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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Högre utbildning och self-efficacy : En kvantitativ undersökning om motivation till studier och studenters tilltro till generell och akademisk förmåga

Sebastian, Heikkilä January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftade till att bidra med (1) generell kunskap till diskursen om högre utbildning genom att undersöka varför studenter väljer att utbilda sig på högre nivå samt (2) fördjupad kunskap om betydelsen av self-efficacy för studenters syn på och upplevelse av högre utbildning. I den kvantitativa forskningsdesignen användes en survey-metod med enkäter (N = 186) för att samla in data. Generell self-efficacy definieras som individens tilltro till sin förmåga att organisera och genomföra handlingar som krävs för att uppnå specifika prestationer. Denna tilltro till den egna förmågan har positiva samband med studieprestationer och beteenden. I arbetslivet är self-efficacy en av de viktigaste personliga resurserna och uppmärksammas alltmer inom utbildning. Utöver generell self-efficacy undersöks tilltron till den egna förmågan ur domänspeficka dimensioner. Inom utbildning specificeras tilltron till akademisk self-efficacy och är instrumentell och uppgiftsfokuserad. Det handlar inte om tilltron till generella färdigheter som problemlösningsförmåga utan snarare om att hantera specifika uppgifter i en akademisk kontext. Resultaten från deskriptiva analyser visar att anställningsbarhet verkar vara det starkaste motivet till studenternas inträde i högre utbildning. Därefter kommer motiv som kan liknas vid bildning – enligt det Humboldtska idealet. Dessutom tenderar akademisk self-efficacy att öka över tid efter antal lästa terminer medan liknande samband inte observeras för generell self-efficacy. Att generell self-efficacy var betydande vid förklaring av variansen i akademisk self-efficacy stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. Det verkar som om ett neoliberalt marknadsideal har påverkat enskilda studenter och deras motiv för att söka sig till högre utbildning. Kompetensen som studenterna utvecklar under studietiden tenderar att i hög grad vara uppgiftsfokuserad. Med tanke på den låga genomströmningen i svensk högre utbildning och self-efficacy teorins positiva samband med studieprestationer skulle svenska lärosäten gynnas av att främja både generell och akademisk self-efficacy hos sina studenter.

