Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SENSE"" "subject:"[enn] SENSE""
821 |
L' analyse contextuelle de Joshua Meyrowitz, ses sources et fondements : vers un nouvel ordre systémique d'interactionHubert, François, 1960- January 1995 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt at understanding the theoretical work of Joshua Meyrowitz in communication. The self-proclaimed specificity of his "contextual" media analysis will be recognized as well as its relevance for the development of a general logic of social change. The sources and foundations of Meyrowitz's media analysis will be respectively reconstructed in terms of the schools of thought which informed it and of a metatheoretical typology of the social sciences. The contextual logic of social change will be framed as a type of formal functionalism dealing with self-regulated systemic changes and integrating aspects of a more comprehensive sociology. It will be evaluated in view of recent empirical studies of some (post-)modern transformations in community life. The integrity of Meyrowitz's work in regard to his sources, the contribution of his media analysis to the development of community studies, and the foundations of his logic of social change will be here in question.
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„LT sveikuolis – 2010“ šventės dalyvių ir dviejų Kauno mokyklų mokytojų gyvenimo kokybės ir vidinės darnos palyginamoji analizė / The comparison of health-related quality of life and sense of coherence in two samples – two Kaunas school teachers and participants of “LT sveikuolis 2010” contestMikučiūnas, Audrius 27 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir palyginti sveikatingumo šventės dalyvių ir mokytojų gyvenimo kokybę, vidinę darną, laisvalaikio fizinį aktyvumą ir jų tarpusavio sąsajas.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti sveikatingumo šventės dalyvių ir mokytojų fizinio aktyvumo elgseną lyties ir amžiaus aspektais.
2. Nustatyti sveikatingumo šventės dalyvių ir mokytojų vidinės darnos lygį lyties ir amžiaus aspektais.
3. Įvertinti sveikatingumo šventės dalyvių ir mokytojų gyvenimo kokybę lyties ir amžiaus aspektais.
4. Atskleisti vidinės darnos, gyvenimo kokybės ir fizinio aktyvumo sąsajas.
Tyrimo metodai:
1. Literatūros šaltinių analizė.
2. Anketinė apklausa.
3. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant programų paketą SPSS 19.0 for Windows.
Tyrimo organizavimas. Momentinės apklausos dalyviai buvo atrinkti geranoriškumo principu. Tiriamųjų buvo prašoma nurodyti demografinius ir socialinius duomenis (lytį, amžių, socialinę padėtį, išsilavinimą, šeiminę padėtį) taip pat buvo teiraujamasi apie jų fizinį aktyvumą, dalyvaujant vidutinio intensyvumo ir labai intensyvioje veikloje. Dalyviai užpildė bendrojo pobūdžio gyvenimo kokybės klausimyną SF-36, o vidinė darna buvo vertinta pagal Antanovskio skalės trumpąją versiją.
Tiriamieji. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 105 vidurinių mokyklų mokytojai ir 106 sveikatingumo šventės dalyviai, viso 211.
Rezultatai. Vyrai buvo fiziškai aktyvesni už moteris, net 92,2 proc. apklaustų vyrų buvo pakankamai fiziškai aktyvus. Sveikatingumo šventės dalyviai buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to evaluate and to compare health-related quality of life, sense of coherence, leisure time physical activity and their relationships in the samples of teachers and participants of healthiness festival.
For the fulfillment of the aim, the following objectives were formulated:
1. To estimate and compare leisure time physical activity among teachers and healthiness festival participants in relation to age and sex.
2. To assess and compare sense of coherence among teachers and healthiness festival participants in relation to age and sex.
3. To estimate and compare health-related quality of life among teachers and healthiness festival participants in relation to age and sex.
4. To assess the relationship between sense of coherence, health-related quality of life and leisure time physical activity.
Research methods:
1. Analysis of the literature.
2. Examination by self-reported questionnaire.
3. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19.0 software package for Windows.
Study design. Survey participants were selected using the principle of benevolence. Respondents were asked to indicate demographic and social data (gender, age, social status, education, marital status). Study participants were also asked about their leisure time physical activity in the presence of moderate-intensity and very intensive work. Participants also filled out a generic quality of life questionnaire SF-36 (Short Form 36). Sense of coherence was evaluated using the short... [to full text]
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Skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikis sveikų, fiziškai neaktyvių vyrų kelio sąnario propriocepcijai / The effect of different kinesiotaping techniques for knee proprioception of healthy physically inactive menRamanauskas, Martynas 21 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: skirtingų kinezioteipo metodikų poveikis blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų jėgos momento variabilumui ir tikslaus judesio atkartojimui tiesiant blauzdą.
