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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Workflowanalyse Neck Dissection - monozentrische Betrachtung des chirurgischen Vorgehens im Interoperateur-Vergleich

Krempel, Annika 25 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Kopf-Hals-Region ist eine der anatomisch kompliziertesten Regionen und enthält et- wa 300 Lymphknoten, die innerhalb eines komplexen Lymphgefäßsystems miteinander in Verbindung stehen. Die meisten Plattenepithelkarzinome der oberen Luft- und Speise- wege sind potentiell heilbar, aber sie metastasieren früh in die regionalen zervikalen Lymphknoten. Der Status dieser Lymphknoten ist der signifikanteste prognostische Faktor in der Therapie der Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. Die Neck Dissection, englisch für „Halsausräu- mung“, wird auch im deutschsprachigen Raum so genannt und ist der Standard der chir- urgischen Behandlung. Die vorliegende monozentrische Studie untersucht erstmals mittels Workflowanalyse ei- ne Serie von Neck dissections (ND) im Interoperateur-Vergleich und zielt auf die quali- tätsrelevante Erfassung der Operationssystematik ab. Von Januar bis Dezember 2011 wurden an einer onkologisch ausgerichteten HNO-Univer- sitätsklinik 42 selektive NDs (SND) und modifiziert radikale NDs (MRND) bei 5 unter- schiedlichen Operateuren mit der Workflowaufnahmesoftware s.w.an-Editor systemati- siert kodiert und vergleichend ausgewertet. Die Operateure variierten in ihrer Operationserfahrung mit Neck dissections zwischen 1- 17 Jahren und führten im Untersuchungszeitraum 19-76 NDs durch. Die Gesamtpräpara- tionszeit (15min. (2-48)) korrelierte negativ mit der Anzahl der jährlich durchgeführten NDs (p<.033). Bei der Dauer der Entfernung der einzelnen Lymphknotenpakete (33min. (10-81)) ergab sich eine negative Korrelation mit der jeweiligen Erfahrung des Opera- teurs (p<.001). 63 Als bevorzugte Reihenfolge der entfernten Level zeigte sich die Chronologie: 3-2A-(2B)- 5-4-(1). Diese variierte trotz „Schule des Hauses“ signifikant. Bei SNDs ergab sich eine Korrelation (p<.038) zwischen Erfahrung und Befolgung dieser Reihenfolge. Die Summe der entfernten Lymphknoten im histopathologischen Präparat gesamt (17 (0- 29)) sowie pro Level (3,8 (0-11)) zeigte keinen signifikanten Unterschied in Abhängigkeit von Erfahrung, Anzahl der 2011 durchgeführten NDs, befolgter Chronologie und Dauer der Operation. Trotz signifikanter Unterschiede bei den Operateuren im operativen Vorgehen fanden sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede in Gesamtsumme der entnommenen Lymphknoten- zahl. Die Workflowanalyse hilft, die Operationssystematik zu erfassen und damit bei wechselnden Operateuren einen Standard zu definieren.

La fabrique d'une compétence stratégique, proposition d'un modèle : une application aux impacts des usages des technologies de l'information en PME / The build of a strategic competence, proposal of a research model : an application to the impacts of IT use in SMEs

Thimon Bozec, Sophie 05 December 2016 (has links)
L’objet de notre recherche est double : comprendre le phénomène de fabrique d’une compétence organisationnelle stratégique induite par les usages des TI, d’une part, et aller au-delà des modèles existants d’analyse des impacts des TI en intégrant une approche multidimensionnelle, d’autre part. Nous avons privilégié une approche empirique qui a débuté par une étude de cas pilote qui nous a permis de délimiter un cadre théorique de manière abductive, par un aller-retour constant entre le terrain et les construits théoriques existants. Le cadre conceptuel se veut une synthèse des différents courants RBV intégrant le concept d’apprentissage organisationnel. Les résultats d’une étude multicas soulignent le caractère diffus et partiellement intentionnel d’un processus requérant l’interaction de ressources complémentaires fortement dépendantes du passé et aboutissant à l’amélioration de l‘efficience des routines et de la capacité dynamique d’apprentissage. Nous proposons une modélisation du processus et nous discutons des concepts significatifs quant à l'étude d'un tel phénomène. / Our research object is twofold: understand a strategic organizational competences bulding using IT, on the one hand, and go beyond the existing analysis of impacts of the IT models, integrating a multidimensional approach, on the other hand. We privileged an empirical approach beginning with a pilot case study that allowed us to define a theoretical framework of an abductive way, by a constant back and forth between the field and the theoretical existing constructs. The conceptual framework is a synthesis of the various RBV strands integrating the concept of organizational learning. The results of a multicase study underline the diffused and partially intentional character of a process, requiring interaction of additional resources highly dependent from the past, and leading to improve efficiency of the routines and dynamic adaptability. We propose a design of the process and discuss significant concepts for the study of this phenomenon.

