbesserte das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis und ermöglichte eine präzisere Detektion thermischer Signale. Zudem wurde die ITI erfolgreich mit etablierten Methoden wie ICG-VA und IOI verglichen und zeigte dabei ihre Stärken in der schnelleren und sensibleren Erkennung von Durchblutungsstörungen sowie in der zuverlässigen Identifikation funktioneller Hirnareale. Diese Verbesserungen unterstützen die Integration der ITI in die klinische Praxis und unterstreichen ihr Potenzial, die Patientensicherheit und die Qualität neurochirurgischer Eingriffe zu erhöhen. Zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Kameratechnologie und fortschrittlichere Algorithmen zur Bildverarbeitung sowie die Kombination mit anderen Bildgebungsverfahren werden entscheidend sein, um die Grenzen der ITI zu überwinden und ihre Anwendungsbereiche zu erweitern. / Each year in Germany, approximately 7,800 people are newly diagnosed with a tumor of the central nervous system, with glioblastoma (GBM) being the most common and aggressive form. The current therapeutic approach for GBM and other gliomas mainly involves surgical resection, where the complete removal of tumor tissue is the most crucial predictor for progression-free survival. At the same time, patient safety and the preservation of vital brain functions must be ensured. Therefore, extensive diagnostic and surgical support technologies are used in modern neurosurgery. Standard neuroimaging techniques include conventional imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). However, these methods have limitations, particularly due to intracranial mass shifts during surgery. Modern optical imaging methods are gaining importance as they are flexible, easy to use, and non-invasive. This work investigates the use of intraoperative thermal imaging (ITI), which is based on the detection of thermal radiation in the infrared range. ITI allows for the determination of the temperature of exposed brain tissue and is particularly suitable for examining cerebral pathologies associated with brain perfusion. Initial studies on ITI demonstrated its principal applicability and investigated the thermal signals in terms of their temporal and spatial characteristics. Two promising applications of ITI in neurosurgery are the visualization of blood flow (perfusion) and the mapping of cortically, functionally activated areas. However, various factors affect the detection of thermal signals. Adaptation and optimization of the examination methods and evaluation algorithms have not yet been carried out. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that by optimizing the evaluation and methodology, as well as integrating ITI into the field of clinically established and comparably intraoperative imaging methods, the relevance of ITI for clinical application can be increased. It is hypothesized that an optimized ITI, well-integrated into the clinical workflow, enables improved visualization of blood flow and more precise detection of functional areas. The comprehensive goal is to enhance patient safety through better intraoperative tissue characterization, to avoid damage to functionally intact brain tissue and reduce postoperative deficits. To test this hypothesis, various optimization strategies for the ITI methodology were developed and applied. These included adapting the imaging system for multimodal intraoperative use and considering various influencing factors in the operating room. Potential sources of interference, such as movement artifacts due to heartbeat and breathing, as well as thermal influences from the imaging system and the environment, were analyzed. A standardized workflow for ITI application was developed, and specific algorithms for image processing and analysis were created for each ITI application to improve the quality of thermographic data and enable the detection of relevant physiological signals despite small signal amplitudes. Validation was performed through two patient studies, including a comparison of ITI results with established imaging methods such as fluorescence-based indocyanine green video angiography (ICG-VA) for blood flow visualization and intraoperative optical imaging (IOI) for mapping cortically, functionally activated areas. Additionally, a third patient study investigated the potential of ITI for further application in epilepsy surgery. The findings from the first study mark a significant advancement in the application of ITI for the detection and monitoring of cerebral perfusion during neurosurgical procedures. By introducing a semiparametric regression model for analyzing ITI data, the signal-to-noise ratio was improved, and the thermographic contrast agent was detected more precisely. The analysis of 12 patients with different pathologies showed that ITI can effectively depict both physiological blood flow patterns and perfusion disturbances. A comparison with ICG-VA confirmed the effectiveness of ITI, with ITI responding earlier and more sensitively to reduced blood flow, although it shows a lower spatial resolution. In the second study, ITI and IOI were compared to evaluate their ability to detect the primary somatosensory cortex. Both methods were able to create reliable activity maps following stimulation of the Nervus medianus. In patients without preoperative sensory impairments, both techniques correctly identified activation in the S1 area. However, ITI produced false-positive results in some patients with cortical tumor involvement, while IOI did not show such effects. The third study on ITI in epilepsy surgery provided important insights into the identification and localization of epileptogenic zones in the brain. ITI enabled precise depiction of areas affected by epilepsy through specific thermal frequency patterns associated with epileptic activity. The application of ITI in neurosurgical imaging offers significant advantages, particularly through the possibility of non-invasive, contactless, and repeatedly monitor cerebral perfusion and detect functional areas. It showed a faster and more sensitive response to blood flow disturbances than ICG-VA, although having a lower spatial resolution. The combination of ITI and ICG-VA opens new possibilities for research and therapy planning. The study results underscore the potential of ITI for intraoperative monitoring and the identification of eloquent brain areas. Further investigations are necessary to better understand the impact of tumors on ITI signals and their interpretation. ITI has also proven useful in epilepsy surgery by uncovering specific thermal patterns associated with epileptic activity, potentially enabling new approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. The optimized ITI methodology improved the signal-to-noise ratio and allowed for more precise detection of thermal signals. Additionally, ITI was successfully compared with established methods such as ICG-VA and IOI, demonstrating its strengths in earlier and more sensitive detection of blood flow disturbances and reliable identification of functional brain areas. These improvements support the integration of ITI into clinical practice and highlight its potential to enhance patient safety and the quality of neurosurgical procedures. Future developments in camera technology, advanced image processing algorithms, and the combination with other imaging techniques will be crucial to overcome the limitations of ITI and expand its applications.
