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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbättring av fyllnadsgrader i vägtransporter mellan distributionslager och butiker : en fallstudie hos PostNord TPL, Norrköping, Sverige / Improvement of fill rates in road transports between distribution center and retail stores : A case study at PostNord TPL, Norrköping, Sweden

Kristiansson, Johan, Isaksson, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
PostNord TPL ser en utmaning med ineffektiva fyllnadsgrader i sina transporter till deras slutkund, från PostNord TPL:s nya distributionslager Malmölandet i Norrköping. På grund av detta vill PostNord TPL förbättra sina utleveransprocesser för att höja fyllnadsgraden, vilket de vill möjliggöra genom att identifiera olika åtgärder. Vidare, vill företaget även identifiera vilken effekt dessa åtgärder kan medföra på verksamhetens kostnader och klimatpåverkan. Syftet med studien är därför att kartlägga PostNord TPL:s utleveransprocesser för att identifiera förbättringsområden och åtgärder med mål att öka fyllnadsgraden i transporter till slutkundens butiker, samt kartlägga vilka potentiella effekter en ökad fyllnadsgrad har med avseende på kostnader samt klimatpåverkan. I studien kartlades PostNord TPL:s utleveransprocess för att identifiera problem och förbättringsområden. Detta genomfördes genom att analysera intervjusvar från operativ personal hos PostNord TPL, tillsammans med egna observationer av utleveransprocessen. I studien granskades produktflöden mellan Malmölandet och fyra utvalda butiker. De fyra butikerna valdes eftersom dessa flöden ansågs representativa mot resterande flöden sett till transportsträckor och transporterade volymer. Studiens resultat visade att de viktigaste identifierade förbättringsområdena var slutkundens orderläggnings-struktur, bristande systemstöd i PostNord TPL:s arbetsprocesser, transportfrekvens, samt tidsbrist för PostNord TPL:s personal. Sju åtgärdsförslag presenterades till dessa förbättringsområden, där två av åtgärdsförslagen kopplas till orderläggning, ett åtgärdsförslag kan kopplas till transportfrekvens, ett till tidsbrist och tre kan kopplas till bristande systemstöd. Studiens resultat visade även att högre fyllnadsgrader främst påverkar butiker med höga transporterade volymer. Beräkningarna visade att transportbehovet minskar vid högre fyllnadsgrader och på så vis minskar även transportkostnader och CO2e-utsläpp som följd. Vidare, visar resultaten att det finns stora ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar med att sänka transportfrekvensen i det fall att slutkunden kan acceptera ändrade leveranskrav. De butiker med lägst transporterad volym påverkas mest av att sänka transportfrekvensen. Önskar slutkunden en högre fyllnadsgrad och mer hållbara transporter behöver de därför göra en avvägning av vad som är viktigast mellan en hög bibehållen leveransservice eller minskad leveransservice med ökade fyllnadsgrader och dess positiva effekter. Resultaten från beräkningarna visade också att om efterfrågan på gods är låg och/eller att fyllnadsgraden höjs men inte är tillräckligt stor för att minska transportbehovet, blir klimatpåverkan och transportkostnaderna oförändrade. Slutligen visade även studiens resultat att det är skillnad om beräkningarna utförs på veckovis eller månadsvis flödesdata. De månadsvisa beräkningarna ger upphov till ett större antal eliminerade transporter, vilket beror på att flödesvolymerna är större. / PostNord TPL sees a challenge with inefficient fill rates in their transports to their end customer, from PostNord TPL's new distribution center Malmölandet in Norrköping. Because of this, PostNord TPL wants to improve their delivery processes to increase the fill rate, which they want to enable by identifying different measures. Furthermore, the company also wants to identify what effect these measures can have on the costs and climate impact of the business. The purpose of the study is therefore to map PostNord TPL's delivery processes to identify areas for improvement and measures aimed at increasing the fill rate in transports to the end customers' stores, as well as to identify the potential effects of an increased fill rate with regard to costs and climate impact. The study mapped PostNord TPL's delivery process to identify problems and areas for improvement. This was done by analysing interview responses from operational staff at PostNord TPL, together with the authors' own observations of the delivery process. The study examined product flows between Malmölandet and four selected customer stores. The four stores were chosen because these flows were considered representative of the rest of the flows in terms of transport distances and transported volumes.  The results of the study showed that the most important identified areas for improvement were the end customers' order placement structure, lack of system support in PostNord TPL's work processes, transport frequency, and lack of time for PostNord TPL's staff. Seven proposals for action were presented for these areas of improvement, where two of the proposals for action are linked to order placement, one proposal for action can be linked to transport frequency, one to lack of time and three proposals can be linked to lack of system support. The results of the study also showed that higher fill rates mainly affect stores with high transported volumes. The calculations showed that the need for transport is reduced at higher fill rates and thus also reduces transportation costs and CO2e emissions as a result. Furthermore, the results show that there are significant economic and environmental benefits of reducing the transport frequency in case the end customer can accept changed delivery requirements. The stores with the lowest transported volume are most affected by lowering the transport frequency. Therefore, if the end customer wants a higher load factor and more sustainable transport, they need to make a trade-off between maintaining a high delivery service or reducing the delivery service with an increased fill rate and its positive effects. The results of the calculations also showed that if the demand for goods is low and/or the fill rate is increased but not enough to reduce the transport demand, the climate impact and transport costs remain unchanged. Finally, the results of the study also showed that there is a difference if the calculations are performed on weekly or monthly flow data. The monthly calculations results in a larger number of eliminated transports, which is due to larger transportation volumes.