La production des blogs journalistiques sur les sites web des quotidiens nationaux français et québécois / The production of journalistic blogs on French and Quebec national dailies’ websites

Barbeau, Jean-Sébastien 28 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la production des blogs journalistiques hébergés sur les sites web des quotidiens nationaux français et québécois. L’objectif de la recherche est d’identifier et de caractériser la zone d’incertitude maîtrisée par les journalistes en vue de réaliser les blogs. Cette réalisation s’inscrit dans un contexte économique en grande transformation et s’effectue dans des organisations qui prônent la division du travail en multitâche. La méthodologie consiste en la réalisation de 52 entretiens semi-directifs avec des journalistes et des responsables de blogs actifs au 1er avril 2014 dans 12 titres français et québécois ; des analyses techniques et informatiques du logiciel WordPress ; d’une analyse de contenu des blogs et des quotidiens ; et des observations en ligne des blogs.Les principaux résultats montrent que la réalisation d’un blog s’effectue par l’instauration d’un concept éditorial porteur auquel les journalistes s’identifient à la fois de manière professionnelle et personnelle. Dans le cadre de la production, les animateurs établissent des routines individuelles (sélection des sujets et rédaction des textes) et négocient des routines collectives (révision, mise en ligne et gestion des commentaires) avec des employés divers (secrétaires de rédaction, community managers, etc.) travaillant pour le quotidien. Le recours à ces autres acteurs permet aux journalistes de les libérer de ces tâches spécialisées et éreintantes. / This thesis examines the production of journalistic blogs on French and Quebec national dailies’ websites. The objective of this research is to identify and characterise the zone of uncertainty controlled by journalists in order to realise blogs. This realisation is part of an economic context in great transformation and takes place in organisations that advocate multitasking.The methodology consists of the implementation of 52 semi-structured interviews with journalists and those responsible for active blogs on 1 April 2014, in 12 French and Quebec newspapers; technical and computer analysis of the software WordPress; a content analysis of blogs and newspapers; and online observations of blogs.The main results show that the creation of a blog is carried out by the establishment of a leading editorial concept to which journalists identify themselves both in a professional and personal way. As part of the production, journalists establish individual routines (selection of topics and drafting of texts) and negotiate collective routines (reviewing, uploading and comment management) with various employees (subeditors, community managers, etc.) working for the newspaper. The use of these other actors allows journalists to free themselves from these specialised and gruelling tasks.

