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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstrukční návrh jednoúčelového stroje na lisování valivých ložisek do kladkovnic / Design of single-purpose machine for pressing bearings in pulleys

Roupec, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is to make constructional modification of single-purpose pressing machine for Huisman Konstrukce, s.r.o. company. Present machine is non-operational and not enough powerful for present requests of workshop. Intended modifications are to describe present condition of machine, find present requirements and design simple modifications. All modifications are checked by calculations and sketched in shop drawings. There were also made alternative options of modification to show machine more versatile and automatic.

Návrh stroje pro odizolování plochých kabelů / Outisunlating cable one purpose machine

Dolinay, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is especially design of main conception of one purpose machine for outinsulating of flat cables. Designed solution must implement basic requirements of outinsulating‘s quality. Part of this thesis includes also technical-economics evaluation of choosed solution and analysis of risks.

Jednomotorový víceúčelový dopravní letoun v kategorii CS/FAR 23 / Single-engined multipurpose transport aeroplane by the CS/FAR 23 category

Fiala, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
Thesis deals with design of a single-engine aircraft. The purpose of this aircraft design is to carry up nine passengers. The work outlines technical solution of several structural elements. The design starts with aerodynamic calculations, mass analysis and concludes with calculation of flight performance and development cost estimation.

Design and Performance Analysis of Parallel Processing of SRTP Packets / Design and Performance Analysis of Parallel Processing of SRTP Packets

Wozniak, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Šifrování multimediálních datových přenosů v reálném čase je jednou z úloh telekomunikační infrastruktury pro dosažení nezbytné úrovně zabezpečení. Rychlost provedení šifrovacího algoritmu může hrát klíčovou roli ve velikosti zpoždění jednotlivých paketů a proto je tento úkol zajímavým z hlediska optimalizačních metod. Tato práce se zaměřuje na možnosti paralelizace zpracování SRTP pro účely telefonní ústředny s využitím OpenCL frameworku a následnou analýzu potenciálního zlepšení.

Apprendre le français à la Légion étrangère : une double hybridation linguistique ? : l’exemple des légionnaires russes, serbes et polonais / Learning French at the French Foreign Legion : a double linguistic hybridization? : the example of Russian, Serbian and Polish legionnaires

Maniakis, Helena 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’acquisition du français à la Légion étrangère. La Légion regroupe environ 140 nationalités et se charge elle-même de l’enseignement du français aux futurs légionnaires, principalement pendant une période de quatre mois au centre d’instruction de Castelnaudary. L’hypothèse principale de cette thèse est que ce mode d’acquisition rapide, en contexte plurilingue, et orienté vers une langue de travail concise et codifiée (le langage militaire), produit une variété linguistique reconnaissable, que nous nommons légiolecte. Nous nous interrogeons sur la corrélation entre le type même d’enseignement et la langue produite. Pour répondre à ces hypothèses, nous avons étudié les énoncés de légionnaires russes, serbes et polonais, car notre connaissance de ces langues nous permettait de neutraliser les marques transcodiques pour ne faire émerger que le légiolecte. / This research focuses on the acquisition of French language in the Foreign Legion. The Legion includes about 40 different nationalities and takes care itself of the teaching of French to the future legionnaires, mainly during the four-month training period at the Castelnaudary Instruction Centre. The main hypothesis of this work is that this fast acquisition in a multilingual context, and oriented towards a concise and codified working language (the military language), produces a recognizable linguistic variety, which we call ‘legiolect’. We wonder about the correlation between the type of teaching and the produced language. To answer these questions, we studied the statements of Russian, Serbian and Polish legionnaires, because our knowledge of these languages allowed us to neutralize the transcodic marks to bring out only the legiolect.

