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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crédito imobiliário : uma análise do modelo brasileiro em comparação com os modelos internacionais

Veit, Luís Henrique January 2012 (has links)
O sonho da casa própria é acalentado em todas as sociedades, sem importar as raízes culturais ou sociais. A questão é que a concretização desse sonho, normalmente a maior aquisição das pessoas ao longo de toda sua vida, envolve fatores ou recursos que nem sempre estão à disposição. Portanto, são necessários mecanismos que permitam esta aquisição, tais como o financiamento imobiliário. Esse trabalho espera trazer alguma luz sobre essa oportuna discussão. Nossa proposta é apresentar alguns exemplos de sociedade que conseguiram equacionar a problemática dos recursos financeiros, bem como tentar apresentar propostas de adequação ao modelo atual, as quais poderiam ser adotadas em nosso país. / The dream of home ownership is cherished in all societies, regardless of cultural or social roots. The point is that the realization of this dream, usually the biggest purchase of people throughout his life, involves factors or resources that are not always available. So, mechanisms are needed to possibility this acquisition, such as housing finance. This work hopes to bring some points on this timely discussion. Our proposal is to present some examples of societies that have managed to equate the issue of financial resources as well as trying to present proposals to adapt to the current model, which could be adopted in our country.

Crédito imobiliário : uma análise do modelo brasileiro em comparação com os modelos internacionais

Veit, Luís Henrique January 2012 (has links)
O sonho da casa própria é acalentado em todas as sociedades, sem importar as raízes culturais ou sociais. A questão é que a concretização desse sonho, normalmente a maior aquisição das pessoas ao longo de toda sua vida, envolve fatores ou recursos que nem sempre estão à disposição. Portanto, são necessários mecanismos que permitam esta aquisição, tais como o financiamento imobiliário. Esse trabalho espera trazer alguma luz sobre essa oportuna discussão. Nossa proposta é apresentar alguns exemplos de sociedade que conseguiram equacionar a problemática dos recursos financeiros, bem como tentar apresentar propostas de adequação ao modelo atual, as quais poderiam ser adotadas em nosso país. / The dream of home ownership is cherished in all societies, regardless of cultural or social roots. The point is that the realization of this dream, usually the biggest purchase of people throughout his life, involves factors or resources that are not always available. So, mechanisms are needed to possibility this acquisition, such as housing finance. This work hopes to bring some points on this timely discussion. Our proposal is to present some examples of societies that have managed to equate the issue of financial resources as well as trying to present proposals to adapt to the current model, which could be adopted in our country.

Crédito imobiliário : uma análise do modelo brasileiro em comparação com os modelos internacionais

Veit, Luís Henrique January 2012 (has links)
O sonho da casa própria é acalentado em todas as sociedades, sem importar as raízes culturais ou sociais. A questão é que a concretização desse sonho, normalmente a maior aquisição das pessoas ao longo de toda sua vida, envolve fatores ou recursos que nem sempre estão à disposição. Portanto, são necessários mecanismos que permitam esta aquisição, tais como o financiamento imobiliário. Esse trabalho espera trazer alguma luz sobre essa oportuna discussão. Nossa proposta é apresentar alguns exemplos de sociedade que conseguiram equacionar a problemática dos recursos financeiros, bem como tentar apresentar propostas de adequação ao modelo atual, as quais poderiam ser adotadas em nosso país. / The dream of home ownership is cherished in all societies, regardless of cultural or social roots. The point is that the realization of this dream, usually the biggest purchase of people throughout his life, involves factors or resources that are not always available. So, mechanisms are needed to possibility this acquisition, such as housing finance. This work hopes to bring some points on this timely discussion. Our proposal is to present some examples of societies that have managed to equate the issue of financial resources as well as trying to present proposals to adapt to the current model, which could be adopted in our country.


