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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktplacering och omvänd produktplacering som marknadsföringsverktyg för Tv-spel / Product Placement and Reverse Product Placement as Marketing Tactic for Video Games

Stridsberg, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Detta arbete har undersökt vad Tv-spelare online tycker om omvänd produktplacering (ReverseProduct Placement, RPP) jämfört med vanlig produktplacering. RPP innebär att föra överfiktiva varumärken från filmer, Tv-serier och annan media till verkligheten och sälja verkligamotsvarigheter av produkterna. RPP i kombination med Tv-spel är ett ganska outforskat områdeoch detta arbete skrevs för att hjälpa fylla det hålet. Data om vad folk tycker samlades in via en digital enkät som delades via en länk iinternetforum, exempelvis Reddit. Resultaten visar att en marknadsföringskampanj för enuppföljare där konsumenten får en ätbar produkt som gåva vid förbokning eller köp av spelethar stor chans att locka fans av serien. Den skulle kunna vara något mer effektiv än en kampanjmed PP-element eftersom Tv-spelare har en något mer positiv inställning till RPP än PP. / The objective was to examine what gamers online thought about using Reverse ProductPlacement (RPP) to advertise for video game releases and if they would prefer it over regular product placement. RPP, for the uninitiated, is about transferring fictional brands and products from pieces of media like movies and Tv-shows into the real world and selling physical versions of the products. Using RPP for video games is a very unexplored area and this work is supposed to help fill that gap. Data was gathered through a digital survey that gathered respondents by posting a link to it on online forums like Reddit. The results indicate that using a marketing campaign where the consumer gets an edible product when buying or preordering a sequel have a chance of enticing fans of the series the marketed game is a part of. Such a campaign may be more successful than a campaign with PP-elements since gamers have a more positive attitude towards RPP than they do towards PP.

Product Placement on Social Media : a study on how Generation Y's brand perception and purchase intention are influenced

Gageler, Lisa, van der Schee, Jolien January 2016 (has links)
With increasing restrictions, saturated advertisement markets and advanced technology, the conditions of the communication politics have significantly changed and outdated the classical instruments. In order to bypass these developments, marketers started to strategically promote their products through appearances in movies and television than through conventional commercial spots. Additionally, social media has developed to one of the latest and most effective communication tools, especially among Generation Y, which businesses try to take advantage of. The combination of these two instruments created product placement on social media. Extensive market research on product placement in movies and television has shown that it can be an effective marketing tool if applied correctly. However, the research on product placement on social media is limited. Therefore, this paper will investigate whether product placement on social media is as effective as in movies and television, by answering the following research question: What is the impact of product placement on social media on the end-consumer’s brand perception and purchase intention? To address this issue we developed an online survey based on the theoretical background and methodology. The target group was set to social media users of the Generation Y worldwide. Subsequently, within a timeframe of three weeks we collected 217 valid responses that were analyzed with SPSS in order to answer the research questions and give managerial implications. Our analysis shows that product placement on social media can have a positive influence on consumer brand perception and purchase intention. This is particularly compounded if the celebrity is liked. However, the analysis also indicates clear signs that the Generation Y perceives product placement on social media as unethical. However, all in all, it can be said that product placement on social media is a good marketing tool if several suggestions and restrictions are taken into account.


SCHWARTZ, HAYLEY ANN January 2016 (has links)
This paper explores fantasy brands and product placement in order to determine which method serves to be more effective to a targeted audience. A fantasy brand exists only in a virtual or fictional world. Reverse product placement is the process of transforming brands in a virtual world into products or services in the physical world. Common fictional brands include Willy Wonka Chocolate (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Duff Beer (The Simpsons), Dunder Mifflin Paper (The Office), Bubba Gump Shrimp Company (Forrest Gump), Central Perk (Friends), and Stay Puft Marshmallows (Ghost Busters). Previous research has suggested that people who are fans of a television show or movie are more likely to purchase a fantasy brand than those who are unfamiliar with the show or movie. Additionally previous research indicates that some people believe product placement is invasive and results in negative brand image. However, no previous research directly compared product placement to fantasy brands, and which a consumer might prefer. This paper will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both product placement and fantasy brands. The study conducted tested 175 subjects in a moderated laboratory setting to discover which form of advertising was more likely to drive a purchase interaction. This study goes on to provide evidence that consumers are more likely to purchase a fantasy brand when there is a high level of “fandom”. However, if they have a low level of “fandom” they are more likely to purchase the item in the form of product placement. This paper contributes to the idea of branding, experiential consumption, and advertising in an overcrowded era.

