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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La representación utópica del espacio público. Diagramas de arquitectura conceptual

Val Fiel, Mónica 02 May 2013 (has links)
La historia de la arquitectura y de la ciudad es un reflejo de la convivencia y de las constantes influencias e interferencias del arte con la propia arquitectura. Esta investigación se sitúa temporalmente en el periodo 1960-1975, en el análisis de los visionarios proyectos utópicos que proponían nuevos mecanismos y estrategias para abordar el modelo de ciudad. Son proyectos que muestran la representación del espacio público, tratando de desarrollar nuevas maneras de pensar y proyectar otro modelo que surja desprovisto de la rigidez de los modelos "ideales" de la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno. La tesis analiza la comunión del arte con la arquitectura, centrando su atención en los años correspondientes al desarrollo del Arte Conceptual (1966-1972), aunque atendiendo previamente a las influencias del Pop, del Minimalismo y del Accionismo. De esta manera, recoge sus inicios en la esfera británica de la Arquitectura Pop, la Megaestructura, el Fenómeno Austriaco y finaliza con la Arquitectura Radical italiana. Los arquitectos de dicho periodo, inmersos en un momento de cambio cultural, incorporan y utilizan "la exposición" como mecanismo de comunicación, de manifestación del "espíritu de los tiempos" y de transmisión de unas ideas que adquieren un protagonismo autónomo a la propia construcción. La materialidad de sus propuestas queda expresada en múltiples representaciones que manifiestan su crítica e ideario y que, apropiándose de los lenguajes del arte, pasan a constituirse como Arquitectura Conceptual. / Val Fiel, M. (2013). La representación utópica del espacio público. Diagramas de arquitectura conceptual [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/28392 / Palancia

Hållbara offentliga uterum : En studie om multifunktionsmoduler för Helsingborg drivna av Öresundskraft. / Sustainable common space : A study of multifunctional modules for Helsingborg powered by Öresundskraft

John, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Studien utfördes på uppdrag av Öresundskraft och handlar om nya offentliga biogasdrivna multifunktionsmoduler som kommer att placeras i Helsingborgs nya stadsdelar i H+ området. Arbetet utfördes delvis i Helsingborg där en enkät fördelades inom stadsdelarna som omfattar H+ området.  Syftet med studien har varit att utforska hur multifunktionsmodulerna borde utformas för att kunna främja de 16 svenska miljökvalitetsmålen, för att vara attraktiva och hållbara och för att kunna främja energibeteendet hos användare. Resultaten visar att det finns olika tolkningar kring vad som gör en offentlig plats attraktiv och hållbar. Slutsatsen är att utformningen av de nya offentliga uterummen borde kunna främja måluppföljningen av de svenska miljökvalitetsmålen, om designen stödjer de. Dock behöver multifunktionsmodulerna stödjas av resterande utformning av H+ området och H+ områdets miljöprofil, för att kunna bidra till det. / The study was conducted on behalf of Öresundskraft and is about new public biogas-driven multifunctional modules that will be located in Helsingborg's new districts in the H + area. The study was carried out in Helsingborg, where a survey was distributed within the areas that comprise the H + area. The purpose of the study has been to explore how the multifunctional modules should be designed to promote the 16 Swedish environmental quality objectives, to be attractive and sustainable, and to promote the energy behavior of users. The results show that there are different interpretations of what makes a public place attractive and sustainable. The conclusion is that the design of the new public space should be able to promote the goal to follow-up the Swedish environmental quality objectives, if the design supports them. However, the multifunction modules need to be supported by the remaining design of the H + area and the H + area's environmental profile, in order to contribute to it.

Les Aveux imaginaires : scénographie de la confession dans le roman du XIXe siècle (Angleterre, France, Russie) / Imaginary confessions : nineteenth-century novel (England, France, Russia) and the scenography of confessional self-revelation