Righi, Paulo César da Rosa 28 February 2013 (has links)
Most of the Brazilian habitation necessity is supplied by builds financed by real estate institutions. The institutions receive as guarantee the own property financed. Those companies analyze the projects of the enterprises according to technical and professional criteria of its own to the grant of subsidies and comply with the social habitation programs. It was found that, despite the Caixa Econômica Federal is the main financing entity of the real estate business of the country and participating of studies and debates about the validity of the ABNT 15575 norm Housing Buildings Performance, in their analysis to the grant of real estate credit the buildings acoustic parameters are not contemplated yet. Considering that both traffic and neighbors noise bother the people inside their residences it s possible to presume that those buildings do not show a proper performance about acoustic insulation, and, therefore, it isn t complying with of its purpose that is to provide acoustic comfort. The Technical Norms of ABNT NBR 15575, internal normative manuals of the Caixa Econômica Federal, technical documents and studies for the quantification of the acoustic parameters of the buildings were analyzed. In this study acoustic isolation coefficients determined in laboratory and field tests that represent most of the constructive elements used in this country, with data obtained through classical acoustic books and academic works about the subject were used. Were developed a tool composed by 2 electronic worksheets to subsidize the technical analysis of the real estate by the financial institutions in order to ensure that the priority be given to residential enterprises with better acoustic performance. The Worksheet A is about insulation and acoustic insulation, it means, relative to laboratory and field tests and, the Worksheet B is only about acoustic insulation, in other words, relative to field tests. From the report of the worksheets results, will be suggested the creation of one annex to the Caixa Econômica Federal Engineering Analysis Report, in order to contemplate the acoustic performance of the housing and to verify the minimum attendance to the performance norm ABNT 15575, as well as, the attendance level (minimum, intermediate or superior) of the forefront systems, inner seal walls, floor systems and coverage of the housing buildings. / Grande parte da necessidade habitacional brasileira é suprida por obras financiadas através de instituições de crédito imobiliário. As instituições financiadoras recebem como garantia o próprio imóvel financiado. Estas empresas analisam os projetos dos empreendimentos com critérios técnicos próprios para concessão de subsídios e enquadramento nos programas de habitação. Verificou-se que o principal órgão financiador do crédito imobiliário do país está participando de estudos e debates sobre a vigência da Norma ABNT 15575 Edificações Habitacionais Desempenho. Porém, em suas análises para concessão de crédito imobiliário ainda não estão contemplados os parâmetros acústicos das edificações. Considerando-se que os ruídos de tráfego e da vizinhança causam incômodo às pessoas no interior de suas residências, é possível pressupor que estas não apresentam um bom desempenho quanto ao isolamento acústico e, portanto, não estão cumprindo uma de suas finalidades, que é a de proporcionar conforto acústico a seus ocupantes. Foram analisados a Norma Técnica da ABNT, NBR 15575, Manuais Normativos da Caixa Econômica Federal, documentos técnicos e estudos disponíveis para quantificação dos parâmetros acústicos das edificações. Neste estudo, foram utilizados coeficientes de isolamento acústico determinados em ensaios de laboratório e a campo que representaram grande parte dos elementos construtivos utilizados no país. Os dados foram obtidos em livros clássicos de acústica e em trabalhos acadêmicos sobre o tema. Desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta composta por duas planilhas eletrônicas para subsidiar as análises técnicas do crédito imobiliário pelas instituições financiadoras, a fim de assegurar que sejam privilegiados os empreendimentos residenciais com melhor desempenho acústico. A Planilha A trata de isolação e isolamento acústico, ou seja, referente a testes em laboratório e a campo e, a Planilha B trata somente de isolamento acústico, ou seja, referente a testes realizados a campo. A partir do relatório de resultados das planilhas eletrônicas, pode ser verificado o atendimento à norma de desempenho ABNT NBR 15575, bem como, o nível de desempenho acústico dos sistemas de paredes de vedação internas e externas, sistemas de pisos e sistemas de coberturas acessíveis das Edificações Habitacionais.

