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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engaging Action : A Systemic Approach to Communication Design of Social Marketing Campaigns for Behaviour Adoption

Dahl, Rebecca, Metanchuk, Larysa, Marshall, Steve January 2010 (has links)
Shifting towards sustainability in environmental, social and economic systems is an urgent concern for society today. In order to contribute to this, the thesis focuses on behaviour orientated social marketing campaigns, which can complement the broader changes required. This study adds knowledge to communication design for social marketing campaigns to improve the conversion of information to action helping move society towards a more sustainable future. Results, drawn from the literature, case studies and interviews, demonstrated the need for a shared vision, detailed knowledge of both the audience and behaviour, development of a network to support the campaign and better use of behavioural psychology and social media. Overall it was found that a more strategic approach is needed during the design and implementation of social marketing campaigns. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) was used to structure findings and provide context for campaigners. In practice the FSSD would be used to inform The Strategic Planning Process (SPP), proposed for development of social marketing campaigns that move society towards sustainability.

ICT and Education in Developing Countries : Shifting Initiatives toward a Sustainable Society

Dai, Lu, Finley, Tiffany, McCormack, Susan January 2009 (has links)
This research investigates capacity building initiatives in developing countries’ ability to aid in a transition toward sustainability. A key system, the education sector, enables and creates human capacity. Teacher Training Initiatives (TTIs) are an organized effort to build the capacity of teachers within the education sector. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a rising addition to TTIs that can expand the network, knowledge-sharing, and communication potential of TTIs. Yet, is this growing trend aiding in building capacity at the expense of long-term sustainability? Utilizing the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, this research employs literature reviews, interviews, data analysis, workshop participation, and an expert panel to illuminate how ICT enabled TTIs can contribute to sustainability. An intervention in the current planning process was identified as a key leverage point to shift the system toward sustainability. Taking a whole systems perspective when planning initiatives better equip stakeholders to build effective programs today that will not compromise the capacity building of the future. This upstream approach may build the foundation to move toward a strategic ICT enabled TTI, but it is not the only major factor. ICT enabled TTIs function within complex systems, requiring ongoing strategic planning and management toward sustainability. / <p>Address: Tiffany Finley 1306 Bohland Place St. Paul, MN 55116 USA OR Susan McCormack 1145 Hartwell Road Manotick, Ontario Canada K4M 1E5</p>

Community Mapping &amp; Strategic Sustainable Development : Navigating Towards A Sustainable Future

Boldero, Christina, Paton, William, Schou, Charlotte January 2012 (has links)
The world faces sustainability challenges directly attributable to human behaviour, and expected to irreparably degrade the socio-ecological system. Cartography (mapping) is a diverse planning and communicating discipline used for strategic development of global and local solutions to these challenges. Its flexible yet robust technology can generate common understanding of issues and inspire successful solutions. This thesis studied community mapping, specifically how community mapping practitioners (CMPs) can use community mapping tools (CMTs) more effectively for Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD). Data of current SSD strengths of six CMTs was collected using the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) and 13 interviews with practitioners. Thirty-six Key Elements (KEs) of guidance for CMPs to use CMTs were developed. A Compass Model was designed to interlink the KEs, in eight interrelated categories, with the ABCD Strategic Planning Process (ABCD). The results suggest that CMPs using CMTs combined with an SSD approach have the potential to create effective solutions towards sustainability.

Vuorovaikutteinen alueiden käytön suunnittelu:suunnittelukäytäntöjen arki pohjoissuomalaisissa kunnissa

