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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planification en contexte mégaévénementiel et reconversion urbaine : le cas du Green Point Urban Park à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud

Labrecque-Pagé, Julie 02 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 2000, nous observons de plus en plus de pays en développement (PED) hôtes de mégaévénements. En accueillant un mégaévénement en leur sol, les PED espèrent améliorer leur cadre urbain et attirer des investissements étrangers. Ceci étant dit, les retards en termes d’infrastructures et d’équipements que connaissent ces pays et les stricts cadres normatifs imposés par des organismes internationaux comme la FIFA, nous amènent à questionner la possibilité d’intégrer les aménagements mégaévénementiels, à leur contexte local. En ce sens, le processus de planification, dans lequel les cadres normatifs externes et locaux sont négociés, peut être vu comme un moment charnière ayant une incidence sur le potentiel de reconversion. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons entamé une réflexion à ce sujet en examinant le processus de planification d’un aménagement mégaévénementiel, le Green Point Urban Park (GPUP) à Cape Town, et son incidence sur son potentiel de reconversion. Plus précisément, nous allons, en premier lieu, décrire le processus de planification du site, nous allons par la suite évaluer son potentiel de reconversion, puis nous allons faire ressortir des liens entre le processus de planification et le potentiel de reconversion des aménagements mégaévénementiels. En somme, notre travail met en évidence une relation entre, d’une part, la prépondérance du cadre normatif imposé par l’organisme international et la dynamique du système d’acteurs au moment de la planification du GPUP et, d’autre part, la difficile reconversion de ce dernier après la Coupe du monde de 2010. / Since the year 2000, there has been an increasing number of developing countries hosting mega-events. By welcoming such events, developing countries have been improving their urban landscape and providing opportunities for foreign investments. That being said, their lack of infrastructure and equipment has shown to be a challenge in the organization of mega-events, events that must abide by strict regulatory frameworks set by international organizations, like FIFA. We believe the planning process, where local and international normative frameworks are negotiated, has an impact on the reconversion of mega-event developments. Through the analysis of Cape Town’s Green Point Urban Park (GPUP), this study aims to evaluate the planning process’ impact on the reconversion phase. To do so, we’ve divided our study in three parts. The first describes the planning process, the second exposes our evaluation of the site’s reconversion potential and the third evaluates the relationship between the GPUP reconversion potential and its planning process. Overall, this study seeks to demonstrate the dominating role played by the international normative framework during the GPUP’s planning process phase and how this has ultimately hindered the site’s potential of reconversion after the 2010 World Cup.

Právní otázky limitů využití území v územním plánu obce z pohledu životního prostředí / Legal issues of limitation of land use in municipal land use plan from the point of view of the environment

Kodetová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master Thesis is to introduce the term of the land use limits in context with the urban planning process and protection of environment. The first and second chapter contains of the specification and clarifications of the key terms - land use limits, urban planning process, its instruments, urban planning documentation etc. Third chapter of the Master thesis defines the function and status of the land use limits in the urban planning process. Following chapter which includes the introduction of the individual types of the land use limit including the concrete examples which we can encounter in the urban planning process and which are important for the protection of the environment. The key fifth chapter includes the analysis of the issues of the land use limits classification in the land use plans according to the previous legal regulation and according to the contemporary legal regulation. The explanation of the differences between the municipal land use plan adoption processes follows. In conclusion there is an analysis of the incorrect classification of the land use limits in the land use plans and its consequences. The important part of this analysis is the introduction of case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic related to this issue (including the case...

Restoring the Mississippi River Delta in Louisiana Ecological Tradeoffs and Barriers to Action

Maulhardt, Alison 18 December 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the Louisiana 2012 Coastal Master Plan’s ability to reconcile conflicting economic and ecological demands on coastal resources. The Louisiana Coastal Master Plan was unique in combining flood control and coastal restoration under one authority. However, the objectives of flood control and coastal restoration can be in conflict. The plan was also unique in its approach of restoration from a working coast perspective. However, the objectives of ecological restoration and economic productivity do not always agree. By conducting semi-structured interviews with major coastal stakeholders, this research will explore how the planning process has accommodated the views and values of key stakeholder parties. This research aims to make more transparent the inherent environmental tradeoffs of restoration from a working coast perspective. A working coast is a compromise between economic and environmental stakeholder needs. The approach requires a balance of power to ensure that the projects selected best serve the needs of all parties. The study found that while there is industry buy in, mechanisms for mitigating economic externalities is lacking in the plan, corporate infrastructure benefits while wildlife resources are in decline.