Småhusbyggande i marknadssvaga Götalandskommuner : En studie i hur mycket det byggs och hur det finansieras / Building of single-family houses in weak markets in southern Sweden : A study of how many single-family houses are built and how they are financed

Elmersson, Åsa, Grafström, Joel January 2017 (has links)
Sverige räknas till blandekonomierna. Blandekonomin har sin utgångspunkt i marknadsekonomin men staten reglerar marknaden till viss del. Detta gäller också för bostadsmarknaden. Så utgångspunkten är således att marknaden ska styra priset på småhus genom tillgång och efterfrågan. Det är ena sidan. Den andra sidan är regleringarna. När det kommer till bostäder är det till exempel bolånetaket och amorteringskravet. Bolånetaket utgår från bedömt marknadsvärde. Är det ett begagnat hus räknas som regel försäljningspriset som marknadsvärde medan det i de fall det är ett helt nytt hus görs en förhandsvärdering inför byggnationen. Maximalt kan 85 procent av marknadsvärdet belånas, med fastigheten som säkerhet, för att finansiera ett husköp eller en nybyggnation. På attraktiva marknader är detta sällan något problem eftersom marknadsvärdet på nybyggnationerna oftast är högre än kostnaderna för att bygga huset. Men hur är det då i områden där det inte är så, utan där produktionskostnaderna istället ofta är högre än det förväntade marknadsvärdet? Rent teoretiskt borde det inte kunna byggas småhus i dessa områden med annat än att de som bygger satsar eget kapital och/eller lägger ner mycket eget arbete. Är det så verkligheten ser ut eller lånar bankerna trots allt ut pengar? Och byggs det några småhus överhuvudtaget i dessa områden? Med breda penseldrag har detta undersökts. Urvalet för studien är de femton kommuner i Götaland med lägst Tobins q-värde, det vill säga hade sämst relation i kvoten marknadspris på en befintlig bostad genom den totala produktionskostnaden för en likartad bostad ur Boverkets lista för år 2012. I studien har bygglovsstatistiken i undersökningskommunerna och jämförelsekommunerna studerats. Rapporten visar att det relativt sett byggs färre småhus i de undersökta kommunerna. I de femton undersökta kommunerna med svaga bostadsmarknader är medianvärdet 0,20 beviljade bygglov per tusen invånare. Motsvarande siffra för de tio mest folkrikaste kommunerna i Götaland är 0,69, nästan 3,5 gånger mer under samma år. Studien har också undersökt den teoretiska lönsamheten på de platser där bygglov utfärdats i de studerade kommunerna. En teoretisk produktionskostnad har antagits och en modell skapats för att kunna massvärdera samtliga bygglov med hjälp av taxeringsvärden. Resultatet med den här modellen ger att i 87 procent av fallen går det inte med säkerhet att säga att nybyggnationen är ekonomiskt lönsam vid färdigställandet. Slutligen har studien även undersökt hur nybyggnationerna finansieras genom att inteckningsbeloppen för varje nybyggt småhus har granskats. Av de nybyggnationer där interimistiskt slutbesked eller slutbesked har erhållits visar det sig att 20 procent av nybyggnationerna inte har några inteckningar alls och således har finansierats på annat sätt än genom lån med huset som säkerhet. Bedöms istället, utifrån datamaterialet, den teoretiska produktionskostnaden i förhållande till ett uppskattat marknadsvärde är knappt 50 procent av dessa nybyggnationer helt bankfinansierade. Således är cirka 30 procent av nybyggnationerna sannolikt delvis bankfinansierade. Även tecken på övervärdering av nya bostäder har uppmärksammats.

Metodický postup převodu členských práv a povinností u družstevního bytu / Methodical Procedure for Transferring Membership Rights and Obligations in a Cooperative Flat

Kellnerová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of co-operative ownership of immovable property and the specifics of its financing through a mortgage loan. The first part of the thesis contains an explanation of basic terms concerning housing cooperatives, mortgage loans and the overall process of purchase and financing of immovable property. The second part of the thesis then evaluates the optimal financing of a particular cooperative apartment, taking into account the risks associated with it. The conclusion of the thesis contains recommendations for reducing the analyzed risks, both from the perspective of the applicant and from the perspective of the bank.