Soudunsaari, L. (Leena) 23 August 2016 (has links)
Abstract The requirements for interactive land use planning, a statutory function of municipalities, are based on the Land Use and Building Act. The objective of land use planning is to promote a high quality living environment and ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable development. Ideally, planning consists of an interactive process in which aspects of administration, residents, economic life and policy making are interconnected. The everyday planning practices of municipalities are significant in implementing interactive planning. This thesis analyses the interactive planning practices and collaboration cultures of the municipalities, the ELY Centres, and the Regional Councils, together with the representatives of mining companies, and consultant planners. The realisation of planning practices was specifically studied within the scope of land use planning and mining due to the fact that there are several ongoing ore exploration and mining projects in the municipalities of Northern Finland. The study focuses on municipal planners’ experiences in interactive planning. The thesis is based on a mixed methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative data. The main research material, which is qualitative data, is comprised of interviews with municipal planners, representatives of ELY Centres, Regional Councils, and mining companies, as well as consultant planners. The quantitative data was generated from a survey directed to municipal planners working in the Northern municipalities. The qualitative data was supplemented with workshop material collected through participatory action research, which was carried out in order to study and develop the interactive planning process. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that the municipalities in Northern Finland have generally fulfilled the statutory minimum requirements in their interactive planning practices. The results indicate that interaction based on statutory and informal municipality policies would increase the possibilities of different stakeholders’ participation in the planning process. In addition, interaction would improve municipal planning practices, and would provide continuity in policy making. The results of this thesis offer valuable insight into planning practices, and could inform and enhance the current reform process of central and regional administration. / Tiivistelmä Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki muodostaa perustan vuorovaikutteiselle alueiden käytön suunnittelulle, joka on yksi kuntien tehtävistä. Kunnilla on kokonaisvastuu suunnittelusta, jolla tavoitellaan hyvää elinympäristöä ja kestävää kehitystä. Suunnittelu perustuu lakisääteiseen vuorovaikutteiseen kaavoitusprosessiin. Ideaalitilanteessa vuorovaikutuksessa ovat hallinnon, kansalaisten, elinkeinoelämän ja poliittisen päätöksenteon näkökulmat. Kuntien suunnittelukäytännöt ovat tärkeässä asemassa vuorovaikutteisen suunnittelun toteuttamisessa. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata ja analysoida vuorovaikutteisen alueiden käytön suunnittelun käytäntöjä ja toimintakulttuuria Kainuun, Lapin ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kuntien suunnitteluorganisaatioiden, ELY-keskusten, maakunnan liittojen, kaivosyhtiöiden edustajien ja konsulttisuunnittelijoiden välisessä yhteistyössä. Käytäntöjen toteutumista tarkastellaan erityisesti alueiden käytön suunnittelun ja vaikutuksiltaan merkittävän kaivostoiminnan vuorovaikutuksessa, koska Pohjois-Suomen kunnissa on vireillä useita malminetsintä- ja kaivoshankkeita. Tutkimuksessa painotetaan kuntakaavoittajien kokemuksia vuorovaikutteisesta suunnittelusta. Väitöskirjatutkimus on lähtökohdaltaan monimenetelmällinen. Laadullinen pääaineisto muodostuu eri toimijaryhmien teemahaastatteluista. Määrällinen aineisto käsittää Kainuun, Lapin ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kunnissa työskennelleille kaavoittajille lähetetyn kyselyn. Laadullista aineistoa täydentää toimintatutkimuksellisella otteella toteutettujen, suunnitteluprosessin vuorovaikutusta tutkineiden ja kehittäneiden työpajojen aineisto. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että pohjoissuomalaisten kuntien suunnittelukäytännöissä noudatetaan useimmiten lakisääteisiä vuorovaikutuksen minimivaatimuksia. Tulosten perusteella lakisääteisten ja kuntien omien vapaamuotoisten käytäntöjen yhdistäminen lisäisi eri osapuolten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia suunnittelussa, mikä toisi myös jatkuvuutta kunnan suunnittelukäytäntöihin ja päätöksentekoon. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan soveltaa ajankohtaisessa keskustelussa valtion ja paikallishallinnon työnjaosta sekä itsehallinnon uudistuvista muodoista.