Expatriater, en förlegad stratergi? : En kvalitativ undersökning av multinationella företags användning av expatriater och behovet av en kameleont

Nytell, Emma, Klein, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras användandet av traditionella och icke-traditionella expatriatuppdrag. Uppsatsens frågeställning är: I vilken utsträckning kan syften med traditionella expatriater uppfyllas av icke-traditionella uppdrag? Detta undersöks genom en kvalitativ studie på ett multinationellt företag som länge arbetat med expatriater. Resultatet visar tydliga exempel på hur externa faktorer samt organisatoriska- och individuella drivkrafter påverkar expatriatuppdrag när det kommer till dess syfte och/eller uppdragstyp. Resultatet visar också att flera av de syften som forskare presenterat för traditionella expatriater identifierats inom vissa icke-traditionella expatriatuppdrag. Utöver detta påträffas syftet att minska risken för konflikter som kan uppstå till följd av kulturella skillnader. Detta visade sig endast kunna uppfyllas av traditionella expatriatuppdrag, vilket motiverar att icke-traditionella uppdrag i liten utsträckning kan uppfylla traditionella uppdrag. Däremot visar studien en pågående trend mot ett minskande av traditionella expatriatuppdrag och en större acceptans gentemot alternativa uppdrag. / This paper aims to examine the employment of traditional long-term and non-standardized expatriate assignments. The question posed is: To what extent can the aims of traditional long-term assignments be reached with non-standardized assignments? To do this, the authors have performed a case study of a multinational company with a long history of employing expatriates. The theoretical framework for the study was devised by focusing on factors considered to affect the purposes and design of expatriate assignments. The results clearly demonstrate, through the examples presented, how external factors, together with organizational and individual motivations, influence the design of expatriate assignments, in terms both of the purpose and the type of assignment chosen. Similar goals with expatriates have been identified within some non-standardized expatriate assignments. Further to discussing these goals, the paper also discusses the aim of reducing the risk of conflict arising through cultural differences. As this only turned out to be relevant in the case of traditional long-term assignments, one may assert that non- standardized assignments can fulfil the goals of traditional long-term assignments to a limited extent only. Furthermore, the study demonstrates an ongoing trend towards a reduction in the use of traditional long-term assignments, and a growing tendency to accept alternative non- standardized assignments.

The role of the university forest enterprise of the Technical University in Zvolen

Parobeková, Zuzana, Saniga, Milan 03 June 2019 (has links)
The University Forest Enterprise (UFE) is a special-purpose facility at the Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO). The UFE is aimed at the practical education of students, scientific research associated with all forestry activities, demonstration objects, and management of the forest fund. lt is thus possible to demonstrate several aspects of forestry such as forest management, management of forest reproductive material, silviculture, logging operations, forestry constructions and ameliorations, landscape management, game management, fishery, and beekeeping. To follow these goals, 67 permanent research plots, 18 temporary plots, and 103 demonstration objects are currently maintained at the territory of the enterprise, all connected to the network of excursion and demonstration paths. The UFE manages the forest land fund (9,729 ha) according to the needs of the Technical University, and with respect to the purpose of the enterprise, 80% of the forest area managed by the enterprise is classified into the category of specialpurpose forests. The forest land fund is composed of state-owned forest land as well as forest properties of other owners. Forest plant communities ofthe UFE belang to five altitudinal vegetation zones (298-1035 m above sea level). Broadleaved tree species evidently predominate. Due to the special focus of management, the UFE uses as much as possible the concepts of the close-to-nature silviculture. Due to varied natural conditions, it is possible to apply several silvicultural systems. The application of shelterwood and selection systems with maximum utilisation of the natural potential of indigenous tree species is strongly preferred.

A shear bond strength, microleakage and laser microscopic study of two dental compomers.