The Mobility of People, Ideas and Knowledge in the Entrepreneurial Society

Lundmark, Erik January 2010 (has links)
As radical innovations facilitate communication, create new industries and make others obsolete, the established ways of organising society are being questioned. Over the last few decades, a theoretical framework and a worldview labelled the entrepreneurial society, has emerged. The entrepreneurial society is based on theoretical models, empirical observations and a belief in the importance of new businesses. The core of the entrepreneurial society is the claim that valuable ideas have to be commercialised in order to contribute to economic growth and prosperity. Unfortunately, valuable ideas remain dormant due to a number of barriers. Labour mobility, informal networks and entrepreneurship are mechanisms with the potential of overcoming these barriers. This thesis aims to increase our understanding of how ideas diffuse between and get applied within organisations. The thesis relates its findings to the entrepreneurial society and identifies and critically assesses basic assumptions and biases underlying the framework. The thesis presents and discusses six studies, each published as an article in a scientific journal, a chapter in an edited book, or as a conference paper at an international academic conference. Taken together, the findings in this thesis emphasise that the mobility of ideas is intertwined with the mobility of people and knowledge. More specifically, the findings indicate that employees in large R&amp;Ddriven projects not only attain knowledge from external sources, but also that the use of external knowledge sources is positively related to new ideas connected to the projects. In addition, this thesis reinforces the argument that the mobility of knowledge workers is particularly beneficial to the diffusion of knowledge and ideas between organisations; the results show that employees in knowledge-intensive positions perceive greater opportunities to generate, share and develop ideas in organisations, as compared to employees in less knowledge-intensive positions. This thesis suggests that new employees tend to have an entrepreneurial potential in the form of a greater drive for change and less habituation with current practices. Nevertheless, such potential is often curbed by resistant routines. However, the thesis also finds that much entrepreneurship literature and the discourse of policy makers are biased towards overly optimistic views of entrepreneurship. The literature on the entrepreneurial society emphasises the diffusion and application of new R&amp;D-related knowledge and ideas. This thesis also emphasises the diffusion and application of already widespread and established knowledge, ideas and innovations. / I takt med att radikala innovationer underlättar kommunikation, skapar nya branscher och gör andra obsoleta, ifrågasätts etablerade sätt att organisera samhället. De senaste årtiondena har ett teoretiskt ramverk och en världsåskådning, under benämningen det entreprenöriella samhället, vuxit fram. Det entreprenöriella samhället baseras på teoretiska modeller, empiriska observationer och en tro på vikten av nya företag. Kärnan i det entreprenöriella samhället är tesen att värdefulla idéer måste kommersialiseras för att bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt och välstånd. Olyckligtvis förblir många idéer outnyttjade på grund av en mängd barriärer. Arbetskraftsrörlighet, informella nätverk och entreprenörskap är mekanismer med potential att övervinna dessa barriärer. Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka vår förståelse av hur idéer sprids mellan, och tillämpas inom, organisationer. Avhandlingen relaterar resultaten till det entreprenöriella samhället, samt identifierar och granskar ramverkets underliggande antaganden och blinda fläckar. Avhandlingen presenterar och diskuterar sex studier, var och en publicerad som en artikel i en vetenskaplig tidskrift, som ett kapitel i en akademisk antologi eller som ett bidrag till en internationell vetenskaplig konferens. Sammantaget understryker resultaten i avhandlingen att idéers rörlighet är sammanvävd med människors och kunskaps rörlighet. Resultaten tyder på att anställda i stora FoU-drivna projekt inte bara inhämtar kunskap från externa källor utan också att dessa källor är relaterade till nya idéer och lösningar på problem i projekten. Vidare förstärker resultaten tidigare forskning som hävdar att organisationsbyten bland människor med kunskapsintensiva arbeten särskilt bidrar till att idéer och kunskap sprids mellan organisationer; resultaten visar att anställda med kunskapsintensiva arbeten upplever större möjligheter att generera, föreslå och utveckla idéer jämfört med anställda i mindre kunskapsintensiva positioner. Avhandlingens resultat indikerar också att nyanställda har en större entreprenöriell potential än mer etablerade anställda. Detta för att nyanställda har en större förändringsbenägenhet och att de ännu inte är inskolade i etablerade arbetssätt. Denna potential hålls emellertid ofta tillbaka av motståndskraftiga organisatoriska rutiner. Dessutom hävdar avhandlingen att mycket av entreprenörskapslitteraturen och den politiska diskursen uppvisar en överoptimistisk syn på entreprenörskap. Litteraturen bakom det entreprenöriella samhället betonar spridningen och tillämpningen av forskningsnära kunskap. Denna avhandling betonar även vidare spridning av redan spridd och etablerad kunskap, samt redan spridda och etablerade idéer och innovationer. / <p>The authors Licentiate thesis "Organisational adoption of innovations : management practices and IT" is a part of this dissertation.</p>