Financial Arrangements for Large Property Transactions / Finansieringsupplägg vid stora fastighetsaffärer Hur skiljer det sig över konjunkturcykler?

Friesland, Mark, Åkerhielm, Philip January 2016 (has links)
The transaction volumes on the Swedish real estate market have during the last few years been soaring. The correlation between the financing climate in Sweden and the transaction volumes have been eminent. In an industry where external capital is of vital essence, it is extremely important to create a financing arrangement that sustains both booms and recessions. To generate a broader view of the real estate market, the purpose of the thesis has been to survey the financing arrangements in large property transactions during an economic cycle, the last decade. Through the information the thesis has aimed for creating a view of determining factors behind the choice of financing arrangement, provide a prospective view and to explore suitable arrangements given the economy. The thesis has mainly used a qualitative approach combined with a quantitative collection of data. Thus, it is based on a survey of financing arrangements from the 4 largest transactions each year from the last decade and on information gathered through interviews with key figures from both real estate owners and real estate consultants. The gathered material indicated that the numerous companies’ different financial arrangements was defined by their purpose of ownership. The real estate owners have historically used a high degree of external financing in transactions, primarily bank debt. The banks’ willingness of lending have however varied over time which inevitably affect the companies. The more recent period of the survey shows that financing through capital markets have become an important source. Despite varying loanto- value ratios during the period, the high levels from before have not been found. The reason behind the lower degree of leverage in general is due to the fact that the real estate owners have learnt a lesson from previous crisis. Our thesis displays that financing arrangements differs depending on buyer and that it is company specific. The various arrangements depending on buyer and company have evidentially made it problematic to find direct connections between choice of financing and economy or to find basis in earlier theories. However, when it comes to the real estate owners, we were able to see resemblance of the Trade-off theory. The consistent coherence amongst the real estate owners – which also endorses the Trade-off theory – is to find a sustainable combination of internal- and external capital to, from without a defined risk profile, maximise returns. / Transaktionsvolymerna på fastighetsmarknaden har under de senaste åren varit glödhet. Det allmänna finansieringsklimatet i landet har varit starkt korrelerad till transaktionsvolymerna. I en bransch där lånekapital är av vital betydelse har det varit synnerligen betydelsefullt för aktörerna att hitta ett finansieringsupplägg som är tillräckligt slagkraftigt i både upp- och nedgång. För att bilda oss en bredare uppfattning om fastighetsmarknaden har studiens syfte gått ut på att kartlägga hur finansieringsuppläggen vid stora fastighetsaffärer har sett ut under en konjunkturcykel, det senaste decenniet. Utifrån det har studien syftat till att ge en bild kring faktorerna bakom valet av finansieringsupplägg, ge en framåtblickande syn samt försöka hitta ett förslag på ett lämpligt finansieringsupplägg givet konjunktur. Studien har huvudsakligen haft en kvalitativ ansats, kombinerat med en kvantitativ datainsamling. Studien baseras således dels på en kartläggning av finansieringsuppläggen på de 4 största transaktionerna för respektive år under det senaste decenniet och dels på information inhämtad genom intervjuer med personer verksamma inom fastighetsbolag och fastighetsrådgivning. Det insamlade materialet indikerade att de olika aktörernas finansieringsupplägg definierades av respektive aktörs ägandesyfte. Fastighetsbolag har exempelvis historiskt utnyttjat en hög grad av extern finansiering vid transaktioner, primärt bankfinansiering. Bankernas utlåningsvilja har dock från tid till annan varierat vilket påverkat företagen i allra högsta grad. Under senare delen av undersökningsperioden har även kapitalmarknaderna varit en betydande finansieringskälla. Trots varierande belåningsgrader under perioden, har de höga nivåerna från förr inte återfunnits. Anledningen har framförallt kopplats till att aktörerna lärt sig en ordentlig läxa från tidigare kriser.  Studien har framförallt visat att finansieringsuppläggen skiljt sig markant beroende på vem köparen är och att finansieringsupplägg rent generellt är väldigt bolagsspecifikt. Detta har medfört att det blivit svårt att finna direkta samband mot samtliga aktörer och kunna koppla deras agerande till tidigare teorier. Allmänt vad gäller just fastighetsbolag har vi däremot funnit störst likheter med Trade-off theory. En grundläggande tanke för många fastighetsbolag har visat sig vara att finna en stabil avvägning mellan eget- och främmande kapital för att utifrån en definierad riskprofil maximera avkastningen. Detta är också vad Trade-off förespråkar.