Příjmy a výdaje veřejných rozpočtů u silniční dopravy v ČR / Analysis of the Public Revenues from the Road Transport and Public Expenditures on the Road Infrastructure in the Czech Republic

Vančurová, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the public financing of the road transport issue, particularly in the Czech Republic. The quantitative analysis of the revenues from the road transport and capital and maintenance costs on road transport in the Czech Republic in 2001 - 2007 is the fundamental part of this thesis. The vehicle excise tax, fuel tax, road tolls, parking policy revenues and other specific charges belong to the public revenues from the road transport. The output of the thesis is the assessment whether the public revenues from the road transport at least cover the capital and maintenance costs on the road infrastructure and the road transport is therefore a source of the revenues to public sources, or whether, on the contrary, the road transport represents the drain for the public sources and thus also for the tax payers. The evaluation of this situation while including the externalities of road transport is also part of this thesis.

Stratégies d’entreprises de transport routier interurbain des voyageurs en Afrique de l’Ouest : cas du Niger / Strategies of companies of interurban road transport of the travellers in West Africa : case of Niger

Amani, Rabiatou 17 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la perspective d’un diagnostic stratégique du secteur de Transport Routier Interurbain des Voyageurs (TRIV) en Afrique de l’Ouest (Cas du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Niger).L’organisation du transport et le fonctionnement des entreprises dudit secteur à l’aune de la mondialisation et de la modernisation laissent encore à désirer. Nombreuses sont les difficultés recensées à divers niveaux du système entravant ainsi le développement économique du secteur.Pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, de nombreuses études et recherches ont déjà été réalisées sur le système de transport urbain et sur le transport des marchandises avec diagnostics et préconisations . Cependant le sous-secteur du TRIV a aussi son importance et il convient de le prendre en compte dans le schéma d’intégration sous régionale en Afrique. Notre recherche démontre que l’analyse du TRIV ne doit pas se limiter à ses aspects réglementaires et institutionnels et qu’elle doit intégrer les entreprises comme éléments clés du développement du secteur. Celles-ci sont désormais confrontées au défi de la concurrence sur les marchés tant intérieurs que sous-régionaux du transport des voyageurs. La modernisation du secteur et son développement ultérieur impliquent des adaptations des entreprises artisanales, des changements dans l’organisation et les conditions de fonctionnement de cette activité.Notre démarche aborde dans un premier temps, la configuration actuelle du marché de TRIV. L’analyse met en évidence l’indispensable complémentarité de l’offre des sociétés de transport et des artisans transporteurs. A partir de ce constat, des modèles de stratégies potentielles sont élaborés pour les entreprises contraintes à la compétitivité.Cependant, compte tenu de l’organisation du marché de TRIV au Niger, de la multiplicité des entreprises et de l’absence des données, nous avons défini des groupes contrastés d’entreprises, le regroupement se faisant à partir des caractéristiques techniques, organisationnelles (types de véhicules utilisés, organisation des services) et géographique (lignes desservies).Cette approche nous a permis de mettre en lumière les spécificités des maillons du marché mais aussi les grands déséquilibres existants en matière de desserte dans les principales zones. A travers les modèles de stratégies développés, notre ambition est de donner un cadre de référence aux entreprises à partir duquel et compte tenu de leurs ressources internes, elles organiseront leur stratégie. Ces entreprises devraient pouvoir