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Identifying neurocircuitry controlling cardiovascular function in humans : implications for exercise controlBasnayake, Shanika Deshani January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the neurocircuitry that underpins the cardiovascular response to exercise, which has thus far remained incompletely understood. Small animal studies have provided clues, but with the advent of functional neurosurgery, it has now been made possible to translate these findings to humans. Chapter One reviews the background to the studies in this thesis. Our current understanding of the cardiovascular response to exercise is considered, followed by a discussion on the anatomy and function of various brain nuclei. In particular, the rationale for targeting the periaqueductal grey (PAG) and the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is reviewed. Chapter Two reviews the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS), in which deep brain stimulating electrodes are implanted into various brain nuclei in humans, in order to treat chronic pain and movement disorders. This technique not only permits direct electrical stimulation of the human brain, but also gives the opportunity to record the neural activity from different brain regions during a variety of cardiovascular experiments. This chapter also gives a detailed methodological description of the experimental techniques performed in the studies in this thesis. Chapter Three identifies the cardiovascular neurocircuitry involved in the exercise pressor reflex in humans using functional neurosurgery. It shows for the first time in humans that the exercise pressor reflex is associated with significantly increased neural activity in the dorsal PAG. The other sites investigated, which had previously been identified as cardiovascular active in both animals and humans, seem not to have a role in the integration of this reflex. Chapter Four investigates whether changes in exercise intensity affect the neurocircuitry involved in the exercise pressor reflex. It demonstrates that the neural activity in the PAG is graded to increases in exercise intensity and corresponding increases in arterial blood pressure. This chapter also provides evidence to suggest that neural activity in the STN corresponds to the cardiovascular changes evoked by the remote ischaemic preconditioning stimulus in humans. Chapter Five identifies the cardiovascular neurocircuitry involved during changes in central command during isometric exercise at constant muscle tension using muscle vibration. It shows that, in humans, central command is associated with significantly decreased neural activity in the STN. Furthermore, the STN is graded to the perception of the exercise task, i.e. the degree of central command. The other sites investigated appear not to have as significant a role in the integration of central command during the light exercise task that was undertaken. Chapter Six studies the changes in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) during stimulation of various brain nuclei in humans. Regrettably, the results presented in this chapter are not convincing enough to support the hypothesis that stimulation of particular subcortical structures corresponds to changes in MSNA. However, the cardiovascular changes that were recorded during stimulation of the different subcortical structures are congruous with previous studies in both animals and humans. Chapter Seven presents a brief summary of the findings in this thesis.
