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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza nejvyššího a nejlepšího využití objektu v bývalém skladovacím areálu v Brně / Analysis of the highest and best use of a former warehouse area in Brno

Bíza, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the highest and best use analysis (HABU) of property. In first chapters there is mention about current legislation, theoretical terms and methods of property valuation in Czech republic. The next chapter describes a methodology for the highest and best use analysis. The analysis itself was applied to real case, specifically to a former storage area of the construction company, which is located in Brno - Maloměřice. For this area were designed scenarios of possible use and four of them were chosen using tests of HABU analysis. In the end, one of them was chosen which is being considered the highest and best use for this property.

Základní nálady ve fundamentální ontologii Martina Heideggera / Basic attunements in the fundamental ontology of Martin Heidegger

Rut, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce předkládá podrobnou interpretaci koncepce základních nálad v Heideggerově fundamentální ontologii. Postup napříč klíčovými texty (Bytí a čas, Co je Metafyzika? a Základní pojmy metafyziky) sleduje vývoj této koncepce a zachycuje ji v její často přehlížené členitosti. Důraz je proto kladen na odlišné role různých základních nálad a na exkluzivní postavení úzkosti jako "nejzákladnější" základní nálady. Centrální tezí práce je, že úzkost představuje klíč k Heideggerově celkovému pojetí naladěnosti i k výkladu ostatních základních nálad, zejména hluboké nudy. Předvedení úzkosti jako exkluzivní základní nálady zároveň nabízí cestu k samotnému jádru Heideggerova myšlení - k problému bytí. Klíčová slova Martin Heidegger, rozpoložení, základní nálady, Grundstimmungen, latentní úzkost, explicitní úzkost, hluboká nuda, rozumění bytí, bytí jako možnost, nic, každodennost, autenticita, neautenticita Abstract This master thesis offers a detailed interpretation of the concept of fundamental attunements in Heidegger' s fundamental ontology. Progression through the key texts (Being and Time, What is Metaphysics? and The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics) retraces the evolution of this concept and captures its often overlooked complex structure. This account emphasizes the different roles of...

Релятивизированная онтология семантики возможных миров и ее применимость к проблемам философии сознания : магистерская диссертация / Relativize ontology of possible-worlds semantics, and its applicability to the problems of the philosophy of mind

Гущин, И. А., Guschin, I. A. January 2016 (has links)
Современная аналитическая философия может применять семантику возможных миров для анализа философских проблем. В диссертации определяется онтологический базис для семантики возможных миров так, чтобы она была в полной мере применима к анализу проблем философия сознания, включая проблему тождества сознания и тела. Проводится анализ объектного и релятивного способов определения онтологии для семантики возможных миров для объектов и функций, при этом рассматривается возможность определения объектного способа как частного случая релятивного. Отношение достижимости в качестве способа задания «релятивных» переходов между возможными мирами является ключевым для релятивного подхода к онтологии семантики возможных миров. В диссертации сформулирована логическая система на основе допущения неполного сопоставления индивидных областей для отношения достижимости. / Modern analytic philosophy can apply the possible-worlds semantics for the analysis of philosophical problems. The dissertation determines ontological basis for the possible-worlds semantics, so that it is fully applicable to the analysis of problems of the philosophy of consciousness, including the issue of the identity of consciousness and body. The analysis of relational and object methods for determining the ontology of possible-worlds semantics for objects and functions takes place, while the possibility consideres of determining the object method as a special case of relative method. The attitude of the reachability as a means of model of «relative» transitions between the possible worlds is the key to relational approach to the ontology of possible-worlds semantics. The dissertation formulates the logical system based on the assumption of incomplete comparison individual areas for the attitude of the reachability.