Tikslas - išsiaiškinti kaip skirtingos kinezioteipavimo metodikos veikia kelio sąnario propriocepciją.
1. Ištirti ir palyginti skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikį blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų jėgos momento variabilumui, su ir be vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos, kai kelio sąnarys sulenktas 60º kampu.
2. Ištirti ir palyginti skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikį blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų jėgos momento variabilumui, su ir be vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos, kai kelio sąnarys sulenktas 90º kampu.
3. Ištirti ir palyginti skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikį tikslaus judesio atkartojimui, tiesiant blauzdą be vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos.
Hipotezė. Žinant, kad raumeninės kinezioteipavimo metodikos (KT1) naudojimas labiau veikia raumeninius judesio valdymo aspektus, manome, kad judesio variabilumas sumažės ypač prie vidutinio raumens ilgio, o raištinė kinezioteipavimo metodika (KT2) veikianti sąnarinius judesio valdymo aspektus pagerins tikslaus judesio atkartojimą tiesiant blauzdą.
Tyrimo metodai ir organizavimas:
Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijos Judesių klinikinių ir fundamentaliųjų tyrimų centre. Tyrimo pradžioje buvo išmatuoti maksimalūs blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų valingos jėgos momentai, kai koja sulenkta per kelio sąnarį 90° ir 60° kampu. Vėliau buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee isometric torque variability and joint position sense
Aim of the study: to investigate the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee proprioception
Goals of the study:
1. To investigate and compare the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee extensors torque variability with and without visual feedback when knee is in 60º flexion.
2. To investigate and compare the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee extensors torque variability with and without visual feedback when knee is in 90º flexion.
3. To investigate and compare the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for joint position sense with and without visual feedback.
Hypothesis of the study: Knowing that kinesio taping technique for muscle (KT1) affects motor control of muscles, it might be supposed that movement variability will decrease when muscle will be in the medium length and it’s known that kinesio taping technique for ligament (KT2) affects motor control of joints so we believe that it will improve the joint position of the knee.
Methods and organization of the study: The study was performed in the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education in the Center of Movements Clinical and Basic Research. At the beginning maximal isometric knee extension torque at knee joint angles of 60º, 90º was measured. Furthermore, isometric knee extension torque variability at 20% of maximal voluntary... [to full text]
824 |
Palankaus sveikatai elgesio sąsaja su dvasingumu ir vidine darna suaugusiame amžiuje / Correlation of health related behavior with spirituality and the sense of coherence in adulthoodAnuškevičienė, Sandra 03 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti palankaus sveikatai elgesio sąsajas su dvasingumu ir vidine darna suaugusiame amžiuje. Tyrime dalyvavo 213 respondentų, 131 (61,5 %) moterų ir 82 (38,5%) vyrai. Jauniausiam tyrimo dalyviui 19 metų, vyriausiam – 58. Amžiaus vidurkis 28,9 metų. Tyrime buvo naudojama kasdieninės dvasinės patirties skalė (DSES), gyvenimo orientacijos klausimynas, palankaus sveikatai elgesio klausimynas. Išanalizavus gautus tyrimo rezultatus nustatyta, kad didesniu dvasingumu pasižymi žmonės, kurie taip pat pasižymi labiau sveikatai palankiu elgesiu ir atvirkščiai – mažesnio dvasingumo tiriamieji pasižymi mažiau sveikatai palankiu elgesiu. Žmonės, kurių vidinės darnos lygis yra aukštesnis pasižymi labiau sveikatai palankiu elgesiu, negu žmonių, kurių vidinės darnos lygis žemesnis. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad palankų sveikatai elgesį paaiškina didesnis dvasingumas, aukštesnis vidinės darnos lygis ir vyriška lytis. / The aim of research – to establish relation of health related behavior with spirituality and the sense of coherence in grown up age. The research involved 213 respondents, out of who 131 (61.5%) were women and 82 (38.5%) – men. The youngest participant of the research was 19 years old, the oldest – 58. The average age – 28.9 years. The research instruments used were daily spiritual experience scale (DSES), life orientation questionnaire, health related behavior questionnaire. Analysis of the research results suggests that the people characterized as spiritual are also more lean towards the health related behavior and vice verse – people with less noted spirituality are less tend to health related behavior. Behavior of the people with higher level of sense of coherence is more health related than of the people with lower sense of coherence. The results of the research revealed that higher level of spirituality, greater sense of coherence and male gender account for the health related behavior.