Kommunikation, deltagande och dialog : En undersökning av svenska kommuners syn på medborgardialog

Törnhult, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Intresset för medborgardialog och medborgardeltagande ökar och många kommuner önskar utöka och förbättra sin kommunikation med medborgarna. För att öka inflytandet och förbättra medborgardialogen är det viktigt att involvera medborgarna i ett tidigt skede i planprocessen. Studier har visat att planer där allmänheten involverats tidigt i planprocessen har större chans att gå igenom utan överklagan. Den här studien riktar sig främst till svenska kommuner och yrkesverksamma inom samhällsplanering. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien är att övergripande undersöka vilka metoder och verktyg svenska kommuner använder för att kommunicera med medborgarna. För att ta reda på vilka metoder som används och hur dess fungerar har en enkätundersökning skickats ut till 62 kommuner med olika storlek och geografisk spridning. Fyra kompletterande semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med tre olika kommuner. Resultatet visade att svenska kommuner använder sig i övervägande av olika typer av dialogmöten och masskommunikation i sin kommunikation med medborgarna. Kommunerna uttryckte däremot en önskan om att använda fler digitala metoder om det fanns resurser inom kommunen. Många kommuner uttryckte missnöje över hur samrådsmöten och stormöten fungerar samtidigt som det är en av de vanligaste metoderna för medborgardialog. För att förbättra medborgardialogen och bredda delaktigheten krävs att dialogen inleds i ett tidigt skede och att metoder och verktyg som tilltalar en bredare allmänhet används. / The interest in public participation is increasing and many municipalities express a wish to expand and improve their dialogue with the citizens. It is important to involve the citizens at an early stage in the planning process to increase the influence and improve the public participation. Studies have shown that the plans in which the public is involved at an early stage in the planning process are more likely to pass without any objections. This study is primarily focused on Swedish municipalities and professionals in urban planning. The main purpose of the study is to systematically investigate methods and tools that Swedish municipalities use to communicate with the public. To find out what methods are used and how they work s questionnaire has been sent out to 62 municipalities of different size and geographical location. Four additional semi-structured interviews were conducted with three different municipalities. The result showed that Swedish municipalities mostly use different dialogue meetings communicate with the public. However, they express a wish to use more digital methods if they had the resources to do so. Many municipalities expressed dissatisfaction over how the public hearings and larger meetings work while it is on the contrary the most common methods of communication with the public. In order to improve public participation it is important to involve and invite the public to communicate at an early stage in the planning process and to use methods that will appeal to a wider audience.

Plánování jako součást konceptu CPM a jeho praktická implementace / Planning as a part of CPM concept and its practical implementation

Staněk, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on enterprise planning. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to the design of the planning model in the SW company, which comes from real condition of big SW company. The first chapter introduces the world of enterprise planning to the reader. There are clarified reasons of current rise of demand in this area of planning and the advantages of its use. The following chapter explains the essential theory related to enterprise planning area. It also mentions other system approaches to enterprise planning. In the end of the chapter there are described main principles of the CPM concept and its relation to enterprise planning. The fourth chapter is aimed at the current state, requirements and the issues of the planning processes in companies. The outcome of this chapter is set of recommendations for company planning process and company plans itself. The next chapter familiarizes the reader with the current market situation of the planning suites. There are described main players on this market (and their products), acquisitions proceeded in last time and awaited evolution in future. The sixth chapter is focused on the real planning project itself. It introduces the used product -- Cognos Planning. It follows with description of the main principles of model building -- the essential terminology, key plan objects on which basis is the model built and the process of the model development. At the end of chapter is the summary of the project and its contribution to company. The end of thesis depicts expected progress in this sphere of planning and evaluates the fulfillment of thesis targets and its contribution to this area.

Measuring effectiveness of organizational training and development activities / Plánování a management nástupnictví v mezinárodních organizacích - případová studie UniCredit Group

Harutyunyan, Zaruhi January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses Succession Planning and Management practices in international organizations, and specifically in UniCredit Group, with the goal of developing recommendations for improvement of UniCredit Group's existing practice. The theoretical part provides background knowledge about generics of succession planning and management, its evolution and connection with other Human Resource processes. It is followed by highlights of acclaimed best practices in mitigating risks in implementing succession planning and management systems. The latter acts as a beginning of the practical background of the thesis, as the empirical study aims at discovering strengths and weaknesses of the UniCredit Group in comparison with the theoretical models and the best practices presentation. Based on the latter, qualitative research has been conducted in cooperation with UniCredit Group's Central and Eastern Europe Sub-holding level HR Business Partners and Specialists. The hypothesis that UniCredit Group has a well-established succession planning and management system (up to the most possible comparison with theoretical models and best practices) has been confirmed. The analysis and synthesis of the results from both the theoretical and empirical part are the basis, on which recommendations have been developed.

