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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Оптимизация бизнес-процесса по формированию кадрового резерва в диверсифицированной группе компаний машиностроительной отрасли : магистерская диссертация / Optimization of the business process for the formation of staff reserve in a diversified group of companies in the engineering industry

Белоусова, А. А., Belousova, A. A. January 2018 (has links)
Final qualification work (master thesis) on 81 page (A4 format, font Times New Roman, font size 14, 1.5 line spacing), excluding attachments. Number of tables-1 (excluding applications). Number of figures – 15 (excluding applications). Number of formulas-0 (excluding applications). Final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, conclusion, bibliography, and applications. This work begins with an introduction, which consists of the relevance of the master's thesis, problem statement, determining the purpose and objectives of the work, its object and subject, scientific novelty, research methods, practical significance and research methods. In the first Chapter of this work, the definitions, goals and objectives of the personnel reserve are considered and analyzed. In the same section, phased practices and methods of work with the personnel reserve will be presented. The second part of the work presents an assessment of the formation of the personnel reserve in the organization. It includes the analysis of relevant documentation, analysis of practice, the results of interviews and surveys of reservists. The third part contains recommendations for changes. Optimization of business processes will eliminate unproductive elements and include new regulatory and management documents, new participants in the HR-business process "formation of staff reserve". / Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) выполнена на 81 листе (формат А4, шрифт Times New Roman, кегль 14, интерлиньяж 1.5) без учета приложений. Количество таблиц – 1 (без учета приложений). Количество рисунков – 15 (без учета приложений). Количество формул – 0 (без учета приложений). Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. Данная работа начинается с введения, которое состоит из актуальности магистерской диссертационной работы, постановки проблемы, определения цели и задач работы, её объекта и предмета, научной новизны, методов исследования, практической значимости и методов исследования. В первой главе данной работы рассмотрены и проанализированы определения, цели и задачи кадрового резерва. В этом же разделе будут представлены поэтапные практики и методы работы с кадровым резервом. Во второй части работы представлена оценка формирования кадрового резерва в организации. Она включает в себя анализ нормативной документации, анализ практики, результаты интервью и опроса резервистов. Третья часть содержит рекомендации по изменениям. Оптимизация бизнес-процессов позволит исключить непродуктивные элементы и включить новые нормативные и управляющие документы, новых участников в HR-бизнес-процесс «формирование кадрового резерва».

Potential of demand response for chlor-alkali electrolysis processes

Lerch, Philipp, Scheller, Fabian, Bruckner, Thomas 13 October 2023 (has links)
Chlor-alkali electrolysis indicates significant demand response potential, accounting for over 2% of Germany’s total elec-tricity demand. To fully analyze this potential, digital models or digital twins are necessary. In this study, we use the IRPopt modeling framework to develop a digital model of an electrolysis process and examine the cost-optimal load shifting application in the day-ahead spot and balancing reserve market for various price scenarios (2019, 2030, 2040). We also investigate the associated CO2 emissions. Combined optimization at both markets results in greater and more robust cost savings of 16.1% but cannibalizes the savings that are possible through optimization separately at each market. In future scenarios, the shares of savings from spot and reserve market could potentially reverse. CO2 savings between 2.5% and 9.2% appear only through optimization at the spot market and could even turn negative if optimized solely at the reserve market.