Μια νέα διάταξη ασαφών αριθμών και η στοχαστική της επέκταση σε ελέγχους ασαφών υποθέσεων / A novel linear ordering on subsets of fuzzy numbers and its stochastic extension in non parametric testing of fuzzy hypotheses

Βάλβης, Εμμανουήλ 04 February 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή εκπονήθηκε με σκοπό να γενικεύσει το πρόβλημα του ελέγχου υποθέσεων που εμπεριέχουν στοχαστική διάταξη στα πλαίσια της Μη Παραμετρικής Στατιστικής. Για τον σκοπό αυτό μελετήθηκε η σχετική βιβλιογραφία, εξετάσθηκε η ορολογία, οι ήδη υπάρχοντες ορισμοί και οι σχετικές προταθείσες μέθοδοι και ακολούθως έγινε προσπάθεια γενίκευσης του προαναφερθέντος προβλήματος. Η έρευνα αυτή απέδωσε δύο ομάδες αποτελεσμάτων. Στην πρώτη, ορίσθηκε μια νέα ολική διάταξη (XFO) σε κάθε σύνολο ασαφών αριθμών που έχουν διαφορετικές κορυφές οι οποίες σχηματίζουν συμπαγές υποσύνολο του ℝ. Η ασαφής αυτή διάταξη αποδίδει την σύγκριση των ασαφών αριθμών με ένα ασαφές μέτρο αναγκαιότητας και με το δυϊκό του μέτρο δυνατότητας. Η σύγκριση αυτής της μεθόδου με την πλέον αναγνωρισμένη αντίστοιχη μέθοδο διάταξης ασαφών αριθμών απέδειξε ότι η εισαχθείσα μέθοδος XFO είναι πιο κοντά στην αρχική μας εκτίμηση για την διάταξη και ανταποκρίνεται πιο αισιόδοξα. Στην δεύτερη ομάδα αποτελεσμάτων εισάγεται η έννοια της στοχαστικής διάταξης ασαφών τυχαίων μεταβλητών, με σύντηξη των ακολούθων εννοιών: α) της στοχαστικής διάταξης, β) της ανωτέρω ασαφούς διάταξης και γ) της εισαγόμενης έννοιας της ασαφούς συνάρτησης κατανομής. Ο ορισμός της στοχαστικής διάταξης δίδεται σε αρμονία με την μέθοδο XFO, αφού και οι δύο έχουν τις ρίζες τους στην ίδια διάταξη κλειστών διαστημάτων που εισάγεται αρχικά στην εργασία, μπορεί δε να θεωρηθεί η ασαφής στοχαστική διάταξη ως επέκταση της XFO. Η δεύτερη αυτή ομάδα περιλαμβάνει ένα εισαγόμενο για πρώτη φορά τρόπο ορισμού Ασαφών Υποθέσεων που περιέχουν στοχαστική διάταξη ασαφών τυχαίων μεταβλητών. Αυτό έχει αποτέλεσμα να βαθμολογείται θετικά μόνο η μία εκ των δύο ασαφών υποθέσεων, ασαφούς μηδενικής και ασαφούς εναλλακτικής, διευκολύνοντας έτσι την λήψη αποφάσεων. Προτείνεται διαδικασία ασαφούς ελέγχου που πιστοποιεί οποιαδήποτε ενυπάρχουσα στοχαστική διάταξη δύο ασαφών τυχαίων δειγμάτων, συμβατή με τον ορισμό, η οποία αντιστοιχεί θετικές τιμές αλήθειας μόνον στην αποδεκτή υπόθεση και μηδέν στην απορριπτόμενη. Τα αποτελέσματα του ελέγχου εκφράζονται με την βοήθεια δύο μέτρων αναγκαιότητας. Η μείζων συνεισφορά της προτεινόμενης ασαφούς διαδικασίας ελέγχου ασαφών υποθέσεων, που αναφέρονται σε στοχαστική διάταξη ασαφών τυχαίων μεταβλητών, είναι ότι παρέχει εργαλείο μετασχηματισμού του προβλήματος σε ένα περιορισμένο αριθμό ελέγχων κλασσικών υποθέσεων της μη Παραμετρικής Στατιστικής. Με τον τρόπο αυτό μπορούμε να συμβάλουμε στην επίλυση τέτοιων προβλημάτων ασαφών ελέγχων τόσο θεωρητικών ζητημάτων στοχαστικής διάταξης ασαφών τυχαίων μεταβλητών όσο και ενός αριθμού πρακτικών προβλημάτων, όπως της ασαφούς αξιολόγησης εξεταζομένων. / This dissertation has been carried out in order to extend the problem of testing hypotheses on