y parvenir dans le cadre d’une politique publique des transports prenant en compte les attentes des principaux acteurs. / This thesis is registered in the perspective of a strategic diagnosis of the Transport sector Intercity Road of travellers (TRIV) in West Africa (case of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger). The transport organization and the functioning of enterprises of the sector to the yardstick of globalization and the modernization is still inadequate. There are many difficulties identified at various levels of the system thus hindering the economic development of the sector. For West Africa, many studies and research have already been carried out on the system of urban transport and on the transport of goods with diagnostics and recommendations . However, the sub-sector of TRIV also has its importance and it should be taken into account in the schema of sub-regional integration in Africa. Our research shows that the analysis of TRIV must not be limited to its aspects regulatory and institutional and that it must integrate the companies as the key elements of the development of the sector. These are now faced the challenge of competition on the markets both the domestic that sub-regional passenger transport. The modernization of the sector and its subsequent development involve adjustments of craft businesses, changes in the organization and the conditions of operation of this activity. Our approach addresses in the first time, the current configuration of the market of TRIV The analysis highlights the indispensable complementarity of the offer of transport companies and craftsmen carriers. From this finding, models of potential strategies are developed for firms forced to competitiveness. However, in light of the organization of the market of TRIV in Niger, of the multiplicity of enterprises and absence of data, we defined groups contrasting of enterprises, the consolidation at from the technical characteristics, organizational (types of vehicles used, organization of the services) and the geographical (lines served). This approach has allowed us to highlight the specificities of links in the market but also the major imbalances existing in the field of service in the main areas. Through the models of strategies developed, our ambition is to give a reference framework for companies from which and taking into account their internal resources, they organize their strategy. These companies should be able to achieve in the framework of a public policy of transport taking into account the expectations of key actors.

Návykové látky v silniční dopravě / Addictive substances in road transport

Novotný, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the addictive substances in road transport, especially with alcohol and other narcotic drugs used by drivers of motorized and non-motorized vehicles. The thesis is divided into three main parts. First chapter provides the definition and clarification of the terms. Second chapter, Substantive law, contains two subchapters, Criminal law and Administrative law. The subchapter Criminal law analyzes crimes that can be committed in conjunction with the addictive substances in road transport, namely endangerment under influence of an addictive substance according to § 274 TZ, general endangerment and general endangerment alleging negligence according to § 272 TZ and § 273 TZ and inebriation according to § 360 TZ. The most attention is paid to the offence of endangerment under the influence of an addictive substance, which is, as the most frequently committed crime in connection with the addictive substances, analyzed in terms of elements of crime, complicity and participation, stages of the commission of the crime, qualified elements of crime and sanctions. The second subchapter, Administrative law, examines three mostly committed minor offences related to the addictive substances in road transport. These are minor offences according to § 125c odst. 1 písm. b), písm. c) and...