Capacity Market Design and Theory

Thor, Lisa, Palmborg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Most modern electricity markets do not guarantee that generation is reliable and sufficient to provide all consumer’s electricity needs at all times. This is due to design-flaws and regulatory intervention. During the coming decades, increased electricity demand and decarbonization trends will affect the electricity market greatly. As the share of wind and solar power increases in the generation mix, the inertia in the power system is expected to decrease. This can potentially increase the systems exposure to blackout risk. Therefore, it is important to ensure that electricity is traded in a way that ensures enough supply even during scarcity events. The study aims to compare six different capacity market designs that are widely discussed in the scientific literature. Furthermore, this study uses MATLAB to simulate how the utility for the strategic reserve in Sweden has changed over the past few years. The study finds no ideal capacity market design but concludes that different solutions come with their own advantages and trade-offs. The simulation results show that the utility of the strategic reserve in Sweden has increased during the last few years. Additionally, the simulation results suggest that demand for the strategic result varies on a daily time frame. / De flesta moderna elmarknader kan inte garantera pålitlig och tillräcklig produktion för att tillgodose konsumenters elbehov under alla tillfällen. Detta har att göra med brister i designen av elnätet och regleringar. Under de kommande decennierna kommer trender inom avkarbonisering att ha stor inverkan på elmarknaden. Med en ökande andel vind och solkraft som kraftproduktionsslag förväntas trögheten i kraftsystemet att minska. Detta kan potentiellt höja systemets utsatthet för strömavbrott. Därför är det viktigt att el handlas på ett sätt som försäkrar tillräcklig elförsörjning även under fall då produktionen är begränsad. Med målet att jämföra sex olika designer av kapacitetsmarknader som är etablerade i tidigare forskningsstudier. Vidare använder denna studie MATLAB för att simulera hur behovet av effektreserven i Sverige har ändrats under de senaste åren. Studien finner ingen ideal design för en kapacitetsmarknad, men fastställer att olika lösningar har sina egna fördelar och avvägningar. Studien finner vidare att behovet av effektreserven har ökat under de senaste åren. Dessutom indikerar simuleringsresultaten att behovet av effektreserven varierar med elbehovet under dag. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Domestic Livestock and Rewilding: Are They Mutually Exclusive?

Gordon, Iain J., Manning, Adrian D., Navarro, Laetitia M., Rouet-Leduc, Julia 30 March 2023 (has links)
Human influence extends across the globe, fromthe tallestmountains to the deep bottom of the oceans. There is a growing call for nature to be protected from the negative impacts of human activity (particularly intensive agriculture); so-called “land sparing”. A relatively new approach is “rewilding”, defined as the restoration of self-sustaining and complex ecosystems, with interlinked ecological processes that promote and support one another while minimising or gradually reducing human intervention. The key theoretical basis of rewilding is to return ecosystems to a “natural” or “self-willed” state with trophic complexity, dispersal (and connectivity) and stochastic disturbance in place. However, this is constrained by context-specific factors whereby it may not be possible to restore the native species that formed part of the trophic structure of the ecosystem if they are extinct (e.g., mammoths, Mammuthus spp., aurochs, Bos primigenius); and, populations/communities of native herbivores/predators may not be able to survive or be acceptable to the public in small scale rewilding projects close to areas of high human density. Therefore, the restoration of natural trophic complexity and disturbance regimes within rewilding projects requires careful consideration if the broader conservation needs of society are to be met. In some circumstances, managers will require a more flexible deliberate approach to intervening in rewilding projects using the range of tools in their toolbox (e.g., controlled burning regimes; using domestic livestock to replicate the impacts of extinct herbivore species), even if this is only in the early stages of the rewilding process. If this approach is adopted, then larger areas can be given over to conservation, because of the potential broader benefits to society from these spaces and the engagement of farmers in practises that are closer to their traditions. We provide examples, primarily European, where domestic and semi-domestic livestock are used by managers as part of their rewilding toolbox. Here managers have looked at the broader phenotype of livestock species as to their suitability in different rewilding systems. We assess whether there are ways of using livestock in these systems for conservation, economic (e.g., branded or certified livestock products) and cultural gains.

Quantifying Environmental Services: A Spatial Analysis of Northern Guatemala

Stults, Shelby A. 15 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Virtual Power Plant Optimization Utilizing the FCR-N Market : A revenue maximization modelling study based on building components and a Battery Energy Storage System. Based on values from Sweden's first virtual power plant, Väla.