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Contribuição do espaço da escuta terapêutica, com orientação fenomenológica hermenêutica, para a compreensão do discurso dos doentes após alívio abrupto e agudo da nocicepção / Contribution of therapeutic listening, with a hermeneutic phenomenology orientation, for understanding patients\' discourse after abrupt and acute relief of nociceptionCecchini, Marina Valente Guimarães 06 June 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Considerando que a dor é multifacetada e levando em conta a importância em realizar uma aproximação às vivências de pessoas acometidas por enfermidades relacionadas à cronicidade deste adoecimento, este trabalho buscou contribuir para o conhecimento a respeito do fenômeno da dor enfatizando o discurso tanto de doentes submetidos à redução aguda da nocicepção por cirurgia, como também de pessoas com neuropatia periférica congênita. MÉTODOS: O acompanhamento dos 15 participantes com dor crônica (pacientes com cordotomia cervical por dor oncológica refratária e rizotomia trigeminal percutânea por neuralgia do trigêmeo) se deu no ambulatório de Neurologia do Hospital das Clínicas ao longo de 12 meses, em três momentos distintos: pré-operatório (V1), pós-operatório imediato (V2) e pós-operatório posterior (V3) (após 4 meses da intervenção). Para a avaliação quantitativa do fenômeno da dor, foram aplicados instrumentos utilizados habitualmente no Departamento: o Questionário Sociodemográfico e o Protocolo de Modulação Condicionada da Dor (MCD) somente no primeiro momento; e o Questionário para Diagnóstico de Dor Neuropática 4 (DN4), o Inventário de Sintomas de Dor Neuropática (NPSI), o Inventário Breve de Dor (BPI), o McGill Breve, a Escala de Catastrofismo Associado à Dor (PCS) e a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e de Depressão (HADS). As entrevistas abertas foram realizadas em três momentos, embasando-se no método fenomenológico hermenêutico. Para enriquecer a compreensão de que a nocicepção é um dos fatores, mas não o único que influência a ocorrência do fenômeno da dor e se aproximar do aspecto do sofrimento, também foram entrevistadas duas pessoas acometidas por Neuropatias Hereditárias Sensoriais Autonômicas (HSAN), que não apresentam sensibilidade à dor. Estes participantes foram acompanhados em momento único, no qual, além da realização da entrevista, foram aplicados o Questionário Sociodemográfico e a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e de Depressão (HADS). RESULTADOS: Percebeu-se através da análise quantitativa das escalas aplicadas que, no geral, houve uma tendência de diminuição da dor e dos índices de ansiedade após a realização do procedimento cirúrgico. Esta redução se apresentou de maneira mais significativa entre os pacientes com câncer. Os escores do DN4 (6,9±2,3; 2,7±2,2; 5,5±2,5) foram significantes nos diferentes momentos e diminuíram entre as visitas V1 e V2. Para o NPSI os valores foram significantes apenas entre as visitas V1 e V2, apresentando os respectivos valores (65,6±12; 26,4±13,7). O valor da média de interferência do BPI mostrou-se diferente entre os momentos V1 e V2 com valores médios de (60,3±14,1; 15,7±13,3). Os valores do questionário McGill Breve para dor foram (6,1±1,5 e 2,0±1,0) respectivamente para V1 e V2 no componente sensitivo, para o componente afetivo os valores foram (2,8±1,8; 0,3±0,6) respectivamente. Para escala de humor os padrões mantiveram-se semelhantes aos das escalas de dor, houve uma queda dos valores entre a visita 1 e 2 para a escala PCS que se manteve na visita 3. Não houve significância entre os momentos para a escala HADS depressão. Já para a HADS ansiedade houve uma queda nos valores entre V1 e V2, assim como entre as visitas V1 e V3. Ou seja, não houve significância entre V2 e V3. As entrevistas foram analisadas a partir de Unidades de Sentido que emergiram a partir do discurso dos participantes. Para o momento V1, foram consideradas as unidades: Tempo de Procura por um Diagnóstico, Relação com o Cônjuge e Família, Trabalho, Relação com a Morte e Expectativa de Melhora. Nos momentos V2 e V3, as mesmas unidades foram mantidas, com exceção de \"Tempo de Procura por Diagnóstico\". Na análise dos doentes com insensibilidade à dor, foram mantidas as mesmas Unidades de Sentido do outro grupo de participantes, com exceção de \"Relação com a morte\" e \"Expectativas de melhora\". O aspecto da escuta apresentou-se como de extrema importância para a compreensão dos doentes com dor crônica entendendo-os antes da realização de procedimento neurocirúrgico, imediatamente após a neurocirurgia e em momento posterior. Também se tornou possível a escuta do relato das pessoas que, por possuírem uma condição de insensibilidade à dor, apresentam uma experiência diferenciada de sofrimento frente ao aspecto da dor / INTRODUCTION: Considering that pain is multifaceted and acknowledging the importance to approach the experiences of people affected by illness related to its chronicity, this work sought to contribute to the knowledge about the phenomenon of pain emphasizing the discourse of both patients submitted to acute reduction of nociception by surgery, and also of people with congenital peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: The follow-up of the 15 participants with chronic pain (patients with cervical cordotomy for refractory oncologic pain and percutaneous trigeminal rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia) occurred at the Neurology outpatient clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas during 12 months at three different moments: preoperative (V1), immediate postoperative (V2) and late postoperative (V3) (after 4 months of intervention). For the quantitative evaluation of pain phenomenon, instruments commonly used in the Department were applied: the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM) protocol only at the first moment; and the Questionnaire for Diagnosis of Neuropathic Pain (DN4), the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI), the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), the McGill Pain Questionnaire, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The open interviews were carried out in three moments, based on the hermeneutic phenomenological method. To enrich the understanding that nociception is one of the factors, but not the only one that influences the occurrence of pain phenomenon and to approach the aspect of suffering, two people affected by Autonomic Sensorial Hereditary Neuropathies (HSAN) were also interviewed. These participants were followed in a single moment, in which, in addition to the interview, the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were applied. RESULTS: It was noticed through the quantitative analysis of the scales that, in general, there was a tendency to decrease pain and anxiety indexes after performing the surgical procedure. This reduction was more significant among cancer patients. The DN4 scores (6,9±2,3; 2,7±2,2; 5,5±2,5) were significant at different moments and decreased between visits V1 and V2. For NPSI values were significant only between visits V1 and V2, presenting the respective values (65,6±12; 26,4±13,7). The mean value of BPI interference was different between moments V1 and V2 with mean values of (60,3±14,1; 15,7±13,3). The values of McGill questionnaire for pain were (6,1±1,5 e 2,0±1,0) respectively for V1 and V2 in the sensory component, and for the affective component the values were (2,8±1,8; 0,3±0,6) respectively. For mood scales the patterns remained similar to those of the pain scales, there was a decrease in the values between visit 1 and 2 for the scale PCS that remained at visit 3. For HADS Depression scale there was no significance between the different moments. Considering the HADS Anxiety scale there was a decrease in the values between V1 and V2, as well as between visits V1 and V3, but there was no significance between V2 and V3 moments. The interviews were analyzed from Units of Meaning that emerged from the discourse of the participants. For the V1 moment, the following units were considered: Search Time for a Diagnosis, Relationship with Spouse and Family, Work, Relationship with Death and Expectation of Improvement. At moments V2 and V3, the same units were maintained, except for \"Search Time for a Diagnosis\". In the analysis of patients with HSAN condition the same Units of Meaning were kept, except for \"Relationship with Death\" and \"Expectation of Improvement\". The listening aspect was extremely important for the understanding of patients with chronic pain in the three different moments, before performing a neurosurgical procedure, immediately after neurosurgery and at a later time. It also brought the opportunity to listen to the ones with HSAN condition who present a differentiated experience of suffering towards pain
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Desenvolvimento e análise da eficácia de guia cirúrgico paciente-específico produzido por impressão 3D para aplicação de pinos transarticulares atlantoaxiais em cães miniatura / Development and efficacy assessment of a patientspecific 3d-printed surgical guide for implantation of atlantoaxial transarticular pin fixation in miniature dogsMonteiro, Bianca Fiuza 07 June 2018 (has links)
A subluxação atlantoaxial em cães miniatura culmina em compressão da medula espinhal e mielopatia cervical de graus variáveis. Frequentemente o tratamento cirúrgico se faz necessário, sendo os implantes transarticulares uma das opções terapêuticas. Convencionalmente a passagem desses implantes baseia-se em pontos anatômicos de referência e ângulos genéricos preestabelecidos, todavia, devido ao estreito corredor ósseo o posicionamento ideal é desafiador. O desenvolvimento de métodos de planejamento cirúrgico individualizados poderia aumentar a acurácia na aplicação de implantes atlantoaxiais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um guia cirúrgico paciente-específico (GCPE) para colocação de pinos atlantoaxiais em cães miniaturas e comparar a eficácia desses dispositivos em relação a técnica cirúrgica convencional. Para tanto, dezesseis cadáveres de cães de até seis quilogramas foram dispostos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de oito cães, para serem submetidos a cirurgia de estabilização transarticular atlantoaxial com pinos lisos de 1,6 mm. Nos cães do Grupo A (GrA) a aplicação dos pinos foi guiada por um GCPE, desenvolvido com base em imagens