stochastic orderings, with methods based on ranks. This study provides two sets of related results. In the first set of results we introduce a novel linear order, the “extended fuzzy order” (XFO), on every subset of F(ℝ), the members of which must have their modal values all different and form a compact subset of ℝ. A distinct new feature is that our linear determined procedure employs the corresponding order of a class interval associated with a confidence measure which assigns a necessity measure value on every comparison . This new XFO method measures the ordering of any two fuzzy numbers with a possibility and a necessity measure, a feature that makes the method relevant for processing of fuzzy statistical data. These fuzzy measures are compared with the widely accepted PD and NSD indices of D. Dubois and H. Prade. The comparison proves that our possibility and necessity measures are more optimistic and comply better with our intuition. In the second set of results it is investigated the fuzzy extension of hypotheses testing using non parametric methods based on ranks. To achieve this, the notion of fuzzy distribution function is introduced in a practical manner, which is proved to be equivalent to the known notion of Kruse and Mayer. The stochastic ordering of two fuzzy random samples is defined in a fusion of the notion of stochastic ordering, fuzzy distribution function and XFO method. A novel definition of fuzzy hypotheses related to a potential fuzzy stochastic order between two fuzzy random samples is given in a new manner so that the null and its alternative hypotheses do not overlap. Consequently, the method assigns positive possibility grades either to the null fuzzy hypothesis or to the its fuzzy alternative. This simplifies the fuzzy decision making, and moreover there is no need to defuzzify the results if a clear cut decision is required. A fuzzy statistical inference procedure of fuzzy hypotheses is proposed and it is carried out at a fuzzy significance level. The definition of a fuzzy critical value is required, which is carried out in a practical manner. The proposed method certifies any underlying stochastic fuzzy order between two fuzzy random samples giving grades of confidence to that. Two necessity measures are assigned to the rejection of the fuzzy null hypothesis in favor of its alternative. The first measures the necessity of the existence of any fuzzy stochastic ordering between the fuzzy random samples under examination. The second necessity measure expresses the confidence of the fuzzy null hypothesis rejection uniformly for all relevant α-cut levels. The main contribution of this thesis, as far as the second set of results is concerned, is that a problem of testing fuzzy hypotheses on stochastic orderings of fuzzy random variables at a fuzzy significance level, is transferred to a limited number of tests of classic hypotheses. These tests are carried out at a fuzzy significance level, and are processed with the application of the linear fuzzy ordering procedure XFO.