Varumärkesexponering i televisionen : - en jämförelse mellan SVT och TV4 2003 och 2006

Victorin, Axel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Brand exposure in television. A comparison between SVT and TV4 2003 and 2006.</p><p>Number of pages: 57 including appendix</p><p>Author: Axel Victorin</p><p>Period: Spring 2008</p><p>Course: Media and Communication studies C</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalance of brand exposure in Swedish public service television, SVT and TV4. The Swedish public service TV broadcasting company, Sveriges Television (SVT) advertises itself as purveyor of free television, without commercial or political interference. A B-level essay, written some years ago, showed that the SVT policies were not always observed throughout the entire organisation. The aim of this essay is, by using quantitative research, to study whether SVT is letting commercial interests have their say in the programmes by exposing brand names and logotypes.</p><p>Material/method: The study is performed through examining 40 hours of television from SVT and 40 hours from TV4, as reference. TV4 is a Swedish commercially funded broadcaster, working under similar legislation as SVT. A quantitative method has been developed for this study.</p><p>Results: The results of the study shows that while TV4 stays on a fairly steady level concerning brand exposure, brand exposure in SVT has decreased significantly between 2003 and 2006. The reason for this is beleived to be increased awareness of the issue in the SVT organisation, possibly due to product placement being more debated and acknowledged in recent years.</p><p>Keywords: SVT, TV4, product placement, brand name exposure, television, marketing</p>

電視偶像劇操作置入型態分析-三立《命中注定我愛你》個案研究 / An analysis of product placement in TV trendy drama: A case study of "Fated to Love You"

邱啟紋, Chiu, Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
「微收視時代」的來臨使得媒體的廣告營收大不如前,經營日益困難,「置入性行銷」逐漸成為媒體另闢財源的最佳管道。本研究以三立偶像劇《命中注定我愛你》為研究對象,檢視商品類型、置入型態與商品訊息之間的相關性。本研究之發現與建議如下: 一、對置入贊助商而言,選擇使用戲劇置入能帶來以下優點:   1.戲劇置入能以劇情彌補商品的相反特性,以更完整的方式呈現商品利益   2.可以在不同橋段中呈現多樣化的商品訊息,或重複強調單一訊息   3.劇情所賦予的象徵意義使得商品的存在更具說服力   4.「場景置入」可呈現企業形象和品牌精神,並具體化服務的「不可觸知 性」     二、未來實務界可依以下三點做為判斷商品是否適合使用「戲劇置入」之標 準:   1.商品「載具性質」的有無   2.商品「與運鏡融和之程度」高低與否   3.商品之「外型」是否為銷售的主打強調重點 三、偶像劇《命中注定我愛你》之特殊置入型態如下,值得實務界參考:   1.對白:以品名、活動或意涵替代商品名稱,隱藏其後強烈的說服企圖   2.情節:賦予「神奇功能」增添商品魅力   3.置入型態:「角色置入」使商品反客為主   4.置入元素:巧妙地呈現在戲劇中的各種不同位置   若置入商品能以自然巧妙的方式呈現,不中斷觀眾收視情緒,並以不干涉文本創作者的創意發揮空間為前提,「戲劇置入」定能提升戲劇節目的拍攝品質,並改善本土文化創意產業之國際競爭力,成為贊助商、製片商、置入代理商與閱聽眾間的「四贏」行銷策略。

Investigating Chinese audience-consumers' responses towards TV character fashion content : a study of second screen communication context

Wu, Xiangran January 2018 (has links)
Second-screen viewing - the use of smartphones, tables and laptops while watching television program - has increased dramatically in the last few years, which multi-screen usage could be considered as a new opportunity for marketing communication. This study will investigate the social media (as second screen) communication effects of TV drama series focussing on the effectiveness of characters' fashion content in leading to consumers' impulsive buying. Narrative transportation theory, use and gratification theory, flow theory, social comparison theory and para-social theory are developed and adopted in an S-O-R framework in this study. A quantitative research approach will be used to conduct online survey focusing China second screen marketing phenomenon. Results of the study provide a guide to understand the newly emerging second screen process with theoretical and managerial perspectives.