An initial study on external warning signals for Quiet Road Transport Vehicles

Hwang, Isabel January 2016 (has links)
The increasing number of electric and hybrid vehicles in urban areas has shown to be beneficial in reducing both air and noise pollution. However, the lack of sound when driving at low speed has negatively affected the pedestrian safety since many rely on the vehicle sound for orientation. Regulatory bodies have therefore introduced minimum sound requirements for all silent vehicles, which has resulted in a key challenge for car manufacturers to develop external warning signature sounds. The objective of this project has been to study how these signals should sound in order to fit the image of electric and hybrid vehicles and minimize noise and annoyance. To complete the study, five sound concepts with different characteristics and rhythms were developed using the concept generation process. In order to gain subjective impressions of the sounds, three measurement methods were utilized. The first listening test was performed to eliminate the possibility that the sound samples would be perceived variously loud in the upcoming tests. The second listening test was performed to gain information on how suitable the signals are for electric and hybrid vehicles, and the third listening test was conducted to obtain information on how much annoyance the signals contributed with. A reference signal representing an internal combustion engine was included in the tests as well. The results of the measurement methods showed that the sound samples with long tone sequences were more preferred than those with short tone sequences, and that the artificial approach was more popular than the sound of an internal combustion engine vehicle. It was also established that additional tests need to be performed in order to confirm that these results are valid. It was suggested that field tests should be conducted and that new sound concepts should be developed based on the results of these tests.

Entre trilhos e rodas: fluidez territorial e os sentidos da circulação de mercadorias em Moçambique / Between rails and wheels: territorial fluidity and the directions of the circulation of goods in Mozambique

Jesus Neto, Antonio Gomes de 13 October 2016 (has links)
Moçambique é historicamente conhecido por ser um território de escoamento da produção do hinterland da África Austral, principalmente dos seus vizinhos África do Sul, Suazilândia, Zimbabwe e Malawi. A orientação de suas ferrovias, construídas ao longo do período colonial da região, mostra um território divido por três redes ferroviárias distintas, ligadas cada uma delas a um dos principais portos moçambicanos (Maputo, Beira e Nacala), mas não interligadas entre si, conformando assim um território aparentemente pouco integrado e voltado ao seu exterior. Ainda que parte importante da circulação contemporânea de mercadorias em Moçambique continue a respeitar essa lógica extravertida, desde a independência do país, em 1975, o governo moçambicano vem reunindo esforços na tentativa de integrar seu território e configurar uma economia eminentemente nacional. Tal tarefa cabe, no que tange à circulação de mercadorias, ao modal rodoviário, através de inúmeras rodovias (quase nunca pavimentadas) e de diferentes operadores de transporte (desde empresas até motoristas autônomos e transportadores informais), que atuam não apenas na circulação interna de mercadorias, mas também naquela voltada ao exterior. Assim, com base na proposta de Milton Santos de compreender o espaço geográfico a partir de suas dimensões técnicas e político-normativas, esta dissertação busca fornecer um quadro da circulação de mercadorias em Moçambique, a partir de sua estruturação histórica e dos dois sentidos que a orientam no período contemporâneo a circulação extravertida e a circulação interna. / Mozambique is historically known for being a drain region for the inner production of Southern Africa, especially its neighbors South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The course of its railways, built throughout the colonial period in the region, shows a territory divided by three distinct rail networks, each one linked to a major Mozambican port (Maputo, Beira and Nacala) but not interconnected. This constitutes a territory apparently little integrated and turned to its exterior. Even though an important part of the contemporary circulation of goods in Mozambique stills follows this extraverted logic, since the countrys independence in 1975 the Mozambican government has been making an effort to integrate its territory and set up a national economy. When it comes to the circulation of goods, this is a task that depends on road transport by means of numerous roads (mostly unpaved) and different transport operators (such as companies, autonomous drivers and informal carriers). These operate not only internally but also outwards. Thus, based on Milton Santos\' proposal to understand the geographical space through its technical and political-normative dimensions, this dissertation attempts at providing a framework for the circulation of goods in Mozambique regarding its historical constitution and the two directions that orientate it in the contemporary period: the extraverted and the internal circulation.