Digital 3D-visualisering för ökat medborgardeltagande i detaljplanering : En studie om förnyelse av Älvkarleby kommuns planprocess för detaljplaner

Siirtola, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
I ”Översiktsplan Älvkarleby Kommun 2009” framgår att kommunen vill utveckla de demokratiska formerna och underlätta för medborgarnas politiska delaktighet. Tidigare forskning har visat att behovet av medborgardeltagande ökar i den offentliga planeringen och att planerare kan dra flera fördelar av medborgardeltagande i planprocesser. Ett sätt att öka medborgardeltagandet är att integrera digital 3D-visualisering i planprocessen, ett verktyg som Älvkarleby kommun inte använder i framtagandet av dagens detaljplaner.   Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den digitala 3D-visualiseringens framtid i en liten svensk kommun. Studien kommer att identifiera inställningen till digital 3D-visualisering hos politiker, planerare och medborgare. Slutligen ska studien också undersöka hur mindre kommuner kan använda digital 3D-visualisering i framtida planarbete för att öka det befintliga medborgardeltagandet. Målet med denna studie är att påvisa för Älvkarleby, och andra kommuner där digital 3D-visualisering inte används, hur de med enkla medel och kostnadseffektivt kan använda 3D-visualisering i framtida planprocesser.   För att identifiera synen på digital 3D-visualisering hos ett urval av kommunala tjänstemän och politiker har det genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att kvantitativt undersöka medborgarnas syn har digitala enkäter skickats ut via det sociala nätverket Facebook. Under studien har det genomförts åtta intervjuer och 99 enkäter har besvarats.   Politiker, planerare och medborgare inom kommunen är överens om att 3D-visualiseringen kan bidra till att effektivisera och förbättra planprocessen för detaljplaner. Studien har också resulterat i identifiering av de hinder som kan uppstå inom planprocesser med digital 3D-visualisering.   Digital 3D-visualisering som en del i planprocessen för detaljplaner kan medföra att medborgardeltagandet i Älvkarleby kommun ökar. Detta eftersom intresset för det kommunala planarbetet och viljan att bidra hos medborgare kan påverkas positivt av digital 3D-visualisering i planprocessen. Utöver medborgardeltagandet kan också digital 3D-visualisering förenkla arbetsgången hos såväl kommunala tjänstemän som politiker.       Nyckelord: Digital 3D-visualisering, Planprocess, Detaljplan, Älvkarleby kommun, Medborgardeltagande. / In “Översiktsplan Älvkarleby Kommun 2009” is it clear that the municipality of Älvkarleby want to develop the democratic forms and facilitate citizens’ political participation. Earlier research shows that the need for citizen participation increases in public planning and believe that planners can draw multiple benefits of citizen participation in planning processes. One way to increase citizen participation is the integration of digital 3D visualization in the planning process, a tool that the municipality of Älvkarleby not using for local plans today. The purpose of this study is to examine the future of digital 3D visualization in small Swedish municipality. The study will identify attitudes to digital 3D visualization of politicians, planners and citizens. Finally, the study will also examine how small municipalities can use digital 3D visualization in the future planning to enhance the existing civic participation. The goal of this study is to demonstrate to Älvkarleby, and other municipalities where the digital 3D visualization is not used, how to by simple means and cost-effective use digital 3D visualization in future planning processes. To identify the perception of 3D digital visualization, a selection of municipal officials and politicians, semi-structural interviews have been carried out. To quantitatively examine the citizens' attitudes, digital questionnaires have been sent out via the social network Facebook. During the study eight interviews and 99 surveys have been answered. Politicians, planners and citizens in the municipality agree that digital 3D visualization can help to streamline and improve the planning processes for local plans. The study has also resulted in identifying the obstacles that digital 3D visualization may lead to in the planning process. Digital 3D visualization as a part of the planning process for the local planning could lead to increased citizen participation in the municipality of Älvkarleby, as the interest in the planning process increases and the desire to participate are positively affected by digital 3D visualization. In addition to civic participation, the digital 3D visualization can also be used to simplify the workflows for both municipal officials and politicians.         Keywords: Digital 3D Visualization, Planning Process, Zoning Plan, Älvkarleby kommun, Public Participation.