de tomografia computadorizada (TC), a partir de técnicas de prototipagem rápida e impressão 3D por modelagem por fusão e deposição. Os cães do Grupo B (GrB), foram submetidos ao procedimento operatório convencional, sendo a passagem dos pinos guiada por referências anatômicas. Posteriormente ambos os grupos foram submetidos à exame de TC para avaliação da acurácia dos pinos. Para a avaliação do posicionamento dos implantes criou-se uma escala que ponderou a manutenção nos corredores seguros e os classificou de acordo com a estabilidade oferecida e a segurança da aplicação. Observou-se que não houve diferença significativa entre o método com GCPE e a cirurgia convencional, sendo que ambos grupos tiveram resultados expressivos de pinos inadequadamente aplicados, incluindo violação de corticais com obliteração do forame vertebral em 3 (37,5%) cães do GrA e 4 (50%) cães do GrB e obliteração do forame transverso em 3 (37,5%) animais do GrA e 1 (12,5%) do GrB. A aplicação de pinos em posição adequada bilateralmente foi observada em apenas 2 (25%) cães de cada grupo. Concluímos que a confecção de um GCPE para pinos transarticulares em cães miniaturas é viável, todavia, o modelo criado não foi capaz de aumentar a eficácia e segurança da cirurgia em relação à técnica convencional. / The atlantoaxial subluxation in miniature dogs leads to spinal cord compression and cervical myelopathy in several degrees. Commonly the surgical treatment is necessary, and one of therapeutic options are the transarticular fixation. Conventionally the passage of these implants is based on anatomical reference points and generics pre-established angles, however, due to the narrow bony corridor the ideal positioning is challenging. The development of individual surgical planning methods could improve the accuracy of atlantoaxial implants application. The present study aimed to develop a patient-specific surgical guide (PSSG) for placement of atlantoaxial pins in miniature dogs and to compare the efficacy of these devices related to the conventional surgical technique. Sixteen cadavers of dogs, up to six kilograms, were randomly placed in two groups of eight dogs each, to undergo atlantoaxial transarticular stabilization with Kirschner wires. On the Group A (GrA) the application of Kirschner wire were guided by a PSSG, developed based on computed tomography (CT) images, using rapid prototyping and fused deposition modeling 3D impression technique. The dogs of Group B (GrB) were submitted to conventional procedure, with the passage of the Kirschner wires guided by anatomical references. After surgeries, dogs in both groups were submitted to a CT scan to evaluate the accuracy of the implants. To evaluate the implants position a scale was created and considered the maintenance of the pins in the safe corridors and classified them according to the stability and safety of the application. It was observed that there was no significant difference between the PSSG method and the conventional surgery, and that both groups had expressive results of inappropriately applied pins, including obliteration of vertebral foramen in 3 (37.5%) dogs from GrA and 4 (50%) dogs from GrB and obliteration of the transverse foramen in 3 (37.5%) dogs from GrA and 1 (12, 5%) dog of GrB. The bilaterally application of pins in a suitable position was observed in only 2 (25%) dogs of each group. We concluded that the development of a PSSG for transarticular pins in miniature dogs is feasible, however, the model that we design was not able to increase the efficacy and safety of the surgery, compared to the conventional surgical technique.
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Derivação ventriculosinusal retrógrada em lactentes com hidrocefalia após correção de mielomeningocele / Retrograde ventriculosinus shunt in infants with hydrocephalus after treatment of myelomeningoceleOliveira, Matheus Fernandes de 27 March 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. Atualmente, o tratamento da hidrocefalia é realizado principalmente através de uma Derivação ventrículo-peritoneal (DVP). Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever a aplicação da derivação ventrículosinusal retrógrada (DVSR) em pacientes com hidrocefalia após o tratamento cirúrgico de mielomeningocele. MÉTODO. Estudo prospectivo, randomizado e controlado. Foram selecionados consecutivamente 9 pacientes com hidrocefalia após correção cirúrgica de mielomeningocele de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2012. Os pacientes foram submetidos à DVSR ou DVP eletiva. Cinco submetidos à DVSR e 4 à DVP, sendo seguidos por 1 ano com realização trimestral de avaliações clínicas, de imagem e aplicação do Doppler transcraniano. RESULTADOS. Os pacientes tratados com DVSR apresentaram desfechos clínicos semelhantes aos do grupo de DVP. O Doppler mostrou melhora significativa quando comparado o pré-operatório com o pós-operatório. O grupo DVSR apresentou perímetro cefálico significativamente maior que o grupo DVP. O desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, complicações e desfechos centrados nos pacientes não diferiram entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES. A técnica cirúrgica da derivação ventrículo-sinusal retrógrada é