Role and trends of records management with specific reference to Vhembe District Municipality, Limpopo Province

Nevhutalu, Takalani 02 February 2016 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

Neues Planungsverfahren für Anlagen der Leit- und Sicherungstechnik auf Basis durchgängiger elektronischer Datenhaltung

Buder, Jens 27 January 2017 (has links)
Zur Errichtung und Inbetriebnahme von Anlagen der Leit- und Sicherungstechnik (LST), zu denen beispielsweise Elektronische Stellwerke (ESTW) gehören, sind unter anderem definierte Planungs-, Begutachtungs- und Freigabeschritte zu durchlaufen. Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert den LST-Planungsprozess hinsichtlich seiner erforderlichen Abläufe und Komplexität im Vergleich der bisherigen Regelwerksvorgaben mit praktischen Umsetzungen. Auf den Analyseergebnissen einschließlich herausgearbeiteter Probleme aufbauend, werden unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt „PlanPro - Durchgängige elektronische Datenhaltung im ESTW-Planungsprozess“ Vorschläge für einen zukünftigen LST-Planungsprozess vorgestellt und wissenschaftlich aufbereitet. Dabei sollen durch den verstärkten Einsatz IT-gestützter Verfahren die Planungsqualität erhöht und die Prozesse insgesamt beschleunigt werden. In der Arbeit werden auch grundlegende Neuerungen mit PlanPro dargestellt, ebenso wie Anforderungen an die LST-Datenbank, die zukünftig eine zentrale Rolle für das Abspeichern und Weitergeben von Planungs- und Bestandsdaten einnehmen wird. Erläuterungen zu einem denkbaren Einführungskonzept sowie eine Schlussbetrachtung runden diese Dissertation ab. / For installation and commissioning of railway signalling equipment, which may include computer-based interlocking (CBI), defined tasks for planning, assess-ment and approval have to be executed. This dissertation analyses the planning process of the railway signalling equipment with regard to its necessary processes and complexity. Additionally, it compares existing legal requirements with their practical realisation. Based on the results of this analysis and their identified problems, proposals for a future planning process for railway signalling equipment will be scientifically prepared and presented. They are taking into account the latest results from the research project "PlanPro - Integrated electronic data storage in electronic interlocking planning process". By the progressive use of IT-based processes, planning quality will be increased and the processes can be accelerated altogether. Thereupon, fundamental changes based on PlanPro are presented. This applies to requirements for the database of railways signalling equipment, which will play a key role for the storage and sharing of planning and inventory data in the future, too. An explanation of a possible introduction concept as well as a conclusion complete this disserta-tion.

Optimierung des Verfahrenssystems der Kalisalzgranulatherstellung

Stupa, Maxym 14 February 2014 (has links)
Aus der Aufbereitungspraxis ist bekannt, dass für die industrielle Kalisalzgranulatherstellung das Kompaktier-/Zerkleinerungs-Verfahren ein bedeutungsvolles Verfahren ist. Deshalb ist die mathematische Optimierung der Prozesse Kompaktierung und Zerkleinerung sinnvoll. Hier ist die Optimierung mittels einer Modellierung der Prozesse Kompaktierung und Zerkleinerung erforderlich. Deshalb bestand die Aufgabe darin, ein Modell für die Prozesse Kompaktierung und Zerkleinerung auf Grund der mathematisch-statistischen Versuchsplanung wegen ihrer praktischen und ökonomischen Vorteile aufzustellen, um den gesamten Prozess Kaligranulatherstellung zu optimieren. Das aufgestellte Modell lässt sich für die Maximierung der Produktion qualitätsgerechten Granulates einer kompletten Granulieranlage bestehend aus Walzenpresse, Zerkleinerungsapparaten und Klassierapparat einsetzen. Damit ist es ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug zur Effizienzsteigerung der Kaligranulatproduktion. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen, dass die Verwendung der auf Grund der mathematisch-statistischen Versuchsplanung aufgestellten Modelle für die Optimierung der Verfahrenssysteme für die Kalisalzgranulatherstellung sinnvoll und nutzbar ist.

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