Tandem Catalytic Processes for Selective Ethylene Valorization into C3 Chemicals

García Farpón, Marcos 28 February 2025 (has links)
[ES] El etileno representa uno de los pilares de la industria química actual como parte de los denominados "productos químicos básicos". Los procesos de recuperación y valorización de etileno actuales están basados en fuentes de carbono de origen fósil y son operados a gran escala, por lo que tienen asociado un elevado coste energético y contribuyen significativamente a la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. La preocupación actual por avanzar hacia la descarbonización de la industria química ha impulsado el diseño de procesos químicos más sostenibles. En este contexto, el diseño de nuevos procesos catalíticos (tándem), con alta economía atómica y operando a condiciones de operación más suaves, supone una alternativa de gran interés. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de procesos catalíticos alternativos para la conversión de (bio-)etileno en productos de alto valor añadido, como el propileno o los compuestos oxigenados C3. En primer lugar, se ha estudiado el efecto de emplear diferentes soportes basados en óxidos metálicos en catalizadores de Rh de dispersión atómica para la hidroformilación de etileno en fase gas para producir propanal. Entre los materiales estudiados con diferente grado de reducibilidad superficial, el catalizador Rh1/SnO2 mostró el mejor rendimiento, con altos valores de actividad y con una selectividad a hidroformilación prácticamente total, a unas condiciones de operación muy suaves (P=20 bar, T=383 K). El comportamiento extraordinario de este material se ha atribuido a la capacidad de formar vacantes de oxígeno superficiales, lo que facilita la formación de especies de Rh de alta flexibilidad de coordinación y con propiedades electrónicas que se asemejan a de los catalizadores moleculares en disolución empleados industrialmente. A continuación, se estudió el uso de catalizadores bimetálicos Ag-Pt para la hidrogenación selectiva de aldehídos en presencia de olefinas. Para la composición óptima del catalizador (<4 at% Pt), se descubrió que las especies de Pt estaban altamente dispersas sobre la matriz de Ag, posiblemente en forma de las denominadas "aleaciones de átomos aislados". Dicho catalizador se combinó junto al catalizador de hidroformilación altamente selectivo Rh1/SnO2 en un proceso de hidroformilación reductiva, que permitió la conversión directa de etileno a 1-propanol con selectividad prácticamente total (98%) a conversiones de etileno >50%. Por último, se estudió la conversión de etileno a propileno mediante procesos tándem de dimerización-metátesis. Para ello, se estudiaron métodos de calentamiento específico y termometría selectiva combinando técnicas de calentamiento por inducción y termometría por luminiscencia. Dichos métodos resultaron adecuados para solventar las incompatibilidades de temperatura inherentes a los procesos de catálisis tándem del estado del arte y desbloquear, de esta manera, rendimientos inaccesibles para procesos operados mediante calentamiento convencional. / [CA] L'etilè representa un dels pilars de la indústria química actual com a part dels denominats "productes químics bàsics". Els processos de recuperació i valorització d'etilé actuals estan basats en fonts de carboni d'origen fòssil i són operats a gran escala, per la qual cosa tenen associat un elevat cost energètic i contribueixen significativament a l'emissió de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. La preocupació actual per avançar cap a la descarbonització de la indústria química requereix el disseny de processos químics més sostenibles. En este context, el disseny de nous processos catalítics (tàndem), amb alta economia atòmica i operant a condicions d'operació més suaus, suposa una alternativa de gran interés. La present tesi doctoral se centra en el desenvolupament de processos catalítics alternatius per a la conversió de (bio-)etilè en productes d'alt valor afegit, com el propilé o els compostos oxigenats C3. En primer lloc, s'ha estudiat l'efecte d'utilitzar diferents suports basats en òxids metàllics en catalitzadors de Rh de dispersió atòmica per a la *hidroformilación d'etilè en fase gas per a produir probresca. Entre els materials estudiats amb diferent grau de reducibilidad superficial, el catalitzador Rh1/SnO2 va mostrar el millor rendiment, amb alts valors d'activitat i amb una selectivitat a hidroformilació pràcticament total, a unes condicions d'operació molt suaus (P=20 bar, T=383 K). El comportament extraordinari d'este material s'ha atribuït a la capacitat de formar vacants d'oxigen superficials, la qual cosa facilita la formació d'espècies de Rh d'alta flexibilitat de coordinació i amb propietats electròniques que s'assemblen a dels catalitzadors moleculars en dissolució utilitzats industrialment. A continuació, es va a estudiar l'ús de catalitzadors bimetàl·lics Ag-Pt per a la hidrogenació selectiva d'aldehids en presència d'olefines. Per a la composició òptima del catalitzador (<4 at% Pt), es va descobrir que les espècies de Pt estaven altament disperses sobre la matriu de Ag, possiblement en forma dels denominats "aliatges d'àtoms aïllats". Aquest catalitzador es va a combinar al costat del catalitzador de hidroformilació altament selectiu Rh1/SnO2 en un procés de hidroformilació reductiva, que va permetre la conversió directa d'etilè a 1-propanol amb selectivitat pràcticament total (98%) a conversions d'etilé >50%. Finalment, es va a estudiar la conversió d'etilè a propilè mitjançant processos tàndem de dimerització-metàtesi. Per a això, es van a estudiar mètodes de calfament específic i termometria selectiva combinant tècniques de calfament per inducció i termometria per luminescència. Aquests mètodes van a resultar adequats per a solucionar les incompatibilitats de temperatura inherents als processos de catàlisis tàndem de l'estat de l'art i desbloquejar, d'esta manera, rendiments inaccessibles per a processos operats mitjançant calfament convencional. / [EN] Ethylene constitutes one of the pillars of the current chemical industry as part of the so-called "commodity chemicals". Current ethylene recovery and valorization technologies are based on fossil-based carbon feedstocks operated at the large scale, which are very energy-intense and contribute to important greenhouse gas emissions. The current concern on progressing towards a defossilized chemical industry calls for the design of more sustainable chemical processes. In this regard, the design of novel (tandem-) catalytic processes, with high atom economy at milder operation conditions, is desired. In this thesis, the conversion of (bio-)ethylene into high-added value chemicals such as propylene and C3 oxygenates via alternative catalytic processes is addressed. Firstly, metal oxide support effects have been explored in Rh single-atom catalysts for gas-phase ethylene hydroformylation to propanal. By exploring a series of materials with different surface reducibility, a Rh1/SnO2 catalyst showed to deliver the best performance, with high Rh-specific activity and essentially full selectivity to hydroformylation under very mild operation conditions (P=20 bar, T=383 K). The unconventional performance of this material has been ascribed to the capacity of forming surface oxygen vacancies on the SnO2 support, which triggers the formation of Rh species that resemble the electronic and coordination flexibility properties of Rh centers in benchmark molecular complexes operating in solution. Next, bimetallic Ag-Pt catalysts were explored, computationally and experimentally, for the selective hydrogenation of aldehydes in the presence of olefins under the same set of mild operation conditions. For the optimal catalyst formulation (<4 at% Pt), Pt species were highly dispersed within the Ag matrix, possibly forming a so-called "single-atom alloy". This catalyst was integrated with the fully selective hydroformylation Rh1/SnO2 catalyst in a reductive hydroformylation process, which unlocked the direct conversion of ethylene to 1-propanol with almost full selectivity (98%) at ethylene conversion >50%. Finally, the direct conversion of ethylene into propylene via tandem dimerization-metathesis has been explored. Catalyst-specific heating and thermometry methods, combining induction heating and remote luminescence thermometry, proved suitable to alleviate temperature incompatibilities inherent to state-of-the-art tandem catalytic processes and unlock catalytic performances inaccessible to conventionally heated conversion processes. / I would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU) for my FPU grant (FPU17/04701) and the European Research Council (ERC) under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-CoG-TANDEng; grant agreement 864195), which have made possible the realization of this thesis. I would like to thank the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ) and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) for giving me access to the infrastructure I have used for my PhD work. I would like also to thank the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for giving me access to their facilities during my short stays. Thanks also to the ALBA synchrotron and, particularly, to the CLÆSS beamline for making possible the access to synchrotron experiments granting us with several beamtimes. Finally I would like to thank the Chemical and Nuclear Engineering department (DIQN) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), for hosting me as a teaching assistant during these years / García Farpón, M. (2024). Tandem Catalytic Processes for Selective Ethylene Valorization into C3 Chemicals [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203261