Edwall, Bill January 2020 (has links)
Renewable energy resources are projected to claim a larger part of the Swedish power mix in coming years. This could potentially increase frequency fluctuations in the power grid due to the intermittency of renewable power generating resources. These fluctuations can in turn cause issues in the power grid if left unchecked. In order to resolve these issues, countermeasures are employed. One such countermeasure is for private actors to regulate power; in exchange they are financially compensated through reserve markets. The reserve market studied in this thesis is called Frequency Containment Reserve – Normal (FCR-N). Currently hydroelectric power provides almost all regulated power within this market. As the need for power regulation is expected to increase in the coming years, there exists a need to study other technologies capable of power regulation. This thesis focuses on one such technology called, virtual power plants. While virtual power plants are operating in other parts of the world, there were no virtual power plants operating in Sweden. As a result, the nature of an optimized virtual power plant and the economic benefits of optimization had not been previously investigated. To answer such questions, this thesis modelled and optimized the revenue of a virtual power plant. The examined virtual power plant consisted of cooling chillers, lighting, ventilation fans and a battery energy storage system. Where varying their total power demand allowed for them to provide power regulation. With the virtual power plant market in Sweden being in its infancy, this thesis serves as a first look into how an optimized virtual power plant using these components could function. To put the economic results of the optimization into context, a comparative model was constructed. The comparative model was based on a semi-static linear model. This is what the thesis’s industry partner Siemens currently uses. For the simulated scenarios, the optimized model generated at least 85% higher net revenues than the semi-static linear model. The increase in revenue holds potential to increase the uptake of virtual power plants on the Swedish market, thus increasing stability in the power grid and easing the transition to renewable energy. / Då förnyelsebara energiresurser antas omfatta en större roll av den svenska elproduktionen inom kommande år, så kan detta leda till att frekvensfluktueringar i elnätet ökar. Detta sker på grund av att den oregelbundna elproduktionen från förnyelsebara energiresurser inte matchas med konsumtion. Om dessa fluktueringar inte hanteras kan det i sin tur leda till skadliga störningar inom elnätet. För att motverka detta och således stabilisera elnätet används diverse lösningar. Ett sätt att åstadkomma ökad stabilisering i elnätet är att låta privata aktörer kraftreglera. De privata aktörerna som står för kraftregleringen gör detta i utbyte mot ekonomisk kompensation, genom att delta i reservmarknader. Den reservmarknad som studerades inom detta examensarbete kallas Frequency Containment Reserve – Normal (FCR-N). I nuläget står vattenkraft för nästan all reglerad kraft inom den här marknaden. Men då behovet av kraftreglering antas öka inom kommande år så behövs nya teknologier studeras som kan bistå med kraftregleringen. Den studerade teknologin inom detta examensarbete var ett virtuellt kraftverk. Då inga virtuella kraftverk var i bruk i Sverige då denna uppsats skrevs fanns det osäkerheter kring hur man optimalt styr ett virtuellt kraftverk och de ekonomiska fördelarna som detta skulle kunna leda till. Detta examensarbete modellerade och optimerade ett virtuellt kraftverk ur ett vinstperspektiv. Det virtuella kraftverket var uppbyggt utav kylmaskiner, ljus, ventilationsfläktar och ett batterisystem. Deras kraftkonsumtion styrdes på ett sådant sätt som lätt de bidra till kraftreglering på reservmarknaden. För att kunna analysera de ekonomiska resultaten från det optimerade virtuella kraftverket, så byggdes en jämförelsemodell. Denna jämförelsemodell är baserad på en semistatisk linjär modell, vilket är det som examensarbetets industripartner Siemens använder. Den ekonomiska jämförelsens resultat påvisade att inkomsten från den optimerade modellen var minst 85% högre än den semistatiskt linjära modellen, inom de studerade scenarierna. Denna inkomstökning skulle potentiellt kunna öka användningen av virtuella kraftverk på den svenska reservmarknaden vilket i sin tur skulle medföra högre stabilitet på elnätet. Genom att öka stabiliteten på elnätet kan således förnyelsebara energiresurser i sin tur lättare implementeras.