Real estate crowdfunding – An alternative source of financing / Crowdfunding av fastigheter – En alternative finansieringskälla

Lönnqvist, Gustav, Riesterer, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this paper is to examine the possibility to use crowdfunding as an alternative to the traditional real estate financing solutions. We have decided to focus on the project owners’ perspective contrary to the investors’ side. During the 80’s and 90’s there was a great influx of venture capital to the start-up market, however, financial crisis of 2000 resulted in a faded interest regarding investing in start-ups. The financial crisis and the new rules regarding banks outgoing loan balance, introduced after the crisis of 2008, Basel III, which created a real estate market that is very hard to penetrate for new developers and small businesses. When the real estate market was at its peak in Sweden it was common to find projects were banks represented 90 percent of the total capital, but the equivalent number today is commonly not representing more than 60 percent. The current state of the market creates a rough climate and difficulties for developers, who are continuously searching for new capital. This is where the notion of crowdfunding becomes important and where support from companies such as Tessin gives a developer the opportunity to bring forth the capital needed to create a project that will create value for its investors. Whether crowdfunding is a complement to traditional funding is what this paper aim to answer. The focus company of this research is Tessin, through conducted interviews, and secondary research about the company and the real estate market, this paper aspire to find out what is a reasonable goal for real estate crowdfunding in Sweden and for Tessin as a platform. / Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka möjligheten att använda crowdfunding som en alternativ finansieringslösning i enskilda fastighetsprojekt. Vi har valt att endast fokusera på projektägarens perspektiv och tar därför mindre hänsyn till investerarens. Under 80- och 90-talet kom en stor tillförsel av riskkapital till start-ups, men efter finanskrisen år 2000 försvann i stort sätt all denna vilja att satsa pengar på start-ups. Detta, i samspel med de restriktiva reglerna för bankutlåning som trädde i kraft i och med Basel III skapade en fastighetsmarknad som är svår penetrerad för nya aktörer och mindre företag. Tidigare hörde en belåningsgrad på fastigheter om 90 procent till vardagen, men idag får många företag vara glada om de blir beviljade 60 procent, detta medför en ständig jakt på kapital för projektutvecklare. Det är här crowdfunding kommer in i bilden. Med hjälp av aktörer som Tessin kan projekten komma över det kapital som krävs för att förverkligas. Huruvida detta kan vara ett komplement till traditionell finansiering har vi försökt att besvara genom att samla information från dels Tessin, dels personer med god insyn i både Tessin och fastighetsmarknaden i allmänhet och dels genom att intervjua projektägare som har använt sig av Tessins tjänst. Detta har vi gjort för att bilda oss en uppfattning om hur läget ser ut idag, men även för att undersöka vad som är ett rimligt mål för Tessin och crowdfunding av fastigheter i allmänhet.