Les rapports patrimoniaux entre concubins et leur liquidation. Etude comparative des droits français et polonais / Property relations between cohabitants and their settlement. A comparative study of French and Polish law

Pfeifer-Chomiczewska, Katarzyna 12 June 2015 (has links)
Après avoir quitté le monde de la réprobation, le concubinage a intégré l'ordre social et par suite, l'ordre juridique. Le concubinage est devenu l'une des conjugalités. Contrairement au législateur français, le législateur polonais n'a pas donné de définition du concubinage. Nonobstant cette différence, les éléments constitutifs du concubinage dans les deux systèmes légaux se ressemblent. Le concubinage se caractérise tant en France qu'en Pologne par: l'absence de lien juridique entre les concubins, la monogamie, la stabilité et la continuité et la communauté de vie. Dans les deux pays, le concubinage n'est pas juridiquement inorganisé. Le concubinage ne fait naître aucun droit ni obligation entre concubins, que ce soit sur le plan personnel ou patrimonial. / After leaving the world of disapproval, concubinage has integrated the social order and consequently the legal order. In French law, cohabitation is legally defined. In Poland, a legal definition of cohabitation does not exist. Notwithstanding this difference, the elements of cohabitation in the two legal systems are similar. Cohabitation is characterized in France and in Poland by the absence of a legal relationship between partners, monogamy, stability and continuity, and community of life. In both countries, concubinage is not legally organized. Cohabitation does not create any rights or obligations between the cohabitants, whether in a personal, property or financial sphere. Property relationships of cohabitants and their liquidation pose many difficulties. In order to legally qualify the economic acts of the cohabitants, it is necessary to retrospectively analyse the facts.