The growth of Bradford infants

Johnson, William O. January 2010 (has links)
Infant growth is a key indicator of health and a relevant component of paediatric surveillance. Certain growth characteristics are also associated with greater risk for diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. South Asian populations are known to demonstrate poor infant growth and suffer from a high prevalence of non-communicable disease. Relatively little is known about the growth of Pakistani infants, especially following migration. In the United kingdom (UK), infant growth is routinely monitored to detect poor health, and this process produces a repository of largely unutilised data. In 2009, new growth charts, which include a component of the World Health Organisation (WHO) growth standards, were introduced to routine practice. The adoption of prescriptive standards, which are based on breastfed infants living in an unconstrained environment, will have implications for the assessment of growth. To develop and assess the quality of routine growth monitoring data collected in Bradford, UK, so that it can be used to describe the differences in growth between White British and Pakistani infants in the same city. To investigate the factors that influence this growth. To assess the implications of adopting growth standards for practice. The frequency of routine growth monitoring data that are collected at prescribed age periods was assessed. Test-retest growth data were collected from 192 practitioners, and technical error of measurements were calculated. Data on 2464 (boys 51%, White British 45%) infants were submitted to multilevel modelling analysis to produce sex and ethnic specific weight-for-age, abdominal circumference-for-age, head circumference-for-age, and length-for-age growth curves between birth and nine months. Multivariable linear regression models were used to investigate factors that influence size at birth and at nine months. Growth curves were plotted against the WHO standards and the UK 1990 references, Z-scores were calculated, and the relative risks (RR) of underweight, obesity, and poor infant weight gain using the standards compared to the references were assessed. During each prescribed age period for routine growth monitoring generally only 30% to 35% of measurements were recorded. None of the technical error of measurements were excessively large, and coefficients of reliability ranged from 0.96 to 1.00. Multilevel models explained that Pakistani infants were smaller than White British infants, in the first nine months of life, for weight (-210.3g to -321.7g), abdominal circumference (-1.15cm to -0.39cm), head circumference (-0.59cm), and length (-0.32cm). Compared to the WHO standards, infants demonstrated dissimilar weight growth, but similar head circumference and length growth. The common weight growth pattern was slow growth between birth and two months, followed by rapid growth. Using the standards, infants were significantly less likely to be classified as underweight (RR at birth 0.496; 95% Confidence Interval 0.363 to 0.678) and demonstrating poor weight gain from birth to nine months (0.783; 0.644 to 0.952). Growth monitoring data are not collected at prescribed age periods, but following initial training of practitioners are reliable. Integrating research with practice has developed routine data to research calibre and has established protocols to make data more accessible. Pakistani infants were consistently smaller than White British infants, and, despite efforts, the determinants of this phenomenon have not yet been fully elucidated. Growth in weight of infants in Bradford differs significantly from that represented by the WHO standards, and without adequate training of practitioners infant growth may be incorrectly interpreted.

Predictable feeding in zoos : research methods and behavioural effects

Bishop, Joanna Kelly January 2013 (has links)
The behaviour of zoo animals can come to anticipate temporally predictable feeding times. However, there is a lack of consensus over the effects of such routines on behaviour and welfare. Few studies have been published in this area, perhaps in part due to methodological challenges. The current programme of work therefore aimed to extend knowledge on the effect of predictable feeding routines, and to develop a suitable methodology to overcome challenges. Prior to predictable feeding, tigers showed patterns of increased ‘active’ behaviours such as locomotion and pacing, and decreased inactivity. Geckos also showed increased ‘active’ behaviours such as locomotion and ‘stationary but moving head’ prior to predictable, compared to unpredictable feeding times, with significant differences between conditions (RSS = 0.059 and 0.047, p < .05). However, anticipatory patterns were not demonstrated for meerkats, which highlighted that other environmental factors may affect an animal’s response to temporal predictability (such as obtaining other food during the day, or signalled predictability). Studying patterns of behavioural change over time requires long periods of observation which is often not possible for researchers. The current programme of work argues that a measure which can be reliably used by many, relatively untrained observers is necessary to study predictability. The measure of ‘busyness’, a subjective rating of animal behaviour, was tested for reliability and validity. Busyness ratings showed good inter-observer reliability (ICC > .72) and correlated with traditional measures of behaviour. Busyness ratings demonstrated clear patterns related to feeding time and gave a useful compound measure of behavioural change. The use of multiple observers was extended to a citizen science approach, where useful data on anticipation in fish were obtained from aquarium visitors using a touch screen. The current programme of work successfully investigated the effects of predictable feeding routines on patterns of animal behaviour, alongside the development of suitable methods. The qualitative techniques developed here offer potential to increase the data obtained in future research into predictability and many other topics.