viável; ela é uma opção alternativa para o tratamento de hidrocefalia / INTRODUCTION. Currently, treatment of hydrocephalus is accomplished primarily through a ventricular-peritoneal shunt (VPS). This study aims to describe the application of retrograde ventricle-sinus shunt (RVSS) in patients with hydrocephalus after surgical treatment of myelomeningocele. METHOD. A prospective, randomized and controlled study. We consecutively enrolled 9 patients with hydrocephalus after surgical repair of myelomeningocele from January 2010 to January 2012. These patients underwent elective RVSS or VPS. Five underwent RVSS and 4 underwent VPS. These patients were followed for one year with quarterly clinical and image evaluations and application of transcranial Doppler. RESULTS. Patients treated with RVSS showed clinical outcomes similar to those of VPS group. Doppler showed significant improvement when comparing preoperative to the postoperative period. RVSS group showed significantly higher cephalic perimeter than VPS group. Neuropsychomotor development, complications and subjective outcomes did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS. Surgical technique of retrograde ventricle-sinus shunt is viable; it is an alternative option for the treatment of hydrocephalus
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Emprego de técnicas de neurocirurgia minimamente invasiva para o tratamento de aneurismas incidentais de circulação anterior / Employment of minimally invasive neurosurgical techniques for treatment of unruptured brain aneurysms of the anterior circulationBrigido, Maurício Mandel 22 February 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A neurocirurgia minimamente invasiva já é uma realidade em muitos centros em todo o mundo. A aplicação de conceitos antigos com a incorporação de novas tecnologias permite o emprego de medidas menos invasivas, mas com a mesma eficácia e segurança. O real papel destas técnicas e o seu efeito sobre a evolução dos doentes ainda é nebuloso. Objetivos: avaliar a segurança e resultados da técnica minimamente invasiva na clipagem de aneurismas cerebrais de circulação anterior e determinar o momento seguro para alta hospitalar. Materiais: Cento e onze doentes adultos com diagnóstico de aneurismas não rotos de circulação anterior foram randomicamente distribuídos e submetidos a cirurgia por um acesso minimamente invasivo (grupo de estudo - 36 pelo acesso transpalpebral e 34 através de craniotomias minipterional reduzida) ou acesso pterional clássico (grupo controle - 41 doentes). O endoscópio acoplado a um telefone celular foi utilizado juntamente com o microscópio durante as cirurgias do grupo de estudo. Os doentes do grupo de estudo foram submetidos a um protocolo específico para avaliação da segurança da alta hospitalar precoce. Foram avaliados desfechos cirúrgicos, clínicos/funcionais, estéticos e sobre qualidade de vida. Resultados: Em ambos os grupos, os dados demográficos e as características dos aneurismas foram similares. O tempo médio das cirurgias foi menor no grupo de estudo (214 min. vs 292 min, p = 0,0008). A necessidade de transfusão sanguínea foi menor no grupo de estudo (1 doente vs 7 doentes, p = 0,018). O número de eventos isquêmicos foi menor no grupo de estudo (4 doentes vs 8 doentes, p = 0,07), mas os eventos com repercussão clínica foram semelhantes (2 doentes vs 3 doentes, p = 0,53). A presença de colo residual na angiografia controle foi menor no grupo de estudo (6 doentes vs 11, p = 0,021), mas foram todos colos pequenos, 1,75 ± 0,68 mm, sendo que apenas um doente do grupo controle foi reoperado. A paralisia do ramo frontal do nervo facial foi menor no grupo de estudo, tanto a temporária (3 vs 14, p = 0,008) quanto a definitiva (0 vs 4, p = 0,032). A atrofia do músculo temporal foi menos frequente e mais leve no grupo de estudo (9 vs 14, p = 0,012). No grupo de estudo, 91,4% dos doentes receberam alta precoce no dia seguinte da cirurgia e nenhum doente apresentou evento adverso por este motivo. Os doentes do grupo de estudo ficaram assintomáticos mais rapidamente no pós-operatório (pela avaliação da escala de Rankin, p = 0,0026), mas não houve diferença entre os grupos dentre as pontuações acima de 1 na escala de Rankin modificada. Um doente do grupo controle faleceu no pós-operatório (0,9%). Conclusões: Os resultados demonstraram que as alternativas minimamente invasivas propostas são seguras e tem resultados clínicos e cirúrgicos iguais ou superiores ao tratamento clássico em vários quesitos. A alta precoce nestes doentes é possível e segura. O acesso nanopterional ou transpalpebral é uma alternativa melhor em relação à craniotomia pterional clássica para tratar aneurismas não rotos da circulação anterior / Introduction: Minimally invasive neurosurgery is already a reality in many centers across the world. The application of old concepts with the incorporation of new technologies allows the use of less invasive measures with the same effectiveness and safety. However, the real role of these techniques and their effect on the outcome of patients is still obscure. Objectives: To evaluate the safety and results of minimally invasive techniques in brain aneurysm clipping and determine the possibility of early hospital