Civilização do automóvel: a BR 319 e a opção rodoviarista brasileira

Rodrigues, Marcelo da Silveira 20 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:04:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO MARCELO DA SILVEIRA.pdf: 1755449 bytes, checksum: 0ce48ac9cf6fd238f8ac316804b52800 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study seeks to understand the reasons/motivations that led to the Federative Republic of Brazil to choose historically roads as the main means of inducing national development, despite the gigantism of its territory and its consequent diversity of economic, social and environmental realities. To this, it was performed a choice s analysis for maintaining this standard in the context of the twenty-first century, focusing on the work of the BR-319 s reconstruction project, that connects Manaus (AM) to Porto Velho (RO), which is quite elucidative, since this was a road designed and built in one of the key moments of national road transport boom and that although it was completely paved it not remained functional. Thus, the paper aims to show the road s peculiarities through of the strength of this country development project, even in highly diverse context and, especially, at a time in that various parts of the world is discussing new ways or rationales for the socio-economic and environmental, is still present in the Brazilian government proposals. / O presente trabalho busca compreender as razões/motivações que levaram a República Federativa do Brasil a optar historicamente pelo modal rodoviário como principal meio de indução do desenvolvimento nacional à revelia do gigantismo territorial e de sua consequente pluralidade de realidades econômicas, sociais e ambientais. Para tal, foi realizada uma análise da escolha pela manutenção deste padrão no contexto do século XXI, tendo como recorte do trabalho o projeto de reconstrução da BR-319, que liga Manaus (AM) a Porto Velho (RO), que é bastante elucidativo, visto que esta foi uma estrada projetada e construída num dos principais momentos de boom rodoviarista nacional e que, apesar de ter sido completamente pavimentada, não se manteve funcional. Assim, o trabalho pretende demonstrar, através das peculiaridades desta estrada, a força desse projeto de desenvolvimento no país que, mesmo em contextos extremamente diversos e, especialmente, num momento em que em diversas partes do mundo se discutem novas formas ou racionalidades para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico e ambiental, se mantém presente nas propostas governamentais brasileiras.

Ekspedicinės ir kelių transporto įmonės veiklos efektyvumo lyginamasis tyrimas / Comparative research on efficiency of road freight forwarding and transport company

Česnulevič, Jelena 26 June 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti ekspedicinių ir transporto įmonių veiklos efektyvumo lyginamąjį tyrimą. Tyrimui turi įtakos esama situacija transporto sektoriuje, todėl darbe įvertinamos kelių transporto sektoriaus plėtros perspektyvos bei analizuojamos krovinių vežimo apimtys per pastaruosius 5 metus. Darbe remiamasi apklausoje dalyvavusių respondentų atsakymais apie jų įmonių veiklos efektyvumą. Atlikus tyrimą buvo nustatyta, kad ekspedicinė veikla (dabartinėmis sąlygomis) yra efektyvesnė, nei vežimo. Tam turėjo įtakos tai, kad 2008 metai buvo nuostolingi vežėjams, nes didėjo degalų kainos bei mažėjo krovinių vežimo apimtys. Remiantis respondentų atsakymais, galima teigti, kad transporto veikla tampa mažiau pelninga, nes beveik pusė jų, jeigu tektų rinktis iš naujo, kuo užsiimti, pasirinktų kitą veiklą. Kita dalis respondentų nurodė, kad užsiimtų ekspedijavimu. O tai reiškia, kad ekspeditorių padėtis yra lengvesnė nei vežėjų. Tik maža dalis apklaustųjų pasirinktų vežimo veiklą. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, analitinė-metodinė dalis, eksperimentinė-tiriamoji dalis, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 81 p. teksto be priedų, 13 iliustracijų, 3 lentelės, 52 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / The aim of this work - to perform comparative analysis of forwarding and transportation companies activity efficiency. The present situation in the transport sector has influence upon the analysis, therefore in the work, the perspectives of road transport sector expansion are evaluated, also cargo transportation volumes during the latter 5 years are analyzed. The work is based on the answers of the respondents, who participated in the survey - about the efficiency of their companies' activity. When the analysis was made, it was established, that the forwarding activity (in the present circumstances) is more effective than the transportation activity. Also this fact, that the year 2008 was loss-making to the carriers, because the fuel prices increased and the volumes of cargo transportation decreased, had influence on the research results. On the grounds of respondent answers, it can be stated, that transportation activity becomes less profitable, because nearly half of the respondents, if they had a possibility to choose newly what activity to take, would choose the other activity. Other part of the respondents has indicated that they would use forwarding. And this means, that the condition of forwarders is easier than the carriers' condition. Only the little part of the respondents would choose the carrier activity. The work is made from 5 parts: introduction, analytical-methodical part, experimental-investigative part, conclusions and suggestions, list of literature. The... [to full text]