Gröna obligationer : Trender inom fastighetfinansiering / Green bonds : Financing Trends in Real Estate

Bergvall, Olof, Hämquist, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Fastighetsfinansieringsmarknaden är i ständig förändring. Bolag söker kontinuerligt nya sätt att anskaffa kapital och på senare år har trenden att finansiera sig genom obligationer slagit på bred front i Sverige. På senare år har även diskussionen om klimathotet intensifierats och inte bara stater försöker vara hållbara och arbeta för en bättre omvärld. Med bakgrund av detta ämnar uppsatsen undersöka finansieringstrender på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden med fokus på gröna obligationer.För fastighetsbolag kan det finnas flera nyttor i att vara mer miljövänlig. De kan dels sänka driftkostnader och i förlängningen höja driftnettot och lönsamheten i deras fastigheter, men de kan också emittera gröna obligationer. De som emitterar gröna obligationer kan åtnjuta en något lägre premie än om den varit icke-grön och de får även möjligheten att kommunicera detta i sin hållbarhetsrapportering vilket ger företaget viss good-will. Det råder dock en viss oro på marknaden för bolag som kan utnyttja bristande information och kunskap för att emittera gröna obligationer och på så sätt ”åka snålskjuts” på denna förmånliga trend.Till denna kandidatuppsats har vi intervjuat företagsrepresentanter från fem stora svenska fastighetsbolag samt en från SFF som emitterar obligationer åt fem fastighetsbolag (varav ett vi intervjuat). Vi har även samlat in data om hur svenska fastighetsbolags kapitalstruktur förändrats sedan 2012. / The Capital Market for Real Estate is ever changing. Companies continuously try to find new ways to obtain financing and for the past years the trend has been for companies to go to the capital market and finance their projects with bonds. Furthermore, the climate-question has been intensified lately and companies are taking more responsibility when it comes to working towards a sustainable future. In view of this, this research paper aims to examine financing trends on the Swedish Real Estate Market with special focus on green bonds.The benefits that real estate companies can enjoy from being more environmentally sustainable are many, but the main benefits are that more sustainable buildings often result in lower operating and maintenance costs which in turn has a positive effect on the net operating income. Furthermore, companies that issue green bonds can enjoy a lower interest rate compared to those issuing regular bonds. Issuing a green bond also allows the company to communicate their sustainability work in a more natural way which in turn gives the company some good-will. Though some companies worry that there are other firms out there trying to capitalise on this green trend thus taking advantage of the work of others and attracting investors for the wrong reasons.The research has been conducted by interviewing representatives from five large Swedish real estate companies in addition to Svensk Fastighetsfinansiering, a bond issuer co-owned by five real estate companies, one which we have interviewed. Moreover, we have collected historical data of 26 Swedish real estate companies aggregated capital structure since 2012.

Fastighetsbolagens beslutsfattande : Fastighetsbolagens förändringar av beslut för investeringar och förvaltning samt bankerskreditgivning vid ett ökat ränteläge

Nilsson, Petter, Ahlgren, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to describe how decisions related to investments and propertymanagement change for real estate companies with an increased interest rate, as well asbanks' lending to real estate companies.  To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method was conducted through semistructured interviews with each respondent. The empirical material has interwoven with thetheoretical frame of reference. Thus, an abductive research approach has been used.  The analysis consists of interpretations of the empirical data covered by the thesis. Resultsand of the empirical data are linked to the thesis. The results of the analysis showed changesin the thesis in three areas: Changes in decisions in property management and propertyinvestments in the event of an increased interest rate situation. As well as the bank's lendingfor real estate companies in the event of an increased interest rate situation. The chapter alsoforms the basis for the thesis' later conclusions  The conclusions that have been established from studies are that real estate companies usesmany different types of security measures to minimize the sensitivity to an increased interestrate situation. In property management operations, long-term measures are taken to ensurecash flow. In the short term, it can be indirectly affected. Investment decisions are changedby re-prioritizing real estate companies' investment planning because of the returnrequirements. The conclusion for how the banks' lending changes is that lending as a wholedecrease with an increased interest rate situation. This is not due to the banks, but is about thereal estate companies finding it more difficult to meet the assessment requirements

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