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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da torre de babel à torre de controle: desmistificando a linguagem dos céus. Um estudo descritivo da língua franca utilizada na comunicação piloto-controlador. / From babel tower to control tower: demystifying the language of the skies. A descriptive study of the lingua franca used into the communication between pilots and controllers.

Oliveira, Eduardo Silverio de 20 August 2007 (has links)
A língua franca utilizada na comunicação piloto-controlador ainda é pouco conhecida no meio acadêmico. Poucos estudos têm sido dedicados ao seu contexto de uso e ao mapeamento de suas características lingüísticas principais. Esta pesquisa acadêmica apresenta um estudo mais acurado da atividade de controlador de tráfego aéreo, no que se refere ao uso dessa linguagem de especialidade, além de desenvolver um estudo descritivo da língua franca utilizada na comunicação piloto-controlador para a identificação de suas características lingüísticas principais, com o recorte para a produção de material didático. Por meio da utilização do método do Professor André Camlong, a ferramenta computacional denominada STABLEX, fazemos uma análise descritiva, objetiva e indutiva de um corpus lingüístico, constituído dessa linguagem de especialidade. O que se pretende é oferecer subsídios aos professores de língua estrangeira para a produção do seu próprio material didático para o ensino dessa linguagem. É fato que, em determinados contextos de ensino, a necessidade de aprendizagem dos alunos é tão específica, que os materiais prontos para consumo, disponibilizados nas prateleiras das livrarias ou pelas editoras, não são suficientes, cabendo ao professor a tarefa de elaborá-los. No entanto, essa tarefa não tem se mostrado amistosa, já que o professor não dispõe de \"guias de orientação\", cientificamente justificáveis, para fazê-la. Assim sendo, o processo de elaboração torna-se intuitivo e empírico e, na grande maioria das vezes, restringese à adoção de fórmulas já consagradas de apresentação dos conteúdos. Acreditamos ser fundamental o correto entendimento das reais necessidades lingüísticas de um determinado público-alvo, para que haja mais condições de se estabelecerem processos mais ricos e eficientes de ensino e aprendizagem de qualquer língua estrangeira. / The lingua franca used in the communication between pilots and controllers is still not well known in the academic community. Few studies about its use and mapping of its main linguistic characteristics have been made. This theoretical research introduces an accurate study on the language used in the activity of air traffic controllers and develops a descriptive study of the lingua franca used in the communication between pilots and controllers, in order to identify its main linguistic characteristics towards material production. By using the method developed by Professor André Camlong and the computational tool STABLEX, an objective descriptive and inductive analysis of a linguistic corpus constituted by the language used in the ATC specialty has been conducted. The aim of this work is to provide language teachers with subsides for ATC material production hence helping teachers to elaborate materials that meet the very specific needs of their students based on the real needs of the stakeholders so as they can establish a more fruitful and efficient language teaching and learning process.

Étude du rôle des émotions sur les traitements différentiels mis en œuvre par des pilotes d'avions lors de la gestion de situations à risques sur simulateur de vol / Review of role of emotions on differential processing implemented by pilots of aircraft in the management of risk situations in flight simulator