Små och okomplicerade projekt inom infrastrukturplanering : En studie i hur Trafikverket använder typfall 1 / Small and uncomplicated projects in infrastructure : A study in how Trafikverket uses typfall 1

Bengtsson, Emmy, Svensson, Anton January 2015 (has links)
Fysisk planering av land och vatten är en viktig del av ett samhälles struktur och utveckling. Samhällsplaneringen är en demokratisk process, reglerad av flertalet lagar och den ska bidra till en hållbar livsmiljö ur ett socialt, ekologiskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Trafikverket är den myndighet i Sverige som ansvarar för planering av infrastruktur. Enligt väglagen och lagen om byggande av järnväg ska den som avser att bygga ny infrastruktur upprätta en väg- eller järnvägsplan, vilket ofta är en lång och kostsam process. Den 1 januari 2013 infördes ändringar i lagstiftningen för att undanta små och okomplicerade åtgärder från den formella planprocessen med avsikten att effektivisera infrastrukturplaneringen. De här projekten fick benämningen typfall 1 i Trafikverkets planeringssystem. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lagändringarna från 2013 har använts i planläggningsarbetet hos Trafikverket. Studien avser att undersöka vilken typ av projekt lagändringarna applicerats på och hur projekten överensstämmer med avsikterna att de ska vara små och okomplicerade. Den ska även skapa en inblick i hur förändringarna tagits emot och uppfattas av de som arbetar med infrastrukturplanering. De metoder som använts för att besvara frågeställningarna är dokumentstudie och fokuserad intervju. Dokumentstudien inbegriper alla planerade projekt från Region Väst mellan 1 januari 2013 och 31 december 2014. Intervjuerna har genomförts med projektledare och konsulter som alla har erfarenhet av planering av små och okomplicerade projekt. Resultatet visar att Trafikverket främst använder lagändringen för att anlägga busshållplatser, vänstersvängfält och cirkulationsplatser, samt att betydligt fler åtgärder har utförts på väg än på järnväg. Projekten varierar i omfattning då de nya riktlinjerna har blivit tolkade på olika sätt. Slutsatsen är att lagändringarna har bidragit till en effektivare planprocess. Intervjusvaren visar att inställningen till att genomföra mindre projekt utan formell plan huvudsakligen är positiv. De visar även att det krävs tydligare riktlinjer för hur beställningar och bakgrundsmaterial till projekten ska vara utformade. / Spatial planning of land and water is an important part of a community’s structure and development. Community planning is a democratic process, regulated by several laws and it’s contributing to a sustainable living environment from a social, ecological and economic perspective. Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Agency) is the authority in Sweden which is responsible for infrastructure planning. According to the Swedish Road Law and Railway Law, the one intending to build new infrastructure, must establish a road or railway plan, which often is a long and costly process. In January 1, 2013 changes were introduced in to the law to exclude small and uncomplicated projects from the formal planning process, to create a more effective infrastructure planning system. These small projects were given the name type case 1 (typfall 1), in the planning system of Trafikveket. The purpose of the study is to examine how the changes in the law from 2013 have been used in the planning process by Trafikverket. The study intends to investigate which type of project the law changes has applied on and how they conform with the intentions that they should be small and uncomplicated. It will also investigate how the changes are received and perceived by those involved in infrastructure planning. The methods used to answer the questions is document study and focused interviews. The documents study includes all the planned projects from Region Väst (Western Region) from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2014. The interviews were conducted with project managers and consultants who all have experience in the planning of small and uncomplicated projects. The results shows that Trafikverket mainly uses the new changes in the law to build bus stops, left fields and roundabouts, and it has been applied to significantly more road projects than railway projects. The projects is varying in size since the new guidelines have been interpreted in different ways. The conclusion is that changes in the law have contributed to a more efficient planning process. The project managers overall have a positive attitude to implement smaller projects without a formal plan, but the guidelines on witch background material needed for a project should be more clear.