Development of a pipeline to allow continuous development of software onto hardware : Implementation on a Raspberry Pi to simulate a physical pedal using the Hardware In the Loop method / Utveckling av en pipeline för att ge upphov till kontinuerligt utvecklande av mjukvara på hårdvara : Implementation på en Raspberry Pi för att simulera en fysisk pedal genom användandet av Hardware In the Loop-metoden

Ryd, Jonatan, Persson, Jeffrey January 2021 (has links)
Saab want to examine Hardware In the Loop method as a concept, and how an infrastructure of Hardware In the Loop would look like. Hardware In the Loop is based upon continuously testing hardware, which is simulated. The software Saab wants to use for the Hardware In the Loop method is Jenkins, which is a Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery tool. To simulate the hardware, they want to examine the use of an Application Programming Interface between a Raspberry Pi, and the programming language Robot Framework. The reason Saab wants this examined, is because they believe that this method can improve the rate of testing, the quality of the tests, and thereby the quality of their products.The theory behind Hardware In the Loop, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery will be explained in this thesis. The Hardware In the Loop method was implemented upon the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery tool Jenkins. An Application Programming Interface between the General Purpose Input/Output pins on a Raspberry Pi and Robot Framework, was developed. With these implementations done, the Hardware In the Loop method was successfully integrated, where a Raspberry Pi was used to simulate the hardware. / Saab vill undersöka metoden Hardware In the Loop som ett koncept, dessutom hur en infrastruktur av Hardware In the Loop skulle se ut. Hardware In the Loop baseras på att kontinuerligt testa hårdvara som är simulerad. Mjukvaran Saab vill använda sig av för Hardware In the Loop metoden är Jenkins, vilket är ett Continuous Integration och Continuous Delivery verktyg. För attsimulera hårdvaran vill Saab undersöka användningen av ett Application Programming Interface mellan en Raspberry Pi och programmeringsspråket Robot Framework. Anledning till att Saab vill undersöka allt det här, är för att de tror att det kan förbättra frekvensen av testning och kvaliteten av testning, vilket skulle leda till en förbättring av deras produkter. Teorin bakom Hardware In the Loop, Continuous Integration och Continuous Delivery kommer att förklaras i den här rapporten. Hardware In the Loop metoden blev implementerad med Continuous Integration och Continuous Delivery verktyget Jenkins. Ett Application Programming Interface mellan General Purpose Input/output pinnarna på en Raspberry Pi och Robot Framework blev utvecklat. Med de här implementationerna utförda, så blev Hardware Inthe Loop metoden slutligen integrerat, där Raspberry Pis användes för att simulera hårdvaran.

Makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan på antalet SPACs och IPOs på den amerikanska aktiemarknaden : En kvantitativ studie om makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan på antalet SPACs och IPOs inom den amerikanska marknaden / Impact of macroeconomic factors on the number of SPACs and IPOs in US equity markets

Wennerbäck, Karl, Sakic, Sandi, Taravati, Sasha January 2022 (has links)
Special Purpose acquisition company (SPAC) är ett skalbolag grundat av investerare med det enda syftet att samla kapital genom en börsintroduktion för att senare förvärva ett annat bolag. Tidigare empirisk forskning för SPAC har fokuserat på egenskaperna hos SPAC bolagen samt deras långsiktiga och kortsiktiga avkastning. Denna studie tar en kvantitativ ansats och syftar till att undersöka vilka underliggande makroekonomiska faktorer har bidragit till en ökning i antalet SPAC bolag. Detta undersöks genom en linjär regressionsanalys där studien undersöker korrelationen mellan olika variabler. Studien syftar även till att se om de underliggande makroekonomiska faktorer bakom ökningen av traditionella börsintroduktioner är detsamma som de bakom SPAC. All data för SPAC, makroekonomiska variabler och börsintroduktioner har samlats in genom olika databaser som Yahoo Finance och Nasdaq. Studiens resultat visar på att vissa makroekonomiska variabler som testats för en korrelation har en påverkan på antalet SPAC och börsintroduktioner medans vissa variabler inte bevisade någon påverkan. Variabeln som visade starkast korrelation med antalet SPAC är den generella marknadens avkastning där det är tydligt att om den generella marknaden är stark så är viljan att göra en börsnotering större Studien fann även att de makroekonomiska variabler bakom ökningen av antalet SPAC och vanliga börsnoteringar inte skiljer sig åt. / This paper is written in Swedish. A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is a shell company set up by investors with the sole purpose of raising money through an IPO to eventually acquire another company. Past empirical research on Special purpose acquisition companies has mostly focused on the characteristics of the SPACs and long term returns as well as the short term returns. This study takes a quantitative approach and aims to examine whether underlying macroeconomic factors have contributed to the increase in SPAC companies. This is done by a linear regression analysis that tests for correlations between different variables. The study also aims to see if the underlying macroeconomic factors behind the increase of traditional IPOs are the same as those behind SPACs. All data regarding SPACs, IPOs and the macroeconomic factors were collected from different databases and websites such as Yahoo finance and NASDAQ. The results from this study show that some of the macroeconomic factors which were tested for a correlation indeed have a positive impact on the number of SPACs and IPOs and some did not. The variable that showed the strongest correlation was the performance of the general market and it is clear that when the general market is strong the willingness to go public increases. The study also finds that the macroeconomic variables behind the increase in the number of SPACs and IPOs do not differ.