Megret, Lise 18 February 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’impact des émotions sur les réponses des pilotes d’avion dans la gestion de situations dynamiques et ambiguës. A l’inverse des théories selon lesquelles les émotions dégradent les performances des pilotes, nous défendons la thèse selon laquelle les processus émotionnels ont une fonction adaptative et vont donc favoriser des réponses appropriées à la situation. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, des pilotes volontaires sont mis en situation de devoir gérer une fuite d’essence sur un simulateur de vol. Nous avons construit un scénario réaliste d’une durée d’une heure. Les pilotes ne sont donc pas confrontés à un problème ponctuel, s’apparentant à une situation de résolution de problèmes, mais doivent traiter l’anomalie de consommation d’essence pendant toute la durée du vol simulé. Ils ont donc la possibilité, en cours du vol, de corriger des choix qu’ils jugent inadaptés. Le relevé des fréquences cardiaques de chaque pilote pendant leur vol nous permet de repérer les épisodes émotionnels. Nous montrons que loin de dégrader les réponses des pilotes, les émotions sont positivement liées à la fois à leur expertise et à leurs performances : les pilotes ayant mis en œuvre les décisions les plus adaptées à la situation sont aussi ceux qui ont ressenti le plus d’émotions lors de la découverte et du traitement de la fuite d’essence. / This research centers on the impact of emotions on a pilot who's dealing with dynamic and/or ambiguous situations. Contrary to theories that state pilots' performances are diminished by emotions, we believe that an emotional process actually has an adaptive function which subsequently helps give appropriate answers to a given situation. To verify this hypothesis, volunteer pilots are confronted with having to deal with a fuel leakage on a flight simulator. We have built a realistic 1h long scenario. The pilots are not faced with a punctual situation, akin to problem solving, but have to treat the fuel consumption anomaly during the whole length of the flight simulation. Consequently they have the possibility, in flight, to recover inappropriate responses. The readings of the pilots' heartbeat allows us to identify the emotional episodes. We show that, far from diminishing the pilots' responses, emotions are linked positively not only to the pilots' expertise, but also their performances: The pilots who have devised the best responses to the situation are also those who've registered the most emotions whilst discovering and treating the fuel leakage.

Modélisation de la décharge négative dans les longs intervalles d'air - Application à la foudre

Rakotonandrasana, Jean 11 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur la modélisation de la décharge négative dans les grands intervalles d'air soumis à des ondes de tension de type bi-exponentielles (foudre ou manœuvre) ou constantes. Ainsi, un modèle dynamique et autonome permettant de prédire l'ensemble des paramètres macroscopiques de la décharge négative et tenant compte des différentes phases de propagation (initiation de la première couronne, système pilote, formation des leaders d'électrode et spatiaux, jonctions et ré-illuminations, saut final) jusqu'à l'arc en retour, est présenté. Ce modèle est basé sur des schémas électriques équivalents dont les paramètres varient avec le temps en fonction des caractéristiques du canal et de la géométrie de la décharge, les lois de l'électromagnétisme et la théorie des gaz. Les propagations des leaders et des streamers sont basées sur des critères de champs électriques tenant compte de l'aspect aléatoire du trajet de la décharge.<br />Le modèle permet de déterminer les caractéristiques spatio-temporelles de la décharge telles que le courant du leader (canal principal), la charge correspondante, des trajectoires plausibles, sa vitesse instantanée, le gradient de potentiel et le rayon thermique du leader négatif d'électrode, la puissance et l'énergie injectées dans l'intervalle, l'instant et la tension d'amorçage ainsi que l'évolution de l'arc en retour. Il permet également, pour une configuration d'électrodes donnée, de déterminer la tension de claquage U50, constituant ainsi un outil appréciable pour le dimensionnement des structures isolantes. Les résultats issus de ce modèle sont en bon accord avec ceux obtenus expérimentalement.<br />Un modèle de foudre négatif a été également établi en se basant sur la grande similarité observée entre les grandes étincelles de laboratoire et les décharges atmosphériques. Les caractéristiques obtenues à partir de ce modèle ont été trouvées conformes aux mesures effectuées lors des décharges naturelles. L'environnement électromagnétique associé au précurseur de foudre a été ensuite caractérisé et les champs électriques et magnétiques obtenues sont aussi en bon accord avec celles relevées expérimentalement.