Vidová kolokabilita / Collocability of aspect in Czech

Starý Kořánová, Ilona January 2019 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to contribute to the description of the category of aspect and to do so in an alternative way, i.e. without linking aspectual value of a sentence exclusively or directly to the morphological make-up of the verb. The starting point is the distinction between states and activities, i.e. between state and activity events. In the center of our attention are states, namely the way how states are expressed by perfective predicates. Two analyses of corpus data (SYN v7) were performed to pursue the issue. The first analysis focused on the occurrence of state and activity meanings of perfective forms of so-called capacitive verbs. It turns out that one of the decisive factors construing the aspectual meaning of a sentence is the category of tense. The other analysis focused on a collocation we have termed aspectual paradox. It combines durative adverbials (for instance stále) with perfective verbs in the framework of one construction. This analysis has demonstrated that another important factor involved in sentence aspectual construal is modality. Another outcome of this analysis is a classification of state meanings of the "durative adverbial + perfective" collocation. Eleven kinds of meanings were established: ability, possibility, existence, quality, quantity, etc. Verba...

Lytinė prievarta, jos formos ir atsakomybė už ją pagal LR BK / Indecent assault, its forms and liability for it according to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania

Steponavičiūtė, Jurgita 03 April 2006 (has links)
New Criminal code came into power in 2003. It changed the concept of indecent assault. The new modern concept of indecent assault is more related to the changes in society, but sometimes is difficult to apply, because of its novelty and indetermination. Therefore it is necessary to determine the legal concept of indecent assault in order to avoid controversial evaluation of sexual offences and their elements of proof. So the aim of this study is to analyse indecent assault from historical point of view, to describe forms of indecent assault and aggravating circumstances. The proposed review of indecent assault contains legal evaluation of all attributions according to their legal evaluation in Lithuanian and foreign criminal law. Theoretical evaluation of indecent assault is linked to the examples of court’s practise by underlining controversial aspects of concept of indecent assault and proposing possible ways to define them.

Real impossible worlds : the bounds of possibility

Kiourti, Ira Georgia January 2010 (has links)
Lewisian Genuine Realism (GR) about possible worlds is often deemed unable to accommodate impossible worlds and reap the benefits that these bestow to rival theories. This thesis explores two alternative extensions of GR into the terrain of impossible worlds. It is divided in six chapters. Chapter I outlines Lewis’ theory, the motivations for impossible worlds, and the central problem that such worlds present for GR: How can GR even understand the notion of an impossible world, given Lewis’ reductive theoretical framework? Since the desideratum is to incorporate impossible worlds into GR without compromising Lewis’ reductive analysis of modality, Chapter II defends that analysis against (old and new) objections. The rest of the thesis is devoted to incorporating impossible worlds into GR. Chapter III explores GR-friendly impossible worlds in the form of set-theoretic constructions out of genuine possibilia. Then, Chapters IV-VI venture into concrete impossible worlds. Chapter IV addresses Lewis’ objection against such worlds, to the effect that contradictions true at impossible worlds amount to true contradictions tout court. I argue that even if so, the relevant contradictions are only ever about the non-actual, and that Lewis’ argument relies on a premise that cannot be nonquestion- beggingly upheld in the face of genuine impossible worlds in any case. Chapter V proposes that Lewis’ reductive analysis can be preserved, even in the face of genuine impossibilia, if we differentiate the impossible from the possible by means of accessibility relations, understood non-modally in terms of similarity. Finally, Chapter VI counters objections to the effect that there are certain impossibilities, formulated in Lewis’ theoretical language, which genuine impossibilia should, but cannot, represent. I conclude that Genuine Realism is still very much in the running when the discussion turns to impossible worlds.

Problematika poruch chování žáků ve školním prostředí, zvláště agresivita a šikana, možnosti jejich prevence / Problems of behavioral disorders the pupils (students) in school environment, especially the aggressiveness and vexation, the posibilities of their prevention

VONEŠOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with behavioural problems of pupils in a school setting, particularly with aggression and bullying, as well as the possibility of their prevention. It consists of a theoretical part, a practical part, and appendices. The theoretical part treats behavioural problems in pupils, presenting the separate disorders in all their possible forms, accounting for both internal and external factors triggering them, explaining their causes and the conditions under which they occur, and, finally, surveys the possibility of their prevention and treatment. The practical part uses a questionnaire designed by the author of the thesis and discussions conducted in schools to identify the most common types of behavioural disorders. The results of the research are presented in charts and graphs and are complemented by data obtained in the discussions. This part is concluded with a thorough analysis of the data. The appendices contain real-life examples of behavioural problems encountered by teachers, the minimum prevention programme implemented by the basic school in Jistebnice and its evaluation for the school year of 2008/2009, the crisis management scheme of the same school, and additional materials relating to the topic.

Propojení tepelného manekýna s termofyziologickým modelem člověka / Coupling of Thermal Manikin with Human Thermophysiological Model

Doležalová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
thermal manikin, thermophysiological model, thermal comfort, climatic chamber, clothing thermal resistence

From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal times

MacLeod, Suzanne 26 March 2014 (has links)
As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive. / Graduate / 0452 / 0680 / 0351 / macsuz@shaw.ca

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