The intelligence regime in South Africa (1994-2014) : an analytical perspective / Matthias Adriaan van den Berg

Van den Berg, Matthias Adriaan January 2014 (has links)
Intelligence, having espionage as its roots, is sometimes misunderstood due to its secret nature. It is due to this that intelligence as a vital component in a state, could be misused by the political regime through less democratic practices that infringe on human rights and the rule of law. The quest of this study (which is not classified, to make the research findings available to both practitioners and scholars of intelligence studies), is to attempt to contribute to the theory and understanding of intelligence studies as a sub-field within the political science in describing, explaining and analysing the intelligence regime. The primary aim is to provide a contextualised and systematic overview of the South African intelligence regime within the framework of the democratisation process in South Africa with specific reference to the period from 1994 to 2014. This study analyses the intelligence regime in South Africa by specifically assessing the role, function and purpose of intelligence through history and within the context of the South African political regime. Therefore, the research problem examined in this study is: given the history and development of South Africa as a democracy, what is the role and function of the intelligence regime during the period 1994 to 2014 – specifically to determine whether intelligence practices were more or less democratic. The theoretical framework formed the basis from which the concepts of state, political regime types and form and degree of government, was explored. It furthermore provided for a comparison of democratic and non-democratic intelligence practices. The study locates intelligence as a reflection of the political regime through the simultaneous typology of both the regime and intelligence, thereby to enable the identification of more or less democratic practices. The notion of a hybrid regime, as having elements of both democratic and non-democratic regimes, presented a fundamental shift in the perception of South Africa‘s democratisation process towards an attempt to reach the goal of being a consolidated democracy. This study draw the conclusion that the role, functions and mandate of an intelligence service within a democracy, should firstly focus on providing the policy-maker with intelligence to be able to make policies; secondly on the identification of threats or potential threats to national security of the state and lastly to protect the constitution. This would ultimately enable the intelligence regime in South Africa to employ more democratic practices which could assist in reaching the goal of democratic consolidation. / MA (Political Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The intelligence regime in South Africa (1994-2014) : an analytical perspective / Matthias Adriaan van den Berg