產品涉入度及置入形式對偶像劇 置入性行銷效果之影響 / The study on the effectiveness of product involvement and product placement on television drama

沈曉翠 Unknown Date (has links)
2012年9月,NCC終於初步解禁置入性行銷,並公布有關於電視節目置入的暫行條款。事實上,美日等先進國家之置入性行銷早已成熟,韓國政府也鼓勵韓國企業進行置入,以資助影視產業的發展,而台灣雖然過去已有業者進行置入性行銷,但囿於法令限制,在置入性行銷的發展仍是相當遲緩的,也因此,台灣在影視產業一直得不到到足夠的資金去拍攝優質影片。 幸好,目前政府已逐步開放置入性行銷,不過目前國內廠商對於置入性行銷收費標準仍然相當混亂,因此,本研究期盼能透過釐清各置入點之效果以提供國內廠商收費的參考指標。過去研究置入性行銷效果多以問卷方式調查,然而使用問卷方式調查會有事後回憶誤差等問題,本研究採用眼動儀來直接測量受測者之收視過程,紀錄受測者之眼球掃視軌跡以及凝視個數、凝視時間,輔以問卷測量消費者之回憶度、辨識度、品牌態度以及購買意願,以更嚴謹的方式找出最佳置入點。 本研究參考過往文獻,找出涉入度以及置入手法兩個自變項,確認涉入度與置入手法對於消費者在觀看戲劇時是否有不同的感受,怎麼樣的情形置入效果會最佳。 研究以實驗法進行,自變項為涉入度以及置入手法,因此本研究將受測者分為高涉入度顯性、高涉入度隱性、低涉入度顯性、低涉入度隱性共四組。研究結果發現,顯性置入與隱性置入在受測者回憶度上有顯著的差別,且在隱性置入的情況,低涉入度的產品相較於高涉入度的產品更容易被忽略。 研究也發現,受測者在觀賞戲劇時,影響置入效果最大的因素是置入產品與劇情的相關性,其餘的影響因素還有大小、顏色、位置、競爭等要素, 建議未來廠商在進行置入時可依據本身產品特性並考慮各種影響因素,以達到最佳置入效果。 / Because of our government’s restriction, in the past few years, product placement has always been a debated issue. Due to these restrictions, our TV and movie industries are always lack of funding to produce high quality content. Fortunately, on 2012 August, NCC finally agreed gradually deregulation. However, our development of product placement still falls behind other countries and the charging standard is still in a mess. In order to provide domestic firms a charging reference, we started this research, hoping to understand the effect of every location. Instead of using questionnaire as our only measurement, we also use eye tracking to help us understand the effect more clearly. According to the references, we found out product placement and involvement as our independent variables and divided our subjects to four groups. Those are high involvement explicit, low involvement explicit, high involvement implicit and low involvement implicit. The research outcome shows that different location would bring to significantly different degree of recall. People who were exposure to the explicit drama clip would have higher degree of recall than those who were exposure in the implicit drama clip. And we also found out that if our product was a low involvement product, the product would not be noticed especially in the implicit drama clip. We also found that when people saw a drama, the most important factor to affect their memory was the product’s connection with the plot. Other factors were color, size, placement and competition. We suggested that when domestic firms want to make a product placement, they could consider their own product’s attribute and all these factors together to make the best product placement effect.