discharge. Methods: 111 adult patients with unruptured anterior circulation aneurysms were randomized and underwent a minimally invasive surgical approach, (36 by transpalpebral approach and 34 through a reduced minipterional craniotomy) or classical pterional approach (41 patients). The endoscope coupled to a smart phone was used along with the microscope during surgery (study group only). Patients in the study group were subjected to a specific protocol for assessment of early hospital discharge. Surgical, clinical/functional and aesthetic outcomes were evaluated along with long term quality of life. Results: In both groups, the demographics and characteristics of aneurysms were similar. The average time of surgery was lower in the study group (214 min. vs. 292 min, p = 0.0008). The need for blood transfusion was lower in the study group (1 patient vs 7 patients, p = 0.018). The number of ischemic events was lower in the study group (patients 4 patients vs. 8, p = 0.07), but events with clinical significance were similar (3 patients vs. 2 patients, p = 0.53). The presence of residual neck on control angiography was lower in the study group (6 patients vs 11, p = 0.021), but only small ones were found, 1.75 ± 0.68 mm, and only one control group patient required reoperation for this reason. The paralysis of the frontal branch of the facial nerve was lower in the study group, both temporary (3 vs 14, p = 0.008) and definitive (0 vs. 4, p = 0.032). The atrophy of the temporal muscle was less frequent and less severe in the study group (9 vs 14, p = 0.012). Most patients in the study group (91.4%), were discharged on the next day of the surgery and no patients had any related adverse events. Patients in the study group got asymptomatic faster (assessed by the Rankin scale, p = 0.26), but there was no difference between the groups among scores above 1 on the modified Rankin scale. One control group patient died postoperatively (0,9%). Conclusions: The results showed that the proposed minimally invasive alternatives are safe. Clinical and surgical results are equal or superior to conventional treatment in several topics. Early discharge in these patients is possible and safe. The described approaches (nanopterional or transpalpebral) are better alternatives to the classical pterional craniotomy to treat unruptured aneurysms of the anterior circulation
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Malformações arteriovenosas encefálicas: caracterização morfológica e correlação clínicaSantos, Marcio Luiz Tostes dos 06 November 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-11-06 / Brain arteriovenous malformations (BAVM) are morphological and neurovascular abnormalities characterized by direct communication between arteries and veins, without interposition of capillary bed, therefore without resistance to blood flow. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to characterize morphologically brain arteriovenous malformations aiming correlation with clinical presentation. CASUISTIC AND METHOD: A total of 170 patients with brain AVM, 78(46%) males and 92(54%) females, were studied from January 2001 to January 2007 at the Vascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery Unit of the Hospital de Base of São José do Rio Preto, SP. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to test the associations among demographic (sex, age), clinical (hemorrhage, seizure, focal neurological deficit, and headache), and morphological features (anatomical localization; superficial, deep, infratentorial or supratentorial location; nidus size; number of feeding arteries, compartments, and draining veins; type of venous drainage; presence of stenosis, venous ectasias, and arterial aneurysms; Spetzler-Martin classification). RESULTS: The main clinical presentations at the moment of diagnosis included hemorrhage in 89 (52%) patients, headache in 79 (46%), focal neurological deficit in 54 (32%), and seizure in 52 (31%). According to the Spetzler-Martin classification, grade I was found in 15 (9%) patients, grade II in 49 (28%), grade III in 55 (33%), grade IV in 41 (24%), and grade V in 10 (6%) patients. There was a statistically significant association among hemorrhage and small nidus size (p = 0.002), single feeding artery (p = 0.007), single draining vein (p = 0.003), and single compartment (p = 0.040). Seizure was positively correlated with medium (3-6 cm) and large nidus size (>6cm), and negatively with small nidus size (<3cm) (p = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS: Brain AVM with small nidus size, Spetzler-Martin grade I, single feeding artery and draining vein are associated with hemorrhage. Spetzler-Martin grade V was negatively associated with hemorrhage. In the braim AVM there is no association between aneurysm and hemorrhage. On the other hand, seizure show positive correlation with large nidus size and negative with small nidus size. / Malformações arteriovenosas (MAV) encefálicas são anomalias morfológicas neurovasculares caracterizadas por comunicação direta entre artérias e veias, sem interposição do leito capilar, portanto sem resistência ao fluxo sangüíneo. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar morfologicamente MAV encefálicas, visando correlação com apresentação clínica. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram estudados 170 pacientes portadores de MAV encefálicas, sendo 78 (46%) do sexo feminino e 92 (54%) do masculino, no período de janeiro de 2001 a janeiro de 2007, atendidos na unidade de Neurocirurgia Vascular e Endovascular do Hospital de Base de São Jose do Rio Preto, SP. Análises univariada e multivariada foram efetuadas para testar associações entre características demográficas (sexo, idade), clínicas (hemorragia, convulsão, déficit focal, cefaléia) e morfológicas (localização anatômica; posição superficial, profunda, infratentorial ou supratentorial; tamanho do nidus; número de aferências, compartimentos e eferências; padrão de drenagem venosa; presença de estenose, ectasias venosas e aneurismas arteriais; classificação de Spetzler-Martin). RESULTADOS: As principais formas de apresentação clínica no momento do diagnóstico incluíram hemorragia em 89 (52%) pacientes, cefaléia em 79 (46%), déficit focal em 54 (32%) e convulsão em 52 (31%). De acordo com a classificação de Spetzler & Martin, 15 (9%) pacientes tinham MAV grau I, 49 (28%) grau II, 55 (33%) grau III, 41 (24%) grau IV, e 10 (6%) grau V. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre hemorragia e tamanho pequeno do nidus (p = 0,002), aferência única (p = 0,007), eferência única (p = 0,003) e compartimento único (p = 0,040). Convulsão foi correlacionada positivamente com nidus de tamanho médio (3-6 cm) e grande (>6cm) e negativamente com tamanho pequeno (<3cm) (p = 0,021). CONCLUSÕES: MAV encefálicas com nidus de tamanho pequeno, grau I, aferência e eferência únicas estão associados à hemorragia. MAV encefálicas grau V estão associadas negativamente à hemorragia. Na MAV encefálica observa-se ausência de associação entre aneurisma e hemorragia. Por outro lado, convulsão mostra correlação positiva com nidus de tamanho grande e negativa com nidus de tamanho pequeno.
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Avaliação funcional mandibular e sensitiva orofacial de doentes com neuralgia trigeminal tratados com compressão do gânglio trigeminal com balão / Sensitive and functional evaluation of the orofacial region of patients with trigeminal neuralgia treated with balloon compression.Siqueira, Silvia Regina Dowgan Tesseroli de 10 November 2006 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as características odontologicas, verificar a ocorrência de complicações sensitivas orofaciais e determinar os aspectos funcionais mandibulares de 105 doentes com neuralgia idiopática do trigêmeo (NIT) submetidos \'a compressão radiculo-ganglionar com balão inflável. Foram realizadas 5 avaliações para cada doente: uma pré-cirúrgica e 4 pós-cirúrgicas (7, 30, 120 e 210 dias). Ocorreu comprometimento sensitivo mais intenso no território dos ramos maxilar e mandibular do nervo trigêmeo (p < 0,001) e poucas anormalidades no território do ramo oftálmico (p = 0,1815). As qualidades sensitivas calor, frio, tato, e dor foram afetadas. As queixas subjetivas de dormência foram mais frequentes do que as objetivadas durante o exame de sensibilidade facial (p < 0,001). foi elevada a ocorrência de disfunção oclusal (62,9%); 42,6% dos doentes apresentaram queixas espontâneas relacionadas à mastigação; houve intensificação da dor miofascial na musculatura mastigatória após a cirurgia (p < 0,001), que retornou aos valores iniciais após os 210 dias; a mobilidade mandibular também agravou-se (p < 0,001). Os autores concluiram que o procedimento é eficaz e seguro quando aplicado em doentes com NIT envolvendo o ramo oftálmico. Entretanto, recidiva é frequente e as complicações sensitivas e ou motoras orofaciais poderiam comprometer a qualidade de vida e dificultar a reabilitação funcional dos doentes. / The aim of this study was to determine dental characteristics, abnormalities in masticatory function and ocurrence of orofacial sensorial complications in 105 patients with trigeminal neuralgia treated with radiculo-ganglionar compression of the trigeminal ganglion with balloon. The patients were evaluated in the pre-operative period and in 4 post-operative evaluations (7, 30, 120 and 210 days). Sensory deficits were more severe in the area innervated by the maxillary and the mandibular trigeminal branches (p < 0.001); the ophthalmic branch presented abnormalities in few cases. The sensory qualities heat, cold, tactile and pain were affected. Subjective numbness was more frequent than sensory abnormalities findings at the post-operative sensitive evaluation (p < 0.001). Dental occlusion abnormalities were observed in 62.9% of the patients and 42.6% of patients\' complaints were spontaneous masticatory difficulties. During the post-operative period, myofascial pain of the masticatory muscles was statistically significant (p < 0.001), but normalized after 210 days in average. It also compromised the jaw mobility (p < 0.001). It was concluded that this procedure is safe for patients with idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia involving the ophthalmic branch; however, sensory and motor complications of the method can affect the quality of life and rehabilitation of the patient.
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