Van den Berg, Matthias Adriaan January 2014 (has links)
Intelligence, having espionage as its roots, is sometimes misunderstood due to its secret nature. It is due to this that intelligence as a vital component in a state, could be misused by the political regime through less democratic practices that infringe on human rights and the rule of law. The quest of this study (which is not classified, to make the research findings available to both practitioners and scholars of intelligence studies), is to attempt to contribute to the theory and understanding of intelligence studies as a sub-field within the political science in describing, explaining and analysing the intelligence regime. The primary aim is to provide a contextualised and systematic overview of the South African intelligence regime within the framework of the democratisation process in South Africa with specific reference to the period from 1994 to 2014. This study analyses the intelligence regime in South Africa by specifically assessing the role, function and purpose of intelligence through history and within the context of the South African political regime. Therefore, the research problem examined in this study is: given the history and development of South Africa as a democracy, what is the role and function of the intelligence regime during the period 1994 to 2014 – specifically to determine whether intelligence practices were more or less democratic. The theoretical framework formed the basis from which the concepts of state, political regime types and form and degree of government, was explored. It furthermore provided for a comparison of democratic and non-democratic intelligence practices. The study locates intelligence as a reflection of the political regime through the simultaneous typology of both the regime and intelligence, thereby to enable the identification of more or less democratic practices. The notion of a hybrid regime, as having elements of both democratic and non-democratic regimes, presented a fundamental shift in the perception of South Africa‘s democratisation process towards an attempt to reach the goal of being a consolidated democracy. This study draw the conclusion that the role, functions and mandate of an intelligence service within a democracy, should firstly focus on providing the policy-maker with intelligence to be able to make policies; secondly on the identification of threats or potential threats to national security of the state and lastly to protect the constitution. This would ultimately enable the intelligence regime in South Africa to employ more democratic practices which could assist in reaching the goal of democratic consolidation. / MA (Political Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Funksionering van 'n missionêre geloofsgemeenskap / Operation of a life-transforming congregation

Jansen van Vuuren, Dawid Schalk 05 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk maak nie meer 'n impak op die samelewing van ons tyd nie. Beide statistiek en die landsomstandighede bewys onteenseglik hierdie stelling. Die situasie in Suid-Afrika is so benard dat die kerk nie onbetrokke kan bly nie. Die kerk is egter self kragteloos en kwynend. Die rede waarom die kerk nie 'n impak maak op mense nie, is <lat die kerk sy roeping verloor het. 'n Kerk wat sy roeping verloor het, het ook sy identiteit verloor. Die roeping van die kerk word bespreek aan die hand van die Matteus-evangelie. Gehoorsaarnheid t.o.v. haar roeping vra dat die kerk 'n manier vind om gesekulariseerde mense te evangeliseer en assimileer. 'n Historiese blik op die kerk wys uit dat ons tans op die drumpel van die grootste transformasie staan wat die kerk die afgelope 1600 jaar beleef het. Ons geslag is geroep om die kerk van die volgende paradigma gestalte te laat kry. Aan die hand van die sosioloog, Parsons, word uitgewys dat die huidige struktuur van die kerk waardevorming teewerk. 'n Meer effektiewe inrigting word deur die teorie uitgewys. Die identiteit van die kerk en verhoudinge in die kerk meet baie ernstiger opgeneem word. Die tyd van die kerk as instituut is verby. Die kerk sal maksimum impak op mense buite die kerk he wanneer die kerugma, leiturgia, koinonia en diakonia gebalanseerd funksioneer. Drie prosesse moet op die missionere front van die geloofsgemeenskap in sinvolle samehang funksioneer ten einde gesekulariseerde mense te bereik. Dit is diens aan die gemeenskap, 'n dialoog-geleentheid, en 'n duidelik omlynde proses waardeur gewillige buitestaanders deel word van die huisgesin van die geloof en Koninkrykswaardes gevestig word. Die sentrale stelling van hierdie studie is dat 'n geloofsgemeenskap wat gesond en gebalanseerd funksioneer 'n positiewe transformerende invloed op mense uitoefen, wat ook na hulle waardes deurwerk. / The Church no longer has any significant impact on society. An analysis of the Church morally and statistically confirms this. The situation in South Africa is so critical, that the Church cannot afford to remain detached and uninvolved. An explanation for this lack of impact, is that the Church has lost its identity. Its loss of a sense of call and purpose is argued from the Gospel of Matthew. In order to rediscover its call, the Church must find a way to evangelise and assimilate secular people. A historical analysis reveals that the Church is on the brink of the greatest transformation in 1600 years. Our generation is called upon to shape the new Church paradigm. The present structure of the institutional Church nullifies the attempt to instil its moral values. Parson's sociological theory confirms this and proposes a more effective paradigm, where the identity of the Church and the importance of relationships are underscored. It is only when the Church balances kerugma, leiturgia, koinonia and diakonia that she effectively impacts on secular men and women. Three processes need to be held in tension in this evangelical endeavour of the faith community. These include ministry to the commtinity; an interactional dialogue; and a process of assimilation and value formation, culminating in a sense of belonging to the household of faith. The central thesis holds that a balanced and healthy community of faith, effects a positive transforming influence and leads to a change of values. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