Developing a training program for the traffic alert and collision avoidance system in context

Fleming, Elizabeth Scott 26 March 2013 (has links)
The Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is an aircraft collision avoidance system designed to prevent mid-air collisions. During an advisory, danger is imminent, and TCAS is assumed to have better, more up-to-date information than the ground operated air traffic control (ATC) facility. Following a TCAS RA is generally the safe course of action during an advisory. However, pilot compliance with RAs is surprisingly low. Results from a TCAS monitoring study show pilots are not complying with many TCAS advisories. As revealed by pilot-submitted Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) reports, this noncompliance could be attributed, in part, to pilot confusion to TCAS operation as well as misunderstandings of the appropriate response to a TCAS issued advisory. This thesis details the development and evaluation of a TCAS training program intended to improve pilots' understanding of TCAS use for collision avoidance in a range of traffic situations. The training program integrated Demonstration Based and Event Based Training techniques. Its efficacy was analyzed in an integrated ATC-cockpit simulator study in which eighteen commercial airline pilots were asked to complete the TCAS training program and afterwards experienced twelve experimental traffic events. The trained pilots' performance was compared to the performance of 16 baseline pilots who did not receive the modified training. Overall, the training program did have a significant impact on the pilots' behavior and response to TCAS advisories. The measure Time Pilots First Achieved Compliance decreased with the trained pilots, as did the measure Autopilot Disconnect Time After RA Initiation. Trained pilots exhibited less aggressive performance in response to a TCAS RA (including a decrease in the measures Altitude Deviation Over Duration Of RA, Average Vertical Rate Difference, Maximum Vertical Rate Difference, and Maximum Vertical Rate). The measure Percent Compliance did not significantly vary between trained and baseline pilots, although trained pilots had a more consistent response in the traffic event with conflicting ATC guidance. Finally, on the post-experiment questionnaires, pilots commented on their increase in understanding of TCAS as well as an increase in their trust in the advisory system. Results of this research inform TCAS training objectives provided by the FAA as well as the design of TCAS training. Additionally, conclusions extend more broadly to improved training techniques for other similar complex, time-critical situations.

Les pilotes comme agents de changement dans les télécentres communautaires au Mali

Traoré, Cheick Oumar 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les processus de sélection, formation et encadrement (SFE) des gestionnaires, appelés pilotes et considérés comme agents de changement dans les télécentres communautaires au Mali. Ces processus sont étudiés sous l'angle de leur contribution positive ou négative à l'implantation et au développement de ces centres. Les projets "technologies de l’information et de la communication", initiés par les partenaires techniques et financiers, répondent au besoin des autorités maliennes préoccupées par un souci de connecter les 703 communes du pays. À la suite du sommet mondial sur la société de l’information en décembre 2003 à Genève, l’UNESCO et la Coopération suisse ont décidé d’installer des centres multimédias communautaires dans trois pays d’Afrique (Mali, Mozambique, Sénégal). Ces implantations de télécentres ont été réalisées sur le modèle de ce qui avait été fait en Asie sans tenir compte des besoins réels des bénéficiaires et des conditions particulières (économiques, politiques, culturelles) des sites d’implantation. Malgré les conditions parfois difficiles de l’Afrique, les populations témoignent un enthousiasme réel pour les technologies de communication. Les TIC ont connu une croissance considérable et se sont multipliées partout en Afrique, à des degrés divers. Néanmoins, elles n’ont pas encore atteint la majorité des populations africaines, car 70% de celles-ci vivent en zones rurales souvent marginalisées par les difficultés économiques. Après l’implantation des télécentres, les sites ont donc été confrontés à la difficile tâche de sélectionner les pilotes comme agents de changement. Les responsables chargés de la mise en œuvre des projets ont choisi les pilotes dans leur réseau familial. En ce sens, la thèse met l’accent sur l’importance du rôle d’un pilote dans un télécentre et l’appui qu’il peut générer dans la population bénéficiaire. Nous proposons un modèle qui part de l’action des agents de changement, et ce, afin de potentiellement susciter une prise de conscience chez les décideurs locaux. Nous avons fait une étude de cas sur quatre sites pour mieux connaître les processus de sélection, formation et encadrement des pilotes et nous avons tenté d'identifier les facteurs qui, dans ces processus, ont pu influencer le niveau de réussite de chacun de ces centres. / This dissertation examines the processes of selecting, training, and mentoring managers, also known as "pilots," and considered as change agents in the development of community telecentres in Mali. These processes are analyzed according to their positive and negative outcomes regarding the establishment and development of telecentres. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) project, launched by technical and financial partners, responds to the needs of Malian authorities in their efforts to connect the country’s 703 communes. Following the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Geneva on December 2003, UNESCO and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) decided to establish multimedia community telecentres in three African countries (Mali, Mozambique, and Senegal). The setting-up of these telecentres was modeled after a similar project conducted previously in Asia, without however taking into account the primary needs of the beneficiaries, nor their specific conditions (both economic, political, and cultural). Despite the difficult conditions that sometimes characterize the African context, African populations express a genuine interest for Information and Communication Technologies. The ICT sector has witnessed a considerable and widespread growth throughout many African countries, although with various degrees of success. However, a majority of the African population has still not been connected, since 70% of the population lives in more economically marginalized rural areas. Once the telecentres were established in various locations, most of them were confronted with the difficult challenge of selecting "pilots," to serve as change agents. Those in charge of selecting the pilots favored people located within their own family networks. Therefore, the dissertation emphasizes the pilot’s decisive role in the telecentres, and the support that he is able to generate within the beneficiary population. We put forward a model starting from the actions of the change agents, hoping to stimulate awareness amongst local deciders. We conducted a case study on four different sites in order to better understand the processes of selecting, training, and mentoring pilots, with a focus on the key factors influencing, for each of those processes, the level of success in all the telecentres.