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Skirtingo pažangumo 7-8 metų vaikų savivertės, vidinės darnos ir savimonės ypatumai / The peculiarities of self-assessment, sense of coherence and self-awareness of the 1 st – 2 nd formers of different advanceJuknienė, Jūra 23 May 2005 (has links)
Juknienė J. The peculiarities of self-assessment, sense of coherence and self-awareness of the 1 st – 2 nd formers of different advance. The final work of the Master of Psychology / the scientific supervisor – Doc. Dr. M. Pileckaitė – Markovienė; Vilnius Pedagogical University; the department of Psychology Didactics. – Vilnius, 2005. - 92 p.
In this master work there is analyzed the self-assessment, sense of coherence and self-awareness of the students of different advance. In junior school age the making human’s disharmony shows through, which later causes emotional, behavior and learning problems, and social disadaptation.
The aim of research – to analyze the peculiarities of personality of the 1 st – 2 nd formers of different advance in aspects of self-evaluation, sense of coherence and self-identification. The goals of research are: 1) to compare the self-assessment and sense of coherence of the students of high, average and low advance; 2) to evaluate students’ possibility to identify their own present, past and future status of age and sex, considering students’ advance; 3) to compare students’ understanding about the choice of attractive and unattractive image.
There were used the following methods of research: analysis of nonfiction, conversation, questionnaires for children. Two hundred 1 st – 2 nd formers at the age of 7 – 8 participated in this research. The information about those children’ learning results was received from their teachers. According to this... [to full text]
826 |
Suaugusiųjų, sergančių lėtinėmis ligomis, sveikatos kontrolės lokuso ir vidinės darnos ypatumai / Health Control Locus and Sense of Coherence of adults that suffer from chronic diseasesLazdauskas, Tomas 03 June 2005 (has links)
The main purpose of this research is to analyze the peculiarities of Health Control Locus and Sense of Coherence of adults that suffer from chronic diseases. The research is based on the analysis of scientific literature and theories, which summarize the main definitions of this research: the age of an adult, ailment and health control locus, Sense of Coherence. The results of experiments made with healthy adults and those who suffer from chronic diseases (N=378) are presented and analyzed in the second part of this research. Two methods where used: K.Wollston (1978) Multidimensional scale health locus of control (MHLC) and A.Antonovsky (1987) “Questionnaire of Life Orientation”, which is used in order to determine the Sense of Coherence.
The results of research are: there are differences between adults that suffer from chronic diseases and healthy adults by the rate “chance” of the Health Locus of Control (t(376)=2.731, p=0.007) and by external rate of the Health Locus of Control (t(376)=11.375, p=0.0001). The obtained results allow making a conclusion that the firs hypotheses that adults that suffer from chronic diseases external rate is more expressed than healthy adults.
Differences between adults that suffer from chronic diseases and healthy adults was found by the rates “manageability” (t(376)=-5.080, p=0.0001), “meaningfulness” (t(376)=-6.464, p=0.0001) of Sense of Coherence and by the general Scale of the Sense of Coherence (t(376)=-4.114, p=0.0001). The... [to full text]
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Managing urban development : A case study of urban forest’s sense ofplace in Hammarbyskogen, StockholmVilkinyte, Egle January 2015 (has links)
Due to the growing population in Stockholm, some of the urban green areas are beingsubjected to exploitation. Hammarbyskogen is an urban forest in the south of Stockholm andis an example of a green area that is planned to be transformed into an urban environment.This paper investigates key qualities and values of an urban forest of Hammarbyskogenvalued by local inhabitants of the neighbourhoods of Hammarbyhöjden and Björkhagen in thesouth of Stockholm. In addition to that, the study seeks to investigate people’s perception ofthe planned development of the forest as well as investigate how these perceptions andqualities are being incorporated into the process of neighbourhood development.Using text analysis, interviews and discussion forums, findings have been made showing thatthe local inhabitants value the urban forest mostly for its ecological and recreational qualities.Regarding perception of the change, people are either positive or negative to the developmentwhich can be explained by people’s experienced sense of place and place attachment of thearea and the forest itself. The study has also shown that the urban planners rely on localinhabitants’ view, as well as on expert knowledge during the process of planning.The results of the study contributes to a better understanding of why and for what purposesurban forests are important for the city dwellers.