The psychosocial stressors of women with HIV/AIDS involved in a support group (in Walvis Bay)

Feris, Reinett Freya 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was conducted to determine the psychosocial stressors of women living with HIV/AlDS. The study also included the utilisation of group work by social workers to support HIV positive women. The exploratory study was also conducted to determine HIV positive women's experiences in a support group. The researcher's interest in group work, as well as her involvement with a support group with HIV positive women, is the motivation for the study. The aim of the study is to provide an explanation of the psychosocial stressors that HIV positive women experience and also to capture their experiences regarding the support group they attend. Nine psychosocial stressors, namely anger, fear, loss, grieve, guilt, denial and disclosure, depression, suicidal behaviour and anxiety, were included in the literature study. The advantages, disadvantages and components of group work, as well as comparisons of effective and ineffective groups, were highlighted. The research also focused on planning a group for women with HIV/AlDS, with special attention given to the needs assessment, the purpose of the group, the group composition and the structure of the group. The value of group work with HIV positive women was investigated. The universum was HIV positive women at the Walvis Bay Multi-Purpose Centre. The qualitative research method that was used took the form of structured interviews. The results of this study generally confirmed the findings of the literature study. Recommendations include ways in which social workers can assist HIV positive women not only on an individual basis but also especially in a group setting, and recommendations concerning future research. The importance of future research with HIV positive women was especially recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die psigososiale stresfaktore wat HIV positiewe vroue ondervind, te bepaal. Die studie het ook maatskaplike werkers se gebruik van groepwerk om HIV positiewe vroue te ondersteun, ondersoek. Die navorsing is voorts onderneem om HIV positiewe vroue se ervarings van 'n ondersteunersgroep te bepaal. Die navorser se belangstelling in groepwerk, en haar betrokkenheid by 'n ondersteunersgroep vir HIV positiewe vroue, was die motivering om die studie te onderneem. Die doel met die studie is om die psigososiale stresfaktore wat HIV positiewe vroue ondervind, te beskryf en te verduidelik, en ook om sommige van die ervarings wat sulke vroue in 'n ondersteunersgroep ondervind, te boekstaaf. Nege psigososiale stresfaktore, naamlik woede, vrees, verlies, droefheid, skuldgevoel, ontkenning en onthulling, depressie, selfmoordgedrag en angs, is in die literatuurstudie bestudeer. Die komponente en voor- en nadele van groepwerk, asook 'n vergelyking van effektiewe en oneffektiewe groepe is ook ingesluit. Die beplanning van 'n groep vir HIV positiewe vroue is benadruk, met spesiale verwysing na die behoeftebepaling, en die doel, die samestelling en die struktuur van die groep. Die waarde van groepwerk vir HIV positiewe vroue is ook ondersoek. Die universum is HIV positiewe vroue by die Walvisbaai Multi-Purpose Centre. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode wat gebruik is, is gestruktureerde onderhoude. Die resultate van die studie het in die algemeen die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie onderskryf. Aanbevelings sluit in wyses waarop maatskaplike werkers HIV positiewe vroue nie alleen op 'n individuele basis nie, maar ook in groepsverband kan ondersteun, asook moontlike gebiede vir verdere navorsing. Die belang van verdere navorsing met HIV positiewe vroue word veraI beklemtoon.