Aude, Nicolas 06 December 2018 (has links)
Il s’agit de repenser les rapports entre littérature et aveu religieux dans le cadre d’une archéologie de l’autofiction contemporaine. En prenant en compte la construction mythique et fantasmatique du « Roman du XIXe siècle » comme paradigme du livre public, cette thèse envisage la scène romanesque de confession comme le lieu d’un métadiscours : ce dernier a pour objet le bouleversement des rapports entre espace public et sphère intime après le tournant de l’expressivisme romantique. Ce bouleversement nous paraît avoir été illustré diversement par six autrices et auteurs issus des espaces anglais, français et russe : Ann Radcliffe, Charlotte Brontë, George Sand, Fédor Dostoïevski, Maxime Gorki et Georges Bernanos. L’étude comparatiste de ces six œuvres déplace la question générique des confessions littéraires en resituant leurs scénographies dans la tradition religieuse et romanesque des mystères. La théâtralité de ces scènes de confession atteste, par ailleurs, une pénétration du mode de représentation dramatique sur le mode narratif. Ce dernier phénomène peut être abordé dans une perspective microsociologique, attentive aux inflexions historiques de la dramaturgie sociale comme aux ruptures de la présentation de soi. La scénographie des aveux imaginaires s’intègre enfin dans une histoire de l’aventure interprétative moderne et notamment dans celle de la critique littéraire, marquées, au XIXe siècle, par un processus de laïcisation de l’âme et par le triomphe d’une nouvelle culture de l’enquête. Si l’intériorité du sujet devient progressivement dans le roman l’objet d’un spectacle, elle parvient aussi, à travers les méandres de l’écriture, à se dérober aux nouvelles exigences de la visibilité. / This thesis reconsiders the relationship between literature and religious confession within the framework of an archaeology of contemporary autofiction. Taking into account the mythical and fantasmatic construction of the "Nineteenth Century Novel" as the paradigmatic public book, this research interprets the confession scene in novels as a locus of a metadiscourse, which is closely linked to the upheaval of relations between public space and intimate sphere after the expressivist turn in Romanticism. We consider this upheaval to have been variously illustrated by six authors from England, France, and Russia: Ann Radcliffe, Charlotte Brontë, George Sand, Fedor Dostoevsky, Maxim Gorky and Georges Bernanos. Studying these six works from a comparative standpoint allows us to shift the generic question of literary confessions through placing this scenography in the religious and romantic tradition of mysteries. Moreover, these confession scenes’ theatricality attests to a penetration of the dramatic mode into the narrative mode of representation. It can be approached from a microsociological perspective, by paying close attention to the historical inflections of social dramaturgy as well as to the disruptions of self-presentation. Lastly, the scenography of the imaginary confessions belongs to the history of modern interpretative adventure more particularly of literary criticism, both influenced in the nineteenth century by a process of secularization of the soul as well as the triumph of a new inquiry culture. If the subject’s interiority gradually becomes a spectacle in the novel, it also manages, through the meanders of writing, to evade the new demands of visibility.

This Is Not a Thesis

Nikakhlagh, Nima 01 July 2021 (has links)
Reading the book Perform or Else by Jon Mckenzie along with the social distancing, isolation, and all the ongoing challenging and forced experiences of the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic era, on one hand, and my interests in performance art and physicality, on the other hand, made me think how can I create a work that represents an image of the body, the concept of action, and the idea of togetherness which are all essential for performance art, and/or for any performance. All art disciplines combine theory and practice in order to depict the relationship between bodies, art, and education, and as history proves, theory is always intended to be put into practice. The theoretical and practical in this written thesis begins with its title This Is Not a Thesis; continues by furthering the idea of Perform or Else, asking instead Thesis or Else; and goes on to serve its purpose of being a theoretical concern, a narrative, a genre in and of itself, an exercise in authorship, and furthermore, function as a documentation of documentation of my art – performance – practice. The series of written pieces, performances (rejected proposals), and images (documents) compiled here are meant to create a space between authorship and performance art. This Is Not a Thesis demonstrates the rejection and acceptance of the same thing at the same time.

Občan a veřejný prostor jako vzájemný vztah: Proč o něm učit? / Citizen and public space as a mutual relationship: Why to teach about it?

Vecan, Ján January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the relationship between the citizen and public space, and to answer the question why the topic of public space should be incorporated in secondary school curriculum. The first chapter introduces the concept of public space. I look at public space through the lens of normative theory, based on which I assess its characteristic features. In the first chapter, I also deal with the mass media and social networks, which are an integral part of public space. The second chapter focuses on urban public space. In this chapter I look for answers to the questions: what is the relationship between the citizen and the public space, how do they influence each other. The citizen and the public space are inextricably linked, because it is the citizens who transform a physical place into public space. Further, the question of the quality of public spaces is raised, to which I answer using the basic principles of architecture and urbanism. The second chapter also answers the central question of the diploma thesis: why the topic of public space should be taught in school. The third chapter presents the results of a simple questionnaire survey. It captures the opinions of interview participants on the current state of public space in Slovakia, its positive and negative...