Planification en contexte mégaévénementiel et reconversion urbaine : le cas du Green Point Urban Park à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud

Labrecque-Pagé, Julie 02 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 2000, nous observons de plus en plus de pays en développement (PED) hôtes de mégaévénements. En accueillant un mégaévénement en leur sol, les PED espèrent améliorer leur cadre urbain et attirer des investissements étrangers. Ceci étant dit, les retards en termes d’infrastructures et d’équipements que connaissent ces pays et les stricts cadres normatifs imposés par des organismes internationaux comme la FIFA, nous amènent à questionner la possibilité d’intégrer les aménagements mégaévénementiels, à leur contexte local. En ce sens, le processus de planification, dans lequel les cadres normatifs externes et locaux sont négociés, peut être vu comme un moment charnière ayant une incidence sur le potentiel de reconversion. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons entamé une réflexion à ce sujet en examinant le processus de planification d’un aménagement mégaévénementiel, le Green Point Urban Park (GPUP) à Cape Town, et son incidence sur son potentiel de reconversion. Plus précisément, nous allons, en premier lieu, décrire le processus de planification du site, nous allons par la suite évaluer son potentiel de reconversion, puis nous allons faire ressortir des liens entre le processus de planification et le potentiel de reconversion des aménagements mégaévénementiels. En somme, notre travail met en évidence une relation entre, d’une part, la prépondérance du cadre normatif imposé par l’organisme international et la dynamique du système d’acteurs au moment de la planification du GPUP et, d’autre part, la difficile reconversion de ce dernier après la Coupe du monde de 2010. / Since the year 2000, there has been an increasing number of developing countries hosting mega-events. By welcoming such events, developing countries have been improving their urban landscape and providing opportunities for foreign investments. That being said, their lack of infrastructure and equipment has shown to be a challenge in the organization of mega-events, events that must abide by strict regulatory frameworks set by international organizations, like FIFA. We believe the planning process, where local and international normative frameworks are negotiated, has an impact on the reconversion of mega-event developments. Through the analysis of Cape Town’s Green Point Urban Park (GPUP), this study aims to evaluate the planning process’ impact on the reconversion phase. To do so, we’ve divided our study in three parts. The first describes the planning process, the second exposes our evaluation of the site’s reconversion potential and the third evaluates the relationship between the GPUP reconversion potential and its planning process. Overall, this study seeks to demonstrate the dominating role played by the international normative framework during the GPUP’s planning process phase and how this has ultimately hindered the site’s potential of reconversion after the 2010 World Cup.