陳豐年, chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有關保險證券化(Insurance Securitization)之發展可謂為國際金融市場上之一項革命,而巨災債券乃為保險連結型證券之大宗,此一分散、消化巨災損失之新興金融技術,對於日益捉襟見肘的巨災風險再保險人而言,無疑成為了新的活水源頭。回顧我國,自從於八十八年九月歷經九二一大地震摧殘後,驚覺天然巨災之可怕,亟思研擬分散巨災損失之對策。就風險移轉之技術層面而言,引進巨災債券制度不失為一可行之良方。然巨災債券並無法直接適用於我國去年七月新通過之「金融資產證券化條例」,因此遂滋生若欲引進巨災債券制度時,我國現行法規架構應如何加以調整此一重大問題。又特殊目的再保險人(Special Purpose Reinsurer, SPR)所發行之巨災債券究為保險商品,抑或純粹為一種證券?監理機關對其又應採如何之監理架構,始能有效率地加以監理?而我國相關之稅制對此亦應採取如何之態度,方能吸引外資於我國進行巨災債券交易?此等皆國際保險監理上亦迭生爭議之議題,殊值研究。 因此,本文以下希望能借助比較法等研究方式,指出我國未來如欲繼受巨災債券此一制度時,應如何調整現存的法規架構與監理制度以符需求。希冀能對將來催生巨災債券制度提供一參考的方向。本文架構,安排如下: 第一章為緒論。闡述本文之研究動機與研究目的、研究範圍、研究方法,以及研究架構。 第二章討論國際金融市場上日益興起的「證券化」趨勢。本文先行整理各家學說見解對「證券化」之定義,再提出自身看法,並將巨災債券融入「證券化」的體系中,俾使其定位清晰,以利日後之理解推論。最後,再簡單介紹美、英兩國之證券化歷程,以使證券化之說明能更加完整。 第三章討論保險證券化於保險市場之崛起因素及該市場未來之展望。按保險證券化之興起背景,乃因傳統再保險市場之承保能量不足,保險業者用之因應頻繁之巨災及萎縮之再保險市場承保能量的替代方案,其主要類型有保險連結型固定收益證券、交易所的巨災選擇權及保險連結型資本融資證券三種。展望未來,雖然保險證券化商品有保險風險之不同質性等諸多挑戰,但無庸置疑的,保險證券化已是未來保險及再保險產業發展的新趨勢。 第四章討論巨災債券之交易架構及發展現況。按巨災債券交易架構者,簡單來說,係以欲進行風險移轉的分保人或一般企業所設立之特殊目的再保險人(或特殊目的保險人)為核心,向外放射出四個交易關係所架構而成。該四個交易關係乃:(一)為與分保人之間的再保險交易(或保險交易);(二)為與利率市場上其他交易者間進行利率交換交易;(三)為與投資人之間的債券交易;(四)為與信託業之間的信託交易。另外,東京海上火災保險公司的地震風險證券化等等著名的巨災債券交易案例,均將於本章內作詳細之介紹。 第五章討論巨災債券之法規架構。由於巨災債券交易所涉之法規眾多,未免紛雜,本章乃將此大致區分為二大種類而加以討論:第一,為當事人間之法律關係:主要涉及美國商品交易法、期貨交易實務法、證券法、證券交易法、投資公司法、信託法及保險法;第二,為相關稅捐法制:主要為我國之證券交易稅條例、加值型與非加值型營業稅法及所得稅法。 第六章討論巨災債券交易之相關監理議題。按巨災債券交易之相關監理議題,通常涉及監理權限就應歸屬於何一機關?投資人是否應接受保險業監理法令之拘束?等等問題。最後,本章亦將提及新進的監理立法例-即美國伊利諾州保險交易所(Illinois Insurance Exchange)與美國保險監理官委員會(National Association of Insurance Commissioners, NAIC)之受保護帳戶公司模範法(Protected Cell Company Model Act)、NAIC特殊目的再保險機制模範法(Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicle Model Act)及百慕達一九九八年保險修正法,以便完整呈現整個巨災債券監理之全貌。 第七章討論我國於引進巨災債券制度時所可能面臨之法規與監理制度相關議題。就我國現行法規制度而言,如欲引進巨災債券此一新興風險移轉方法,將面臨到許多挑戰與衝擊。諸如金融資產證券化條例並無法直接適用於巨災債券、我國是否可以於國內設置特殊目的再保險人,以及如何在國內外公開發行或私募巨災債券等等問題均是。其次,再就我國保險監理制度而言,如欲引進巨災債券制度則勢必亦需對整套保險監理制度作出適度之調整,方能竟全功,本章亦將詳究之。 第八章為結論。本章將擷取前揭各章討論之結果加以彙整,俾供將來我國引進巨災債券制度之參考。

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