Governmental Islamic Patriarchy and the Gendered City: The Re-making of Iranian Public Spaces under the 21st Century Islamic Republic

Zarabadi, Seyedeh Ladan January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Escuela de moda y centro de difusión en Gamarra / Fashion School and Dissemination Center in Gamarra

Wissar Diaz, Kathleen Dirce 04 May 2020 (has links)
El proyecto se enfoca en ser un lugar unificador que promueva la educación en un sector comercial, trayendo asi nuevas ideas de una marca Gamarra. El proyecto consiste en el diseño de una Escuela de modas en el distrito La Victoria y específicamente en GAMARRA. Se tiene como objetivo principal la relación entre los usuarios de Gamarra y los estudiantes mediante espacios públicos de recreación en los cuales se realicen actividades y eventos en donde se pueda aprender y los comerciantes de Gamarra con los alumnos puedan intercambiar ideas y enseñarse los unos a los otro y que este tipo de actividades promuevan la marca Perú, convirtiendo a Gamarra en el nuevo Centro de la Moda. / The project focuses on being a unifying place that promotes education in a commercial sector, thus bringing new ideas from a gamarra brand. The project consists of The Design of a Fashion School in the La Victoria district and specifically in GAMARRA. The main objective is the relationship between Gamarra users and students through public recreation spaces in which activities and events are held where they can learn and Gamarra traders with students can exchange ideas and teach each other another and that this type of activities promote the Peru brand, turning Gamarra into the new Center of Fashion. / Tesis

Centro Cultural en Pisco / Cultural Center in Pisco

Hinostroza Naveda, Nicole Alexandra 29 June 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo consta de la propuesta del Centro Cultural ubicado en la ciudad de Pisco, que trae consigo el hecho de querer difundir el interés por las artes, música y el desarrollo de habilidades y talentos que complementen el crecimiento personal. El arte y la cultura forman parte importante de una sociedad y en la mayoría de casos, logra contribuir en la mejora de la población como comunidad que aporta al desarrollo de su territorio. Esta provincia presenta un gran número de niños y jóvenes que necesitan además de una buena educación, el incentivo por desarrollar otras destrezas que puedan encaminarlos en su desarrollo personal y profesional, tema que actualmente no está resuelto. Tras el Terremoto del 2007, se generó un gran retraso en su desarrollo, lo que resultó que las autoridades tengan un mayor enfoque en el sistema de vivienda y dejen de lado los temas educativos, culturales recreacionales y recuperación de espacios públicos. Este proyecto busca ser un ícono memoria de la ciudad, ya que, tras la tragedia del 2007, se perdió gran parte del patrimonio cultural de este Centro Histórico. Entonces la propuesta toma las características arquitectónicas de este lugar, además de acompañarlo con la materialidad del sitio, paleta de colores y vegetación, que realza este énfasis en el proyecto. Adicionalmente, se otorga espacios públicos en los diferentes niveles, que hacen que el proyecto se enriquezca y que pueda ser parte importante no solo del recreo, sino también parte de la educación intercultural diaria de la población. / The present work consists of the proposal of the Cultural Center located in the city of Pisco, which brings with it the fact of wanting to spread interest in the arts, music and the development of skills and talents that complement personal growth. Art and culture are an important part of a society and in most cases, it contributes to the improvement of the population as a community that contributes to the development of its territory. This province presents a large number of children and young people who need, in addition to a good education, the incentive to develop other skills that can guide them in their personal and professional development, an issue that is currently not resolved. After the Earthquake of 2007, there was a huge delay in its development, which resulted in the authorities having a greater focus on the housing system and neglecting educational, cultural and recreational issues including the recovery of public spaces. This project seeks to be a memory icon of the city, since, after the tragedy of 2007, much of the cultural heritage of this Historic Center was lost. Therefore, the proposal takes the architectural features of this place, in addition to accompanying it with the materiality of the site, color palette and vegetation, which enhances this emphasis on the project. Additionally, public spaces are given at different levels, which make the project richer and can be an important part not only of recreation, but also part of the daily intercultural education of the population. / Tesis

Kulturně-společenské centrum Brno-přehrada /téma "Brno-město uprostřed Evropy"/ / Culture and public centre Brno-damlake/Theme"Brno-city in the midle of the Europe"/

Olasová, Ľubomíra January 2013 (has links)
The building of cultural center is located at the Brno dam lake. It contains two multifunctional halls, coffee. Roofs are walkable. First roof rises up and ofers overlook. The other ramps down and includes stairway useful as an amfitheater and a relaxation area.

Sportovní centrum Brno / Sport Centre Brno

Zaplatil, David January 2013 (has links)
It is an object of sports equipment, which will be mainly used for ice hockey, as well as for the organization of other sporting and social events. The main objective in the design of architectural buildings were to meet modern requirements for the operation and use of the sports hall. Mass solution hall is designed as part of a hyperbolic curve, which rotates around a central axis. This substance is added next curve and along the perimeter. It is a sine wave, which is twice reflected on the mass of the object. This curve separates the roofing structure from the construction and glazing adds mass element dynamics, which is in my opinion the sporting character of the buildings needed. Construction is due to this curve seems to be constantly moving. This curve has another purpose and that the highest point of the curve are a total of two, is the main entrances to the building and the curve that creates a kind of "entry portal".

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