[pt] A presente tese tem por objetivo geral estudar os processos de planejamento dos pólos tecnológicos, envolvendo a articulação da temática específica desses pólos e a perspectiva do planejamento, a busca de elementos que propiciem a melhor compreensão da dinâmica dos processos de planejamento dos pólos e o registro dos resultados da experimentação de introdução de um modo de planejamento apropriado para os pólos, aplicado em um caso específico. Dadas as características da problemática desses pólos, esse objetivo é delimitado, privilegiando- se o enfoque do Planejamento Adaptativo. Nessa perspectiva, ao longo do trabalho articula-se as temáticas dos pólos e do planejamento. Inicialmente, apresenta-se uma contextualização das mudanças estruturais das últimas décadas da economia mundial, as quais são associadas às mudanças organizacionais e ao substancial aumento de cooperação entre agentes, observado a partir da década de oitenta. Assim, os pólos são vistos como uma dessas formas de cooperação. Em seguida, discute-se a experiência internacional mais representativa dos Science Parks, estabelecendo suas origens, seus vários conceitos, sua evolução, seu desempenho e as características comuns e distintivas entre países. Em uma discussão mais ampla, aborda-se a experiência brasileira dos pólos tecnológicos e de modernização, estabelecendo elementos de comparação com a experiência internacional discutida anteriormente. A análise é aprofundada discutindo-se, a partir da perspectiva do planejamento, a problemática envolvida no desenvolvimento dos pólos brasileiros, apontando seus altos níveis de complexidade, conflito e incerteza. O Planejamento Adaptativo é discutido em um capítulo especial, abrangendo a apresentação das suas raízes e das suas tendências, quais sejam o Redesenho Normativo de Sistemas e o Planejamento Não Sinóptico, e as metodologias específicas compreendidas por essas tendências. Discutem-se as implicações para o planejamento dos pólos,que decorrem dessa análise, confirmando-se que as abordagens do Planejamento Adaptativo não Sinóptico são as mais apropriadas para lidar com a problemática dos pólos. Aprofundando essa análise, caracteriza-se o sistema geral que as entidades gestoras dos pólos visam desenvolver, introduz-se o conceito de espaços de intervenção do planejamento e desenvolve-se um arcabouço para a avaliação no espaço interno dessas entidades. O trabalho inclui uma pesquisa exploratória e um estudo de caso, ambos realizados focalizando iniciativas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Na pesquisa exploratória, estudam-se as iniciativas conduzidas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e a Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, estabelecendo-se elementos metodológicos para a análise dos processos de planejamento envolvidos nas incubadoras e parques tecnológicos. O estudo de caso é um trabalho mais profundo, visando a introdução da filosofia do Planejamento Adaptativo no desenvolvimento do Parque de Alta Tecnologia do Norte Fluminense. As conclusões da tese apontam que suas principais contribuições decorrem da articulação das temáticas dos pólos e do planejamento, estabelecendo bases para a melhor compreensão da dinâmica dos processos de planejamento dos pólos e fornecendo elementos metodológicos e conceituais para a análise e implementação do Planejamento Adaptativo. / [en] The general objective of this thesis is to study the planning processes in technological poles, involving: 1) the articulation of specific aspects of these poles and the planning perspective; 2) the search of elements for a better understanding of these processes dynamics and 3) the registration of the results, in a specific case,of the introduction of an appropriate planning mode for poles. Given the poles characteristics, the Adaptive Planning approach is adopted. First, the context of the structural changes in the world economy is presented, associated to organizational changes and to the increasing cooperation among agents observed since the eighties.In this sense, the poles are viewed as one form of cooperation.Next, the most representative international experiences of Science Parks are discussed, including their origins, concepts, evolution and performance as well as the common and distinctive characteristics of selected countries. In a broad discussion, the Brazilian experience in modernization and technological poles is analyzed, establishing comparative elements with international experience. Adaptive Planning is presented in a special chapter, including its roots and its tendencies, namely, Normative System Redesign and Non Synoptic Adaptive Planning, with the specific methodologies they encompass. The analysis is deepened with a discussion, from the planning viewpoint, of the problems involved in the development of the Brazilian poles, emphasizing their high degrees of conflict, complexity and uncertainty. The discussion of the analysis`results confirm that the Non Synoptic Adaptive Planning tendency matches with the problems of poles. The general system that the coordinating organization of the pole aims to develop is characterized, the concept of intervention spaces of planning is introduced and a framework for evaluation at the internal space of these organizations is developed. The thesis includes an exploratory research and a case study, both focusing initiatives in Rio de Janeiro State. The exploratory research includes cases of technological poles in the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro,establishing methodological elements for the analysis of the planning processes involved in incubators and technology parks. The case study aimed at introducting the Adaptive Planning philosophy in the development of the Parque de Alta Tecnologia do Norte Fluminense. Finally, the conclusions of the thesis suggest that the major contributions come from the articulation of the poles and planning thematics, establishing a basis for a better understanding of the dynamics in these planning processes and providing methodological and conceptual elements for the analysis and implementation of Adaptive Planning.

Návrh strategie rozvoje malé rodinné firmy / The development of small family owned company

Marvanová, Iva January 2007 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with strategy plan of small family business. Having analysed the actual state of the family business and strategic business unit - hotel, development strategy is proposed in order to increase the firm's competitiveness.

Challenges militating against community participation on the Integrated Development Plan Process in Thulamela Local Municipality