Day-ahead modelling of the electricity balancing market : A study of linear machine learning models used for modelling predictions of mFRR volumes

Bankefors, John January 2024 (has links)
The study aimed to define and investigate relevant parameters affecting manual frequency restoration reserve (mFRR) volumes of the balancing market in the Finnish price area. It also aimed to find suitable models and investigate Day-ahead prediction possibilities of mFRR volumes. Parameters related to mFRR volumes Day-ahead predictions were identified in several earlier studies where of nine parameters were investigated. The correlations between mFRR volumes and the different parameters were investigated using Spearman’s correlation. Different linear machine learning models for Day-ahead predictions of mFRR volumes were builtand tested in Python. The resulting models used for predicting mFRR volumes in Python were one ARIMAX model and one SARIMAX model. The models were validated with a walk-forward method where Day-ahead predictions were conducted monthly for one year. The accuracy of the predictions was measured by the validation parameters Mean Absolute Value, Root Mean Square Error and Median Absolute Deviation. Results from the study show that it is difficult to predict absolute activated mFRR volumes. Although, it might be possible to predict that mFRR volumes will be activated or not, up- or down regulated to some extent. One explanation of the difficulties in predicting mFRR volumes is dueto mFRR being a balancing product whose function is to regulate disturbances in the electricity grid.

Ecology, Habitat Use, and Conservation of Asiatic Black Bears in the Min Mountains of Sichuan Province, China

Trent, Jewel Andrew 13 July 2010 (has links)
This project was initiated in an attempt to address the paucity of data on Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) in Mainland China. Field work was carried out from May 2004 – August 2006 within the Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve in northwestern Sichuan Province, China. Initial methodology relied on trapping and GPS radio-collaring bears, but due to extreme difficulty with capturing a sufficient sample size, I expanded the study to include reproduction, feeding analysis from scats and sign, and occupancy modeling from sign surveys. I documented the home ranges of an adult female (100% MCP = 107.5km2, n=470 locations) and a sub-adult female (100%MCP = 5.9km2, n=36 locations) Asiatic black bear. I also documented two birthing occasions with a total of four male cubs produced and eight bear den sites. I collected feeding data from 131 scat samples and 200 bear sign transects resulting in 50 identified food items consumed by Asiatic black bears. I also employed the program PRESENCE to analyze occupancy data using both a standard grid repeated sampling technique and an innovative technique of aging bear sign along strip transect surveys to represent repeated bear occupancy over time. Conservation protection patrolling and soft mast were shown to be the most important factors determining the occupancy of an area by Asiatic black bears in Tangjiahe Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China. / Master of Science

Urbaniseringens ekologiska effekter på naturreservat : En kvalitativ studie om hur urbanisering genom förtätning och expansion påverkar naturmiljön i stadsnära naturreservat / The Ecological Effects of Urbanization on Nature Reserves