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Making place at the end of the world : an ethnography of tourism and urban development in Ushuaia, Argentina’s Antarctic Gateway City.Herbert, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the lived experience of placemaking in Argentina’s Antarctic gateway port Ushuaia. Based on 12 months ethnographic fieldwork, it explores the relations between tourism, urban development, and socio-economic difference. As such, it investigates how agents from across the social spectrum conceive of, and construct their sense of place “at the end of the world”. As the world’s southernmost city, Ushuaia is attractive to tourists for its stunning landscapes, unique location, and strategic proximity to Antarctica. However, the image of a friendly tourist destination crucial to everyday life in this Patagonian city is contested by its stakeholders. This thesis looks beyond the image presented to tourists to explore frictions among residents, the city council, and touristic enterprises.
Ushuaia is revealed as an urban location beset by growing unrest due to issues of population growth and social polarization. This is analyzed in relation to its geopolitical significance for the Argentine state, territorial struggles with Chile, and economic incentives for in-migration. Consequently, this thesis considers the dynamic and shifting character of the city’s population through an engagement with economic and lifestyle migrants, including those dwelling in non-legal settlements, and tourists who occupy Ushuaian space alongside more longstanding citizens. The thesis demonstrates how conflicting views collide regarding issues of urbanization, industrialization, tourism, and environmental conservation, analyzed in relation to the interests and concerns of different social constituencies. Through extensive interviewing with a diverse array of social actors, this thesis also explores the different levels of economic and socio-cultural attachment to Antarctica, suggesting a schism between Ushuaia’s touristic representation, Antarctic alignment, and the needs and interests of its inhabitants. This thesis, then, explains the diverging place-based ideas and aspirations of different social groups in relation to the governmental, socio-economic, and socio-cultural forces implicated in placemaking.
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Experiencing Community through the Asian American Lens: A Qualitative Study of Photovoice ParticipantsLee, Jae Hyun Julia 11 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand why there is such lack of citizen participation among Asian Americans, despite the exponential growth of Asian American population in the state. Based on the literature on sense of community, citizen participation, and psychological empowerment, it was speculated that how individuals experience community may influence their motivation to participate. With the goal to understand and document how Asian Americans define community and experience sense of community, a sample of Asian Americans were interviewed. These individuals were participants of the Photovoice project conducted by a local community-based organization. The second aim of the study was to explore if and how a project like Photovoice enhanced the sense of community among participants. The findings suggested that Asian Americans defined various types and multiple communities. Also, it was suggested that because Asian American community is an imposed community of people of diverse Asian background, Asian Americans may not necessarily define it as a community or experience sense of community within the community. Based on the experiences of the participants, Photovoice seem to have great potential in bringing such diverse group as Asian Americans together as a community. Limitations of the study and future directions are discussed.
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Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility in Swedish Clothing Retail Sector- A Sense-making ApproachXING, KONGJING January 2014 (has links)
Abstract: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary approach for businesses to assume extended responsibilities. Companies are required by various stakeholders to account for the environmental and social consequence of their activities. Stakeholder driven pressure are an extrinsic driver of CSR. Many empirical studies of CSR have focused on extrinsic drivers, but few studies focus on intrinsic drivers of CSR. In this study, the focus is placed on the intrinsic driver of a company’s CSR strategy and activities. Applying a CSR sense-making process model provided by Basu and Palazzo (2008), this study will explore the mindset of a company, so that a profile of CSR characteristic would be created. We will then be able to understand why a company response to external stakeholder expectation as the way it does. In this paper, a case study is carried out within the Swedish clothing retail sector. Three case companies, namely Hennes&Mauritz, Mini Rodini and Houdini sportswear are chosen due to their excellence in CSR actions. The study aims to find out the intrinsic logic behind the Swedish clothing retail companies’ CSR strategies and actions. The similarities and differences of the case companies are compared. Further implications of how to effectively carry out CSR are given to other retailers in the same sector.
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