Moodley, Desi January 1999 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / Purpose: To evaluate and compare the in-vitro shear bond strength and micro leakage of two compomers with their adhesive systems and to examine the dentine-restorative interface under confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Matoiats and Methods: For shear bond strength (SBS) testing thirty non-carious human molars were used of which fifteen molars were restored with Dyract AP using Non-Rinse Conditioner (NRC) and Prime&Bond NT (PBNT) and fifteen were restored with F2000 and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (SBMP). For the microleakage evaluation cavity preparations were made on the facial surfaces of thirty non-carious premolars. These were then restored with the respective compomer system. The specimens were thermocycled, sectioned and examined for dye penetration. The dentine-restorative interface was examined through a confocal scanning laser microscope. The primers of the bonding agents were labelled with rhodamine B and the adhesive resins were labelled with fluorescein and examined under CSLM in fluorescent mode. Results: The mean SBS for PBNT and SBMP were 12.8 and 18.1 MPa, respectively. The microleakage scores showed Dyract with PBNT leaked on the dentine side in 13 of the 15 specimens examined. On the enamel side 2 of the 15 specimens showed microleakage. With F2000 and SBMP no micro leakage was observed on either enamel or dentine sides. The CSLM images show clear resin tag and hybrid layer formation for both the materials examined, although SBMP showed deeper penetration into the dentine with longer resin tags. The length of the resin tags and thickness of the hybrid layer for PBNT was found to be approximately 10 um and 2 um respectively. SBMP showed resin tags measuring about 100 um while the hybrid layer measured about 5 um. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the acid-etch technique ofSBMP with F2000 produces higher bond strength and no micro leakage when compared to the self-etching/self-priming "non-rinse technique" of NRC with PBNT and Dyract.

Putting the Patient Back in Patient Care: Health Decision-Making From the Patient’s Perspective

Garris, Bill R., Weber, Amy J. 01 February 2018 (has links)
This research explored health decision-making processes among people recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Our analysis suggested that diagnosis with type 2 was followed by a period of intense emotional and cognitive disequilibrium. Subsequently, the informants were observed to proceed to health decision-making which was affected by three separate and interrelated factors: knowledge, self-efficacy, and purpose. Knowledge included cognitive or factual components and emotional elements. Knowledge influenced the degree of upset or disequilibrium the patient experienced, and affected a second category, agency: the informants’ confidence in their ability to enact lifestyle changes. The third factor, purpose, summarized the personal and deeply held reasons people gave as they made decisions concerning their health, eating and exercising. We propose this model, grounded in informant stories, as a heuristic, to guide further inquiry. From these stories, the patient is seen as more active and the interrelated influences of knowledge, agency, and purpose, synergistically interact to explain changes in health behaviors.

Balansgången mellan bekräftande och omprövande undervisning - historielärares uppfattningar om ämnets syfte

Mujacic, Asmir, Palmkvist, Tim January 2019 (has links)
This student thesis seeks answers on history teachers´ view on the purpose of their subject, how their view on the purpose affects their teaching and how all of this affects the possibilities given to the students who study the past. The Swedish teaching plan and the curriculum of the subject history are loaded with tension. Based on this tension Swedish students attending secondary school are, on one hand supposed to affirm a certain way of understanding the past while on the other hand be educated in critical and independent thinking. In other words, the subject of history could either confirm a certain view of the past or critically view it. It is also worth pointing out that one does not cancel the other out. History teaching can contain both perspectives. While it would be interesting to apply our main questions on the whole course of the subject of history the main focus of this thesis lies within the theme of genocide. Based on interviews with Swedish history teachers this thesis explores what they see as the purpose of their subject and in particular the purpose in the theme of genocide teaching. What approach does teachers have in their teaching and how does this affect the possibilities given to the students? The result shows that history teachers´ main focus lies in more concrete knowledge, thereby excluding the previous statement about critical thinking. History teachers are also dissatisfied with the time given to the subject of history in upper secondary school. Although the teachers mainly focus on confirming certain views of the past there are teachers who, in some cases, lean towards a teaching method with critical thinking as the focal point. The respondents also vary in the way they give students possibilities to meet the past. These possibilities are often predetermined by the teachers and students’ possibilities to express critical thinking is therefore reduced and limited. While this student thesis is based around the theme of genocide teaching, the result does not necessarily suggest that the students never get the opportunity to express free critical thinking. Therefore, the result shows that the purpose of the subject of history, as presented by the interviewees, is multilayered and seldom based around only one given perspective.

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