Johannisson, Ebba, Östblom, Desirée January 2024 (has links)
Naturreservat är en svensk skyddsform med syfte att bevara värdefull natur och sällsynta arter, upprätthålla biologisk mångfald och erbjuda rekreation för människor. Den pågående urbaniseringen genom förtätning och expansion leder till att mängden besökare i stadsnära naturreservat ökar, vilket medför att dess naturmiljö utsätts för ett ökat slitage, som i sin tur riskerar att hota syftet med skyddsformen. Ett stadsnära naturreservat som påverkas av urbanisering är Nackareservatet i Stockholms län.  Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur naturmiljön i stadsnära naturreservat påverkas av urbanisering samt hur dithörande negativa ekologiska effekter kan motverkas. Studien följer en kvalitativ explorativ design och datainsamlingen genomförs genom en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie. Studien visar att urbanisering ökar belastningen på naturmiljön i stadsnära naturreservat, såsom Nackareservatet, genom att mängden besökare ökar. Detta leder till att mark och flora påverkas, vilket försämrar livsmiljöer för djur, växter och mikroflora. Dessutom syns beteendeförändringar och ökade stressnivåer hos djur. Interaktionen mellan människor och djur kan däremot förbättra rekreationsupplevelser och gynna vissa djurarter, men sammantaget kan det konstateras att urbanisering resulterar i minskad biodiversitet. Urbanisering genom exploatering i närheten av reservatet kan även påverka dess inre naturmiljö. I Nackareservatet syns detta genom försämrade ekologiska spridningssamband och livsutrymmen för djur, och det kan ha bidragit till torrare våtmarker.  För att ett stadsnära naturreservat som Nackareservatet ska kunna hantera de konsekvenser som följer av en fortsatt urbanisering krävs förbättring av informationsskyltar med föreskrifter, bättre markering av stigar, noggrannare uppföljning av effekterna från närliggande exploatering samt större hänsyn till de ekologiska spridningssambanden. Ett starkare juridiskt skydd kan behöva införas som avser att bevara reservatet och förhindra oönskad exploatering i närheten. Om vattennivåerna i reservatet ökar till följd av ökade regnmängder orsakade av klimatförändringar och ökad avrinning från exploaterade närområden, kan utredning behöva göras för hur detta ska hanteras. Huruvida dessa metoder är tillräckliga för att hantera konsekvenser som följer av en fortsatt urbanisering går att ifrågasätta. Därmed krävs fler studier som undersöker hur stadsnära naturreservat påverkas av urbanisering och hur dess negativa effekter kan motverkas. / Nature reserves are a Swedish form of protection aimed at preserving valuable nature and rare species, maintaining biological diversity, and providing recreation and nature experiences for people. The ongoing urbanization through densification and expansion increases visitors to urban-adjacent nature reserves, resulting in increased wear on their natural environment, which risks threatening the purpose of the protection. An urban-adjacent nature reserve affected by urbanization is Nackareservatet in Stockholm County.  The purpose of the study is to examine how the natural environment in urban adjacent nature reserves is affected by urbanization, as well as how associated negative ecological effects can be mitigated. The study follows a qualitative exploratory design, and data collection is conducted through a literature review and an interview study.   The study demonstrates that urbanization increases pressure on urban-adjacent nature reserves, such as Nackareservatet, due to a rise in visitor numbers. This impacts soil and flora, which deteriorates habitats for animals, plants, and microflora. Additionally, animals exhibit behavioral changes and increased stress levels. Interaction between humans and animals can, however, enhance recreational experiences and benefit certain animal species, but overall, urbanization results in reduced biodiversity. Urbanization through exploration near the nature reserve can also affect its internal natural environment. In Nackareservatet, this is seen through degraded ecological dispersal links and habitats for animals, and it may have contributed to drier wetlands.  To enable an urban-adjacent nature reserve like Nackareservatet to manage urbanization, improvements are required in informational signs with regulations, better trail markings, enhanced monitoring of the effects of nearby development, and greater consideration should be given to ecological dispersal links. Stronger legal protection may be necessary to preserve the reserve and prevent unwanted exploitation in the vicinity. If water levels in the reserve increase due to higher rainfall and increased runoff from exploited nearby areas, an investigation may be needed on how to manage this. Whether these methods are sufficient to manage the consequences of continued urbanization is questionable. Therefore, more studies are needed to investigate how urban-adjacent nature reserves are affected by urbanization and how its negative effects can be mitigated.

The Relationship of Wealth, Financial Literacy and Relative Financial Well-Being to Self-Assessed Risk Tolerance: A Secondary Analysis

Hui, Roslyn Yuk-Bo January 2024 (has links)
This paper explores factors related to self-assessed risk tolerance, focusing on its relationship to wealth, financial literacy, financial well-being relative to parents’ financial well-being at the respective age, and financial well-being relative to one’s historical self. Additional predictors included age and education. The analyses were conducted using data from the Federal Reserve Board’s 2019 Survey of Household Economics and Decision-making (SHED). The measure of financial literacy was constructed from several survey items assessing knowledge of investing and interest rates. A multinomial logistic regression model confirmed that all of the abovementioned variables are indeed significant contributors to the prediction of self-assessed risk tolerance. Wealth is positively related to self-assessed risk tolerance, as predicted by Bernoullian utility theory. Age exhibits a non-linear relationship with risk tolerance. Both financial well-being relative to parents’ financial well-being at the same age and financial well-being relative to one’s historical self exhibit a positive relationship with risk tolerance. Lastly, those with higher financial literacy scores tend to have higher risk tolerance, as did those with more education. Some implications of the findings are discussed.

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