Neighborhood Ritual Integrity: Addressing the Positive and Cultural Aspects of Neighborhoods

Hood, Kristina Beatrice 01 January 2007 (has links)
This paper investigates whether a new conceptual framework, Neighborhood Ritual Integrity (NRI), addresses the concepts of social capital, collective efficacy, and rituals in a manner which makes it applicable to sociological research. Neighborhood Ritual Integrity (NRI) is a conceptual framework developed in response to various studies, which have established a relationship between neighborhood demographics, structural neighborhood features, crime and adolescent behaviors. Kiser et al., (2007) identified six dimensions that influence short and long term community functioning: Ritual Integrity, Daily Routines, Role Clarity, People and Organizational Resources, Deliberate Planning, and Meaning Making as aspects of NRI. Each dimension describes either a structural or cultural component of community level processes that could affect positive features of neighborhood life. Results from focus group data are examined for the existence of responses consistent with the conceptual definitions of NRI as well as social capital, collective efficacy, and rituals in hopes that this investigation will develop a more comprehensive sociological approach to the study of neighborhoods.

Štěstí v seniorském věku / Happiness in the Elderly

Poláková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on happiness in the elderly. It searches answers on questions like: Can be the senior citizens happy? How should we grow old without loosing contentment? The meaning of the word happiness is discussed, as well as multiple points of view on old age. The presence of happiness in elderly is studied including ways toward the happiness. The thesis also includes seven casuistry, which illustrate the happiness of senior citizens. The results of casuistry complement the theoretical parts of the work.

Boy or Girl? – No, it´s a Child! : Parents´ Motives to Sex Determine their Unborn Children

Granhall Lahiki, Malena January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this magister thesis is to examine the motives behind parents´ choice to sex determine their children, or not, at routine ultrasound examination (RUL). The analysed empirical data consists of 261 responding questionnaires written by expecting parents. My conclusions are that the motives behind parents’ choice can reflect their view of sex as binary or analog. Many parents sex determine their unborn children in order for preparing their rooms, clothes and toys to correlate with the heterosexual matrix. Girls get pink and boys blue, but the colours are of course only the visible part of how children are sexed as social construction. Some parents are experiencing a peer pressure and quite a few parents are influenced by the midwife performing the RUL to chose to sex determine their child. The most common motive to abstain from sex determining the child at RUL is after all to make gender the big happening at birth. Parents prepare to raise – not a child – but a boy or girl.

Social environment influences impulsivity in red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) chicks

Andersson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Cognition (i.e. how individuals perceive, process and react to environmental cues) is fundamental to all animals’ life. Despite this, what explains variation in cognitive abilities is still mainly unclear. Environment is assumed to influences cognitive variation, but the mechanisms for this are still unknown. According to the social intelligence hypothesis, living in a group with a rich social environment, generate challenges that can enhance cognitive abilities. Impulsivity (to not be able to inhibit impulses), one aspect of cognition, may be influenced by the social environment, however this has not yet been experimentally tested. Impulsivity can complicate life, both for humans and animals. In humans, high levels of impulsivity and lack of self-control are associated with addictions and psychiatric disorders, thus is considered to be maladaptive. In animals, impulsivity correlates with stereotypies. To improve our understanding of impulsivity, I experimentally investigated how early social environment affects individual variation in impulsivity. To test this, red junglefowl chicks were used because their group living nature, and our accumulated knowledge on their cognition and behaviour. To manipulate the social environment, chicks either grew up in larger groups (with 17 individuals) or smaller groups (with 7 individuals). During the chicks’ first five weeks of life, three aspects of impulsivity were tested; impulsive action, persistence (in a detour reaching test) and routine formation (in a reversal learning test). Chicks that grew up in larger groups tended to perform less impulsive actions, while social environment did not explain variation in persistence. Chicks from larger groups had less strong routine formation compared to chicks raised in smaller groups. This partially supports the social intelligence hypothesis, and suggest that early social life can affect cognitive traits and explain individual variation in such.

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