Developing proficiency in air transport pilots : the case for the introduction on non-technical skills in basic pilot training programmes : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD Aviation at Massey University, Palmerston North

De Montalk, Ritchie James January 2008 (has links)
This study examines the differences between the skills and competencies of New Zealand flight school graduates and the types of skills and competencies believed to define a proficient air transport pilot. In New Zealand the training of professional pilots is directed towards meeting the requirements laid down by the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority for the licensing of professional pilots. However, some evidence suggests that competence for licensing purposes does not necessarily meet the requirements of the airlines and the types of skills that they require as a prerequisite to airline training. Although not clearly defined, this shortfall has been recognised for several decades and traditional thinking is that extra flying experience gained as a general aviation pilot will develop the skills necessary for entry into airline pilot training. The importance that pilots of differing experience levels attach to technical and non-technical skills and their perception of the training effectiveness of those skills and how deficiencies in those skills contributed to aircraft accidents was explored by a four stage study including: i) a review and analysis of flight test results obtained from graduate pilots on a university air transport pilot programme; ii) the analysis of responses to questionnaires supplied to three pilot groups within the New Zealand aviation industry; iii) the analysis of air transport aircraft accidents and their primary and contributing causes; and iv) interviews with qualified airline pilots working for New Zealand airlines. The results indicated that throughout the spectrum of experience and qualifications, from student pilot to airline pilot, the technical skill of aircraft handling was highly valued and the training in this skill was considered by all pilots to be satisfactory. In contrast, while non-technical skill deficiencies were found to be primary or contributing factors in many aircraft accidents, less importance was attached to non-technical skills by all pilot groups. The training effectiveness of these skills was rated as only moderately effective or of minimal effectiveness. The findings are discussed and recommendations are made for the improvement of basic flight training. In addition, a model is proposed for the fast tracking of flight school graduates into the airline training schools. Several areas for future research are also proposed.