Transporto įmonių personalo vadybos tobulinimo krypčių tyrimas / The research of personnel management development trends in transport enterprises

Steponėnaitė, Gražina 20 June 2005 (has links)
High qualified and well motivated staff is very important for successful transport enterprises functioning – this ensures the competitive advantage to the firms. The aim of this research is to analyse the main aspects and tendencies of personnel management in Lithuanian enterprises, to identify the main problems in this field and to investigate possible ways for improvement. In the final paper of master studies it is performed theoretical analysis of the main personnel management problems in transport enterprises and analysed the results of personnel opinion survey. Special attention is paid to staff motivation and development. In the final work complex model of personnel motivation in transport enterprises is presented. There are also formulated the main principles of formation and improvement of personnel development system and analyzed the importance of retaining the staff. On the basis of performed analysis and research at the end of the final work are formulated conclusions and suggestions for improvement of current situation.

Darbo ir poilsio laiko reguliavimo ypatumai kelių transporte / Work and Rest Time Control Peculiarities in Road Transport

Adomavičiūtė, Ieva 28 January 2008 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais augant kelių transporto sektoriui didėja konkurencija tarp vežėjų. Siekdami užimti kuo didesnę rinkos dalį bei gauti kuo daugiau pelno, dažnai vežėjai siekia sutrumpinti pervežimų laiką pažeisdami nustatytas vairuotojų darbo ir poilsio laiko reguliavimo taisykles. Siekiant užtikrinti sąžiningą konkurenciją, o taip pat užtikrinti mobilių darbuotojų, kurie dirba ypatingomis darbo sąlygomis, sveikatą bei pagerinti eismo saugumą keliuose, būtina specialus darbo ir poilsio laiko reguliavimas, nustatytas Europos Sąjungos bei tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose. Lietuva įstojusi į Europos Sąjungą įsipareigojo perkelti į nacionalinę teisę bendrus reikalavimus, susijusius su darbo ir poilsio laiku, tačiau perkeliant teisės aktus kyla problemų, apie kurias mažai diskutuojama. Todėl magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra išnagrinėti kelių transporto darbuotojų darbo ir poilsio laiko reguliavimo ypatumus, atskleisti ir išanalizuoti šių darbuotojų darbo ir poilsio laiko reguliavimo ypatumų problemas ir pateikti pasiūlymus dėl reguliavimo tobulinimo. Remiantis tarptautiniais, Europos Bendrijos ir nacionaliniais teisės aktais, darbe analizuojama prielaidos diferencijuotam kelių transporto darbuotojų darbo reguliavimui bei darbo ir poilsio ypatingo reguliavimo tikslai, nagrinėjama specialūs pagrindiniai tarptautiniai, Europos Bendrijos bei nacionaliniai teisės aktai, reguliuojantys kelių transporto darbuotojų darbą, lyginama šiuo metu galiojantys ir jais pakeisti teisės aktai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In recent years competition between carriers has been growing simultaneously with road transport sector. With the aim to cut as large piece of market and to make as big profit as it is possible carriers often strive for shortening transportation period by violating the set rules for driver‘s work and rest time. In order to ensure fair competition and health of mobile employees, which work in particular conditions, as well as to improve road traffic safety, specific work and rest time control, in particular the one set out by legal acts of the European Union and international laws, is in urgent need. Having entered the European Union Lithuania has like-for-like undertaken to transfer general requirements related to work and rest time to its national law, however, such transfer causes considerable amount of problems, which have not been discussed widely and in greater detail. Therefore, the aim of this MA thesis is to analyze work and rest time control peculiarities of road traffic sector employees, to reveal and discuss problems related to such control and make offers on its improvement. Following international and national laws and legal acts of the European Union, this paper analyzes preconditions for differential control of the work of people employed in road transport sector and purpose of specific work and rest time control, discusses the main specific international and national laws and legal acts of the European Community regulating work of road transport sector... [to full text]

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