Ndou, Rendani 18 April 2019 (has links)
MAdmin / Department of Public and Development Administration / The study focusses on the challenges militating against community participation on the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) process in Thulamela Local Municipality (TLM) and to find strategies to be used to enhance community participation on Integrated Development Plan. The study is based on matters of community participation and IDP in order to find out how community participation in the municipalities can influence the planning process in an integrated manner. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996) mandates local government to encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in the matters of local government. IDP is the rightful platform to fulfil the aforementioned mandate in the local government. In this study, the researcher made use of a mixed research method where both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. The research is qualitative in nature, but the quantitative method is also used in data interpretation, because data collected was based on the views and opinions of a large number of respondents and the analysis of results based on statistical significance. The researcher used the non-probability sampling and its subtype purposive sampling method to select the participants in this study. Questionnaires, interviews as well as literature were used to gather data in this research. Two types of data analysis were used when analysing the data. For data collected through interview, the researcher used thematic analysis (Narrative form) and for data collected through questionnaire, the researcher used International Business Machinery (IBM)- Statistical Product in Service Solutions (SPSS) Statistics V25. The researcher followed research ethics before conducting the study. The major findings of the study are: • The study found out that 38 (76%) of the respondents agreed that community members actively participate in IDP process. This is an indication that community members of Thulamela Local Municipality actively participate in IDP process. • The researcher found out that the majority of the respondents at 45 which constitutes 90% agreed that active community participation in IDP process plays an important role in the improvement of the basic service delivery. • The researcher found out that majority of the respondents at 35 which constitutes 70% of the respondents in the study agreed that community members are well informed about different types of participation in IDP process. • The researcher found out that majority of the respondents at 38 which constitutes 76% of the respondents in the study disagreed that there are enough resources to capacitate community members in order to participate actively in IDP process. v The main recommendations are: • The researcher recommends that community members should take a share of responsibility to actively participate in IDP process. Thus, the community members should consider it necessary that they strive to make community participation on IDP process fashionable. • The researcher recommends that there should be active community participation in IDP process because it plays an important role in the improvement of basic service delivery. Community participation in IDP process needs to be active for the basic service delivery to be improved. • The researcher recommends that community members should be well informed about different types of participation on IDP process. It is the responsibility of the municipality to inform community members about different types of community participation that they can use to participate in IDP process. • The researcher recommends that the municipality should make enough resources to capacitate community members in order to participate actively in IDP process available. The municipality should embark on a journey to raise funds either from other government sectors and/or private sectors. / NRF

Styrmodellers användning i strategiska investeringsbeslut inom fastighetsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om formella och informella styrmodellers användning i planeringsprocessen på strategiska investeringsbeslut

Gard, Erik, Jonsson, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
För att uppnå FN:s hållbarhetsmål krävs en hållbar omställning. Denna omställning kommerkräva stora investeringar inom innovation och äldre industrier. I norra Sverige pågår ett stortarbete med den gröna omställningen vilket har medfört ökad efterfrågan på arbetskraft iregionen vilket även höjt efterfrågan på bostäder. En omfattande underhållsskuld gällandefastigheter inom svenska kommuner visar på behovet av fastighetsinvesteringar i Norrbottenskommun samt övriga i Sverige. Strategiska investeringsbeslut är komplexa med mångapåverkande faktorer. Syftet med studien är därför att beskriva och förklara användandet avstyrmodeller under planeringsprocessen för strategiska investeringsbeslut inomfastighetsbranschen. Studien är kvalitativ med en abduktiv ansats där semitstruktureradeintervjuer genomförts på 6 olika organisationer inom fastighetsbranschen. Insamlad empirivisade på att investeringsbeslut fattas effektivare jämfört med vad planeringsprocessen utgjordeenligt teorin. Alla respondenter i studien uttryckte en stor potential i den hållbara omställningsom sker, gällande ämnet som helhet samt i organisationens perspektiv. Studiens resultat visaratt formell styrning implementeras i ett tidigt skede av planeringsprocessen genom finansiellakalkyler och mått. Det vanligaste måttet på en investering var totalavkastning. Studiens resultatredogör även för att informell styrning i form av erfarenhet och intuition kan påverkainvesteringsbeslut. Till sist resulterar studien i att den kommunala verksamheten till stor delpåverkas av politiska faktorer samt att dess likheter med privata organisationer är få. / To achieve the United Nations sustainability goals the world is required to make extensivechanges. A great number of investments are needed within innovation and outdated industries.In northern Sweden a substantial project of a green conversion is proceeding. These biginvestment leads to an increasing demand of labor which also leads to an increasing demand ofreal estate in the region. An extensive maintenance debt regarding real estate shows the needfor real estate investments in the municipality of Norrbotten and the rest of Sweden. Strategicinvestments are complex with a lot of influencing factors. The purpose of the study is thereforeto describe and explain the use of management control systems during the planning process forstrategic investment decisions in the real estate industry. The research method of this study isqualitative with an abductive approach, semi structured interviews were conducted with 6organizations in the real estate industry. Collected empirical evidence showed that investmentdecisions are made more efficiently compared to the planning process in theory. All respondentsin the study expressed great potential in the sustainable change that is taking place, regardingthe subject as a whole and in the organization's perspective. The results of the study show thatformal management control systems are implemented at an early stage of the planning process,through financial calculations and measures. The most common measure of an investment wastotal return. The results of the study also state that informal management control systems in theform of experience and intuition can influence investment decisions. Finally, the study showsthat municipal activities are being largely influenced by political factors and that its similaritieswith private organizations are few.

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