How to Place Products Without the Use of Product Placement : "If You Notice, It's Bad. But If You Don't , It's Worthless"

Jinnemo, Marie, Pettersson, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The thesis will contribute to an understanding of how the process of product placement functions and how the new Swedish Radio and Television law has, so far, influenced the different parties involved in the product placement process. The thesis will also give an insight in how the different parties involved , handle the ethical issues around product placement and product placement with alcoholic beverages. The purpose is also to give an understanding of if and how alcoholic beverages can be exposed in television despite the new conditions that the Swedish Radio and Television law has caused. Research questions: What impact has the new Swedish Radio and Television law had on the different parties involved in the product placement process? How do the different parties involved in the product placement process reflect upon and handle the ethical issues around product placement, specifically with alcoholic beverages? How do comapnies working with alcoholic beverages manage to place their products in Swedish television within the new law regulation? Method: The primary empirical investigation is qualitative and seventeen semi-structured interviews were conducted, both by telephone and personal. There were also four focus groups made. Conclusion: The interpretation of the law is different between the parties involved in a product placement process. Even though the parties have a clearer picture of what is defined as product placement , what is allowed and not, there are still differences about how to apply the law. The different parties involved did not have any major ethical issues with product placement in general or product placement with alcoholic beverages. Companies working woth alcoholic beverages manage to show their products in television, though it is illegal to place these products. After the study, it was evident that they instead chosse to sponsor with their products in different productions. The consumer have not been affected by the new law due to their lack of knowledge about the regulations about product placement.

Media Literacy and the Third-Person Effect of Product Placement in the Television News

Lin, Yi-cheng 02 August 2011 (has links)
¡@¡@¡@This study aimed to examine the third-person effect of product placement in the television news, for clarifying the effect of persuasiveness of news with product placement and comparing the assessment of the impact on others and themselves. The study also concerned about the media literacy if it can help the audience to identify the messages of persuasive intention, to evaluate the impact of product placement in the television news is greater on others than on themselves, and to support the government to prohibit product placement in the television news. ¡@¡@¡@In this study, the main research method was questionnaire survey, and the research participants were junior high school students from three sections in Kaohsiung. There were 476 valid questionnaires totally. Data were analyzed by methods of independent t-test, paired t-test, correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. The results found that product placement of television news would cause the third-person effect: messages of product placement of different levels would result in different intensities of third-person perception. Compared to implicit-style placements in the television news, obvious ones triggered strong media impact on others, but did not trigger third-person perception differential. It meant people tend to view product placement in the television news had impact on others as well as on themselves. ¡@¡@¡@Another focus of this study was personal media literacy ability. Analytic results showed that literacy ability was a better predictor of the third-person effect perception. The result of the study was similar to the findings of the past research: media literacy could assist in identifying the purpose of product placement in the television news, and could avoid the perceived effect of media messages on themselves (Cohen, 1982; Rucinski & Salmon, 1990; Wei, Lo & Lu, 2008). ¡@¡@¡@Most importantly, this study contributed to the growing literature on behavioral component of the third-person effect by demonstrating that the third-person effect perception was a great predictor of support for restriction of product placement in the televiton news than the third-person perception differential. The reason was that the third-person perception differential could not distinguish perceived effects of product placement in the television news on others as well as themselves (Wen-Hui Luo, 2000b). As research result of Xu and Gonzenbach on the behavioral component of the third-person effect, third-person perception differential was the most significant predictor of support for media censorship. Therefore, this study suggests that future research could probe into the mechanisms through which the third-person effect of product placement in the television news occurs.

Consumers' perception of the ethics and acceptability of product placement in movies : African Americans and Anglo Americans

Johnson, Glynnis Michelle 10 August 2012 (has links)
The goal of the study was to explore African Americans’ perceptions and acceptance of products used for placement in movies and to compare their perceptions to those of Anglo Americans. A mix between and repeated measures ANOVA was run to test four hypotheses dealing with race, gender and product differences. A factor analysis was run on the 30 attitudinal measures. A content analysis was done on the comments obtained from the open-ended question. Cross-tabulations were run on product and media consumption data. The results indicated that there are differences in the perceptions and acceptance of products used for placement in movies across ethnic and cultural groups in the U.S., specifically African American and Anglo Americans. Not only were African Americans less likely to accept ethically charged products for product placement in movies than Anglo Americans, their product acceptance ratings, in general, were lower than those of Anglo Americans. In fact, African American males rated all of the products lower than African American females and Anglo American males and females. The implications are that product, race, gender, frequency of movie watching and attitudinal differences should be considered when the product placement strategy is used. Advertisers and marketers should use caution when using the product placement strategy to target the African American market and when selecting the types of products to be used for placement. / text

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