Intercultural communication on a passenger aircraft flight deck: a qualitative study set in the context of South African corporate affirmative action policy

Waite, Michele Jeannette January 1995 (has links)
The recent emphasis on Affirmative Action policies in South African corporations has illuminated the issue of cultural diversity in organizations and the difficulties arising from this transition and change. One such difficulty is the problem of intercultural communication where miscommunication can have life-threatening consequences. This problem is particularly critical in the operational environment of the passenger aircraft flight deck where small group factors, as well as intercultural issues must be taken into account. In this thesis the problem of intercultural communication in such contexts as a consequence of Affirmative Action is examined. The data for this thesis comprises the communication of five culturally diverse flight crews. A multi-method was used for the gathering and analysis of this data. This involved the use of video-taped flight simulator sessions, and personal interviews with each crew member. The subjects themselves were involved in identifying key communication problems from the video and interpretation of the data. Three levels of analysis were used in the interpretation of the findings - the individual, the group and the organization. The factors which affected communication at each level in the small, culturally diverse group are highlighted. Furthermore, factors which influence the climate in which communication takes place are also considered. The implications for Affirmative Action are discussed.

Da torre de babel à torre de controle: desmistificando a linguagem dos céus. Um estudo descritivo da língua franca utilizada na comunicação piloto-controlador. / From babel tower to control tower: demystifying the language of the skies. A descriptive study of the lingua franca used into the communication between pilots and controllers.

Eduardo Silverio de Oliveira 20 August 2007 (has links)
A língua franca utilizada na comunicação piloto-controlador ainda é pouco conhecida no meio acadêmico. Poucos estudos têm sido dedicados ao seu contexto de uso e ao mapeamento de suas características lingüísticas principais. Esta pesquisa acadêmica apresenta um estudo mais acurado da atividade de controlador de tráfego aéreo, no que se refere ao uso dessa linguagem de especialidade, além de desenvolver um estudo descritivo da língua franca utilizada na comunicação piloto-controlador para a identificação de suas características lingüísticas principais, com o recorte para a produção de material didático. Por meio da utilização do método do Professor André Camlong, a ferramenta computacional denominada STABLEX, fazemos uma análise descritiva, objetiva e indutiva de um corpus lingüístico, constituído dessa linguagem de especialidade. O que se pretende é oferecer subsídios aos professores de língua estrangeira para a produção do seu próprio material didático para o ensino dessa linguagem. É fato que, em determinados contextos de ensino, a necessidade de aprendizagem dos alunos é tão específica, que os materiais prontos para consumo, disponibilizados nas prateleiras das livrarias ou pelas editoras, não são suficientes, cabendo ao professor a tarefa de elaborá-los. No entanto, essa tarefa não tem se mostrado amistosa, já que o professor não dispõe de \"guias de orientação\", cientificamente justificáveis, para fazê-la. Assim sendo, o processo de elaboração torna-se intuitivo e empírico e, na grande maioria das vezes, restringese à adoção de fórmulas já consagradas de apresentação dos conteúdos. Acreditamos ser fundamental o correto entendimento das reais necessidades lingüísticas de um determinado público-alvo, para que haja mais condições de se estabelecerem processos mais ricos e eficientes de ensino e aprendizagem de qualquer língua estrangeira. / The lingua franca used in the communication between pilots and controllers is still not well known in the academic community. Few studies about its use and mapping of its main linguistic characteristics have been made. This theoretical research introduces an accurate study on the language used in the activity of air traffic controllers and develops a descriptive study of the lingua franca used in the communication between pilots and controllers, in order to identify its main linguistic characteristics towards material production. By using the method developed by Professor André Camlong and the computational tool STABLEX, an objective descriptive and inductive analysis of a linguistic corpus constituted by the language used in the ATC specialty has been conducted. The aim of this work is to provide language teachers with subsides for ATC material production hence helping teachers to elaborate materials that meet the very specific needs of their students based on the real needs of the stakeholders so as they can establish a more fruitful and efficient language teaching and learning process.

Stratégies de protection de la performance pour la conception de cockpits résilients : le cas de la fatigue en situation inattendue de résolution de problème / Performance protection strategies for resilient cockpits : the case of fatigue in an unexpected problem-solving situation

Mawhin, Barbara 05 November 2013 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Résumé confidentiel

An Avian Target Processing Algorithm to Mitigate Bird Strike Risk in Aviation

Milluzzi, Anthony J. 11 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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